THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY -EVENING. DECEMBER U, I0O3. If ACREAGE 07 Free Lands in Alberta, , ; ... Canada- , , $:o rr.a ofti.tit hi Un.1f.,ri t. arking. ivn.m wh.",4 yl :...hria lo the acre. Full Information M slecchanta Hualnees Kuchange. Hull PIS. Hen-hants Trim ni"S. FOR SALEFARMS IT TIMBER 2 nifi?i'flinrr'Eir" ur booklet, "lmll Farms Pay. con tains tntereatlng Information about lu.l.lln valinv l(ir and eiplalna l,w 10 obtain per cent "t',', on any of our tract. Don t all our booklet If you contemplate purchaa n rloae In aereare. 144 H,"r.k.-. IXVKSTMKNT (YIMPANY. At flKACjE -IiT"4u-arre t re U. $8 up; I pr cent down nd X per cent a miMitlw no Interest J to II a.res oil a W. P- car. 1108 er acre, same l.rrai; lo Hi to 27 acres at Jefferson; better land nl r than It wortli. Owner, room 26, Hl'i Jd. . J foTia ' acrea. I miles "from Netjberg, It miles 10 foruana; win ntea or walnut: Ion time. 23 acrr all planted to applea and walnuta. tjmail fruit good barn and house. bet In Jam Mil. If vou are looking for a good home a- thla land. Hox 46. Kewbergor. EXCrTANGhTAcreage $500 tolfoM, for Portland properly. r, to. - EXCHANGE MTfltr. OR "SWAP" COLUMN Under this classification will appeal ell advertlsemsnts thai comprise artlolas for tradel for example, household goods, watches, bicycles, typewriters, Uveaiock, Vehicles, automobiles, clothing, etc The Journal has segregated this class of ads Into tha awap oofumm for ,tn,,,c"T,;7 snos or ne . resurs V ' Ihe rata for "swap" ads la 1 cent pet word per Insertion, T Insertions for the t,rioe of 4L for eaen ads. Phone and rhirn ada 7 oenta per line per leans. VCkhSTERB International Dictionary, nearly new, to exchange for anything, R-301. Journal. - 90 per arre for 7 acres T miles fioin Vancouver, 1 mile front t-lectrlo line. It acres cleared, bal ance good simtwir; good cordwood proportion; land In same section I'tjual dlatame. from eleclrlo line selling from tile to $160 per acre. $l0 fur tx-autlful t aero tract 3 mile east of Vsncouver, over looking the Columbia river. This Is a' snap fur soma one desiring a nlre Joint I en for a suburban home, v . J3000 for 11 acres H mil" irom city limits of Vancouver, some a-m4 timber, flae "": suitable .Jor Mattlnif Into acre facta. This tract ia really worth $6000. IJ00O for 160 acrea, 1 mllea from Rainier. acrea cleared. apple treea In full bearln. fine soil, good roads; mile from school, store and. postoflce; one half caeh. The Washlnffton and Orcircn ; .. Realty Company lOa-JOl Merchants' Trust Bldr., Portland. 6th and Washington. Ilione Main 2404, and S00 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 4,0(10,008 fee( of yellow fir In YamhIU county. 10.000,000 feet yellow fir, near R. R. ann niuiniiia river. lO.Ooo.oiio fret yellow fir, on Trask river tn Tillamook county. 4. yiiow fir on Wilson creek in riiiamnoK couniy. feet yellow fir on Lewis and Clurk river. The shove 'timber la a bargain If clused Immediately. . - NIMWO. Itl'NICr PAVia. U Hamilton bldy. FOR 8ALK At a baraain. half aectlon timber land faclnr (he Bluelaw river,' cruising 1,000.000 feet to the quarter, lAddreoM J80 W. Jth at., Kugene. Or. in qptrss cAMCt;s coi KMPLOYMKNT AGEXOUS - 0 DO ;usc C. R. Hansen & Co.. OirNERAL KUPLOTMENT AQ'NCIEB, "Zrick Reaming Do ii . HM.,., Main office 14 N. Id St.. fortUnd. 11100, H cash or rad, l''r UUlea department. Tth and Vaah. eta. rooms, nrlr new furniture, eira u,u1"" upelalra. Portland. . heavy cariH-la, elefant lac curtalna. , 111 HmI iV Hi.okiBli bay windows, beat lr,.n beds, free .t. 4,h.t..8.n Kn"JU ROOMJNG HOUSES FOR BALE 03 gae, elettrK'lty. ete. Walls ennenetvrl jr apereo. lams psihroom. an wine nana, ilsh Cflllnca. couple bhxka from our office; I rooms more than per rent; food leaae; can clear IJ60-1400 pr month, or sell scaln. llouo-l Jftoo any time. Otiaranteed. beat reaanns for sell lua-. .Others, all tirlcea and locstluns, on easy terms. Will loan H purcliaae Price. IVallnsa strictly confidential h ull nartloulara. call or ' addreas ier- chanta' Hiialncsa Kxchanie, suite. Ill Mrrchants' Trust Hide-., corner 6ih and WaahlngtuQ sts. J'hune Main 7007 or Kaiahllahed Ills. riTT or eORTUVn race kuplotmknt orrirsL. 2TQ HAD1S0N K&8 Male and remale Help Funitahed le of t'harja, Mala 1111; A-1414. . SITUATION' WA.NTKI M.ILK AMI FEMALE S: iiOL6iEKi:i:rio rooms WEST HIDE MAN end wife want work on farm, in MMi.n: II yeare experience. Beet references, fttnte wases. N-SJ4. J.mniHl. to VVKI.l. furnlahed housekeeping ruomi 1J1U:SM.MAKIMQ SITUATION 'WANT Ell MALE - - To Lease 96 rooms In the new brick building southeast corner 4th and Flanders sts.; very favorable lease may be had. , PARRISIt. W ATKINS A CO, 2S0 Alder at. ROOMING HOUSE"! rooms, well fur- n I fihed, good location, l&OOv If taken by 16th; no agents. Y-146. journal. Ftec Lands in Alberta, Canada ' ' 1!0 seres of elegant wheat lands for 1 1 u . -eY'i rft"l.Tirr the asking. Average wheat y lld 40 "n""d lob off Ic bushels to the arre. mil Information f r!,rif.?iBi-.V,;;t Ttt'MNICAL, graduate, experienced In enclneerins" coiuttruction, electrliutl and mediant, al design, will take poal- iion in oirue or iieia; reierenoes. V-.T, journal er would like poaltltMi jfflce s whore he can beeoina SU'T'nM" WuU ''ml.'ig the business thoroughly. 111. Merchsnts Truet Rldg. It.IS. Journal L.AKUK tract or land peing piaitea POSITION aseaalatant lnofflce; for town alts, to be nut on the mar kel and aold In Iota. at. 130 each; re- refereneea Thiol, lit Mill. sponsible psrty to assist can secure 1-1 Interest: 11000 reculreu. T-llit. -Journal. kind 1110. hf clerical work. n y eperlenced. Main PIANOLA to exchange for painting, pa perhanging or cement work.. R-101, , utjrnn Gl.ORE filing cabinet to exchange for anything. K-xoi. journal. . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 BUTCHER SHOP ' -For sale or trade; located close In on east side: rent, including good stable and I living rooms overneaa, oniy i, must sell or will rent o responsib.s pfcrty; EIGHT ROOM HOUSE; ir . .u. .... tVvrlH'a Vmir ffrnnnds modern, piped for furnace; price 850, win exchange for small farm near town. . 'v, POOLROOM To exchange for small hou or va cant lots. What can you offer; 11000. S ROOM HOUSE, MYRTLE f ARK. Located one block from . carline; will trade for small farm. ,.., 40 ACRES, COWLITZ CO.. WASH. Unimproved, 1,000,000 feet paw tlm ber, good fruit land; only I miles from county seat: exchange for house and lot In city; price $1600. SO ACRES NEAR CARROLLTON, , WASH. Will exchange for good home In Fort land, and will pay difference; only F1RST CLASS HOTEL IN PORTLAND. 75 rooms, fine dining room, good bar, steam heat, fine location; house full: clearing 800 per month; - owing to failing health, will exchange for good rental property In city or Improvea '"""so ACRES NEAR REEDVILLE. , ITnlmprdved., to exchange for noma In Portland; $3000. J . rTT . 6 ROOM HOUSE IN MONT A VILLA. Fine pew home, right In. the best rart of town; will exchange lor iarm ROOM 41 OREGONIAN BLDG. M. 7064. , FARM TO EXCHANGH FOR, INUOMB One of the finest and tP to date ranches within-a radius , of 25 miles of Portland, consisting or oou acrea. o.. C '.Vl..k i. n hlirh atstn of CUltt a Hon; extra fine 10 room house, good barn, milkhouse, equipped with engine and all milking macninery.-iiu ncau vl nu head of hoes. 12 head of horses, all farm machinery and every .i.i r.,.An.a r.. fnr run llntr the place .nnnlnff Utrf.ITI th VCaT fOUHd. ' Price $30,000. Will exchange all or part for income bearing property, ana iae - balance in mortgage. r - OHAPIN & HERLOW. , 832 Chamber of Commerce, Yamhill County 170 screa; 60 acres In cultivation and ko Bwftva slashed and aeeded: balance In oak arubs. divided In 8 good pastures. all well fenced; all have running water; iO acres seeded In crop; 1H acres of orchard; good 8 room house, i barns, chicken house, goat shed, 20 goats, 4 head of csttle. one good team, hsrness and wagon; all farm Implements, in cluding horsepower tnresning macninrs. This Is one of the best farms In Yam hill county, p miles rrom gooa town, i miles from North Yamhill. If you are looking for a good farm and a bargain miA m,IHni thla OT1A Of the hfBt for thO money in Oregon. Price, $46 per acre; BUSINESS EXCHANGE WANTKD Office or oulalJe work by younv man 27: well educated; law MINING STOCKS OS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE IF YOU wish to bur er sell mining tocka, call on J. B. Purcell, tIS Stark I et room It. MINING and Industrial stocks: tele phone snd other bonds bought- and sold. c. B. Fletcher. 135 AQington oiog. i OEIJ WANTEI MAX,C . 1 l$Umt- l1' J" W Murm"t' 3" BUSINESS CHANCES 20 MERCHANTS W. H. Morehouse Invest ment Co., 238 Alder st. SUITE 311 MERCHANTS' TRUST BLIG., COR. TH AND WASH INfiTON BTS. LEADING REAL ESTATE AND CHANCE OPriRATORH. FEW ROOM- SWITCHMEN. . , ' Rnglnemen, trainmen, . R R. men, who understand signals, to act as switchmen; wages 4o hour and overtime while trouble ia on: board and room -will he ad vanced for any ' competent man' accepted, who Is temporarily un able to pay In advance.- - These nien are wanted at ones'; to fill vacancies cauaed by strik ing switchmen on the N. P. It. 11. Further particulars and free transportation from C. It. HANSEN A CO., 20 North Second St. .. Portland, Or, - lUOV wants position where lie can learn tha electrician trade. .Can furnish references Apply 0T Yukon ava. Phone rletlwood 968. ExI'ERlfeNC"KD cook with good refer ence wants position in the city or out. Address 1151 East 25tn at. N. Phone Wooolawn 467. MAN tailored skirts that fit. from yur own materiel. Ill also suits, coata. rrlnceaa dreaaes. at reasonable PrJ'""f :ilie Ijidlea' Tailors, l4 Waah. M. Isos, A-1T. FURXISIIED ROOMS WEST SIDE HOTEL LENOX ffrri-h.,4ndroMom2 slnyls er ensulte. at reaaonable prlcea. modern ronvenlenees; ono. the Plaia WASHINGTON. Alder and 17th ta I Tha Norrla ahxnlutelr new, all Out- I aids rouma alrlrtlv tnodaiil OOOVen-I laneea. 44 to M weekly. t 11 in. ..Win 3 for 111: otiRKea, 114, I376P; nvr flat, 4 room. Il; unfur- nllied lioime. 110. 84 :lh. N.i "W car from depot, on Id or Morriaon to I' sib. bliM-k norllii. ' Ml irKl'lLAN! Newly fumialmii iiuuHekeciiifia lotima. hot and cold hter, tlovtrli' Halite, sas ranges, bath ami phone, it'th or V. carline, comer 37th '"L'ir"'!!!!: l'lnme A-4J74. KlTTi iui-gw lldht suite houeekeejillia' room a; khs ranne. vlertrlo. light and wood f uriilnhi'ii; rto few hours' charntwr work for lent; no children; fres phone t",h.-.. AL'I'!Z?l4Jl Klrat at. -Ni7Ef7V f uriiiaiii.-d'Tiousekm-piiis rooms, 7lh nnd t'lsy; verv central; bath, eleo trio IlKhts, , tel, 'phones, ressimabla. A-g3l3. or Main BOft. - i.ilKE Urge elesanlly f urnlehed ' llghk t hnil,Htf.unln. u . .. BAA 1 . MAB . ,''t'M I Wll I , IV, Cilll, I'. Glbhs; $16; walking distance. NICELY furnished bedroom, hot and CAM UK II Gfc, ULLh., Id and Morrison cold wster. bath, phone, every conven- ""' liousekeeplny rooms., lenre. tn Montgomery, cor. 6th. walk- lZl?lrble. Apply room 16. - Ins llstsm-e. - "L hhernmn, South Portland, $1.10 WMIr l!H . I.I... .1 . . V . W J . - ieni soiicuen. - xf i?ih . . . . 4I2H Washington, opp. portlnnd I PARTLY furnl-hej housekeeuln rooma! aire; very nice iiwiiiiib n, DHb Montgomery. housekeeping rooms; transients soiiun"". le. reasonab mi iiTii I.,.. rr Mnrriinn! 1 desir- -able comfortably furnished, front rooms; also side room, mouern. FiKST rlmi watchmaker. Jeweler, optl clan and salesman open for Im mediate engagement, in or out" of city. T-a34, journal. ' Br family man, with experience, aa suitable . for general purpose - farming, I modern; permanent solicited, U)UDLE-AGED man, epeaka German ana ianin; gooa witn pen ana rig- uaintea A SING-IJi room, suitable for houae- w kP'ng or sleeping. 400 Columbia. S1J 14th, oor. Clay Large convenient' 8 room furnished' hoiiMekeepIng suite. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS : EAST SIDE ,. 49 TWO neatly furnished housekeeping, rooms In private family; heat snd light, on gunnyslde carline.- Phone Ta- mri,vl v lumUh. ' front riwim: use of wr Hoi. kitchen; heat, bath, phone;; 14 K' IS ROOMS furnished complete for house- weeK. oos Morrisonst. THE CADILLAC 3 that are cleanly a Ml 1,'b-PIMn rnnm . with kltnhen Drlvl- legea: clean, oulet -place. Call after 10 a.,m. 628 Morrison, near 16th. ITTl Pi'itJJ.S" I.Wks ' from city hall. neatly furnished rooms; modern flat. heat, light, phone, etc. ures, acq i "ATTENTION BUYER, AND HOME-RV.lTIfKR." ' We have reliable end accurate Infor mation on all OREGON and WASH. iwiitov T.ANDa Thousands of fine barsalns In every country; mines, tim ber claims and homesteads.- NO FEE, j NO COMMISSION. OREGON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, 604-6-8 Board of Trade Bldg, Portland, Or. ' i",SLJSE?' SPECIAL. BAKGA1KB. WANTED Railway mall clerks; com- f2(-2' ft ca8t' w1,e;t Jn V'U5!. mencement sslary $800; soring turn- ii6i' Kca!hl or.t.radeL.plJ"ldl!,,J?y: Inatlons everywhere; candidates pre- LWnJ"8' 'ocat,on: br,ck buiWin; free. Krsnklln nstltuts, Dept V'tU'in A.-sJ.e,- -.1 SO H.. Rochester. N. T. with city: can handle I horses; references. X-SJ5, journal YOUNG man. married, would like poel- tion as grocery ciera; ran rurnisn ret- erence. Address S9 Micnigsn ave.. city. nn, pnone;s rrr wuvnus rurnlslieii complete for house- i st. Phone A-7626. keeping everything nlca, $18.60 per 188 , Sd st, room" "l"tn-. I hone Tabor 183 or call 26$ K. nd neat; reasonable; ' ' ' . - ' - i solicited. FURNISHED housekeepina rooms.' 11 iTFMontgomery. near 3d, very desirable .Pf mo.; sleeping rooms, $& per no. homa for four young ladles; kitchen 0'u " ,7atlo n 71' ,Dloc": NiCU bay window , room, furnace heat, HOlJSKkEKPING rooms, newly decora walking distance. I .d snd furnished; walking aist&nca. "I wiuiame ava., corner Broadway. Phone Kwst 6379. all conveniences, 41$ Tth. cor. Halt . L . 'I '' FURNISHED alcove for tnree. iurnic; .-- : - ,, ir-m k, cicv k 1 1 vi iiiim - 1 . " . . . ' ........ ( 1 ., , 1 AMt-r. . ' , I elect rio lights, strictly modern, naVl light, hot nnd cold water every room: I WANTED Sslesmen; many make $100 cheapest rent In city; lees than $4 each to 11 on per month; some even more; room: Income $700: lMmira nrofita your-I stock clean, grown on reservation, far self. I from old orchards cash advano wear $3600. ft cash, or trade, 36 rooms, two Mr: choice of territory. AddressWssh. good pianos; very cheap rent; clearing I Ington- Nursery Co.. Toppenlah. waah. $3B0-$400 per month; long lease. . $200 A -MONTH salary paid to A-l 13000. U cash, over SO rnoma In busl- I .m . .o , .t ..i-.-,;- win I , : I '" iitioT nc- tm.nTHIS WKKK. In... 1,. i.V... :i.m v.""T ' ., IuuU '" aimiiuinB ouainraa coiieso I Tamhlll St. is aVr half mile GrVsham on arayel monev " ' I rJliT ."V.i" . 1 JL T.U roaa, an ouiutimm, c"'i i , .11- I . - 1 casn, a 1 rooms, dcbi locsiiun 1 owner's absence. 327 Lumber Ex. -838 Johns'! tW mmi ref"encfc iU 16 6T.. con Yamhm: nicely fur- tTS.! YoT' ,""Uy T7J I .Ki. w-.h ,1 I NICE large housekeeping room, ai'ilt. like steady Inside work for 'winter. w nt .bl for 3, easy walking dtsUnce. gas. w-331, journal., f-". -'.-i;. -ZZ-Wn . ...l 11 I ""' I-""""- m. etn- r.tuti gia. Dit.RHMiit nf ahliu 1, "i, t. ri,"iVJ."? TWO rooms, partly furnished with eaeZ tlon; good references. A. Morris. . aU r..rr, I l.Pf' aT''BT- on. dishes and soma Newcastle, apartments. 8d and Harrison. B k... l.""V"".i7 : Vit 1 "airs, ait r argo st. business college I Tamhin at I 0.H Stanten st. D ear$U week uow wants wore lor room ana ooara. v-iji, 1??U aerna.fiK cultivated, balance easily I In citv for ateadv or tranalant rnomera Cleared, close to Portland on main gray- income over $360; rent less than $8.00 eled road, fine level, rich black soil, t to per month each room. Best paying 6 'feet, deep; on eiecino jino, uin 1 iiuunn in town. water on place; positively 2 of the best places to be found; no agents, tun uutn ou.. $2000. 40 roams, etean mndarn nlace: 4 year lease; good furniture; rent only tto. f : , , $1600, 16 large, elegant rooms. $1800, cash, 15 rooms; flile furnl- WANTED At once, SO teams, stable room and water furnished, camp around or boardlnar house If necessary. at west ave. and Hawthorne. Ait. 'la bor reservoir. Call Tabor 137. LARGE bowl rice 6o, coffee or cocoa with snails 6c. beans 6c. best bean soup 6c, clam chowder with crackers lOo. owl ttice xiicnen, eoft 4tn ei. Journal. FOR The best buy Improved, fine buildings. Cheap, ttooms Rothchlld excavatina. lawn rradinr. lot clearlna. olowlna. eta Phono Wood- lawn $467. WANTED By an elderly man, some kind or light inside work, firing fur' nace or nouneworK. v-sas, journal. MAN wants position as all around car penter xor a vood company; x-lil. Journal. UaTn. Mr.Tr- furnlah front room for 1 or v-ft..irT"ln.e nousoKeeping rooms. . . r, .ni.nM local- . iunaryr lurnace neat, yard. 3 gentlemen; modern, spienu.u I tnfoTFVoiTH FTz ; r lty. 380 11 th, cor. Montgomery. M. 49S. URN ISHED housekeeping su Vnrr.v r.ienlah room, private home. 82d Bt- N- f na PW mnHnen nonvanlAtieeH. will rent bv day. week or month. 476 Taylor. Main 148. ltes. It per month. FOR KENT HOUSES ia MAXWELL HAbU 107 14th. modern furnished rooms, single. o mw; transient ' .', ' . - . in Hood River: hla-hly .-J.0""' c""' ir roonn 11m our WAVTfcD-PrtnM: fne chance, exper- wawa.HiIJ y sieaoy man, muaing or Free phone and l,..rlnir orchard: Brood ox 'J?Z . mm tmneeeaaarv. hnt small canltal re. Steady WOrg Of any Kind. John Myers, T.iRnKl rl.unl isnn' 5 n'''""Y": tUuuVh. quired. Call $26 Washington, room , 1 able for J; 5If and 617 -11 ' i r 'ii:r i.J417. IHITUATION wanted as watchman; Ing distance. Main Building. terms: loan U n, rchtT"nr iw" iif- WANTED Active, all-around real es-1 be" of references and bonds. .Phone NEWLY furnished UaII M4trn 7H itn st: rooms UVIV1 UWVU . 11.60 ' tip r 11 rr i Unas confidential. , . tate man. between 25 and 46: rerer- OCll Ol 1 IdUC $1000. U, rnsh 1 K ennma naael nua-- hrm rxoulred. Phone Woodlawn 2217 40 acrea In Hood River valley. -aJl un- all on one floor. 1 lor Y-348. Journal. der water ditch, new house and barn, $1200. U cash,' elegant lltt.a store, SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; a very choice piece of land, will trade including light groceries, canned goods. g00)J commission; experience unneoes for Portland property or a viljy farm, cigars, etc -Nice clean living rooms; gary. call at office, Gregory Heights, 611 Gerllnger Bldg. . $600, lunch counter, clearing $10 per 30 acres, 414 miles from Vancouver on Jjno . main roaq. 1 mne rrom ooav .""'" $800 mntdrr.mnlnvm.n WHEN you mova yoa'n need new fur niture. Buy It judiciously and tha savings will exceed your moving ex penses. Our NO-RENT PRICES mad m m th largest furniture bouse la tha city In less than two years. Lookers are shown th m. nMtvtM .no 1 lftth at I aa hnu. T 1 , , I JHUHimni.JITI'HT.lIlT' U-TTD TkTT-flTTW TJI 1 rooms, wen Jieicu, I v, .. wvc vv hath nhone. 82 and up. White House. r?:. cor., m. wtarx at per week. tiath. wll heated room suit-1 every convenience, walk- East Ankeny. Montavilla and Eaot Sida line cars paas our door. end of Rose City carline. YOUNG MAN. 6 years' experience at 1st and Mill. Phone Main 4234, eeneral office and payroll work.- de- I t-tstts . nnin. n, hrnnmn. I , , ca-r sires position. Z-844, Journal. I iht, well heated and ventilated. 676 ,'" J room house on. E. AWks as, 19 lpbi li v luiiiiouou, or not, as you wish; big yard, f lne car c vtftntsi na.rlv new. atrictly modern, first-class location, terms cash, ielA for city real estate; : good sized mnHara nn to date roomlne house, Merchants' Business Exchange, Suite 818 Merchants' Trust Bldg.. oor. 6th 1 & Wflahlnaton sts. Phone : Main 7807. A-3283, ' ; - " ' "''"''' ' 6000 acres fruit land,' Klickitat county, Wash.; $10 per acre; joins iana jaen tlcally the same that is Belling from $60 to $100 per acre. Entire tract can be vvianri for other rood property.- or can be divided. L. K. Moore, 617 Board of Trade, Portland SEASIDE LOTS 9 Tilnnka from P. O.. 1 block from de pot: lots 60x100; will sell or trade for anything of value, 'Will pay cash diX- ference If necessary 6 th st. FOR SALE or trade, 60 acre dairy farm on Wilson river, 3 miles from Tilla mook: 30 head or etocit witn rancn, ais machinery; price $18,000; $16,000 cash or eiulty will nanous iu con ea, uiw monk, Or. -.- "- " - TO TRADE Oregon mining and Irrigat ing stock as rirsi payment on anmn cottage. Z-346. Journal. WILL get you anything in trade for anything you have. 322 Henry bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED FOR CASH OR TRADE, City real estate of all kinds, farms, acreage, timber land, hotels, logging houses and other business chances; hsve buyers waiting with the money. Dealings confidential. Call or address Merchants' Business Excb.. Suite, $13 Merchants' Trust Bldg, cor. 6th A Washington sts. Phone 7807, A-8288. WAN 'BED AT once, men to learn to drive and repair automoDiies; posi- tlnn. walllnir Annlv fi2 V 7th at., r.or. and railroad station; all level. 12 a res 4 -ft- fmgS5S; Davs. " ' prunes.,6 acres, wood, balance meadow; tleys of ft kVna,f baUn8dne Baes?rlPttSSs. LIGHT work for midde-aaed man: can prune drier and house; will rtlcjw Kaluga strlcUy WldentfiLf-Jl or aaaress JMerchants' Business Exchange. Suite 313, Merchants' Trust Bldg., Cor. ami, Washington sts. Phone Main 7807. A-3283. for .ah or nrt cash and rentable prop erty in town. Owner, 81 E. 18th st. Phone B-2021. ' THE beat buy on the market todays 25 acres of rich, deep soil, all In culti vation, good farm buildings, close to city and electric line. ' ' SULLIVAN & CATHER, , X . lTTIeaw."!.1 gooi Inaln road- near R. R. Best 320 ACRES hay, grain and alfalfa land, cord wood proposition ever offered. improved, on creeK; so .per acre, , $30,000, cash, nearly section good terms; 7 miles from Lakevlew. Other Ievel and near ForUand; heavily lira Lake county bargains. Wm. F. Paina bered: will divide this, or timber nn- & Co., Lakevlew, Or. arate if desired. Particulars only to earn $60 per month. ager. 76 Third sts Apply to man- WANTED Steady work of any kind. country preferred. -3 41, journal. FRUITGROWER wants work on fruit farm on shares. Y-343, Journal. YOUNG aan. 10, wants work of any kind. 11 E. 17th st., city. MAN and wife desire to cook- for hotel, restaurant or camp, v-aas. journal. 265 Couch st. FURNISHED rooms, heat, bath. Lincoln. Main 3887. NICELY furnished room for X or 2 gen tlemen. 80 11th. ' --. i-'ou, iii 5 rwu, ,i, Service and worth the nrioe. 84R HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED ROOIVL EAST SIDE i -Suburbaji 4 room hnoaa 1 ure iruii trees, good well. 62 FOR RENT- . V, I n 1 A M DOUfln. mirnilllrllncra 1 Mnnk Courtney station, Oregon City car. 8a Phone Red 42. fare. Speculators ' Attention 8000 cords wood. $1. near this citv. long time to remove same, located on WANTED Man, will pay double wage; - a small investment required. . tsraitn, 204 Columbia st CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call fornla Wine Depot, 285 YamhllL next to journal. . ' SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 LARGE front room suitable for 3 ladies, J BRAND new 7 rooms and bath, modern - -, .mm.n.m.t light, gas, bath. 10 minutes' car ride. I and fine; furnace, thades. etc,;; on SALESMEN wanted to sell an article that sells oh sight; good money to hustler. - 827 Lumber Exchange. cssh: Rood bottom land, on R. R.. 10 miles from city. Northwest Realty Co., 617 Board of trade. 40 acres, black, rich soil, $1500; half I live buyers meaning business; no agents wavmeu. race my exciusiveagents aDOUl this. Call or address Merchants Busi ness Exchange, suite 318, Merchants Trust bldg., cor. 6th and Washington sts. Main 7807. A-3283. WANTED Partner to take half lnter- SPITZBERGStmppoose orchard la FRETT LANDS 49! manv level-headed ouyers, wno iuiuw troort tHHntr when shown. Only 25 miles P"ner, 100 mucn ousiness ior one frm rSJiiJonIr?"1" $800 U take care o'; $800 cash bal $400, $600 per tract. Better hurry and "ce terms. Call o.wmer, 504 Wash, st go with us Dy appointment, van or write for full particulars. Liberal terms. -M FARLANJJ iiVV eiSXMHiXM 1 w, $10-311 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or., Merrltt & Palmer, Sales Agents. 99 Government Land Square deal; no residence required; ta per acre.- van on THOMPSON & CARR, 29 N. 3d st. Main 6748, A-5096. PARTNER wanted, used to farm prod ucts: present partner leavlntr citv: Call for booklet, describing some of $100 -cash buys furniture of the best the "best apple lands" In the state of Oregon. We have professors of horti culture baclt or the statement. MT. HOOD LAND CO., 711 Rothchlld bldg. , UMPQUA VALLEY FRUIT LANDS C. R. DONNELL A CO.. 888 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE .acre, orchard near Medford, well improved. 81300. Southern Land Co., 80 Lafayette bldg. Oregon I SEliU my own lands on terms to suit the buyer, developed or undeveloped. Geo. A. houck. 4 iaDoe DIOCK. IF vou have anv anuria In lota aa lurid tr contracts or small mortgages up to ittuu amount, we will consider them. Smith-Wagoner Co., 306 Chamber Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS X n KTilMKRS. m try JA. L S. T the in fallable cure for rheumatism, scrofula, estarrb, blood, liver and kidneys. Eben Perry, Mgr., 332 Sherlock bldg, Port land, or. yome snq see ua. WANTED to buy mortgagee or real es tate in iNeoraeiis. or unmua. c . u. Wead. Hotel Seward. LST your vacant lota with Baker for reeufts. 6l Board of Trsde bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 A Choice Farm Buy in Gaclcamas County Consisting of 160 acres, 6 miles from Oreron City, of which there are 10 acres under cultivation, about $2009 worth of standing timber, fir and cedar, also a good 6 room bouse, barn 40x60, with hay fork, complete. Tba personal property is as follows: $ head of horses, 13 head of cattle, 18 head of hogs and pigs, a ahep. ' geese, about 1 doten chickens, 1 farm wagon, l surrey, 1 cart, I aet of work harnees, 1 mowing machine, 1 hay rake. 1 harrow 1 plow, 1 rrwira separator, t cider mill. 1 aland of bees, aliout 30 tons of hay In barn, part oats B"d part clover, and some small tools. Prl- 6Si; half caah. and the balance In "4 "years at per cent. Otto & Harkson, 1IS 1t at. j buys nearly 3(nt acres splen- Vast fruit elt (h Ore Sin. 1; f-ft f-i'0. dt4 land fr. irtia freirn R. R... very easy terma $.', half caah, bays nearly section f land, practically level, near Port ! - . 1 7 It par tern hvf 14 aerea, gooa rah, f'enty timber and water. i OS r-r eere, burs ! eerea S-n4 will te4. gertly rolilng. r -1 I -r prAremr t a rr"ri iete. I i ir a. t. burs 4 S'-t rr TTe 1 a or raJ for cltr pmjwrlt. niftrt a!l prhrea, n easy per i' a t r" e liMtrrw. t-llan'Hr. - ,1 e t 4j r-f ert v I -l --.. r.r r-It 3il. FOR RENT 6 acres on Estacgda line. 8 miles out: -all lmnroved. house and barn, creek runs through place, 2 Jer sey cowa. 1 Jersey heifer, 2 "horses, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 set hsrness, 1 cul tivator. 16 hens. 1 harrow, 1 100-erg incubator, 1 brooder, I year lease; take Estacada car, get off at Wilson sta, go east to first white house' on the right O. M. Burbank. GOOD wheat farm, 160 or 820 acres, near Waplnltia, eaetero Oregon. 11 miles from new railroad; rent for third of crop; snap; house snd barn. Apply 864 N. 26th. W oar from 3d and Mor rison sts. ' IRRIGATED LANDS 42 quality; can clear $26 per week. journal. Z-349, WANTED Partner to buy one third in terest In old established real estate orrice; xurniture Dest quality; a very small amount of cash handles; am alone, want neip. u-a4, journal. I HAVE 2 good teams and two of my own boys to drive them; would like soma kind of steady Job for them; de livery work preferred. Phone Wood lawn 2467. SIX cigar stands, $400 up; good busi ness locations, restaurants In citv and country, rooming houses, several first class openings. Northwest Realty Co., 617 Board of Trade. PARTNER wanted, good man under standing- the business need no monev- will teach new man if he means busi ness, little cash, balance from bualneaa Call room 607. 1024 3d st. INVEST In irrigated land near Nampa. Idaho: 10 to 40 acres will make you independent; fruits, grains, grasses and vegetables grow in abundance; mild winters; lands from I5 to $200 per acre; have been In real estate business In Nampa since 1886. Write or call on Walllna Walling. Nampa. Idaho. - HOMESTEADS 47 CENTRAL, Oregnn homesteads that you don't have to live on. located lo beau tiful valley; no stumps or rocks; plenty wster and wood; schools, churches, stere. P. O, aad I railroads now tiring completed; price $1.26 per acre. Write Central Oregon Development Caw box 414. Portland. Or. 4.000.000 feet rellnqlushment on Flleti; good -. relinquishment near Portland, a few rood bomeasteads left In Tilla mook and Lincoln counties; relinquish ment for trade. KUbb. Runey aV Davis. 11 Hamilton bide. HOMESTEAD location in Nehalera and tiurs orera for $zl: with er wito- trot timber. Wlgle AV Iewta, su jet. GOOD shop for sale, cleaning and dye worxs. excellent Business;' party must sell. This Is no fake: Investigate: a splendid bargain. -Call Eureka Cleaning Works, cor. 16th and GUsan. FOR SALE or exchange; U Interest in good paying msnuiactunng ousmess cated In Portland. Investla-ste this. 142 H 2u et room 36 CANDY making. We teach candy mak ing. W. C, Garwood, public market, IIP let St., ortiano, or. BOY wanted with wheel, to work 8 hours after school and all day Satur- day. Apply 332 Alder st, BOYS wanted, all day and after school; permanent employment, good wages. Apply to manager, vs xnirq st. WANTED Men to have their shoes half soled for 60c. 222 2d st WE secure positions ror our members Special membership Y. M. C. A- HELP WANTED FEMLi; S WANTED Pupils to coach by retired teacner, and teacner or long experience in Portland schools; Individual or class instructions; terms reasunaoie. , ,aai 2669. WANTED By capable English woman steady work, to sleep at home; good worker as chambermaid or plain cook and nouseKeeper. 1-333, journal. 724 union ave. UNFURNISHED ROOMS ' 10 THREE unfurnished rooms, bath, elec tric liehts. basement, $18. walking dis tance, mam tj. A lady from the east, respectable and reunea wouio iikb worn as nouse Keeper, have 2 daughters, home - not money an object X-332. Journal. MIDDLE AGED woman of refinement and good character wishes widower's family;, terms moderate. T-880, Journal. Hawthorne avo. Inquire 291 Glenn ayoM fiawtnornex car. 18 ROOM house, all modern conveniences; near carline and schoolhouse; $25 a month. 1380 E. Taylor, near E. 60th. MODERN 7 room house, 793 Loveiov st, full lot roses, fruit, trees. 615 UNFURNISHED rooms, Falrmount ho- ynamoer or commerce, l. vanduyn. tel; quite reasonable; i6tn and Vpr H a month, 6 room cottage; fine barn; shur sts. A-6468. , j i Apply J.r woir, 6t Wasii THREE nic large clean rooms, mi- .f0. wegt- , - ' , ; furnished, with water,"' xor J.a 4 un our rem aepi. ano you Willi month. 706 E. . YamhiU. . I at least learn something. Hart man work in THREE unfurnished rooms, light bath, f Thompson. Chamber of Commerce, ioderate. dealrable parties only. 273 21st st. N. 4 ROOM house, 227 Millard avenue. I vim Mtuv.n luu UWLl v. I . . autUlIQ Kb YOUNG lady from the east desires work in a music store; any position to make nersen generally useiui. 11 JO. 17tn st, HOTELS U4 I store. THE CALUMET HOTEL. 160 Park; Eu- ropean and American pin. SALE of manufacturers' samples; high s-rade tailored - lOadies' suits, coats. capes, waists, opera capes, evening dresses, petticoats, raincoats at price from tha best New York manufacturers. SampleB, snappiest ideas of the season. Room 88, Hamilton Didg., 131 3d st, GIRLS, 16 YEARS OF AGE, WANTED AS MESSENGERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE TO -3 OjuDS, WORTMAN & KING, WELCH Grocery Co., Sellwood, wanted experienced DooRKeeper, must have WANTED Experienced cook, dellcat essen. $40. St Louis Aeency. 246 Washington. ' Malrf Z03, A-4776, EXPERIENCED Singer machine opera tors wanted. 24 union ave. "WANTED A housekeeper for an. ln- valid. at room 17. 224ft 1st st WANTED German girl to wait table and make beds. zo. Fnone wain 4803. WANTED AGENTS SALESMEN wanted to take our " cash weekly selllnr choice nursery stock. Outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co, Salem. Or. - - - - - HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trade In 8 weeks; help to secure positions: graduates earn $10 to $26 veekly; expert Instructor: tools of Colleaes. $( N. 4th at.. Portland. WANTED Furnished rooming house over 16 rooms; bava some gilt edged stock snd some cash for. the same. Phone Main 2891. SlLENf PARf'NERwIth . Mod "may have monthly income of $26; ordinary buainess risk. May withdraw money st any time. P-$!3, Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 HANLET AV TAPLEY EMPLOYMENT CO., headquarters for R. R. work. UK V". id st COMPETENT dressmaker, stranger in HOTEL PORTLAND. city, wisnes sewing to go out Dy l only: s.' b aar. "yi COMPETENT European plan housekeeoer would an on iarm; reierences exchanged, x-349, duurriat. - BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder. ROOMS AND BOAIXD 15 STENOGRAPHER wants position; ref- ROOM and board, private family; $20 erences. Irene Miles. Oregon. R. F. D. No. 2. Main 8226, LADY WISHES position as clerk In jewelry store; can give , reference. x-344, journal. . Der month: 10 minutes' walk from Wash, st; 2 blocks west or 6tti st car- line. 332 Jackson. Mam (4. EXPERIENCED stenographer and of fice woman desires position. L-346, journal. . ELEGANT front parlor room, single or ensulte. with private Doaru;- aiso smaller room; moderate rates; ladles or gentlemen. Call 287 13th st MIDDLE as-ed lady, a-ood suburban home, would like care of 1 or 2 chil dren. 683 Bldwell ave., Sellwood Sta. GERMAN girl is seeking for housework. WE serve first -class table board. Our Keferences riven. 603 N. 2414. st and meala are tastv and wholesome." 216 iNicoiai. 11th. cor. Salmon. COMFORTABLE refined home; furnace heated room; good board: for nice em ployed elrls; very reasonabla Cor. 23d ... . 1 . .'.AAA' ana juarsnan. n-iiiv. A LADY with one 1 little bov would I cnipn nnd room: bath, nhone. narlor, Call piano, noma cooaing. d weea. mi nth. near yamhlll. fnone Mam osua like a position as housekeeper. at 663 Hood st. Independent Laundrv Co, PHONE MAIN 6123. A-1023. ROOM and board , private, steam he bath, aas light, .oo per weex. za is. loin YOUNG lady stenographer desires per manent, position, citv reierencea. mono Taoor 1373. YOUNG lady wishes position as book kesper and stenocrapher. X-33 8. Jour nal. - PRACTICAL, nurse would like situation to care xor axed person or a naralvtle. A-aai, journal. 46 N. 21ST St.. Just off Wsshlngton choice rooms, private . family first class home cooking if desired. WANTED Children to board; - home, best of care. Phone R 61 E. 13th St., between Oak and Pine. -oo 6921. A woman wishes work by day .or hour, ROOM and board suitable for two; use bath, telephone, piano, etc. . box Mor rison, Main ozzz. Room 60, phone Main 1626. WOMAN , wants day work. 1068. NICE front room, suitable for . 2. heat and planet laundry privileges; also Phone B. I day board gaper weex. xnt lztn. LADY wishes work by the day or hour. r-none Main iszb or A-Z786. room 69. i NICE room and board for . one or two arentiemen. private ramuy. 10 minutes' walk to -', o. saa Marxet. WANTED Position as bookkeeper and stenograpner. v-a. journal. - - LADY would like gentleman's washing nu menumg. i-iz, journal. t v ATE family, front room, will glva breakfast snd dinner, phone, bath, fur nace heat I4 Honaday ave. WANTED Situation, experienced lady presser wants work. X-334, Journal. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 30 WILL sell my Interest In old estab lisbed real estate office for of cost of furniture; selling on account of sickness. W-321. Journal BAST. NEVISON REALTY A INV. CO. - Rooming bouses. Business chances a specialty." Main $77. $lt Bard af Trade Mdg. TIMBER 28 120 ROOM, apartment house; alwaia full; will stand investigation; for sal by owner; $30 rasa, balance easy terma,- L-336. Jonrnii. FOR SALE Fumltura of a 4 chair bar ber shep, complete; easy terma. The A Ties Mercantile Agency, 41$ Abingtoa M1. $1S takes a ii't payinc btiaieeas; pros pects fin; ctieao rent. Vr'a. tr. J. A. 8ton, Tinier Olios and Ecctstcals totated and guaranteed; Wstlea aosth erw OregoiL For partleulars call at rwm . Board ef Trada Call freta f 4 n m. IF TMl 1 r $; ant a tract of tin-Vr. t rea rail oa fL T. ITu FOR rALE or trade lor city saloon an 4 rooming houa (a rality H Zek. Il K, 14th St. for city property good lo- A Gi.KiD Kotel buireaa with I years' la- and furniture. Address Box $, re'laa. Or TOR 6 A LE Gror-ery and cnf ecti'mery, f-,n location. w at; living rami: r I ;a pne F.-iHl 6PI.K.M !! for a a.aa te s- lta t rea'auraat bavipees for $;. - I'-l hr. ' B-t) ' r.eS earB IJ: tf. II :t It. THE JOURNAL WILL HELP YOU FIND A SITUATION Those in need of employment can have their "Situation Wanted" ad run in the Journal THREE TIMES FREE Bring your ads to. the Journal office ' - ' '' A WILL trsde new piano for room and board; state location. k-szo, journal HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS , WEST SIDE . tie s furnished housekeeping gas plate, steel range. 61$ 7th St. Main 452. FOL'R unfurnished houekeepln rooms modern, phone. Mala 2464. 497 Co- lumbls. ' SMALL suite of 2 housekeeping rooms, well furnished, cook stove and , gas. 421 6th- St. i. HH rrt i nice clean outside fur nlehed housekeeping rooms, modern. ;T6 N. I2d St. Wain 6797 NICELX furnlFhed houaekeeplng rooms. hrt, k hutldlnc. cheap reuL 84e4 i Front, corner Market. n.'RNtiiHED housekeeriina rooms, oulet. modern, fomar-e heat; convenient, teav- sonsble. Ill 12th. oor. lamniiB Yt ll dealrable room a for" houaekeerina. reasonable. 4$0 Yamhill, between 12th snd 13th. " MINGLE housekeeping room, stove, gas. bsth, modern, close In, fth at. 310 Clay, near NKW LY fiimtehed hoiinae-r s rooms, rentmlly located; reasonable prlcea. ilH rill 32 N. modem howaekeeptag mite; clean. -entril location. Come, snd 'I I . FI S'GLK r.vm. a-itH foe- tSt b 3 room cottage, JfcC . Lincoln st., near Union ava.; $10 a month. Call 391 Union ave. 184 NORTH 15TH ST Large light housekeeping rooms, frea phone, gas a I Kail, J , . .' FOR RENT -One furnished front house keeping room, large closet 611 Ev erett - $20 6 rooms, electricity, gas for fcook Ingi East Everett and 28th; Ankeny car. 'Phone Sellwood 60. 6 ROOM house, fruit, garden, stable, "Montavilla, only $10 per month. 418 Oregonjan bldg. Main 7064. SIX room house ..and bath on E. 16th between Tillamook dhd Thompson. " Main 616. D. C, Burns. FOR RENT Eight room house, nicely furnished. " Call on owner at 889 E. Taylor, cor. 30th st. A SNAP. 9 room house for rent: $10: furniture for sale; terms. 12 N. 6th st. $lt 4 room cottage: bath, fruit trees; water paid, carline. ' 1382 B. Gllsan, on M.-V. 5 ROOM modern cottage, between Tllla ' mook and Thompson, on . E. 15th. Phone Main 616. D. C. Burns. ' A FINE large house, east, side, 10 min- me carriae. xuain suu. 6 ROOM cottage, 93 E. 10th st, cor, E. wash. St.; gas and gas range; $16. FOR RENT Five room cottage, 62T"eT saimon; gas, Datn. ynone Kast 4640. HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale; first class condition: . snlendld local ilj i iviuia. a., ruj aw Main 7678. $21 West Park Furniture of 11 rooms, suitable for boarding bouse; no agent Bargain ss psrty must leave. FURNITURE of 16 room brick house. centrally located, tJieap rent and bar gain. Price $850. .Particulars st 806 3d. FOR SALE Elegantly furnished 3 rood apartment, inquire or Janitor at Melius partments. ROOMING house for sale, 22' rooms fur. nistied; good location, all fuu. Phone East 337S. - - FURNITURE of 6 room cottage, near Washington and 12fh at - rent 121 la For particular call 90 10th Bt. FURNISHED HOUSES SU CONSIDERING the furniture.-the yard. the beautiful location, the conveni ences, and even -the maid, thla 7 room house can't be beaten for a borne. Will rent to a good tenant for 1 year at 8100 per month. If th price or description oesn t sound riKtit. call on us and wa will make tr-em -ristt. HARTMAN THOMPSON. - Chamber of -riere pMf - - OMPLETELY furnished house, larre lawn, for rent for T months beain- Ina- January 1: fuel furnlahed and lawn taken care of 612 fV-hurlef Bt ar Faat 21et N. "Paat 144 5. Ii'LLY furmehed 4 rvom houe. cor. E. 8th ard 8 haver. Inoulra l&l ft fth et noeih. r-ix roorn mo-;efTi fnmiahed houk "" furnace, ft rex i e. I ' t t,ntnrer Ea- WKI.L fumlfuej t re4 eottaf 112 t month orr-oia Pa HI at cbarch. r1ee Or . t. W P. er FOR REXT FLATS IS 14 O I TRN t ronm f1. rU9m -i. i fmlrrlT flr Fl iK" S l i ) 46 KrX -f i-rit"ir "'i' If y'.tlm, ( it. i-f - r J tl I .-. t f l r- I ' t- " . r Ti 7. f. f t .r i f . It til l-rry t-c. tte. R"a Otv rrinr-r. 1 II la, 14 at k- t "" r " !! !'" at fTTTT-T "ii a ftai- 1 V ' to- fi-j' re el f e- - j r t i r"- tin a ir,a i." i:.ff e- ? s"ry " . I;ttf rTt il ft a a. 1 f 1 f I ' 1 A i A -4