Till: OHEGON SUNDAY JOUKHAL, PORTLAND,- SUNDAY- MORNING. DECEMBER 3. 1900. i on sale farms IT I K.unAAm:--m:Ah estate si ICxchane 80 Acres Hood River Apple Land Choice tipple land; some Improve- nioiua; will trad Into Portland rfn--rty or furm. Why pay lluo or $200 per ir for uniimiroveil land ti same neighborhood, when you can buy this I Hi. ring piped lo houae and barn, fur ko acre for,$t6uu. ., I nlalilng . power to run machinery and i Uenkle tx Harrison 1&11 IrrtinKi'r bMg EXCHANGE. f OR 8A EE FARMS IT FOR BA EE FARMS 17 Si fl acres, rlrae to. Portland; 2u0 acrra run lily cultivated, balance pualura and lltnlx-r; good lam.', aitt flitrat darn I'll Ino Valiny. kO rt-Klalni rd ilnlry (uiU, 7 ln-ad iK'iatm. waaona. Iitiatrlca, hai'tiraa, eic. Complete dairy t-.iuli'inein ; 1 id I ton hay loft. 160 ton alio. filled every Uauii from place and soma lo ai. 1 I want K home for $30u or 3S00; will Kimrute uuwrr which Hauls lha build- lr wiij) electric llghta, linautlf glly alluatad. 243 it. a, all in cultivation, on nln road, wlih new room houae; good give fliat cln.a deal; )mvu beaut If ul I frt.a. w liitrtlll and other buildings; all I rati, garden arid htury, JUO yarda from hiiltim Electric, 400 yarda from atallon, h in Ufa from court houae, on county rotm; would out into 3 tract nicel f Hi I ll Ml t ll clcarcif. My price la I than U;'5 aero I nil quick, 414 Couch hid g OH la KUM, v: fl'll U. ...a,,-,..l lit I' .. liuUiii. aaiil u ........a,,, i.m. r. , I good town; $rt per acre. level, and Ilea fine: 171 pur acre, and only one-third down, balance f per four, 2uo acr. more than half In cultlva- llon, baUnce timber; railroad runa fair buildings; close lu aiill erre; 126 In cultivation; lota of r perue Portland property or Oregon acreage. uiiun rn-w iMi.r,H-iinuit.vtB . lWlir. - 411 .Couch hid v.. EXCHANGE oVner; good 7 room house, 8 lots, fruit "and shruboTy.l- twmn Union ana Wll llama ave., 'near Going.-will toll at bargain; amall puy jint down; or would take vacant, lot or acreage Tor first pnymcnt the re malndor can 'run 4 years, 7 per "cent Interem. II -3 34, Journal, .V , 17 ACHE fruit and chicken ranch, part This Is Al.- 414 Couch bldg. KXCIIANGK Rnsc:. OR "SWAr" COLUMN The Making of a Good Home for Anyone Who Want to Keep Out of Debt 4 aire raw In ml. J mllea from' railroad aiaiiun. lnf Island; h1 of ;anL ou a ih1 giavrl lonl. wlih good Bin ln. running water wlmla yar arouod. It liaa t-cil alaaln-d; aouie lrf alaudlng -timtx-r; good nelihlHii'liKdi four tralna a day la llm illy. 1'rlca lU'vu t auuary 1. Torma. ' IS aura dairy ranch ami farm; T5 a ra liottom, half mil , front rarlino now bolna; built through, t'oriiellua aaa; U aero graaa or rultlvatad iandj. good bulhllnga. tlua walpr, crri-k and auiiug; two huriia, ' il(. alicddcd Mil both aldoit; ( rMin liouax, large woodahl, . clilckKii tiouMva. pi a; rna. amokehouHti; on gid couniy road, phoiin Una and H. K. , mall; almk, 3 good borne, hur ' neaa, wagon, 13 head choline dairy , row a. I yrurllng holfrr, 1 gditl , top biigKy, 1 doubktavat back, i' 1 mower, I hay rake, new; almut 2S tone hay, 4 tona oat chop, . about K00 buahela atrd oata, 1 Bharplraa avparator. all th farm : lng; toola ph-1(J on ; U)4 plttc: r """ good cotiklng range, and all the hotiachold gooda and furtil- , 1 turc. all In arood condition: 4 doa- .' an ohlokene. Ixnated In, Waah ington county, and will acll In . v 12 month a for 1200 per acre,- , Prira 1110 per acre, half eaah, . Valance long time, at .per cent. . 7 r 1IAVR PrVFRAI, OTHER DK8IR. AHLE FA MM KUY8, ANY ONB OF WHICH MAY BB J 'ST. WHAT YOU WANT. 11T YO(l AHK IN TICR MAR- $7400 for 120 acrea neai4 Sherwood; new KBT HER MK. I CAN ' HAVE YOU 25 1 Duiidinga. 8 room houac, plagtered; l umti awjj mussk.x. running water; nyaraunc ram water 'n the houe;xlX aorea In Cultlyation, 20 . aal or ritcliatiKe, inodcrn up lo outranKr: adjoining ml' cannot be te room bungulow t'lcctrlo lla-ht, iH,tHi,; fin creek ' running through Iwat mciit, lot 60120. in Alameda, j aurluaa In flelda; good 7 roiun ..,....... ,,ui, irum -.aaiBiiu maioi i icf. iiotmc, largM barn and lota or otner out- cleolilc and Htm cara cloao by. will bulldlnga; windmill.' 22 head cowe. doa. trad for I'ortland property, fall !t9 oitlv.a, noga. cnicKmia, goaia; cunpme HJlMori at., or IH5 Hancrofi ave. Mione dairy aim farming outfit; will divldn Main 78T or Maln'1042.. Into thiee dnndv farm a; cream check j .'iXtMIANtiK. itioro la cowa avrraaod por inoiiin; We have too acrea in tho cdebratcd I m.fcoo; one-third down,- balance long Twin 4-'hIIm, Idaho, country, undr- the J time. , . - Carey act ditch. $100 per acre lncliid-l, 133 ucra; 70 cultivated; gool T room ing nerpcilial water right, to.trailtl for 1 nu"e; larau pnrn, unin noraea aim Icoi if, cowri, v rai vrn, , noaa, t'liirKvna, all Implemcnla, wegona, efo.; cloe to K'Mid town mid niik condenaer; $7u(()i 'JuiiO down. j. a aurwir ?v-iiMiertiowr-tMp-to North Yamhill; $100 par acre. 4 acrea." it acrea cultivated. Daunce timber and paature; houae, barn; aprlng ana running water; g nennouaea; souo; ty term, - ' ' . ; ' Keim mbor, If neither of theae' aulta, wa huve a very large lint to draw from. A" poatnl card with your reoulrementa cli ared.- aood -iHiildlnae: -H - county ) will get v-hat you want. Owner'a price roaaa: on Ht. I'anl o. K.. a miles from I our prioo. ino n an Dr eed land. fcnurt house; want houax In city, $4000. J KOSB CITY. RKALTY & INV.'CO.; 611 Lumber K, B ulldln g. . "T" I acrea more can easily be cleared; fine n- H down, bal. $ yeara, per cent. $500 for 120 acrea In Clackamas coun- . W. W. Espey IIS Commercial blk.. 2d and Waah. ' Under tbla claaatflcatloa will all advartlsementa that oomprlae for tradat for 'maniple, household gooda, watcnea, Dloyoies, typewriters vnnioies, antomooues, oioinm Journal has segregated this o , . f m ,l. .AH.r I nnimr. a sown t""" 1V -i.,r:-..,-".r I horn chickens: $3600 down, balanae t ha rata for "awap" ads ts 1 cent per Pe.oent Will trade for city property. I timber, new ( room houae, barn, 4 chick- . 1 .... T . I Wafk hang Aaral vWist tliviKae nlo I m aSI I ah VimaaKnA kejiiulAa tiAiian itnitlr kAitait C wora per inaeruom. T useruona lor as i ."-'i. - i c" vu--, uiuuuc, nuu, . rfia of ft, for eaah ads. Phone and lur tome ana see ub peiore puy I acrea renced for cnicHco paric I acre in xhara I tVi .fmnrnved. living 'ilr. An inni , UvestocK, -w 'limb,,.. 1 -nan af hnraa and har- fass of ads PefT- wK"n, aurrey, buggy. 2 cowst 1 i wuri Diaa. iota or Lear vAn Exceptional Caterain 16 acres, all .fenced, best soil. 2 acre In cultivation, balance in pasture and Everett & McLeod Offer' NO. n. . 13 acrea, 10 acrea good bot , loin, . u acres uteai ed and in lulllvatloii, .balance -is rolling , ninl (,-ood itakture; fin runnlnn water and goad luillilliiaa; or. ' ai,, doner to ml1 " Th'i pliica lays west of Corvallla Mini IS iiu hi-hi vliy ..I In I'Uli.l- try for n all puipoMefdrm. $17 Pr acre; terms. . NO 212. ' 126 acrea. 100 food boltmn, 40 In cultlvailon; will Irrlaate; good bulldlna," and orvhard; cloaa tn rllroa4 mid inilea ' from Corvallla, ,$6oo0, ( (lood terma. Ituiiiilng watpr. . NO. 310. ' ' ISO acres.- All flnn, wheat land and all In wheat; gpod well - painted 7 room houae and barn aud all - ouibuildlusa; well fenced and rloae to railroad and station and has It. K. Ii., and. good graded school close; tSU per aure, with I ho beat of U-rma. NO. 1. 247 acres, all fine bottom land , and fine bulKllniia and every ; font good soli; bearing fruits - and In a fine neighborhood; in the heart of the WHIametts vat lov. This- It a annp and won't last long. $176 acrea plow land la cultivation; $10 pur acre. ' with good tei nia. $20 acrea, all in cultivation and all fine .land; fair buildings, plenty of -fine water; close to H. I', railroad and cloae to ata ' tlon; short ride from Portland; Junt rolling enough to drain'. - well; ' one of the best In tlm ' ' valley; $60 per acre; k cash and long time. , Coma and see our Hat. We list '. farina at the right price or we do not liat them. Any amount . of acres yon. want. We have city properties of all clauses and prices. Farms to exchange and unimproved lands to sell very cheap. Eyerett & McLeod ", Room 6K-517 Rothchlld Bldg. ron 6Ale FAinia $0 per arrs.for 17 acrea 7 miles fiom Vancouver, 1 mile from electric) lino, 16 acrea clnarad, bal ance good timber; good cord wood proK)alilon: laud in same, auction . txiusl diatance fr'oin elwtrle line aelllng from $126 In $160 per acre, $ikoo for boautKul 6 a-re tract I miles east of Vancouver, over- looKing tne coiumiria river. This -la a tuap for soma fine desiring a nice local lou for a suburban , home. $jooo for 16 gcres u lhlle from city Ilmiia of, Vancouver, some, . flood timber, fine soil; aultahle or platting Into acre traeta. This tract la really worth . $6000. $20uo for 160 acrea. 7 miles from Italnler, 0 acres cleared. 76 . apple treea In full bearing, flue soli, good roads; nillo from aWiool. a lore and poatoff lea; ona half t aslu The Washington ana Oregon Realty Company 102-309 Merchants' Trust nidg., Portland, th and Wushlngton. , Phone Main 2404, and 300 Main SU, Vancouver, .Wash. . Great I3anrain in Stock -r-w" I " ' " ; Kancn , K0 acres, about 1 mile from It. R. station; has house and barn, small orch ard, running. water,. and la an ideal place fur ralalna- sheen or iroat. and la the verr beat of fruit land. The aame kind or soil is now selling not over a mile from tlila olaco for $100 Dor acre, an i his place can be bouarht any time be fore the) first of March for 32000. Think of It; the improvements are worth the money, but it la owned by a widow and she Is not abl to look after tit stock, hence the small price; can douhl your money in one vcar or less, and mill sell the place cheap. NO T HADES ON THIH, we have others to trade. Come In and soe us In our new quarters. For merly In the Macleay bldg. We are now in tne Henry bldg.. itooma 813-313. FUITT LANDS 4S ft0O3If.N(l .lOl'-ja ftm SAM: MT, HOOD IlllTniCT API'LB I.ANIl, Koft HAl.K Kay of access to Portland on WKMT-1 . O room liouarkerpins. good futnl KItN f(X)lhlll alone of VI I ll.vwi. nn llnaltur. relit 116: in lea Hl.,,1 of new railroad survey, 30 milea dla-I ant, lie an orchard ownar and iwun I - rooms, fine fumlltirn. il.im . ai'me of tbla, tii choicest fruit land In I w modern brick building, rent Ii:. Oregon, so claimed bv eminent liortl. I Dtlct : Inn m Ira culturlats. Ilnat of soil, ideal elova-1 tlOII. Over l!(IO faet- a,w. ll 11 mnwnm al... . i i ..... ilraPiage, and price. of land oneuarter I claaa furniture, nlc 'nmnclikit ,,,. Hi- . . --- . - i . , . 1 1 i -, tin.. iif.nir 1 1 n I'm w hat other fruit aectlona more r-.m.t I doing g.xxl bualnass; price ti'jO 1 from Portland are getting. Ak for our I vestlgala this. , , i"""-! mat gives au parucuutrs oil , ,. tills favored locality mhan liiinHriyll II rnnma .).... I. m , , of acres of commercial orchard devi l- rent $60, long lease, ehoan roi.t" uru-a onm.nt work la now under way. auper- $100. . ihls la flna P V U e fruit growers' I vised by a punm-salvo association. Call and investirata soon. I 11 rnnma at . .l- ... , .... . . as prlcea are advancing from $30 per rent $So; prha $oo If takVa nulck (iia ni acre up. - VANOijYN A WALTON 616 Chamber Commerce. "f wania lo so Id fallrnml Tl, l. I. - or snvuii investment.. Rooniv30 flwetland tihlg, U3 Fifth Bt ! ' Phone M. 6 Hi 3. Via can sell for a few dava nnlv 40 I (4-ltOOM tiurim.nk k,..,. ' aia.i iiriivii , ,riy reaaouanie rent, inr, Iand I This land la the very best aPDlo land in Hie country. I 63 rooma. nnalrivoi M....i.u MT. HOOD LAND CO.. IioikI I,.... M,.. .Z, "'""V"." r T.hne nil m f i nw f i,.. if tmn .11,1 - ::ZT,W can oa nau- brlTZI'.NrlKlK! HCArruUSK OKCHAKO I . LANDS in 10. 20, 30-acre tracta are B rooms, lease, always full and mon. selling to many levri-m-Auou Dtiyera wno i r' ", uowniown; can bo handled wltlt niLun a. auuu uuuh wii.il iiuhh. wilijr I - j .a mnea rrom fortiana on railroad. I -,.'.' PHr 1300. 1400 I.r,nn ner tract. RKT. I II tOOlna. fin liuollnn v.... .a ir.fl iMJnm ana go wiiii us oy api - icui tu per month! 1500 cash. Rolntment. balance on time. T Apples! Timber! can sell for a few days on A-l timber, on level bench ii Handy river at roi k. bottom prtcta. lease, one of the beat locations u tin, and will sell readily for $60 when tlm- city. $4000 cs.h handle- thla clear In ! "r la cut; timber worth $2600 today. $360 per month, """trn "' -ioarin . - . .1 ri'l y"--g j I I ' - harra ads 7 ceata per line par Issue. ,n?-. " 1 . - - - .; ... trawlerries, 3 acres in potatoes gownne t-llOlCeSt l.lltle rarm in TTii -u tri,f ';."..i.u.".."'n ..!. f"l,; ww ivr u acres, it acrea in cum- inn waiar nn lana, creea louc.nt-a on hrie;. wSfo-Mni Ann. Co .n, vatlon! good orchard, fair buildings, 1( one corner of land. 2 Jersey cows. 2 horses. wciKhinv x40u; young and nn.. . , ... r..noaaa he good workers. Will sell reasonable or I ...nn. m, n, , .. ii. u. I pivmnmh ni, .nH is-hnm ehlcirena. the Localitr Was $45 Is' $3600 80 acres with 18 In cultivation' fal house and barn, fine sorina- of water. can be piped to house and barn, 60 excuange aa iirni PHyineni vn """"e I oash balance nee -en I t vnara and lot ; For particulars phon.A.77l ?40M"?U ..S or can at ze ietn st.. near jerrerBon. i ' ... ! a . ii i- i . . UUIl vvkbbtkk 8 interuKtlonal oictionary, 40 acres, of which there are about 28 acrea all level and freo from rook, bal nearly new. to exchange for anything. 11-303, Journal. . vatlnn PIANOLA to exchange for painting, pa- wagron. ' acrea bottom land, t ie lialance la easv ance umoer wnicn cruises l.uuu.uuu reet. ' ata- ture. all the oats and 'wheat, machinery. f?"!L 5 ""dor cultivation; haa milt ror .family use a 1 richeoil 10 . " ' 5 i..T. j i-i Innnhalnr. ami hrnndera- K miles from aDOUl J acres oi gooa orunura, iwvfnii imiw nuin vregou K-iiy ana riBin on ; will trade for houae and lot I incunators ana. orooaers, o nines i mm , . ki,i. .nni. hi. ih new nrnnnu,i eoriina tn suivr ltinn ,r 6aaCre" Car.Un0, ,.. anltore' yml?e and oniv'SSo 1 f rom " Ioo4 coortable 6 Voom house, fair and to Wllholt. CUmTH school, sawmi 1 .oo ror bu acres. 40 acrea in cuiu-1 "u "" : y"r ." i. iu .11 r,na,t t..in n,,m eo fmn i mrlkmon$a mttlr Air arr a fino hnraea k had tti n new electric line: 11500 casn wiu nan- ' "."i.,r-"'? . :r.v "V " .T. " , - 1 1 ji. 1- n.rf Innlara baa I road ; personal pmiieriy; npn.ii 01 nwu mm futcu, una ja a. uargain. buggy, plows, harrows. cultlva: " t- For partlcularg see horses. 8 good milk cows. 8veral dozen r ".. : perhanging or cement work., R-301, tora and all tha crop; timber to pay f of Chittenden OttO & Neill Journal. qv Vt of the place; 1V4 milea from electrio . iri Z.i lt ,7 is WE SWAP anything you have for some -iiJ.-jm -A ? '.00m' 17-1 8T. thing you want. 314 oeriinger bidg. ?0JMftown-.. balBn00 8 to 6 yea- Are You Looking for a Farm WANTEO To exchange timber claim Note-We ' have all klnda of farms. Do .you want one of the bcstT A for small ranch. J-331 Journal ..w .-an jv-uiiini. , i rarm lanns and city property lor sale I xarm mat la located rignt near a goon rAINTINCJ or papLM lng for sewing ma-J and for trade; It will pay .you to see ua. 1 town, near good schools, stores, etc., chine or chiffonier. F-333. Journal. I o nr-TTnri tt-" r a -v I within driving distance of Portland. liLOBR filliifr cabinet to exchange for anyining. tt-aui, journal. WAITED REAL ESTATE 31 STUB & CO. 620 Union avenue. Phone East 1285. 36 Acres to Claclannas Co. It la a dandy farm, aood soil, splendid ly watered, good improvements, well mooned, xx neaa or came, line team, an o tt 1 11 It f the farm implements, dairy outfit; feed UttO & JtiarKSOn KeaJty O. good oil lo kens, some turkeys, hogs, a com- nlatA HnA nf fa tttA n tr ronln! tharn in I 'J hay, oats, wheat; all for $4700. The Box 45. Over Bank of Oregon City, Ore Wm. M. Smith Whal kind of property you have or how good a bargain you have' to offer unless you list your property where it will ba presented intelligently to them. lots, investment property and farms. I u acres are cieHren, a or ju good timber and balance slashed Yours may be tho one to suit beet. Let me know what you have for sale and I'll do the rest. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. p2-3 Lafayette bldg.. Wash, and 6th. in the barn., about 40 acres cultivated splendid family orchard, 145 acres in all. Fenced and cross fenced. Price only $50 per acre. "Everything included. This is one. of the best bargains near Portland today. For further particu lars see or write to Kerne :-. - PIT " '-"-TVI' 2'" -' .mireu . .Darter 212 Ablngton bldg. place la located only 10 minutes' walk rrom a station wnere an trains mop; 2 miles from a good town and about 34 miles rrom portiatiu. wouiu con eider an exchange for Portland prop erty, value or aDout z&uu; iau casn and the nttlance of $700 in 2 years at per cent gon City, Or. 128V6 First st. and seeded. it has a 4 room house, fair barn 30x30 ft, small family orchard. The soil is first class, no waste land or gravel. With It goes the following stock: Team 4-year-old blacks. 2 cows " 2 calves . 1 heifer , .' ,, i 1 brood sow . 1 good wagon 1 set double, harness, -new , Plow,' barrow, tools and I tons hay .; ... 1 acre potatoes Will make terms to suit. WANTED FOR CASH OR TRADE. pity real estate of all kinds, farms, rtcrcane. timber land, hotels, logging louses and otnerf- business cnances; I rave buyers - waiting with .i the money. 0nltnirsi fti,nflden'ttl. Cull ne addrean I Merchants' Businoss Kxch.,. Suite. 313 derchants' Trust Bldg.. cor. , 6th & jvvashlngton sts. Phone 7807, A-3283. . w ARE in touch with parties wishing to purcnase aesiraDie homes on eitner raat or west side. If your house is for pate call ana see us, or pnono Main THE SOUTHER - ALBERTSON CO 286 Oak st, Portland, Or. vK have a client waiting for a good apartment nouse site must oe on me et Htae ana a Bargain. we nave some good loans on improved fioiamga,: can place your money at once.. . , .U-JStUi!.! .kjsaivtx CO., 612 Abtngton Bldg. HAVE A CLIENT who has a 780-acre rfttifh In nilllnm emmtv 9 XL ' ttiIIauI rom raiirnad. This" la ona of th finest Beautifully situated on corner of cross- k hent ranchea in that. dlHtrlet.. hnt win road, easy drive from center"" Portland rade for city or Willamette' valley I snort waig irom nouse 10 a new town iropeny. aim vuiuuu ou . ciouinu mi nnui mnu WKIjOUJN XJAKLillNti, i noaijy lovci, vicmi nun, lieu Hum Biuno H1H jiOard Ol. J raae. 1 smvoi. bh-jchii ui wmer iuim. oiiw Dounuary tine; ,o acres nigniy cuni- vated; s acres timDer, oaiance pasture; 605 Corbett Building. Sell or Trade Choice Farm 43 Acres BUNGALOW WANTED. rnS ?n5annn-P nt: HVL ooq t"3. well finished, bay windows- 2 ,t?i 11!a nJA Lhfn. 500 good frame barn, chicken house and anti will be paid down and want rea-1 ?,,.. i .ni.miu team a hif.-. lonable monthly payments. E-333, anma' hnn and chlck'nna: wa'rnn haclr' onrnal. . I harness, all farm tools,, hay in barn. If vp! HAVE been very auccessful In ban-I you want a Dargain jn a cnoice. weii dllne citv vacant D:'ODertv. . If vou I eautpped farm, near Portland, you ave any vacant property that you wish should see us about this one before you o dispose of kindly call and see us re- buy. Will take good Portland property rardlng same. .. In payment and easy terms on the bal- THE SOUTHER ALBERTSON CO... ance; no other proposition offered like it lov jn.n. ou, rvl liaiiu, ri. - A, ui' tJlj cv Jioiniiuw-, iwiit ac.rkh of ifnnd. farming l. 611 Gerllnger bldg, wanted: must be in Oreiron and r-lnae ff transportation; answer at once with full particulars.. Ward Realty Co., 305 Kpington Diog. A Choice Farm 820 acres, 1 miles from town; a choice tract to cut up to small farms: A S ''OMERS to try M. I. S. T the In- 5?" :WKnVn inr- olA.r . i rich, about 16 acres choice Beaverdam. erry, Mgr.. 332 Sherlock bldg Port- '.af "7rl,?.l?"id,At?nnn r!5 ZJ?x and' Ar Coma and raa na year and produced 130.000 lbs., and are tk".!:?-- , .?"?L ,...i-.,... worth about $6000; acrea of oats pro- .ii-, i u.u mua, 1.. u.un. ,u ii,,uSwii, aucea lea ousneis to tne acre, macnine must be a bargain; prefer east or measure; most all of the bottom land outh front; state cash brlce and.loca- can be Irrigated; young orchard, fair Ion; for home. Q-338. Journal. buildings, on main county road. This V'E have, party that wants to purchase la one of the best -farms in th valley amall. Improved tract near Portland, and cheap at the price, $100 per acre; THE SOUTHER-ALBERTSON CO., I $20,000. cash, the balance on long time. 286 Oak at.. Portland. Or. 1 wltn per fen t interest - . ,1' .i bo '-. i I... ,. I Also have a large Hat of smaller it-, suirabie of putting:" noT far' from . WMnV' 40.000- A Famous Willamette Val ley Farm 295 acres beaverdam and rich bottom land, with perpetual water right, for Irrigating, exceedingly fertile, enormously productive, 20 miles from Portland, 1 mile from Cornelius. See H. H. Delano 110 2d st 13b acres on Astoria railroad; 16 in cultivation L 80 of tldnland: house. barn and orchard; $2500. leu acres Tillamook county: good Im provements: a aanay nairy ranch; $3700; $1700 cash, balance very easy terms. 70 acres. 22 milea from Portland: frood Improvements; well stocked; team, implements, hav: a snlendlrl ranch: ail for $8600; easy terms. 60 acres. S miles from railroad, 20 miles from Portland: i5 in cultiva tion; good Improvements; $4600. WILL TRADE FOR STOCK OF MER- acres in Washlnon oun.ryja, ln -...jf..m..... cHANDISE"' " :eatthrmttoii7 lr blilldfngs; family orch- The most ideal fruit and chicken ranch ard; $4000; $1500 cash, in the state; the very best of soil, all .'T?.9 Do"S,a.8 county; 150 In In cultivation except about 1 acre; Ju"'v J " .fa Pro vm wa hlghly Improved; good house, barn, out- ?E?,0by?P(rin3 .a"d ?feek: ,wU1 Ifrow hnusa chicken runs and chicken houses, alfalfa, grain andfruit: a fine stock This is an ideal place and a money maker, value $6000; will trade for stock of merchandise of equal value or sell for cash. Other lands around it are selling much higher, but I have not the tlmo to give it the attention it should have and ao not care to rent it out. ranch! 12 fmn- tlflftO rosli ATLAS LAND CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange. Cascade Foothills 62 acres apple land. 1 mile from ar- ir la line. 35 acres ready to plant to trees: within 35 minutes walk of 30 minute sopd fences and buildings; orchardtsts car service. Call or address the owner. 414 Marquam bldg., Portland, Or. 640 ACRES, wheat ranch, 575 acres un der cultivation, orchard, fine bouse. good barn, good fences, plenty of water piped to the house, in the famous rain belt east of Condon, $22.50 per acre; $6000 or $7000 will handle this. $100,000, buys nearly 2000 acres splen did land best fruit Pelt in Oregon, one mile from R. R., very easy terms. $30,000, half cash, buys nearly section good land, practically level, near Portland. $7.60 per acre, buys 160 acres, good rancn. plenty tlrnoer ana water, $5.00 per acre, buys 160 acres good. blacJt soil, .win trade, gently rolling'. good Improvements complete. 323 per acre, Duys 40 acres near ine 110 acres of good farm land 10 miles ! P8.1" or ,tradc '?".. clt7. .?P?- . ! m ir nnr va TiinnaB a i i nrwo nn oukv nn v rrom Oregon Citv. 70 acres in cultiva tion, balance in timber, 1 acres in or Other ranches all prices, on easy pay ments. Ann , . .1 . J , . I Chard irood house and hnfna nn rnimtv .. " Pef ucrts iouo acreo. a-o i cuiiiva- enoH . ' - tion and anout perrectiy level. road. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. Room 619 Board of Trade Building. A FEW good buys in Gilliam county: . 160 acres. 120 acres tillable. 50 acres In cultivation, well watered, fair huil.l- ings, $2000 cash. 170 acres. 155 acres' in cultivation. $3000, good terms. 400 acres, 325 acres under cultivation; well located: good water: school on place. 820 acres. 250 in cultivation and crop: will trade' for stock of general merchan dise; $30 per acre. 160 acres, o In cultivation; few miles from Condon; $2300, terms. CHAPIN HEKLUVV, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Merchants' Business Exch. Suite. 818, Merchants' Trust Bldg., cor. 6th & Washington sts. Phone Main 7807, A-3283. irline, must ba good buy. - L-337. Jour- PL ('ILL BUY 5 or more acres not far I out if a snap. Give full Information rat etter. N-336 Journal. 'ANTED -A lot not higher than" $1000; $100 or $200 rash, balance monthly. F. nchs. 221 m Morrison St. acres fir&t class fruit land, exchange 1 milea from town: $260 cash, balance of for house in city; will assiJme mort-'0 at per cent lo be paid In 1915. Orsys Croaslng on Mt. Scott carllne. 160 acrea extra good land with 7 room house, large barn and outhouses. hogs ana per acre: will take part In trade. EASTERN OREGON. 40 acres; 35 acrea under ditch, with water rights paid, best of farm land; 2 ANTED Lot 60x100 In Sellwood; must d cneap ror cash. H-330, inrnal. ' . 'ST your vacant lota 'with Baker "for resn it a. Bin Hoard or Trade bldr- A-l JFarms For Sale or Trade from new .electrie' line building to Tual- tin 45 acrea clear, 6 room House, sev ral springs, stream running through place, good family orchard. This Is fine fruit land; price $(000, half cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. Will trade for modern house in Portland, about $3500 value. Repass & Woodyard 800 Henry bldg. Main 5854. A-2532- Three Good Farms 160 acres. 90 acres cultivated, 6 acres in prunes, 6 acres in apples and cher ries; good spring and running water, piped to the house; 10 room house, large new barn, $8000, hi cash, balance 5 vears at 6 Der cent. 60 acres: 68 acres cultivated, 5 acres in timber. 2 family orchards, all fenced, buildings, school across the road, $4800. 40 acres; 20 acres in cultivation, bal ance brush pasture, 4 acres orchard. good well and spring, b room nouse, barn, mile to school; $100 per acre. O. W. P. LAND CO. & IMMIGRATION UUKB.AU, First and Alder sts. will guarantee to care for trees until in bearing for the use of the place. wnen trees are oeanng place is worth $500 per acre. Can be boutrht now for t&vu. 58 acres In this same locality: 28 acres in cultivation; good fences and buildings; $65 per acre. 40 acres In this same locality, unim proved, part timber. mile to school and sawmill! $1200. O. W. P. LAND CO. & IMMIGRATION First and Alder sts. ' Call or write for full particulars. jioerai terms. M FAR LAND INVESTMENT CO.. J10-S11 Corbett Bldg.. Portland, Or. Merrltt A Palmer. Sales Agents. NOIIAHK rimlf. T 1 T m -F- .-.a Room 61 Board of Trade Uutldlng. lIAM0i?D "RKAlt TZ&. ' S3 roriiriai rjkri t I 11 A .b15'? on l'i lor;' bJsTof f'SSS PI-, f Tc I,.,!'. ,ou """. your own 'terms on We Furnish Land prfce $i6ooB; VXL'&IZrC J:"?T: t i - t r i- t , all Iron and braaa heila fl,a '. jcacn uwns xiair interest Mt of carpet. ; a snap. We have client with choicest fruit 14 rooms, cheap rent 2 veara !-.. land who will give you half lntereat if "Le.am het, swell furniture, central lo- you will plant and care for one year. J'11""' price $1600; $1000 cash, good v j ii v ii w Hi:rm i ii Hrrg nr ii ii w . i -------- XV. Power & Co., 226 Henry bld. 10 rooms. Ilum k.al . K,rn i.aa . , ii-n, tiuu, price $600. Thla la central location. -10 rooma. rent- inn .in. .:.,n i , of elv v..v (.vy, in noari 303 H Wasalnrton St 800 acres choice foothill land, Yamhill Co., in cultivation or pasture, bal ance oaK gruDs, cneap. 9-'3 Board of Trade. Fruit Land See This Rooming HniK nr'Jll1!' C&Bht ,r,dS f0" ch Or CUT property, over fin l.r.. .u... close in, hot and cold water In every room, private bath, etc.; high grade fur niture, extra heavy carpets, 6. years' lease; cheatieat rent in eiiw". over $1000 per month; clear $$00. Slck- or saie. see my exclusive 16 acres, 7 miles east of Gresham, I MPRcbivra ,,,,". . near Mt Hood Electric., near atore. sultlT8 ESi,I.SEXFJA.NaK' postofflce and school; most of the land rinte r'h hats Jru8t bld(f' ' raneing in price from $200 to $400 perl Loro'r,f'h "A.w"'! t. ' :lng acre: this land nearly nair cleared, ror only tioo per acre. Mt. xiooa tana CO., 711 Kotnchltd Dldg. N6 BETTER IN THE CITYr ii HiAUiiANOE. . . . SOME unusually good bargains in large ,.".ir."r.-Je,"Jnuy rurnlsbed with or small orchards or orchard lands r"'"". TU ulae oa? Diraseye na- Also some pror- "i " T: """"5a"-?r..urn,t"re'. igelow Call at Oregon 'i"""1"' I"lon v?ivet carpets. Bureau, 604-8-8 I IZT.. "verytnmg, aimont ant & Sta- - " wonaDie rent . it ii , ' ,.ul lne Deal nomelike places. In the eltv with , j-i inunin, over ana above all owner of a small Diece of land, aa he exnensea- ananrae thi. a tnm "", , ni,n. hi. ...i. t .all in. .,. ..i.i. . .'""r'."".""'.. ""' i iuer ,.? ,. j. ...i: r ikn 1 ., ' t i PU.taic rea. puiaie. ii-gaz journal. IOIIU, .dill. ,U au,l.a'.UW BiiU W V per cent interest, ... . . y. r . . T i . . i r. v .,L. ml. jtVjKJ. A. JlWrjIJV. in liMUUD pi a. In Ashland district erty to exchange. Lands Information Board of Trade bldg.. or Grant pies, Ashland, Or, A BARGAIN. 20 acre tract, fine for fruit only $35 per acre; 10 per cent cash, balance $ia To lease A BARGAIN. 20 acre, tract, fine for fruit, onln $35 per acre; 10 per cent cash, balance $15 per month. HUAHU Ur TltAUK emu. 60 acres Klickitat fruit lands, 1 miles from railroad, 500,000 feet yellow pine. 10 Der acre. Shaw & Lock. 420 Lum- bermen's bldg., fttn ana Hiarg sis. 98 Vooms In the new , brick . -bulldiriir outtiealit Co'rher 6h and Flanders ats.; very favorabla lease may be had. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO, 250 Alder at , UMPQXA V AIGLET FRUIT LANDS 888 Chamber of Commeroa. SEl,L my own lands on terms to suit the buyer, developed or unaeveiopeo. Geo. A. HoucK, 49 LaDDe Piocic. 179-Acre Farm 60 acres bottom that does not over flow, remainder bench find lays fine, 32 in cultivation, balance- in pasture and timber, estimated 760.000; fenced and cross fenced, family orchard, small house, 2 barns, 2 horses, 25 head of cattle 30 tons of hay, 100 sacks pota toes, 60 chickens, mowing machine, rake, plow, wagon, potato planter, cream sep arator, all small tools, 2 boats, house hold furniture, near a good town with boat landing on place, $11,000 takes all; $9000 place only, on good terms; no bet ter farm. . Waggener Real Estate Co 210-212 Abington bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 JUST returned from 1264 mile drive, Hill, Harrlman surveys central Ore gon, Lake, Harney, Klamath, Crook, Lane, Douglas, coos, uurry counties mentioning locations, climate, crop DrosDects. other cnances: new town- sites, homesteads and timber claims $1 each county, any address, all questions answered, absolute facts, ' James J. Mears, 447 Vt N. Union ave. CENTRAL OREGON HOMESTEAD MAP (Lake, crook and Harney coun tle.) SHOWING BEST VACANT 320 ACRE HOMESTEAD land In Oregon & Kallroad surveys. price ll.oo. DESHON & HAWK Surveyors and Locators, 407 Lumbermen's Bank Bldg. Take Notice Acreage on carllne, 10 miles out; one acre, or as much as you want, improved or unimproved; good roads and easy I terms. 160 acres, level, best of soil, no rock, 6.000.000 feet cruised; price $3200; best buy in Oregon. IOWA-DAKOTA LAND CO.. ' 418 Swetland Udg, FOR SALE at 60 per cent of Its real value, to close an estate. 120 acres. 3 miles from Troutdale; 20 cleared, 40 FARM 160 acres, 25 miles from Port land, near R. R . -3 5 acres cleared. house, new barn, chicken house, tool house, 30 acres good bottom land, or ONE of the few remaining No. 1 stock ranches in eastern Oreiron. 20X0 acrea: 300 acres of choice timothy meadow. about 80 acres sowed to grain. 800 acres of good pine timber (10,000,000 or 12,000,000 feet), tne oaiance uie best or bunch grass; in four different pastures with an abundance of spring water In each, and all under 3 wire fence; 2 fair ly good houses, large barns, school house on place, local and long distance telephones in the house, 2 sawmills 5 miles from the ranch. Price, including a lor of stock and farm machinery ana tools, only $25,000. W. J. SMITH, 438 Chamber of Commerce. CENTRAL Oregon homesteads that you don't have to live on, located In beau tiful valley; no stumps or rocks; plenty water and wood; schools, . churches, stores, P. O. and 2 railroads now being completed; price $1.25 per acre. Write Central Oregon Development Co., box 614. Portland. Or. fenced, small house and barn; apples, chard, fine timber. Improvements worth p.eaJsL. ct'rrl?.8' Prunes, strawberries: price asked: owner must leave for Call rich black soil ;. watered by spring and fomia and will sacrifice at $2400; $1600 FOR SALE FAKMS 1? 40 acres, mostly In high state of cul tivation: fair buildings; only 84000: $800 or $1000 cash, balance any time. 102 Acres - , 45 in cultivation; fair buildings; $85 per acre: good terms: both 28 miles wrat of city, near railroad, town and railed achool: finest or, sou: plenty fruit and water; genuine, good buys. Kee tie I OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO.. - 64H th. " . BEFORE YOU BUT ' ly kind of property be aure to ae the od things listed here. It coats noth r to Investigate and I may have the ry property you have been , looking r. " You're welcome. Come In. JOSEPH If. JOHNSTON. 8 Tefaytte Mdg.. Wah. and th. luirh, no Improvermi.la. but very Hin- 1 tttli prm 'Ine land and only It miles out on a Uana i-IllIC rann oi county road and In a thickly aet- I If acres. One of the beet little farms d community, where the development near Portland, fair houae, gnod barn. very rapid and now offered at $10 r acre. THE RHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 H Ptark et., Pity. -IATI III acres of aa gond land aa here la In tirepnn, and only l0 p-r , land adjoining for aale at $10 -acre: nelv t miles from Iarlo. W. J. Smith, Ilk Chamber of tom-rre. $ PJ R Ai'RK. acrea on rllrod. ennnly mad; r Column rlir: laya fine; r rat travel: term $! ' h, balance ntMr er yerlv pa rnen i a ' ' PQV1F TH Al-R PTJVj. -At'H' raArh in Clarke . Waahing 1, rr f-n 'iwtJ, niitn. a ard t ' !.. sma 1 iw-l)iM. T. f?frt 1 l.lt.. Injfwr, JfJ t J u'-ne Wain :.ii No agerta. family orchard. Fix acre Improved. Land near! v all level. Price $1604). Alfred A. Baker 212 AMrrtow bldg W K HAVE . 1. 2. $. 10 and !Q acre trarla. onlv 1 mHe out at $! te I J(e per acre, payable In easy Install tent Se f T theae. THE PHAff.rKAR 1X1MPANT. tiH P'ark at Citv. IKVES a. rea, ail In ctaltlvatknn and fit for a rardea: 4 room houae wlih rMk-mnt and m!le eat ef Ttayfoo. Or.; eily W J. PmltH. 411 ClJittlber ef iwif .ri Itr HE ii the t by of aii, 4 acrea. c)erd. rmildfrga. Hwk and te'. $1"- al- i T trart. I tmiM fwi leir- Itn. C M. Cr!t ten !.. lluv- I hard. Or. . well: near" school, railroad and boat landing; $12,000. half cash. Truly a bargain. oRUffin-WELLER-ANDKEWS. -411 Couch Bldg. $10 a day and expenses paid If not found as represented. we nave cnoice farms of all kinds. ' small and la rice. throughout the northwest and give you rood value ror your money and sou are deal. If you want a rood jCarm aee us. F. FUCHS. , J!m Morrison st i FOR SALE Fine 1600 acre wheat farm. lieo acre plow land, 640 acrea level, balance rolling; fine soil. 2 houses, large-barn, windmill, fine water. 4 miles to railroad; $16 per acre If vou want a good farm cheap Investigate thla. aa It must be sold at once, and no reasonable terms will be refused. Q-323. Journal. LARGE highly improved stock ranch off Columbia river; splendid home; stock and equipments: 26 acrea cleared: can keep an unlimited number of -cattle' or sheep. U for $5000; half cash; Illness cauee of sacrifice. The McCarthy Co.. 401-4 Rothchlld bldg - cash, balance term of years. Cheap at 4UUV. SWOPE. 486 Chamber of Commerce Fruit Farm 15 acre fruit farm close to Portland on electric line; highlv Improved: out to fruit. It is a beautiful horn and can be bought for less money than any rarm equally as good In this coun try. Would take a home In Portland as part pay. Neal Brown, 709 Swetland bldg. MA This 240 acres; 85 acres cultivated, pas ture. wood, running water, spring, or chard, 7 room houte. large barn, no rock. H mile to achool, 3 milea to K, R.; $3o per acre, about H caah. bal ance per cent SCIIOOLEY ft. CADELL. $0$ Main st., Oregon City. Or. FARM, clooe-Jp: 106 acres oa bank of Willamette rlrer. near Oregon Elec-1 $29 an acre. trie; an acrea in cuiuvatioa; enough cedar and yellow fir to pay for clearing idii is a, oargain; sj per balance. acre. W. Mr BRIDE. H Ptark t. FARM 100 at rea. only 40 minutes from Portland, on carllne. atatlon en the land: all under blah state of cultiva tion, and well priced: rtpe for aabril viaton. Worth IJS-0 i-r acre, bnt I will II It fnr $lta per acre. Mirht take a Httie-eitT in-opertr. Terms. Addresa evrr-T. 0--I. Joemt Small Farms and Acreage rnr sm,i rarm ar B'reaae eioe in me, for I have a tine liat Neal Hmvn. T0 .ni ,dc. F T(i' are l.-a"iig fi.r farm acra rnu"- and I' tl or tn- rea fliaiKi and want a latoii '! at UJW 1st at. blAii. LJLNiU CO, 1 ACRES. SKAMANIA COUNTY Finest fruit section; 3 milea North Rank station; pnre spring water: 20 itm timber; 37 miles to Vancouver; Terms. josKrii h. joHNirroN. 31-3 If avette bMg, Wah. and th CHEAP L.ANHT t have a large tract of stomp lanl within l mile Jt k. station and lost landing on Columbia river, which I w'll sell at per acre. Inveatigat ttir. K. R. MARKHAM. f$ Oerlinrer Bid., 2d and Aldr. SF.E ue foran elegant home of 1 acres. only 11 miles out. good roads; very fine improvement and eon venl a t te school, church and station: well stocked and prnrtionel and ail f"r $12'. i THE 5H.V-FHK COMPANY. I4t gtarfc at.. (Hi. ONI.T 3 4 tr-r acre, in Tamntil cnlj-: IJ acrea: lit acres in cursvatlon. t aeree la fir oak ad ah timtH.r. J lic In f different papturea. wilh water In ell:, young orciard. good t mom a.Jlh. 4JI Cl.-amtxr cf CfT.merre. j MODERN 5 ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. Attractive bungalow, large barn, up to-date chicken houses; fenced and cross fenced; horse, wagon etc.; near 6 cent.carline; sacrifice at $5000; part cash, balance terms. we nave otners. One acre or thousands. "It will pay you to see our list." HARTMAN & THOMPSON., Chamber of Commerce. FINE CENTRAL OREGON HOME STEAD. Excursion Tuesday. Don't miss this chance to locate on 320 acrea of rich, level ground in our beautiful valley. Op-en evenings and Sundays 2 to 6. DESHON & HAWK. Surveyors, 407 Lumbermen's Bank Bldg. ROOMING HOUSES. 30 room house, $2000. 30 room house, 81900. . 7 room house, $ 650. 11 room house, 31700. 25 room house, $2400. All close in and good termav ia pwetianq Dldg. ROOMING HOUSE for saie, 21 rooms. newly calsomined and - refurnished; very desirable location, close to E. Mor rison; easy walkinsr distance- ehenn rem and gOOd lease: a' tnnnev mnLra. rl.... $1,600. 421 Grand ave. Inquire' Leah Furniture Co. ROOMING HOUSES U fine furlushea" housekeeping rooms nnlv lt;i naet cash, fine f urniture, 25 room Rouse, snap. $2,600. Part cash. Mrs Vnirnli 9-iT Abington building, Main 7761. ROOMING , OUSE 40 rooms, bricx buildlnr. with lessor iiw.n full sell. . ' ' FRARY & SEITZu 132 Eth st. GOOD transient house, 14 rooms, down town; rent only $40; Income $120; old house, fairlv modern- ira h.th e'eftrlo "f1?"- Inquire J. J. McCarthy. Abington bldg. GOOD paying rooming house, well lo- . t--o.i.fru, price lld, i EVERETT & McLEOD, M. 6613. 617 Worcester Bldr. ' . ROOMINfl hottsb: 18 rooma on Wash Ine ton atraet 'tovt. town, lone lease, rent liJS li iso- i.m,. Main 7776. -- , ' Canadian Homesteads Have been over Alberta, Canada, Homestead lands for six months. Want five men to homestead. Information free. Address, giving telephone number. (J-Szo, journal. 4,000.000 feet relinqlushment on Silett; good relinquishment near Portland: a few good homessteads left In Tilla mook and Lincoln counties: relinquish ment for trade. Nimmo, Runey 4 Davis, 13 Hamilton bldg. FEW DAYS ONLY 127H acres, 85 acres cultivated, bal ance easy to clear, on electric line close to i'oruana. lays level, sou ncn oiacx loam S to 6 feet deep, main graveled road from place into Portland, running water on place; positively one of the best farms to be found; will be on sale a few days way below value. 406 Couch bldg. CAN locate you on first class home stead; next parties start first of the week. HOMESEEKERS LAND CO.. 132 North 6th st. SPECIAL rates- for our next party for MONEY maker; furniture of 13 room transient house, first class condition rooms always full, beat location in city; v n. aa. CfiKA rAli isei tt. . . . - vca-,. .Qg-yi rraari., room m z. SNAP 60 room hotel, heart of city, ' .,f?dcon,altion 11114 money maker. $1500 handles. 2Stj Wash., room 612. A GOOD thing in a rooming house. In- " i quire of landlady. 291 FJ. Morrison. ALLNLNU STOCKS Ott FOR SAJLK AXl EitUAAGB . - - - ii-.niiV'-u-L-i ri ri u rii L - r '''' TALK WITH FLETCHER. 1,000 Alaska Pet. St Coal, trees.. market 4,000 Almeda Con. . ........ ...bid 1,400 Automatlo Gas Light....... .45 2,000 Black Eagle (San tiara ., v. it 10 Burlingame T. T. stock 4.00 10 Burlingame T. T. receipta 3.60 6,000 Busy Bee CWash. coal)... .91 W 60 Campbell Safety Gaa . Burner 6.60 - 100 Collins Wireless. 1.60 600 Comstock Golden fiata 9-llL C ,.rtn , 1 . . ., ... T .' ,vvu circiriu ju. at. o., ...... 2,000 Fidelity Copper WAX TED r AIOIS S8 WANTED. 20 to 60 acres aood soil, and bulld- ihfrs. orchard; suitable for trucking; within reasonable distance to good mar ket: give full particulars and terms. Address O W. GRIDLEY. 338 C. cf C. 320 acre homesteads In central Ore gon. Railroads now building. Write for fi'ooO Fieeland Con DOO"1St " B"d "' ""'. 1 6.000 Gold Creek M. & M a. s. WOK DU3 toroeti mag. , l0o H. n. p-.k wh -, --k.j marconi e.ngiana ...... i.uu U8 9 .bid cheap .06 Va HOMESTEADS for bonaflde men and women in Brazil. British Columbia 1,000 National Copper and Old Mexico, R-332. Journal. HOMESTEAD locations In Xehalem and western Oregon for $25; with or wltn out timber. Wigle Lewis. H 1st TIMBER 28 - HAVE parties looking for improved farms In the Willamette valley. Send description, ouote price and terms. THE SOITHEK-ALBKKTSON CO, 18 Oak. t Portland. Or. F YOU have 40 to 80 acrea at rea sonable price, we have the buyers. Atlas Land Co.. 4 20 Lumber Exchange. 160 acres yellow pine, cruises nearly 2. 900. 00O: 100 acres after clearing will make best of plow land: 2 miles from projected R. R, government patent fur nished. Price only $1600. terms. GRAYS CROSSING LAND CO.. Grays Crossing, on Mt Bcott carllne. SOME fine timber on the Santiam for (ac per M.: tributary to both liver and R. K. Look this up ZIMMERMAN. 6 21 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To buy a ranch, suitable t for ralsmr hoes. Phone Tabor 142 WIDOW must sell 14 acre timber land, well located r around 2.6i.e feet yeilow pine: ehorjld bring 11499. but apee for I'JSO. Portland Ii ou.es to. fi4 Morr1a-Mi at 0 ACRES fine viilov pine. LaJte Co,. 76.000.e0a feet; price FOR REXT FARMS 14 GOOD wheat farm. 10 or $20 acrea. near wapinitia. eaatera oreiron. 11 ml lee from nw railroad: rent far third of crop; snap: houae and barn. At ply (4 is. zcth. v car I rom sd and Kvr- rlaon ata. 1 crulalns over ILIU per M. ZIMMERMAN. ll Board of Trade MTg WANTED Timber Una. Cooa. Douglas and Klamath count tee. Write .all 4. "nptlon. with lowest price. er caU. -yh Parker. 6i2 Corbet! Meg. I'OK SALE At a bargain. fcjf aerUoa 6U0 ticket Adv. Maeh........ .20 10 Portland Con. P. E..... 1.75 $500 Portland Tel. bond... bid 15 Portland Tel. atock. bid SneUing Oil .16 600 Superior Coal ft Imp .60 - 1.000 United Copper-Gold, Ore., .7 10 I'nited Wireleaa trana. ... .bargain 1 I'nited Wireleaa trans. . . . $1 7.oo 5,000 Western Con. ,. .ia Ail other stocks and bonds. Fee in' before buying; may be able te da bet ter. -I WANT: ' Alaska Pet aV CoaXtkild Creek ' Almeda. Con. Oriole. Or. B. C Amai. Coal Portland Tel. stock. Fidelity Copper. I'nited Copper-Gold. National Copper I'nited Wireleaa. M. O. Peck Automobile WheeA. IZk Abington ilig. timber land factrg tbe SJnahiw rlrer. rmtsing fret te the quarter. ffAXTKl) Experienced frmr ia lese mr datrr; cattle. Implements. fv.r- i.h d rZ r niatd. Be'ter heatle Addrees Box ' :1?r- u t,h " r",tr 'i Iti-rlng. r. Route ,o 1. J EHHT are. room houae. fruit tr-e. j TREVOR MINE.- COMpA!fi' "" 2wt Alleay Bldg. Owns $ acrea, of gold. eoppen sti ver and lead mining Land la trie tk-a rtcbeet dlatricta in the Weat joutiru OregcML NorUer CaUfornu and u. Hevea Devlla dlatrkt. Idaho. We . Juat made 00a of tfce r'het eoj per atrikee la tbe Keren Deiia e-r.r-p-r cse trtct; etocka II oents a U', fu.lv pal I awd nonaaaeaaa ble A tneting will La held for the stack lw-1 t rs at-1 frl-q i Teeedair evening. lce"trr J, at I p. ' m, roooi fi, Ai!ikr h.-i be rrl-. nea r rwe It 4JS liawtborn carllne. Buy Swastika! Tba en lt buy todar- v t do te4ter than rail ! er of' - a- 1 ., ftOOMIXU HOISES ron SlU Ba ere arl-ve... n- ,i,e .. n , r - . - - ' ooe mtniag en g krver. .ur t i. .' ,1 FRUIT L.4XDS 1 ur trie null, in r-Aa.1.. 1 1 ear iaisaai. i eieertr pi -r I a rr K tar aa a i J R 45 j f 'T ?l E th at , Ul UKM.il, r i--n t-arark, tt eri' rt Ri-i 1 1. P-vnm it, ill TOLT ' le t.f r I GET a ootne or I r 1 3 a r-er COLUMBIA O 1n Freit Val!.r. land for r , ''.'"T5 ".t f.7 a, T." " " " mi NTT- iNVLsrMEXT j h- 'Tu TNTTTJfce fs-r li r - ! i ' v s i-a ! a i. . O'VPtNT, t :'l: feerva n. Ar-p'T Fl Ilia au is. I t 4 r I- ,-i . lf!$ Ekld ef TraJe sVig. Atkrr cat. -- j '- ' '-'' '