THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,'" PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, DLXKMDEI 9, . - i i i - . ' J' jf . J- - " 1 " 1 '! - i-J -ax i -li - ACREAGE 07 HiVT forget th.t O. . It.WooldrldtJ f Woodland. Wash.. hs ','vrJ acre tract of Krdn l.od f'J l,rp for i.'Ot; term.; nd Kt, fin- orchard and good fruit Irre fr 100: term: ud nil in M (ritninnn. -'---z jlioo 6 FOR BALE FARMS 17 r.r-r t 7 T KATHANGK REAL ESTATE 84 BUTCHER BOP For sal or trad: located el" " eaet .Ida; rent Including f . 'fVA? aid I living rooms overhead, only . n,u.t .ill 5r w.U rent -o ,"5r' EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, Wet ni-r World-- Fair J,"" modern. piped for lumi . r -" - nil! exchang for small rra rer ,OWn" '.POOLROOM To exchang for -m hu700oo" cant Ml. What ean ymioffer, ll0O. Ixn-aied on. block from carltn. mil trad for enmll farm. -L'ABir .10 ACRES, COWLITZ CO., W ABlt " .." i AAA Ann feet saw ttm- h;nm land: only I mite, from un'at; .xH,... for hou. and lot Will exchang. ffiST'oiy'll land, and will pay difference only H. !. ,-?nflnr' mon'thV owing ""Vb 'acres near RKEDviixn Vntn.proved, to exchang. for home In part of town; will' exchang. for tarm '"ROOM 41$ OREQONIAN BLDO. 7044. t . fcnn buva nearly 1000 .ere. .plea- ... . . , . 1 . . . . . n did lana oe.t iruii un, in -a--,, on. mil from It. It., very eaey terms. I 3u.u0o, half rash, buy. nearly section good land, practically level, nwr -vv 17 50 per acre, buy. 10 acres, .food ranch, plenty Umber and water. 1100 Pr acre. buy. 140 acre" food Mack aoll. will trad., gently rolling, aA lmriMiwmantfl iimnl o). $ti per acre, buy. 44 acres The PHI lea or trail, ror cuy prutrr. Other ranches all prlcea. on .a.y pay ment a. "... ... U per -arr 1 100 anree. 5-t In culllva lion and about perfKtly l.veL .Merchant' Himlnea Kxch. flul.. 111. kt-rc-hanta' Truat Midi... Cor. th U'aahlnalon .la. I'lion. Main 7107, msrvK-sa chances so MERCHANTS BUSINESS EXCHANGE vn ixt (n ntL rvrn aKiIH T10 a r.. Ollllam county. lr boat of toll, 110 In cultivation, balanr. paatur., hna S houaoa and barna, runninc water, alt fenced and croa fenced, tU mil. Iroro town, n R. Jt.', mil. to .c-hooi, IJO pr aora. Mortitait. of $7100 can run year.. C per cut: will tea. my equity In Tortland buaineaa or Income property, value l.OO0 or .mailer place In the valley. Come In and aee me. Lincoln Investment Co., Ill HenrybMa:. To Exchange for Eastern Farm e.rma nreferrea: i .crerof -To I lrmirea'fron, Eu ifon' the1 Willamette rlyer. 1 ml . fttXllrSTj: . lavVl land.' half HvaUonTbalance llh room houw.. In "ondlUoil barna and all other outbuilding, goort orcn ard. 3 well, and "v'nir water: R. F. D. and telephone; price $50 per acre, a very fine farm. ' Kauffman & Moore, t-?K Lumber Exchange. T OWN clear of all tnr'imbrance, a 1 mtmbVr of the cholce.t btwlnaaa lot. In mlmn City, the new townslt. on or near rornana. tbii.j Vio Jo ir. to S600. Owners only. V-139, jour nal, -iy. ; : " We have 10 10-acre tracta, II min ute.' drive from Canby that la aa fine land aa can be found In the Willamette valley: price $100 to 1140 per acre: tome In and let ua tell you mora about rt Rtnass & Woodvard. M. H64, A-363J. 100 Henry Bid a;. CITR III alKRCHANTS' TRl-BT UlOXl COR. ITH A Sit WAHH i.vnto.v ri H. LKAPINO RKAt, KSTATE AND t'MANl'H OHKHATORM. 'liW ROi M (i(0, t caah, awllct In city. . ..a t A m. a .1 .... .t I .1 MV. ln huu.e, brat location; prick buildUig 6S 00. 20 aerea, with Implement, and all .lock nM honae. with rurniture: wu am eheaD. half caah. balance 6 por ceu THE GLOBE MKRCANTILK CO.. I4A K. 7th t H. Phone B-2644. iI5:RJ: 1. the beat buy of all; 41 acrea. 10 cleared, building", .iock ana ioo. tianA mmn Sft acre tract. 1 mile from electric Una. C M. Crittenden, Hub bard. Or. . FRUIT LANDS 43 . Ay2 Acres Of fine (mil all fenced ana In. eultlva J ion ' on tJhi ouUktrt. oV "'"'"". room house, ood barn, and 2 chicken houses; 60 fruit trees, barlnK and a . aorted. An Ideal small place 1t fine lo ."atlon., Price $3500. Will chnf0e room bungalow in Portland. $2500 to $3ui)0. '. ' - ' ' Kauffman & Moore, s;4-.1i6 Lumber Exchanire. S ROOMS nearly new, atrlctly modein, first-clan, location, .term. cash, trade for city, real eSUte; good slsed rnodern up to date rooming house. MerchaW E..s1ne8s ExdhanRe. Su te 111 Merchants' Trust EldR?. cor. - 6th tg Washington at.. Thoae . Main 7807. ' A-3283 MT. HOOD DISTRICT APPLE LAND. Eay of accea. to Portland on WES I ERN foothill alope of Mt Hood, on llni of new railroad survey. 10 nillea dis tant. Be an orchard owner and .ecure some Of this, the choicest rruil tana ii rkm mn MmmA hv eminent nortl cuiiiirtata vtoat of aoll. Ideal eleva tion, ovjsr 1100 feet: arood water and al wnat otner rruit seciiona urai from Portland are getting. Ask ror our booklet that give, all particulars oi firr4 1walltv WTlpr nunnirun nt iia of commercial orchard oevei vised by a Drorre.slve fruit gTowera aaanclntlnn fall .nd lnvestla:te aoon, a. price, ara advancing from $30 per acre up. VANTWTTN A WALTON. KIR :hamher Commerce. 44 99 Call for booklet describing some of the "best apple lands in me iam oi Oregon. We have professors of horti culture back of the statement. . MT. HOOD LAND CO., 711 Rothchlld bldg. Fruit Land ,it land. Klickitat county. Wash.; $10 per acre; jolno land Iden tlcallv the same that Is selling from $50 to $100 per acre. Entire tract can be exchanged for other good Property, or can be divided. L. K. Moore. 617 fioard of Trade. Fortiann. SEASIDE LOTS v i.t.ini tmm t. o. 1 block from de pot; lota 50x100; will sell or trade for .,ninB Ttrm nav rash Tilf- 16N. 5th at. anvthlna- of value. WW. pay cash tjji; ference If necessary. WANTED To exchange 6 room modern bungalow for acreage or lota. Strictly modern bungalow, will ex change for $800, $1000 stock of groceries. Full particular. 286 Washington jtH room 610. ACREAGE, electric line. Vancouver. 2, S, 10 or 15 acre.. What have you? Angeles Trust Co., $26 Washington, room 417. " '- '' " . 18 acres, 7 miles east of Gresham, near Mt HOOd , Kieqiric,, near nontofflce and achool; most of the ranging In price, from 1200 to $4.0 per i-lita land nearly half cleared, for only 1100 per acre. Mt. riood Land Co., 711 Rothchlld bldg. "UMPQUA VAL.LET FRUI.T LANDS n rmr a. Crt III Chamber of Commerce. I BEjuL my own lands on term, to .ult the buyer, aeveiopea or unucYoiwy. Geo. A. Houcn, 4 juappe pipcu. FOR RENT FAMS 14 FOR RENT I acre, on Estacada line, 8 miles out; all Improved, house and hum creek runs throuarh place, 2 Jer- uv rawii 1 Jersey heifer. 2 horses, 1 1 set harness. 1 cul tlvator. 16 hens, 1 harrow, 1 100-egg incubator, 1 brooder, 2 year lease; take Estacada car, get oir at rvusun go east to first white house on the He-ht O M. Burbahk. rtonn wheat farm. 160 or 820 acre . EXCHANGE MISCi OB "SWAP" COLUMIf 25 vr.4a .iiia slualflealioa will apnea an advertisement, that comprise articles for trades for example, hooaehold good., watch., bloyole., typewriter., UTertock, vehicles, automobiles, clothing, etc The Journal has gregta thl. cla.. of ad. Into the swap oofnnui "f or the conveni ence of the reader, of classified ads. The rata for ".wap" ad. U 1 cent per word per Insertion, 7 insertion, for tit. nrioa of 8. for caah ads. Fhon and charge ad. 7 cent, per line per lasns. WEBSTER'S International Dictionary nearly hew, to exchange for anything. R-391, journal. nr.ltta .tarn Orornn. near , aiii", v . . v - " - miles from new railroad; rent for third of crop; snap; house ana- Darn. Appiy 264 IN. Zoin. W car iivtu. u risen St.. ' IRRIGATED IiANDS 42 INVEST in Irrigated land near Nampa, Idaho; 10 to 40 acre, will make you independent; fruits, grains, grasses and vegetables grow In . abundance; mild winters; lands from $50 to $200 per acre; have been in real estate business Jn Nampa since 1886. "Write or call on Walling A- Walling. Nampa, Idaho. HOMESTEADS 47 PIANOLA to exchange for painting, pa- perhanglng or cement work, tt-sui, JoumaL ' GLOBE filing cabinet to exchange for anything. R-101, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI WANTED FOB CASH OR TRADE, City real estate of all kinds, farms, ncxeage. timber land, hotels, logging houses and other business chancea; have buyers waiting with the money. Dealings confidential. Call or address Merchants' Business Exch., Suite, 313 Merchants' Trust Bldg., cor. 6th & Washington sts. Phone 7807, A-3283. WE have two clients who want to buy 5 room bungalow at Rose City Park; must be strictly modern and have fire . place; price not to exceed $3200; $1000 cash.' GODDARD WIEDRICK, ' 243 Btark st. WANTED Modern house' of about 8 rooms and lot In good location be tween Hawthorne ave. snd East Davis st Inside of 40th st. Will pay all cash. LANG-HILL CO., 414 Ablngton bldg. ' WANTED At once, modern Or 7 room bouse, full comer lot, or quar ter block, central; state lowest price, location and full particulars. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 32-3 Lafayette bldg. V"l STUMERS to try M. L S. T, the In fallable cure for rheumatism, scrofula, cataj-rh, blood, liver and kidneys. Eben Perry, Mgr.. 332 Sherlock bldg, Port land. Or. Come and see us. WANTED t or room bungalow for U Interest In good paying business In Portland. Daugherty, 142Vi Second. $ii,('i TO $Jl.bU0 iocome Ix-arlng prop- t-rty, on weat slJe, immediately. "V ; 7.1 MMFRMAS, 21 Board of trade. WANTED Lot. elos in. If cheap for caah; about 1300. Apply S! tb at, evenlrga. - LKST your vacant iota with Baker for reaiilta. 81 Board of Trade bldg. FOR BALE FARMS $6000 Farm. I acre. 4. plowed ready for crop: family orchard apple, good when 1 ,rs eld; t acre in Iterrte. .old 1490 orti taat eeeeon; house, berna. feed. niv and all farm tool go. This ptae-e i :: in ilea south f tH-re, In the fav jui Viw-otI bottom, ea Footh Ctnr ju river. 1 mi'e T. depot. I 4Nf a hAiiH In f 'on and. will give good trm r-n farm. See M at 21 Laanber- ' A T f fcMioN M-VFH AND HOME FKKLR" rrar r-i i end a ecu rata Ir.f'w mi a I Kr' WAH-P-.T'N tA I R T .'uaar-la of floe t ery ro'tntn : inlw, -. , ..1 fnjsretM'g. S' Fr-K, v ,. . -. aJI- J,t .,. L.M- T V FC R M A T I ON hi fc tr .. r ' f " P'.5. t t: r,0. r CENTRAL Oregon homestead, that you don't have to live on, located In beau tiful valley; no stumps or rocks; plenty water and wood; schools, churches, stores, P. O. and 2 railroads now being completed; price $1.26 per acre. Write Central Oregon Development Co.. box Sl 4. fortianq, ur. w atrlrtiv ftioderii. 14000. u csh.'or trade. 45 rooms, all "S-tlsnt, hot and cold water every txxyn; riinapest rent in city: less man ca riM.iu: inoome 1700: flgur profit, your- eir. $3600. h cash, or trade, 11 rooms, two oik! piano.; very rheap rent! clearing 3AO-I400 per month; lone laa. 13000. H cash, over 10 room, in bu.l- ne. diock; large inoome: apienaia money rettr. $2200. M caah.-11 room, beat location In city for .teady or transient roomora. Income over $360; rent less than $3.00 er montn eaon , room, tfeat paying ouae In town. IfAAA A A uum m mIamm 1ajA avwv, v avv.,,w, v . . . . v w . . . , , 4 vr lease; good furniture; rant only . in , m , i a n . m 11100. 14 cash. It room.: fine furni ture. in 00. U nih. 10 large rooms near our Office. . 1600. 10 rooms, boarding house. 1600. I rooma very close In. Others all sixes, prices and locations on easy terms; loan H purchase price. Deai- nga confidential. ' 11000. V. caah. 11 rooms, nearly new; all on one floor. 11100. V. caah. elea-ant litti Store, Including light grocer lea, canned good., cigars, eta mc clean- living room a rent ISO. - $600, lunch counter, cJearlng $10 per aay. 1500. cigar tand. near P. O. $300, H Interest, employment agency, f years old. otner Business opportuni ties of all kinds snd descriptions. Dealings strictly confidential. Call or address Merchants' Business Exchange, Suit 111, Merchants' Trust Bldg, cor. 6th and Washington sts. Fhon Main 7 SU 7. A-12KS. Ul'SINLKS CHANCES ONM fourth Intvrest In a sawmill ntr prise, running steady; a good market far Its products, and good buslnea cuti- nactluns, I'ru-s siouu. F. I HOSTFORD CO., WorcKlrr nlilg. faicluiy, doing good CliiAH a tor aud ku.iniu In thrlvlns town: aliowtaaea cablnats, tools and material for 700t cigars: 1600 on hand; actual price of stock: no bonus asked. particulars. Stat I .and Co., 131 H lt lui'kviNil iilctiira oberator wants a part tier with izuo; nave tne run ouuiiana option for leaae; handle your own money; will guarantee $40 per week. t all 3.H Morrison si., room WK have s wood and coal yard that HELP WANTED FOIALE BALE of manufacturers' sample; high grade tailored ladle' suits, coal, waiata miera cane. availing drrsaes, prttlcoata. ralncota at price; from the beat New York manufacturers. Sample, napil-et ld-a uf the aaaaun. Km i. Haiullion bldg. 131 8i at. o work In candy de- Dartment. TaclflO Woaat uisouii uo., QIRLS wanted Uth and Davla pays $1090 per yar prom; bu this 1. a-nrwl hllV. 113 North Kit st. WE have an opening for a oimI, steady man In a very profitable bualne... where exoerience 1. not necessary: small amount of money reuulred. Par-: tlotilars Spencer Co.. 101 3d st. WANtLiV Middle 'aged lady for houa.t work. 1 In family; small wagea, good nlace for the right party. Parties call at 11 W. Jeasup st. Taka Bt. Johns car, get offjtt Jtlverslde. BTENOORAPIIER that la accurate. le nendable and trustworthy. $71 per month, and willing to Invest 1500, money 1009. riTIJATICX WANTfcU STALK 3 WANT;i-By a nian II years or sga. txiaitiiin as a cicra m a iii ai , grovnrles or Imrdware; city or country, alHo have a knowledge or piiimK. irfrrrnces from a lrg foiporauon. W-11H. Journal. V:Vr'i.lill.'VriJ autiiiiioldU auleaiimn . , Would coo lit poal. tliui as damonatrator or driver for ill lncr. 4 yeere' anoceaarut epriow. M-ja. journal. IH" no YT f., i.,rv foiaman.' Fo yeura m. ...r.....A -i,., i, .ii. liv factorial. Real of referencea. Room I. 11 H Id St.. H car. PJion A-iis well secured by mliable party at 321(4 Morrlami St.. room 4. WANTED Partner, lady or gentleman, to taka charge or me Duaineas i nanoe deoartnient or -real estate orrioe; can clear $100 per month; small amount of caah required. M-Ji. journal. WANTEIi Steady, sober man to take 1-$ Interest In old established , real estats office: will sell st sacrifice: am leaving city. Call at 101 ft Washing ton St., room 14. WANTED A girl for light housework, fs ml i yj r x. , ii r.. n WANTED AGENTS PEERLESS Electrla Cleaners absorb all dirt. Sanitary and eaally operated bv compressed air method; sell on sight. Price Is within everyone s reaen. KnllaM agent, waniea. SITUATION WANTED KKSIALK 4 WANTED By capable Wigllah woman ateady woik. to sleep at home; good worker aa charmlerinnld or plain cook n,l lioiiMekeener. T-S3.1. Journal. Inquire MIDDLE AUKD woman of refinement and good ciiaractor wianea worg in widower's family; terms moderate. T-330. Journal. W ANT" ED PoaHion In pleaaant home i where refined. trualworliiy woman wlil be appreciated. No laundry. U-I3U, Journal. . ; suburban aged lady. good vould like care of 1 or 1 cl Sta. till- WANTED To Inveat. a few hundred dollars In established business propo sition; will take partner.. r-ai. jour nal. - ii 99 $2400, H cash or trade. 11 large rooms, nearly new furniture, extra bay windows, best Iron beds, free nest. gas. electricity, etc. Walls expensively papered, large bathroom, all wide nana, high ceilings, couple blocks from our office; I rooms more than pay rent; good lease; can clear 1250-1500 per. monm, or sen again,"u any time. aOuaranteed, beet reasons for sell ing, others, all prices and locations, on easy terms. Will loan purchase price. dealings strictly confidential. Full particulars, oall or address Mer chants' Business Exchange, suite 311 Merchants' Trust Bldg.. corner 6th and Washington sta Phone Main 780T or A-82S3. , . . Speculators Attention 1000 cords wood. $1. near this cltr. long time to remove same, located on good main road, also near R. R. Best cordwood proposition ever offered. $30,000, cash, nearly section good level land near t'ortiana, neavuy um bered; will divide this, or timber sep arate If desired. Particulars only to live buyer, meaning business; no agents wanted. See my exclusive agents about thla Call or address Merchants Busi ness Exchange, suite 813, Merchants Trust bldg, cor. 6 th and Washington sts. Main 7807. A-8283. ' PARTY having perfected one invention and having others in mind, but lack In mifficlftnt cnnitfll to nromote same wishes to communicate with party with money who might finance these propo sitions for one half interest In them; can produce the goods If you will furnish the money. Investigation so licited. For personal Interview address N-386, journal. - Free Lands in Alberta, ; Canada 820 seres of elegant wheat lands for the asking. Average wheat yield 40 bushels to the acre. Full Information at Merchants Business Exchange, Suits 818. Merchants Trust Bldg. Real Estate Business Partner wanted to keep office an4 show farms; must be sober and willing to work: very little money required. Particulars, 288 Washington st,, room 612. HELP WANTED MALE ' SWITCHMEN, Englnemen, trainmen, R, R. men who understand signals, to act a. switchmen; wsges 14c hour 'and overtime while trouble Is on: board and room will be advanced for any competent man accepted, who is temporarily unable to pay In advance. These men are wanted at once . to fill vacancies caused by strik ing -switchmen on the N. P. R. R. Further particulars and free transportation from C. K. HANSEN ft 4TO., 26 North Second St. . Portland, Or. . FIVE hundred strong young men wanted1 Immediately for firemen or hrakemen on nearby railroad. Good vision. Ac count increasing business; 1000 men sent to positions last three months: $75 $.100 monthly. Promotion. Address, stating age. height, weight. .. Send stamp. Railway association, care Jour nal. WANTED Salesmen; many maae $100 to 1160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far rrom old orchards, casn aavanoe weeg Iv: choice of territory. Address Wash- tngton mursery t:o., 'i oppeman.-wwn. formation to Eastern Atanuiaciurere Co.. i?hatPortiand. or. SALESMEN wanted to tak our cash weekly aelllng choice nuraery stock. Outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co, Salem. Or. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 C R: Hansen & Co.; GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES, Main ornce. a. n. a Ladles' department, Tth and Wash, sta, upeiaira, ruiii", ' . 44 Front av.. Spokane. 17-81 4th st. San Francisco. . ' Established 1871. """" CITY OF PORTLAND - . FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, arc iiadison MTSrSir; Male and Female Hip Furplshvd Free of Charge u.u iKRR. A.8C14. HANLEY TAPLEV EMPLOJtMENlr CO., Headquarters ir . . ww tj N. 2d st - - - ' HELP WANTED MALE AND -FEMALE 20 'niie n nr.MSTED PARK, the Port land Heights of the East Side. Write, phone or can. , .... , Absolutely the oulckest "return division on the market. 200 PER CENT On -money invented within 1$ months. COLUMBIA THUBl l omrAn i. Board of Trade Bldg. 84 -ourth Stj Luddle' homer w Aran. Kill ttldwell ava.. SellWMiit Write for In-J LAD F wishes day work of any kind, anj I l?.LI.?Lh"L llOlHEKICKPIXa 1 tOO .MS VUT HIDE NiOl.t furnished f room hoiiarkeeplng aulte, on flrat floor, with r phor. and bath, and Only I minute' wlk from poatoftlc. very central. In good r-Mn. dlatrlct, to adults for only $11 a montn. Call at o Mariyt st. to be showed tin rooms at 121 HQ su, that ara to b rented. T J 1 tTs Oil IK R LA N lTNwly furi.Uliait ' An.n. and cold wa ter, rltwtrlo light. rkng bath and phone, lfth or W..carlln corner Sim and-Thurfnan. Phone A-4174. . NK ELV fiirnlitliod houackiKpmg room.. 7th and flay; v-ry central; nam. trio lit M a, irlcphoncs, reasonable. A-S1IS, or Main B02H. ..ll'Ll. large elegantly fuinlalied light housokeeplng room a, 101 First, near Olbba; $15; walking distance. CAMBRIDGE BUXJ., Id and MorrUon at. Furnished housekeeulng room., yery dealiahle; Apply room 1. 114 Sherman. South Portland, i wek up, larg. clean, furnlahed house keping room; parlor, laundry, bath. 107 V. 3d st.;"centrally located: new fur . till ure aonia suites arranged for h o ii Hfhreplng; new mans gement. KTCE suite of front houaekooptng rooms. aiao one .looping room, rea.onatil. office cleaning wanted, good worker. Tlione Main 7816, Toorn 11. MERMAN glr Kaference. riven. Nicola I. ' VERY1 experienced head waltreaa Is seeking for housework, riven, 60J N. J4'i L and sire. ' situation: also girl wants pantry veork, dT young Oerman Main 203B. little boy would FOR KENT S nice clean outside fur , niahed housekeeping rooms, modern. 275 N. 1 2d st. Main l7. SINGLE room aullablo for light house keeping or sleeping. 49J Columbia st. rnlsiied rooms, good location, 11). A-4403, TWO unfufnT I rinse In; go A LADY with one 1 like a position as Housekeeper. at 6S Hood st. - Call GIRL of ' 17 desires tio.ition as iiukIcI i - for artist; has had experience; ., has good education. R-333. Journal. Independent Laundry Co. PHONK MAIf ' A-1U. PARTLY furnlHlinil houaekocping rooms, 110. 6H5 waalilngton et. Ill Ulli, oor. - t;lay Large convenient I room furnished housfkeeplng sulte; HOUSEKEEPING KOOM3 , EAST SIDE, 48 TWO neatly furnished PFOR good eastern stenographer phone light, tm Bunnyslds carllna Phone Ta- u.i. ......, ii I hor 1 7X7. 1 ' mniii (ddu, nwi iiiirn zt WANTED Position aa bookkeeper and stenographer. V-330. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE , . AND FEMALE . . 23 MAN and wife wantfwnrk on farm, no references. State wages. N-814, Journal. TWO rooms, partly furnishad with car. housekeeping rooms In privste family; heat .ana bor 1737. llOUSEKEEPINO rooms, newly deooraC ed and furnished: walking aistance. 161 Williams ava, corner Broadway. Phone East 6870. TWO nicely furnished rooms, bath, heat, electrlo lights, strictly modern, no children, private family 668 . William ave. Ksst 1 (. DRESSMAKTNO 40 sub- MAN. tailored skirts that fit, from your own materials, 13; also suits, coaia, princess dresses, at reasonable prices. Elite Ladles' Tailors, 646 Wash. M, 1205, A-ZSS7. . pets, dresser, some dlshsa and sonssil chair. 833 Fargo at. , 203 M Stanton at, V car $1.25 wek up, ' clean, furnished housekeeping rooms. bath, laundry, furnace heat yard. FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 00 A. MONTH salary paid to A-l smart appearing salesman who will be ffiven a working interest for small amount to look after affairs during owner's absence. 837 JJumber tiiX. WANTED At once. 60 teams, stable room and water furnished. camp ground or boarding: house If necessary, at West ave, and wawtnorne. la bor reservoir. Call Tabor 1937. WANTED Railway mail clerks; com mencement salary $800; spring exam inations everywhere; candidates pre- rared free. Franklin nsutute, uept 08 H, Rochester. N. Y. IA nnn SOSTTIONS For rraduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trade In I weeks: help to secure positions; graduates earn 119 to $25 vcekly; expert Instructor: tools i" . o hinr. Moler System of Colleges. 85 N. 4th St.. Portland. WAVTF.n Ptirjils to .coach by retired teacher, and teacher of long experience in Portland schools; Individual or class Instructions; , terms-reasonable. East 2669. x . . ' -: WANTED -Vaudeville and dramatic performers, singers, stc Call 626 ft Washington. ' ' ; SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; good commission; experience unneces sary. Call at ornce, Gregory tieignis, CIIU i ....... -" . . .. v. . j men to learn to TECHNICAL graduate, expert nu ... YOUNG man, graduate of law, eastern uhlverslty, wants a -position pf any kind offering opportunity advance ment. References furnished. G-387, Jour nal. . 1 WANTED AT once. drive and repair automobiles; posi tions waiting. Apply 52 N. 7th sU cor. Davs. . -- ; HOTEL LENOX furnished rooms single or ensulte. at reasonable prices; modem conveniences: opp. tne riaaa. WiKHtWATAN Alder and 17th SIS. - Tha Norria Absolutely nevf, all out side rooms, strictly modern ' conven- lanM. A A SB WMklv. NICELY furnished bedroom, hot and cold water, bath, phone, every con vio lence.' Montgomery, cor. , Ing distance. " " no'prf . UTfrtftiMriHAM. 130 Yamhill, opp. Portland hotel, spe cial rates to permanent guests;- tran- stent solicited. Kiev, rooms, nrivate home. $2.60 Up; 1( minutes' walk from P. O. Main 1762. 466 6th -at. '- NICELY furnished front rooms; furnace heat, free bath and phone, iwe St, near W'ash, ' ' . . ; . . i i. BUAin; njee clean rooms, wen juniioiicu, steam-heat in part, all modern. 885 Yamhill st. electrical take posi-references. WANTED Partner; fne chanoe, exper- ence unnecessary, hut small capital re quired. Call 826 Washington,, room IV. MOTION picture operators earn $25 to 135 weekly; easy, insiae worn, nori hours: learn ; ousiness in snon vunw, lessons reasonable. 526 Wash. LARGE tract of land being platted for town site, to be out on the mar ket and sold In lots, at $260 each; re sponsible party to assist can secure 1-8 Interest; $1000 required. T-339, Journal. Barber Shop Bargain First-class 6 chair barber shop; good location; cheap rent, good buslnens. Gll more & Bitter, 226 Lumber Ex, 2d and Stark. ' PARTNER wanted, good man under- ' standing Tne ousiness neea no money; win teach new man if he means busi ness, little cash, balance from business. Call room 507. 102 ft 3d st - FINE CENTRAL OREGON HOME- Excursion. Tuesday. Pon't miss this chance to locate on 320 acres of rich, level ground In our beautiful valley. Open evenings. DESHON A HAWK, Surveyors, 407 Lumbermen's gang may 4,000,000 feet rellnqlushment on Slletz; good relinquishment near Portland; a few good homessteads left in Tilla mook and Lincoln counties; relinquish ment for trade.' Nlmmo, Runey & Davis, 13 Hamilton mag. HOMESTEAD locations in Nehalem and western Oregon for $25; with or with out timber. Wlgle ft Lewis. 9 1st. TIMBER 2S WE, have small and large tracts of tim ber from 80 to 8000 acres, cruising from 2.000,000 to 400,000.000 feet of fir, pine, cedar and spruce timber; can show you a good sound investment at bargain price., situated on first-class logging stream, and close-. to railroads. F. L. BOSTFORD CO., 53C Worcester bldg. business risk. May withdraw money st any ume. tr-at, iiounu FOR SALE At a bargain, half section timber land facing the Slualaw river, cruising 8.O00.000 feet to the quarter. Addresa 290 W. 6th St., Eugene. Or. KOR SALE Sawmill and 8.000,000 feet fine timber; R. R. 416 Henry bldg. ROOMING HOUSES FOB SALE 63 To Lease I rooms la the new brick building southeast corner Ith and Flsnders sta; very favorable lease may be had. FARRIFH. WATKINS V CO, 250 Aider SC TWO BARGAINS In center of city, one of 2 room, the other h I rooms, snd 11400 and 41250 caah respectively bandies these; low rente end good leesee on both places. Don't fail to see them SOl'ARE DEAL REALTY CO, 1 Board of Trade Bldg. BV OWNER, 1 room boarding, beat of furniture; block- from Portland betel; F,(t; retlt 115.' 22 7th St. Bargain at $335 9 room rooming house, good location. good terms, rent 130; a rare chance; with $400 piano.. $550. 64ft 6th st MY partner had to go east; I want a good, honest man, who Is not afraid of work; it will take $600 cash. K-822, Journal. ; ; HOTEL and dining room, new building, new furniture; sickness compels sale; 813.000 on terms. . Will take income property. Reld, Room 607, 102 A 3d st tjart vkVison REALTY ft INV. CO. Booming houses. Business chances a specialty. Main 1877. 119 Board of Trade bldg. 120 ROOM apartment house; always full; will stand Investigation; for sale by owner; 11400 cash, balance easy terms. L-835. Journal. . PARTNER wanted; half Interest in pic ture arid vaudeville theatre; good chance; paying business; 27S seating J -3 30. journal. with capacity. SILENT PARTNER with $1000 may have monthly income or 2t; oramary PART interest In a very profitable bus lneas has -been placed with us that requires $600 cash; must be taken at once. 102 2d St. FOR SALE Neat little barbershop, with bath and toilet: cheap rent, long lease, good growing trade: no other shop near; cheap for cash. Phone Tabor 374. FOR SALE on easy terms; fine equipped motion picture tneatre in, fine proposition, good reasons for sell ing, fariicuiara, wagMing;!,. WE have several good buys in grocery stores, can ana see us. HOMES KEKSFRH' LAND CO, 182 North th st. ' LARGE bowl rice 6c, coffee or cocoa with snails 6c, beans 6c, best bean soun Sc. clam chowder with crackers 10a Owr Klce Kitcnen. soft in m. WANTED Steady man to check goods. etc.: pay Z6 week now, wiu uiurmao with Interested help; Particulars 417 Board 1250 required. of Trade bldg. WANTED Rlckert and Casswell, who worked for Hanks In Westmoreland, to send their address to W, Moore, Woodstock. Important IF you ' are looking for Inside work that will pay you $35 per week, call 132 North 6th st. Small amount of cash required. tiirlnserlnf construction. and mechanical design, will tlon In office , or. neiu; V-336. Journal. WANTED Office or outside work by young .man z; weu euucni, graduate. Address J. w. Moorman, o Clay. EXPERIENCED cook .with W; ence wants position In the city or out. Address 1151 East 25th bL-U.l Phono Woodlawn 457. WHEN you move youll neea new fur- niture. uy it Judiciously ana in. I .wings will exceed your moving ex penses. Our NO-RENT PRICEfl made ua on of the largest furniture houses In the city in less than two yeara Lookers are shown the same 'courtesy as buyers, MORtrA N-A TCHLE Y FURNITURE CO., Grand ave, nor. E. Stark st East Ankeny, Montavllla and East Side line cars pass our poor. WE have a fine 7 room house on E. Ash and 19th. it is partly furnished. or not, as you wish; big yard, fine car service and worth the price, $46. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. EIGHT fine rooms, best east Portland location. 19th snd E. Alder, inquire 681 E. Washington, corner 18th. Rent $30. : ' ' -,: ' " ' BRAND hew 7 rooms and bath, modem Hnwthorne avo. inquire 291 Glenn avo.. Hawthorne car. , , ' ,. " . 8 ROOM modern house on Mt. "taboiv on carllne. 125 per month, or will rent furnished. Phone W. A. Hossack, Main 6426 or Tabor 342. Mlr'CI.V furnish, front room for 1 or 2, modern: splendid locality. 180 1,1th 1$ ROOM house, all modern conveniences; cor. Montgomery. Phone Main 496. near carllne and schoolhouse;-$25 av mnntli ... 1 -lull fcl I avmi naa, NT Klltl.v FOR RENT Modern new 7 room house. toilet and bath, lis month. 1B spen cer st, Montavllla. MODERN ! Kjtr"TJ!i.V fiimlshnH room, nrivate home. modero conveniences, will rent by day, week or month. 476 Taylor. Main 148S. mavwklL HALL. 207 14th, modern furnlahed ' rooms, single, sn 1 suite; frnnstent. ' . 1 ' '. '. Hotel Mason W ph St.. full Chamber of to room, house. 793 , Love joy roses, fruit,' trees. 115 iommerce. I. Vanduyn, FIRST class watchmaker, jeweler, opti cian and salesman open for im mediate engagement In or out of city. T-334, Journal. r' STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, thor-nua-hiv exnerienced In railroad and commercial work, desires employment. R-339, Journal, WOULD like to secure position as bar tender; 12 years' experience In lJtuor dispensary; reliable, marriea, .ii references. S-836, Journal. Free phone, and bath. t.mnc nlonunt wnll heated room suit- able for 2; every convenience, walk-j Ing distance. Main 8812, or 861 10th st. j NEWLY furnished robms, well heated. oath, pnone, iz ana up. nniwavuni 1st and Mill. Phone Main 4224. COMPLETE gymnasium equipment at great sacrifice; $1000 forth of ap- naratna nt half nrlce. 0-836. JOUmal. NEATLY furnished room, gas, bath, heat and phone, $1.75 per, week. 610 oyt st. WANTED Experienced solicitors; noth ing to sell; nusuers can no iig money. -.Apply bet, -10 and 1,-Koom 62$ Lumber Ex. bldg. WANTED Partnervln cleaning and dye works. Call at Alblna Dye Works. 298 Russell st Phone East 6243. flHEE1 headquarters and helpers, tjan- lornla wine ifepox, as itinoui, uo.i to Journal. an.nRMEM wanted to sell an article that sens on signi; goou money io hiiHtler. 327 Lumber Kxcnange. CANDY making. We teach candy malt- Ing. -W, J. uarwooa, puunu uui 110 1st st, portiana, or. GLAZIER and cutter for art glass. Ed ward Bruns, 684 First st Phone A-1420. v - - ' BOYS wanted, all day and after school; permanent employment good wagea Apply tO manager, IP i niru nc LIGHT work for mldde-aged man; can earn $50 per month. Apply to man ager, 78 Third st, -'. : TWO boys wanted. 6th st. - Apply at once,. 228 E. DAVIS, cesspool contractor. Phone Seliwood 6Z6. Koute i. pox b, jents. WANTED Men to have their shoes half soled for sue. ZZ3 zq st. WE secure positions ror our memfe Special memcaranip x. M. v. av HELP WANTED FEMALE S BUSINESS man, with one girl, would like a widow not over 15 or 88; no ob jection to small child; one who appre ciate good home; small wages to be gin with. Address 171 S. Liberty st. Salem. Or. GIRLS. It YEARS OF AGE, WANTED AS MEHMWUtKB, Ml- irrl ONCE TO 0DS. WORTMAN ft KING, BOOKKEEPER, experienced, speak Ger- tarqb front parlor, other bedrooms, man, can t&ke dictaUon, operate type- ghts, well heated and ventilated. 676 writer; win cuocui w v clerical work. V-832, Journal. Coiich st EXPERIENCED dishwasher wants ,work;. neat.,.and clesra, soberwand steady; no cigarettes; reference. H-336, Journal.' MIDDLE aged gentleman desires po sition with some good firm, teamster or truck man. A-l references; reliable, steady, married. R-337. Journal. 266 FURNISHED rooms, heat, bath,, Lincoln. Mam S397. r - - - - CONCRETE basement heat and light Carpenter or others 675 Couch. NICELY furnished room for l or 2 gen tlemen. o litn. ' ' ' vr iRRTisn man. raold at figures, sober and industrious, would appreciate po- sitlon. Can sen gooas. tteierence xur- nlshed, T-387, Journal. YOUNG man would like work of any, kind; can furnish reference. S-S38, gUUI 1ICXA. FURNISHED ROQM : EAST SIDE 52 t ADrc fwnnw mnm anltable for I ladles, light gas, bath, 10 minutes' car rida 7Z4unlon ave. ; UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 vniiNfj man attending business college I rnjTtvv nnfnminheil rooms, bath, elec wants work for room and board. V-331, 1 , trj0 lights, basement $18, walking dls- journai. - , . . . i tance. Main 4a. -" YOUNG man, married, wants situation I UNFURNISHED rooms, Falrmount ho- as office clerk, varied experience. K 836, Journal. . Tot FOR excavating, lawn clearing, plowing, etc. lawn 2467. - grading. Phone wood- TVO steady young men ment. Address 61 N. hotel. D. A, Simons. wish employ- 6th st. West tel; quite reasonable; Zbtb ana up- BhUT StS. A-D409. . . .., TW or 3 unfurnished rooms, 888ft E. Burnsiae, none juui ooi. or 3 at 118. TWO desirable "unfurnished , hoUsekeep . Ing rooms, walking distance-. 892 ft gth WANTED Inside employment by I steady young married-man; best ref- erences. o-nsa, journal. , HOTELS 04 WANTED By an elderly man, some kind of light inside work, firing fur nace or housework. V-888, Journal. THE CALUMET HOTEL. 160 Park; Bu- ropean ana American pun. MAN wants .position aa all around car penter for a good company. F-l 31, journal. HOTEL PORTLAND, only: i. o oy. European plan BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder. WANTED By steady man, milking or steady work oi any kino, jonn Myers, Summit Or. - ROOMS AND BOARD 10 YOUNG kind. 19, wants work of any 17th st, city. ROOM and board, private family; $20 per month: 10 minutes' walk from Wash, st; 2 blocks west of 6th st car- line. - 883 Jackson. ' Main 7949. man. 11 v if av wife desire to cook for hoteLi COMFUKTAJBUi reiinea name; iuo CARPENTER wants work, inside or. out. SLY .,.fi iuttta Dhnn. Uil, tifiA i - good man. WANTED Hotel, rooming or apart- ment house, confectionery or steam ' laundry. See Roberts, Hoora 101 Rain ier hotel, evenings. i PARTNER wanted fluce, guarantee also share profits. bldg. . used, to farm pro--; ? month salary. I Board of Trade HEAL estate bualneee; owner wants in terested help; duties easily learned snd will pay en-rgetio man $16 month. Part ten far 417 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Reliable partner to belo In store; pay energetic man I12S montn. Partiri)ara 417 Board of Tra.J bldg. FINELY furnlahed. good paying board ing house, neat snB clean. He id. Boon 607. 191H Third st . WANTED -tientleanaa t help dandy p profit a Cn ientiesiaa te help promote ropoettton; ne money : divide rout 1 Aider, near 1th. , I MINING STOCKS SS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE tr TCJ Winn te Voy er a raining terka eU e J. Ii. Parcell, 111 Surk St, rerB H. MIVINO srH lj oat rial trk; tele phone ad tHr lvTids bou rbt sad "H C. S r-t-M. Ill AMertoe bldg. ' BlfiLMSS CHANCES SO WANT rii!r oa, t $lf a will Jo j rial. 11 t If r. hajda C-lit. COMPLETE gyaBnaaiuni eqaipisert t, great sacntice; itttt wonn "i n peratu t blf prtc. O-tl, JmimaL WA.N'T a good apartment hou, with food net Income demonstrated; era hotel man, f-ll. J"' i rnat YiH buelneas carda II; 11.1$: t. 75c. Roe City Print err. 191ft Id St, Ji' t outi Palter teetr. VA.N'Ttf Kraal. ur-o-Ue g-ocery ire. InvC'e, with living roeina A 4 ra Pi ?. Arl-a A VjD lllfc jinae l-ae d f iimitur. 1. f -a" aa, tyr r eS 1 r't -Aidre. Box y p i.r.-"", located, at Invoice. Afv r THE JOURNAL WILL HELP Y0U FIND A SITUATION Those in need of employment can have their "Situation Wanted" ad run in the Journal THREE TIMES FREE Bring your ads to the Journal office 4 N. 21ST St. just orr wasniogion choice rooms, private family, first class home cooking If desired. uiinu ,nH luianl front room, suilabl for 1 gentlemen price ressonable. 653 'ashlngton st! - . a KTrrwChildfen to board : - good , . .... . , home, oesi OI can. rnuiic x,. II E. 18th at. between Oak and Pine. ROOM and board suitable lor two; use hath, talenhone. Dlano. stc 662 Mor rison, Main 1211. . X.H-K fmni room, suitable for 2. heat anrf nlano. laundry privileges; also day board $5 per week. 263 12th. K" I iiEroom and board for on or two gentlemen, private family. 10 minutes' wala: to f. o. j . ivATK family, front room, will, give break fa at and dinner, pnone. uaiu, ter race heat. 114 Holladay eve. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD. SO WANTED Board and room by young married couple: no rhildren' both working: no bother; etate terms. W- 117. Journal. GENTLEMAN and daughter wieh board or honekepieg room, with private WiLl' trade n-m piano for roo-n and hot rd : "late location. R-i;t, Joum-. noify:KKr.rixG kooju wlst'side lift f r-nuaeSeT'eg rwirn; . ' 1 firi. Kit 7th t T 1 gas P'ata Mam Si r1 .- - a1 r.--- m : . i i : $ t , tr i Kf..iwki l- c r-v t.a .: r "T. ' . i 4 t. :) ft y. dra. A-4 i " it. CALL on our rent dept and. you will . at least learn something. Martman ft Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. $84 ROOM house, 227 Millard avenue. one oiocK Mt. ecoti, car, inquire i store.'-" 1 ' ' ' . ' ';' room cottage, E. Lincoln st, near Union ave.: $10 a month. Call 391 Union ave. . NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,- brlck building, cneap rent. it)ft Front, corner Market 104 NORTH 15TH ST. Large light housekeeping rooms, iree.puone, gas and bath. FOR RENT One furnished front house keeping room, large closet. 51 Ev erett. "' . 1 " ".. FIVE room modern house, near school. Auaress room rent not to exceed $23. 1. 487 Clay. 120 6 rooms, electricity, gas for -cooking. East Everett and S8th; Ankeny car. Phone Seliwood 69. . t ROOM house, fruit garden, stable, MontavlITa.- only $10 per month. , 414 Oregonian bldg. Main 7064. SIX room house and batb on E. 15th between Tillamook and . Thompson. Main. 616. D. C. Bums. HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale; first class condition; splendid local ity; cash and terms. 41 N. . -Ilh:- U Main 7678. .. ' ' ' 821 West Park Furniture of 12 rooms, suitable for boarding house; no agent. Bargain BS party muni iccttp. FURNITURE of 16 room brick house, centrally located, cheap rent and bar--aln Price 3850. Particulars at 805 3d. FOR SALE Elegantly furnished 3 toom - apartment. Inquire of janitor at Heltita apartments. ROOMING house for sale, 22 rooms fur B nlshed; good location, all full. Phone East 8376. - ' FURNITURE of 6 room cottage, near Washington and 12th sts.: rent $22.60. For particulars call 10 10th st 80 FURNISHED HOUSES WELL furnished plastered cottage $12.50 montn, opposite oapwai coureu, rleta Or.. O. W. P. car. " ,- FOR RENT FLATS 13 MODERN 4 room flat; gas, bath: on l carlioes: price n. room dbhwww 730. ' WEST SIDE, walking distance. $ mod- ern 3 room flats, i ana , rtome phone A-3295. 883 Cable st. NEW 6 room nat; line view -v. 1Z6. Fhore M. 44 it. FURNISHED FLATS 80 WELL FURNISHED lower 4 ropm flat 114. or unfurnlaned lis moniniy. jk. ply 164 North 2th. W car ' rrom ae pot on Third or Morrison to 16th, block norm. FURNISHED lower 6 room flat thor oughly modern, rnrniture prana nw. IPO Park. Inquire 4 01 Parle APARTMENTS 43 FOR SALE My I room aprtmnt, fur nished completely; oei wcauon. 0-321. Journal. STORES AND OFFICES It OFFICE Well furnished, mil-top desk.v telephone, steam neat, urnts ana jri- tor service; very cheap. PACIFIC RKAL.TT fl, US p-.rd PMg. 1?2 6th f ' F1HT el outHe office room a f rent la ew building; steena r-aei. electrle ."d ga. llrht wuh Janitor eerv- KENT timaU at.r S" :l Th''4 tret. hete-fw Main and Ma-ljpc ta oii.fVl.NT i-il-,l, f-r- -i"-lr a-1 !" f I - ; -i n f ' -V ,; . , ' . , I - t . .,.., er-1 0t -a t i:i t-.'g. t llT!