The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 12, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    - i , ' --' -'.i- tfff - u -IMF - ' -- ,
u iiyfKhfiTfT' V '-' i lCxjjsLr7 j mflffVIVi'il x journal CIRCULATION j
Tbla Xtstto of
Tbo Sunday Journal
7 Sections 00 Prs
Tha Weather Rain; brisk east
winds. . '
VOL. VI. NO. 37.
, i . .. . ..... '. r : " : ' ' ; . -
-"... - - . : .: . " - .' -.- i Tnnnnn . iin n
i , v n ,a a;
General Electric Has Made Testimony, ; - of -t Entry men
; Offer for Stock and Con Themselves Is Held to
trol Will Probably, Pass
Into Hands' of Eastern
Confirm Charges Hade by
Special Agent Who At
tacked Alaska Coal Grab.
If pending - negotiations are carried
ta a successful cunclualon. the Portland
Gaa oompany will soon pass into tha
v .hands of eastern capitalists, who are
Supposed to be Identified with the Gen
era! Electric company.
Several months ago representatives of
(Soerlal niiMteh te The Joarnat.t
Spokane. Wash.. Dec 11. With the
teetlmony.of a majority of tha Cunning;.
ham coal claimants recorded, .and the
i evidence limited to the examination of
I th entrymen solely, a case has been
I made that substantiates almost to the
the Electric Bond Share company of uttep the charges of irregularity made
New Tork,clty, opened negotiations for by the deposed special agent of the land
the purchase of the stock of the Port- office, L. JR. Glavla. i : . .
land corporation. Later the negotia- ;. Onlv one witnela. however, was aues-
. Uona assumed the form of an offer to I tioned as to the participation in the
."! 0',.".T: affafr: of A, BaUlnger. . general land
'MUTAlU I commissioner at the time the .claim,
share, - .- ,,v i; v. first cam up for patenting; yet suffl-
Niles & Ntlea. an auditing f Irrn of I ctent wa brought out in tha.U one ex-
New York city, sent representatives to I aminatlon to enow that : the claimants
Portland to investigate the books of the I -, on most friendly terms with Bal-
gaa - enmpany, This examination , was 1 iinw . TVw.,,m.a intnwiuoed aa aw-
6 V. 1 ,
7-f t
4 11."
! . 4
1 ; - ' ' '
,, t
! State . Depart mcnt Treparcs
to Check Effect of a Zelaya
Victory, in Nicaragua ly
tHobilization of, Forces
Situation Critical,. .
The picture shows the men of the transport Prairie who were transferred to the Dixie. Tbese enthusiastic soldier, will probably be
' , ' ' - . ' ' ' at Cor in to. ,
Assisted by four towboats tha steam-
conciuoea recently, ana? the, report or nt ..Vihit. in tha' ease show thatlr Kansas City - was pulled otr tne
th.Udr!.ar" fatK"WffM 0 t.T round near Hehrici-. bati at I o'tlock
in tne near future. The Electric Bond I . , .i h. u.a m. nfternnnn Anrinr the flood
for I- B.i Giavls,.-. he went to the law! tide, 'She "got out of' the 'channel" FrN
office of K. A- Ballinger? in Seattle 1 day night on her way down the river
to make -anotner arnaavu, ion in g aowa i by reaB0Dt 0f her steering gear'gettlng
the charaoter of the first one. I nmt mi,in it lmnoasibia for
Por the land Office to Decide. mtorW u pAn. tn handle -her., and the
. Those who have followed the coal J -wf curront awimt ; her aeround be-
f.. I lands lnauiry say the (investigation is f
United 3tatea In most cases the own 1 very mucn circumscribed In Its charac- l Because of the fact that she stuck
...Li- i ...... j i i4i I tftr and acone bv the rules Of the .' in-1 t.a on.. nn th. mnif Anrlnir thn tnw
pany such, as the Eleotvio-Bend & Share Jiulr'i vuw'! - f Tiaer it was not a nnnnanenor-xu j was me raatm . umt mo Bicuiuor
V Share company Is said to be a' hold
ing -company for the General Electric I
company, which owns all of the com
mon stock in the former corporation.
:', v' Controls Many Plants. .C ;
. . The General Electric company con
trols the iiKhting plants in a large num-
company. Several years ago the Gen-
- eral Electric, through one of its subaldl-
- ary companies, acquired control of the
lighting company In Astoria.
, The Portland Gas company has an
authorized capital stock of $3,000,000.
of which 11,850,000 has been issued. In
office, -i Tet - in spite of the limited I tnwtw.a tn null hr off.- The. fonr tow-
ran- of the lnauiry and tha racf that i hoata. which wera the. Shaver. M. F".
the government - has not goiie - beyond I Henderson. Oklahoma . and No Wonder,
the entrymen themselves, a case has I arrjved at the place Where the Ibig pas-
been built - up : mat causes r w coai Mnger steamer was neia rast. Dy tne
claimants to stop and . inquire. :'"Whojmua at 2:30 o'clock and as the tide was
wlll' be tka lucky ones to run me i fhen nearly at the full they made fast
addition convertible notes to tha amoiint ffauntletT . However, tne rmai action i to her and in half an hour's time they
of 1600.000 have been issued, and the! th, validity , Of the claims, will j had her in the channel again. As her
rcat wuu .tuv .muu u.nwi v I sieerjtngT. gear iiuu wwi rcjij.ow- w unv
lQHt- MB vii n present intu 10 utujr iw i gfiv was P-grguiw Biia iieiiuni u(iiufluittL-
ascertain the facts and not to arrive athy for Astoria on her belated voyage to
conclusions as to tne menw oi un ggn jwrancisoo. a -
case. ' It s will r, be hard . for j tla land At noon yesterday the Port of Port.
of flee-to Ignore the mas of proof I land tug McCraken was. started down
brought out,, showing tnat tne uunning-
to Henricl's bar to .render what assist
ance she could. Aboard of her were' J.
W. Ransom, local manager of the San
Francisco A ' Portland Steamship company,-and
H. P. Campion, superintend
ent of pilotage and towage'f or the Fort
of, Portland. The McCraken arrived too
late, however, to be of any assistance
to the Kansas City,' as the latter was
lust .disappearing down the . river as
tha McCraken appeared on the scene,
No details as to what happened to the
steering gear were obtainable, but it
is jtptc -that tin accl'letit.t'j.i
bonds outstanding (amount to 750,000..
Tho stock, has been paying per cent
dividend, the bonds bear 5 per cent, and
the convertible notes. 7 per cent About
40 per cent of the outstanding, stock is
owned in Portland, the remainder being
held chiefly ' by New 'York capitalists.
Of these, Moffatt & White of New York
city are the heaviest holders.
Agreed on Certain Prioe. ,
Some time ago the. Portland stock
holders formed a-piol, agreeing to hold
their stock for $200 a share. This price,
however. Is so far beyond that offered
by the eastern capitalists who are' now
negotiating for the property; that the
dissolution of the pool Is Said
to be probable. In that event the Port
land stockholders would be, at liberty
In ri.iinnsa.of their tock lndlviduaJlV as
they saw fit. While the majority of the
stock in the gas company is owned in
New York, the management of the com
pany has been in the hands of Portland
people, C F. Adams being president of
the company. - ' v
' While admitting that there has been
talk of a sale to the Electric Bond &
Share company, Mr. Adams -declares
that no sale has yet been effected. Both
Mr. Adams and other officials of the
company say that the negotiations are
still only in the preliminary stages, and
that the utllmate result cannot be fore
told at this' time. . ...
. riaaa Tot siralged. . ,
- Little Is known as to the plans of the
easterners who are negotiating- for the
gaa company's property. It is said
that they contemplate a large Increase
carried BKToUnd. as Pilot Pope was not
able to make her nund her helm, -and
she- was carried out of the channel by
the swift current before anything could
be done to. stop her. She sustained no
damage and her steering gear was soon
put in Order again. It Is said that the
passengers took the situation calmly
and philosophically, showing no Signs
of fear.; '!;,v'; '".;'.''-. Vv''- -.";
On account of the rapidity with which
the packet was floated again she will
be only J4 hours late into the Bay City,
which is no uncommon occurrence at
this time of tha year.
(Hearst Ntww Benrlee.l . -Washington,,
Deo. 11. The etata de
partment was informed definitely today
that Zelaya was about to rush the in
surgents in the Blueflalds province, ami
immediately military preparations on an
extraordinary scale were made to check
tha affect of a Zelaya victory.
Orders were telexraDhed for the as
sembling of 700 marines at League In
land, ships were ordered to concentrate
at Bluefielda. and a hurry order to Ad
miral Kimball makes It likely that the
marines on the Prairie may go to Blue-
fields, to confront Zelaya's victorious
troops,; Instead. of. going to Corlnto.
The only, contingency that' would pre
vent" the marines from beingi ordered to
Bluefielda would be the possibility of
an antI-Amerifta.n nnf hrpnlr at Mann trim
HMrit Brnce.l'r I insurgents' ' stronsr Jhold at Rama and In cam n Znlm'i himiim Tn -.fhnt
liiueiields. Dec. ll. uncertainty over i were marchlnr on Biuafuiria Tha I avunt it ham hn gxH tho f oil tt,
tha movements of the zeiayan. army scouts railed to locate tke Zelayan available men from . the . Vlcksburisr.
near Rama. nri fear that tha main body I troops, but It Is known that thev are on I Yorktown ' and Albanv . shall . land. re.
of thas government trooos have broken tne waT south towards Bluefielda. ; ; gardless Of consequences, and inarch
throue-h flanaral Estrada's 'j lines , and ' Hope of Xnterventioa. V to Managua, where there have already
are marching on Bluefielda haa caused Estrada realizes that the ' Atlantic I Den ireala ot omy me amwi.
a panlo here. Tha shore is lined with coast situation is a desperate ' one. Kcan diplomatio representatlv but the
boats, into which the natives are hast- f Should Zelaya defeat the revolution-
publication of placards Intensely ana
lly loading their valuables and prepar- ists at Bluefields he could easily re-1 Aerlcatt ,n txpression.
ing to flee.
Estrada Outwitted.
J Heve General Toledo at Grevtown.
Which would give him possession of the
Acts of Wear War.
The preparations of today are ecarce-
of war,
.i. I TftmAm renllaea now. that he has been tw0 principal points on ; the .eastern ly . dtsUngUlBhable f rom acts o
VwMerlS '!th?ct arvaaquVi t. having dniy Rama to tha insur- even while congress is in session,
imor was ?Jy- wfaii.d retey There they 'will make their last . The government made a shrewt
was not laya a chief Ha has failed repeateoiy . h.n i (rantf.mj th. ...thnri
(Continued on. Page Five.)
hum coal lands deal was a
sacculation in the public domain, , in
which the Interested parties had grown
so bold and defiant of the rules laid
down in such matters as to try to
realize on their holdings before having
received title from the government. It
is this avaricious tendency on the part
of the Cunningham entrymen that led
to the case coming Into the limelight
' f Cunningham's Demeanor.
Through all of this raking and scrap
ing into the inside history of the Cun
ningham claims Clarence, cunningnam.
the prospector who located the coal
lands, maintains a cheerful front .,? The
outcome of the case means that he will
either be a , millionaire or doomed to
return to the hills - with a pick and
shovel as in the old days. Cunning
ham's rich friends, for whom he. made
coal locations, include1 some of the lead
ing business men of the northwest, who
atlll stand bv - him and exDress their ln,M hniiMli ffnnd ; In- I . ' : ILMIM rM jueaiea wm.f
. . i.Hink.M .h,, in ..J I . hftn francisco. ic. 11. inai me dii-
seems to have aged prematurely under I terest " sort of an , Intercity feud Is to
the strain -of 10 years of prospecting in I wage between San Francisco and San
Alaska. . ' . . I nieao over the Question of the Panama-
I . wiavis. aiienaea xne iirsi w i i.,i. i- lots la thA ver-
. fmfl? dlct-or those who 'have been following
recently dropped out of sight" He "re
fuses to be interviewed, but from his
(Continued on Page Frgs.)
Fiends of the Fress Hotfoot Nation's Notables Athwart
f ' the Sizzling Bars Ghoulish Glee Greets the Great
. and Near-Great at Annual SquirmfesT r
1 nvsarva s i nwv.-
Washirfton. Dec. 11.
"Wo love, we love, we love Roosevelt.
But oh. joa Taft!
He's gone away to Af-rt-ea.
But oh. you Taft! ,-:
He said he would come bark again, .
And thereupon we lauahert. N ' -W
love, we love, wa love Roosevelt.
But eh. von Taft:" -
- And fuuch more to the same effect
ttatesmen. patriots, orficboldera. of-
flceaeekers even a president of the
Vol ted' States and a vice-president all
lifted their voices In song, and the fa
mnua Gridiron club's annual fall dinner
was la full swing
- Ka.ned to so further with a list tf
ho were preaetit. ini everybody who
Is ar-ytxxjy. In NVsshlnrton vr elaewliers
IB eaay reh gather at tnea recur
ring functions In the New Wlllard and
triak-a merry with tfce members of this
world-rvncwned Dewapaprmee's eljb.
Terse for Sbervas,
"IT'a ffrd at4 rr v1a
la tske t' a "t wm; ,
H e voir t ft and rmnsy,
Like rufHH id-Jon.
He MT'.s n tr table, rotes rn the
1 -nrr.
Htm'.: , i wrs errr.'-g t, t Clears thra
la - tt ' tr".i:s h s rr.?' r '
"'" " I
tha activities Of the two California mu
nicipalities' during the 'past', week. The
real trouble started last -Tuesday and
has been waxing more 1 acrimonious
dally. San Francisco Is determined, to
have the bla show. ' It became known
today that there was almost a fisticuff
struggle on "the day when tbe can
Francisco project- was' launched, . be
tween James McNab.: president of .tha
San . Francisco chamber of commerce.
and a moving spirit in the local expo
sition, and jCoIonel I. . C.r Col iter,' ai
rector general of the San Diego move
ment , - '- -
What's tha. Matter With ltlST
There were three San DIegans In' tha
city on Tuesday ready to proteat against
Ban- rrancisco s noioing a rair in
They were Director General Collier, J.
W. Sefton Jr.. and R. E. Connolly, press . nf t ha . aiMi t hern errvoai-
James Schoolcraft Sherman, alias Sua- tioll chcroe. They wera here to per
nT tIIJ"!'!- . Isuade the citlsena that San Francisco
...... -.. - . might hve a Paclflc-Balboa exposition
They are now alnglng the above Is I In 11 to commemorate the discovery
compliment to the vlepresident, if you j of the Pacific, ocean, but that the year
please. In the flower embowered ban- M 19 PrerTea vio.aie jor
atul hall kk.n tha firtAfmn I. W4 I
lights, biases just over the head of
President Tart.. - of tha Merchants' Exchanaa Homer
Pole Again Siaoovarvd. " . I g. King. ex-prsWent of the Bank of
At this seealon tonight there are hits I California, called the meeting to order.
and sketches and parodies "taking off I C. C Moore succeeded King in the
every topic of entreat Interest The I chair. By a rousing standing vote the
Initiation f two new members. Ira E. I city was committed to the fair project
(United Press Leased Wire.
Washington, Dec. It 'Tha ' White
House held up Senator La Follette
recommendations of constituents for of
flee and La.Folletto's senate committee
has, la turn held up the White House'
nominations for ,' census supervisors
over- 300 of them. ' "
- Now, tha .question that agitates Wash
ington-as it gates on the apparent dead
lock,, is, what will La Follette do?
La Follette and others have acted in
dependently, on. several- large- measures
in the senate,' mora or' less party meas
ures. Some of these- Insurgent senatora
who have. visited the White House this
session,- have-reported a decided cool
ness in the atmosphere. ' '
; V Patronage. Cut - Off. .
Two of. them. La Follette and, Clapp,
are reported to have- been held in tha
waiting . room by assistant secretaries
with the Information that the president
was very-busy and could not sea them,
but suggested that' they call "next
week." - -
A ' report? which is . regarded from
White House source waa circulated this
afternoon, that . there . waa no trouble
except as Jo La Follette and his fol
lowers. ' Other senate insurgents would
get patronage as customary. La Fol
letta . and nembui of tha Wlartmain
There were toe mere Hants at tna mass i housa detention under his flaar. it Is
meeting, which was held on the -floor a Id. . would get. no- recognition at the
White House. . ... .
d ni6ve
tn draw tha nvsmrnint trooos into a I ml"a r surrenaer. X ne SOie nope I irwiorreu mo auuioniy iur
JSilliZl the insurgents now in their keener J moving the ships from the navy depart-
government was making a wida 4etourlw"rve"!: : ' . i ' . 1 1 .,.3?.'J""fi!?1-t ul
by'forced marches . to autf lank, the in- .: lcr!. .f
-, - -v ... , iv ,v:. I ui.uiuCT vial, i uo uini-era to-1 .w
auitscuio. .. I rlav miiA m .tiin v nT 11. . F In linch I n r nf 17KO tnarlnea ormfiit wltli
During the progress or the confer- ' rf -- - v; - ,utoBitta "cSta and i-
liZ arnr atch ; Vg4 da! Tr brought a.hoeTlae supply of h field pieces, Is not regarded as ao
fnrcpa and was met with a oromot re-1 a",'"'"J's arrangea to iana a Dig zorce ""v" v .H
meyntVo0dyf had t? handle the Sit- American interests are to be protected.
wi.uu.u A,c,fli.jri. diui iu Uia lunlf. . I ' -k - ----- ;
'Early this morning , tha outposts of j In this connection and in view of the
the two armies at Hama renewed hos- I orders ' today ' a ' recapitulation , of tlio
tllitiea, but it is-not believed that . the I forces operating against Zelaya on the
main armies have yet met
r SBaaaasSassMaiaaaasaaBBBiBtasBSBai -
part of the American government is
necessary. On the west coast there are
the cruisers Buffalo, Yorktown, Albany,
Vlcksburg; and the New Orleans ready
to Join them. On the east coast the
Des Moines, Tacoraa, Marietta, Ea?le
and the Dixie, The Prairie will Join
them in a few days. . ,
There are SS0 - marines at Panama.
(Publishers' Press" Leased Wlrs.)
Dresden, Saxony, Dec. .11. Mrs,' Ben
Jamlne Shears, of Scranton, Pa., and Miss I 700 at Colon, and those will be joineil
Angela' Beeves, of Mantlcok, Pa., have I shortly by 700 more, making a total of
arrived here from Warsaw. Poland. 1750 marines for offensive and defen
where thev have been rollec.Hnp- data tnr I sixe operations. To these may bo adil-
a bistory or Poland. The two ladles de I ea at least uw men irom mn iuub bhuih,
clare thev hope to create sufficient sym-1 leaving, of course, sufficient crews on
Dathv for The Polish cause bv their hook I board. The total or marines ana blue
to result In the ultimata freedom nf f ha I jacaeia wm uius amount to aouu mvii
nation. Mra Shears and Miss Reeves which on necessity could oa .increased
have made a tour of Poland, and will be- aVuu- ' "sa rorcea are an armou
sin tha actual wrltlna- of the book hera. with tha most effectlva guns and am-
Bennett of, the Wsatilngton .Post 'and
E. L. Kean .of the Cnlted Prtae, aavei
tormy eseioas With Saa XMegaas.
Then a committee waa named to con-
( Tortunlty ta t,If lh, Tf., truth .bout f(r witrf-the Saa Diere delecatten and
tha Peary-Cook rontrvenv. Ho enter ho rlan for the orraniaatlon of a laraa
tha tare eplorera with becoming mod-
ty. fja Inatst that the other be
beard f!nt Wherefore:
"Dr. Cook, what maxes you think you
found tha FVle T"" -
"K. J. Steilaretea told me I did," was
th rer-Jy. . r
"I tnw drx" be k BOtr .
"Wf l" uli tha -nr, "I dfw.Hbed
tbe up trera. and be aid It
a Jif l e tha fourth ef MartD la
"Mr !""" S.Ve-1 l"t-t"ra-
ci In IMa)
tltiseoa' committee. Thos prtit
the rx.Bfcrenre with the Saa tMerana
were:' Ir. Hart Is nd Law. R. B. Hale.
Janei McNab. C C. Woo re. M. H- Do
Toang, Chaiien De Toting. T. C-. Fried -lander.
F 1. Wolfe, Ml! ion Esberg and
J. AJ Fikher.
Iurtrig the meeting. MrKab and Di
rector tieneral CoIMer bad a lively tiff
Mr.N'ak la a large, artlve Dtaa, and
Coilter (a fvil ef pJork. Thr waa
f iht ta'k and tW shokirc of fl.ta T-r
t'a rival '! a f 1H I a o rMtfca T"
trnlted P as Laa-4 W1r )
- BalUaaora, KaV, Zao, IS At
11 AO this aaornlag fire broka ant
ta ttala a Ca.'s w halssals aat
retaq raraltmra rtora aa Xaw arel
streia. At 1 a. as. tkrea tog
WlUlBga are aMaae. The aeUld
lag an ngt ta tke raate af
S tae a Tlr Cistrtet a4 aeavny
aeaejrea for tka CarUtzaaa traaa.
S Ptve alanaa hava Veen tarma4
S ta ay tae fire asyarlaaeaa.
. (United Press Leased Wire.)
Chicago, - Dec. 11. In a two hours'
conference this afternoon with First
Vice President Heberling and - Second
Vice President Connors of the Switch
men's union. President Hawley decided
matters which may terminate in - a
Mrs. Read to Serve' Tear. ,
(Hearst News. Service.)
Denver, Deo, 11. L.ate thia afternoon
Mrs. Alien F, Read was sentenced . In
the. west side court to one year In the! of such a character as to Indicate that
penitentiary at Canyon City. The passing j the department had not given out ail
or. sentence roiiowea aeniai Dy me court I tuo uuwniauwi wmun n. nu arum iue
of the motion, made, by the defendants fields. When the state department or
munition for landing parties from ships
of war or transports, j; " ;; . ;'
Oovenuneat la Earnest. ; r.
Tha action: of the state department
was taken late this afternoon, and was
strike on nil roads that employ membefs I attorneys for discharge of tha prisoner lderd th r)en Moines to Bluefields yes-
of his organisation, Tha largest-points
affected by the action are" Buffalo, St
Louis. Toledo, Kansas City, Detroit,
Cleveland. Chicago H and' all' Texas
towns. .. . V - ' ,
.Unless an Increase satisfactory , to
the rank and file of tha union is granted
within the: next' few weeks it Is tha
opinion of the lesders the mea will' take
radical action. They ask for six cents
on technical grounds.
(Continued on Page Elght
an hour more" than they now get. time ' General Grcelv," Former President of Explorers' Club,
and a half for overtime and Improved! - . . .. .
Jfesigs Aiiegea uomination by tommaiiuer
working conditional These demands df
not cover the eastern roads. - Separate
action will ' be taken 1 concerning theae
lines later. , . - , .-- - -- .
Tha anion officers met tha railway
managers dunring tha cay and submit
ted their demands, with a request for aa
early reply. " A hasty meeting af the
managers waa called and December II
Pearj's Partisans Causes Resignation.
(Heant Sews Servtce.V
New, York. Dec. 11. Tha Cook-Peary
controversy has led to the ' resignation
was nxed aa a date for opening nego-1 of General A. W. Greely from tha Ex
Ooaapars Pladges A. T. of Xfc "
The decision, df Preaideot Gomoere ta
throw the support of tha American red-
e ration of Labor to the strike already in
f-M-ce, aa iwrlr-aa-aehind athera the
switchmen may call, had unmiatakatle
alanlflcance this a f taraooa h .
meeting f the beads of the II railroad ! among men Interested
Opartments of the federation waa held
behind closed doors.
At ita conclusion tfeoa. who attend!
aaia fher were pledged to aecracy ao.
ceruing Ita deliberations, bat thev
-were ta sapport or tae policy expreaaed
by Prt-awat Oenpera, - ...
Freight bandlera. tlcrapbera. snata-
tnano an en and atBer raUroad work. ra
ceerprtaiBg. eiearly fcalf m milJIoa sea,
were r-r r-a-tl. A strike af e-vry
anioai err r-iore or an the rallro4s Is
poelb1e aa eejneiueew ef tha deria-
loa ta support any awltehraeaa vtrtke
hirh mar arlae eat f the preewat dtf-
The switchmen wet a dele aa the
llfnft af their watt bat I'tHnit et
i'ts a o-iwn is rnni rrrw
fn i i
plorers elub. of -which ha -was presl
dent before Commander Peary wai
elected to that position. Peary Is bow
General Greely's letter of reslgnatioa
waa a brief, formal document la which
no reaaoa for his action was given.
bnt It Is a matter of general knowledge
la exploration
that General Greely thinks the Explor
ers club la dominated by Peary parti
When Dr. Cook first claimed to have
discovered th North Polo. th Explor
ers' club tnvtted him to a dinner to b
given while the Hudsea-Fulton eel-bra-tloet
waa on. Then C'ommaid-r Peary
came out with bus claim of dleeovery
and aaaertloa that Lr. Cook was an
Impoater and the P-ary faction In the
club sncceeded ra fcavtug tha ftropoeed
dinner called off. General Or. t r x
rreaaed Tr.: eptrlon at the ttrre in no
Bnmlrktle terms. Gneral Yjre:y,
Mntaelf aa Amle etplorer of r't
m and refetation. las stol stson- h
lr by Ir. Cok 1 tt-le fmliTrtr. The
eer"!1 eat ef the re -l .-n aa
T"Am twa f try Fe r-tary 1 "y I
a X b 1
"I am not in a position to ear
General Greely'a 'resignation waa due t
the Cook-Peary controversy. In lrs
of his friendship for Dr. Cook, howevi ,
and the confidence he expressed In b-
the resignation may be so const rv 1
by many persons. X can may that 1 i
did not meotloa Dr. .Cook.,.
Johnson's Corp Fountf.
Soectal Ptoiietra Taa jMirnti.
Seattle, Wash, Dec. 11. The l-oJr
Cornelius Johnson, 15 years ' i,
has" been missing ,nce "sown'!-."
was discovered floating In K. ho l
farth of the city, by ernrl"ee ' f 1
Seattle A Everett laterurb.n r .
Cororj" Dr. J. e"r.vder a - ' -'-aad
Iepaty foiwifrr I". i
brought the body lo B-Mf!
Woft Ocean Htrm In
fSav-lal Mt I- 7 i
'Mrahfi-;t (r, I"- It--. .
on the " l r-'- I J y
rMMa's to a' . ; be vir '
aay It la IN rt r
cal-.ty f r y-ara. .: i
4ia-t In I !''.'
T 1 " 1 I '. '
. ! ! '