THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUKNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 12, 100D, RNIA . ton-, ir m ir py in aa o ui. have- o r HELP WANTED FLMAL 8 HANSKN B LADIES' AGENCY. ' WANTS MoNDA y SALESLADIES 40 SALESLADIES , heir various departinenta In Btoree, 1 ribbons, handkerchiefs, nckwor, luoea, rhlmtwarn, book, i leathor sooda, Jaw elry, stationery, art specialties, under wear, etc, etc., wmrt tin to 5 a month, persona proving spoclitlly apt or experienced, will have a chance for permanent employment After lit, holt dav trad haa Danxed. t i aalataut bookkeeper, who can oount .and writ a plain nana. ii tils F.I to 1,1 J help. , Family cooka, second girls, nuraa flrli, rirla for mrneraj housework ana to alat ; v ' Hoarding houae,. hotel and restaurant naip, NEW ORDERS DAILY. IIANftKN'S LADlEfl AGENCY. IH Washington at, cor. 7lh, npatalra. SITUATION WANTI- MALE FURNISHED KOOMB Vlr W1DB HOTELS 54 tii is vnr Or PORTLAND , FKr-'U K.MPIXJVMENT Bl'RKATJ 170 Ala ill. tii, lict. J and 4th. Home A-6614rtionaa- Main $6$i. wa Will supply you with any hela 1 room: mul ta murw lata: aeoommo- I . . . i 1 1 . you may need on very ahort notice. Wa data four or alx iit l-tn.n, 111 Cuuub. .' " .ufyr!'J.'!L,!t-A' jr; LA ROB front parlor elegantly fur nlahed. html. Ilahta. bath. i.iune: alao larva room suitable for iu. tenia or club. TUB CALUMET HOTEL, lit Fark Eu ropaan ann American plan. Hot on Tr"L PORTLAND, , l.uto)wa pUt snlyV II. 16 day. HOUSEKEEPING; KOOJ-tt , WEST KIDB WANTED at onoe, ealeawomen for tor and notion departmental alao caah girl a. Roberts Bros., Id and Morrlaon. BALE of manufacture' aamplea; high grade tailored ' ladlea' Bulla, coat a. , capes, waists, opera capea, -evenlna; drensea, pettlcoata, ralncoata at price; from tha beat New York manufaoturera.. Samples, tmappleat Ideua uf tha season, Room 88, Hamilton bldg.; ill Id at. 6-NOGKAPHERS to take our special drills in night school to meet our minv nail a for tha holiday work and . . . I., t in n ti ior Knvu puaniuna e-u iy w. i Worcester dik, WANTED German girl to wait tabla and maK beriB, io, ynone wain ni, hava tha following ntala htip who want lei t Tlakera. ; " -v ". ' X Hutrhrr. ' , . . 6 Honkkerpera. ' Carpentera. ., ( 7 Clrrka, offlra, a tore and warhoua 10 Cooka, hotel, camp and reetauraut r.nginqera. A-6!S0. I f'lremen. . 1 Hott dor. ) llouaemen. . 1 Machlnlat.. i I'alntera. t Janltora. Watchman. , v 1 PtenoRraphera. ; 'v I Teaniatera." , . 'I Cement Unlaher. frilackamltha. . ' Klarkamlth'a Helper. 1 llrlckmaker. X Cooper. ' ' 1 Mechanical Draue-htaman. 2 Klevator Operatora. .t KI-lrlclan'B helper. 1 Movina- picture Pparator. 1 Head Kaller. 1 llarnpaamaker. HOTEL LENOX furntahed rooiua alnale or enaulla, at reaaonabla prlnea: motif rn ewtnlnmi opp. the Plaaa. WABHINOTON. Aldar and lTth aa. Tba Norrla Absolutely new, all out atda rooms, airlmlv modarai aonveaj leneea. 14 ta T weokly.- NICKLT furnlahad bedrooni, hat and col a water. I.itli. nlione. every oonvrn- lenoe. 26 Monlf uiuery, cor. tth, walk- jtooMs axu noAnn 15 LAKOn front room, with two oloaeta, auiiabla for two people; all modern ponvr nlriieen; a nice plaoa for bice peo !a: board If dnalriul: li-rrai verv reaaun able, m gd at., near College. LA ROW furnlahed room with board. aultnhla for two. home cooking all eonvttnlnncea, 107 llth, near t'landora. I'hone Main till. -F; ClclTXN rnfrcih t parlor room, aliigle or enaulie, with private brd; alaol aniaiit-r room; moderate ratea; ladlea or WILL furnlahad houae keriti rooma ..! monthi for 111: coiiagea. 111, ?" iwer xiat, i rooma, unrur. nlahed houae, 1 10. jth, N.J "W" Ir.'V .""I'ot. on id or Morrlaon to "I". liiiK-a norm. t7l ti fTn 1 KR LaKTv N'e w 1 y t u riilahed houm-kr.pliin rooma, hot and cold wa ter, eloti llgbtB na ran km, bath and ,ni ,th r arllne. comer 17th 'i!l.Jl hJlrni't; I'hone A-4 174, CAMUUIbOK liLlnJ,, Id and Morrlaon 'urnlahed houaeketiplnaj room a. i'i"SApmyrpom it. ill lat. nar Colhjga, furnlahed front gentlemen. Call 7 llth at. room, f Irat rloor. laraa tnourh for I rr.?r.'r-. rac-rr.-. i ---w. 1 " 1 neunlA. hii 1,1 ri ZtnvaV' I nun l Aiiutu rennea noma; rurnace a peupia, naya open bed aud ooai atoya,i hi.i mn.n- -n.-A i,A.r,4- t... i,v m. ployed giria: very reaaonabla Cor. lid M a month. 1 Iron Moulder. 1 WAXTED- AGENTS WIDHJ awaka agenta to aell Laird A Lee' a publlcatlona in all cltlen. towna and rural aiamoia. wnie wmj apeolal prtcea and terms. It may mean a fortune to you. Laird La, puo llahera. 268 'W'abaah ava., Chicago. HELLO, comrade, atop belna; turned down at many doora; Band for . free proapectua and atart paying bualneaa or your own; aomeininir goou mr ;uu. Alex. Supply Co.. box 32, Harrlaburg, Pa. , - ; AGENTS to hfindle biggest nroney mak Jng fire extinguishes; special atart Ing offer; exclusive territory: 176 to 1800 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co.. Mllwauklo, Wis. ' AGENTS, dealers, greatest aeller. aver produced; wo-wicotino -ipe; iuw pur cent profit: sample lOo. Barrett, 204 E. llfth. New York. SALESMEN wanted to take our cash weekly aelllng choice nursery stock. Outfit free, Capital City Nuraery Co, Hnlem, or. GOOI hustlers to handle good article. S3 4 Mohawk bldg. HELP WANTED MALE AXU FEMALE 20 Lather and Bhlnaler. 1 Hand Reaaw or Ratchet Setter. 1 Meat i Cutter. , 1 11 umber. v J Plumber'e Helper. 1 Lumber Tallyman or Baleamaa. 1 Mechanle'a Apprentloa, ' 1 Tranalt or Laval Man. 1 Banderman. 1 Circular Saw Filer. 1 Grocery Salesman. i - wi HOTEL. BUCKINGHAM. 110 TamhllL ann. Portland hoteL aoe- olal rataa to rrninnt auaata: trn- alent aolli-lted. FOIt" ItES'T Attio" room In modern home, t-lectrto light. 7. 67 Trinity place, near luth and Waahlnaton, I mm-' uiee- from r. O. Main 6J37, A-4744. FOR rtKNTF tirnlafiei room ill in oil -arn home. 67 Trinity l'laoe, noar llth and Washington: minutes' from P. O. Main I3B7. A-4744. 482 Waahington, opp. Portland the atre; very nice Bleeping rooma; also Housekeeping rooma; traualenia aoUclteq. reasonable. THE TEAlPLl"i 84S4 i'amhlll bL. op poslta Hotel Porojand; nlce fur nished, rooma, II a week and up; transient. and Marahall. A-4IJ0. l M . Nherman. Houih Hortiand. teak up. lama, clean, furnlahad houee- NICE aulte of fTont fcouaekoeping "room a. ""Ping roo), reaaonabla. 176 N. I 2th at. 110 J furnlahed hnuarkevplni P'ate, atoel rang. lS III w;w. FQH KENT I!Ors WHKM you mora you'll nam fur. nltura, Ruy It ludlclouair and the aTiuse viu axeeea your inovlog . as penava. Our NO.RENT PRICE8 made ua ana of the largeet furniture huuaoa In tha cur in taaa man two yaara., IyOokera are aliown th unma mirii aa huyera MOHtKAN-ATCHLEY FUR VlTtTRB CO.. Grand ave., cor. E. Btark at Eaat Anknny. Montavllla and East Side line care puaa our door. liOl KKS FOIt ItEJfT. FUHMTl'ItK FOU SALE 82 HERE. you rooma; 7th at. The Olympus . I II per day for rooma and board. 141 15th at, cor. Alder. WE Berve flraf rlaaa taliTo hoard. Our moals are laaly and whnli-aom. 216 llth. cor, Haltnon, ItllAl.Tl uii.l r, ,..,, l,tli .ill.,.,.. .,lnr piano, home cooking, ' ' wk. llli lllli. nar Yamhill. Phnn Main 5963. FOl'll unfuriTTahsj houarkeeplng rooma, moilero. hhnn Itunlila. Main 2444. 497 Co PARTLY furnished houaekovplng rooma, . i juoiugoniery 811 14 th. 8 room furnla cor. t'lay Lrro convenient neu houai-kwep In g su lie. ilOL'SEKKFPIXfJ i;OOM3 EAST 8IDK '40 balh, gaa II rt. ittn. TlBT nrnl board private, atcuin bod glit, ft (6.60 per week, 23! Walter. Rawmtll hands, loggers, wood chopi I FIRST-CLASS rooms para, concrete men, farm hands, com mon laoorera promptly rurnisnea. FRUITGROWER wanta work on fruit I rarm on anarea. Y-148, Journal. situation- wanted .fkmaub 4 THE CITY OF PORTLAND FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 270 Madison, bet 8d and 4th Hrtma A-fi24 Phonea Main S5B8. we will aupply you with any helD you may need on very short notice. We have tha following- female help who "sLEEPInU w ,, v nvta. , water in rooms. 7 blocks from P o alactrlo light, free phone; fine, nit neighborhood. 211 lith. 8 SUITES, nicely furnished houaekeep Ing rooma, at 841 Clay at; alactrlo Hams, DBin, uome leiepnooe, veryscen- tral. A-1818. FRONT room, suitable for two, cheap' 46 . N choice rooma, private family, ciaas nome cooKing ir aeairod. BOARU and room, home cooking, ill conveniences, modern. Phone Main 148. 810 10th at., near Columbia. hot and cold J VERY .lealrublo rooma. well furnished. WANT to sell my h oil hold goods and rem mo noiiHo; enouvli rooma already rentM1 t , , m r '. i. .. .. . . . . . u . i St.. Juat off Wuahlngton moNt desirable place, cloae In; furniture xirat anu nouae all new: 1140 caah will buy It. Kant 4947. n5 Dhona and niano: 10 mlrmfeiT walk $1.60. 268 12th at, 161 16TH. Junt off Morrison; I .dealr able comfortably furnished front rooma; also side room, modern. 4 Chambermaids. , 5 Cooks. 12 Women for day work. 8 Housekeepers. 3 Waitresses. 2 Nurses. 4 Olrls for office work. 6 Cashiers. 4 Bookkeepers. 2 Clerks. 6 1 Stenographers. 6 Exchange Operators. t Kitcnen Helpers. room with kitchen nrlvl- legea: clean, oulet full after 10 a. m. 628 Morrison, near 16th. Ill 6TH 2 blocks from city hall, neauy rurnisned ronmfl- monern r at. heat. Mght. nhone. etc. I?ICELY furnished front room; use of kitchen: heat. Iinth ,nhone- U nor week. 609 Morrison at.' Phone A-7626. ixiii; UALijiibAC ZSS Sd at., rooma tnat are cleanlv and neat: reasonable: iiuMUM ii j perniaiients aoilc'lteq. fine location, first class home cook- lng. 475 Morrison. Gentlemen only. ' W A NT E I) Ch 1 1 il r en to bortrd, 7no3 home, best of care. Phone E. 6921. 61 E. 13th St.. between Oak and Ptfie. ROOM and board suitable for two; use bath, telepttone, pluno, etc, 662 Mor rison. Main fll'zs. NICE front room, suitable for 2, heat and niano. laundry nrl vlleirns: also day board$6 per week. 268 12th. Fl'RNiSH ED rooma, neat and comforU able, with or without board. 22'J 12th, nr Salmon. Fl'RNSHEU room with board, suitable for two; private family: ladies pre ferred. 695 Knst Fine, n-2041'. BtXM anil bom-1 In prlvnte f.imily, 2 tloiks from city hall. 288 Clay, near 5th. NICE room and board for one or two gentlemen, prlvale family. 10 minutes' wulk to P. O. 333 Market. TWO neatly furnlahed houaekeepln rooms in private family; heat light, on Sunnvalda earllno Phone 'In bor 1787. T neatly furriiahed houaekeoping rooma In private family, heat and Ilglit, on Sunuyside carllne. Phone Tabor 1787. 3 ROOMS furnished complete for house keeping, everything nice. $12.60 per month. Phone Tabor 383 or call 266 E. 10m at $50; i.'50. vouiim married fieonle! i'omnlntelv f nrnl,tie,l i.riHim l.tuMr flat, Weat Side: velvet and Hruaaela car- peta. elrcnnt oak dining tablo and buf fet sllrt-r nnd china; In fact rythliig ready to move In; all neat and clean; Included with till are two eleuant niountod d er heailx, which alonn coat rent of flat $14. Price roinplole Call Muln 2144. tititi Am going euat and will aacrlflce furniture 6 room fiut. ull In flrat claHS cundltloii. itoorna more than pay rent. Kveiy conveiiirnce. Rouitv to atep In. Good locality. Rent $32.50. 3m A Mniititomery at. Fl'H.V ITl'KE of 6 room cottage for aale, one block from S car. 5 blocks from 16lh at. car ninl .1 blocks from 23d t. cur; winter wood In fhe.l, nil for lino. Collage rents for $15 rmr month. 497 N. 21st at , or call A-1662. BTOina ami on uii it ONE-HAL of cround floor, oftu or salesroom, fiilo. ia PortUnda i H'., elal renter; fine a tuple room or Pu t-neasoffti-e; rent i. C-I1H, Jnuitnl rrTNi.VNrAVvr-mT6TTuii - mrnt a m heat; aplendld bnaine location; rent Cheap. John iUa, t. Henry bldg. VuA RENT-rlmall atore No. ill 'iKlTl irnoi, between Main and kUdiaon aia. Apply neit door. 0!l IVH KENT -II A LI it lAf.l. with piano for rent cheap, jjiu rilark at FO It It EST V A H t HOI 8 EH BRICK building to rent, warehouaa or niacmne anop. in ri tak at HOICSL8, VEHICLE&, ETC IS HOC8E Yor rent and furniture for aale; flrat clufsB condition: SDlendld local ity; cash and terma. 41 N. Ith at Main 767r KUH SALE Furniture of 5 room cot tnge; iheun If taken by first of year coiiHKe ior rent. iJnon a-t3'i. FOR SALE. HcncsJarECSs&Wagcns Another rarlond of horses arrived December S; soma first class horses, aonie cheap horaea; we alno hava a mares from 1100 to 1400 lbs. each; de livery, vegetable and expreaa wagnna; 10 buggica; brand new farm harnesses tt 126. HAWTHORNF! flTARr.Efl, T 420 Hawthorne ave 2400 lb true to Team, horse ana 321 Went Park Furniture of 12 rooms. suitable for boardlnir house: no aannt narKain as purty muat leave, FURNITURE of 16 room brick house, centrally located, cheap rent and bar gain. Price I860. Particulars at 305 3d. 3 furnlahed houackeeplng rooms, mod ern; near Eunnyalde car lines; private family; no children; rent $12.60. 68 E. 8 1 at. cor. Stark. Phone Tabor 1017. FURNISHED housekeeping po"oms, $8 per mo. ; sleeping rooma, $5 pur mo. Arleta Rooming House, Arleta; 1 block souiu or station. No. 72. FI RM 1 'KB for sale, C room cottag for rent; close In, west side. Main 8273. FOR RALE Elegantly furnished 3 room apartment. Inquire of Janitor at Helutx apartments. ROOMING bouse for Hale, 22 rooms fur nlsheiT; good location, all full. Phone Eant 3375. HoUSfcK EEP1NG rooms, newly decorat ed and furnished; walking distance. 361 Willlame ave., cornet- Broadway. Phone East 6379. SINGLE room, clean, neat, comfortable, nPFlMrn ..... ,a J - I " X" ". uin- u.uaini woman unuer iv ae-i lance. i Jitn, corner t'olumbla. Birea situation housekeeper widower's fOr "rent i7:imn i- Vr, 'iTr7T7 family, rooming; house. St. Louis agen- f"m iv. ' helf iirhV ST ti?r,VJ cy246V4 Washington. Main 2089.- M 'iV .theatph0'ngUhtA-33S. bath' ' iv' ATE family, front room, will give breakfast and dinner, phone, bath, fur- nace heat. 314 Hollwday ave. R(JOM and board, private family, close TWO nhejy furnished rooma, bath, heat, electric lights, strictly modern, no children, private family 658 Williams ove. Ea st 1065. F UR NISH ED h on sekeepl n g ground floor, with sink and FURNISHED HOUSES 30 ate 646 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men ama w- ,.-..--- m NEWLY furnished rooms. fre bath tt ri v ra n m in it w aan n n - nni u i uti t i itiii whi lcii. i M.r i i-m i nnrRH win i . . . .j... .ti no r,.rint i, .. r.V.i. i ana pnone; two Die tin i,i- .vri.r inatriintor: tools tnatbrnitv cases. 110 ner Ml Rt r ..i- I reasonapie rent 83oft Main free: write for catalog. Moltr Syatem agency, 246 H Washington. Main 2089, I"OR RENT Front room, centrally lo of Colleges. SS N. 4th st.. Portland. )A-477B. cated, in private family, $5 month. A lady from the eaat respectable and refined would like work as house keeper, have 2 daughters, home not money an opject. A-33Z. Journal. in,' terms reasonable. 328 Cth st. GOOD room and ,oard for man and wire; F'J.tiQ per week. 724 Union ave ROOM and board. 653 Washington St.; $5 per week for two; $5.50 for one. rooms, water for rent cheap. 416 E. Halnion. cor. 61 h. NICE large housekeeping room, suit able for 2, easy walking distance, gas water free, phone. 247 E. 6th. East 852. - TWO rooms, partly furnished with car pets, areaser, some manes and aome chairs. 333 Fargo St. A raw more vonne ladles and arentle men to complete amateur dramatic club, ( all 246 Alain st CASH GIRLS and boya for tha holi days; must be over 16 yeara of age,, Klpman, Wolfe & Co. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 C. R. Hansen & Co., OKNRRAT. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office. 26 N. 2d at.. Portland. Ladies' department, 7th and Wash. ata. upstairs, Portland. 424 Front ave.. Spokane. 87-89 4th st. San Francisco. Established 1876. 205 Lincoln st 271 Montgomery, near 3d, very desirable home for four VOUns- ladlea' kllr-han privileges. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 3D WANTED Young lady musician de sires room and board (board optional) with respcctablo private family, prefer ably old lady or couple living alone: oDject, good home, wtate 203 Stanton st, V car 11.25 week ud. Clean, fumllheil hounlnnln rnnm. launary. rurnace neat, yard. .1 Ml tH furnished )iniiNlconlnir iuoiiih, kh ana nam. 6 1 1 nelmont. CONSIDERING the .furniture, the yard the beautiful location, the conveni ences, and even the maid, this 7 room house can't be beaten for a home. Will rent to a good tenant for 1 year at $100 per month. If the price or description doesn't Bound right, call on ua and we will make them rlffht. HA RTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WELL furnished cottages, $20, $27.60; lower at $16; two housekeeping rooms $8 month; unfurnished cottage, with ground for garden; lots fruit; $10 month. Apply 364 North 26th; W car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th, block north. YOUNG lady from the east desires work I xCi2 bay window room, ' furnace heat, tlon, phone number and ftril particulars. In a music atore: an v nnalHnn in nuln I U conveniences, walking distance. Parties havins- roomlna- houses or flnta nerseir ureneraiiy useful. 11 E. 17th at., l " cuj. umi. oiease do not answer. v -348. .lourna city. FURNISHED housekeeping E. 32d st. N $12 and $li suites. 31 per month: rjH HEIST rront room in nrivatA cpvti inn i v . . i. . i , I WANTED Situation aa houaekeeper by , .family on two carllnes. $7 month. 286 or housekeeping rooms with private family, none Alain fooi, A-2627. room, west side; ice. W-S44. Joun- unincumbered lady; home must he '"h St.. near Jefferson. FOR RENT HOUSES Rodming Barg-ain 12 Mr,rJV Wag6B ,20 per month- -". LARGE outside rooms, running water, WANTD53oa7d'anTl Z wiOT, , JT-T-T? 6thfUrtnaCe h6at" M P6r Week anf up" 181 Aion adn, I prlc LADY WANTS day work. Call even- EiS..t . nal ings and mornings not later than K wvr v ,,,ni.hj . f Main 5760. Call for lady In basement hot and cold water, free phone, gas.! xuuiMu woman wants position In doctor Jonn'""1 t CITY OF PORTLAND FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICEl or dentist's office. 342. Journal. Experienced. V- 246 Jefferson, near 3d; nice gentlemen's room, moaern, neat clean, reason- COLORED girl wants emnlovment af- able; central location. XiMcAHMw ThW n .el,noon" and t0 coolt 6 'oloclt dlnner- FURNISHED alcove for three, furnace 2TQ MADISON SS FourS? ":342 io""- tnc Ugfits, reasonable. 485 Male and Female Help """J .suCw"""fl vl "u. prices Furnished Free of Charge. . reasonable; work well done, Phone 181 1ST ST., cor. Yamhill; nicely fur- Main 3655: A-B624. ; nitinetf room. In brick bldg., reason- WTLL trade new piano for room and ooarq; ttate location. K-320, Journal HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE A PLEASANT suite of housekeeping rooms, reasonable, close In, modern. 229 13ih, near Salmon. HANLEY & TAPLEY EMPLOYMENT WANTED By young German married able' botn phones. CO.. headauartera for It It. worn. ."". " cnamDermaia; expen- nicely furnished room, nrivats home. ..w. I ani,i Mrn Lna, C.. ,,Dno I . . . v.. in. .a si. w..-. ivt oo; v,-10a. reasonaoie to right party. 406 Jef -UU1SU- woman desires situation aa rerson SITUATION WA NT ED MALE 8 woman desires sitimt Inn aa I rerson, near 10th. Close In cashier or waftresa small rpitanrkni I virt? i . - TT n r . lunch counter. Main 2039; A-4775. minutes' walk from P. O Muln iVa AN Al bookkeeper, competent reliahla COMPETENT dressmaker, stranger In M66 th st. by and accurate, with best references . cny, wisnes sewing to go out from former t-moloves. Is oen for do- 626 Clay at. sition, city or country. Phone East A COLORED woman wants dav work, or 2786 or address P-S47, Journal. A FIRST class watchmaker and Jeweler wants situation, city or country. Own all appliances necessary. Portland ref erences. Wages no object to commence with. 0-347. Journal. work to take Main 1100. home. 248 Couch st. SOME nice clean rooms, well furnished. steam heat In part, all modern. 385 Yamhill st. AMATEUR printer would Ilka position In good job office where he can become proficient: salary not bo much an object ns '.earning the business thoroughly. i-3t, journal. SEWING by the day; shirtwaists and children'a clothes. Main 8978, room 64. i A LADY of refine ment wants position as cashier, bookkeeper, or other suitable empioymenti East 5943. NICELY furnished front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; modern, splendid local Ity. 880 llth, cor. Montgomery. M. 496. NICELY furnishei housekeeping suite; free bath and phone; no obteotlon to children. 492 Clay Bt. Main 6342. 12 rooms, rents $25, receipts $80, price $460. 10 rooma, rents $30, receipts $60, price $ 700. 3o rooms, rents $150, receipts $350 price $6000. Bast, Nevlson Realty Co . 319 Board of Trade. 8 ROOM modern house on 19th and E Alder, 4 rooms up and 4 down stairs. rooms are very convenient, only 1 block from Sunnyside car. 4 groceries, drug store, delicatessen, meat market. t, only 2 blocks away, yot arc not visible i rum piace. in nne neighborhood, rent $30. Inquire 661 E. Washington, cor E 18th for kev. AFTER January 1. 8 room house, well rurnisneu, near Kenwood, on canine; owner leaving; city; will rent at reason able figure to dosirable tenants for one year; references required. Smith's Apeticy. 1 0 5 Sherlock bldg. COMPLETELY furnished house, large lawn, for rent for 7 months begin ning January 1; fuel furnished and lawn taken care of. 692 Schuyler St., near East 21st N. East 3446. ONE of the prettiest homes In Irving- ton wltn large -lawn, completely fur nished, fuel furnished, lawn taken care of, for rent for 7 months, beginning Jnnuary 1. East 3445. Main 611. Res- Idence 692 Schuyler st.', near East 21st PAIR blacks, weigh pull: price $115. mare, wc-iah 1100 each, price $90.. Good gray horse, weighs 1200 lbs., $56. Sorrel delivery hurse, 1150 lbs., price $80. Kay horse. 1150 lbs.. 165. r'arm hames.i. 126.50. Single express harness. 111. Top express truck, 1126. Call Exposition Stables, lflth and Washington ata. 1 GHU 1600 lb. horse. I yeara old, guaranteed to work single or double. Several small horaea, from 1000 to 1200 lbs. (loose-neck truck, elngle and double delivery wagons. , ... Single and double harness. One Shetland pony and cart Call $80 Front at., cor. Montgomery. BARGAIN Pair matched baya, bora and mare, weigh 2400 lba low, heavyset chunks. . easy keepers. Bound and gentle every way; nearly new breeching harness, all complete, goas at $235. Call 606 Washington st 1. Mayhews' teanv Fine Christmas Present A handsome Shetland pony for ao v or elrl l'onv baa 2 different gal Owing to party ieuvlng city will aell cheap Call 49 N. 4th at. near Couch. WILL TRADE 671 Bharea Cleveland Development Compaay'a mining etocK for horse, harness and wagon; mines located nf Mormon Rasln. Rve Valley. Oregon, near Baker City; worth Inves tigating: - ' ' FOR sale, span of draft horses, weight 2500 lbs.: new harness and gravel wncon: one rrav mare, weight 1050 lbs.; due sorrel mare, weight 900 lbs., cheap. Knox Transfer Co., 336 Kllllngsworth ave. Woodlawn car to Klllingsworth ave. GRAY team, with work harness; weight 2300. $225. Rpan of mares, with harness. $140. One cheap work horse, weight 1260, 45. - . .; 14 Union ave.. corner Ash. ONE new 3-inch Paine wagon, all com- Dlete. ror $75. wouia traae in on va cant lot aa payment s Otto & Harkson, 133 First st. ' ' ' - FOR RENT 6 room modern bungalow. furnished, with piano. 1 block from Mount Scott car, Rayburn station. B 6S8. NICELY furnished 6 room house, cor. E. 8th and Shaver. Inquire 855 E. 8th St., north. $30 Six room modern furnished house, furnace, fireplace. 328 Lumber Ex change. Haverstic & Gallagher. FOR RENT 2 nice clean outside fur nished housekeeping rooms, modern. 275 N. 22d 8t. Main 6797. 2 ROOM, furnished for housekeeping, one front room. 308 13th st. Rea- sonaoie rent. Eree bath, water, phone. 95 10TH, corner Columbia, very choice Buue oi rooms ror housekeeping; mod ern; no children; rent $26. NICELY furnished room, private home, modern conveniences, will rent by day, week or month. 475 Taylor. Main 1486. niAfKKJKNCED woman wanta day nurK wHuuine, ironing, nouse clean- T. i p. i,iiu ii,i,i. J ' a vi xo nvuiu line ch oiiuaiiun duel CI lIPVTl",VT 1. .... ....1. ,..,,,,.1 h, .-i, p,,i.m.. v,ii,i.,. I cuiiJh. i h,. 1 housekeeper j n"' i nnu uui iiiq v in i o tinna i m i m a j o. undcrstandH mechanical and electrical toys. Q-348, Journal. would S"n mi larm; reierencea excnangecL X-S49 Journal. CHAUFFEUR 3 years' experience In repairing cars and driving cars; good habits; A No. 1 reference. W-340, Jour nah YOUNG man desires position in whole sale or family liquor business; seven years' experience; excellent references. T-34,1, Journal. UPHOLSTERER and mattress maker win work at your house by the hour or day. W. Lewis, 407 N. 25th at.. Portland. SMART farmer, single, successful with stock and poultry, open for position; full charge or foreman; would bach. V-349. Journal. STRONG and healthy widow, 60 years old, would like to keep house for widower. Mrs. R. P.. 727 E. Main St. STENOGRAPHER wants position: ref erences. Irene Miles, Oregon. R. F. 1). No. 2. Main 8226, LADY WISHES position aa clerk In Jewelry store; can give reference. T-344, Journal. EXPERIENCED stenographer and of- ne woman sesirea position. L-348, -win nni. MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th, modern furnished rooms, single, en suite; transient NICE- SUITE housekeeping rooms, also Bleeping rooms, reasonable. 324 14th a Main vca. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, oncK Dunaing, cneap rent. 840 Front, corner Market. Hotel Mason ftft u6ph & Free phone and bath. rooms week. NICELY furnished room for 1- or 2 gen . tlemen. 90 llth. A FURNISHED room for light house- Keeping or rooming: well located and I quiet; reasopnDle. hi n. Park. 1 URNISHED or unfurnished housekeep ing mums. inquire iov t-. ssnerman st. Rent reasonable. FURNISHED ROOM "EAST SIDE 52 FOR RENT Three new unfurnished rooms: two furnished Bleeping: rooms. Phone B-1530. 831 E. Everett Bt Take Ankeny car. 10 ROOM house, $4u; 73 Union ave N., near Burnsfde bridge. 6 room house, 765 York, near N. 23d. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 233 Stark a t n eard; FOR RENT 6 room cottage, 1 block from Hawthorne car- in u-oorl -r.nfll. tion; rent $15. TA BOR-KNA PP ROBERTS CO.. Phone Main 32S3. 524 Henry bldg. WTE have a fine 7 room house on K Ash and 19th, it la partly furnished, or not, as you wish; big yard, fine car service and worth the price, '$45 HA RTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Suburban 4 room house, 1 acre rruit trees, good well, chicken 1 ROOM COTTAGE In Sunnyside, com pletely furnished. Stewart Co., 523 525 Board of Trade. M. 340, A-7422. WELL furnished plastered cottage $12.50 month, opposite Baptiat church. Arleta Or.. O. W. P. car. FOR RENT Small house, large pantry and clothes closet. 1062 E. 26th N., near Alberta. Inquire house In rear. FOR RENT niwheu. Madison st 6 room house, partly fur- Phone Main 7852 Monday. 695 FOR SALE: Gentle black mare, i years old, well broke; Is a family pet ana perfectly safe for any woman or child -to drive. Good buggy and. harness; price $350. Phone Main 6481. - LARGE barn suitable for sale and feed business for rent reasonable, or will sell cheap. Inquire at 1915 Base Line road. Montavllla or pnone Mam aioo. PAIR matched mares, both in foau to Imported stallion, good workers every wav, new breeching harness; price $235. Call 608 Washington st. WE have a few 1200 to 1300 lb. horaea and mares. Madison St. Sale stables, 185 Madison st, near bridge. All guar anteed. ' S ' -' : I AM In the market to buy horses from 4 to 8 years old. weight from 1300 to 1800: must be sound. 605 Alblna ave.. Call Brunsell. : ' ' COMPLETELY furnished 6 room house. Inquire 700 Qiilmby st west side. FURNISHED 5 room lower flat, mod ern furniture, brand new. 400 Park. HORSES and bugglea tor ren,t by day. week and month; special ratea to business houses. 0th and Hawthorne. East 72. WANTED To rent, light covered wag- on and horse, wltn privilege or Buy ing if suited. Address R. H. Ruddick, 171 Front st. FOR RENT FLATS 13 nouse, outnuiiaings,, 1 block west -ourincy station. Oregon City car. POSITION aa assistant in office: any kind of clerical work, experienced, good references. Thiel, 615 Mill. Main 6110. Boy" wants position where he can learn the electrician trade. Can furnish I references. Apply 607 Yukon ave, I Phone Selrwood 955. MIl)OL,E aged lady, good suburban home, would like care of 1 or 2 chll- nren. pyg maweii ave.. Bellwood Sta. Independent Laundry Co. PHONE MAIN 6123. A-1023. BY family, man, with experience, as managor, or lease furnished ranch, ani table for general purpose farming, on shares. E. S. CownVn. Lents. Or MIDDLE-AGED man, peaks German and Danish: good with pen and fig urea, acquainted with city; can handle horses: references. X-33o, Journal. YO( NO lady stenographer desires per manent position, city referencea. Phone Tabor 1373. EXPERIENCED piano teacher gives les sons 60 cents: sneclal attention th inners; references. Main E41R. El YOUNG lady wishes position as book keeper ana stenographer. X-33S, Jour nal PRACTICAL nurse would like situation to care for aged person or a paralytic. X-331, Journal. A woman wishes work by day or hour. wm vv, pnonej Main 1625. .C?Kn-KIE? ik..d7.,ree?..??"i: I WP.M.AN "Y work.' Phone B- tlon: oulck and accurtttti at fle-urcs: married man. Industrious and aober; undeniable referencea. Q-841, Journal. SITUATION wanted by colored man, cook, porter or Janitor work. 0-345, Journal. EXPERIENCED and competent man, stenographer and general office man. P-14 8. Journal. 1068. LADY wishes work by the dav or hour Phone Main 1625 or A.27S6,' room 69. WELL furnished roomclose in; furnace heat and bath, for a arentleman: with or without board. 489 E. Couch st.. near !Hh st. FURNISHED room with hath and phono; close In, steel bridge. 194 Cherry St. E. 5949. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, quiet modern, furnace heat; convenient, rea sonable. 1S1 12th, cor. Yamhill. ri iumiii', ana uniurnisherl rooms. free heat, bath, phono and light 49 N. 17th st. HOUSEKEEPING sulle, completely fur nished. walking distance, modern, van u;' coiumrna st. Main !64. fore. FOR Phone RE NT- Red 42. 8C Strictly new modi-rn room house, 695 E. Ash st ; $10. J. L. WELLS CO., 636 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TWO desirable rooms for housekei.nlna- reasonable. 450 Yamhill, between 12th -no i.iin. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, residence, reasonable. 13 ,East 7th. Phone East U29. ' NICELY furniahwd room: home com forts; $10 per month: board If desired. 286 Tillamook st. C-1407. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 DESIRABLE furnished; also unfur nished rooms: single and en suite; quiet; very suitable for single trentle- men; reasonable. Kamm bldg., lst-Plne. THREE unfurnished rooms, bath, elec tric lights, basement. $18. walking dis tance. Main 44 39. SINGLE housekeeping room, stove, gas. bnth, modern, close in. 310 Clay, near mil NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms centrally located; reasonable prices 645 Wash. SMALL suite of 2 housekeeping rooms, well furnished, cook stove and gas. JNFURNISHED rooms, Falrmount ho tel; -quite reaaonabla: 26th and Up shur sts. A-6468. 32 N. l.TH, modern housekeeping unite clean, neat; central location. Come, and you'll like It DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms cheap freo phone and bath. 644 Overion cor. 16th. Main 873S. A SINGLE room. . suitable for house keeping or sleeping, $6 a mohth. 490 Columbia. LIGHT housekeeping rooms or ished rooms. M-S607. furn- BRAND new 7 rooms and bath, modern and fine; furnace, thades. etc.; on Hawthorne avo. Inquire 291 Glenn avo.. Hawthorne car. 7 ROOM modern house on Mt. Tabor, close to car, $25 per month; or will rent furnished by arrangement. Phono W. A. Hossack, Main 5426. or Tabor 342 TWO new 4 room, modern flats, one" with alcove, attics, individual base ments, tinted walls, paneled dinlna; rooms, buffets and china closets,-Dutch kitchens, light fixtures and window siiades furnished. Owner, 12th and College. I AM always in the market to buy horses, mares, buggies, wagons, har ness of all kinds. Stable, 19th at, be tween Alder and Morrison. Main 8788. 20 HEAD first class horses ad mares on sale. U. S. Stables. 248 Front. Williamson, proprietor. MODERN 6 room cottage; 229 Gibbs, South. cheap rent FOR RENT 6 room, 2 story, modern houae, everything complete. 756 Wasco St., Holla'Ia.v Park. Inquire 71 E. llth st. N. I'hone East 1610. 8 ROOM house, all modern conveniences: iicht carlino and schoolhouse: 125 a month. 1390 E. Taylor, near E 5oth. 2 SMALL houses in Montavllla; 4 rooms; luis,' ;irw. easy terms. isoggcss. 1L HloIL.,,,, rj c nw . m t,, v., ,, ii, mm u. CLOSE-IN 5 room flats on E. 12th and Clay, near Hawthorne ave., overlook ing the Lodd tract; strictly modern, with fireplaces, cabinet kitchens, large porches, furnaces and A-l In every r'e fpect; rent $26 and $30 per month. Phone East 1020. MODERN 5 room flat, close In. across steel bridge, cor. Ross and Dixon sts. Inquire on premises. NICE 4 room furnished flat; no children. 344 Williams nve. Phone C-1059. NEW 6 room flat; fine view of city; $25. Phone M. 4473. WANTED TO RENT MODERN 7 room house. 793 Lovelov St.. full lot rosea frnil tron, 1 1 X Chamber of Commerce. I.' Vsnduvn. ottage; fine barn: 665 Wash- 3 partly furnished housekeeping rooms gas and bath. A-5732. YOUNG man, married, would like posl- tlon as grocery clerk; can furnish ref e rence. Address 8 99 Michigan ave., cltv jamiuk Minding or apartmenta, rooms or offices, by man and wife; nest of references. 0-84, Journal. YOUNG man. age 25, would like a po sitlon of some kln-t. Address 67S 6th. Main 70S. WANTED Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. V-330, Journal. LADY would like lientlenmn's washing and inenllng. Y-.14 2. Journal. work by the WANTEIW Any kind of day. E-5, Journa 1. THREE nice large clean rooms, un furnished, with water, for $12 a month. "06 E. Yamhill. 3 ROOMS for rent, end of south 7th St., $5 month. 406 Palton road. THREE unfunnlslied rooms. light, bath, desirable nerttes only. 2T3 fist St. N. SINGLE room, suitable for light house- Keeping or sleeping. 101 loth st. 3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms 695 2d st. 1 1 a month, 6 room east fl'le. AppIv J. Wolf Ington st. west. WE ARE In touch wltn several parties wishing to rent desirable homes on either east or west side: furnished and unfurnished. .If your place Is for rent kindly call and see us, or phone Main 6719. THE HOUTHER-A I.BERTSON CO.. 2S6 Oak t.. Portland, Oi 1100 POUND mare, heavy In foal, good worker either single ox double, for sale cheap. 49 N. 4th Bt : $65 3-year-old driving horse; well I broke; gentle. 24 East 53d. Phone ( Tabor 286. (, ' ' "' $20 Good horse, -buggv and harness; must go. White house end 7th ave. north Mount Scott car. FOR SALE Dark bay horse, good bug gv and harness; will aell cheap; leav ing'clty. Phone A-6309. ; FOR'8AI Singer canary blrda cheap; a fine Christmas present -Phone Main 5273. FOR SALE 10 head of young horses, will broke, from 900 to 1200 lbs; also 1 yearling mule. Star Stable, 808 Front. NEARLY new rubber tire top .buggy and hand made harness, price $9ii in storage at 606 Washington st LIVESTOCK AND POUUTBr 33 FURNISHED FLATS 50 HOUSE to rent. 9 rooms, suburbs. $12; suitable bonrders. St. Louis Realty Co., 245 Washington. Main 2039. SUITE and single housekeeping rooms, clean and respectable. 60S Alder st MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light as- moderate. 7th it- Danders A-4076." FIRST-CLASS Menographcr; law. com- iiK-ryiai aim railroad. W-349. Journal inta Inside finishing, or for same; reference. WANTED Situation, experienced ladv presser wanta work X-8.14. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED AND F E.MALE -MALE 21 MAN and wife want work on farm, no children; 1$ years' exnerlenc. Beat references. State wages. N-884. Journal. DRESSMAKtXO IO CARPENTER i a foreman X-2JJ. Journal. BOY OF l wanta position where there is chance for advancement; fair education- aiwVl rf"n-A 11-11. l..i cuKTrrrvirrvuv1 tailored aklrta that fit from your rk .1 ni.. .iT c . H"h' wanta own material. $1; alao aulta. coats. rJTnJ s TY-7 !,? Kturday after- r-rW. dr-.e. at i-asonable price., poons, 8-847. Journal. ' - Jit Ladlea' Tailor 4 Wean. M. 126. MAN of d. capable and willing, would i A7. w!',T,. Jcar"" -r Winter, j " Ik,LLS dr.d bear .,; - w v aj . Jt nviic - B IV JiALf8AN s mAixr m or!-, or ri-f A-7iJl tFifu irnnrHi k ifrr-a N castle apaHmenia. sd a" Ha'rri.rn. tOl'XO man attending buairWs coiVira?- wanta work for rwm a -.-w-a v.m : , Jonel. - .. FXR exeavatlrc. lawn H'RXISIIKII ROOMS WEST SIDE arwlnia. PI rooca Wood- elMflra. ciovlr. a- mtn. lawn 2417 Wa.VTEI By steady man. fniiking or steady work of any kTnd. Joha Urm, lummtt. Or. bAROE t leaaant well heated rootrr suit able for J, every convenience, walk '"f l'anre Main 1. or ll Jfth at. EaRiIf; frort arlir. other V-d r-o nm :taha. well fceated and ntllated. 671 Cr.ii-h i ! -1 . LNIfHEi KtM Laree front room. b ef re f-reac aixl bemda lltin ' "anrlr m Kwett at. , Wiwiiawa im frent V In Vol .Ml M 4 V. a year' n at --.'. ,.,!JJ.r' ? 4h . a-nral office aa-4 paymll wnrk, a- C . K cml.iv nl- , ' rM-n In t ! 1 7"" US' 7 Ji- .'--1--1 V, - Jr.t 1 U1 r .-T 7-f7- 'AN'Tn,-f;Mr f ar-v k5f4.fT- MS f Tr"Ti ivr lo" tt-n'Ctii cva-.try $rf-rrel , i-JL -'.rel . I Aio-r, .or. 4;h at ' - CALL on our rent dept. and you will at least learn something. Hnrtman A Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. 1 &4 NOI tTH 15 TH ST - i.x r "g-V 1 g-ht housekeeidng rooms, free nhone. iraa lnd bath. $20 -6 rooms, electricity, gas for cook ing. Last Eerett and 28th: Ankeny dir. Phone S,. wood 6!. WELL FURNISHED lower 4 room flat. i it. or unturnisned 112 monthly. Ap ! ply 364 North 26th. W car from de pot, on Third or .Morrison to 26th. block nort h FURNISHED lower 5 room flat, thor oughly modern, furniture brand new. 4'10 Park. Inquire 112 Park. APARTMENTS 43 BUFF Orpingtons, Buff Wyandotte and Barred Rock; S hens and pullets, now laving, for sale from as low as $1.60 each; can furnish males to go with them; we are crowded and must maka room. Windle Bros.. 1 mile north Of I Gray's Crossing station. Mt Scott car. 1 Tabor 436. ; ' ? - . FINE Jersey cow, 3; gals, per day; 1 black horse, 12Q0 lbs. Would ex change for smaller horse. 998 E. Yam hill. Sunnyside car. . j WANTED Fresh and beef cowa, calves bulls, steers; highest prleea paid, j Piione Woodlawn 1660. Address 1175 Pay st - - ' - FRESH Jersey and Guernsey cow; big milker, with veterinary certificate. 6C6 E. Main St. East 6395. I N D I A N Runner and Mammoth Fektn ducks for sale. 183 Madison at, or THE JOURNAL WILL HELP YOU FIND A SITUATION Those in need of employment .can have their "Situation Wanted" ad run in the Journal THREE TIMES FREE Bring your ads to the Journal office 6 RO ill house, Iruit, garden, stable, Montavllla. only Jlfl p.r month. lit Oregonian 11,1k. Main Tu64 FOR RENT furnishei. Taylor, cor ZHb Eght -;,ll on st room house. ni-iy owner at S9S E A SNAP 9 room house for r-nt: $10. furniture for sale, terms 12 N Sth st. baTh. IW- 4 room water paid carllne. "tinge, bath, fruit trees; 1J-Z K. Gliaan. on M -V THE WASH1N;T 21st and North rop, ." room apartments, furnished and ' Phone Woodlawn 837. unfurnishco. plume, nas. ele.trio lights. EXTRA fine fresh cows for sal a at Kaa ail conveniences Take "W" car at; ters place, Lenta. Four blocks Bout h d. rwt or on ::, or Morrison. j nf atation. - run 'RENT Five room apartment, i BAY mare. 8 yeara' "old. light Spring well furnished See Williams at 605 ' wagon and harness. $50. llawthoma LumJ.ermers!t!iig. M. t-213. Park cottage, K. 12th and Madison. 1-iiR SALE My 3 room apartment, fur-1 niched compii tely. best location. ' O 31'1 Journal ! ARE viu lo',k:r f,r horn, like house-' keeping aj.i rt ni ntsT I h.ivj them. i i Jl'. ,Z1 1ST CHOICE two good Jersey cows, sell to gether or separately. 494 Vancouver a ve. - - - - - r 'h RENT 6 morn modern ctiae Upper Alblnu. 1 bi.v-k tkH of L'nion av- 411 Eliza at. I'hone C-2 51 7 5 R HM mod-en coitaae. b-t en TU".a- mook and Thomrwin. on E. 15th Phone Main 1 I. C. Bm a ENTIRE 2d floor, ( rooms, bath aioo atable r, mm for team, wagon, $1.S Phone Main o7. Oo at. STtlRKS AND OFFICES FOR RENT CHEAP Ni. e private nf- fi.-e. fuinlRr.i-d iompht. d-xk. phom a, iishis and janitor l a. ific Kealrv ('a, Ki'-ni 3.'" Sw-'tisnd hide. 122 Fifth at. Kill SALE Gentle woik tem; 1000 lbs each: 175. Hacking. Nlckurn Sua- tlon. F.atacada R. R.; 6c fare. oV and 1400 io. norm for sale. $5 Bell av,- Tabor '1 794. LKM'D cow for sale, aivine; II quarts 11 milk per day. Ill P-aenn at. LAK'lE ( r'm hounr. He h and R.J Tiey ave Imj lire il Fa 'go at C-!?3 $124 room inl n. iTf Schu r Tit jTj" iVvler er ; nd ave ami K A"knv. FIKST rlasa outl1e or flea rooma for rent In new builJIog. steam heat, electric and r llirht with Janitor aenr-I'-e. N E. cor d and V adlwwi SPA F. In meat market r,n ten for f(h. poaltry. x. reel Main V0 Washing etc Low A FINE )ar ute Id! r-ni,ae, nt :d-. 10 r;n Maln o. h RiMM -otlc. J K. lelh t. ror Waah at.; ra and gaa range: $1 Melnn. t COTTAGE OFITi'E ro--.rti for rent, with u of rar-r-t bf-th rhopea and maltier room: (Safi i ? Cominerdal bit I'E.-K r--im. e,jjr.r-d for r. il rla! If lered. !e private entranCf-, r - a'-nahle Sti Vorcir M1g Pton. re-Mra n1 hat h. ' Fi I! Ull K lirmwrr t. .n . - : , . Main e. i .itM. at Invoi. ArrU 151 YamMil kttt rani. Mat fTvTv -. ,.rn Phr.n 'n ten. , ),tt - : j -M hUSE for Rent 112 rent ! 14 lh'ilK. ef o..tkl efflc,. '. bine near Tninntii car. lit. i .r. vt : Fi'R LENT X fw mi-i 1. i -.!: me" In m"1 1 1 Ft M t-R BENT I iv txhiti t I r -v falffion; gaa. fetta. J'bcoe L.: 2 1 CU T t" M Kit blifa OVF. o.taiia 4,fft f. t rest Getlmger r. )e WANTEI God family cow; muat b a l-irf-aln. Phone rV-llwwvl in 4. KRFSH young cowa, 4 and ZTgiUiobs. Woodlawn I4t. THRK1 a-'.jod freah rows. I bona T- lur 14H. TWO thoioughbrM A"(nrt ntnni-i. 14 -rnell Jpcutaitor. Wl4lJoora-'. WANTED Young freH cow. an Uth at ' . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 3 1 Chas. E. York tar4 laatruwents a M K 'Jat" IIo!-Repalrlea-. ifi-r, H 44 at e initrv,, q i tTRiCT LT f -r,-a 1 ii J pi.nrt, c-nly tl4. $2 fif-or. :0: T rt 44 1 r.H hNT.'i.r. 111. 1P(-t. ,1-iT- la tt (a-a-M aui 1 4swb t f A e,,- a'r. Ct-tcnbr itf jj f i-4 a i I 'K . i ri jtf.-a t. rt 4' ye v .ft h I a mil fi f .5 -r 4 M , f--.r ' T i K I i ' t i in r - J v i . a 1 ' . li . - a jreae f. O inl ti. I