I 8 THE nREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNiNGDECEMDER 5, 1003. :!1 FIGURES III BREAK i RECORDS flank Clearing, Koal Estate -Transfers and 15iiiIUiir Permits for 11 Past '-r Mont lis Already Kxeml Those of All of Year VMM. I Btit clearing", rtl ett tiHiisfrrii 'aiijl hulld'to Trnnits for the 11 months . ewlin Willi Npvainbar. fctww a heavy lncrA over tho corresponding period of 1901, and In oach oattr the tMal for lha ft' months i-xeeedn th aKRregate for all of 1908. The totala for Novem- t i - . .. 1 Ui.tfia Anil rAAltV t rHXl- nrr III wwm - " r, - -- f.-'ra anew gain of 44 per cent and 80 i.i'-r cent, renectlvely, over those for "fhe aaiW month Jn 190g. . Tha HreKate of bank clearings for Vlsat month was $38,403,684.25, aa com r pared with IJ,688,072.S4 for the car rsnpondlns; month laHt year. .Keal stata transfers for November, 1909, aggregate In value $2,016,666, lil)e for the corresponding month lttst var the toUU was $1.419,S6, a gain of ii pr cent for the month Just ending. ,J.:p to December 1. this year, real property haa changed hands to the value ef' $24.44S,870. as compared with $20. L'P.780 during the whole of 1908. These fijiurea reveal a difference of $4,228,090 In favor "of 1909, with December yet to h n.idivt. if the name rate of Increase continues throughout December and thara la no reason to bailer otherwise realty tot thia year will year's total by mora than M.OoO.oOO. Aa to aUdla rarwlta. " In lha matter of bulldti J permits la und thla year, the aame akttaaotorr lmraae is noted. FW the 11 months f this year, ending with Novenitorr prrmlta to the value of -B,'" Mer lueued from the office of the clt) building mpctor; while firing the whole of ! the aunt was $10,406.11 M?r. I. a net gain of " ii.-m,r' total vet to be added. IHir- lf thr month of November, this year. new construction io i" . ... Tif sum Is about $100,000 lens than the tola! for the same mouth In U0; but mi o. ..... ...,. rr h ihe fact that November. 1908, was an Ideal month for carrying on building operawon-. last month could avarcaly have been more unfavorable for the purpoaea of the contractor. The following tables ow the heavy gains In real -tate tran.ftr. and but d B pcrmlta tor the 11 montha of 10. over the whole of 1908; Baal Xstate Traaafera. 1 son .r!'!!'..Ti n HH6 $ h79.03fi 1.S.U i iium 1.3Mt.XU 1,133 .???" ,b30.VU l.B"o 3,112,U21 1.6!u 1,26.03 1.702 1,107. SK9 1.607 1.708.801 1.602 1,828.006 1.378 1.672.8S8 1,408 8,446.184 1,686 1.418.266 1.465 2.043.074 lOOEDSE PLANT ; READY FOR WORK r National Cold Storage Ice Company on the East Side. .Ian Feb Mar. Ar May June. July. Aug.. Sept.. Oct. Nov.. Deo. -MM-1.804 1.1 (Ml 1.212 1,027 1.276 1.378 1.268 1,329 S, 062. 360 2.668.032 J.226.159 1,7.14.896 1.727,528 1.6G9.641 1.824.207 2,362,206 2,016,666 T'l 14,817 $20,207.780 16,677 $24,443,870 Building Xermlte. lanx 298 $ 626.645 861.845 980,410 764,945 841,065 1,038,866 772,395 972,366 839,765 944.595 960,075 413 844 676 374 885 469 412 4 45 368 297 i ana 179 $ 431,415 822 1,329,540 886. 685 1.651.196 1,142.400 866,300 911.670 996,845 1.286,200 1.707,675 835.430 449 606 .182 400 416 473 608 464 359 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct Nov, Dec. T'l .4.849 $10.405.181 4,447 $12,042,665 The International Pressmen and As sistants' union has decided to establish a national tuberculosis sanitarium at Hale Springs. Tenn., in thr near future. A fund of $70,000 will be raised for the purpose I DYSPEPSIA, HEARTBURN, GAS OH OTHER STOMACH DISTRESS. . - ' Ji'elief in five minutes awaits every, Stomach sufferer here. -r:"'.---T?rr;--- "S'othlng will remain undigested ; ("Sir your stomach If you will take " & ( iittJe- DJapaaltawaiiaJU-3j. iTU Powerful digestive . anij antacid, though . a- harmleea ' and pleasant as candy, : digest and prepare for assimlla 'iiiin. Into the blood all the food you Vifv eat. .-, Sat what your stomach craves, with out, the slightest fear of Indigestion or . t! :you will be bothered with sour ; filings. Belching, Gas on Stomach. ' lTtBrtburn, Hleadaches ,from i stomach NS.isea, Bad Breath v"atef Brash or a 'f frting like you had sWkllowed a lump i.-i' .J5ad,. or other disagreeable mis- f erles. 8hould you he suffering now from any stomach disorder you can get relief within five minutes. If you will get from your pharma cist a 50-eent case of Pape's Diapepsln you could Always go to the table with A hearty appetite, and your meals would taste good, because you would know there would be Indigestion or Sleepless all the next day; and. besides, you would not need laxatives or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels clean and fresh. Pape'a Diapepsln can be obtained from your druggist, and contains more than sufficient to thoroughly cure the worst case of Indigestion or DyspepHia. There Is nothing better for Gas on the Stomach or sour odors from the Btom ach or to cure a Stomach Headache. You couldn't keep a handier or more useful article in the house. ti,. v.iinml Com Etoraga A Io company, at JCaet Waahlngton and Et flrat atreeta. one of the largest Insti tutions of the kind In the country, and representing hii invcatment of $150,000. has Juat been completed, and la In operation. The plant la ao situ ated that it la convenient to both rail and river transportation. The refrigerating machine la a liO ton tandem compound engine, high an 1 low pr-aaure cylinders, of the Corliss type in building this plant the best ma terial was used In the construction, more particularly in the insulation. In HEWS FORECAST OF COlf IG WEEK Washington. Dec, 4. The assembling of congress and the preaident'a mea aage will furnlah the moat Important new of the week. Heiaom naa me meeting of'tha national body ,of law makers been looked forward to wlta more publlo lnureat than at preaenU due largely to the general expectation it,, .ui.m win deal with railway letclslatjon, the amendment of the fchor- in.inantl-lrust act ana otner maiiem v widespread Interest and Importance. Slmuliar.eoua with the meeting of congreaa aeverar. Important national gatherings will asaeniDio in uie.enpnai to Impresa upon the lawmakers Hie ne cessity -for legislation along various lines. The bouthorn ' Commercial con gress will meet during the first two ... r.r mjt mill will be Immedi ately followed Vy ,h6 annual meeclng of the national rivers and harbors cm- r48- . -.'Id. teeting the plant the cold storage othei conveotlona or general inir- ... . . . . ... . i . , , I i. . j . . i j 1. InMilljl fllA rooms were teaieu oui i iruio,'- m -i iniy ira mi u" of 4 degreea below aero. Theae rooms meeting of the American Anti-Saloon h t.i.liur. Tha. matter tan- not ba Voted upon until .the regular chool election In June, but thaia la practically no oppoaltlon the district will undoubtedly ba eetabllahed. There la controversy aa to whether It ahall be located at Richland or New Bridge, but at present the majority aeem to favor tha former place. tOOO. " Tha aexea of lha , chiidrn are $60 male, end $70 female. The mJ .!,.. m. him increase .on in preceding year. ; , COVXTY WAKIUNTS ' BEST BANK DEPOSIT (BoUI PUpatoa teTbe Jum1.1 ' Im. urande. or.. Deo. Waya for selling county warranto readily an4 t par wero diacuaaed at length by mem hero of the county court It waa ahowu that people of tho eounty who have money to depoalt can do at) mora profit ably by putting it Into county warrants than in any mer way, The banka pay 6 per cent on depoaus left or U months or over.. Tho eounty warrantt draw I per eenC In terest, but run for about one, year. Now. it l argued that n caaa a man wants hi ea-h again In leaa than a year h can readily sell Ma .warrants at I per ent dlacount, leavln( hlnv hi per cent regardleaa of the HenglU of time be haa ha4 bl money In thciiK Motor Una for Inlon Connt. (peelal nupatck to The Viiton. Or, -Th. Central rail, road will soon reoelv a gaaolln motor car, capabl of runnlnf 40 mllea per hour, for us In mekln connection wlin ih trnlon line trains. Th motor will operate up tha Una aa far aa Cov. i,. in t this for 36 hours and the machln waa shut down eeven days, and at the expiration of this time the room atlll held a temperature of 83 degreea above aero. Thla waa due to the. fact of perfect lnaulation. There ire 10 tone of Insulation In the wall of the building. One room in the basement has a ca pacity of 6000 tona of Ice. In another room can be atored 40 cars of mlscel laneoua merchandise, such as beer, cider, potatoes, hops and all kinds of vegetable. The room on the first floor are fitted for all kinds of citrus fruits, also aeparate rooma for butter, cheese and eggs, and any and all kinds of cold atorage product. A speclul room haa been provided ror mo of aU kinds of ldflles' -and men s fur garments and costly made up gowns. These goods kept at a freealng tempera ture preventa moths and other Insects from destroying valuable fur goods. The officer of the company are Will iam Reid. president; Wilbur R. Reld, secretary, and Charles Smith, general manager. WHITMAN COLLEGE TO CELEBRATE FEB. Hi (SdocIM Dlsprteb to Th Journal ! Walla Walla, iec 4. Arrangements are being made for the biggest celebra tion ever held at Whitman college Feb ruary 16, the occasion being Its fiftieth anniversary, and also the hundredth an niversary of the birth of Its founder. Cushlng Eells. The founder also died on the same date, February 16. Founder's day. as this day Is known each year. Is alwaye celebrated at the college, but thia'year there will be spe cial endeavor made to make it of extra ordinary merit. Committees have been lto1hteThtha-YeiiKy"tdao-t!aW--of every detail of the program. Invita tions will be issued to many prominent people throughout the northwest and the entire country, and several speakers of national reputation are to be here. Splendld'church to Be Built, fSDcelal Dispatch to The Journiil.l Boise, Idaho, Dec. 4. The Christian church society of this city la planning the erection of a new building. The r,ion nnd SDecif Icatibns adopted will call for the expenditure of $40,000. league In Chicago and the American Civ to alliance congrea in New York. The annual meeting of the- National. Civil Service Reform league .will be held In New' York Thursday and Fri day. Among the subject to- be dia- cuasod are civil pension, consular re form and the application of the merit j system to the higher municipal ofIce. Ootoyns Property at Anctlon.. The property of the Water-Plerce Oil company Wi Texas la to be put up ' for sale at public auction In Austin on Tuesday to satisfy a Judgment ob- j talned by the state of Texa in a auit ! aaalnet the company for violation of : the anti-trust law. Tha property to be i sold Is valued at $4,000,000. j The jecond trial of Patrick Calhoun, I president of the United Railways ot : San Francisco, charged with bribery in connection with the granting of a street: railway franchise, is scheduled to begin j in San Francisco Monday. The trial. of some of the members of) the so-called Maybray gang, who are charged with swindles aggregating over i .... . .. . 1 . .1 ..,11..... a million aoiiara mrougn m mruium i of fake horse races, wrestling matcnes and other sporting contests, will be taken up during the week in the United States district court in Iowa. Black Hand Men on Trial. A number of Italians and Sicilians who were rounded up by the federal au thorities In Ohio last summer on a charge of being connected with the I Black Hand society,, will be placed on trial in ioieao luesaay. ouuraeni evidence. It is said, has been gathered by the secret service agents te prove that the accused men were among tho leaders of the organisation which for several years hsrs made a practice of levying blackmail on Italian merchants and others in cities and towns through-oti-Ohlo and the neighboring states. iuciFland to have union high school (Special DlsDatch to The Jonrnl.l Richland, Or., Dec. 4. Preliminary steps are being taken toward establish ing a union high school in Richland by .......v.iu, tho oi' nnhHf isi'hool districts of Kagle valley into one high . school II... 1 . . I.aiijm, Knnda ft M nmvlHml i limn ili iimu ii,iju,iB . - - . , . . I 1 V. . . Inol I.-. i u , aaaa (Q) c A t n (0) Really Values LAUR fcLHURST is located in the heart of the most desirable residence district in Portland, situated between East Thirty-second street on the west, East Thirty-ninth street on the east, bast Glisan street on the south, and Sandy road on the north. Property on all sides of and adjoining LAURELHURST is improved and built up with a good class of residences to such an extent that values have increased nearly 500 per cent in five years. The onlv reason that LAURELHURST today is not covered with, homes o'f the best kind is that until recently jt has not been for sale having been held as "Hazel Fern Farm." This is the first time that any part of this property has ever been placed on the market. x It is so near the business center of the city, so readily acces sible, so beautifully situated, so high, dry, sightly and healthful; that it is without a rival in the entire city, standing alone as entirely the best. Nowhere within the city can equally valuable property be bought at equally low prices and favorable terms. Take the first favorable opportunity and see LAUREL HURST yourself. Then see us. Or, better still, see us firsthand' we w ill go with you .and show you the best bargains we have. Ehas. IfJfhnr Co. Henry Building. Phones: Main 2565, A-5234. 522 Corbett Building. Phones: Main 1503, A-1515 m. . - a . , - - 1 - ' ii THE GREAT EMPIRE BUILDER JAMES J. HILL This Is the Man Who Made It Possible to Build a Fine City at Office Open Every Evening and AH Day Sunday MBWMBW. f li ii r?r? n t n a- v h l A And Below Is What He Said of the Valley of Which . HILLMAN Is the Heart "You are going to have a lot of people in your country; be sure and get the right kind" .0 IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE RIGHT KIND This Is the Ringe of Prices at Present The Fifteenth of This Month the Price of Every Lot Will Be Raised Almost 100 Per Cent FILL OUT, DETACH AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Reservations Held Only Upon Receipt of $10.00 f i HILLMAN Is at the junction of the OREGON TRUNK RAIL WAY (the Hill line) and the DESCHUTES RAIL ROAD (the Harriman line). Besides this, an elec tric feeder to both is projected from HILLMAN to PrineviUe, the county seat, 19 miles southeast. An other electric line is proposed, originating at HILL MAN and extending into the Squaw Creek country to Sisters and the timber in the Metolius river, 40 miles away. Also, eight county roads join at HILLMAN, connecting with every Central Oregon town of impor tance. Thus HILLMAN is the logical center and Veal HEART OF THE DESCHUTES VALLEY. It is, as well, destined to be the great railroad center of the state. HILLMAN is the hub of the most won derfutdry and irrigated farming country in the world. Millions of acres of tillable land lie in every direction from the townsite. Irrigation ditches already flow snd irrigate hundreds of thousands of acres south of HILLMAN. Billions of feet of timber will be cut, rrrkcted and shipped at HILLMAN, the only outlet the great timber belts in the interior ot trie state- Never called so loudly as now. Investment money was never face to face with more promising returns than this. Fortune is within the grasp of any man or woman who becomes identified with HILLMAN now. The prices of HILLMAN lots are so low that any man, whatever the size of his purse, of any woman, of whatever means, shares an equal privilege to increase his or her competence V enormous propor tions. Greater opportunity than this no man ever' knew, ever will know. But advantage must be taken before December 15. CROOK COUNTY INVESTMENT CO. ic COOPER &. TAYLOR i . Portland, Oregon . sEUuirsa AatsrsTs 206-207-208-209" Henry Building: is ; : . r ' i I O j 2 , o ... - kl t- ... T3 i D C Hi Q ? n : : : c-S : : : s : s g : : : r : :" . c b v . . . i 2.- ' O e-i Xs i . . ; J ofc g-c- : : ?, El : H o tj I 0 C4 e 3 - O - - 'Si c - v - 7