7 HEW TODAT. K NKW TODAY. KEW TODAT , NEW TODAT. NEW TODAY. NKW TODAY. NKW TODAT. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MQRNINQ. DECEMBER 5. 1000, , DEPENDABLE, BLJVS East Side Residences lliT Ilodner Av 4 rooms on first floor. 14 floor unfUituhmt; will innke . l,.tta liuiwlf 7 L.tll.t hardwood floors; acta north. S50OO lOlf Eaat llth 8t., near Albert I room buntnlow. 0w. lol 40100; beautiful flnlaU JI30OO 1101 Halcht St, Plsdmont ThU beautiful I room houaa. new. We have a dtallod description of each room which would (ill a half column of tlila paper. Call at Office and aee d aorlptlon and photo. If you want a houaa of that ! and quality you will buy It A bargain at V6500 Belmont Mt. Tahor t room bona with lot IOOxjiu; aieepina- room; If you have a large family this will ult you; firat class realdunee M80O0 Kaat 10th Bt I flat reaidenre. each 6 vA.. mwtA K t h n.w and mm uleta SJOOO S2T.50O 8 acrea close n,.rar through tract. A money maker for aub- Kait llth. between Washington ana ... vi;ion, . 8trk largo room, modern In every S12.250 ti acree, highly Improved, . reaper!, bedrooma large, with Urae good ore hard, aome beaverdam. clit S&80U all excellent for gardening. In Ueaverton. . . 41 niadatone Ave.- room houae with 1 07500 It acre, near Beaverton, all lo 73x140. fruit treea and her- ;. Improved, on good road, near riM 918001 electric line and a fine propo- altlon for acreage subdivision. 41 at Bt. near Gladstone 4 room houae I 86000 4 acres, Juat south of Waver- Who Are the ; Happiest People On Earth? 1 They are tha people who the own liomra. tha Daoide vho do not )n. large altare or their earninga eacn 05 00O A fin naw 4 atorjr . brick building, corner, lot, paying about 7 rer cent net. Terma. S 12.50O A choice corner lot, rloae In and on carllne; one of the beat for .apartment, exceptionally rid of It W easy' terma. Qrea-orr Ilelahta aa low as ttlO.OO Two flat on ' Kth near ' terma of It cash and 11.60 per month, inni month for tha support of a landlord 1m von flirrvlnv & nt burdanT I one Of the best you are. here fa vour opportunity to ge will aeit you a 101 in iidu on Montgomery: rent MS. Can bo made 1 110 with amall outlay. 50001110100. with modern dwell . - - Injr on Kaat 4th and Going, or will aall houae and one lot Terma either way. 2850 New 7 room dwelling, modern, never occupied, west of Jeffer son High school and near car. 2-400 Two clinic flrvlngton lota in aeiecc locality. ACREAGE ufflcf mone Then If you have not Willi Will,.. I U UU1IU. WW V ... iu. . and you ran pay us back In monthly In atallments about equal to your present rent This sounds liberal, doean't It T 1 certainly la the beat opportunity that tha Portland salaried man aver had of securing a home. Lota are all cleared Bull Run water, graded atreets. cement sidewalks, . mm INVESTMENT C0.Cl" Take Rose City car at Sd and Yamhill sta. Get off and of Una. Office on the property. . a nim mfiTlNfl fruit trees ana berries S2500 If the abov do not ault you, call and aee others on our list. OODSAXO aj WTEDNICX, 24 S Stark St lelgh on Powell close to car. Valley road. Don't Buy Real Estate Unless you protect your self with our Guaranteed Certificates of Title. Title and Trust Company Taid-up Capital, $'.50,0no. Chamber of Commerce. Headquarters for ... Un ion Ave. . VACANT LOTS lOOO lota, Peninsular No. 4, ad joining Kenton, near car half cash. SGOO 2 lots, a splendid corner on Del aware ana Farrasut, near Z carllnes and an excentlonal buy. 112505 lots on Willis boulevard remarkably low priced. 8500 Z lota Ji'Ht east of Peninsula ave. in Peninsular No. 3, and a snap. JACKSON & DEER1NQ phones haiw 34s, a-8497. -46 STARK BT. VHYSHOULDYOU PAY RENT? CHOICE LOTS FOR ONLY $3 CASH DOWN MAY BE HAD in lentone LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY CIos-ln, exclusive residence district. All improvements made and paid for. ASPHALT STREETS SEWER, WATER & OAS IN ALLEYS Within a few months the new Madi son street bridge will be finished, Haw thorne ave. will be completed and the new carllne on Bast Harrison street throujrh the center of the addition, will Do you realize what this means? Lots near Hawthorne ave.. Secure the lot now and build later on. Good location near car and in a rapidly growing dis trict. Take Mount Scott car, get off at Lents. Office right where you get off car. Open every day. Western Oregon Trust Co. 14 Chamber of Commerce. Cowperthwait & Christensen Agents Lents. Mortgage Ocean View The Better Bay Ocean Resort on Tillamook Bay Ocean View Lots have a beautiful view of the Bay and Ocean; ideal for a summer home. LOTS $40 TO . .sg 4 4 ljuia near nawinurne ave,, A Splendid Lots $1900 and Up Buy Loans 10 PEB CENT CASK, 1 FIX CENT MONTH, 8 PER CENT XNTEBEST. For Quick Sale Quarter block, corner of Union ave nue and DaviH. Price 25 000. rea sonable terms. A chance to double your money in three years. Goddard & Wiedrick 943 STASX ST. F. W. TOROLER 106 Sherlock Building'. STROINb 4& CO. 60S Concord Building1. Also agents on ground. Lowest rates and terms to suit. Special rates for business properties. Funds loaned for private investors. M. E. Thompson Co. Real Estate and Fire Insurance. Corner Fourth and Oak Sts. Phones, Main 6084, A-3327. Place Your Fire Insurance With Us. HE Portland Heights Bungalow Eight rooms, modern; billiard room, barn, 8 lots, many treesj a regular park ; two blocks from car line; good terms, or exchange for real estate. Geo. E; Waggoner 923 Board of Trade Place Your Fire Insurance WITH Jno. P. Sharkey Co. Agents For You don't want a house like your neighbor's. Have some originality. ORIGINAL It don't cost any more, and is much more aatls- nniSPT lactory. in fact, you have no moral right to approprli lo"' your neighbors' ideas i not fair to mm, and is sure ly no credit to you. We can furnish you THE HOUSE THAT DIFFERS. Our book shows you It's free. Call and get a copy. POBTILNTJ BtnUJINO ASSOCIATION, 212-213 Commercial Block. 31 ONLY Easy Payments Lots in adjoining additioncostfrom $400 to $1400 BUY OCEAN VIEW LOTS J.W. Ferguson, Jr. 505 Board of Trade Bldg. SIXTEENTH COR. WURMAN 100x100 $22,500 E. J. DALY 222, 223, 224 Failing Bldg. A Beautiful Home B4200- Hft ween. Hancock and Tilla mook StreetH. ft-1250- KAHY TKRMS. 7 ronrnn, bath, 2 toilet, 2 WHh bUKlna, laundry trays, fhrnace. rcHKd brick fireplace, panelled dining-room beamed cellinif. sleeping porch, larne balcony, cement basement and walks, nil Btreet Improvements In and paid; 2 blocks to the car; Vsr block to hard Murface street. DON'T PASH THIS ITI' IF YOU WANT A FINK HUM K. 27 Here Is Another A Cozy Bungalow 82850 1300 cash; bal. $25 a month. 5 rooms, bath, toilet, fireplace, fix tures, cement basement and Hldewalkn, street Improvements nil paid. fruit trees and lawn. On corner. Lot worth $4100. it Bungalow IMB800--60 T-.-eatv- balance ..jmorithl.Vv 5 rooms, bath, toilet, china closet, fire place, cement basement and floor, poroh. 4;!9 DON'T WASTB YOl'R TIMK looking all over the city. COMK TO OCK OFFICK name the district you wlh to locate In WK HAVE3 THE PROP ERTY. "It will pay you to see pur list." Spitzcnberg Orchard Tracts 660 ft. x 660 ft. j 10 Acres. $500 660 ft. x 1320 ft. 20 Acres. $500 , vs 50 ft. x 100 ft. 1 City Lot. $500 A 10-Acre Spitzenberg Scappoose Orchard Tract at $400 or $500 will yield with proper care, an Income "f K30OO t 5000 annually Hfter a few veuiH' growth in APPLES and PXABS. Draw your own COXTCIiUSIONS, as to which INVESTMENT would be more PKOPXTABZiE. We ar selling these tracts, aultable for PBTJIT OBOWINO, DAISY and CHICKEN RANCHES, at an extremely low rate, eonwlderlim the distance being only SB MIXES frotn PORTLAND, rlKht on a RAILROAD. The land Is the very best volcanic ash. clay loam and shot soil. SUPE RIOR to MOST other PRUIT SEC TIONS on the const. Tracts ar well drained and locHled 00 ft. to 800 ft. above the COLUM BIA RIVER, thus being in SUNSHINE, while fogs hanir over lower altitudes. HIOHLT COLORED FRUITS or finest grades, for LONO KEEPING may be grown In our SPITZENBIRO TRACTS. A TOWN LOT FREE In the NEW TOWN STTE OF SPTTZENBERO. Sit uated 5 miles from cities of SCAP POOSE and WABRBN, in COLUMBIA CO.. OREGON. The manv BEAUTIFUL FARMS with LOVELY HOMES and FINE OR CHARDS. so short a distance from thii fruit land, cannot fail to assist In drawing the best class of citizens among our buyers. Liberal terms to suit purchasers Will SHOW you at any tnme. Call or write for particulars. McFarland Investment Co. 310-311 CORBETT BLDO- PORTLAND OR. Merrltt and Palmer. Sales Agents. JONESMOE Lots are 50x100 $500 to $700 Easy Payments. Complete Abstract Warranty Deed. r ; On Monta villa Carline. CEO. D. SCIIALK Main 392, A-2392;, 264 Stark St. Sandy Road PJacr Between East 24th, 26th and Ea? Everett, East Glisan. LOTS 50 BY 115 V BUILDING RESTRICTION IIAffiMSTIIOMPSON INSIDE Chamber of Commeroa. $50,000 Deposited with the State of Ore gon to protect the holders of our GUARANTEED CERTIFI CATES OF TITLE. Title and Trust Company Paid-up Capital, $250,000. Chamber of Commerce. GLENS FALLS INS. Glens Falls, N. Y. CO. SECURITY INSURANCE CO., New Haven, Conn. Vacant Lots East Side Vancouver Acreage A beautiful piece of acreage within city of Vancouver, all in orchard nd finely improved; electric line within 4 blocks; 6c fare. This would make an Ideal home, or as an Investment Can not be beaten. Will sell all or part at an attractive price, E. R. Markham 205 Gerlinger Bldg. 88x 1 06 $2000, Royal View. Belmont, near S3d. CXAPIN ft HXRLOW, S32 Chamtwr of Commerce. Sixth Street Corner 50100 Income. Price, f 6O.OO0 ZIMA1ERMAN ft21 Board of Trade BI1K. PLACE YOUR Fire Insurance WITH M. E. Thompson Co. Real Estate and Mortgage Loans. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts., Henry Bldg Phones, Main 6084, A-3327. We Have Money to Loan. Speculators and actual Builders Look Here A fine corner of 4 lots. 50x100 each, on Rodney ave. and Skidmore st. Sewer and street Improvements in and paid for $6000 100 by 200 In Irvingrton on 28th and Til lamook sts 83200 A full corner lot, 43d and Hawthomo avenue 91SOO 100x130, corner. In Waverleieh Heights. beautiful view lots $1500 a Deauiitui view lot in Kose City J'ark on Alameda boulevard, street im provements all In and paid for $1200 a lots, vsxiuu reet, in Northern Hill ad dition. 40 ft. off of Dawson St. KNOO A very desirable lot in block 47, Waver- leljrh Heights on Ellsworth street. 1 block from car JltfSftft A full lot on Sixth st. close to Ains- worth ave UtTOn Lot 1, block 6, Highland I'ark. near Ainsworth SJOO Ixt 21, block 6, Highland Park, near Ainsworth ikKXia Lot 11. block 12, Highland Park, near Ainsworth nn Lots 16 and 17, block 14, Highland Park, near Ainsworth $GOO These offerings are for persons who mean business. We want contractors who know what a Kood buv Is when they see it, to look at these, for thev will peak for themselves. TSE uuinr-LAwXSnCE CO., 348 ALDEB ST. INVESTIGATE SNAPS 846,500 (all cash) Apartment house oavinc 15 per cent on $50,000; one of the finest Nob Hill district; 02 rooms, all rented ; lot 100x100. ROSSMERE OREGON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU ""LT?1 "Worlh AV?- rltn, facea , BK.T1BIJB, TBEE INFORMATION on east. $370 cash 50x100. East 46th st . ii rseinfl wpRt I? nun n 1 J Oregon and Washington lands. City Park, S260 cash ft ft fin Booklets on all counties. 604-6-8 BOABD 75x100, Bast 26th St. $800 cash 91600 07 TBADE BX.BO.. POBTLAJTB. ON. 80x100, Brooklyn at., bet. 26th and 17th. u. $250 cash M1600I 60x100, Going street, all cash..gilOO' 45x100. on Alberta St., 100 feet on Al- i x J TT " t-X 80x"3t!fee on Tillamook." 'street'pt ! I 01X13110 ll61i?ll tS $500 cash M2500 100x100, Ainsworth ave,. 'i cash S17SO 5 BOOM 8NVO LXTTUC BOTTOAXtOW uranu ayc, near AiDBWorm. nnhlriiptel vl.w nf oltu rln.r mt.a mountains. A bargain for a home or will pay 12 per cent net as an invest ment. Price $3500. Terms. JNO. F. BXAJtXBT CO., A-iMO, iaan suth at. at. sso 19 ACRES Ainsworth Ave. Splendid Acreage for Platting CHAPIN & I1ERL0W 332 Chamber of Commerce Before buying elsewhere it costs you nothing. Streets graded and graveled, cement sidewalks and curbs, Bull Run water in front of every lot, and ALL PAID FOR. No property bonded for im provements here. Building re strictions of $1500 and $2000. New houses constantly being built. Splendid car service. When desiring to build we will help you. Clark Cook Co. Room 6 Board of Trade Building Main 5407, A-3252 $50,000 Alder street corner, rented for $.'525 per month ; fin est buy on Alder street. Terms Yz cash, bal. 3 years, 6 per cent. $30,000 Quarter block, corner, adjoining Jim Hill holdings; some income, $iuo per month; worth $50,000. $70,000 Third street corner, brick ; rented for $500 per month ; cheap at $80,000. W.P.SWOPE 438 Chamber of Commerce ESTABLISHED DISTRICT CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce 46x 1 23 To alley, Halsey and 25th, $1400.' C ment walks and crushed rock strec' CHAPIN (s HEELOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. AUCTION SALE There will he another one of . tho? great big furniture Auctions Tuesday Next at 10 a. m at 211 First Street "TVia rlnent of weathered oak exten slon tables, buffets, box seats, dinin t chairs, china closets, combination boo 1 cases, pretty iron beds, some jjc springs and mattresses, elegant drchf ers. Just as gooa as were soiu ai en j last sale. You lust must come and sc f all the nice tnmgs we mubv oe.j-.1j a this sale; and then again on Thursday Next at 10 a: A. at 211 First Street we have a big consignment of furni ure to be sold at auction, nut- on salesmen will sell vou anything . yoi wish at any time at half any retail price. ' FORI") BROS., Auctioneers. , Main 8957. A-2445. very easy terms S700 100x100, East 13th and Division, oppo site Ladd's Addition S2850 Also a good many others. Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark m. Subdividing Money Makers 4 platted tracts between the 3 and 4-mile circle, 25 to 30 50x1 00-foot lots in each. Average price of $125.00 the lot. EASY TERMS A chance to easily and quickly MULTIPLY YOUR MONEY 66x1 OO ttaMt. In, HolladajTa Addition. I1ARTMAN 4 THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. 100x100 6300- Ctoa la on Broadway- Fla. A SINAP RODNEY AVENUE PRICE, $2000 100x100. sit'aated on the noutheat comer Jarratt and Rodney, with li ft. alley In th rir. Thla is an Ideal building spot. Terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 M mt. (luW Bzehaar Bide-) Grand Ave. PRICE $2500 Lot 1 and small rottag. fruit trroa r1 ihruMwrr. sltaatd Nr.. 4 Grand Ar N. Tills la a bargain In a amall home Terma. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 M a. (LamWr Xzokaar NlAr ) 160 ACRES CLOSE TO CITY One Hundred Acres Cleared PRICE $100 PER ACRE LOUIS SALOMON & CO. 233 Stark St., Near Second MAKE TWO LIVINGS Make your living in the city while your land earns another living for, you. With 124 cent carfare and quick car service, ymi Can do'thls on a beautiful ACREAGE KOME IN MELDRUM O. M. H'BSISE, 850 Stark it. Hood River 10 ACNES, 2Vi miles from town. In best district, lies perfect for Irrigation: OVER S ACB.ES FXANTED to Yellow Newrowns and Spltzenbergs. most of which are 5 and 6 years old. small fam ily orchard, assorted varieties; 2 acres in strawberries, some meadow; 74 Inches of water, and all personal prop erty. Including horse, wagon, buggy and all farm Implements; good 7 room hard finished house, and outbuildings. Gen uine bargain at $11.000 $2500 cash. Will accept Portland residence property as part payment. FOR EXCHANGE parties owning prop- Auction Sale Hand Painted China At 454 Washington street This china Is all one artist's wort not bought to sell at auction but mart here in Portland: his year's work: yn must see to appreciate, so don't delay if you wish to secure a masterpiece o t painted china for sixteen years appr. clatetj Dy trie people or roruanii. ju tlons each day at 2 and 7:30 p. nu FORD BROS., Auctioneers, - ' Auction Williams Avenue Quarter blc-k. buslnesn. to Broadway; good income. vry clone $:o.oo. WAREHOUSE blvh routh tt M"fTtao on tnwk a, i :.. " CNAPTN ft EZUOW, 112 Chamber of Commerce. TEIN ACRES 4 mllr frnm tha oonrthone. on county rrxid. J minute walk from elMrlc raii wr; $19 an acre le ihn adjoining land. I'rlc $4 per are SNAW ft LOCK, Liimbfrtnui PMr. St tth and Stark twar E. ild and Blmn. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS" A choice location of over four i . lots, 110 feet facing the upper j drive and extending 235 feet to the lower drive, for 93500. See owner, I. L. RAY. 819 Board of Trade Building. Main 1061 and A-1238. i WAREHOUSE j Over two lota, fronting three tret. two nave trackage. Clot to center but Side. IlS.ao OXAm ft IZBLOW. 122 "hmlr tf "..nmer e Wp hae several erty In this beautiful little valley who desire good Portland property, and will exchanK If satisfactory. What have you to offer? Devlin & Firebaughl; .. . o 1 1, oio-m 1-s.i.a ttwtxiana siag. A Fine Home ' Corner 39th and Ellsworth; Jot 50.x 100, with fine view; cement walks, fine l.iwn, lirubbery; " room house, i two fireplace?; modern and complrte in every respect. FVice $3150 terms. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, $32 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AT Wilson's Auction House COR. SECOND and YAMHILIi MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY Each Day at 10 a. m. For All Kinds of Household ant Office Furniture, Etc. Including Iavenports. Devons. pari" rockers and chairs. Horsy and cenfe tables, book rim ladies' desks. buff-t- extension tables, dinina; 'chairs, chin closets. sewltiK machines. brass an. I Iron beds, springs, mattresses, pillow ' bedding, ruffs, carpets and lace cur tains, heatlns stoves, sieei ranges, eu Also several tfrxvl roll top of flea det.kr , t vnewriters. fireproof safe, etc. CkJ''i I sold nt private nalo at all tlmea. V j can save you money on groceries, etc at our store, 171" 2nd M.. next iu auc tlon room. , J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer We 'pay t cash for furnitui' stocks of mercLandie. etc Call Main !-'. A-4HJ. I3 (rw- Bolur tt (o Manhattan Heights AlortsBse Lonna On city trpt ty at reannabla rtea CZJLmX-OOOK CO MP A NT. , The onlv Tlie flneat The sichtllf ft The rliwwt In Rlvr vlw IToperty In City Manhattan Heights Pr a motor boat . Kor a ivinnliif haih V-r a hm by tlia Rlrr , Walking distant w. m. ttdmNNoxm in kiinxnt oo. On Taesiay Next At BAKU'S AUCTION NOtTST. I ill frT for thin aut'"' w I a cmlcttor. rf 600D ri.T CI. fTONNISKINOS for t,h pr tor, ,; r room. Mrwima and kifrlwn. t In tron and rrmr! bM. d r chiffnCB, iuartr-lt dlnr .g T.. famltur. prkr mrrt tM hrary abl ad Torkih rir. I fnl m. rtrt. ! rau rtnr ad avrml !''. t ri lnvn4 t nr t r-' - n UU ON TVMS1T AT 19 CCW I On ThcncJjy tkxt of bottaetw-'d t '' ei. Airs i i ,' ' lfclnr of WPtKS"' f at. SALS AT It eCtOfl. , lAtia i -' -ffW tM tl-fil lij i ' c satin a xxmioir, ' III Oiml f ConVnrca, CXATCN ft IXKLCW, til Cbambvr af Coiar. ChBtaher f Commrrr. 111 Cbaaabrr f ConiMtx.