The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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1 OH HUAHKAL l2ir.UK 16
! Mance rur inniifhav rutymenta will
i .iv Mil i, new ftM.ui turmslow,
J.l-I ( if ?th t. il !
M.-ely llntr$ walla. - I
I well buffet. , -..'.-
I'ui.h kitchen, beauty,
hull baacmeiil wllll t
t-nient floor. ,
Ms ! bath alto beat 0t plumb
lr.a: launjiy Inm -
l liia Is a bargain at $1(00. Coma ut
toils r mill sea il.
Tsuor 1147. 3Tih "d Hawthorn.
Open bundaya.
i'aT mH'IA ORAMiE lil'.OVG.
ltt acrea at Riverside. Cat. In full
hearing orange trees, aood room house,
Lain an1 outbulidinga; near eireeicar;
tor the last 1 jeara I h la grov liaa aver-
Ke. a net erly inoume or it per rrm
on Ihe price. $.'fl.P"0; owner win ron
al.lcr Portland reatdenca In ool nelah
borhood aa trt iyment, , Further !
lormatlon on application.
ii. p. palmkkjonks ro..
' 111-311 Commercial Club Hid.
I'nolisirtu'ted view of city, river and
rnountaina: a bargain for 4k horn or
will pay 11 per cent ret aa an inveat-
tnenl. I'ric Jnn; imhii
'3SO. P, rKAHKKV (U,
A-16&0. 1214 6th at. .
KEVKN room new linuso, on W.-W. car
line. Haxlctnn atallon. all nicely, fin
intied, all mndfni, Dutch kitchen, cold
etoraa-e room. large permit porch,
. closets, full hMcmrnt lot 48x106. This
is a. nloa hoina; price $3000: $1000 cash
win handle, or .would consider acreage
In exchange. , ' , , ,
Repass & Woodyard
100 Henry bide Wain 6854. A-S681. '
PORTLAND There are aoina finer
views than the ono you get
TRUST ' from this Mt Talor home
of ( moms, large living
CO. - , room with fireplace, handy
'.' kitchen, lota of rosea and
fruit and a quarter of
- - ' Mock of ground, 14260.
J H. K. Cor, Third AV Oak Kta.
If You Are Looking for
Close In acrea ere., or small" well im
proved farms, at low price and on most
liberal tirmi see roe. , I.-handl my
own properties.
Hfilctutlit hnm-y i mom liouae, all
Irit Ur ni.1rrii nnd tip-ioUln. full run.
crele full lot, fine lti, lota
or run arm tiwn; muat Ihj oI4 lon
uay and IJfcOU nka It on lanna.
In walklnv tllaURc of Kut Yam
hill, rlrvnnt lioino k room a. 1 rirroUtpa.
lnif. itain. I to l ma. rle. : ev-ri liilna
Jut aa you would want It if you wrr
lo bo I M It voumelf: anlnndld nelrlf
oor. iietter look thla ui. . Von can
act It at a tnrrain.
It loia In i.a. liiiiir liouaa diatrlct rnr
1300 each; email iiavmrnt down; all tlit
lima you want on the t.alan-. .
I liava a few Inta In realrictrit district
IS rnlntitra out that 1 will ll for 1400
II down and 110 per month: bull run
water, (.; t. lock a from iar; lota of
nlco homea Koliia up there, tome and
loin n a. K K. kloniagua. 170 Waah
irt;ton at , itoom n
St. JoLns
Vor miiclt twtorna on your money; atop
at III jeraey at. wnere tne car atoita.
and let J. Ki Ulllmora ahow you aonrn
oaritaina in improved anil unimproved
oroeriyi two e rHm houaea and lot
loom 00. within I tilocke of city hall.
l:o'i. A 10 room house ni lot tOiloO
on Jeraey a I., 420o. Home fine lota
in South Rl. JohiiH. IS50: lola 6SlOO.
cloav lo Newport alallon, 1400, 10 per
cnt rnan. balance per rnonin. . J. x.
llillmore. . . . . .
WANT r l All my frlvnda to know that
I am rniaiiHi in tne real estate DiraN
nesa and that for-result you had bet
ter nee me. If you have anvthlna to
sell, acreaae, farms, business chances,
hnusea and lota or city proporty and
want It aold at once, list It with me. If
you want to buy a home, acreage, farm,
business chance or property of any de-
cnption, write. -ran or pnone to ma.
You have tried, all the rest, now try
the best real- estate man In Portland.
See DaiiKhert. 14?U 2d eL, room 14.
n 41
fhone Main
A Fine Home
Modem a room bunralow. hall, bath
ana pantry, largo concrete nasenicnr.
concrete walk, all Improvements in, 100
feet to car, price $1000; terms, $&00
down, easy payments on balance,
20 acres, only 14 mllea of Portland; 7
miles from Hlilhboro, new electric llna
aurveyeo, witma- 200 feet of land: rive
acres pearerctam -land, six acrea cleared,
an iencea, a email riHrn, only $1600.
i.tO Lumber KKchange, 2d and Sfkrk.
Sndps for Snap Seekers and
lioines for Jionieseekers
ffooo An room modern realtb-nce on
a dralrable corner lot. with barn r
ooncreia walks, sirreis Im
v lirovt-il. on siiti, si a
leny tar. a beautiful borne placa.
Vuaw ill, . ,
1 3 50ft A (rlt lly modern 7 room hou.
Uh rurnr. and avvryihina rtn-
Vmii lan r at mA dii.t .l.a fc .a 7 1 t. a
ii'iiiuirin 4H flI I la I VV
..m,oot lot, or wild lllilOO feat, for
ivuw n Bumner al l l.l'k new Matt
ChOOl: ll nr urulnt
uo -ims la ao el.'Kant room house.
t moniirn,. wiin itirnace and Dt
loo corner hlh and sltlitly, on
!Mh at.. Himnvaido carllna. Will
taaa vacant lot aa tiart yment.
ftlOO An I room practically new and
ni'xiern iiousn, wiin rurnace. rlre
place, and all the lateat and bent
conveniences. In the beat residence
district of llolladay park, a block
Of ear. nn C !laikaniMa ar .
4(00 Here Is a beautiful 7 room resl-
arnre, wnn reception ball, furnace,
Wash trays, eto.. on a corner, sew.
er and atreet ininroveraenta all In
and paid for, on 12d at., pear Haw
thorns. . i
$4S00-A Perfect hom all In first class
. ronnuion, , nsa rooms ani all
modern eonvenlenees. Including
furnace. Wooil elevators, china clos
ets, etc., on 16th at., Just south of
2(0 A modern ( room cottae In. the
neautirul Alberta district, and only
I blocks front - Union ave.j $300
down. r '
IS400 An aero of around, with a fineJ
, piastrrra nouse, rine writ on osck
porch, close to sfstlon. (round all
in cultivation and rencei. . -
IISOA An acre of around, all fenced and
in cultivation: some rruit trees,
and a modern house, with porcelain
bajth, patent toilet, etc, 4 block
to car, dc rare.
..-FOll S ll.K RILIL l.MTATK 10
I wlH'aell a hew I room rottaae bun
a alow, which . I have, located 1 block
irum 7 minute car service, l block from
oubllo school, walking diatance from
rnurcnea ana t athollo a.-liool. on
erma 10 sun tne moat fins I rati la nartv
Th front porch Is built In and the
rone door open Into a, vestibule which
aa an entrance to Hi living and din.
na rooms. .
The llvlna room la-liiU mrltH
large window and entrance to th din
Inr room. ,
The dlnJna; room I 14x18, with a ho
bay window and built In sest, a. neat
china cupboard Is built In so a t open
from the kitchen and dlnina, room
. The- kitchen off the dlnlnr room I
quit roomy, off from which is a pantry
wmi sins, oins,' Drawers, sneives, etc,
nd I very convenient.
The front bedroom baa a door open
ing Into the dining room with a large
pas closet connecting the rear bed
room wnicn i orr tne mtcnen,
i The bathroom la fully equipped with
large ,wnne enanieiea cast iron bath.
tuo, tow down flusl toilet and wash
stand with , an entrance to th rear
pen room also and th back porcn.
i n cement Dasemeni is run letigrn.
City: Properties
Nil lOiloO with piodei-n 4
rooms, full basement and well
feuceii; close to good car service;
$16u0; half cash and terms.
No. 7 A flue buatness property.
and a fine piece of land; ll.OuO; half
csaii and giHxi terms.
No, 1 4ixlu0 lot,- house In-good
condition, 1 block to ear, sehooL
ost nffb-e; cement sidewalks and
wiring in t urea; window shades.
Place Is well fenced; $1,(50, $260
.. vasu anu lerpia.
, No. t40c100, 1-room houae, plaa-
larrrj ana nniHiiea, ? Diocxa to car;
$VU0. $:00 and $10 per month.
No, 1-fOnlOO, 4 -room house, $
oiocK to car;r$noo.
io. looxios, oorner property
on a D-room modern nouse. on
iiiock rrom cur In restricted dls-
.trict;r 4X400, $400 cash,
! . !-
No.' B 75ilon, new 3-room howa
and a tin., little home; $1100, $100
caah and $10 per month. .
' . Room 617 Yid 61C.
Rothclilld bid. '
4J7I lIAMJi; 11I-AL, rM ATL JU
lou t all fur aiiort iaila' eaten
slona If uu want to buy at ruck bot
tom lll.r, buy now.
WAlfU HAH It ItOAtt.
Ttils iluirl.t s dVeliHig rapl'ily
anil iar anrvlce Will Iwuiik a neeeaaitv.
r Ine 10 acre level tract about mil
eaat of Iiurelhurat, (10,600 caah. liotl-
niiiig muney la good enouatt for soma,
but I. era a live mau can Itoble I.Ik; glao
is acre about V mlla from city llnuta,
(36.000; all cleared, levl and tnoally In
cultivation. Thla I a big money maker
also. Terms on both.
IM T.afa v a I te bldg , aa Ii, and th.
ACHiCAtils; Klne, riot soli, volcanlo
ash. no rocks, fluent auole land In
the world In Hood Kiver valley; will
trade for Portland property.
I lalry and milk route, close In: 11
I mill h cows. 1 Miorthorn bull,
II boa's. 1 sows with ulaa. I aeaae. lots
I of chickens. 10 acre of fruit, manure
wagon, spring wagon, milk wagon, bug
gy, snray pump, milk cans and every
I thing belonging to the bimlnrse. Price
(lluo. This la a siisd. Will trade for
Portland property.
. 8T1TKS a CO :
6? T'nlon ave. . Kast
11100 A I room modern cottage, con-I And run to the floor joist above.
.'I rip 1 II VTII l Mia aiiiv iui, I DA , I, I v.iiviifc w I II V IIVBk ivi i;ji lUMA
leei, on idtn u ana jfTanci ave., tarouna id mi oacg porcn.
in rooms ar ail very, tastefully
iinieo arm me wooowora is oone in mia.
ion stain with a hlah rlnss finish..
l wiy accept a desirable lot aa part
r -1- ,,, . l w.m,u ii iimr-v ui urtiano, couren-
triAl oTa.rie? I?,..-!fi!r Bt to ' el.- school and atallon, on
iiinin nri tXTdd ood road, on a corner Thl.
iWLJ -iroin -,,002 w"1 rlng goo.1 revenue while the aub-
half block car.
$1700 This Is your opportunity to got a
. peautirui piaaierea ana iintea s i
. room cnttaae. clnsa In. on a corner
' lot. i block W.-w. or vv.-k. car, on
24th t . I
11100 A C room modern house, porch on I to oractlce.
S aides, with a high and sightly lot j A desirable party eaii make their own
overiotisina me river anu city., im. i terms.
payment or I will accept a piano. If it
la not too expensive, for the children
J. o
10 Coi
. Elrod
Corbett Bldg.'
Ready to move into; S good lot; you
ran get it for your own at the price of
iw a monin. order tne tranerer man
to move you rlgbt In. Call at Greg
ory" orric in Oregory Height. Take
Rose City car on id and Yamhill, get
off at end of carllna. Office on prop-
erty. - ........ ...
Ideal Home r v
S-room modern house on xsor. lot, iOx
A Cosy Bungalow
Prettv brown shinrled h room hitnn,
low on corner lot 60x100. Artistic fire
place, large buffet and built In book
cases. Conveniently arranged. Full
baacmeni, cement floor, nice lawn. Own
er must move at once and will aell
cneap at a,uuuf and juat $360 cashv
. . . Story. & Rainev
" ' ' Phono Main 29(4." :
Level; I block to LAURELHURSTl
Vt block from carllne. In splendid GRADING, water OKMKNT CURBS and
locality; $000; H " will handle it
Otto & Harkson V '
'.;.:,.H8H First t. -
"Mt. Tabor Lots"
$750 Three best lots near car.
$800 -Half cash, elegant' view. Sunny
sln. worth double this price now.
walks. ALL PAVED; atreet oon to b
ONLY $800: J200 CASH.
IS - Board of Trade bldg.. 84 4th iL:
Nice Home
10 acres, t U miles Oreirnn Oltv half
I in cultivation, new . fi room hoiiaa 1
chiekon houses, good barn, wir fencing.
iSnita SIS Merchant a Trust Klrta-.. corner ""."i"u"v " rrien, plenty oi
- - - ' " -yirh ahshton4V?
Y 1 r , n T-T 1 V T k ... I - . . t n . I 1. . I - ' - - v , T " ' J
vuinaim.iyBO - in iol, ximbi r i ibu, oaiance d yearn,., per Cent,
si., wiuim jow leei or
TRUST ' Clinton st. car. only 4
i blocks from Ladd's addl
CO. tion; a full sice lot for
$760; that's cheap.
B. K. Cor 3da?nd Oak ats.
lawn anil roses
(3500 A 7 room modern house, bath,
basement, fireplace, etc.. on Cleve
, - land ave, 1 block to,W'llllam ave.,
close In. - ; - . ' .
The Dunn-Lawrence Co.
' U9 Alder t. - "
No gents.v M-m Journal.
' ' A TtPAt. BV'IP
W0 808--LOCated
mont in restrlc
by home ranr
to $6000, and close to Union ave. car
service. 1 lie rive rooms ara all nn Ana
floor, conveniently arran rnit with nort.
. . ' . y . - -
ceiain win oetween bedrooms. xni
houso . I exceptionally well built nf
oonoie. construction and concrete foun
datlon. The lot I 60x100 and afford
ampie ground for garden. .
we nave examined thl property and
pronounce' It a good buy either for
home .or as an investment .. .
7yB Olt fit. Phone Main 7ls(
A i'S acre farm onlv 7U mllea from
th renter of the city, fenced, all In cul
tivation, house, barn, chicken house.
good water, school, I countv roada. H
mile to rleotrlo line- thl farm Is worth
$.100 per acre, but for a uulck ssle we
ar offering it at a uric that will net
the purchaser 11000 nroflt within all
months; only $4000 rash required.-
411 Henry bldg.
TEN sores of 1-yasr-old apple orchard.
riinin ii mile or Portland; conven-
llt I'fllKIt Bitot I
For Sale or Iradn; located i lone in n.
n! al.le; rent. Im luilluR K Xxl tl )!
ami ( ll.lnc rooms nv. i u ml. only .o;
inual a ll or Will lent .u rt-kpoiialo o
KiuHT room norni;,
W'eat shin, near Worlds Fair grounds,
tniHlain, iitMt for furnace; prlc ;
will eicliange for siiiall I arm ii. vi
To rxtiliangn for small liouae or va
cant lota. Wlint can yon offer; IIOoil,
ItooM not K, MVHTLK I'AUK,
located on a block from carllne; mil
trails for small farm.
Unimproved. 4l.ouo.O0O fct saw tlm
her. oHl fruit land: only 3 miles front
county seat; ex.lii.naa for house ami lul
In city; price llfcoo.
. WAX If. '
Will exchange for S"h1 home In Poit-
una, and will pay lif rrrencci oniy i,-
(00. . .
76 rooms, flue dining room, - good
bar, steam beat, fine location; , lioux
full; clearing $x00 lef month; owluu ,
to falling health, will exehangt. for "
?iwd rental property In oily or Improved
arm! $26.0o(.
Unimproved, to exchkngu for bom In .
Portland: $3ft(Mi.
! Fine , new home, right In tho boat
port; will exchange for farm;
$3260.' , .-;
- M. mat. j
urbsn develODment adds value 4a the
location eacn year: an ideal site ror a
country noine. and -can be. bad lor $0
per acre;- rood term a
146 Oj Stark at., City.
No freealng in this house, has double
floor .and walls, a rooms, basement.
attic, complete bath room: largo living
room, with fire place; book case, ahelf.
etc.. ' panelled dining room witn ourret
and plate rail; Dutch kitchen; good fin
ish- inside and out, rurnace included,
view lot 60x100. cement walks paid. 4
block south car at Belle Crest and (6th
street; price $2900; $800 "cash, baL
monthly. It'g a fine 'district In which
to live. Jae. C. Logan, $26 Wash, at
K-404. '
1400 cash balance to' suit Thla I
nouse na just been finished and is so
wen located on 7th St., facing east,
that you can -not afford to nass It un
wnnoui investigating: - '. .
XNica reception nail.
Splendid buffet, Dutch kitchen. -Two
bedropms down . stairs, '
Nicely tinted walli. ,
Foil basement with
Cement floor. , " .
Laundry trays. ' ; . ' :
Bath and toilet downstairs.
Price J3000, $400 cash.
Tabor 1147. 37th and Hawthorne.
' ' Open Sundays.
1100 cash and 115 ner month buva
goou o room modern nome witn tne
eat of plumbing, full cement baser I
merit, riot, close to car, good neigh-Jgas, electricity, fixtures' included, FUR-
UUI I1UUU . Ulim UIIJV 1IDOK- . l N,-K
fjvuu ror a room strictly modern and
e S ye
232 H Washington St.
FOR BALE Cheap, 1 lot 86x100, 3
houses, one 6 room modern and one
3 room house, 4 blocks from Union ave.
price $3000; $2000 cash, balance on
terms. Call J10 Ii 14th st. N.. cor. Skld
more. Phone Woodlawn 694. .
Quarter block, 100 feet from Union
. $3000
Buys ono of the finest homes. . In Sr.
Johns; a new and. modern 7 room house
on quarter block close to business cen
ter; great variety of fruit and flowers;
can make good terms; finest home for
the money in Multnomah . countv: be
sure and see it Neal Brown, 70,Swet
land bldg.
A cilOICK quarter block In Piedmont,
at a sacrifice, owner a non-resident
..... l , . .
A few rhoice lots left on E. 12th near
new, full cement - basement, with
laundry trays, cement walks, street
Improved and paid for; this 1 the
best, borne In Portland for the
; money. $500 cash, balance to suit.
- ' 193 Morrison 8t. :
f i, mt- gattlDar- 4MMrdftK.varv'la
TRUST td find a west side home;
- We have one that is lo
CO. cated In the best part of
"North Portland, paved
street, within half block
of .car; price $6600; It's
Lot SOxlOO: sewer.
' Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th St.
Fine bunrilow. Porflan1 Vta.lixt.ta
bargain. - - , . . ...
Apartment site, 60x100, $6000,
otnar close in, 100x100, (68,000. '
Lot 62x104 and 3 houses, one 10 room
one 7 rooms dirt rhean at XKf.00. Weat
side. ' ....
Farm 160 acrea SO acres slash. and
burned, $18 per acre. .
' !.. APLIN-BLAIR CO., . . '
1 ' 413 Marquam bldg, '
No. 317 For oulck -dlHnosnl w ara
authorised to offer 'this almost new
recently, remodeled cottaae of v five
rooms In St, Johns, for $1700. Taking
Into consideration the slse of . ie lot,
which is 100x200. together with the ex
cellent condltioa of the house and other -
improvements, we consider this a snap.
Cholc sovernmant lrrlaaled land
COM-1 free water, small monthly payment, no
intereac on deferred payment a. a good
nuy eitner a a Home or an investment.
Office hours 10 a. m. to S p. m, and
Tuesday and Thursday nights 6 to (
p. m. w. K. Riley, 16-17 Henry bldg,
4th and Oak st.
Get tho best when you are getting.
These tract will be the future $2000
per acre land. Why? Their location,
their soil, their monermakinar nualltlea.
Ruy now and get ready to get out your
fruit Kay terms.
, jr. J. REID LAND CO.-'
340 Chamber of Commerce. --.
$3000 Cor. lot, with : store building, J 'PUa ' Qrn4t-n" " A Ikaetcwn 4n
er month in the I. ' wu""' - -Lv-i uuii wu.
renting at 120.00 per
most active building part in the
city; $ivou win handle it, right on
carllne. . t . .- : ....
i-L OttoiHarkspn..,..
133 ft First St. '
In four blocks of Alberta carl In. nn
13th- st. s Has fine view and nice and
high lot..'. House hai 4 rooms and nan-
cheap at that: about half lr conecieawiin sewer ano nas pat
cash. - ' ent toilet Trlc only $1400. Small
PORTLAND TRUST COI, P,aJm-funt J30"- Smith-Wagoner Cp..
S. E. Cor. Third & Oak Sts, 306 'chamber Commerce.
986 Oak St. Phone Main 6719.
-Be Your Own - Landlord
$150 Cash .
Whv Tiav rent when von ean tnv a
beautiful, modern, comfortable and well
locaieo. oungaiow on our liberal termsT
A very fine 'A block on V. 3rd and
LiacKumas, suitable for flats or apart
ments; imm ia a Bargain. . tiood terms.
For further information call on
612 Ablngtoh Bldg.
ave., 4 feet above street grade, price Killlngsworth ave., on very easy terms.
603 McKay bldg. -
96x100. near car: fine 9 room bunealow:
Price $4,600. or will sell one lot and!
house for $3,400; terms. ,
621 Board of Trade Bldg.
Good East Side Home
7 room house, on 'corner lot on East i 4 room honse 'and lot. close tn eae
19th st. . walking distance. - for snln 3376: $190 cash, balance XS month Taira
cheap and on easy terms. Neal Brown, I Mount Scott car, get off Fremont sta-
i owcuniiu uiua. - i huh. nice i owner woo will, nave blue rib.
bon on umbrella. 2- to 4 D. m. Suhdnv.
MODERN 6 room house.-large porches,
bath, 2 toilets, full basement, wash
trays, electric light 6 large bearing
fruit tree, high, sightly place, 3 car
lines, two and four blocks. . Woodlawn
acres, all in cultivation. fncl
with small house; S acres in fine
strawberries; also other fruit; 14- miles
i orepra - rjecinc canine,- ana only - 6
uiicB irom Dusiness aistnct or l-ort
EAST 12th and Powell street, fine site i5u "nde,r Prc?j 2"";r M
t yeraratB: ta" CaSh' 6 PPr Cnt' .."'f11
A. J. flANWKB.
618 Board of Trade Bldg.'
CALL Portland Stenographic Co., Main
. iDis. .we can xurnisn you with per
maueni, compeieni aieno
bookkeepers on short not
stltutes. - 921 Board of Trade.
$2600 NEW 6 room bungalow, full lot
and basement two . blocks from car:
$250 down, balance easy. . , North Pacific
Realty Co., 606 Commercial block, Seo
ond and Washington.
A GOOD house and full lot nice gar
den with roses and fruit trees, srood
sewerage, east front; price $1700. Might
take a vacant lot as part pay, 142' 2d
St., room 26. .. . . - ' -
FOR SALE Modern 6 room modern
bouse in.: Central Albina, east - front
lot 60x100. to" 14 foot alley: close to 8
carlines; partly furnished. $2800; term a
See Shoemaker, 627 Henry bldg.
FOR SALE by owner, new house. Just
completed, and 2 good lots. In one of
lipbl aisiricia ai roriiana, ror - $00;
on terms of $60 cash and $10 per month.
i'-j, journal. ' j ;
vu iudk ai o room oungaiow, 446 Jfl.
S7th st (near Clinton car). Thl is
an improved street with cement walk
aranhera .an l J curb, laundry trays, wood lift
' afan uZ t,c ored, best plumbing; immedi
Ao U PQHslon. 616 Abington bldg.
. Elegant 8 room house, two baths, fine
view; this Is one of tho finest homes in
the city for only $8,000.
621 Board of Trade Bldg.
$400 ON THE HEIGHTS $400.
60x100 foot lot. Including sidewalks, ! TRUST .
grauea sireci nfl water mams.- Has
megnlficent view of Mt. Hood and val- CO.
ley; tt-cent rare, 14 minutes' ride; will ;
aecept $50 caih and very easy terms on (
balance. Remember this lot Is on the f
West Side. No bridge to cross. (Act '
qulcK.J . . INew S room btine-alnw nn naved street
UJMiG"lr;' ' :' , ... cement walk and curb; 2 nice bedroon.s!
M. bib. 18 Board of Trade. A-520Slwith wlnrinv .ini.. t.i .i., ..i,,v.
PORTLAND For location,' price ' and
zuture values that nice 6
room home on Wasco st.
is hard to beat; look!
Price only $3360; loca-
rion near .East Z7th st. -..
8. E. Cor. 3d and Oak sts.
Free lyands; in Alberta,
v . . ' Canada ii V::: -r.
,120 acre pf elegant wheat lands for
tne asmng. Average wheat yield 40
Dusneis io tne acre. - Full information
at Merchants Business Exchange, Suite
. mercnanis j ruse tsigg. . - - -,t.
ONE acre, with good room house, near
a ini tinea, f xauu. .r . , -
4 acres. In cultivation, no gravel, with
i room nouse. Darn, chick c hOMse;
.;niii iruu. rnc oniy iso; terms
FIVE acres,-good house and barn, all
In cultivation, beat of eo!l cio to
' - -193-Morrison at.1-
. 81900 Rose City horn for farm, ;
8X000 room a eorner. for farm...
(3200 Modern home for 4: thicken
ranch, ' v .-.. ,'
$3600 House, Belmont tot fruit land.
$11,000 and $16,000 residence, . for
lot, acreage or farm..
M, aere. Iteaverton. for rlty horn.
. It acre near city for Mdf rd land.
20 acres. Boring,, for Mty hoiiMe.
10 acre fruit for Albina hom.;
8 acrea. Reedvllle, Sellwood homo. . . ,
13S0 acre Uilllam Co. Portland prop-,
ertv. - - ' - '
63S ' acre. . McMlnnvllle rortland
Imp. -, - ' , '
3400 acre. Corvalli. for Improved
Dn,n.n i.,ni, and ih fnr auto.
. (llJIOO apartment house. paa 9 Pr.
. . l. .. . . a a ant 1.11 I
t'P ii i, m 1 1 in.u. vui v i " , . - " . ' '
Take dav off and look over com-
plet list of farms, houses, all , price .
and Places. It pay. - ' - -
410 Wrcester Bldg.. 3d "d Qui St".
A TRACT of 1 9-100 acres at haantf.
aianoii, mv iiuiiuiaa riae irom 4tn and
starg sta. and now offered roe. 1
and this on easy 1 terms. A . store 1
now ouildlng Within. 600 feet of this
tract. Aak u. . v .:. v .-
oy ptar st., city.
$160 BUYS
MODERN 7 room house, large porch, '"" best bath and toilet fixtures;
fine reception hall, eleeant flrenlane.
bath, toilet, large basement, electric
lighted, nice fixtures, near car. a home
tobe proud or on easy payments. Price
mv aavv casn, t&o per monin. ,
Waggener Real Estate Co
ADington bldg,
PORTLAND There is nothingtO equal
- . it: ouartee hloolr fnnin
TRUST . eaBt, grand view; this is
worth , the. money; price
iouo: location in the
best part of the Rose City
, . runs uiflinci.
' ' S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak sts.
HAWTHORNE line home, in that diB-
trirt rki nlna Maw . U nmaa n ATUA(MA.
corner, with stylish designed house of
s cozy rooms, concrete foundation, full
basement etectrto lights, s-us. i hot and
cold water, enamel bath, sink, toilet;
grood walks and streets;' non-resident
sais sell it for $2360: S8E0 rinwit P.S3I
JournsL . .- ,. ....
MUST SELL 2 full lota In Elmhurst
water, curbs gnd cement sidewalks in.
street will be paved in spring; close
to carllne; splendid neighborhood; just
the place . to build vmir cntia tunn
each; $250 cash. If you know values
SPECIAL SNAP $1360 buys small cot-!,n th,s district Vuf se'd.'
FOR sale by owner. 3 room house and
lot 66x100, In Woodstock; only $300;
rmaj ici ma. vui innQ ena or car-
line to Mllwaukle road, 4 block south
1 block east. -
ARE you cold If so buy my furnace
ana nrepiace; scrumptious and mod
ern bungalow thrown in; must- sell;
"run t-aey, uwn'r, pnone J-Z47S.
H'B have homes for sale or exchange,
at prices , to suit all, so don't pay
rent come and see us., 142i4 2d t.
room 16. - - - - ' -'
HERE 1 the beat bargain we have: An
8 room house ono block from car
strictly modern, fireplace and a fin
home. 141H 2d st, room 26..- '
VERY desirable Portland Height lot
on carllne; splendid north and east
view, and only $1000. W. J. Smith, 43$
Oamher of Commerce.
$! equity for $60, In beautiful acre
tract Je minutes', out; am gnlna cast.
J-314. Journal.
tage on Union ave.. onnoslta Ple.lmoi.r
Must be all cash.- Don't nhone about It
and unless you have all 'cash don't
outlier tie. - - .
243 Stark StT
East Tenth and Shaver
room, modern, beautiful i.nn.,1. .
lot BOxlIOt 4 ft terrace, improvements I
in ana paia ror; sacruice price only
$2600. 212 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrl- j
305 Abington bldg. Main 1975.
floored Attic . laundrv travg vnod ltfi-
Bal of price, $2060, payable $15 month
key.' .... , .
Close-in on E. 13th N., 2 blocks from
Btoadwat car; thla is the cheapest buy
In the city; want to use the money at
onco; . 50x100, east facing; noa small
payments: price only $1760; easily
worth $2200. Phone East or R-1S94.
ASNAP 6 room modern house, with 6
jois no irun trees, assorted, 3 walnut
trees, etc. Thin la an irioa) Ln. . d.ik.
u,uyv.vv. wui traae ror a Tarm
- 612 Abington Bldg.
Any kind of property bo ure to sea the JeVed vreek thr bh-V-
."v" "T""" "u ""f '1V H' sale: owner needs nuisav! 9K
5 cash, balance long time. ' Swope, 438
Chamber of Commerce. - ' "
very property you haye been looking
, vu n wriruilin. vomn ill,
32-3 Lafayette' bldg.. Wash, and th.
100x100, close in, near Washington t.
situate in confer of best residence and
iamny notei district: 3 good houses on
the property bring In $75 per month;
price $20,000; terms.
v 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.
0 ACRES near McMlnnvllle; - about
45 ACRES Cr.JTARK-rv inn . .
r i lyai ; xsAnu; ncn . sou, - wen a
ats MlltAL-
140 room hotel in business " district
doing fine business; exchange for acra-
ge; pric, (lv.uuo. , . , ( ' ,
31 room, close in; rent $135; rlc
$1600;' lor lot or acreage.
. Si acres in Wisconsin, right In town;
vain $50 an acre; for acreage or lots
her. r- - - , , ,
Room $29 . Swetland Bldg. 122 6th st
Phone M. 8972. k " '
WILL - EXCHANGE 40 crs fruit or
chard, one mile from large Oregon
town, for income or vacant city prop
erty! will pay or accept cash differenc-,
L. K. Moore, $17, Board of tTrade, Port-,
f . -, . Near : - ;
r f EUGENE "
. For " '
Small farm near Portland -or Improvwdr.-
land at Hood River.
611 Uerllnger bldg.
Cheap, Home
S room cottas-e. norch on tarn mAam
i nice lots, W-W -carllne. Pries 7r,ft'
J.. J. Oeder.- -cor. .. Grand ave and w'
Ankeny. - ' .(. ..
LAND In Clarke county, Washington.
good - land, - $8 an acre: jBetter of
course, Ins Marlon county, Oregon, and
Clackamas county, Washington. , near
car and tdwns. $100 up. We'll sell - a
mo neu amount or each, 10 per- cent
" "lui per .cent a month and do
im-ereai. owners, room 36, 142 4 2d at
ACREAGE on Oregon City carllne from
$150 an acre up. 101 4th st
$160 and up. We have sightly lots, on
west side, overlooking ilvoi- k ni
carfare, -a chance to secure yourself a
home by monthly payments. . . .
Waggener Real Estate Co.
Zio-213 Abington bldg.
Hftmeseekers, Read This .
If look In a- for a. fine hnma In 1 Jr. 1 1 a -
day or Irvington additions, come In and
look over my list, as I have some good
bargains to offer. . Neal. Rrown it,u
Swetland bldg. .", f: ',':.'.-V-.-. ':
A 9 acre tract, with fair house, a-ood
barn, good family orchard. , on a-ood
k-uuniy ri)u, convemeni io scnooi,
church and station 'and In a commun
ity that ". lg developing very rapidly.
This can be had at less Ahan $400 per
acre, wlthr good terms.
245 Stark st. City.
.10 acre tracts, 1 mil west of Chou
pinish station on the Salem Electric
line:-this is fine, fruit land and
for planting, selling at $100 and $125
peracre,, cash; for particulars see
V?. varourerB at.MUDoara, or,- or A.
j. mearson at wuttevine, or.;
For at farm in the northwest, ' 1 have
o uuuamg lots, most aii &oxiso. manv
n,nii . , . . . - "
oujuiiuiiB boou aweuings, in a penn
yivania town Known a rsew castle, a
inanuiaciuring . iqwn or 40,000 . pppula-
WILL sell or trade for city proper-y t
my homestead relinquishment, pne,
with some Improvement and household
goods. $1,250, Adjoining land Is selling
for $100 per acre.' Overlook Columbia
river. - Fine .for fruit -nut or Tokay
grapes. Call A-4303. .
' 2 blocks from P. O., 1 block from de
pot; lots 60xl00f will sell or trade forv
anything of value. Will pay. cash dif
ference if necessary. 15N. ' tth St.
ARE you looking for a nice little busl-
ness? W have It in dance hall .on-
the east side: Ions- lease: lodges aro
more than paying rent; xsv taxes it.
Will consider trade. Shoemaker Invest
ment Co,. 627 Henry bldg. Main 4465,
tion, a . railroad 'center bavins- , alo-ht i urn. uavu. j..i ei,, Anna In.a
ing towns; do miles west of Pittsburg,
Pa. These lota have sold at $400 ind
$460 Per lot. but as a whole wilt lot
them go at (SSOflve minute trolley O. address, Chapman & Pinkham, Lent.s,
iiitw .ami. c ire it central, ousiness or.
in on Hawthorne - ave.. to trade for
rarm from loo to io acres; win pay
difference. Sea Grays Crossing Land
co, way crossing, Mt. sooti car. r.
portion of town. - .Thla i will bear in
vestlgaUon. .Can ahow that 'lota call
si price mentioned, i hava been in
Oregon about 8 week and, ant stuck
on me stare, ana ir t deal can be ef
TO EXCHANGE for Portland or valley.
property, $9600 in mortgages on fruit
lands worth 320.000:. $7000. 820 acre
wheat ranch. (oGOO: 156 lots at coast
footed soon, - H will not be lonfc-Iuntil Wi" 1" il or oart alv or take
I am an Orfttronlan. iinni of sus'iMn. I l'1 exchange, au or part, giyo or tana.
PORTLAND Will be ready to move
i in 10 wunin a weeK , or
two; rooms all on one
1 1 oor; east -front; large
wuiuows, oricK pillars:
everything tasty' prio
winy oduii; easy terms. -PORTLAND
. tl. COT. 3d and Oak sts
$7600 New house with 11 largo rooms.
'. sleeping porch, hardwood floors ,i.J
every modern convenience: at tuatAd In
jruriianu s mont exclusive residence dis
trict, and surrounded by - imposing
homes. W: J. Smith, 438 Chamber of
commerce. - -.
3 1-3 acres and 1 acres at Ryan sta
tion, 16 minutes7 ride from Jefferson
aepoi; terms to suit.
618 Board of Trade Bldg. v
v-.'-; Stewarts
. 4 room cottage, and lot 60x100, Jn fine
vuimtuuri. a oioi'Ka .or car: . an r.
change for partly Improved land within
20 miles west or east nf cltv ni
u"so w .17 per monin. M.-I36, Jour
nil. ...
home for $1300,
WE can sell you a
on a comer lot, 5 room house, con-
neciea witn sewer, plastered: of we
nave two nouses on 100x100 that will
make a good investment 142V 2d st,
BRAND new modern bungalow, full lot.
iVTO-I iiivb ivtaiuj, Ulll IJOVU.
SDlendid flat or residence all.: (
111U8, weai 01 Jim, oniy IZ100. '
380 B. Wash, st. East H16. B-1437.
tints corner. 2 new modarn a nu...
houses, bringing In good income; $6,000,
' , A. J. GANTNER.
' (18 Board of Trade Bldg.
100x100 AND HOUSE.
rOOm hOUSA, wltb Jirtnl.u ..a
lift, pantrv and fair ha
iih ivuui , oniy a 0100KS rrtm
5 cent carllne At Clmv m cTnniw -a
t?!?n an2 ff? .ir on'h only j "mall ranch or acrae near cltr, iiviBa
i r- ' w v v .UHU'
ti i ummerrff.
ruiuiiAnu-int cneapeat lot in tha
niBinct. rine view, south
front 3 block to car, on
Hllleroal r - .
ai. price IH50.
tk PL Cor Xd and tt-
0NB six room house and two lots, west
11 ' cnange ror city lots,
I .j j .difference In cash. ., Owner.
I , vUtll FfKI.
rilV 'rSi. -'-1-1 Carl'HmemgTrw
Why Pay Rent?
$30 per month buys a new?.- modern,
room bungalow: 2 blocks to carllna,
t-none owner, tast zm. -
EtT sloe lot 60x100 with Improve
ment 400; $S0 dowa; 14 minute
Vrae. Board f
AN e.eaaut home la Piedmont. "atrictl v
modern .Varrtkln K .. .
. :r ".uuy iit a good
hnm- -toiat and see t rrice $i40
14 st., room J.
NCOME property snaps; 1 bouses on I cash.
- 1111a iwrnor tvt, PUf Diocs XO Car, retlt"
rng at $35 monthly, $4500; $600 cash.
Its a bargain. 213 Alisky bldg. Third
ana Morrison era
tub. lot 60x100. east front; worth $300otock of ficV Virginia and L3g iti"
ku n owaer must sail-and will tak I open Sundays. ut-.
; . - la I -
a. rr 1 - i.vfuw.
Phona T?t U1K
"w im aireei iuuxivu, with two
iwa in on ern -a room nonaaa m
aioewaias. cringing 140 per month;
h?u"Llot 'OxlOO. on Grand avJ
Hawthorne; $6500. $1000 down!
pefmonth. 7 per cent
Phone Sellwood 1608.
Co., .
I-'V oiVNtlt Lot, 41. with 7 room
ho"."r'rB tlnrr?.'rd Jrt, t John
i n til 1 n 1 1 -
' .. . . waiaing fllstanc. Will
' I f -r leaa than valwe R-327. Jonrnal
J ; N i; f.liq reilatc .n weel tTdrZ
" "" eorr.rletel; trlenrlia loai,.
- 1 "1; Hi ,
TT .-r'h e-. ;l-V. agooer Co
f .i'ia
1, $i...j).
Owner. U o0.awa
jur rrrrt. ,ftB f rl4Vri
, i.-"r.a st I Jaaia llkX
;f V-,a, l'
..a - ';, . "--. . iJl
- I- 1 ta. ftM & l.t
Cloaa to carllne. north of Piedmont
216 Lotnber 3d anT 'ft'tarit"'
FOUR room cottage, 4 lots all io fruit j
ana wm; a oeautnui noma. $2404
$20 cash, balance easy. Spencer 4k Co,
a " a -'r u.
li Board of Trade Hide-
uUHr-KOOM houee, lot 100x100, In
FOR SA1-E House and Jot on Alberta 1
at., between lth and 11th; boom now
o-niiM iw in per monin: can be bought 1
chap if taken soon. Phone V-1li.
irvington: price aoina- tl ft " t arfn m at
Repass & Woodyard
$00 Henry Bldr Main 8KR4 A-r.i 1
$1500 for a aplerxii.l new ranwn K.,'
galow; e-rerrthina modern and ri.
riasa; quit a diock from car in a
reaMenca district. W. J. ftmtth m
1 namor or vinrnnpTT,.
$. goo EL 1X3 ANT large
NEW modern 8 room house on Morrl
St. Bear Union ave ,ti
toilets, the bert built houM la ei?-
near school: KS00- ,hi ll V
J. McCstfthy, Ahlngton bldg -
a. .-' L0T nARLV
0X199 eaat front Ir(n.i- i. . .
block from "B" and -i- SZZ J.?
Irtet; rrtew :(174v: half cash. baL 41
cent, can I4-4 Third St.. Rnemi 51C
A 12 acre tract with extra aood lm
provements, only Hi miles out, near
srpoa scnooi, cnurcn and station, an
Ideal '.bom, and can be had for $7500;
good terms, or will tako good city prop
erty in on this up to $6000.
- iHtj mara it, .;it.v.
160 aCRES QF LAND in Central Ors
gon, near Bend and near line of new
railroad; rich soil, watered hy tllve
stream: will sell for seven dollars nee
t.c; ipuu -caiju, oaiance a years, uome
quica ityou want it. swope, 436 Cham
ber ef Commerce. (:
I am ah Oregon ian. Apply at 805-Ablni- CTe'ii "Kum,J2ffS':Ri' ff-JTr?
ton bldg. . - . E - - t. - i.-i v"i".v
i.u ALK&a gooa lanu, exenangea ioi
house and lot In Portland or eduity
. . . n j . . . . I
in uvu nuuac; sunaun 101s 10 excuanaa
for raw acreage anywhere' Oregon , or '
Txrn.v.iu-.. .. o, 1 -i..n. T u . .........
.TlllilllliBlvil.'.t',lT utirililKm DltlK-
HAVE $870 stock In Portland manufac
. turing plant lias been running - 8
months and mora- machinery Ja being;
installed. Handy man -can work In fac
tory and watch business, grow.:, Trado
ior MX.: neon, oenwooa carllne . or
u rent wooa property, .investigate, own
er, xi-eso. journal.
- I have a large, tract of stump land
within 1 mile R. K. - station and boat
landing on Columbia river, which T will
sell at $6.60 per acre. Investigate this.
805 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder.
40U acres, all readv tn set tn 'n.ll
Irrigated, can be bought cheap In body.;
You must see it to annrnclat f Tn I
xno center or improvements; easy terms.
a. iw.i L LAiU
340 Chamber of Commerce,
8 ROOMS nearly new, atrictly modern,
f irat-elaaa location. 1 tra Ii . . ...k
trade for city real estate; good sised
moaern 1 ud io aate mom na kmiu
Merchants' Business Exchange. Suit 318
Merchants' Trust Rlda-.. cor. tu .
wasnington sts. prion Main 7807.
30. acrea mile from 7ieavertn. alt in
cultivation, good 5 room house, large
ja.t ,i, vuiuin i 1 uuh: mi fenced' .nrin.
and welt-r miles from Portland court
nous; nail casn, balance to suit
(18 Board of Trade Bldg.
J"4 acres near. Gresham, will sell all
or any Don ion. witn near v mom k..
galow; hot and cold-water, a-nod
buildings. 16 acre cleared, 1 mil south
uanemanu junction, o. w. p.
Gresham. Phone Gresham 76.
00 HOLLADAY VJtiUi ... a .
bungalow. foil kuommi t...-l.
j... ,..v. iiuii ivi , rnr Term a.
ran lie tieaiiy ;o , cti
8 1-8 acre
Ftlw days
acrea fine land, mostly clear.!.
waier, near t-oniano; carllne. 1
oniy u, iduw casn.
il orchard; cholco varle-
8 acres aro
ties; quick sale price slashed to $2600
8M K. Wash. St.. Est lilt. B-1417
Don't Pass
For Sale Cheap
room modem htnu t?ina- i.n.
Call op Woodlgwn 64 91 E. 14fh m v
RA R.3A I N ui ner ieaving city; lot
miMk aim pwn mi inm m .
' we ,n ry nwnaf, east front
iin, 1 n,wn 1 jf..
north mt. tabor. "
Comer lot. I4T6 $r rash, ti mottC-lr;
nap. Howard Land Co 1 1 :.,..,
Me - '--
tiH ilj-r?y nvnn-.
ltl. wl'.L sar-riflr
'n JfT
o Ifn!'i'm,
Phone Woe.1-
n H ALF "..Tr ,t, tf.ii i , ,,J
"-t M r-?.e- a; -- k iL:.a -...
r.u:rd. 17 iti N.
new 8
house, feast fid, eaay walking dis
tance; 1nvetlrate this; good term a
North Pacific Realty C'o Cut rnamn.
ciai I'i'w a. n inq asnirrton.
Cixlt feet on east Giisan at nrtia.
near td t: It a twiap for Ilia. De- j
m".i ar ivnq-rt n: waoiaon st
l.Iin fr a vry rice modern room
bovo witn 1 OOxl 44. on carllne W I
frelth. 4f Oatnrr cf rwm.rM
& Lte'.M house, good corner 3ot Uxiit
bargain If takes at eac. Inquire 124
?4 et.
Mock. eeotd and Wsahlngton
room $42
.-. ... I 'l l-'I ."I1J ID W
Commercial i ... . '""u "l almost your own
otiiai.,a tot. Kil.iii il kwi..
i.'in vaf. iinvmiHi BLreeta an iA -
waiaa. iimr 4 mfmor.. lnqnlre (41 E.
T..niT-,..m. i-r. r.. iTn. il'.a r-a-K.
Modem 9 -room bungalow, rtos n
rTOs: will laka- vacant lo ' tnw .'
payment 1,114, Jo.imaJ.
IV R 5 tUv or 1-aO. a ImiuiMia 4.,,.
Ig 115 a . Thh a a bargala
fnt l-at I- g rv A-lf
eie,cw. a.i tr. iaieex im.
T-rnr.eT)ta. at a bargt'a. easy trrr,a
Ma (111. '
$!( room bouaa and I lota, cloaa
to car. to exchar fr-r rtnrb or irr.
are. I-bona Tabor 1172. er O-Jj;. Joor-nal.
well lw t, Bail
eaiie; I -.-w
re. $ roc.m
Km w-aier. t
a Jnn
terrna. Can use your equity. 4U Henry
40 ACRES of good st k fcsy and fruit
anu. ill oown snd 4 a
m"nia. no interest, v. bare I forties
Will seil th flret st these terms, oett
Msher. etc. (.wii.r, room ?. 4ji jd.
ACRKAfiK naj- O. W. P. carllne. 1104
sn acre.. $1 down snd $2 a month,
ra irterest. fee-owner, room fi. lou
IX. r ceme risht along to Barton, aro
t Hr-t to Ward p'aoa
4 ;rts.. Jt r.f 4 r,
west a.; f ''' lll'; twryvrr, ii
PT..,""r,t '" ' ' "- . 1 f 1 1 n a,
I 1 I t 1 a--1 m li.h at., Mr
I e t. r. nr.:-ti
1as 11',
Ai'S. Jut ovi.ili rltv iimita
$ 1 1 v i iaat half -iv.r, . .1, . .
If tT suit vr.q and yoa can rv half
fas, -a tr rit take less. Owner, room
: 1 : h : f
80 ACRES, 80 In fine state of cultiva
tion, best soli; food buildings of 11
kinds, fin family orchard; 8 mile of
tt. it. station and ooar landing; cheap at
$3600; will exchange for Portland resi
dence or 9 zt vv vaiue; win give a bar
s;alnln thl. Call pr write J. E. Smith,
n. immwr 01 commerce.
Acre. 6 in fruit irrigated.
- Acres, 7 unimproved. Irrigated. .
House and .lot outside city. .:
, Business' property outside city. '
... Mortgage. $506.00. . .
Telephone system.' ' .
' Anything you want." What have vou? im, vnWBCH iic COM.
HOU8E and lot, Montavllla; $2500;
equity $2000; to exchange for gro-:
rtous snd lot Myitis Park. 82500;
.i.1" "i'u asaume airrerenca,
enf2J?Scrf.'..nrfLB,lrn-' wl exchange
420 Lumber Exchange.
1224 acre Choice wheat land, 4 mile
from R.- R. station. Gilliam county. Or.
1 . L. H. SMITH, Owners .v
' Room 16, Hamilton bldg. '
EXCHANGE 80 acre farm, well lm
nroved.. rood . buildinas. fine soil. 80
acres In cultivation; stock and Imple
ment, for home. In Portland. ' Prico
$4500. Dement & Krlder, 242 Madison.
GOOD lot 60xli0, near E. 45th and
Relmont: will exchansre for motor1
cycle or diamond, balance ' easy;;' $600.
1600 1 Belmont - Tabor 886. - " V -
EXCHANGE 40 acres apple land, part-
ly. cleared: aood ouunings, fruit, fur
niture, stock. Price 82600. Will trade
for city property. Owner 885 Sandy Rd.
$i!0 acres, -all good land when cleareuY
light timber, creeK, in soutnem Ore
gon, $1.500,. for Portland property or
acrea ge.v 340 Chamber of Commerce; .
One acre of fine soil. 80 minutes out
for lot in Rossmere- or Rose City Park.
J-338. Journal. L- - 1 --'-- -
FARM mortgage, $4880, 7 percent, well'
secured, to exchanre for Portland
property. Dement & K rider, 242 Mad;.
son st. - -
160 acre farm for vacant lot or res I
SO acre timber Douilu fn aa
n Missouri, clear of tncumbrancea; 6
i.'i 1111110 over an acrei. fa 1 rvi.w
or.: ror 'Alaska Pet A Coal, aimad.
ton., b. t. AmaL Coal or any other I
IV. n wnil.rn 1U Ulir VIOfK d.
FLETCHER, 225 Abington Bldg.
TRADE equity of $54 in i room mod-
will pay or accept caah dif
L. K. Moore, 617 Board of
bunralow: nrica I?snn- iki. 1.
cheap as Its on Alberta carllne, near
itn. ror lot or asm valoa or sell cheap
for cash. Call Woodlawn 444.
160 acre farm te exdiange for boua
and lot at a nearby aeashore resorL
Waggener Real Ee tale-Co.. 210-213 Ab
Ingtun bldg. j.
TO EXCHANGE 10 acres near Oregon
City line: will trad for good buai-
ness. Owner. J-33i, Journal.
IMPROVED dairy ranch., to exchange
ror improved acreage or portlami
properly. ut-tti. journal,
MODERN 6 room house, fine location.
iiAirj a timoer claim or , acres;
also 3 lots near Hawthorn alar, is i
acrea, close in, to oxchange. What have i y-ian, jowms 1.
GOOD chicken, ranch.
for vacant
lota up to $1000. Tabor
lie rerton. to trade for rltr Fmn-.
About 606 cord of oak claea. P.uV
MY $ eaulty In room In a houaa :--.
mg over lit per month, for real ...
i'. or win bii cnean. in jr tth -.
1(0 ACRE ranch; will exchange fr
roomlnr housa See Smith. 401 Bu
chanan bldg.
Beautiful acre tract for runabout auto
mobile. J-ISS. Jorimsl.
11$ acrea unimproved land, good water;
or grocery store.
will trade for city property, city lota
H-IJ1, Journal.
HAVE good property, rentlna foe 11.1
wiu ricoacj ror rooming or apart-
tt i Income prorrty. In beat nn
em west aide; win trade f'vr anod m.
erT l.ianaa f. j t t r-i
$. 4.1,1s a n.ini.j 1J fi, r-.a-
w;l itp"1 4 thla s'e e.f
r'"" r.a DmeT,t.aV Krbier.
A - " f " i - a' -a at o
$"; trr a l -,t it
IF-YoU want to sell, buy or trade, see
Fhoemaker, 621 Henry b )!. Main
44S, A-T44
VILL take your equity In lot Ja first
payment on a or it aire trart; easy
-. n ri!ece 4 i Henrv h'-lf
fi T I n. K of risara. lt.acoo. rami.
iie; w.rt Xrn; will lavoir if ,.., 1 gee rM
1 a e a r .n a l w I . , aam.
.Inn' ae1
n4 $! few a tlfv let
O-jii, Jour-
IF Vol" be anyillng to trade. In nr i
out of city, see Vnurtt Bro Gerltr-t
r. f ... I
er ri
or c iff-.
J. ..-, 1.
B -mf V S '
- t 1T
'NHf-er. f
... V--
' " t -'
'" T ' I" 'I
r.-r)a an4
1 ; ;
fine lai
hod con
led co mi
very f
r sere.
there l
re. Lam
trr s.
f" Fark.
I'll tt.
foe farm (f a t a- 1
;!a, u m )i.-rr I.
s ir
r oj to x-
1 I