The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1909, Page 34, Image 34

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Calumet Huena Vista Mines,
. Millinfif & Smelting ,
: Company
r n.K!rll i .hare, P
r... ,r J a ..t- ,lonJ.,..a.abla.
.abut $1. U,I..Y ...i.'ai.arrade copper
This U In ( Jus '''tt'S .irt'l '
J u!.o. W . with mx
.nr'Sbou! . V10.00., . Mjd fj- you
BihA if 5o4 from M.?
,rA,,A,wU5oll.- In tW- oom.
uir return you n- - -
the office ana JJ. i
Vmb atitrk sold fT ca.h "nly.
In Jmw? bSiMlUtVu bu.ldW:
tfi'oft cash, or trade, 3 room, two
rood pTo.TveYy ?h"? Vesse""
lauO-HOO per month; long lease
IJ008 W cash, over 20 room In buBl
neM block: large income; splendid
WO"?Jo" i cmN1 MomV bwt location
InVity for ate.dy transient roomers
nVome over $360; rent
per monin escn rwiu. --
Louse In town. . Wce.:
4 S-U?.; fcSa fl Kt only
7$'l6CO,' U large, elegant rr00,'";i.
JlSOO cash, II room.; fine furnl-
U00. M cash, 10 large room, near our
V tbM, 19 room., boarding hou.e. .
$690 8 room, very close In. Others
all sixes, price, and locations on easy
tVrms; loon 4 purchase price. . Doal-
'llooTcaLhTl. room., nearly new;
?00?" V'cash. elegant ' Htt.e .tor
Including light groceriescanned goods,
r"gais 'to! Nice clean living rooms;
re600?iunch counter, clearing $10 P
Aity ' ''
iSOfl.dgar stand, near P. O
1300. Interest employment agency,
4 yeari old. Other business opportune
ties of all kind, and descriptions.
Dealing, strictly confidential. Call or
address Merchants' Business Eljchanira,
h.Ute 81S. Merchants' Trust Bldg., CoK
fth and Washington at Phone Main
Tn7, A-32R3. ' '
Swell restaurant, best location In
city; dally receipt. $80 per day; 1750
cash nanaies, orai vi wu : -
per year; 600 buys this; will guar,
intee a good steady man can clear 460
per month; all insldei work; eastern
man. preferred. ' ;k':-
808 Wash. st.t Room 14.
1 Store Interior
Inventory about 16000. Net annual
profits IS000. Best chance for- a busi
ness man wo know of. Owner retiring
snd wiU acoept secured f paper If re-
,'!';...;..:'. ,-;,:-.Abington Bldg.' ''Xv
1400 On Washington st, excellent lo
cation, cheap rent; la a. cargain for a
small Investment f i,
Good Grocery Will ell at less than
Invoice, located on 1st st .boat $800
will take thisjjbestreasons for selling.
SEE BROWN, 411 l.ju.n jjivj
li!000 WILL BUY new grocery store
with living rooms, with f uu lot on
prominent corner, north of Alberta
street; also new stock of groceries jit
lnvoico, which will be about $900. Good
reason for gelling: doing fin business.
GODDARD & WfEDRIClC 243 Stark St
VAN TED Partner to help finance
Investigation, whlclt will net $100 per
week: small amount of money required.
Particulars 288 Washington St., room
...1,-iM'iTTrivr.'DV- Iwti tdwn loca.
VWtlXri.S5 T clean stocki "good : mtureS.
soda fountain, 3 living rooms, or can
be used for factory; lease; price $800.
828 ijf Washington t- room 215.
GENERAL merchandise stock, and
buildings in country town; '"5.00;
$4000 cash. A money maker; will give
psi-tv meaning business ample oppor
tunity to investigate. 420 Lumber Ex-
PARTNER wanted In central, old ea-
tabllsnea,, reai escttia uuno
proposition: -littl. money required? no
l.oosers or cigarette fiends wanted. In
vestigate, room 212 Alisky, Si and Mor
rison SIS
CASH for your business or real estate.
If you want to buy, sell or exchange
property, any kind, anywhere, address
Northwestern Business Agency. Minne-
spolls. Minn.
HI III". - - -
Corner lot, 24th and Oregon St.. 50x
100. improved with barn 30x60, 20 stalls;
income $1 monthly. Price $1500. How
srd Land Co.. SH Swetland bldg.
Lunch counter in good locality; $200.
Otto & Harkson
;'? J'P:- tSi first st. -REAL.
esUte business, partner wanted
to attend office and show farms; $180
required; will average $100 monthly:
bank references. particulars 284
Washington st.; room 612.
PART INTEREST in a very profitable
business has been placed with us that
requires $600 cash; must be taken at
once. Call. Sunday, 10 to i p. m,103
jieeona su . -
120 ROOM apartment house; always
full; will stand Investigation; for sale
by owner: $3600 rash, balance easy
trms. L-386. Journal.
I WANT to sell or trade small manu
facturing proposition: cash value
$500; hustler can make big money. 48
IlVERY lUble, In a good yaUey town.
Including building, stock vehicles,
lisrneaa. ft-od. etc Price $000; terms
33009 cash, ftamnc time, c-m.
t cafn, wiikt ""' J
IF VOU are looking for a grocery store,
... .. . hara om rood OML
ti V '(rk at
144 i w 1 v-
PArlTNER wanted; hU InUrest In pic-
. .jii. . V. . a , r-m, - amid
luit inn v Mur-T.i.w -,
c'.ance; psrlng business; . -lit, aeaung
i-TLLSt '" pARTlSL'lt with 11600 may
have rooTiir.iy mramr vi ....
bui.ines risk. Vy withdrew money st
. . . r J V.nanal
ny rit. rt4. -""""r
re-eiptp '.. - -
month; !; $ cash, balance easy.
. .. . . r . . . v I a. 1 h Q
f n- ani rna
l. K K litue Mrwrnoii.
- Uh bth and tnllei; cheep rena. tr,rm
. i ....Ii IMiia- ra ath.f fl
1 ... ...... -
. f-rPMh ph"re Tabe 3 4.
j , , ,Tt KlTiC f terma. f ise luippe4
irl)'ti fieiure thetr Is Portland,
irii !. t-A reaaon. for eii-
i nri; i i f-t ia ieti-
,n t W1'1 rtre; refer-
, . . ,, f ets ned aur-tr. p.ore
1 I i i K. anna '!- e5i. tm-'t
..I r" . Ii6f ' O f t-
. f jr'' f' l', j--'-".l f- r '. r -'f-r
, . jetiftL
The Globe Drokag:e Co.
404 - Murauam hldg.' A-Ol.
V r. brAera. If you bave n'f"
(hit.. IO IM.II al b.r,r.,!,.H rltV
farm-. lmbr l.t. rc'Vf,,:
Improve or Ui.lmirovml prvpertlr. or
. ..d slo. k or bon.ln. or grjKry ?""
We are In a position t! handle ,hm'
.VXe'hal. 'awl M 'Tunvor
alonii this line. If you wish t buy or
lnvrt we believe' It would be to jour
benefit m smi us before you buy. flat of room rin
M kind- of -rrls. wo"""? '"ft1:
B.iiey.mer; gH4 lease. Wnsp at
,JKuinlture of I room fist, rent only
(II pir month; prl.e of f-rnture $lu.
I..nh double: must be sold at pnoe.
Call today. . .f r-.
ESI ., .fe M r'eSfS
c,.h. 'l-lancel per cent. '
wants io m" ""v-"- -
snd bowling alley.con.bln in one of
r ,uwr" Trr."i-.r win-
clir over and above eKpenses $400 per
month. flics oi , iuiui
. . .... Ahfti.a ana
Soft drinks at invoice, about 400; total
alKti 4uu. vu
land, , , '
... . hnu ' loea
fine iubi uiidu, - --- - ...
tlon on west Hide. . New 'building, strict.
ly modern. Will rWFffl onJ.h!
vestment. I'rlca lS.760i 16000 cash.
ML per ceufc ' ;
Good new I room bungalow; east side.
one block from, oarj-lot 6010; prtee
il'hoo: 1400 caeh. bL 111 per month.
f per cent. '':
We'hava few bargains to offer In
A I .. - a, f .(.t lOn.
grocery eiorca nu
L-iV till
I o aiiruu. . nil. uu -
lng elsewhere.-
. ' 404 Marqiiam Bldy.
Confectionery, cigars, at a good treet
car center; good living rooms, cheap
rent, good lease; has fine horse and
wagon; must sell on account of urgent
buHlness. This Is a snap for the one
that gets It first. Invoice 2000. For
further particulars call i
ti Morrison St. A-H870, Main 80.
Ji " " '
C ...... ' 1 M..PhBn(1lM! atOTO
located on two railroads in growing
valley town near Portland. -.If you mean
fflifHld have $4000 to $6000 o in.
vest in a paying business It win pay
,-ou to Investigate this closely before
nasslns- it up. Owner must sell on ao
?"nt" of otheruslness .demanding im
mediate attention. No ent',
MERCHANDISE store in a fine little
country village. Did last year 25.000
cash business: stock at invoice . about
louuv; S acres u ,
other building. -.tands. Everything
goes ror ii.uu. w" tV.h.
or city property same value. Investl
gats this T proposition. Toung Bros., lit
Gerli n ger bldg. . ' i
PARTNFJl wanted, with $1200 cash, to
PjJoin mfl thi, manufacture and g sal.
of candy specialties: cn be put in every
grooery, drug, store and fruit .tana
where cndy VgaRWOOD. .
11 First St.. Portland, Or. ..
Industrial. Manufacturing. . lnlng.
mi n and railway stockand bond is-
inn basis ' Samuel Graham 4 to, sen
fng brokers. New York Life bldg., Mon.
treal, Canada.
Partner wanted In real estate offloe.
eSenc. not necessaryt owner will
guarantee io yor ,inBa
cnances; uw '" ,i
wann. St., ixiwnn ii.
10-room house on Washington street,
large, light an airy room-r rent $35.
ac theUy whlgacri.
lice lor van, wm.- w
PCTKR8, 15 North Bth St.
Bargain at "$335
and boarding hou.e,
good location. ?ood terms, rentft
Fare chance; with $400 piano, $550
$30: a
. 64ft
FOR SALE Stock of millinery, lamer
' furnishings and art -gooos n a thrh.
inir town near roruanu, : -j
hu'sinesabut must -ell on, account of
fklmM. I. tu vmi ., "
young prg., h- ii
EARGB. cereal concern i wan" Wyo
Young Brow., Gerllnger bldg.
help rinance fu
nhlnerv ready lO amrv. "v- -
ture to man who g ets in now.
load, .hipped to Portland an I SeaUl.
every wrt?n ,
.-. '.:,:. "CIGAR BTORE ...
and confectionary, w . Vt Vt
15 N. 6th St. '- ' . . 1
MANUFACTURING bus'""-. ..P"1"?:
"wanted; owner RUal"teS,1"?
month and your money back if noUsat
iSfBctory; $0 required; secured. Call
286 wasningvun .w .w...
wXNTEDParty with small capital to
T help finance a proposition tnat can
hnw Immediate results. where big
moey "vTl! be made; .reference, re-
qnlred. 8-307. JoumaL .
VmnrRKY. store and furniUire for
trade, rooms T oonneoteds fine ftand,
good stock; on carllne: is a bargain for
f?00, orwlll trade for iot Young Bros,
612 Gerllnger bldg. r
Wpatkry with 2 living rooms, A-l.
G invoice aboltn$600. or Vill 4rae for
mstf Washington st. room ZH
SfiNE acres ot land to be plaited anJ
- sold in loU at $200 each; owner would
lllcs r2o straight fellow to Join him;
half KeSt to right party; reference.
327 T .umber Exchange.
FHAVK an' Al real esUte Probositio.
where $20,000 can be cleared up:
party wanted to help finance thl. and
S?cu?a one third Interest; bank refer
ences. li-SH. JOurn-.
man with couple, of hundred ooiiin,
man wiiu wi' iava Portland
Z'ZXTr.S -Yth strroom 8.
.n?nii 'if .old at once. $1300.
Peters. 15 N. 6th St
retrial, itf i- 1 I q. '
Fash grocery and confectionery; first
"Tiiu. atork and IlXtnre; tiB
roor.rvri,,ned- 761 Tnurn,n-
fn.nno Main 2516. : -
irntt SALE Sawmill, cheap, if looked
p at onceTlocated in, timber aeojlon:
gooS running condition; fin. local
trade; , . , .
good ftn.!
money; dbo n-im v---- - -$700
buys business. n-u ot rwra
' '-"brown.-ii couch BLrx?.
IF YOU have a srnaU amounj oa money
r 1UU it--- - -'"-",.7...- an out
to bar a up your ..niii n
you on a good proposition.. Call 133 N.
th st- iwonaar. r
F TOU hse $2S0 te invest in agood
buslne-s prnponitlon. Call anlie)
13! st
TlFMTAl'lllNTN'ce little place a nd
'doing good buslne..; fine H"
PrVS. only 1508. oung Broa. Gerlln
ger wis
STrhv:r shop m f,n tomn l' "i"!.0.
Portland: will sea cheep: .ro.:,-
r.e Young ProB.. GrH " rerbl d g
EOING to .veeltv. therelore will sll
raint .h-P and tol: living roome
1 wivnmJ:i
It !. P-J. Journal.
"CHa.R barber shop. P' i
legation snd tr 1e; a sap 214 Iaib-
rnM Mil, XT "I". r i-i -. -
r . ' . -
eriap rei.1 good locatiea. Ieta. 1M S.
1" st. ; c
VTVS TI 1 te rttl W "
r..tti.riri In rotisect urn, not I a sloe.
(It i"ir Hf.
H"l'e. firm 61: i1.,'.'
l BrvM OtT rjinterv. ltlH I. St,
J ..1 Pre et .
jn-r.Tn't"- f'r i.
VI :r,l K lit, J
BtSINXSfi cjiAxnzs
Speculators Attention
I0U0 eords wood. 11 near this city.
- . ....... a ..III. 1 II M I Oil
long lini m ., msin road, also ir It. U. Ufl
cuniwwiu propoaiiiun . .
$30,000. Vt cash, nesrly s il" good
level land near Portlsnd, beavUy lnu
beid; will divide this, or tlnilK-r sci
ariTe if de.lred. Particular, only o
live buyers meaning bulnaa; no "nl"
wanted, e mr -;- r
tlila. Call or addi-ess Mercbapl. Husl-
Trust bldg., cr. Ith and Washington
Sis. Wain Tu, A-s.-m
A Business Proposition
roimtrv hotel, with 13 room, .rur-
nlshediferil bam for 15 horsrs, witn s
seres of Inn-d. 4 mile, ton f "1"Z
ISO per team; stsge stops at this r ace
nvr nlsht: good reasons for selling,
on; M00C FVr further particular.
Chittenden, Otto wciir
ASS a.a.a-1. as t1td 17-1 1.
iss n.i n .'-mm
NOIVi G.;tlf.V mrn'i.Vxir
I'.rh.i... Bomffthlng you do not want
for something you da W..M...
IJ-room liouaa 1 oiuv -
.VrJt rnt 2110. three years lease.
brick building, always 'uI1.,,c,?;,J,I"
$175. Price, f 1,500. $500 will handle
tut.. : ;i;w -....v '"
PETEHII, IS worm r im
K w - --- ,,i
"WTTTiTnVtlr' I A. lU'I Vfl INTO . . KiiMlnMa ' that
Lilgni ninuni i"i '. 11. ...
will pay from $3 to $5 per day . for
'9- . ....... n4 haat money
nlSaf can
be had at Inventory, about $2500 . IT
taken at on, srooa reasons t-vw
Room 18. 870V wain. si.
Free Lands in Alberta,
170 acres of elegant wheat lands for
the uklnj. Average wheat yieii 4
bushels to me acrn. '..,.-...--
at Merchants Business Exchange. Suite
18. Merchants Truai rnup.
WOODWORKINO plant, owners -
agree and wm sen cuwp,
cated and conUlns $600 worth material
fine place for Renter or mech.nlc,
win Wt anv salsry two to one; looo
win oui k , , (,
HAVE WOO to put into a dairying joca-
.Vn wungi cw "tlon:
or would double that amount for a like
place with 11000 of .lock and tool.
1,1-83 8, journal.
"Prtrtl I? nnm ClVarS.
i J. lVSA "O '
n..futimu. and fruits. Reasonable
renTflne location. 2 fine tables. Here
Is wnere tnere is iun ui T.,...
Term.. Call 54 H Sixth.
One guaranteed to be do ng $45 dally,
long lease, rent $25. .Will giv trlai
Price 400. half ,$15 month.
MERCHANTS Wej can sell your busi
T or mn vou reliable partner. We
get .quick results. Business strictly
connaeniiai. -ai ,v-.-... -
piag. -
A LITTLE GEM 10 room modern nice-
ly rurnisnea, noi anu cum w..,
ca r.tai nn Washington street
Translenti to .ee 1. to buy. Exclusively
with rnac man rrioiB. a a'. -r
WUU ti"v 'in ,i 1 i
TAeaL ESTATE business Owner want
. h.i will ruarantee
snergetic partner $100 Pff "f1?','
also snare or promo, v.... ...
Board of Trade bldg. .
' . ... ai.ih stearins'
alway. iuh. ii ijien im
$200 oown, i oi .
PARTNER wanted, good man under
r standing the business need no money;
will teach new man if he means busi
ness, little cash, balanoe from business.
Call room 607. matt a "t-
V..ttll I ui u'ii m n
rent good lease, close in. $4600; half
cash; cfe-Oi $275 month. See Reld.
room l07, iua xmra
HOTEL and dining room, new building,
new furniture; sickness compels sale.
11 2.000 on. terms. Will j take income
property. Reld. Ro6m 507. lOZH a st.
lodging houses, outcher shops, homes,
acreage. Brown-Weller-Andrews., 411
Couch bldg. t-
wirtT at TRANT Owner wants reliable
B plrtner to bVishier. Will P-,"0
month. Particulars, 417 Board of Trade
PARTNER wanted, used to farm pro
duce. Guaranteed $80 month salary
besides profits. Particulars 417 Board of
Trade bldg.
RESTAURANT partner wanted; owner
dolng his own,' cooking; man wanted to
work In front and take cash. O-330,
JUUI lie... i
(3ASOLINE dragsaw for cutting wood;
1napT75. $80H 2d st Phone-Main
..o.i . i-ti . WfW . Lurin. f 2R0 ner mon
nt for $350: a trial given.
R'E.SAURANT. doing $25 dally; owner
must sell and will sell; price no Ob-
lect. Q-331,. journal
MUST have partner In a good pa 1 ig
candy aucnenj.
est. B3U so st.
PARTNER wanted to help In store, pay
$25 week; require, littl. money. Par
tlcular.. 417 Board of Trade bldg.
SkOCERY-lean .tock . prtee
is right Best reasons for selling.
Tartlcnlars. 417 Board or Traae oiag.
v..t.iy'W.'.ntanrl. good paying board-
in? houie. neat ani clean. Refd. Room
60?, lOV -xnira -t-
OPPORTUNITY for a man to,get into
- restaurant uubimow v ..v , -
rook.' Hotel Hcott bar.
CONFECTIONERY cheap, or will take
a good lot Call Monday afternoon.
844 First st. -
WANTED lodging house of 80 to 35
rooms, will buy or lesse; no agent need
answer. jpurmi.
CLEANING, pressing, repairing shop,
cheap rent, good location, lease. 100 hi
isv i -
..-.T V.. knalnau with f VM
a www i"" "r. : Vi j.. r
i.,u and furniture.
800. Dallas, ur.
MANUFACTURO! business, part in.
terest 2700. Spencer tc Co., 102 2d st.
GROCERY for sale Urro; IWO; $800
cash down. A-6448. 212H 4th st
FOR SALE Grocery 'store centrally
located, at invoice. Apply 358 Yamhill.
FINE restaurant proposition, very nine
money. Room 4. 22 m Morrison.
SMALL grocery and confectionery .tore
for sale cnesp st t naaiinnwu -v
WANTED 8mall business at a bar
. gain. J-83. JonmiL
WANTED Phonograph, must be In
good condition, and cheap for casa.
J-3 J . Journal.
WAS'TKIW Estimate, for excavatln g
aaa .anti af Vrt wagon work, la-
qulre phone C-?4 or Woodlawn 80-
CANDY" making. We teach candy roak
ing. W, C. Garwood, publlo market
I1V lt t., ri'ii'-". y- -
A 6tEAtY MAN with some cash ran
aet aa exceptions! opportunity, tall
- . . - . ... . .a .
lie 1st St.. portiano. t-n-
Funowy. i to "
SPLENI'tU J.nce for a rook to get
Into me reaimui w w-. ... .
Hotel fvtt her. -
HAVE tt.r bats cleaned and blocked
for Christmas, ! cta. N. E. cor.
gth end Aljer. be ert L
gAXlMliJ"wnu- te av;i f-atlrg. oo
eetinl ao ethtng rtew. W . T. Mora a.
. .i r '
WANTED A partner In a good Prr g
iBiis; a snap t right P"t'- c,il
T.Ti;nn Vlln r-e 7.
et-d Apr T
J1 PMel PTe, r II B-rvi pta.
r iD t ,- I work city
te- -'? lew.- at
WA N71.I' i'n,erd
Ca.1 afler
Ii I A V ! ft, i c-.fB' ir r
g. ;-.w.4 i : i. wji i l. tf".
7 TTT -i --i a-B ' : - "'el
V. . -a 3ta C, t.ic araet
iiivhvv.1' VMPlYiYMKNT OJTICK.
. tii riy.
V allied-. , . '
Chef $10 $H; aerond. $i3; first
clS ouniry hot-l. e- paily Uri sve
ond cook ronntry ielBiirnt l a
we-k: kllohm lirln. oaii'P tlunkUs. et.
iirl.laa rarnenlers. touulryi rpir
gang., frsa. far ..-,,,
..kira .sua i urnn.H, -
Is.era. mill help.
'nu help, rlty laborers
tixaitnuarlrr. for It. K.' wnra-
ffTr Ir lT .ihiiipiim. - -.
m . . . t - A. lllArai..t.H' TIAbV 3fe 111 I ID
iHinlrsct on t..e H. I', It. H J b.i'ers.
tfuiii(rs. tuiinelmen, free fV. an.
tioulli on the Natron-KUiualh rMs
woik for the Utah. n. t'. on their
34 mil new R. R. contract on the
P. Jt H, construction lalxirers wanted,
wage. $221 and up, ship dally, fre
rKsst. on ths IVs. huies nr.. for Twohy
Bros., construction llH.rers wantea,
wages. $3.25 and up. free fare, ship
"station contractors wanted for ne
work, prices up.lo TO cents, and Some
big cut. to let
i n a 4 a with thfi
work an vtjtnal-. to n t iwltohmn
on ine .j iv. iv. ... .... - .
caused by striking switchmen; wagos
Bt cents per oour-anu iri". -;
. . . 1 1 . ..... K.M 4nfnrmtttlafl
tinnipirninni im i" ......... ---
from the compsnV representative at
thl.-offlce. Open today. '
Front AvtW'ttpoktnes- th B
P IBIIt lgW. i -
Established in 1871. ,
swrrcmfEN. , '
Englnemen, trslnmen. R. It
, men, who understand signals, to
act as awltchmeu; wage. 24o
hour and overtime while trouble
. is on; board and room will be ad-.
'-vanced for any competent man
accepted, who fa temporarily un
able to pay In advance. ..- -
These men are wanted at pnee
' to fill vscanoles caused by rlK
Ing switchmen on the N. P. It. it
Further particular. . and frea
tran.portallon from ,
'." - C. R HANSEN CO.,
; l 2$ North Second 8t,
roruana, ur. ,
$3000 to $10,000 yearly easily made In
real estate business; noncapital re
quired: we will teach you the bualnes.
by mail, appoint you special PJ?,0,:
with you readily salable properties, co-
. 1 1 1 j ...... ..nn tn a vevw
operate wuu anu -
manent .uccess; -a thorough commer
cial law course free to each representa
.iri . to ra hnnk. free: It
will be sure to Interest you. The Crqj .
. a. st a o nuini-A
WANTED A first class dry goods
. man, with ability to buy and sell,
manage help, decorate. Must be a bus
tler and of good habits.- . Prefer mn
with country experience. Good salary to
the right party. Position open from
Tl.M..aMw 1 Cln 1 v ivnerlnced
and sober men need apply, age from bo
- mAT 1 A lAAafl at W lV
tO 40. U. lu. JIUJ lli-l Ki . 1"'
jacotison yq, Aicjvtuinvnie. ji.
RELtABLE man In every town to nan
dle our line of tailoring for apring
and summer 1910: the largest, ana xm-est-ever
shown; 400 samples from $.10
to $30; workmanship and fit guaran
teed,, Mecchau ts and .ftllcl tors .iand U n
t . ' r til 1 u j .ga. & . aw.. . ft nraptia T
tailoring wui una; n i
to write at once for exclusive terri
tory. The City Tailors, finest clothes
to measure, mcao, ..
WRITE short, original ads. for us about
our velvet looinpicus. vm ,"
ing big cash prizes for best matter sub
mitted by any person on Paciflo coast.
Send 10 cents for a box of our velvet
picks by mail, postpaid, and learn full
particulars. Advertising department
Portland branch, Pacifio coast distribu
nun, x vi "iii ' - . ,
FIVE hundred strong young men wanted
immediately for firemen or brakemen
on nearby railroad. Good Vision. Ac
count .increasing business; lflOO men
sent to positions last three months; $75
$100 monthly. Promotion. Address,
stating age, height , weight Send
stamp. Railway association, care Jour
tors, roruanojur.
WANTED Salesmen; many mage $100
to Iloll per monia: um"
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards, cash advance week
ly; choice of territory. AddressJWash.
Ington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash.
II. . V L'Tl Vnuni. man whA Cfl n fur
V. I" EJU VW.. ....... '- - - , . ,
nish references, to become traveling
salesman; experience unnecessary.
Write today for full particulars. Brad
street System, Dept 860. Rochester,
tlTaMmcn Knn milBf VtA wll 1 1n D tO
learn and capable of acting as our
representative; no canvassing or solic
iting; good Income assured. .Address
National Cooperative Realty Co.. 009
. 1. I J Ill- .l.lnn..H T f.
JilOl urn .....ft., M" o ' -
CAPABLE superintendent wanted .
jwaraen nmg.. hbhuhibw"! .
once lur i imiuui v.i. - -
ing" work; applicants must state salary
and references and give full particular,
of experience in order to be considered.
l..JX, JUUI II ....
ARE you looking for a real estate
opening? See me. Having more than
1 can attend to must have help. Ar
. ..i, h.. miilnsl v Barrneahle:
M.-I31, journal.
ritiiHciiivni. iui.v ' i - ,
references exchanged. C-313, Journal.
$200 A MONTH salary paid to A-l
- .mart appearing, salesman who will
t.. . un.kina. intnrest tnr amall
i;d Kiivii n "vibm.. . . . ' , - , . -
amount to - look ; fter affairs during
WANTED At once. Hi teams, stable
.. . . , -.,, fiienlMhed. ramo
lUUill wiu . . .
A . hnAwUnff ttrUlMM if Tl uPPllMfl F V.
K I UIIIIU ,11 .. - - " - '
at West ave, and Hawthorne, Mt Ta
bor reservoir, uaii rauor
FIRST clasa advertising solocitor want
, . .nmiaainii anil additional
. eu, fsuvu ,.i iiii.iii.
salary If man proves worthy; reference.
required. ' tsew iyi ; x uu.. ,
equlred. ' New we
116-817 Henry bldg.
WANTfct) Railway mall clerg.; com
mencement .alary $800; spring exam,
.nations everywhere: candidate. pre-
ared free. iranKJin nauium, . wtn.
08 H., Rochester, n. z.
IF you are steady and not afraid Jo
work, we can get you Interest In old
established business that you can clear
150 per .monin: some c n i-cixu.i to.
OUT IPCUrrTU, -T-Ktau, eyvmaao...
ONE gang trimmer operator, 2 men for
v , HAn fnr ..rtlnir triHlA' fill
must be experienced: for day shift
Multnoman JjumoBi vn,
Exchange so.
CALL lO to 12 Sunday. Wanted, young
-man for Monday; duties easy; city
acquaintance and experience unneces-
... 1 .... l .. a 9C LA
sary; Brriai t cuiiw iciuhu. -
. ' B.IIHI . I'.'ii ..... w '
SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; wt.. ruom x
. good commission; tiprifnm ui.ucy.
nail at office. Oreaorr Heights.
eni 01 rtoeg lxJa vg''i.
MOTION picture operators earn 3Z5 to
318 weekly; easy. Inside work; short
hours; learn business In - short time;
leenons reasonable. 626 H Wash. .
MANUFACTURER wants capable man
to represent him In big coest city:
tmlimtted possibilities for pusher; $200
required. K-334. Journal.
WANTED Steady man to check goods.
etc.. pay 3 28 week now, will Increaso
with Intereeted help. $!S required.
partletilara 417 Berd or l raoe nio
ANY mhn can make handsome profit
bv telling me of city or countrr real
eatate or Umber lands for sale. Think,
then write me B"X 1T, city.
Af-K ME bow yoa cso start a profitable
mall order bu1nes st home even-
lr sb. Hw. Io-krtvrt. N. T.
V A .V TEi W en to take government
land with colony going to South
Ar-erlri. P-?4, JotTrl
TOL'S'J men to learn trie automobile
kuBtneaa. Apply W - 'V r. of
ffAV7 tu Mi sxbor.ibov to work for
bruirl sid roors; are etvrt 14, rtood
rSaiw tt leTn e teae W-II, JmimaJ.
VANILie rirat-f bs ' b .r ! n n.i.k. r
or ooe tx tr-saee it 11-iJI. Jour
i F 4i jsnre ' 1 r ,rr. tan-j-rrla
V. tae Iwpot, Hi Yamni.l. .ext
""aveHre r-.:tin r-f tt BBTa
freoal pmbril. p I. k. C A
fJVIL srrvl' employrs are id J
fur ey work. uilliall"" of all
klmis .-n; .ert advice Bi.inl que.
U.,,,a and H..Wlet SM. da. rll.ln, l-o-Bitloii.
and iBlUi.g i""'
way to tur ft"- rJl,,..,,lOW
"".hiigton Civil 4.rvl.e athool,
ington, II. C 1 ,-.
IN VIliiliYT" "either se. cau liiaka 34
dally H wmior r.tielni muiirooms
for holels and rcsiaurBius lth my
In -ellars. Bl.l. bone., etc. In.lruttlon booklrt
Hlrant Barton. 3: V ret 4Hh t, New
York. .
WANTKIV For 11, aveial firet rla.B
eip.rieiwe.1 Irsvallng; lii..l
who art, capbl of earning Urge aaUr.
K nWlil r line; ail.plr.1 -for genera
lores; old eBtal.llBl.tHl Jobbing "'
I I Itiri lit bu.liieea. Ad lr. as offh-e
ill Lumber Eacliange. Minneapolis.
V I N't Kb Uve. l.UBlllng "'""'""l"
i inn
railing en narawar
trXde to handle moilem line jf .love,
and I .nea on S,
Washington, Oregon and Idaho, liberal
propoBltioii. Address Evansvtll. Btovs
Works. Evansvhle Ind.
VvNl KIll,BrtiieirTn cK-uiiing and dye
works, t-.ll at Albloa De Works.
284 HuHsell .
WANfEi-le to have their shoe.
half soled for 60Q. 322d.t
1 cook.. $40 Family cooks 238.
T 3 chambermaids. $25 and $20. -
3 waitresses, .. . .
. Kitchen he!p. ' ,
Family second glrlfc- .
'M'Vrnerar housework, wag..
urn, ' b ., rnoklna.
LoT. ,o:-i:t"ind somV for flr.t cUi.
cook, and gene-. w,-. -
846H W.shlngton St, Cor. 7th, upstair.
WA NT EI Ladle, to buy Tilgh grade
I..JIad aaillgat g'Vsttll.
tailorrg sampitw. '1 nZ
cSDes, waists, opera capes, evening
raB, i '..iiiLnai. rslnconts.
e.c:r from h. 'New York toanufao,
t.i Vers. Samples at manufacturers
co-l Feft uTe of the. .napple.t and
fewest Idea, of the. . Mad. in
the latest aesigns. .
bid g 131 8d St .
-..A avTM.rienced. wanted
in a number of our department. p
P1 t.ineTJv i'lfTKO.
Jl-UTt TT V a. w '
An Mr;oaitJV,Vjxi,iva, e - -
ifiOUlu vii run b. v sib w ia
clal drills" day or night glasses; recelv'
lng many more cnw v.i-. . - I-iVv
Respectable neat young widow with
. i . Al..rvaaa . 9nW W! Mint la Hit, 11
cnua a. u-. - -j-.----
fSht work ifighly peopli.
VVANTED-An elderly -ooupm .or a ,M-
cook for an elderly man while , restof
family is ansena lor. wmwi, ..-
L.-B3Z. journal.
ANY lady can make handsome profit by
tato- or ,timber land for sale. Think,
then write me. ttox ii. tn?
WANTED A girl to help with house
work while attending school; good
home, small wages. Inquire L. D...Raw
lings, 204 Commercial Club bldg.
LADIES' hats cleaned and reblocked.
Christmas, 60o; retrlmmed, 60o extra,
feathers dyed and curled. 76c, N. E. cor.
6tlt and Alder, basement, V
GERMAN cook, waitresses and other
help Mrs. Howe-s Ladles' Agency;
07 824A .Washington st.
WANTED Lady to assist about thtf
house; noma,, seme pujoci.
cor. Salmon, v ' i " j
WAiTEt School girl to assist . in
housework; room, board and wages.
Call A-8676. 745 Northrup.
WANTED Girl who ha.Just learned
hair dressing. ' W9a, Holladay ave.
Phone East 6056.
AUTOMATIC sewing W?'".10?
new, cost $85, Will sell for $40.; 644
Rodney ave.
WANTED Several young ladle and
, gentlemen for amateur dramatic work.
Call Z4H Main bi.
.... . S'i....aLa.n., . fnp lderlv
man no objection to small child.- Call
between 2 and 4. at 658 Multnomah.
GIRL, for housework; sleep borne; amall
wages. Call after 10 a. m. fiundgy.
110 tn St.. cur, vt ii.
GIRL for general housework. , Main
WOMAN as houseneeper good borne,
ll;in I,
GIRL for general housework; small
family. Call Sat, or Sun. 115 E- 12th.
GiRL wanted to answer telephone calls.
light woric, Appiy wn"i"'
Can at am Anttgoy
BUTTER trust busted: new patent ma-
chine for family use, merges on pint
of milk into one pound oft creamery
butter in 2 minutes; no chemicals used.
A God .end to the homes wonoerxu.
ventlon; greater than wireless tele
graph 25 sworn', testimonial. , and.
agenti. Credit terms, sent tree. Ma-
VfTi . i, t r.n navments. $1 monthly.
Family ! Butter Merger . Co.. Brooklyn
PEERLESS Electric Cleaner-L-Tat'.d
byalcompre.sed 'si?" methodr se.1-' on
ctltrht.' if rice irT i oyvj w
Reliable agents wanted. Wrfte forln-
".r. Ta-tvrn Manufacturer.
Co., 83 6th st, Portland, Or.
WANTED Few live agents Oregon ana
'VWaengW to ..ell limited amount
SiSe company,. biKj commission paid.
Give name ana buu. VCiSV
come tulck. won t last long. 0-838,
journal. . .
WIDE awake agent, to -i'.
- Leo . puDiicaiiuiiB ;, -" i
and rural districts. - Write today for
Special price, and terms. It may mean
a fortune to you. Laird A Lee, pub
llshers. 283 Wabash ave.. Chicago.
FOUR good agents. $3.60 per day. 12i
E. Madison st. ...
WAlStEL-Agentfc 333 Market .t
Read and Answer
WANTED .Agent. l your l -alliy tr
beat aaver of time. UIm.i. -lotiea
s,.d ,T,o"y evr rnTTVTx
deiishted. repeat ard-r. .lei lMl. !
,Ut. ernd or aample i tr jms At
laiiifo Hpw-Lltya-o.. l-Pt 81, -131th
t., New York City. i
AtaKNTrt" Bi.rr.l for a hUh ''"'f,"""
lifully primed sod illu.iral.d tlol ar-a-ye.r
woman-. .''' """" "" " '
Til .Wot. on eii dollar ubmiluuun.
Wrtl. f'r ..M S,fre. tmtflt Atrln
Home MonttilyiJl Kpru. stjJNewJI ork.
AGKNTH-Mak. 50 to I $4 pr cent J.rof
li Bailing our new Iniprovtad tHiinbtna
llt.ii OiPiur. sample and big fpeelijliy
retain. u fie. Addres A1U bales Co..
l.a HiMinle, r. , -
At iT NTS "to li-ntllelilggost money fiotk
Ing fl atlngulsheia; r""-Ul stall
ing otter; exclusive territory $76 to
$jt)0 per month. Hadger Vbemlcal Mfg.
t. l., lll WBUBaW VT IB
. " . 1 x.wil nialrl Bllllilitl-
on sight for 31. Particular. Ulalia Coin
.hi) y, Anderwott. Itid.
Tit .'-our coiuiiion eii. brin lioldtir,
ind how much Jonger your broom
last.: oly 12e; "ttalogue true.- A. M.
AT!rs"Vantd7t.r new tiulrk
-el er; big money mV"VuLp!,J
Washington st or .tors East Wo"!1"0'1
. . , ...a .man a It etl IB.
.. vtamiiii'tnwpriiii.
ami sti. imr . : i ;
AOT'TrWllave some novelty idns will
sell ch.sp; it the thin -for holi
days: can double money. 6.22 .Wore..-
eSuCrtQM l Oregon and W.hJg
ton for a very n.eritorlou. (ila nj
tock; liberal contract. 425. AWngton
a. . " '
Ci'lH'AUO'S wealth Is yours! Some
Ihlmr witlreir new. Kssy seller; .am
Pie f re. N Miller, 1865 Warren ave..
i nii-rii. in.
SaEesMEN wanted to tsSe our oasft
weekir selling choice aursery took.
Outfit free. CaplUl City Nursery Co,
Salem. Or. - :
, nicago. in.
C. R. Hansen & Co.,
ei ss v 'a at. Portiano.
t-alSS- dep.rtm.nt. Tth ..
424 Front eve, Spokana.
IT-88 th .t. 8aa Franclac.
ll.staoii.neq no.
Male and Female Help.
Furnished Free of Charge.
x, s T . . a arrl. a Cat! 4 A
a-ij xiewutiuau v - - .
8'a y. d st .
. ' ' 3T W saw--
For graduates last year; men and wo
a aaa BAB TTI OTCfl - '
men-learn oarDer irrno- -"-- "..-t
to secure poiua, .
to -225 i cekly; expert instructor; tool,
free; writ, for calalog. Moler Jyetem
or COIiegea. rv. im
WANTED Pupils to oach by retired
.-t.rTT .luViai. lonir exberienco
In Portland schools;, individual or rlas-
Instructlonsr term, reasonaoio. x .
WANTED Vaudeville and dramatic
. . I ... . . . Pall fl7h XX.
perr orixiero, auugwiB, - " "
Washington. '
270 Madiscn. Bet 3d and 4th.
" Home A-5624 Phones Main 3655. .
We will supply you with anr help
you may need on very short notice. We
have the following mala help who want
work: '..'" ' '.;-. c .' '
1 Baker. - - ? .
6 Bookkeepers. .
3 Carpenters. 1 . ' . .
9 Clerks, office, store and warehouse.
10 Cooks, hotel, restaurant and camp.
12 Engineers. , , ;
6 Firemen. ;
: 2 Hotel Clerk..
2 Hotel Porters.
3 Housemen.
, 3 Machinist..
3 Office Assistants.
10 Paintera -.
4 Janitors.
8 Watchmen. .
2 Stenographer.. .
2 Teamsters.
S Cement Finishers.
1 Brlckmaker.
t Blacksmith.. Y , ,
I Cabinetmaker.
1 Cooper. - . .
1 Coachman. . l
2 Delivery Men. .?.. ;
3 Elevator Operator..
1 Electrician'. Helper.
, 1 Electro Hydraulic .Engineer.
2 Gardeners.
1 Hostler.
1 Wireman.
1 Moving Picture Operator.
1 Head Faller.
1 Lather and Bhingler. -1
1 Brick Mason. -
1 Meat Cutter.
2 Plumbers' Helper s
: 1 Plumber.
1 Pipe Fitter.
1 Paw- Filer.
2 Salesmen. . ,.
1 Lumber .Tallyman, Transit Man..
1 Waiter. -
1 Yard Foreman. , ,
1. Mechanic Apprentice.
: , 1 Sander Man. -
Sawmill handa, logger., wood chop,
pers, concrete men,1 farm hands, com
mon jaoor?rB prumyu immpuv
ARTISTIC , painting -or burning .pn
leather or . wood ; rate, reasonable.
Christie Smith. 513 Beacon at, Bell-
WOOd 91V,
management ot ranch ; experienced
stock, orchard, general farming; highest
references. Ji-a;n. journal,
T..iATrTr.CTit.D . vMin. man eterl.
X3WVXT.JVEiXXTXlX, J V w. . , - ' " "
enced in public and private work,
wants position with opportunity foe ad-
. r,1
YOUNG man desires position with re
llable concern; 7 years' general office
experience; reliable and steady;, refer
ences. G-336. Journal. -. . ' :
WANTED Inside employment by
steady young married man; best ref
. . 1 1
erences; - 4-aiJ, journal.
FIRST CLASS carpenter wants employ
-roent by day, and contract repairing
and new building. 374 2d .t C. Hansen.
Main 2220 ' .
YOUNG man dosires position as .how
card writer for department .tor F
232. Journal. - - ' ''
--u.. - ...
On Getting a Salesman or
a Position at Salesman
. The life-blood of business Is the
men that male the cmoke come
out of the ehimaeye of the
factory the Salesmen that xnore
the goods. The busiccsa me a of
thli city read this newspapcT-4Uid
follow oor Want xidi for help. If
yo ie an employer wanting a
lire-blooded Salesman, ask for
one here. If yon are a Salesman,
wanting a lire-blooded firm to
work for, ask for the' position
here. Start right by taming te
our Want 4da now
-s Want Ads.
M KfHANlCAL .tlr.f '71?
l"-'--'-" mm "V" x. rvevll.g
.ml niBPflng; maul"'!, willing -to wi.lfc.
I'lH.tin rtell.lti8. . j
lalCM'lT.I .,ur",,,"n vrf
arB eMla l'lcnUO. I et Ul
wi... .. - -..
Full .Ta"viii.s. lawn rib-I'I'. "
rliarlng. in rhu-" VooJ:
lawn 1441. .-a
Home A-bi i,iB
Wb will -upply y w' U any help
you may neen o- thi; ' , u
hav- the following female help bo
want work:
3 Chambermaids,
. t V alt l eases.
1! Cooks. '
3 HouBvkeepers.
1U Wom.-n for day work.
- S Nurwa.
1 Child's Nsrue.
4 Stenographers. ...
5 Exchange Operators.
4 Caehlers.
3 t ff Iw Glrla
3 4HerkS, .
4 Honk keener.
YOUNG would lUxe pokllionl
keeping hou.e for a widower In city I
Have little girl 8 years old. Will work I
for small ages and good home. Call
r write to Mrs. Minnie :31l
... ....i. a. tr. trltlura I
PtTSlTlON waiir3by young city Kwe-I
' dlth lady as jxouse girl. -Address gwe-
. , . . . . TXT Uuai.K aa I
aiatll M. - XT.. lHVia.MH.RU. XV. v'1 a
f"HOf1 WWKIIHWII aixe.
V . . m"' ' .'. " .1.. .1 I ...... . I ,....,
JNJ..A1 WOIIIBH, v. ur.iio aiiuau.H'1
housekeeper widower, with wno or twt'l
cnuaren." u tiuui" "ru,ii. . . t i
TT Benin pgllfll. wnm -. i i .
iiXPKKlENCEU t-ook and second gliJO
deNire situations , same place. Kt.l
Ix)uis. 246 Vi Waahlngtun.. ' Main J038.I
A- MP.
7 .im.nvi-'li ....I, ....X aiivin.n . tAull..
A xtr.r 4iTr.i, .tiuuKi n
to take care of elderly ludy. invalljll
or ettiiaren wniw invrunn, -r" i
competent snd reliable. 11-833, Journal
WANTED Lady would like to do plait
ptiwlllR, aiiriaiiMiia, ............. ----
broidery. 28 4 Ban Rafael ml.,- Ileal
Williams ave. . .
V Afl 1 tll VT IIJT " vi I . .
day. a week. , Mr.. W ellington. Lentt
vAITtia Im.Iu TxlnheM I.OhltlOll as tier!)
In grocery or delicatessen; xp
i.mi1. P-.1'T. Jotirnal. ' , ..
ii I niiLH aeed lady. - good auburbai
home, would like car of I or t ciui
dren. SUB i (l w en ave., phiwhuu qi.
IvSii .firir. 1 ainntrrninher. exrterlenctx
or berinner. Dhone clerical office
a.ciin. tcatewl and certified.
A"" LADt wishes . day work. ' washtni;
Ironing, swoeT'ing. r ,
Lenta pnorrg -piii anu xnn
Tfifipnerident Laundry Co
cunvfi MA IK E123. A-102J
PLAIN sewing at home, reasonable. 38
Mill. M-6010.
CURTAINS laundered. 35c, 40c per pali
M. 03. 241 16th N.
WaNTE1 Any kind of work by th
day. Phone tMBt bdh.
WANTED Sewing or washing to do a
home, commercial st.
MAN' tailored skirta that fit. from you
i t 1 aUa sai ta rT.ft ts
, own ; rnw .-. ; , ' ,
j-TjTj t . I I l p
Dressmaking Plain ""' by ti.
a giiir ' j .-:.'-. ... '- - . . - - - .
av nricB rmonble. , Call evenlngffl
WSin ell 1 a, Konm ti
t.ADTKS' tailoring, alterations spe
cialty; everything guaranteed. Flion
aan.1 wwrTTtortl .,'- 19
. W 110 A a. xraAfct. whv.-w- -
rooms, soluble for two; splendid lrl
cation; wniKing oists-nro mmn
ROSE CI'lV rooms, 206 Main, cleft)
neat rooms, in a clean place; cheai
Tree ptmiiri xnomr. ... ,
ONE newly furnished sleeping roori
reasonable. 431- Alder St., bet lit
and 12. Call afternoons or i-ihh
471 Main between lain ana l
choice front room, in modern homj
walking distance.
NICELY furnished noni, batgas ai
phone; central juvauuu. ""l
near jerrersmi.
NICE furnished rooms, furnace heat a
conveniencea ,i "i vuiu x.
walking distance.
NICELY furnished room, private horn
modern conveiuiic!o. tx
week or month. 476 Taylor.' Main 148
WWB. TI, Him, v... ,,
i ..... 9nT 11th marilnT
furnished room a4ngle, t .uitej
Hotel Mason Jt u pe
T4-.j. x.hB.a 4I r.a trX
J" rre fjimgisr l. a va ar .
J 'i "J ! x. ' n t.. A8i tuu,m ttii i
able for t; every convetiiencek Awai
ing dletance. Main 3818. or 81 lOtM
srr;-s n,Atnd 3dmal
jltC. I Ilrtl.I I truiiiBi -. "
neat, comfortable rooms; very reaao
ah le; rlgnt in pusineita qietiict. -t
X CHOICE, comfortable sleeping rooi
well furnished, all modern. 402 V
NICE front room, steam heat; also on
, . single room, viui xtxix.o.-
nesr iiin
871 Montgomery Well furnished roc
ltor Z gentlemen, modern, hot and cc
water. Main 8391; walking distance.
foe rent
private family, modern. 254 : lit
near Maln.A-4498. - ' -NICE-furnished
rooms, all convenienct
walking distance; reasonable rent 2
N. 17th. corner Lovejoy. .
COZY light warm room, running V
ter.'cheap. Phone, gaa, bath free. ,3
7th st.
tn "t.. i
. n i". t- fiirnlahail riWimK. 10 mi
j utes' walk from P. O, Malnr 1762. 4
I Bat. t '-
.Arnr. v.n., wlntritar rnttm In mode
LilUlV. X. vaj " ....... - .
. house., near business center, reaso
able. 3ZU Ha St., rornri V.IQJ.
.4. .,i . Pl.t. ..holr room in n
I tlx. Ileal " ' .
vate homo, modern, cleanly and oo
venient. close in. '
lMtCE spacious front room, neatly f i
, nished. suitable for 2 gentlemen, ;
conveniences. T,emiBi """".
"n-uiri-i .-.- a lapse, comolefelv furnish
rooms, close in. , 214 18th. cor. Sri
mon. ' :
KlCE desirable front roohl In prlval
family, reasonable to rigna party
Jefferson, near xtn.
NICE warm cosy room for work I
couple, bath, jtas, etc, modern. .
Jefferson, near in.
tf.i'VJ 1 1 arti t mnm iio ner month: bail
phone, all modern 2 JeffersJ
corner ttn
Hi tLAY. betwewn 5th and 6ti at
two choice cosy , room., every col
enlenc. close in. .
i a 5rvT Kii-x clean f urnlsl.
room, centrally located. $4.80 p
month. 2U uincfun at-
PLEASANT, lisht rooms, furnace he
bath and phone. 405 Stark U. ne
NEWLY' furnished rooms, well bH
bath, phone, $!' and up. Whil
Houee 1st snd Will. Phone Mttn II
ONE front room, beatiy furn!eh-d. I
TV iumi)n"i front room a ilh pril
j l . -m . i" V T .. . . i - ; .. ...nm rT.
2 V, K .v e-. .' ,i MJ
ITirinCT-fntsi.ed front room in rl
vat'e fsre.Hr. 32 k fr weeg 3:4
KJCI-Ly iTrnieied rM.n, rno-', tn.
vo:. fBiir. tit I ' " e
. . v -r .ith a. ;.nv. Bill II
e 1 rrA. Pkmia '.(n ITS?
w-eil" ft't ...4 rvjrr.a for 1 i
,i iuh at v'
$ . ,: i-Ti'vc f.otu r'- "T ti i4 lirr.J
"fonn. I g. best.
4' P k
I. f t
d icrn it Itl 2 g
. x 1 r- i ' ' n
a l N
):. t I V v I