d THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY. MORNING. DECEMBER B, 1009. fcOTICES PERSONAL SCI DIAMOND DIUIXIXQ NOTICE OP SALIC. , I Mt. O. H. CUITt'lt, ffha i.n,r.Lnl hIII nfftir far sale I The Well Known Mntclnllal. I public a uc l Tun, and will sell to the l.ll. n, you owe ! to you i .-.-! w to V highest bidder at such sale, at the '-t select the aid of n xirt In tin 1 1 -hi duur vf tli courthouse of Multnomah in.iit .of those dttuaacH and cli"id.'ia county, Oiegon, on Tltursdiiv, Deci-inbci ', pecullur to your mvx, Dr. Can. -i an H, 108, at Ilia hour of 10 o'clock a. , tie.tlc methods nr- the r milt of an in. wf said day: (sixty ImiiiiIs of the xit nMvi- tixicti-iice In lionpiiula m'"' Cabinlx-ll Unrulier coiiiiim.ii v a coriioia- mlvate Mnctlctt. Ill natlciils ioii'mi. tlon, together with the Interest coupons their ordinal lc.na without int. i rufd,.n Iwrtaliilug thereto, which bonds are of Consult lilin freely ami cunl l.l.-i.i iall the par Value of 1600 each and are num- 402 Merchants Trust hl.tg., M Mb und aalilngton. Hours IU-1, o-v nun- dnv. lii-l. H A Hit V l. nUY, 111 Worcester bids. Diamond iirlil contracting Main t), VETERINARIAN .tlwn 2474 Kctlnmina furnished. -ie DKTKLUVR AUKMV - lured aa follow 21 to both mini- - bars ImclusHo, its to 4", both numbers ' Inclusive, 61 to 100, both iiuinhtra In- elusive, anil are known aa purl of tho first mortgage. 6 per fill bunds of the Cimpbull Lumber company, a eorpora ' tlon Incorporated under the lain of ? Mat.) of Oregon, and which bonds re certified to by the Fidelity Trust com- ; ', pany of Tacoma, Wash , trustee, ami arc j , entitled to the lien of the trust deed or - HIVfi.1l SIVC11 IU BWUIP till" U.'ll.l innna I 1 s Ua said Canipbi 11 Dumber company. 1)1$. c3.ll hum pais will or mnuu oy no" uou. i . algnnd by virtue of the agreement n ttrffl into between the umpbrll lui ber company and the undurslgned giv Kay's Oct ec live Aiency I lion' Kuy has rstnhllsht-tl a Ui-lre-1 1 .ig.ncy w ith temporary uffloa at sT Crund lf Personal br-rvlcra will he KiNr-n lii nil rw hast X71. 11-1114. MriklANK VKTKWINART HOSPITAL-. jjt. jonnaon. ii mn. aa. ssti. A-4I1T, it - -" ' i ' " ' i r..t Yoo Can Ec Cured Without M.-illclne or )pi rii I ion Klu u mutlHin, I'aralysla. Icla 1 1 .-., fularih, i" illKi-Htion, Nt'tiralMiu. I'llin. KIMuln. i fir-1 1 ii t Ion, K. r.ciiia, J 1 1 - r . 'Iuiini" Kidney. IlladJir. rruatallc, Ki-.-tal and rViimli' lilKfaxi'B. 'oiiau li a I Ion fr.c Maroh. Trail Bids'- F. T. Marfarat. .tl'ti ' W hhI. M l l.Kt Tillt IL hL l'l'Ulii J'AflKlO Klcctrlc Knmerlnr Co. Motorn for r-nt or sain. Ill 14 at. KLKtTKOLVSIS WAKHAMH CO. wholaaala iroeara. BiaJiuiaciurara anu wi ruaaisia. 4tk and a ate s a. V Kit I I NO " KaitHULU produo. an J comoilaalon m.rrhan ta. lit JTrvot aL. Portland, or. Phona Mala IT. dl'NST sTtx. DIBTRIIIl'TOKS OP FINK CIQARS PORTLAND. ORB. ALLEN LEWI8-aROOICRlES WfCiTIIElt IlKI-OHT -. tiviii-rally cloudy and stormy wtathcr Mul.ljs. wrinkles, superfluoua hair ra- prevails ovr tho I'urlflu alotwt. except Mis A! I) Hill. 4Z r lleonor. i In northuBStei n Washington, oithrn HAND l.U .NDKV 'Hlll." I AlIV" l4 yamlilll ft. i i 1 I- AlliN ror W.st Pnrk ing ua the usual right to sell any of' I'lrst claa halrdrcSMlnit ehtabllshtnmii Itia collatpral In our ham towards nut- i "iK. louut-ea. iriini ihciik nn. lafylnp tlui lndclitpdm-Hs of shJcI i'mni bell Lumber company to us. so far us th proceeds of tho sale Af Raid 60 bonds : ' may to. VTllllf HI 0111. . Ten per crnt of jiar IKS. toutiees. front I'leitS that III Latest styles of transformation cover hea1 all over. Detection In our makes InipoNHlble. Kxierleticed man wlKlll: In ultendancv. Our ouiunlvu KMtem of ! rench hair dvelni; saves time and money v value of the bonds to be paid In ah I our tonb:a and dermatology removes it time f sale, balance to be paid In worm i-aaea oiJcaleM.tt-tter and jli""'!!?' Nevada, and aoutheaatern California the result of a quite pronounced low pressure area central off the Oregon conn. i,mni to inoderata precipitation has occurred within the storm area, and, on account of the uniformly low temperatures prevailing, it fell gener ally In the form of snow.. The weather CIIAB U MAHTK'K 4 CO.. 74 Kront. Is sllahtly cooler In Oregon anil adja Irather of every deacrlptlon. tap i cent portions of nelKhbnrlnK atatea; mfra flndlnaa also In Montana anil northwestern Cali fornia I lie nressure decrease haa hiwn dry, careful wi il.MiiliiK pieasliia-. N. 16th. M. 7H0. I.EATHKIl & FIMH.NGH 1I.IIUIIAGB UCENSES Ianlol Ietendre, 14 Kaat Twenty aeventh atreet. IS and Myrtle Coner. IN, Robert IVtaon, 1ST Coinnierojal atreet,. I ?, ana numa jtutniieiif, 21. Loula fiehalln. Hx, John. 4l, and Mr. 1 Carolina Hlrlhllur IS I MAX ta. HMITII, florist. ItU lih at., op poilte Meier A Krank'a. Main 7111. UftftfiS aults for rent, all slaoa. lulaua Tallorln g Co., lot titark at. WKKrHNU card a. W. O. Binlth ft Co- Waahlnaton blda- corner Washington sta. , 4th and REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY , , ' Alphabetically Arranged for tha Convanler.ea of Journal RtaJsra. 5OO.OOO PORTLAND 1)12 A dollar wisely Inveated In Portland real eatat today mean dollars ta in investor In the near rutura, Portland la yet In Its inrancy. r o cuy m tha I'aclfle coast haa a brighter future Kxtrnslva dsv.topnienta are now In progress. Valuable Information can be obtained from any ft the below . named realty dealer, , CLARKE liROS., florists; fine flower and floral design. lit Morrison at. FUXEKAL KOT1CKS cash upon delivery of the bond sold 4ated at Hortland, Or, tills 2d duy of k December, 19u. - --PACIflC KXHIKT T'.DMBHK CO. Ry D. L. BLODOKTT, Secidarv. 4 : PROPtjWLS INV'ITKU" Proposals Invited for supplies for tln Oregon State Penitentiary for the period ' ending June SO. 1910. -Sealed proposals for drugs. dr goods, groceries, butter, leather und findings, Iiardware, flour and meat will be re- reived at the ornce or the superintend ent of the state penitentiary until Tues day, December SI, at 8 o'clock p. m., at : which time they will be publicly opened. A deposit of $200 In cash or certified check, payable to the superintendent, must accompany each bid for flour and meat, and all other bids must be ac companied by an amount equal to 10 per cent or me amount of the bid DR. A LICK A. OR IK P. STATIONARY" equipments kcneral weal of the Rocky Mountains and conditions seem favorable for and marine; eleetrle runner stormy weather over this dls- launches. accessories, met. with snow and continued cold Diseases of women and children ex- W,BBH ,nj retail, engine repairing. for Hunday. High eaat to northeast cluslvelv. Women are often saved se vera surgical operations by consulting me. ' Nervoils diseases nf children a specialty. All the latest electrical treatment given. Correapondence so licited. No charge ."or consultation. Phonea, Main HUH. A-5807. Office room 10, Grand Theatre bldg.. Wash Ington and Park. Releraon Mnchlnery Co.. 1S Morrlaon. 1 w inns win continue along the coast wnere an stations aro stllj displaying LI Vh'KY AM) 8ALK STAULKS JIEHHIAN stables llacka. livery, board ing and ssle: furniture-moving. Ill Union avc. Phone K. 3581; night M. lOi. 'Tl4Tr T A TjT" high class ladles i iii inmn Turkish, electric MISIC TKACHEHS .tA T),,.ir V..l,- a I- r,f Kll. l'.AI'l'.HIf-Ai r.H piano leat lior fc.veo perfluoua VValr. moles warts Ytc Painless ! , lessons, f.0 cents. Special attention and permanent "by electric needle. In- 1 1L'f 1 i'-;.lrrJT.fiL Mi'.'JL. Ji'i dorscd by all physicians. 384 Yamhill STI'Mu, 7:i K. Ankeny at.; piano, at., cor. W. Park. M. 5174. Aj3644. . voice, elocution. Lessons II each. EXPKKT hand mid cT.'ct ric" v 11 .ration tl!ZnLLy : treatment and tub bath for laiii.- and WKHBKR Academy of Music, violin, gentlemen for stomach trouble, liieiinm- mandolin, piano, guitar, banjo. tJsm and nervousness: given by Madamo v ahl:lngton. Samples must accompany all bidaiHllppa Texas, the Kinulsh giaduati where practicable. The rlaht Is re served to reject any and all bids and to accept or reject any portion of a bid Goods of Oreieon manufacture or pro duction will receive preference, other things being equal. All goods and supplies must be de livered to the penitentiary within twen ty t20) days after the contract. Is ' awarded. Schedule of the various lines of goods to be bid on will be furniahe-J upon application to tho superintendent. Vouchera will be Issued for payment on the first of the month following thu completion of contract. C. W. JAMES. Superintendent, Oregon State Peniten tiary. Salem, Or,, November 26, 1J09. from llelslngfois. n:i llih Si., corner Alder, Portland. Ore 'Ul'ITA K, b.injo and mandolin school, 417 ( "nliiiiilila t 1 or. 12th. Airs. Dr. Mary Kramer (ifil Mississippi avc., treatment of wo men and children a specialty; blood medicines for all irregularities. Kxam inatlon free. Phone Woodlawn ti',',. LADY piano teacher. of2 Morrison St. Main 0222. Call mornings. INFORMATION Wanted Suitable ro M. ('. SMITH, teacher of planov, 4T.2 Sal nion. Main 73 40. Conservatory courae. II THIKIToltN. violin teacher, pupil tfevrlk. A-41H0. 3S4 pine si. Main jo LOl'IS A. CREITZ. violin teacher. 111 storm warnings. FORKOA8T8. Portland and Vicinity Sunday, snow, continued cold: high east wind. Oregon Sunday,, snow, continued coldj high east wind. !--.- coast. Washington rjuuday snow, continued cold; high east to northeast winds along the coast. Idaho Sunday, snow, continued cold. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Maximum temperature degrees. .Minimum temperature. 24 2 dea-reea River reading, n a. ni.. 11.1 feet. Change in last z nours, l.g roet. Total snow fall. 5 p. in. to fi p.. m., ,18 Inches, melton. rotai snow molted 2.1 Inches 101:11 rainrall since September 1, 1909 15.72 Inches. Normal rainfall since Sep tember 1st, inches. Kxcess of rainrau since September 1. 1909, 5.78 lino?.. UNCALLED FOR ANSWERS ward will bo paid for Information as Sherman st Phone Main 189. o the wheruiihouta of Man Iloriuian, smelter man, formerly f Anacomla and Ilutte. Mont., by llliiin Harvey. I". O. Box 822. Denver. Colo. PIANO, violin, cornet, mandolln. R. A Smith. 202 12th et. Prof. SKA LED bids will be received by the undersigned until 10 a. m.. December 23,. 1909, for clearing lajid on the Mult nomah farm, between Fairview ' and Troutdale. D. W. McKay, on the preni- Ises. will stake out and show contem plating bidders the land to be cleared. and bids will be received for 5 aero 1 GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc.; Men Cured Quickly Modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc W. I. Howard, M. D.. 304-6 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILI.RHKI.LR PATTERSON, ape cinllst on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. ?17 Fenton bldg. Main 83S1 DR. SMITH, gra.d. Kirkvllle. Mo. 1898; Physician and surgeon, treats women , l)R:- Ji!ARjt-.A- - 2V. iMoli"7k and children exclusively; consultation Sd and Morrison. Main Z.Zo- riee ana vonrldentlal. 506 common wcalth bldg., (ith und Ankeny sis. Phona I Main 4047, A-2411. 'AINTIXt; AND PA PEKING .71 tracts or more. Each bid must desig nate the particular tract covered by t he bid. The county reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. K. S. FIELDS. '" County Clerk. PERSONAM 22 German. English. French. Spanish. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of all kinds. Schmule Co.. 229 1st at. FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane. 104 T'nlon. Both phones BUSINESS DIHECTOEY PAINT, OIL AM) GLASS i RASMCSSEN & CO.. "High Standard" -Pa'-nJ' necor. 2d& Taylor. M. A-1771. YOUNO soldier of fortune would like I ine acquaintance of lady with means or farm with view to settle down; ape 28. height 67 Inches, blue eyes, brown hair and good disposition, exchange, photos first letter. Charles O. Schuft, Wellston,- Mo. ASSAYEKS PRINTING , CHRISTMAS SALE. 11.60 novel free wltn 11.50 purchase; 400 titles to choose fcom. This offer -open from 11 a.- m. to 6:30 p. m. for a few days only. 219 Marquam Bldg., en trance between 6th and 7th,, on Mor- rison st. 'it 1ADIES ASR your druggist for Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are old by druggists everywhere. Furs ? Remodeled and cleaned, cheapest and best. HARRIS, Furrier. 495 Wash. st. Main 300. WELLS & PROEBSTEL. assayers. ana lytlcal chemists. 204 H Wash. M. 7508. PORTLAND analytical laboratory, 622 Worcester bldg.. Sd and Oak. M. 5980. Welch-Carson Printing Co. "Doers of cluvar things with type and Ink on pflper." 263 Yamhill St. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work. 186 Morrison. ATTORNEYS THE EAGLE PRINTING CO. not In trust; close figures, good work. 603 Goodnough bldg. Phone Main 4121. OG ILK EE BR )STprTnTers Cards, bill heads, etc. Main 1S58. 146H 1st St. CHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, General nractice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. I PATENT ATTORNEYS R. C. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat ents: Infringement cases. 004 Del:um. UNCALLED for answers to Mind ad vertisements appearing In The Jour nal during the past two weeks, await owners at this office. After 10 days rrom date Bald Utters will be destroyed: A 279, 95, 212, 221, 265, 231. 234, 247, 249, 263. 270, 279. 471. B 247. 231. 227, 218. C 255, 125, 246, 271, 402, 834. 267, 263, 274, 191, 205. 227, 242. D 268 265. 720. 273, 271, 236, 243, 267, 244. 225. 224, 250, 491. E 359, 259, 424, 244, 269, 258, 246. 252. 306, 279, 227, 276. 318, 265, 261, 240. 232, 267, 813, 326, 304. 221. 828, 618. 293. F 249, 235. 205. 281. 232. 265. 270. 259, 248. 233, 270. 1 260. 247. 262. 185. 235. 245. 230. 22H. 2N4. 249. 233. 243. II 2S2. 272. 276, 230. 280. 231. 271. 241. 26.1. 2C.6. 235. J 257. 265. 272. 282. 225. 263. 256. 254. K 271, 280, 227, 222, 273. 264. 263, 260, i'4Z, Z6i. '28, 274. L 274, 253 265, 260, 270. 234. 231. 130. 246, 269, 261. 276. M 275. 223, 261, 234, 227. 257, 277, 271, 325. 255. 224. 269. N 265. 274. 27. 245. 256. 243. 273. 231. . 249. O 276, 267. 227, S77. 248, 374. 229 24 282. 232. 241. 266. 234. 238. 250. 263, F 253, 256, 265, 254, 274, 263, 236, 260, .00, .'3 1, ZUI. Q 282, 262, 271, 278, 233, 256. 292, 232, 265. 261. 279. R 262, 263, 258, 271. 251, 279, 235, 277, Shi. ZH. S 253, 227. 233. 2S4, 254, 264, 276, 258. T 282, 262, 236, 260, 274. 247. 232. 255, 227. 230 231, 276. 257. 263. W Z33, '60, 469, 228. IVERSON Died December J, 10. Swan M. I vemon. ago 47 yrs., 11 mo., 16 days. Brother of Mrs. Annta Nelson, Mrs. Ida Nelson, Mrs. Km ma Johnson, Mrs. Amanda Johnson. Mrs. Ellen Lund- berg, Mr. Alfred lverson. Funeral ser vice Flnley's chapel, 2 p. ni., Sunday, iDec 6th. 1809. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment a( Rlver-vk-w Cemetery. Tacoma papers please copy. GREEN At his residence. J! Easl Twenty-olghth atreet, December 3, I John Orene, aged 46 veara. 3 mouths. 15 I daya. "Funeral will take place from the Merman Christian Church, Twenty-sec ond and Knst Stark streets, Sunday, December 6 at 2 p. m. Friends respect fully invited. Interment Roso City cemetery. it EbON Swan M Ivesou, ago 4? years 11 months and 16 days, brother of Mrs. Annie Nelson, Mrs. Ida, Nel son, Mrs. Kmma Johnson. Mrs. Amanda Johnson, Mrn. Elan Lundberg, Alfred lvcson. Kuneral services Flnley's chapel, I p. m., Sunday, December 5. Friends respectfully invited to attend. Interment at Rlvervlew cemetery. Ta- I coma pa pera plea bo copy. - MURPHY At St Vincent's Hospital. December 3. Mrs. Ellen Murphv. of 345 North Fourteenth street aged 7S years, Funeral Monday. December 6. from tho residence of her son, Edward P. Murphy, 412 Tillamook street, thence to St. Pat rich's church," Nineteenth and Savler streets, at 9:80 a, m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Friends Invited. NAUB Bsekus, A. 'Irrtngtoa). AOUKM- TrLIPIION- Bit Board mt T.iU A TSTl Mla W . a Dio(Tos iiiog aisin . 2771 nmnf-HiMl (Vmnr 1 10 o.u ai.la awl i lj BruUker A IWu.dlet 6o MrKay Hl1 WlmlHir Hflfbta. Mala Hutttrvortb-AiepbroauD Compur, luA U Ufaette bu!(....(h asd Wuk. klala " Oo., B. B. .' 603 Corb.lt Bldg alsla V. A-l4 Cbapln llerkiw , , ,m Cbaaibar af CuaiaMKe bMia l1' rioa. D. ?. Oo. (Woodsfe!) Haebestar aid Yukoa lllod H Ooldscbnildt't Aganey tttt WaaMtiftoa St. Mala aad 3061 Uuork. (Horire A. (Ooloolsatloa) M Ubbe Bldg. Mala Its Jtote,ltlM Oo, ua rifth BC Mala 6SB, A WU (Balls Urtmt. Beitrtey; Por.J Killlngaworth, W. M 63 rttaaiber of nnain Mala TOT4 ftaaiip Wacktr.l...u. .1UJU I Uiaabtr et Ooaiaitrco. ...Mala and a-Joi Mng.nm Land cov Mail Voa Burstel Oregon Baal Batata Co.. Tba.,,, Harrii Wal.tu A (Jo. (Si-halk, Oaorga D Shlelda, J. 1 Salliif. D. c. Walkr. 8. T . 41 asinacna tfiaa - 104 Baead It Mala sod A-14M Qraod At, aad Multnomah. . . .Eaa.t T. 0-ITO ...W Alder It klala l44 ....204 gtark St Mais tvt. At mi U.rllna.r Bids. ...Main 64.10 , Coniar 3Tth and 8. Balmoat Tabor 164 D04 Corbott . .....Mala 6A1II BANKS . T? IHST NATIONAL, BANK. PorMand. Or. 1 CAPITAL, AND BORPLL'8 fl.6O0.0O0. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS PACIFIC Title A Trust Co.. the leading abstractors. 104-6-6-7 Falling bldg. UNITED STATES NATIONAL, BANK Of PORTLAND, OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Hlraata. Condaeta a Oanrral Banking Bualnaas. DKAPTg IHHURD sal1aM la AM PltlM f the flnltad 8tatas and Rorooa. Homkon and Manila. Collaetlona mad. on fsrarahla terma. Wealdrnt j c, AINSWORTH Caahler R. W. 8CHMKKK Vies Prealdwt. . R. LKA BAHNCd Aaalatant Cashier. Asalatant Caahler. .A. M. WHIOHT .W. A. HOLT f CRM AN-AMERICAN nANK Portland. Or. Oornar Sixth and Waahlnatoa Sta. J TrtDaacta fenara banking bualneaa. Drafta laauad arallabla la all tha prlorlpal Cltlea of tha United Stataa and Burona at.oanta. 8aft depualt vaults. Foot per eant Intaraat paid oa aaringa BONOS AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS BROTHERS. Cbambtr of Commerce Balldlng. Municipal. Railroad and Plilillc Seftlro Corpora I ton Honda. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS BUSINESS CARDS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st j Blank books m'f r: arts, for Jones' I Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the ' DR. C. S. CARTER, physician for women; new Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 183. , 401 Merchants Trust bldg. Hours, 10-1; THE J. K. GILL CO. Stationers, book-' 2-4 ; 6-8. Sunday, 10-1. sellers. orrice outntters. engineers, I draughtnien's supplies. 133 3d cor. Alder. : X 282, 274, 233, 257, 262, 224. Y 259, 253, 280, 267, 271. 254, 262, 320, 357, 105, 326, 325, 307, 3Q1, 278. Z 234. 271. 272. 275, 208. 210,i 251, 284. MEETING NOTICES REAL ESTATE WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. I Street paving, ldewalks and cross-; J- W. OGILBEE, real estate and loam Ingg. 317 Beck bldg. : estab. 1883. 145Vi 1st st.. room 11. iOUiNG lady., stranger in city, wishes! vo meet rerinea business man. be- I tween 30 and 40; one who could' and I Bon st. Main 1424 wouia support a homo; object matrl mony; no triflers. Z-321, Journal. REFINED widow with best references. lovely home, will give elderly Invalid gentleman every care and attention, who can assist her financially; no triflers need reply. B-307. Journal TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and ' general joDUing. j. Losll. 212 Jeffer- , RUBBER ST AMI'S AND SEALS DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid , rey bladder and piles, jsi 1st st. Port- WANTED By young farmer, eorre spondence with young or middle aged woman; object matrimony. Address Wm Heyting, R. K. D. 4, box 102. resham. Ore. isUN SOON Hub; sells Chinese goods. embroidered silks, dressing gowns, r.ittan h'ilrs. mat ting. 70 6th st THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland office 40 4 Worcester b 1 d ir. JA8. Mrl. WOOD & Co.. all kinds of In- STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs, lockouts rgljlgJLy . hygf: McKay bldg , opened; bargains In 'second hand safes. CARPET CLEANING SEWING MACHINES IONE CARPET CLEANING WORKS. ! A. S. DICKINSON repairs all kinds of Work gusranteed. Tels. East 360; B-22S6. ! sewing machines. 22 N. 11th. M. 5999. CARPET WEAVING j SEWING machines repaired, all kinds. Mr.ehiPf rCratr1n" "" 3:,K ' "t M.2102 REFINED gentleman of means, in busi ness, wishes correspondence with a young lady of means, seeking a good home; object matrimony. B-323. Journal WANTED Babies and small children to i NORTHWEST Rug Works Rugs from old carpets, colonial rate rugs, silk portiers. 153 Union near E. Morrison. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES Portland, Or., Nov. 27. 1909. io tne members or tne Young Men's Christian Ass'n of Portland. Or. You are hereby notified that by or der of tho trustees of the Young Men's Christian association of Portland, Or., a corporation, a special meeting of the members of said society is called to bo held on Wednesday evening, 7:30 o'clock p. m., December 8, 1909, In the auditorium of the new association building at Sixth and Taylor streets, Portland, Or., for the purpose of amending and enlarging and changing tne ouject. business and pursuit or T. S. West to M. R. Madsen, lot 10. block 11, Park View ex tended 1.550 Ben Rtesland and wife to K. K. Hoberg et al, lot 17, block 2, Havelock soo C. M. Mcnafes and wife to Wil liam Francis MeKennev. lot 1. tl,w-lr 90 QalU , r , ?CA Frank H. Glbbs and wife' to Fred erick W. Madants, lot 18, Le- Dane Park 200 Irvlngton Investment Co. to John siewart, iota 16 and 16, block 64. Irvington 2.800 Portland Trust Co. W. L. Mal- lory, lots 1 and 2, block 113, Woodstock 1.200 F. A. Bredemeler to Amelia Bre- detneler, lot 13, block 4, Albimi 750 Dan Marx and wife to D. S. Wemplo, lot 10, block 7, Para dise Sprints tract: also 12x50 feet commencing at southeast corner of lot 10, block 7 1,300 Alameda Land Co. to Josephine B. Ferguson, lots 1 and 2. block 13, Alameda Park 8,300 h. tu. .Noble and wife to H. L. Gray lot 6, block 1, Collinge addition 600 Title Guarantee & Trust com- pauy to ki. Drot-ge, lot 3, block .. 26. Rossmere t 450 Same to John V. Zeis, lot 13, block 30, Rosarnero 600 George J. Blodgett and wife to C. M. Barness et al., lot 1 in uouth ft of double block "L," citv 20.000 Abraham B. Burger and wife to W. W. Banks, lot 3, block 137, city 6,500 L. A. Scott to S. S. Parker ct al., lot s 8, 9, block 1. J. C. Scitt's Addition to St. Johns. 1,000 Frederick C. Shubert and wifo to Rodney L. Glisan, lot 7 ana south ft of lot 6, block 13. Katherine 5o Nordby-Craven Investment com pany to S. Tomliiison et al.. I lot 6, block 4. Gilharn's Second Addition Joseph M. Healy et al, to Hannah Vincent, lot 8, ulock Si, vvaverlelgh Heights' Down: 8T I'H NINO-HOPKINS COM PA N Y Batabllahad IAH2 BROKKRS STOCKS, BONDS, OR A IN Bout ht an.l Sold for Ca.h and oa Martin. rata Wlrea. Hooma 1 to 4 Conch Bulldlnc. Phonea Main B-UI: A-233T. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD SOUTHERN PACIFIC. I.EAV1M1 PORTLAND. , Ashland Paasenjrer Cottage Orore Paaaeoge: srnooa i.tmitrn California Kxprma Ban Francisco Exnriwa WEST 8H)B. Conrallla Paaaenger fibarldan Poaaengor Koreat Orore Paaaenrer Forwd Oa,ie Panaengw 1 .00 p. m. roraat uroTa I'aeaanger p rw p. m :. a. in. 4:15 p. m. 6:00 p. ni. 1:45 p. ro. 1 :S0 a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. s:lto a Oregon Express Portland Paaaenger Shaata Um. d Koaehurg Paaaenger Cortland Expraaa WEST BIPE Corrallla Paaeng Kberldan Paaaengrr Foreat GroTe Paawnger Foreat urore Ihiaaenger. ARRIVING PORTLAND 7:30 a. m. 10:40 p. in. :su d. m. 6:30 p. m. ,..11:00 1. m. ... : p. m. .. .10:80 a. tn. . . . 11:00 i. in. .11:50 a. m. Foreat GroT Paaaenger 4:40 p. m. CANADIAN PACrFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. C. P. R. Short Una tIi Spokane 7:00 p. m. Via Seottla, Victoria A Vancouver.. 8:00 p. m. Via Sumaa 12:15 a. ni. C. P. R. Snort Line via Spokana 9:00 a. m. Via VanraOTar, Victoria A Seattle.. S:n p. m. Via Muina. and Seattle TK0 a. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC TJTAVE PORTT.AND. North Coast Limited, rla Paget Sound 10:00 a. m. North Coaat Limited, via North Bank T:O0 p. ta. Atlantic Kxprpas, via Paget Sound 12:15 a. m. Atlantic Bxnroaa. rla North Bank... :OU a. m. Twin City Express via Puget Sound S:O0 p. m. i"win CUT Kxureiia. via North Bank T:oo p. m. I Eaatern Expreaa. via Pugrt Sound ... 12:15 a. in. I i-atern tc.ipreM TU North-? Bonk,. 8aCiO a, m, Mlarourl Hirer Expreaa via Puget Sound 10:00 a. m. Mlammrl Hirer Express, via North I Bunk . 7:00 p. m. Fortlnnd, Taeomn A Seattle Ex press. Grays Hnrbor. Olrmpia and South Bend branches 8:15 a. m Portland-Vancourer special 10:00 a. m. PuK't Sound Limited, (iraya Har bor and South Bend branches 3:O0 p. m. Yaeolt Paaaenger 4:00 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. North Coaat Limited. Tla North Bank 8:15 p. . North Coast Limited, rla Puget Sound T:00 a. m. Northern Pacific Express, via North Bank 8:00 a. ro. Northern Pacific Kxpraas, Tla Pa get Sound 8tS5 p. ni. Pacific Express, via North Bank.... 8:00 u. m. Pacific E i press, rla Pnret Sound 7 :00 a. m. W!ljM-n- Biprftss, Tla North. Bsnk. , 8:00 p...pi. Vetern Express. Tin Puiet Sound. .10:30 p. ni. Missouri River Express, Tla North Bank 8:00 a. in. Missouri Refer Express. Tla Paget ound 4:00 p. m. Portland. Tacoma ft Seattle Ex press, and from Olympla, South Bend and Grars Harbor 4:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 8:55 p. m. vanpouTer-i'ortlanu Special IO:o p. u Yaeolt Passenger 9:00 a. u OREGON RAILROAD 4b NAVIGATION COMPANY. LEAVINU PORTLAND. Atlnntle Express 8:O0 a. m. Soo-Spokane-Portlsnd 7:00 p. m. Chicago-Portland Special ..10:00 a. ro. Salt Lake Exnrasa 8:00 p. m. Oregon-Washington Limited 8:36 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. 8oo -Spokane For tlmd 9:00 a. m, Oregon Express 8:40 a. m. fMcago-Portland Sec1al 8:00 p. m. Oregon-Washington lAmlred 8:00 a. m. 1 TVAtrrxisi HfiRTI iK'n .'00 I Seaside Expresa 8:00 a. m. I Rainier Paasenaer 1:15 p. m. ; Astoria Expresa 8:80 p. m. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER said incorporated society by repealing tne present clause contained in said or ticles of incorporation whereby it Is forbidden to said corporation and to the Young Men's Christian association, Its branches or departments, to mort gage or in any manner encumber Its property or to contract debts of any kind beyond the funds on hand to dis charge them, and In lieu of said present existing clause forbidding the execu tion or such mortgages and the Incur ring of debts, to alter HaJd articles of SHOWCASES of every description; bank, I Incorporation so as to give to the 250 300 600 675 CLEANING AND DYEING bar and store fixtures made to order. ; The Lutke Mfg. Co. i ior oy nay. win give best of care, Mrs. K. B. Wlekham, 4;:o W. Burn side St., City. WEAK men treated by natural methods" chronic diseases by same methods n:yniVK'enl' agencies eniploved Uox 381, galem. Or. I tit , . . . i THii JAA1M.S 1. MAllBMALL Al 1 U. CO.. , np. nave, u years experience in clean- new an(, ,, showcases, cabinets .tore. rn . ,1oupBr 1 an3 office fixtures 289 Couch. M. 2703 suit. Call up and give us a trial. Har- 1 vara Cleaning to, (47 Not thrup. near i 23d . Phones A -5320. Mln 911. ! SIGN AND SHOW CARDS .nl;iui ,. i 'Iyer carpets dyed a I kor show cards and designing that's , .-i -jciitriauu ui. niuiu lif-tler thnn the rest nnri rnrfa vnn 1 less, trv the National Advertising Co. - , Phone Main 5048, Hamilton bldg. 2 r i rt a 2 s 1 r CHIROPODISTS EXPERT short hand teacher will take ! nrW- 1 ""noss colic.- ,-'--T7rW PT T, i est sign makers In the northwest; 5th price, course complete for pos t on in CHIROPODi. manicuring. Mrs. Dnnlon. i ..j vn- p,iu tj.-' V FOSTER A KLEISER, signs; the larg- two months K-333. .lournal St I ' JUAKK1AGL paper: highest character incorporated; 14tli vear; 5000 mem bers; paper sealed: send 1c L I Iove. box 16iMi. p.-nver. c..io.' FREE, love, h.-altii-and ""vvealth fir 'told; send 3 1'c stamps and binhdate Will surprise you. Mnic. K lu Bell.' Lima. O. Til ford bldg., room 204, 10th and Mor,' ; Hn CHIROPODY AND me A-lifto. 1 ' I' I ) l , ' i " I'. I V ( : bl",lVa T II I A T-T- O A "T-- r . I i Mrs M. D TU1I. 429 FUedner hljg. ' SlenVo . 287 R?ark Pacific 169? COLLECTIONS MACCABEE DANCE, next Thursday evening, December 9, at K. P. hall, 11th and Alder streets. Anotner of the popular uniform rank dances. Stiles' orchestra furnishes tho music. Best floor in city. A good time guaranteed to all. Friends invited. P. C. Anderson. captain. SPRAYING MACHINES to ' YOUNG buslnebK woman would Ilk meet refined gentleman ) u.... and 36; object scx-labil i t v. t r.Zb Jou'r nsL WEN When weak nervous Tir"Tiespon.l ent. use Sexold IMlls as a I, racer re stores lost vigor, price i r,r box H boxes for 15. T. J Pier. i . :: 11 Aliskv. MEN Dr. ketclium'wlll promptly cure ! all your private ailments, advice fre ' Hours 9 a in. to 5 p. m 170 Third J jiitct. m .mi hi ..mm b, ,v . -., . - Da-gO.NTSa.Tn-aTeT-.vT:- : IfOTICE pkkON SLAB WCCD ton Root Pills, sure r. in-dv tor de- cpn v vMitl-T v.Ti.i. . . i i l.yl period. ,2 per U,x ..r -1 'boxes "r : t' V.', w ' ) t JJ, a -4bt: r ' ,,Mr ,N'S,r'E DRY SHORT, per' loac' .. . U.to MRS. SOPHIA B SKIP, n .ni.il ,,.,. ALL DELIVERIES ii : ,,'''nln and h.-Mlira; dailv. .;! MADE PROMPTLY. 1'iug. .iieeung Mi-dni wiai even-i TV a r S -p,-,1''MVH.KEiiaUy- r,,Ii-TrrlaI 'a w ! THE HARDIE MANUFACTURING CO. t - of I hones M. 6.:. A-.450. Manufacturers of hand and ' power IiEBTS anywhere. "We get the money.'' i sprayers, nozzles, rods. etc. Wells Mercantile agency. 703 B. of T. ! 22 Front St.. Portlflnd. Or. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 'V E pay the highest spot cash prices for dressed veaL hogs, hides, egaa butter, cheese, furs, wool, cascara, hay' grain. Write what you wish to aeil' Ruby COj24CoucdTst.L Port1and. Or.' COAL AND WOOD " TAXIDERMISTS AND FURRIERS FURS remodeled, etc. Fine taxidermy work. F. B. Flnley. 249 Columbia. FOR RENT Ball room, hardwood floor, 60x60; one of the best In the city; well ventilated; nicely lighted and heated; on good carllne; rent only $12 per night. O. B. CUne, 37th and Haw thorne. Tabor 1147. Arline Johnson et al.. undivided i of south H of lots 6. f, block 7, subdivision Rlveiviow . Addition Cornelius Ouiney to William M. Banscfimach, lot 1, block 22. Elberta Daisy M. Flippin to Ds,n R. Mur phy, lot 5, block 22, East Cres- ton Wrestern Oregon Trust company to Oyriah Rettig. lots 14. lo. b'.ock 1 Creston . . . Louisa A. McGregor to F. R. iviaaison sr.. lot &, block 1. Eastland; lot 6, block 12, Sun nyside. Addition 2 000 H. Hamblet, trustee, to John Brennan, lots 23. 24, block S. Fall-port 600 A. Y. Beach and wife to John V McDonald, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 olo--k 1, Maxwell . . 7g0 E. H. Gulsness and wife to O. B. Guisness, 12.5 acres, commenc ing at southeast corner of southwest quarter of north east quarter of section IK township 1 south, range 2 east 800 Rainier Passenger , 8:10 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. ' Portland A Rainier Passenger 10:21 a. m. Portland Expresa ...12:16 p. ni. Portland A Rainier Passenger 5:30 p. m. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREET PASSENGER STATION. LEAVING PORTLAND. Inland Empire Express 9:00 a. m For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kaniwa City. St. Lnui, Walla Walla. Pasoo, Roosevelt. Granddalles, White Salmon. Stevenson.- Van- coiver and Intermediate stations. North Bank Limited 7:00 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kan.ua City, St. Louis, Spokane. Spragua. Rltsrllle, Und. Pasco. Rooaerelt. Graaddalles, White Salmon, Stevaneon and Vancouver. Columbia Rlrer Local for Vaneoorer and Ca mas 5:00 p. m. White Salmon, Iijle, Goldendale, Granddalles, Cllffa and all Intermediate stations. ARRIVING - PORTLAND From Chicago. St Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St. Ixmla. Walla Walla, Paaco, Roosevelt. Granddallea, Whit Salmon. Stevenson, Van eouTex and Intermediate stations. North Bank Limited 8:00 a. m. rrom unicago. 8t. Faul, Omabl. Kama nty. St. Louis. Spot ana. Spragaa. Rlttrllle. Llnd, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddallea, Goldendale, none risimon, Btevanson, vancoover. Inland Empire Express 8:16 p. m. From Cliffs, Granddallas, .Lrki. White Sal. . VaneonTer and all lntendtat own. Camas, stations. Columbia River Local JJ:25 p. trustees thereof the power to execute such mortgages and Incumbrances upon us property, ana to contract sucn Jessie M Pendleton inH kii.k7,,j debts hh mav ooom o .noh .f Je?81" .t.e.n(Ileton a"o husband for the best interests of the society and of the Young Men's Christian associa tion. By order of the hoard of trustees. THOMAS D. HONEYMAN, Secretary. OliEijO.N S Pes: taxidermist, expert In nil branches C. M. Harris. 495 Wash. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, 11 per month. Portland' Laundry A Towel Supply Co.. 9th and Coucb sta. Phone Main 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STORAGE PORTLAND Company, No. 107, W. O. W., will give a whist party Wednes day. December 8, 1909, at Woodmen Temple. 128 11th st. Refreshments and dancing. Admission -Oc. SACAJAWEA CIRCLE, W. O. W-, wili hold a regular card party Friday evening, uecemoer iu. Hunters hall. Admission 15 cents; refreshments and dancing. Ill 2d et, near Wash. Howe-Davis Co. log Ladies' Dr. la Franco e Compound Mfe. peedy, regulator cents, drug-' cists or mail; hooklet rree Dr. L M 1 I Tte F ci liana Slatvcol Cd. Main 2119 A-7001 France. Philadelphia. Pa ANXIOUS aliout jbe future-' es ". tamp and date of Mrth. f i-it-u'. ine ior rn r 'imir.E 1 d'nie 'i 'I'ate Pr-.f. Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. ii- i ,- i . r1 r, . fctorage. irae iracaage. Wood. Loal and Drv Slab i office, sio Hoyt st. bet. sth and tth. ULS'iLRN LUMBfcR FlEI Co ?h" -MalI,JJl: Morrison. It 26. R la? : C. O PICK Transfer & Storage Co of. flee and commodious 4 story brick A'lson. Box IT Sr r'ngfi. M oi l AN elderly lady wishes to m. t acfjuninl ed vfta sun elrirtv ...:,. ,. 7 or CI; nv younger tir-,l ai-plv C-31 , . Journal matritnofiT. .tj.et ,-i Morrison. It 26. R id? Ctarcoal Wcad ' L .njjr Foot of Curry L liAWAlO Wood At Coal CoT AllklDds of fir wood ar.d nice coal by sack or ion i rones o. sis. h-uii. i: 4a mjut DANCE given Thursday evening, De cember 9. at east side Woodman hall E. 6th and Alder, by B. of A. Y. Ad mission . HALL for rent Saturday evenings for lodges or dances; rent reasonable .'.iiin 1181. to Ethel McCord O'Gorman, lot jo, arid easterly is reet of lot 15. hlock l, Ardmore , Manning Van Alstlne et al to Thomas F. Maginnls, northeast 5 acres of east half of south east quarter of southwest quar ter of section 31, township 1 6outh, range 1 east Title Guarantee & Trust company to V. Page Harris, lot 2, block 7, Tilton's addition B. M. Lombard, lots 7, 8, block 25, Railway addition Same to J. T. Edwards. lots 5, 6, block 26. Railway addition Irvlngton Investment company to to T. H- Johnson, south lo feet of- lot 2 and all of lot 3, block io. irvington Frederick H. Fogarty and wife to Frederick E. Bowman, lot 5, block 6. Irvlngton Anna Miller to 8. C. Priestly, lot 9, block 9. Arleta Park No. 3.. Louis H. Stone to Anna Moller, lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, block 33, Fairview , Title Guarantee & Trust com pany to Gaetano Oallueci, lots Z8. so, piock a. Dover Same to Gaetano Petrone. lots 1, 2. block 4. Dover.. Rose City Park association to Ira P. E. Reynolds, lot 3. block 100, Rose City A. M. Lull and wife to T. J Rowe, lot 1. block 130. Wood stock Title Guarantee Trust company to Albert W. Brant, lots 17, 18, block 36. Berkele 7,500 9,000 1,000 660 175 175 Jefferson Street Depot Portland to Dallas T:40 a. m. Dallas to Portland :15 a. m. Portland to Dallas : V- - I uauaa to Portland 6:05 p. m. Portland-Oswego Suburban Leaving Portland a. to., 5:80, 8:80, T:S0, t:40, 8:60. 10:25: and p. m., 12:60, 2:06. 8:30. 4:16. 6:. 8 25. T:4S. 10:10, 11:80. Portland RyM Light & Power Co. rnlrvlew Bn Tn.lal. a-KX SV.JI .AK A.JIC 10:45 a. in.; 12:45, 2:45, 8.45! 4:46, 5:45! 6,d p. m. FOB VANCOUVER. Tick t office and waiting ream Seeood and waanington streets. A. Jsf. 8-16, 8:50, 7:35, 8:00, 8:85, 8UO. iu:au, 11:00. P. 14. 12:80. 1:10, 1:60, 2:80, S:10, 8:1 4:80. 6:10, 5:60. 6:30, 7:06, 7:40, 8:15, 9:1 iv.-.io". u:ao--. Tfwket office and waiting room First and Al- dll,tsuburban trains except Vancouver leave East Morrtnon, and Water afreets. Instead of First and Alder streets, aa formerly. CARS LEAVE FOR Ores-oa City 4:00. 8:30 a. m. and every 80 minutes to and including Bp m.. then 10:00, 11-00 p. nx. ; Isst car midnight Greahsm and ntrml,i,H",,i6?i I:1? 8-45 9:45. 10:46 a. m.; 12:45, 2:46, 8:45, 4:45, 6-45 6:46, 11:35 p. m. - Ca'ssdero and Intermediate points 8:55, 8:45, 1Q-45 a. m.; 12 45. 2:46. 4:46. 6:45 p. m. i On third Monday ta every month last ear leaves at 7:06 p. m. ' 'Dally except Sunday. 'Dally except Monday. (I LEAVING PORTLAND. Oregon Electric Railway Company DEPOT FRONT AND JEFFERSON. . , Tn Rfcea local. Hlllsboro-rorest Grove local. Salem Int. Stas. local.'. .... . Hillsboro-Foreat Orov l"fal.-Balero-Taalatln only, limited.. I Salem Int. staa. kx-. ...... . J Hillsboro-Foreat Grove local.. 1,800 Wlem Int Stas. . Hlllsooro-ro"-" Bslem Int. Stas. local....... Hillsboro-Foreat Grova local.. HUlaboro-Forest Orov local. . galem Int. Stas. local....... Wllaonvllla Int. SUr. local.. HIllaboro-Foreat Grove local. . , Salext Int. Staa. Vocal ....... Hillsboro-Foreat Orova loear. .. in stas. local Hillsboro-Foreat Grove local 1,600 900 250 8:80 a. m. ...8:45 a. to. .. 7:40 a. m. .. 8:80 a. m. .. 8:50 a. m. .. 8:55 a. m. ..10:10 a. m. ..11:85 a. m. .12:15 p. n. . . 2:O0 p. m. .. 2:16 p. m. . . 8:80 p. m. . . 8:45 p. m. .. 5:15 p. m. . . 6:86 p. m. . . 6:30 p. m. . . 8:25 p. m. . .llio p. aa. ..11:16 p. an. ARRIVING PORTLAND WlraoavUto Int. Stas. local HUlaboro-Forest Grove local Saltm Int. Staa. local HUlaboro-FoTMt Grove local., Bslem Int. -Stas. local Hillsboro-Foreat Grove local.. Salem Int. Stas. local Salem Int. Stas. local Hlllaboro-Foreat Grove local.. Hlllsboro-Forest Grove local.. Snlem Int Stas. local Hlllsboro-Forest Grova local.. Salem-Tualstln only, limited.. Hillsboro-Foreat GroTa local.. Salem Int Staa. local Hillsboro-Foreat GroTe local.. Salem Int .Staa. local Salem Int. Staa. local Hlllsboro-Forest Grov local.. 380 380 600 2,80(1 200 , aw Salem. Fill! City A Westers Railway points via Salem 6:80 a. m., I .reent Sunday; 8:65 (. m. Sands? only. ; i 'Zi- 6:55 1. m. 7:60 a. m. ...... 9:00 a. m. 8-85 a. a, 1 1 .no - .!..'!.'n:25 a! m." 12:06 p. m. 115 p. m. 1:80 p. m. 2:55 p. m. , 8:06 p. m. , 4:86 p. ro. I , d:oo p. m. 5:25 p. tn. ..... 6:15 p. n. 8:10 p. m. n jn p. ai. H):40 p. m. 11:00 p. ni. 2 p. m. dally i I; Time Card United Railways Co Leaving Portland tar BarUngton and tater tnedlat. aUtlon-:18. T15. 8:16. :18. 10:15. U:16 a. ta. 1:15. 2:18. 8:19, 4:15, 8:1. 6:U p. m. For Ltnntoa and lBternMdlaU stations :10. 10:00. 11:46 p. n. Arrtvtnc Portland from RarIiiigto and Inter mediate station T:KO. 8:00. 10:XI. 11:00 a. m 12.00 boob. 21, 3:00. 4:00 6:00. on. 7 :'. I S:0O p. m. rrom Llnnton and Intermediate sti tlons dally except Sunday TK a. tn. From I Unntoa and lnteraiedlata ststlona dally 8:60. 11:30 p. m. R. N. A., Oregon Rose camp, meets Fri day evenings, Afisky hall. Third and Morrison. R. N. A., Marguerite camp, meets every Thursda, evening in Savoy halL East Burriside street and Grand avenue. M Monday( evenings. Selling Hlraa Bldg, (SOUTH Portland Slab wood Co Main LOST vitality r-tord Hv r)r I i Vain t .,T.T,n,c--Thw', se b. b" fl.24. ftlpe, TavUtr Drwg C. Mot- rlswn. Wail orders rromptlynild WOMEN, aa FeeooIJa li.n ik.,. ...i ' ly-r-. ' M'i.'L1!11' '1 ood .nd coal Multnomal, luel Co A REfiPlXTAhLK ,una ma TeT..T.. v,n A-11M. ".rrvTiKsio aiitn m vnritri tiri. warehouse separate iron rooms and fireproof valuta for valuables; north wet corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship, vr-e.i P.r'- .ni w-.M-i?.1 rment. MMn A-1996. ! West Par., and Washington. OLSON-HOE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage safes, pfanoa. and furniture moved, packed and rnivTea. iv-m . h a e . main a47: A-Z247. CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title Trust company. 7 Chamber of Commerce. LAWYERS Abstract A Trust Co.. room I Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts a specialty. ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab stract office, 411 Corbett bids. Mala W. A. Evergreen Chhd. 6466. mei mAmm a..ahIh O. I II , . . , . TRANSPORTATION X14I. A IM! Blockwo'jd. 14 . dry I i.-i t-rfvi trv-r r I lA ",; ' f- , c;u,or;FgeT ifr'iUr. a?."!, FUNERAL DIRECTORS Zeller-Byrnes Co. iVboTi W. R- HAIZLIP CO. (Inc.). abstractors, first class work. 127-t Corbett bldg. TRANSPORTATION lama h bones; lady assistant. Most modern uinnrinieTii in citv COOS BAY LINE -J.1? f1" SBCAKWATEH Imvmi OPEN RIVER Transportation Company TVPEAVIUTERB DUNNING. M ENTEE GILB A UOH" ' Alnaworth dock 1 4 'will .uZ ... t VTFP A. r- 1 O T, A 1 . .. -r . - ...-..-, r . . ... marrv r W. 0-82JV. Journal ' k. .'Tl 'C ' " AT."" 5.'hADi,""",n ir,,-z -a. n f t;t .aI .vi--.- '.""""i n ii".n r.a witn t in! iQ vtil alte r- .i .-viam andertakers -and embalmera; modera (Wid asd Oooa ma miu ! detaiL Aeventh and Ptosx Mala felved naUl t a. aa. sms day of iaUlaa. I In every 4 Lady asalatant ti-table eid-rlv ladv - -Tt, Jo ma I and IS per month, at $21.68 to 447. S. good h"me. : I HV V ifj, ; Fc"-.t f E Tisknit l nor? Guarantee for one I Ha year. U H Alexander A Co, agents L. i - rrrnn croe typewriters i;a th at A-1474 Msln 74- lraer, am!4 nwi a-r,ii.. I - - r-air:moiai:v lrtlned. M-lll j,. ' DANCIAO I -, . . , 1 r I S Ii kair-4nxiuai4Tui 5 i.i' : Art Irstruct Wn br the term mi. rr 1,4k. Mrs. R i: lata .t f rie- n.ay be formed ALL ir.ake rented. mlrd nia r-JTT N I LI. e-,! my iY.f tvr-viTiter for fit IT hot vy j.i .- l-ljo, journal Vain Pf M cr"ihLi feeta'ae" n'isaa Valsi rit FPo-cro onvi . for cs aarf u grtf. llBTTWrUf Wllrni - i lt- Viiij-fr,ce at halt I ' -.- ftI7. A-4( O . - ety nla-Kt excrt fu- 3 arid Ita. icudura' trceat. ! t AIS A I Taa.U fjifigham C. til Stark. I48T. IMIiHKI.LA RLP.URING WE 8 ELte, r-pair and re-ever vmhrei. li V UB, UJ Ilk f. XTf. I Paener far first claaa. 18; acoe!i I eiasa, J. tnclodlng Wth and aaeala la- 1 ft OAZ n. DOCX A. . Whiting. Agent Phones Main 20. A-1627. ruiotrr mcettxjj sajxt tom TU BAIiIiII ROOD UTEB Wim IlLalOf TIIDIIWOOD Aa aU taVrsaadJate pciabs earner J. W. Teal lTe Portland 6 k uvu mm Ufa. ii anm-a ' V r r TV, i , . . - , ,l - . ..... z , - .. w . . aiu nnairuiM- i i . . . . . - " . ... . . ., A,A.ilU Lady r sal stan t B-l I iat ' 7 IT" ucaat oiTlea. Third and Wa-7 - ro. ""i- veo, ana r n . arriving 4I Ksiet Alder. V.-: . ' "v-na smsc. rtSN I "' " , mr'.K"m ' 71. J. P. Fliilcy L Sea Ledy attendant Main 8; A-ltt. ER ICBON U.NDtRTAKINO CO'lfaTn iiii.A-jii.; jaoy isst Umim 248 board steamer the night before. ROUE CITT CEMKTruT Phones C-tlH and A -4444. at A e-ii-'i. runerai directors. re ta T. fg. IwT.nl-if Ine K. il. R-tttt nrreee- SPWARn HOLM AN. adrtker d st Lady aasiataat Mala 47. ii rCkr A AlilflfCl Ainc ri4rs. t-uiiao. - v a m mm--m a e J 1 I J n-m arrxajccm warn m. xukou V411I rwiT freight at Cn h street ndt r-ommeortr. a Morvday. I lee-rn r-r elrht rate 12 per ton. -ra nn: charwils-v i-ass-enri-r m fnwi lv-ti.r,4 17 6. frets Astoria. t. v,'i .rr Toe-day evcnLnat. Telpfete Mala el agent. 141 t fcird C aiaus 1464. I-I til. 8aa lYaaclaco At roroaad B. B. Oo. tree rtaaaaec Aayligkt aailiar, A itiasroT-i i dce-k. lv,rtiid. 4 rj. ra pa. xtajs. uit , area, j m, m. aa. jVoe city, be, it. at, Jfyrn Tier Raw F"rrK-i . 1 1 a. an. . aWe Citv. Dae. It, 86, . 8. Ksaaava City. Xa. la, rK L j . nxriwin. iea a r t u jwa's i x. I Arnweri8 M , ntb. r:?y t'-k-l CLASSIFIED AD BATES CASH ADS: 15 words er teas 15e par liaactluat IS ta XI wwos, zur; 21 te 28 words, Xoa. Last and FoaaaV Hala Wanted. 8 1 fas Mo a Wasted. To Rent Ads aad Wasted to aVrafl Ads. three laaarttopa tar tba pries of ta. ataar r least Oca Ouaa srves laaarttoas fa tbe prtos ef sbx, , CBAkflB ADS: Orbee rbaa enatrmrt. f sar esasatad Baa. Opea saaaa eaullaat ts be aawd Is IS Bera. l.aot aaas... ........ ....ar par eoaatas ne Aene Maa H par caaated Ua M.K4 Havs ar ssova he par eaasted tla All rlaaained dvartlalBg charged by the 8a aetaal AM m BY TH1 KOKTB: .. . . f 1 8 par 8s. aae aaaar ...-II 28 tar Maa aar aw.' I 1 tba. ... par lias ear cocroi BOOKS i ar a. 1-4 tm4 n Haa b-r .........be par saasnd Had Kra Haa be k 4 par laaii U4 Oi s.i mt saa aaeasraaay aaay. a ads 1 aa . at aha rsarmia aaa tiasa aa at i roriT arr "reana to tbb ua. avaaC sar a mm ar tawsl ea first ftr u-tlea- Tra oaral a-IB sat ai lar ml 1.x at teaertaeaa. StftfRT wrmmttr mm tbs a aad ftd ( aa r 'ai .a av errTVaeS arttt rraael tevt ar i ii um i rssi TV, Jsas a.l fsaela. a affW ta aa-a t tH p as. .rlr eveaa fmf. riiU.-.LB. HJklX -TlT. Afti.- :