The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1909, Page 40, Image 40

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Our Art Section
Fourth Floor, contains the most
extensive' array of , choice Oil
Paintings, Photogravures, Car
bons, Colored Prints. Mottoea and
other pictures suitable for Christ
mas gift to be found west of Chicago.
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Our Stationery Section
Offers opportunities without number
to the Christmas shopper. Artistic
Art Calendars, Christmas Stationery, .
Greeting Cards, Fountain Pens, Card
Sets and innumerable other gifts are.
offered here.
Cut Glass and China
Our Third Floor presen ts a dazzling
array of beautiful Cut Glass, Artis
tic (Art China, Hand-Hammered
"Russian Brass, and Fancy Lamps for
Piano, Pedestal and Reading Table.
xl m,y
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We believe that right buying and selling is simply being as fair with' each other as we both know how to be. We. believe tliat our
part is to look to the honesty of the goods we sell you, even more closely than you look when you buy. To make only promises that we
can keep and, having made them, to keep them at all cost- under all circumstances and under aircondtions. vTo avoid the unre
liable, to sell only goods that we can back with our word and our money. It isn't always easy to live up to that creed. Sometimes
we purchase articles that appear to be all right, only to find later that they don't satisfy our patrons. In such leases a word from the
customer who has purchased the article and discovered its faults is invaluable to us.
New Xmas Leathers From tlie
World's Famous Makers
No more acceptable Christmas Gift for a lady can be imagined than a beau
tiful Leather Handbag from our line of personally selected articles. Our ex
perienced Leather Buyer made a special journey to New York, the center
of the fine Leather industry; and seiec
Bags were made. Each frame, lining, ornament and shade of cover was
chosen after painstaking deliberation ; the result being a collection of ex
quisite leathers, unsurpassed in beauty, elegance and richness. $2 to $50.
Exclusive Portland Agents Cross
English Leathers, Novelties
, The immense leather factories of the Mark Cross Company, London, Eng
land, have fairly outdone themselves this season in preparing for the Christ-
the variety of articles offered and their individual beauty and elegance far
surpassing any of the notable achievements attained by these famous workers
in leather in past years. All Leathers Engraved in Gold Free.
Cross London Novelties
fpr IVlen
Bill Cases, Bill Books, Calling and Business Card Cases, Note and Mem
orandum Books, Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Jewel Boxes, Vallets, Tie Racks,
Collar Boxes and Bags, Picture Frames, Coin Purses, Traveling Cases Fitted
Complete, Flasks with Safety Top, Pass Cases, Coat Hanger Sets, Trouser
Hangers, Manicure Sets, Traveling Boxes and Suitcases.
A hundred and one articles, useful and exceedingly ornamental, ranging in
price from a dollar to as high a price as the most liberal would care to pay.
Cross London Novelties
for Women
Wofk Baskets, Card Cases, Opera Bags5jwel Cases, Photo Frames, Note
Books, Phone Books, Bottle Cases, Scissor Cases, Button- Boxes, Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes, Purses, Belts, Drinking Cups in Leather Cases, Music
Fags and Rolls, -Traveling Cases and Gold and Silver Mesh Purses.
Tliese exquisite leather novelties may be purcha$ed here at. prices consid-
ably less than those demanded elsewhere for articles of inferior merit.
Cross English Gloves
A woman's glove is one of the articles about
which she is always most fastidious. She may be
indifferent as to tier bonnet, or her gown ; may
sacrifice looks to comfort in shoes, but gloves
that's different.
If there is any glove made with which no fault
can be found, it is the glove made by MARK
CROSS of London, for which we are exclusive
Portland agents.
For men and women, all leathers in all shades.
Price, up from ..1.50
Personally Selected
First choice of Holiday Umbrellas is worth
coming tor early, when such a great gathering is
offered for choosing. There's no better eift for
man, woman or child, or one that will more thor
oughly please than a beautiful umbrella selected
from our stock of exclusive Eastern makes. We
have umbrellas at all prices from $1.50 to $20
Use Itfanning Bowman Gifts
A Chafing Dish with alcohol gas stoVe, a Cof
fee Percolator, a Teapot or Teakettle, an artistic
Tray these or any one of the dozens of other
useful household necessities, .bearing- the ' M. B.
trademark, would be enjoyed by the whole fam
ily. Heavily nickeled a 'few. are copper and
earthen with ordinary care they will last prac
tically a lifetime.
See them in our Sundry Section.
Suggestions From Our
Perfume Section
In choosing your Perfumes for Christmas.riv-
ing, you cannot conscientiously afford to over
look our magnificent line of carefully selected
Practically every reputable perfumer of Europe
and America has contributed to make this the
daintiest and most elaborate display of exquisite
lasting odors ever assembled in the ' far west.
London, Paris, Berlin and other European- per
fume centers have been -drawn upon without re
serve, as have all the leading American makers.
the result being an assemblage bewildering in its
immensity and dazzling in its artistic beauty.
A dainty bottle of some favorite odor in an
artistic box makes a Christmas present much ap
preciated and long remembered.
What IMIcer Gift Than a Ster
ling Silver Toilet Set?
A rich leather case, lined in choice satin, con
taining a complete set of sterling silver mounted
toilet articles, would be gratefully received by
any man or woman." '
We are showing a varied assortment of this
season's-latest shapes and designs,, fitted with
sets for both ladies and gentlemen's use, and at
prices considerably less than you are expecting '
to pay. ;
We are direct agentsi for Adams, Kent, How- -
ard, Kyoto, Loonens and other reputable brush
makers, and havd the only complete assortment
of hair, tooth, nail, cloth and other brushes in
Portland. Prices lower than elsewhere.
AFountain Pen Is a
Practical Gift
In the purchase. of a Fountain Pert for a crift.
l it is only necessary to consider the purpose for
whicn it will be used and the price to be paid.
The pen can be exchanged until entirely satis
factory to the giver, lhere s a gold pen point for
every character -of writing, a size of-holder for
every hand, a style or pattern to suit every pock-v
etbooK, and a type-r-standard, safety or self-filling
to gratify eveiy whim. -
Prices run' from - $2.50 , for plain styles to as
mucn as you care to pay for richly gold and sil
ver mounted styles. . Every pen guaranteed.
If You Want to Please a IVfan,
Give Him a Safety Razor
You can't make a mistake by eiviner a Safetv-
icazor set. .
p v, mil an uit inaivta vjiiiciic, 1 V CI -XVC1U V,
Auto Strop, the Ward, and others. :
Give your husband or son a safety razor and
tthen insist upon him shaving regularly . .every
morning before breaklast, A man meets his,
friends and the business world on a better foot
ing if he has a clean shaven face. . '
We carry a full line of ordinary Razors. Strops."
Hones, Lather .brushes, ijtroppers Shavinsr Mir--.
rors, denatured Alcohol. Gas Moves for heating
waier, snaving .Mugs, safety Kazor Ulades.' Shav
ing Soap and Creams, Face Lotions. Hair Tonics.
and Dyes, Talcum Powders, etc ..
Some. Unusual Gifts 'for
Physicians From Our .
Surgical Section 1
Of all people for whom Christmas gifts are
chosen, no one is more deserving than your fam
ily physician, who, regardless of weather, time or
inconvenience, is always ready to leave his com
fortable couch to answer the appeal of the sick
or injured. For them we have a multitude of
articles, useful and practical. ;
Ppcket Medicine Cases,' with a few or many
'bottles. . Large Medicine Cases for long trips. In-"
strument Cases, ,in 'serviceable black grain arid
smooth leathers. " ' : v ,
Gold, Silver, Nickel and Hard Rubber Fever
Thermometers; guaranteed. . . ; if '' .
Small Portable Disinfecting Cabinets, larr-e
enough for , books, instruments aiid bandages.
Helpful Aids for the Lame,
the Halt and the Blind
Don't forget your sick or.infirm friend. Aids
almost without number, many of them inventions
of lifetime makers in theiH respective lines.-and
onetof which, offered as a gift to the right person,
would fill a sad heart with' Yuletide gladness.
N Tnvalid Chairs," Hearing Horns, Ear Drums.
vnuiciai uiass nyes, root Arcn supports, lilas
tic Stockings, 'Crutches, Trusses, : Bedside Tables.
Our Business Policy
If vou buv an article in this stnr an4 tinA it
. J . J - v u V. . 1 1 I.
isn't lust as we represent it to be. hriner it Ka-u
and get your money. We do not want vour mnhev
Unless you're satisfied that you have vour
money s wonn. - :
For Young Folks-the Little
Buckeye rVIIrr or scope
'Besides beincr-a verv accentabl rift f nr an w
member of the1 family, vounp- or old. th firrAr-
. scope wilL provide an endless-variety of Holiday
entertainment. reproduces on any smooth white
wall,"; screen - or sheet, .any picture,, postcard or
lithograph in original colors. ' r - -Read
the full pan ad in last week's .tnriv
Evening Post, page 33, for full particulars of the
Mirrorscope. , '. ..." . - f
Free demonstration" in our, Photo Department.
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