The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1909, Page 35, Image 35

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TWO large Miry connecting rooms, gas,
electric light bath, phones, hum
cook In, aiWliiV diataiira. suitable for
j . i . .. ii.i.
vpniirmtn or ramiiy i, uur. wai
. i:o Montgomery t
Cur. JJ end Xim
furnlahad fouim
elngl or mull, at raeeonabl nrloa;
modarn fonviilcn--', epn lb run,
VA ti 1 1 v 77 tTi si luil lllh eia7
Tb Norrl Abaolutaly nw, all out
Id rooma. strictly modern onea
lencea. 4 to H weekly.
110 Yamhill. pp. Portland hatcf P
rial fates to permanent gueata; tran
alent solicited.
COf i).-alrlle sleeping room, Vary
lonvenlt-ma: reaaotiabla; central loca
Hon. 4m Washington t., uipoalt
Portland thi-atr.
mrT'ITTTCBTXT'WA 3ilU Flr.l .t.
Nice tiewly furnished room a. reason
able rates; electric lights, fre plion
nd bath; transient and permanent.
Nl('f:l.T fumlahed 1 room hOuarhiln
una. fin rnl floor, lth Iraa iiltone
nil lolii. ana only a itunuiae- waia
from poatof n a, very renttal. In good
rRlJeit'a ilia 1 1 let to adults for vol
117 n. o run. Call at u Markat at
to t allowed tb rooma at l.'l Tito st.
mat ara to 6a rented.
5 J I ftUTll E ATa N li Newly furnlah
iiuuarksoplng rooma, hot and cold wa
ter, rlactrlo llghta, ga rfcngea. balb and
plinne. Kth or W. carlliio, corner tiu
and J hiirinan. 'bona A-4 174.
KlCKLY VuriiUlwHl ""auiua or atng
rounia. nlia location overlooking river
and city Feat or Wrat Bide, walking
ilinlimT batli. phnna. gaa and wood
alovea. 111 to IIS. 60. Plion H.ll 110
NICK 17? fuinUln-d suite " or slngl
r(Kma, nice location, overlooking rlvar
and city, east or weal aide, waikln
dlalance: bath, uhono. gas and woo
fovea. Ill to III kO. Phon Hell 1100.
. TWO lib'uly fuililalied room. stngl or
en guilts rant reasonable. 141 14 Mor
' rlaon at., corner 7th, v Golden Gat.
Plion A-7691.
" t'lil'KT CLA8S rooms, hot and cold
water In rwoma. 7 blocks from P. o.,
elect! lo light, ire phone; line, met
neighborhood. Ill 12th.
PLEASANT front loom, nrlvate family.
gultablfl Iori .oc J-oard-itjlcalrciLj
, 43 n. -
TURKIC n!c room well furnlahad:
everything cosy, modern and homs-
Ilka. 181 16th, Id houae off Morrison.
! $10 Nlc llttU modern room for gen
tlemen. Colonnade, 10th . and Jaf (er
gon. HHt A: rloaa In.
IJIASANT room in pi Ivata iiorua, wall
furnlahed; furnace, heat, modern) op
poalta Multnomah club, 170 Chapman.
" NICE furnlahed front room, auitahla for
s gentinnieiK mouern oonveniancra.
IIS 13th. cor. Main at.
, CICELY furnished front room for 1 or
. s, modern; apienam locality. u uin
cor. Montgomery. Phona Main i9S.
l.AROH corner front
L10allAliI.l I room tioui koptng aultu,
.alao alugla bouaekeeplna room, larga,
light.. conifortaM. ,411 Salmon at., near
Main I6S.
houaekeeplyg; aullea,
well " fur-
lilahod: furnace heat: all con van
lenrea. I9 lutli. cor. Columbia; tit a
TVS K. front 2 -room aulta In No b Hill
home: ateatn heat, hot water, bath.
fihone, laundry. $27.60, Including; cook
n g gaa. M. Hi.
Two choice gunny' front roomi inj
kitchen, flrat floor, modern houae. 447
Montgomery at. 1'hona Main lit; ref
erenrea fltcliangad.
6UITK of t or 1 houeekeeplng rooma,
water on aama floor, clean, comfort
able. 201 Park.
!' LIS houarkeeplna; rooma; bath, gaa.
room furnlahed.
li: carllna. lltli and Columbia. Alain
, ti3l)U.
288 8l at., furnished
y day. week or month: ericas
reasonable; permanenta wollclteit.
NICK iMy window aleeplng room, ateam
heated, walklnx dlatancn, both phones.
The NewcRBtle. 8d and Harrlaon eta.
TWO furnlahed rooms for rent, one 13
and one 12.60 per week. 430V4 2d St.
phone; clean and respectable. 101 Al
der sf.
iHE larga elegantly furnished' light
housekeeping rooma, 109 First, near
Glbba; 111; walking distance.
ON a, t w o or ' three newly furnlahad
noueekeeDin rooma. rrae Dam. poone.
n Kilt. tzi ist at.
TWO or 1 large, completely furnished
rooma, cloaa In. 114 lltb, cor. Hal'
NICK furnlahcJ
18 Front
WllltN you move you"ll new fui
nliura, lluy It luiiluloualy and the
s&viugs wiu asvaad your moving a-
Our .MO-nKTNT PniCFIl mada ui one
of the largaat furniture houaes la tbe
city In laaa than two veara.
Lookers are aliowo the aain courtesy
as buyer.
Oiand ava., cor. H Stark at.
Eaat'Ankany, Mpntavllla and aat da
una rare raaa our ooor.
rOH ItKNT fltors rooms south
eaat cor. Kaat Water and Waah-
ington at., auttnbla for ware-
rooma or ahop of aome kind.
ISO tat Morrlaon at.
For Rent
f-room modern house on E, Salmon, I 4 UNlCN AVE. tix W.
near nn at.: fij per montn.
7 -room modern houae. artMid barn, at
t-iara: ritatlon. Ml. h'Olt car line, izo
per month.
Otto & Harkson
lim Plrat at.
TEN room tiouae, "3
7 room houae.
Union ava., , :o. .
Union ava.. N !4o!
411 btanton gU nar
I room-house, 761 York., near N. t
at, 130. ; r ,
e a V '
Z3B Clark at., near
bltAKD new 7 rooma and bath, modern
and fine: furnace, thadea. eta; on
Hawthorn avo. Inquire 281 Olepn av4..
llMwinnrne car.
A I'KHIRABLK tenant can rent a nice.
modern ( room house nn K. 26th. only
block from car. for lis. - w. J. Hinitii.
. .. , . . . , j-.
' " m oer ot i..oinmerce. ......
MY lib MB of 6 rooms for rent fifr-
nlsliod, or will sell furniture on enay
terma. Tabor 383. or. call Zl 15,. 4Hh
at., near ttawinorne ave.
ONK-HALr of craund floor, offlca or
aaleeroom. ISxLO. In Portland'a Iltian
elal center; fine aample room or bual-
naaa or rife; rent S4U. u-ixu, journal.
ment. ateam beat: aulendld bualneas
iuiiiuii; rem c ilea p. jonn iJiCK, 9.
Henry bldg.
VIllfiT claaa outatde office rooma fur
rent In new bulldlnv: ateam heaL
electric and gaa light, with Janitor aerv-
ice. r. ta. cor. 3d ana Madiaon.
t'l ' 1 1 V I C; J LM 1 - . . nt. ......
v. i .7, An& u,L:v i Will, w r. u v . tivii.
private entrance If desired. Call b'ii
Worcester bids.
LOW Elc ALh I N'A wan-houae site,- 60x
100. on railroad track and near the
ferry. Wood lawn ma.
for rent, caroets.
phones and uae of waltlnar room.
Commercial Block.
HALL with piano for rent cheap. 108H
Biarn si.
FOR 8 A LB My 1 room apartment, fur-
ninnen coniDieieiy: Dest location.
O-SBi. journal.
LAROE barn, suitable for sale or feed
atablea, for rent cheap. ' or for sale:
nmrt ' Af1am h,Uno .uav ra umanl. In.
27 Board or xraae. I quire iio Has Lin roaa, Montavina,
or rnone main iiao.
.housekeeping room
tit, or apply Hall 180
Cheap rent
FOtN'ISHKD front housekeeping suite,
lower floor: nice ground and bath
37 Front at. Main 2266. -
HOL'HKKKKPINO aulte, ateam heated,
walking distance, bath.- phones. Th
NewcHallt, 3d and Harrison.
IN private home, furnished and unfur
niHhed rooms; bath, phone, lights and
water free. JB-1630. Address 831 K.
Kvcrett at
light, clean Bleeping rooms, brick
building, electric lights; free bath
and phone. East 6263, The Iola, .SBOH
Hawthorne ave.
K'ICELY furnished 6
quire 855
Shaver st.
room house. IrT
Kast 8th st. north, corner
HOl'HKKKEPING "rooms In good, warm
building; Tree pnone and Datn. 044
Overton, cor. 16th. Main 8738.
LIGHT hoiiHekennlna suites., modern
steam heat, very central location, close
in. jni iztn, corner Yamniu.
NEATLY furnlnhed front room, well
828 Clay, near 7th
t suited for housekeeping, modern con
Ft'RNISHED Bleeping room, privilege
of light housekeeping. 31 L. 3d N.J
18 per month. 4 -
LARGE front room suitable for 2 ladles,
light, gas, bath, 10 minutes' oar ride.
724 Union ave.
NICK room, modern, private home;
board If desired. 4 43 Halsey. Phone
KHKt 6156.
NEATLY furnlwhed outside room. $1.60
per week. 464 H E. Burnalde, near 8th.
FOR RENT 1 furnished room;
and bath-J 18 E. 23d t.i
HOARD and room close In. 82 E. 7th st.
A LARGE room and a aunny kitchen
with a range la a modern flat 862
Park st.
TWO furnlnhed housekeeping rooms, 115
per month.
10th st.
Phone Main 6549, 67 N
SUITE two rooms,
bath free; clean,
venlont; cheap. 391
gas stove, phone,
comfortable, con
7th st.
TWO large bay window front rooms
Just newly furnished for housekoep
lng. 286 11th. Main 8848.
ONE large furnished
room, first floor; gaa
phone, $13. Main 4089.
range, use o;
FOR RENT 1 elegant, large unfur
nished front room, furnace heat, free
buth. lights and phone, fine location,
suitable for dressmuking parlors,: also
I furnished bedroom. 49 N. 17th st,
1 block off of Wash.
DESIRABLE furnished; also unfur
nished rooms; single and en miitej
quiet; very tunable ror single gentle
men; reasonable. Km mm bldg., lst-Pine,
CAMBRIDGE BLDG., 3d and Morrison
. sts. Furnished housekeeping rooms,
very desirable. Apply room 36.
NEWLY papered housekeeping rooms.
13.50 and up; bath, laundry aaid phone,
587 Washington st
184 ' Sherman, South Portland, 11.60
week up, large, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath.
NICE suite of front housekeeping rooms,
also one sleeping room, reasonable.
276 N. 12th st
ONE desirable front housekeeping suite
of two rooms, path, ngnt, neat 40'Vi
A SINGLE room with
etc. 15 per week. 227
2 meals;
7th St.
ropean and American plan.
HOTEL PORTLAND, European plan
only; 13. IB day.
BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder.
LARGE furnished room for housekeep
ing; gas and use of piano. 404 Sec
ond st, room 2.
DESIRABLE suite of 3 rooms for light
housekeeping: modern; reasonable;
near Multnomah club. 175 17th st.
COZY, clean, housekeeping room, fur
nace heat, bath, laundry and phone.
405 Stark st., near 10th.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. Phone Woodlawn 279. In
quire 92 Kllllngsworth ave.
4J T K 4nnltiiM 1 v rmt mif M9 A vaAm
residence on 18th St.. IS minutes' walk
to Id and Morrison rent 126 month.
ild to Deo. 15.
aln 8841.
HOUSE for rent and furniture for aal;
rirat claaa condition: .voienaia local
ity; cash and term. 41 N. 9th at
Main 7678.
MODERN flat for rent, and furniture of
6 rooma for sal cheap; price 1225.
rza Harrison.
1100-lb. farm team and harness, 1100;
1?AA-1K ... a u 7. ITflrt-l,, Ivar,
horse, ,15; K'uO-lb. team, 1160, or 1100-
10, noraw. 1 . luau-in. nenverv mirw.
1&0; 1-year-old mare. 1100 lba.. $126; 26
fcata team and alngln harness, 1 fin
surreys, light and heavy furm wagons,
steel and rubber tired buggies, gooa
neck furniture, alao a I moot new slngl
and double ejirrn. grourry and dellv.
ery wagona, i 14-liidi plows, I slip
acrapera, ftwd cutter, J liousa poles, all
to be sold cheap
380 Front St. t
Horses, Earnicss&WaoaS;
Another carload of liora.a arrlvad
December 1: aome first class horses.
I some cheap horaes; we alao have a
maroa from 1100 to 1400 lbs. each; de
livery, vegetable and axpieaa wagona:
10 buggies; brand new farm harnesses
11 JJO.
42 Hawthorne ave.
t-UK BAL,K 1 horae and spring wagon.
enea p. iu tj. eiwt St., Mt Tabor csr.
3 FRESH COWS, one Jersey Durham.
6 gallons nor umv. rli li milk: ruin Imr.
ham. 4 gallona per day; cheap for cash
or exnhanse for fat cows. Vetei-lnarv
certificate. - ua East anth." near Ej,a't
NMara.- Hunnysiae car.
Jei'n4y tow, big milker, vctcii'
' nary cprtlloate. 646 East Madiaon st.
Call at 666 Euat Main st. Phone East
10 BROWN LEGHORN hens. $8; Whit
irinnrn cocnereia. Vbr. neat hreivi:
rniacK .Minorca and R. l. Reds cheap
Phone Tabor 805, Green.
WANTED Fresh cow
tie lilirheat
Woodlawn 1850.
I have a aal on fin furs, seal
skin, mink, martan, ermine, etc
on hand made lo order which f
nava 10 dlapoa of before Christ
Having apent my llfetlma aa an
expert (tealgnar and fitter la furs,
I promise you aatlsfactlon.
This la, no humbug, but straight
honeat bualnas. Ulva me a call
before buying elaewiier and 1
will savs yo j money.
111 6th at
and beef cat-
prices paid. Phone
Address 11 ft aay at., I
Second Hand Kails
66 tons 60. pound raila.
25 tone 40 pound ralla.
30 tons 30 pouml rails.
40 tons 20 pound ralla.
10 tons 13 pound rails.
Also 100 tuna rails for reenforced con
crete, etc.
Get our prices and bo a customer.
M. Barde & Sons
847-63 Qllsan at. cor 8th.
The House of a Million Bargains.
FURNITURE of 12-rooin house, best
location in city; excellent business.
West Park Furniture of 11 rooms, A.-n mibiilm , ... ,,. r
sulUble for boarding houae; no agent RNlbHJbL. cottage wanted. 6
R,r,.i rr(. moat leave rooms: must be In good cont
Bargain as rarty must leave prefer ciose In location, either s!
FURNITURE of 16 room brick house.
centrally located, cheap rent and bar
gain. Price $860. Particulars at 805 8d.
WE ARE in touch wltn several parties
wishing to rent desirable homes on
either east or west side: furnished and
unfurnished. If your place Is for rent
Kindly can ana see us, or pnone Main
286 Oak St.. Portland, or.
or 6
Drefer close In location, either side n:
river; must have phone, and modern con
veniences. -as, journal.
CHOICE fresh cows, cheap, or exchange
ror iai, ary ones, pnone woodlawn
ONE fresh Jersey cow;
day. 698 K. Yamhill.
FIRST class cutter for hire.
both phones.
FINELY furnished flat used 3 montht
for sale cheap If sold Immediately:
winter wood tnrown in. ztz tsneridan.
ROOMING houae for sale, 22 rooms fur
nished: good location, all full. Phone
East 87 ft.
NEW furniture of 7 room modern flat.
close In, on west side; will sell or
rent. 619 B wetland bldg.
FURNITURE or 6 room cottage, near
Washington and IZUi sts.: rent IZ2.60.
For particulars call 90 10th st
FURNITURE of 8 room house for sale
for 1260; all cash. 687 Washington.
ONE of the prettiest homes in Irv-
ington with large lawn, completely
furnished, fuel rurnisned. lawn taken
oare of, for rent for 7 months, beginning
Jan. 1. Phone East 3446 or Main 611.
Residence 692 Schuyler, near East 21st
WELL furnished cottage, wet side riv
er. 120 month. Apply 164 N. 26th. W
car from depot, on a a or Morrison, to
26th. block north.
OR RENT 5 room modern bungalow,
furnished, with piano, 1 block from
Mount Scott car, Rayburn station. Phone
WANTED Suite of housekeeping
rooms, warning aisiance. iu to n;
state price and location. K-339, Journal.
TEAM well matched, weighs 2800 lbs..
horse and mare. Also Mg team geld
ings. 2600 lbs. true pullers every way.
price. 1185. Bay horse, 1150 lbs, price
160. Big 1500 lb. dapple gray colt. 5
years old, at bargain. Express harness.
115. Double breeching Harness, ize.
New top buggy, $80. KubDer tire ex
press truck, wltn top, 1120. uau hob
Wash. st.
I WILL sell at public auction Tor casli,
in hand. 4 horses, 2 mares. 3 sets dou
ble harness. 6 nose bags, 3 Boston back
ers, 2 wagon Jacks, 2 wagons with tops.
I at 10 a. m. Tuesday, December 7. 1909,
stable, 19th, between Alder and Morri
son sts.
FOR SALE or exchange; a pair of bay
horses, weighing Z4U0; young and
good workers. Will sell reasonable or
exchange as first payment on house
and lot. For particulars phone A-3779
or call at 26H ltn St., neur jerrerson.
H. E. EGLER, manufacturer and deal
er In harness, blankets, lap robes and
horse furnishings: harness washing.
oiling and repairing a specialty. Wil
lamette boulevard, Ockley Green. Rea-
sonable prices.
Furniture for sale of 9 room rooming
house, house for rent. 110. 18 N. 6th.
NICELY furnished 5 room house, with
piano, rent 135 per montn. call at u
Tnion ave.
WELL furnished plastered cottage
112.50 month, opposite Baptist church.
Arleta Or.. O. W. P. car.
460 FURNITURE 10 room house, rent
GOOD, sound, city broke, 1,200 lb. del.
horse; also one good 900 10. horse, 2
ton express wagon, nearly new, at half
of its value, 181 Hazel st., Mt. Scott
car to Kern Park, 7 blocks north, 2
blocks east.
136. 232 Madison at
house furnished.
Gibbs st,
241 N. 22D ST., corner Marshall, well
furnished, newly tinted front room,
suitable for two; also smaller room;
board reasonable; one block to either
23d or Morrison st. car. Phone M. 2071.
TWO or 3 room suite with bath, clojie
in.. Call 414 Taylor, corner 11th.
313 14th corner Clay, south facing, 2
room suite, sink running water.
, The Olympus
11 per day for rooms and board.
13th St., cor A Id er. 7
COMFORTABLE refined home; furnace
heated room; good board: for nice em
ployed girls;very reasonable. Cor. 23d
and Marshall. A-4920.
TWO ' siiSfcle rooms, natly furnisned,
first class home cooking, rates rea
sonable. Call 310 10th st, or phone
Main 3488.
46 N. 21ST St.. Just off Washington
choice rooms, private family, first
class homo cooking If desired.
ROOM and board suitable for two; use
FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeeping
rooms. 748 Corbett st.
PLEASANT housekeeping suite, bath,
jras. phone. 2S6 nth. at, near Mam.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $2.50
and up. 372 ist. pnone wain 7490.
TWO large apartments, furnished, for
light housekeeping; new house, electric
lights, gas, bath and phone: private
family; no children; rent $12 per
month. 68 B. 81st ana Stark. Phone
Tabor 1017.
bath, telephone, piano, etc.
rlson. Main 6222.
662 Mor-
BOARD and room, bath, home cook
ing, $6 per week. 191 11th, near Yam
hill. Phone Main. 6963.
TWO nice light rooms furnished for
housekeeping, brick building, electric
lights, free phone and bath. The Iola,
860H Hawthorn ave. Phone East 6253.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, $8 per month; sleeping rooms,
$5 per month; at Arleta Rooming House,
1 block soutn or Arieta station, imo. a
LADY with own home wishes 1 or 2
children, under school ag, to board.
can give good reference. East 4774.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with
near Washington High school. .
Oak st. Phone B-2619.
595 E.
ROOM and board, free use of bath and
" phone, 1042 Belmpnt st. Phone
327 West Park Rooms and board, walk-
Ing distance, phone, bath, heat Main
NICE furnished room for gentlemen;
heat and bath; board if desired. 189
ROOMS for gentlemen, first class homo
cooking, best location in city. 175
Morrison, corner 14th.
CHOICE front room in modern house,
aul table - for Z persons; first class
44 2 Jerrerson at.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly decora
ed and furnished; walking distance.
361 Wliliame "ave., corner Broadway.
Phone East 6379.
NEW 4 room modern flats, Tjaths, toi
lets and stationary wasnstanas;
Dutch kitchens, walls tinted, paneled
dining rooms, buffets and china closets,
light fixtures and window shades fur
nished, individual basements, attics to
two flats. Come and see them. Owner.
12th and College.
FARMERS, notice! A fine 1500-lb.
brooS mare, heavy in foal to Perche
ron, .which will be a March colt; good
worker; also a fine combination saddle
pony. Both very cheap. 49 N. 4th st.
FOR HALE Cornish organ, new and in 1
good condition, and mav be seen at
Southern Pacific depot, foot of Jeffer
son St., Monday and Thursday after
noons. Private Exchange 1, house 46.
L-333, Journal.
SAVE big money on any new piano at
Jiuers store nrovldlna- vou huv with
in a lew aays. uail between 3 and
afternoons. Room 18, Ogden Hotel, 1st
and oak streets.
USED upright planoa; different makes
rrom our rent and exchanae stock 14
mommy until paid in run.
riDlvra UTTarn rr
111 4th jt Portland.
Enjoy nerfict harmonv for Chrlatmaa
and New Year's. Have Anderson, the
piano expert, tune your piano. Address
no jo. aiaiu oiun. A-ijza.
Chas. E. York
Band Instruments and Music House.
Kepalring, exchange. 88H 3d st.
NEW upright mahogany piano for sale
cuean terms 10 suit customer. An.
dress room 624 Y. M. C. A. bldg., Port-
lanq, ur.
FIRST class new mahogany piano, only
2io, io uown ana 14 Der month.
cnir- ss(r Aiapr st. - : -
60c Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin.
viuuii. xvii'3. jjiai 1111. i4uu riM.nn i
tj f jviain b04.
ALMOST new 5 passenger tourlnar car.
in perfect condition. Fully equipped
wnn top. glass iront, horn, ft lights.
goncrator, extra tire, tire chains, etc.
Win sell very reasonable, or will con
sider suitable real estate. S-337 Journal.
FOR SALE Following miscellaneous
articles: Sad irons, harness, nalnta.
glassware, silk skirts. Rogers Bros.'
silverware, kitchen secretary, under-
4 gallons per wear, deadening felt, trunks, rugs, pho-
nograpn, piumuing material, guns ana
buirirv curtains. AJav he iMin a.t Kouth.
em Pacific depot, foot of Jefferson st..
Monday and Thursday afternoon. Pri
vate Exchange 1. house 46. ur L-333.
A Barde Special
160 dog. Washoe nicks in sizes from
No. 1 to 6 Inclusive.
At $4 per dozen.
Come early and get your size.
M. Barde & Sons
347-63 Glisan St., cor. 8th.
The House of a Million Bargains.
MONTY ta loan without delay and I
strictly eonft .1nril on rl I
etata, furniture and ,Uma ( l ti- I
out removal), tinr.i ixrltl, I
llf tnauranr lolU i-a, Jewlr? I
and diauionUa and all klnda of I
securities, at lowaat ratea In cltv. I
On ay weekly or mom lily pay- I
manta. V. . Heal 1 alata A t
Brokerage Co., room 13 lUinlMroi
bldg. 111 Id st Phona Main :u4.
WE HAVE client who wants lo borrow
$4000 for 3 years at 7 per rent 01
flrat claaa fruit and stock farm. 0-11-
trally located, near 1'nrllanil; appraiK. I
value, 119.000. Uoddard k. Wlodn. I..
41 Utark at.
I HAVE aome mortgagee for aul-s
range to 1 3000. T ir cent, 9 yeara,
am leaving city. Answer Immedlat. iv
If you want aome flrat class aecurltli.
11-337. journal.
or building
and i per
WE HAVE applications
loan. iooo 10 i.iuuo.
cent; A-l security. If you want to g.-l
your money to work nuii k write 11-joi,
$3000 at 6 per cent on 100x100. with
I-iaory nouses, Heinioni at., minny
m - ttinn at. M-Mi), JournaL
Hutton Credit Co.
We ara the only comoany In th city
of Portland organised and incorporate 1
under th laws of tna atat 01 uregou
loaning money on furniture, piano.
etc.. without removal; storage receipt,
real estate contracts, salarlea; also con
fidential loans mad to ladies: no lu-
qulriea anywhere.
Loans or sio to 1100 may n ooiamea
from us on short notice, and at very
small cost to th borrower.
It will pay you to In vas tlgat oar new
credit plan.
Hutton Credit Co.-
612 Dekum Bldg.
Leah Furniture Co.
Will furnish your home complete and
lane your Old lurnlture in exenansa.
uianu ave. ana Aider. st 4724.
FOR SALE 15 pairs ballbearing roller
skates, winsiow manufacture, new
and in good condition; may be seen at
aouinern pacific depot, foot of Jeffer
sort at, Monday and Thursday after
noon. Private Exchange 1, house 45,
LciiifS, journal.
1 bought an office desk, best quar
terea oak, b root with chairs at
sette to match and 9x12 rug. This of
fice desk was bought but I cannot usa
it. Can you? Call at 227 E. 40th st
nea- Main.
SOME household srooda T want to sell
3 iron beds, springs, matrenses. com-
rorts. extent! on table, center table.
chairs, dressers, cook stove, 2 heaters.
nice bath tub, 3 ingrain, 2 Brussels car
pets. 385 E. Alder st.
FIREPROOF SAFES 14 second hand
safes, very cheap, on monthly nay
ments. We have moved from 7th Bt.
to- 87 6th st.. near Stark. A complete
stock or new sates, call or write to
day. Portland Safe Co., 87 6th St.
FOR SALE Gentle black mare, 7 years
old, well broke; Is a family pet and
perfectly safe for any woman or child
to drive. Good buggy and harness;
price $350. Phone Main 6481.
FOR RENT Two flats of 8 rooms
each, within walking distance.
Chittenden, Otto & Neill
268 Stark Bt, Rooms 17 and 18.
$22.50 5 room flat modern, 483 E.
Couch. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave.
and E. Ankeny.
MODERN flat for rent 6 rooms, furni-
ture for sale, mission; rent izo; rurni-
ture $360; no agents, pnone A.-7IW7.
SACRIFICE Team of horses, express
wagon, farmer's wagon, combination
house tent, all in good condition. Mrs.
F. Wheeler, near Government bldg., fair
TEAM MARES, weigh 2400 pounds, both
In foal to imported stallion; good
heavy breeching harness. Price $225.
606 Washington st.
SIX cylinder. '09 model, slightly used
touring car, standard make; financial
straits compel me to offer at $1,250
less tnan cost. -33t, journal.
SEVERAL second hand Mclntyre solid
tire Huiue. in iirst class condition; Z
ani 4 passenger. 632 Alder.
FOR SALE" 10 h. p. upright boiler for
$50. This would be good for a hog
rancn or dye works, or a smalt laundry.
M-334, journal.
BLiCKENSDERFER Typewriters and
supplies: 'ox Visible machines: rent.
als. repairs. Inspections: fireproof safe.
N. M. Hayter Co.. 90 5th St. Main 6628.
WHITE Steamer. 30
pair; sacrifice, $850.
p.. in
good re-
FOR SALE Ainsworth. Button Balance,
6 inch beam: set gcamme wts: set
milligramme wts; 1 platinum crucible.
at a bargain If taken at once. 330
Third st.
FOR SALE Thirty-five head of horses
and mares, all broke horses, ranging
in weight from 1000 to 1600 pounds. 50
Albina ave. Paul Brunzel.
NEW modern I room flat; bath, water,
hall lighted ana rre pnone;
294 Fargo st Main 6604 or East 8805.
UPPER flat 362 Jackson, near Park
6 rooms. -
6 room flat; fin
Phone M. 4473.
view of city;
WELL FURNISHED lower 4 room flat.
$16. or unfurnished $13 montniy. ao-
niv asi North 26th. W car from de
pot on Third or Morrison to 26th, block
TWO nicely furnished rooms, bath, heat,
-electric lights, strictly modern, no
children, private family 658 William
ave. East 1066.
cozy furnished housekeeping
residence 13 East 7th. Phone
East 19!
TWO rooms, partly furnished with car
pets, dresser, some dishes and soma
chairs. 333 Fargo St
table hoard; close In.
NICE room and board for -one or two
gentlemen, private family, 10 minutes'
walk to P. O. 833 Market.
294 CLAY, corner 6th st, one pleasant
single room, with excellent homo
cooking: -central location.
Ii229 lth st Furnished rooms, with
first claaa table board; modern. Phone
Main 9010.
CONNECTING rooms, suitable for- 4;
heat, piano, laundry privileges; 15 a
week: walking diatsnce. 268 12th st
front room, will glvl
nace heat. 114 Holladay ave,
1 VATE family
breakfast and dinner, phone, bath, f ur-
201 H Stanton st. Tj car 11.2& week up,
clean, furnished housekeeping rooms.
Datn, launory. rurnace neat, yara.
FOUR room house, one or more acres
barn, let fruit, good claee for cow,
chickens, garden, 110 month; snap. Ap
ply 364 N. 26th, W. car from depot, on
3d or Morrison to 36tn, block norm.
FOR RENT: 64 E. 3 1st, 6 room cottage
new. modern. 110: 4 room cottage.
E. 32d and Pine, 1 lots, nlc garden
spot Phone Tabor 1811.
IUOM anl loafd for 1
4 -Jllt.
NICELY furnlahed room,
' .private reatdencw. 766
funtar h t
UODERN t room cottage.
worth st. rent 111. James Slgglln,
141H First at Phone Main 7142.
RLI INED. canable bone keener: excel-! FOR
1 b-nl efliil. w-milrt .irharr, aeexlr4,a
jTOUNO man want room with board
i In Catholic family for 15.06 per week.
'O-Jia. Journal
FIVE room house, good barn, corner
lot bath, electric lights, $16. Hatfield,
II5U 4th st.
FOR RENT OR SALE 1 room house,
strictly modern. Grand ave. Inquire
617 Board of Trade bldg.
HOUSE to rent rooms, suburbs, 112
suitable boarders. St Louis Realty
Co., X Washington. Main zoit.
FOR RENT, 111 A good, comfortable
houae, 6 rooms. Inquire at 861 E,
11th at. N. Union ave. cars. C-2580
EIGHT room houa for rent. 408 15tJ
at.. N., Irrlngton. Room 14 Labb
Mrlr Phone A-11S. Main 4147.
669 Elle-
! f T roei 1 end twHI. Vafn SSSS.
nrK'Tl rrw. m mmtrn liouM
1 fkf V. itA rlnM fn Hawthorne. Phona
A-4f'S2, or call Funday
t JEWISH young man wants rnora and
I board ta Jewiah family. K-112. Jour.
ilor.S'd man wanta room and board
I reafwaH. f -!. J"grr.aL
WILL trade aw t iano for room and
roard; atate ltin. R-!?, Joirl
r, gas ror 000a
d Jih: Ankeny
tit 6 rooma,
lng. East Everett an
car, monf r) 1 wvxt . ------
fXtK kiiN'T Two lvfly 4 room eot-
ttgea. II and $12. Call 402 Fremont
1r-t, one Mw 1'nlon avenn e
tTTftOOM house. tr.U garden, auble,
Mont vill. amly 111 per month. . 416
Orromn M1t.- Mn 7 '44. -
on E. Ittk
61X room
r-ouae and batn
D. C P4i-r
uoisKKFnrtxo rooms
THK 0LL1. '' Alder. NeatlT i Vir, !
fvmim4 t"ii .ng rooms
a4 hat h A- 1 i t-h:
ail'fL f-l 5 .-- 1 .r.g roon.a ItW: M'.i Li'.N ruwn t,ue. cms rent
A LOWER five room flat, thoroughly
modern, furniture brand new, uo .-ara
st Inquire at 403 park.
BASEMENT suitable for swimming and
Turkish baths. 386H E. Morrison.
Best location on east side.
STORE for rent at 4th and Yamhlli
Inoulre at Bav City market.
FEW nlc offices
Chamber bldgs.
In th Couch 1
501 Couch bldg.
MATCHED TEAM, weighs 2300 pounds,
horse and mare, in foal; good pullers:
price $125. Good farm harness, price
$26. Call 606 Washington St.
ONE span horses, coal black, 7 and 9
years, weight 2750, with heavy trace
harness used three months, a bargain
at $300. Owner. 461 Goldsmith st., L car.
NEED money quick. Chance of a life
time. Big pair geldings over 2700
llta., cheap for cash. Also 3-year-old
saddle mart, 206 E. 9th st.
HORSES and buggies tor rent by day.
week and month; special rates to
business houses. 6th and Hawtborna
East 71.
Pipe Pipe
10.000 feet Riveted Steel Pine In kI-a
from 4 in. to 18 in., at prices that will
3,000 ft. 12 in. wood pipe at any ex
tremely low price.
2,000.000 feet standard nine 1n sl-e
ranging from In. to 12 in.. In black
or galvanised. Either new or second
Get our prices and save money.
M. Barde & Sons
347-53 Glisan st., cor. 8th.
The House of a Million Bargains.
MOTORCYCLES and bicycles, new and
second hand, buy. sell, exchange, re
pair. Agencies for Thor and Yale Motor
cycles. Apex Bicycle Co., 126 12th. A-3306.
FULL oak Jack knife bed, $8.
Hardwood extension table. 15.
16 second hand heaters, $1 up.
Call 394 E. Clay St.
UE. 1 LEMArs'b outgrown 2d hand
cioines, z suns and other articles In
uiuucu, size as; a bargain for 16; no
second nana aeaier need answer. K-,230
FOR 3ALE Practically new 50 h. p.
open bottom, fire box boiler, very
cheap for cash. M-337, Journal.
FOR SALE One good Hall safe very
cheap. Call 313 Water st. Phone Main
I BUY, sell, rent or exchange horses,
wagons, bueffles. harness, saddles of
all kinds. Exposition Stables. 19th and
Wash., sts. Main 8788.
WANT young horse for Its keep during
winter: weigni 1300: mav ouv. can or
write. 1019 nase -ine road. city.
WANTED Pair of diamond earrings.
1 iiu siuiies or more eacn. r-iit.
FOR SALE An 8x12 high speed dyna
mo engine, practically new; very
cheap for cash. M-335, Journal.
LIGHT spring wagon in good condi
tion: also harness for sale, chean.
Call 404 Davis St.. corner 9th.
20 HEAD first class horses and mares
on sale. U. S. Stables. 248 Front
Williamson, proprietor.
TEAM, wagon and harness, $75.
lawn ii4.
TEAM young ponies, city broke
for them. 309 Stark st.
no use
Main 614.
FOR SALE Edison Home Phonograph,
with 45 records with case, $20. Phone
Main 21 0. after 4 p. in.
GOOD laundry
Maln 1976.
stove for sale. Phone
less than
A good saddle and tent not
12X14. pnone Woodl'n. 1538.
FOR SALE, at a bargain; Remington
typewriter, No. 7. good aa new; also
Globe typewriter desk and chair. Call
ao& LumDermeiia bldg.
$$$$$$$$$$$ 1111 11$
462 Rothchlld bldg.. corner 4th and
Washington. Th recognised bank 01
th wag earner. A clerk, bookkeeper,
machinist engineer or employ can ob-'
tain money of u on bl not without
security. '
$16 return to us t 4.00 a month
$30 return to us $ 8.00 a month
$50 return to ua 111.15 a month
Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries.
Special rates on pianos, furnltur. cto.
Installment loans on pianos, furniture,
warehouse receipts, horses, insurance
policies, and all klnda of eeouritiea;
real estate and loans from 13000 up.
416 Abtngton bldg.
MONEJT advanced salaried people, house- ;
keepers and otnere upon ineir own .
names without security; cheapest rates,
easiest payments; offices In 66 princi
pal cities; save money by getting our
terms, .. Tolmany 817 Lumber. Exchange,
HAVE $5000 or less for mortgages In
central East peruana; aiso some
smaller amounts for mortgages else
where: no commission to agents, ward,
210 Alisky. .' -: ' :
WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jew
elry at reasonable interest ior long or
short time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers.
269 Washington at.
TO LOAN 'large and small amounts on
good city real estate at per cent in
terest. C. F. Pfluger & Co., rooms 4-
Mnlkey bids.. 2d and Morrison als. '
$7500 at 7 per cent on improved city
property; business property preierreu.
M-331, journal
LOANS made on life Insurance policies.
or will buy; pay more than compan
ies. S. R. Mitchell, 624 Henry bldg.
MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty.
building loans; lowest rates: rire in
surance. W. ti. bock. 313 tailing,
MONEY to loan on Improved! city prop
erty. Mm. AtacAiasier, 903 Worcester
MONEY to loan or will buy mortgages
or contracts on real estate. Harding
Reynolds Co., 31$ Chamber of Com.
SHORT or long time loans on real ea
tate or other security. A. L. Dundas.
224 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts.
FOR SALE Stover gasoline engine,
with, extra cylinder; this has been
used Very little; will sell cheap. M-338
FOR SALE 25 horsepower, 3 cylinder,
4 cycio wolverine gasoline outy en
glne, good order; will demonstrate;
snap; $400. 221 1st st.
PART has two half rate tickets to
San Francisco. Description, male and
female; will dispose of one or both., K
338. Journal.
TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt ab
solutely guaranteed, all bargains, $15
to $65. Northwest Typewriter Cc 120
Abington. Mam 8870.
LIGHT milk wagon, with glass front,
sliding doors with glass in, has
tongue and thills. 210-213 Abington
FOR SALE 1 4 cyl.. 45 H. P. Rambler
automobile: decided bargain for cah
or Inside improved property. Belmore
Mac Dou gall-Moore Co.. 17th and Alder.
FOR SALE A 60 h. p. return tubular
boiler, in fine condition, about half
price; - a snap; must be sold quick.
M-3$S. Journal.
$30 Complete stenographic course.
C. S. J-331. Journal.
FOR SALE Large air tight heating
i"'C nemiy new. 1'none .Mam 4H03.
SEASONED ties for fuel. Main 16687
Phone Your "Wants"
and Every Day
'ft v - :
The Superior "Want Ad
Telephone Service
Of The Journal is unsurpassed.
Anybody who has a telephone
"" can"' tall up The Journal,
Main 7173 A6051
And hare a "Want Ad" printed
as ordered. Bills for ads will
be ent to owners of telephones
after publication.
Your Name
In the Telephone Directory
Is Reference Enough for Us
our ads will appear in The Journal the same day if recetTed at
the office before 11 a. rru They will be properly classified, too.
15 Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine,
good condition. 350 Morrison, room
4 2.
OFFICE furniture for sale; 2 desks,
typewriter, rugs and chairs. See
Smith, 401 Buchanan bldg. Main 1113.
C. M. Harris. 496 , Washington St
Main 3600. Always in the lead.
WANTED To trade violin for revolver;
must be good gun. call room 17, 303
i half. R
ave. and Hawthorne
cleaner for less
than half. Room 21 Heller bldg.. Grand
600 feet of 1 U Inch rope, also on
horse: sell or trade, at a bargain. 51
Southeast 13th St. East 6931.
WANTED By the Portland commons.
men s. women s and children s castorr
clothing, boots, shoes and underwear, to
be given awav to wormy people, not
sold. Phone Main 1665, A-7426. Also
odd Jobs for men.
Your old
take It In trade for nw.
116 Front st Main 696L
FTSE diamond ring, will take' horae.
bugrr or harness In exchange. 8u9
East 2th st; Woodstock car to Glad
atone ave.
MONEY to loan on improved city prop
erty, no commission, can sol Henry
MONEY to Joan on timber lands and
acreage, and suburban homes. P-332,
Journal. ' ;' -' . ;;
SALARY LOANS Confidential easy to
get and easy to pay. F. A. Newton, Hi
Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak. - .
$100,000 on mortgages, city or farm
property, fire Insurance. McKensl &
Co.. Gerllnger bldg.; 2d and Alder.
QUICK loana on all sacurities. S. W.
King, 46 Washington bldg. Main 6100.
LOANS Reasonable rates." Henry C.
Pydhomm Co., Chamber Commerce.
LOAN for
th asking.
Th Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg.
salary or chai-
MONEY to loan on all kinds of security.
W. Holl. room 8, Washington bldg.
SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate.
uoddard atweidricK. 243 vtarg.
ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fir
Insurance. 881 BherlocK bldg.
THE JOURNAL maintains a Lost and
Found Bureau to aid th public In tbe
recovery of lost articles. . If you lose
anything, inquire at one at th Lost
and Found Bureau of Th Journal, and
record wiu be mad or your loss, li
you should find any artlcl of value
and wish to find th rightful owner.
leave It at the Lost and Sound Bureau
of The Journal.
LOST Japanese mink neck scarf at
Pantages or between 276 Taylor.: Find
er return to same or phone Main 6422.
LOST Buch of keys in th vicinity of
K. 34th and E. Morrison; return to
064 E. Alder. -
LOST-rLadies solitaire diamond ring,
, Art ......... .l - .A . i ,ll . 1 . . .
chants Trust bldg.
LOST Bunch of keys on plain key ring,
Friday night. Finder return to bli
Board of Trade, receive reward. .
LOST Thursday afternoon, mink muff;
reward, return 3l ad st. pnone Alain
PROMPT attention and highest prices
paid for furniture. Hawthorn Fur.
Co.. 152 0nd ve., near M"r. E- 1104.
HIGHEST price paid for copper, brass.
robber a hi fa, also pelts, hi, lea and fur.
A-761 M. HI). J. Iere. 11 Columbia.
E WIPE; get snr lr your rtnvJ
hand rurnttor by veiling It t Ford
AvIM Co, 111 1st. M fU. A-14U.
HIGHEST 6rto paid for aecond hand
fornltir. flast Fid Fur itnr 4k
Barrtn Hou. ptinr le Faat 51.
THK Pe-rW -A-('rn timi uti writ
for all article. 14T Tront Main 1
-T buy a pp-i-L K-211.
r t-ouawfeold aooda Favaaa A
P en. I4-T tat t Vein
Jnnr-ra 1
j l.VTI.n 1 to IS H- r. tn I era r.e
Pif.sT rM C6iir for
hir. lirtiaa-n.
Th undersigned will offer for sale at
public auction and will sell to th hlch
est bidder at such sale, at the went door
the courthouse of Multnomah county.
Oregon, on Thursday,
09. at the hour or l o clock a. m. or
said day: Fifty boo da of the Cmirii
Lumber company, a corporation, to
gether with th Interest coupons per
taining thereto, which bonds are of t,
par value of $590 vach and ae num
bered aa follows: 11 ta 1. both num
bers Inclusive, and are known aa r '
f the first mortgage 6 per --ni fvai
of th Campbell Lumber eompanv. h
corporation Incorporaled under loe 1
of the state of Oregon, and wl ! r t r
ar inifled to ly the H.Jiitv iiu,
ecompnv of T4otTia. Vl luli, trustee, a..i
ar entitled in ine nen or tre ir
ded or mortgage glen to '- nra
bond taau of tt,e atd Canil brU l.u.i, 1 al will be ma le hr t u '
eigne) by Ttrto f tr, asr--n.-' I
t-red Into bten tr, r-,.. t i .1 I -ber
eompany and te iit. - . . i
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frtna- tr- t,if,. .i f-
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