The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Steamer Humeri a Mouth
' Ago Is s)lri to Charles
: , Jlaehen. ,.
m captains no fight bade . steam saves
A.ton. 4.vir. ' trouiii: br Fors.vllie and Scales, i'nilor (6v?riior Spry'a "Nay, Nay," Storm hjirikes .-'Motor . Bo:
lJX ArrestU IsJ.tecrii- ' JTalveii by Promoterv .' finzellia, Off ,Tillanuok
durlim the. Ugh ntud Thankaftlvlng
iiiumln. At tho lima tha fi.-.i.rt In
Un rlvrr i lit Its lul-ht, ami thla.
rni.lf-J M lm Ilia Mill wind. CKUsoil Ihn
bark- to KO klur Hi the 01. t UUlii
(1M ke. Tha rtttmlnal lott whs ordered as
nm-e.inai y irn-utlm to bo lukxi be
fine tlio Vraa.'i la loaded. ,
Fiuik-Ibi-o, and atenmer Yellowstone, for
Han Pedro; Vrllowatono returned with
dlaabiad gasoline launch Outollo In tow,
picked up off Tillamook.
Ban Franclaco, Dee. 4.- Arrived at X
a. m steamer Hornet, from Portland;
at a, m., steamer Coaster,
lumnla river- at 7 a. m., at earn
noke, from Portland. Balled at S a. m
Ifoiih and Tumljjoi
hs Pinal.
(rWUl IM.patrh to Th Journal.)
fVaft Has Ilf tl Towwl to Moorlngl "nmer Catania, for Portland. Arrived
Iran Jl ,1,ra w at 11. JO a. m., steamer Tamalpals. from
on Kt SU or lutrrr una no Mn rwre,
I virion. iia. 4. Arrived "yesterday.
Norwegian steamer Christian Michel-
of IlibuiMIng Will lWgin as Hooa
an -Weather IVrtnlts.
son. from Portland, 'for Shanghai.
Eureka. Deo. 4. Sailed. steamer
George V. Elder, for Portland.
llobart. Dec. 4. Balled December I,
Fan Fram-Iaco. Defc. '4. Advices from I
Honolulu received here today 'state tliat I K"Jt JKa City. Utah. Dee. 4. Tht
from Co- " lh result of a aportaeular fialflght I Jeffries-Johnson . fight for ha chant
mer Roa- ' wl'lrlt they engaged, at the of ftoers1 I plonshlp a the world and for tha Ura-
meaa iluh at Hcliofleld barrarka Cap-Iri purao aver oirerea in tn niaiory
tain William V. Koraytha and Captain Jor pualllam will hs held In or about
Walter H. rValea. troop eomiiiandt raof I franolsoo. . Thl romea aa tha ra-
tha Klftti cavalry. Iiave beeu placid
under technical arreat by directum of
Colonel .Walter C. ficuuyler, tlia coin
manrilnjr officer of' tha regiment, and
ara In cloaa iconflnement at' their Quarters.
Ilia two troop commandera wera
aiilt- of , tha at and- taken by Governor
iHpty of. Utah today, when ha said
i am sworn tu uphold the law and
I will do It; There will b no Irla
riant lu Utah. That ought to ba suf
ficient.' , . v
Bueh wers li words from Gorertior
The steamer ButterHy. which was rrench bark Boaauet, from ' Antwerp, I lounging In tba meas cl)ib laat Krlday, jBpry that v settled tt ones for all tbat
hnrned at Martin's bluff November t
baa been hour tit by Charles Wachen of
tha Vulcan Iron Works, and will be. re
built as soon as lha weather permits
It Is said tliat the flra wlilcfc destroyed
the upper works of tha steamer did not
damage the machinery, and It will be
a comparatively eaay matter to put her
lit oomralaelon again. . AX preaeni, ioo
for l'ortland.
- Tides at Astoria Bimday Illah water
7:36 a, 7.4 feet; 7:18 p. m.. 1.1
feet. Low water 0:61 a. m., 1.6 feet;
t:0S p.' m., 1.0 feet " .
With a carro Of In the neighborhood
new owner has not decided what dlapo-lof 100.000 bushels of wheat, the steamer I In and separated, the combatants be-
when In the courae of a conversation
dispute arose. The Ha was panned and
In an Instant thy Were" encaged. In a
battle which proved to the satisfaction
of-, the onlookers that. Forsythe and
Scales are both flghtlnn men of cali
bre. 'Both raon ara largo and muaoular,
and tha encounter, while it lasted, was
better than any prizefight ever pulled
off In Hawaii. Brother officers Jumped
sltlon he will roska of her, - . Mackinaw, Captain woods, cleared yes-
The hull of the steamer was towed I terday afternoon for ' Ban JYanclaco.
from tlia foot of Jefiorson atrect, where Bhe.wlH probably leave down today.
It bus been lying since It was brought With a full Hat of passengers and
un from Martin's island, to moorings about 440 tons of general freight, the
on the east side of the river Just north steamer Alliance, Captain Parsons, left
of the Burnslde street bridge, where the aat nigni lor uoos cay.
work of rebuilding her will be com
. menoed as soon as weather conditions
allow, which It la hoped will bs some
time next week.
It Is stated that the hull of the steam
er wss not materially damaged by the
fire, while the machinery was not in
jured at all. the paint being hardly blla
ftrred. The asbestos around the boilers
shows only on or two spots where it
was scorched. , Tha only parts of the
steamer which will have to be rebuilt
ara the cabin and a portion of the decks.
If the weather permits, the Norwegian
steamer RygJa will be moved today
from Alaska dock to tha Inman-Pouleon
mills, where she will load more than
1,000.000 feet of lumber for tha orient
With . passengers and freight, the
steamer Sue it Klmore will be, due to
arrive here some time today frosn Tllla-
mooic. . .-
It Is expected that the French bark
Pierre Antonlne will . finish loadln
wheat at Columbia dock No. 3 In about
two hours - Monday morning. ' She la
fore any- material damage ' had been
dona .
The matter, of course, cams to the at
tention of the colonel, who ordered the
belligerent officers under arrest 1
Captain Forsythe was regimental ad
jutant when the Fifth -arrived, last
January, from Fort Huachuca, He was
relieved by Captain Sturges, the pres
ent adjutant. ' ' .
v Captain Scales was a football player
at' West Point and la an all-round ath
lete, . , - .; j. .' f"
the lid was down on the tight game in
this state, and now there is no ponslble
cimnce or the big fight being Staged
la this city, dweplt tha assertions by
prominent men. in this city that they
have been assured permission to bavo
me right billed here. ...
Business' Mea Dismayed.
' The business men started a movement
immediately after the signing of the
fighters by. Rlckard. by which they
promised financial assistance to Rlckard
If he would tlll the fight la thla city.
Kverywhere' they met with a good re-
(RiMelal Dtemtrb H TT araal.l
Aatoriu. or.. Into. 4. Another tragedy
of tlia aea waa narrowly averted this
morning, when tha eteamar Yellowatone
picked up the motor launch Uaaelle In
a waterlogged and alnklng condition off
Tillamook light. 'The Uaaelle was com
ing up the coast from Ysqulna bay for
this port on hr way to Portland when
a he waa struck by a a-iuall about day
light this morning, and finally. In a
blinding snow storm, she began to fill
and sink. She was seen shortly before
10 o'clock by the Yellowstone," which
Immediately went to her asalatsnce,
do heavy were the aeaa running that
Captain ' Ludlow of the Yellowstone
deemed it too great a risk to try to
take the men off of the waterlogged
launch, and a line waa cast out and aha,
waa made. fast.- The Yellowstone wss
loaded with 1,000,000 feet of lumber for
San Pedro, but she put about and towed
the launch Into thla pott, arriving here
about 6 o'clock this evening. . On tha
launch were only two men. Captain H.
B. Soott, who is part owner, and another
man, .whose name was not ascertained.
Captain Ludlow of .the Yellowstone
claimed salvage, and waa granted inoo,
sponse and many of tha prominent mer- I The Gaselle Is well known up and down
chants Immediately pledged themselves I the river, and is registered from Van
for various large sums. , - I couvar. Wash. She goes to Yaqulna
Tha governor's statement - waa fol-1 each summer for the fishing. She
lowed by similar statement by other I probably could not have lived much
officers. - . I longer this morning. Her engines had
"I will do everything In my power I been put out of commission early In
to prevent the fight," declared County I battle with the squall.
'.Threat onotK:c Portland pouring
bALVr l?.h.XV.rf:i A:U1J The French bark Neullly win be
will not be decided until she ! repaired,
' .h.n H. nwnor .111 m.ka known What ?1H .b" Uk.en t?..UOnt";0me,T 9JJ.NO.
(Continued from Page One.)
Attorney Job P. Lyon.-
"If a warrant Is placed In mv hands'
I will take steps to see that the princi
pals are arrested at any cost," declared
enenrr tsiiarp.
There were only two fields open for
the big fight,' and these were Salt Lake
and San Francisco," and now everyone
interested in the fight In tha city is
ready to admit that "there la no possible
chance of having the big- men fight
nere. ; r . , ,;
r Tha business men of the " city have
The Yellowstone put out to sea again
this evening. . .
Hon uty Doctor Said to Have
Taken Cash for 'Prom Isos
to 3Iari)-.
rt'n!t4 Pnm 1mmA tin t
Flint. Mich., Dec. 4. rrneat Chrlat
Ian, who la in Jail at Auburn. Cat., will
be brought back here by Sheriff Park
burnt, who started weat today.
Coining here laat fall. Chrlatlan rep-
reaented himaeir as a chemist and
buuuty doctor. It la alleged that lie auc
reeded In getting Mra. Stella Miller to
glva him I.17S UKn a promise to marry
her. Jia then left for Saginaw, from
whlch place. It la said, he telephoned
to her for more money. A neighbor
overheard the conversation snd notified
the police. Officers who arrested him
at Saginaw aay they have discovered
letters from ! women at Flint In each
of which was reference to a proml
of marriage on a condition tliat they
ahouid send him money, lie wss re
leased on t00,. which he himself fur-
nlahed. but left tha. country. lie
said to have been living under tha name
of Fagon. In California. ...
he will do with her. At the present j ?JJlfJe " rnt!l-iU; -trt ,0dIn whc f f tarnobrx, wrhon tha csm- lMsravn sjUcklns; ten Governor Spry, stand much to
n.ha h.a nnt full iicirti. : : . : - - - . 'i ... ana service oecame oaa. it srrew sieaa- s nicy were do una to nave tne
On November t the Butterfly caught IJ?.?.!i worse until at o'clocK when people ml". 1' anyone, and were determined
re. supposedly from fuel oil. while the """ 'n"-:;.' wer t0 et: home f or dinner, to siana together and furnish w
ashore at ; MarUn'a Bluff I"","' ",,Za Z T 7..L. a,r.7. whn 4t waa almost Imposslbia to catch (tunas were neeaed by Rlckard.
(Continued from Page ' One.)
crew wm '. " ."'"" which sailed from Aatoria Saturday
gathering wood to make ateam, as the mornlnr for BAa Pedr0f retUrned to that
v, "vT""'L''.BZ.t Piece with the gasoline launch Uaaelle
was then on her regular run from Port- ,n h(iv, ,cked h ,n dj8.
land to Rainier, to which point, and ' ji.i " i,t.L.
, . . . - 1 vvuu'"vu un av ata,xigrwcw '
others on the river, she carried freight , Mter be, , repalre(1 tnL sellwood
3 w A dhrfH ftkkai 4sA wstsvvrawS' W At1 J ah Sas V nil n I
oim w " i""!"'" v " I ferryboat Caples was put in commission
who bought her several months ago and
changed her name from Jessie Harklns
to Butterfly. , - ..7-'.k;',"
again yesterday. ' She wa4 laid up about
a car going In any direction and lr a I
car did start. It km dollars to dough
nuts It would give up the fight at the
first three-Inch snow -drift sighted on
the track' ahead of it ,,v: v
' V . . Bnburhaa. Can Quit. .
' - The- Vancouver ' service had to be
many men who do not coma up to re-
Qulrements. -.j.
Vrhan TJaUm rights TJnlon.
President Hawley of tha Switchmen's
union announoed tonight that he had
reoeived Information by telephone from
Duluth that Vice Grand Master Whitney
(Puhlhhera Praaa Leaaea Wire.) '..
Birmingham, Ala, Deo. 4. Charles M,
Schwab is going to Invade the Alabama
coal and Iron district, according to re
ports, which say he will purchase the
plant of tha voodward Iron company.
Alabama Is now upon the verge of the
greatest boom of coal and ore. Improve
ments ara being mads by the Tennessee
company, among them the construction
of a IS50.000 waterworks system in the
Ainsley district by the Drave Construc
tion company of Philadelphia.
Portland Notables Entertained. '
(Waahlnstoa Bnreaa ef The Joarnatt '
Washington, Dec. 4. Mra Solomon
Hlrsch, Miss Clementina Hlrsch, United
States Senator Chamberlain and Joseph
N. .Teal of Portland" were entertained at
dinner tonight by Mrs. James Plnchot
Tha Hirschs have been the recipients of
much attention. They will leave for
New York Tuesday. ,
Because we buy (or 12 n.i
instead of one, we jay 1 v
price than most tailors an J t
the cream of the leason't 1 -fabrics.
Just compare our prices and our
2000 novelty patterns for fall an.',
winter with the best you have
leen elsewhere. Then you'll real
ize the advantages the NICOLE
SYSTEM offers you.
We take all the responsibilities
of pleasing you.
We believe we have reason to
be proud of the extra values we
are offering in SCOTCH
. Will you come in tomorrow ?
Prices: $23, $30. $33
and Upwards
Satisfaction guaranteed In. all raae.
Oarroenta to order In a day If reii!r.1.
Full drcaa and tuxodo suits a specialty.
Branches in All Large Cities
(United Preas Uaaed Wlre.l
New York. Dec. 4. Declaring that
she Is more unhappy than when she wi'
a bride. of Johann Hock, bigamist Mra.
Emily Flscher-Hock-Steln, todsy mud.'
complaint against her husband. Frank
Stein, who Is tl years her Junior. Mrs
Stein admitted that Hock robbed n. r
of $700, but said that be never treated
her so- cruelly as had Stein, to whom
she Is mairled now.
She said she had left him, but slie'wn.-
afraid he would follow her, and shs
asked for protection.
TWTlTTfVtfri TYi PTYTTTDV of the Brotherhood of Railway Train
u v A u iiu i umi . h.A tumA M.r. ,n m.mhora of
8pedl Dlapateh to Tb Journal k
Dayton, Waah, Dec. 4. Demanding
lng gear, which were damaged in the
recent freshet, ; repaired at tha Supple
Tha etdameK" Tahomar'wtiictr' waa re
British Ship Neotafield Will Leave cently purchased by the Hosford Trans-
I nnKlailAH anmnanw laa Italnw na,hnOt n
w ' for Callao Tuesday.
Carrying the first cargo of grain to
tha West Coast thla season, the Brit
ish ship Neotsfleld will leave down for
the aea Tuesday, sne ciearea at me
custom house yesterday for Callao with
100,093 bushels of wheat, the cargo
being valued at $1 a bushel. The cargo
is being dispatched by- Balf oun Guthrie
& Co, When sue leaves xuesaay ut
vessel will have been In port more than
a year. ,
a week having her rudders and steer- abandoned altogether about the middle I the cancellation of their contracts, the
his order to take the places of striking
switchmen, Hawley said this report
pleased him, declaring it would pit the
Switchmen's union against the trainmen,
and would put the former on their met
tle and cause jthem to hold out Just that
Railroad officials and shippers viewed
the news as most favorable to the break
ing of the freight blockade. .
British Bark W ill Be Raised Tuesday
.tor Examination.
- Under orders of Uqyd'a surveyor,
CapUln Vesey, the British bark Gulf
of the afternoon. Sellwood cars struck I entire . faculty of the Dayton Hith
an open piace wnere use wina goi a scnooi, supporung superintendent L. F.
sweep and as a consequence there was Bealleu, . who ' resigned Friday following
no'-Sellwood' service' for severaloursr a-eiaa-wlr-thw',,lNtw!
On Portland Heights a ' few 3 drifts ten resignations to the board of dlrec-
portatlon company, Is being rebuilt, at formed and Portland ; Heights was tors last night A meeting bad been
the Portland shipyards, and It is ex-I atreetcar-less until about 7 o cIocK. - I cayea 10 oner Jroressor Alfred Hve-
neeted that she will he finished and in I Runnvalda nroved to be on of the I Rood the position of BUDerlntendant.
commission within the next two months. I worst lines, that the company had to I When the clerk arose to offer tha poal- I HUOTrTTTJTTOOTl OF
ivt., I there was a level spot Where a arm "u. . wm noi, consiaer ine posi-
. a , Tn. , Z "'Z P . . started and It took several cars in a "on." he said, and informed the Jboard
' XLa fr? "vlut I?,t tand t buck the snow and keep of resignation. Then ha handed the
received y John McNulty, nautical m0Ving at all. On the Eleventh derk the written resignation of other
graphic office, from Commander W., G.
irt Mir nf th. Ainntmrntni ntrot l icacnerj. i I ,
. ... it . . . .i. . I li-'nl 1 r, W In ) tht. Iitdn. a a.ain
will.- r.i,k liiFhthaiiu ji., una mere wan uiucu iwuuiu kiiu uun i . c '.
MUler, Inspector twelfth lighthouse dis- nilhlA trt U at n for soma lng was called last night and a con.
. ..... . t AtH-t(An ffi n mu. 1 i
hours. The st? jonna line was out,- or i 'vn.: imm i" 1 eni '
Island. 1 Calif ornia-List v of
1908, page 18, No. 33. and list of lights, 'V""1
1908, page 16,
commission for some time, but got in
running shape again by 8 o'clock last
Stream will go on the Oregon drydockjnew tower built about 40 feet 166 de-
Tuesday morning ror examination aa w grass Ott minutes true (S. E. S-IS-B
Tba Montavilla line had one serious
niitLJ, V ..n fh.f r- trouble : spof . cut near the " Ladd
i... i iono . .hi. ....inn farm, which filled with snow and
was moved to and established in the I ..rr
TivuDxa on aai. una.
mitted hasty action, and said they were
miBinrormed or the. facts. ., They be
lieved the directors had Ignored an lm.
portant rule of deportment in crossing
superintendent jueauueu. . when It was
explained , that Beaulieu - wished High
sohool students expelled instead of sus
pended, they wera reconciled. Only ar
bitration on tne part of tha board pro
ber condition since going on the beach
V 1 . sg
Ah I Sivi.i V
II '
1 V. ,
;i .1
a a a
va h
mag.) from the old light.
- The light is 214 feet above, tha water less trouble all the way from Grand
and 84 feet above the ground,' and la avenue to Lenta Junction, but the heavy
shown from a- gray. octagonal, ,fyra- O. W. P. cars were better able to buck
mldal, concrete tower surmounted by a the snow than the narrow-gauge cars
black cylindrical lantern, rising from a on the Portland Railway lines, and suo-
gray dwelling with red roof, and ahould ceeded In keeping cars running most of
be visible about 21 miles in clear weath- the while. - . i
er, the observer's ya 15 feet above .At 9:30 last night Superintendent of
the water.. r ..''i. '"' t Transportation Fred Cooper said that
Carquinei Strait v California (List ( he had the situation weU in hand and
of lights, buoys, and dayinarka. Pacific had cars running on something like
coast 1908. page so.) v , v schedule over all the lines. He thought
Notice is hereby given that Selbj I there would be no mora trouble during
wnarr iignt, iixea rea, wm oe - esiao the avenlna. f
ItoW this, day at the west, end of Sel- in plta of the belief of the railroad
by wharf, entrance to Carquinea "trait, officials that they had hot kept any-
, ...... , i nnav out in ina coia or isimre io nro-
The ' service on the Mt Scott lines I vented the closing of the Dayton High
waa irregular, and there was more or I school. . -
megnlar Uners Dna to ArrlTSw
Breakwater, Cooa Bay Deo. S
OeorgeW. EMer, San Pedro ,.,.Dea , S
Kansas City, San Francisco,... Dec.
Alliance, Coos Bay. ... ... . ... .Deo.- 8
Roanoke, San Pedro... (......... Dec 12
Santa Clara. Sn. Francisco... .Dec. 12
Rose City, Sah Francisco. . . . . .Dec 13
, Kegular liners Pus to Depart.
(Unltedreaa Leased Wlre.l
Munson, L. LK Dec 4. Robbery and
assault are believed to have been the
motlveVfor the -murder today of Mra
Julia A, Wallace, wife of a wealthy
n v A - t f trl i-k y , t fkSl a ' Kara f i-k .astral
, . . TY , . . . a. I aa-s - truB . aa-sa. . vi v w uv w tax
cneauie w " fwsj murdered on the bank of a bayou.
Posses have been formed this even
ing to pursue tha murderer, whose Iden
tity remains undiscovered It is be
lieved that tha woman, while on her way
to visit a neighbor, was assaulted and
robbed on the highway and then struck
on tha head and thrown into a pond
by her assailant, being left for, dead.
She evidently gained tha bank, but die
soon afterwards. - N
vide street car service,- a great many
people waited as long as they had time
and patience last evening for a car to
coma- along, and -then started' Out to
walk home , '
Fully one half' of the people .who
carT t oT toXSoZ wd across" S AGREEMENT ARRIVED
Morrison Dnage ana stood waiting at . 1 m AV T) 1 fTP n k CTd
Grand and ; Hawthorne avenues t until 1 " Al Ua llAl XU .CAoIjO
their cars came along. Many of them
went without dinner and .didn't 1 get 1 Washington, Dec. 4. A final agree-.
noma 4 untu o cioc or later, xney ment waa reached today between coun
Oeorge W.. Elder, San Pedro.,.. Dec, . 7
Kansas City. San Francisco. . . .. Dec lo found no difficulty in having their ex-1 gel for both sides lit the lumber rate
Of What Yoa lay xnwkre
"e are- nut of the hlirh rent dlatrlct
We d our n cuttlt; and fitting and
aeillns and all Fura ate inaAe up in our
own fact'irr. I"! Nadiaon. Therefore we
can an1 do aeil cheaper Uim all our
roiDpet'tnra. It would hm ear to Cn -
-tnr j-o'j of tha abanlute tmth of thla
fc If jnn only o yourself the Justice
to rail ana inieimgaie. ,
Hod.on Pay Lynx, large seta. .815.00
Mirk rel AUaka V'nk. ."SO vi.
r.uulM Mirk, very af .HIah . . . . g, 1 5 vp
M-ffa ard faBla ff all -----r'pi -""a
fffTl 3.00 p
Alliance, Coos Bay ............Deo. 11
Roanoke, - San Pedro .. ..... . , .Dec 14
Santa ciara, tan r rancisco; uec -IB
Rose City. San Francisco.... .Dec. 17
Vessela la ' Tora.
David d'Anaers. Fr. Bk..i .Centennial
RyKja, Nor. as. .................. .Alaska
Geo. W. Fenwlch. Am. ss. ... .Columbia
L'Hermlte, Ft. bk.. Llnnton
Neullly, Ft. bk ....Montgomory 2
Francois, Fr. bk ..........Mersey
W. F. Jewett Am., son,. ........ Linnton
Calama, Am. aa......... .Llnnton
Ley land Bros.. Br. eh... ...... .OX W. P.
Donna Francesca. Br. bk..i.... .Astoria
Pierre Antonlne. Fr. bk. ... .Columbia 2
Caoe Finlaterre, Br. ss.... North Pacific
Bougainville, Fr. bk. .......... .Albera
Marchal d'Caetrffea Fr. ach. . . .Klevatore
La Rochejaquetln, Fr. bk.... Oas Dock
Altalr. Br. tK... Columbia
JordanhllL Br. bk.. Inman-Poulsen
Poltalloch, Br. bk..... Victoria dolphina
Berlin. Am. sch Gobi
Waahlnrton. Am. sa ..........Llnnton
Neotsfleld, Br. bk ....Oceanic
Henry VITlard. Anv ah.. ....... Aatoria
Brabfoch. Br. bk Oceanic
Olenalvon. Br. ah. ........... .Ooaanlo
Gulf Stream, nr. oa. ........ Bievatore
St. n choia. Am. an....
tlncennes. Fr. bk... ....Elevators
Za ataata f XmA tinttr. '
Welleeley. Am. aa-.. San Franclaoo
Olympic, Am. ss ,.,,,,t.San Francisco
Casco ..............Fan Franclaoo
Inea Am. ach. ....Ban Franclaoo
. K. Wood. Am. ach. ..8tn Franclace
mi rraacisce
Pan Franclaco
8aa Franclace
Fhnnhone, Am. as. .......Fan Francisco
Rainier, Am. ss San Francisco
Carlos. Am. as ..San Franclaco
Tamalpala. Am. as San Francisco
Foreater, Am. sch...... San Franclaco
Yellowstone, Anv ss fcan Francisco
Xa atoate With Came at aad CheaaraX
fro.nuet, Fr. bk. ............. AdI wera
Ci-lJoa. Fr. . ah." Antwerp
I 'arid (TArrera, Fr. ah. ....... Londa
Emeat Leaouve, Fr. tk. ll.mhurt
K I f-oua. Kr. bk Aatwer
I --"n B'um. Ft. bk ......Baa FTanetae ,
.p kin Be. ah ........ ...A rt
Mreel Noa-llaau FT. bk. ....Antvrra
Nftr I ..n t'Arvlr, Fr. bk.. . . Aatwera
War1-i. Pr. h- ' .Livr-l
Artii E:rrn, Pr. sh. Ij i
Orata Toaaaare Xa aVeata la atanaa-L
Antral Cecliie. Fr ah. H-nrtioia
C '.th ; a. r. bk ........ .Va
cuaea accepted wnen they finally did I cases. Argument wUl be heard either
reacn noma, nowever. wnu two incnesihera or at Chicago. The road a attach
of anow on tha ground most Portland
people -were glad to get home at all.
and under any conditions.
Importance to the cases, judging from
the attention they give. It la evident
the real earning of tha cases is more
The well nig complete paralysis of n attack on tn, power oI commla-
the streetcar service made It Impos
sible to hold many meetings and so
cial gatherings that had been scheduled
for last evening, people "being content to
stay home when they finally got-there.
Tha taxis as usual, did a flourish
ing business.. No passengers for out
bound trains attempted to rely on the
streetcar company to get them to tht
station and either walked- or used au
tomobiles or carriages. . , ,.
slon than the question of ratea. . al
though oatenslbly ratea constitute the
-chief issue. - i . "
(United Preaa Leaned Wire.) '
Pittsburg, Dec. 4. That the Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen will In no
way assist the striking switchmen of
the Northwest in their fight with the
railroads was the announcement made
here , today by John Bannan, of Cleve
land, vice president of the Brotherhood.
Bannon has been in Pittsburg all day
in conference with International Presi-,
dent William O. Lee of this city. . I
At the conclusion of tha conference, !
Mr. Bannon said: . ' ' . ,
I have talked with Mr. Lee and we .
cannot understand how; Mr. Hawley pf
the Swltchmens' Union could in any way
expect help from the Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen. Wnen we had our
strike on tha Fort Worth Belt Line last -
August members . of the Switchmen's
Union were the first ones to step In and
take our men's ' jobs. - And they still
have them. We are at peace with the
world and will in no way mix in this
switchmen's strike. c . - .
Grand Christinas
Eilers Recital Hall
' Corner Park and Washington Streets. , .
; MR. EARL C. SHARP, accompanist at 'the Pianola.
MR. R. O. BURNETT, soloist at the Pianola.
In order to avoid overcrowding and to insure a' seat to
all who attend, admission will be by ticket only, - which
may be had entirely free by applying at our retail sales
rooms, Park and Washington streets, any tinie before
' Thursday night. ' . - ,
'''I (Sped! Pfcrstsi to Tb Jon-net - ' ' I
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 4. Embargo' on
freight baa been raised on all branch ;
lines of the Northern Pacific and the 1
Great' Northern, which have been tied
up since the switchmen's strike began. ,
Some freight la being received by the
Great Northern tonight for delivery on!
the main line, as it is said the embargo!
has been raised at St Paul. None of 1
tha union switchmen has gone back to !
work here, though,, the officials declare -
many, In the east are submitting to tha
railroads' terms.- Nearly ' a score of i
strikebreakers are now working in the'
Great Northern yards here. The North
ern Pacific is hiring only a few. All
members of the Brotherhood of Railway 1
Trainmen, who came out in a aympa-j
tbetlc strike with the members of thai
switchmen's union, have ' returned to
work, under an order from headquarters.
What More Appropriate
Christmas Gift Than a
Pianola Piano? '
Make your selection now
Pianos selected will be
held until Christmas if
FrecT Graves, night clerk in tha 'de
fective bureau, had hla right arm broken
laat evening while cranking the police
autnmobllai. T1i rlerk araa .l.rtlnr tha
machine to take a squad of detectives
out to Seventeenth and Davis streets,
where a holdup bsd been reported. The
crank slipped backward' .-
... asr-ara
........... .L-.4
Horc Fashion Troubles
For the Over-Fal
The coming season ao hips at all
must glva way to hips 1th sharp cor
ner a. Thla la a thouaand .tiroes worse
from tha fat woman's standpoint II
you want to aura yourself some heart
burailnrs. get 4j c-a. Marmcla, oa.
Flotd Etrart Caara Aroma tie a n't 1U
a Petpermlnt Water, Mil lefn up or
let t' drutciat 01 lu and tk a ta-ar-rvnnful
aft.r m.)1! ad at fdtim.
"IMe will uk aff jimt a a r-'irh fat aa
la Tiecery, up tt a p"und a 1t, hr
it la rnot f a ftulMBre fur", rr.'n.
rkle. .lrnr.n. efc, n,J (Sref)er n
tn lr t 1t pff Yes fl
f" e rt fal ta" ilr i'rwiin
r-rrana o tl a'-t i a tyin rT. a a1
President Tail's and Colonel
Bryan's Eye Glasses ;
Tht above is an exact reproduction of the lasses furnished by.
Thompson to President Taft and Colonel Bryan.
Thompson's glasses are the acme of perfection. Fit, style and
price join in making them the most satisfactory glasses in town.
Te w t flaea ta T-rt af4 ay. Gerrm hlcaj retae an4 saawt Sa-
erfre- raoerrai rrTatlf t tba eirv.
S'r la e;. rs P-'tr r a the tsary c bo Ira reldaosa a4a
restrv'.-i"a) attd tha lrTot'""aita a r.a aw j
A New Pleasure That Is
Waiting For You
In a Pianola Piano
O YOU realize that one of the keenest enjoyments
of life is right within your grasp, if you will but
take it?
Have you any conception of what it means to possess
the power the Pianola Piano gives you to produce music
Probably you have not, or you would already be one
of the vast army of "Fiapolists ' who are now such a fac
tor in the music situation of the entire world.
Tt will pay you. to attend the first Pianola Recital. It
will be illuminative. - . . ;j ., ,.
You. will hear music of the best description. In the
rendering you will recognize the influence of the per
former's individuality, just as strongly marked as though
he were a great virtuoso seated at the keyboard.
Then, if you remain after the recital, it will be demon
strated that you, yourself, might in your own home, ex
perience just the same pleasure that the performer at the .
recital must feel in producing such perfect and artistic
music, as you have heard. . :. - ;
v. The Metroetyle. which has no analogy of
substitute on any other Instrument Is on
f both the Pianola and Pianola Piano. Thin .
device Is the teacher wttlch ahows you how
. to uae tha Pianola artistically and contrlbu
ntea more to the pleaaure of playing these
- ' instruments than any other factor.
The Themodiat la a device that brings out .
'. ., the melody and aubdues the accompaniment.
Now more than ever doea tha Pianola erm - -.
- mand the admiration of tha mualclan. for this
latest Improvement produces exquisite ef- .
. - fects that Were heretofore Impoaaible to ny
V ' agency except tha human, ha ml a alone. Tii
Themodlst is exclusive with the Pianola
-. Piano. ,
If you hare not yet heard the marvelous ef
fecta produced by the "Themdlat ' and !!
v "Metroatyle." call at Ellera Plan Monw and
Inveattgate them for yorself. Both the Pi- '
anola and Pianola Piano with the wonder-
- . . ful improementa are on dally demonstration.
The Genuine Pianola and Pianola Pi ana are sold .
. - exclusively by
Tht House
ef Hithatt
A . . . r. t
pT Ua kUJt r
a ! .. :ri t Se fvl f' f-i t fat fa
j ' S yrl e-1 1 mi . nt att-'.
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f - f ' r lr la
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14 C1IT3 ATTL X. KITtiyo, C1I3C.
t'-s '-?-- -T.. .t Trrrr aej T'.r