fcvTY ' i nur InVYm viw classified VVJQJ ' ' ADVERTISING SECTION FOUR lO PAGES ni n i t f i r n 1 j n 1 ,av PORTLAND. OREGON.," SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5. 1809. TTVTr TT '777 JLL 11 -is1 .-3 : . JJ-. AiUS T-LL- '' ll T THAT ..CLASS! BESMS I consider The Journal the best classified advertising mediunj in Portland. E. R. MARKIIAM, with J. H. Shields, dealer in country real esUte. ..'-;: My books will show that I have sold 250 lots during the past six months.. 95 per cent of my sales were made through Journal want ads. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ' ,y - r . : Everything advertised by us in The Journal, for rent; we' rent from Journal ads.Y V- I" ' Vj s' -v" '; V-v-v- PARRISH, WATKINS.& CO- (t- - : ' ( We have sold more real estate through Journal "want ads", than all other mediums combined. , ' SMITH-WAGONER CO., By Clarenge R. Wagoner, Secretary. The doubling of the quantity of classified ads in The Journal in the recent past proves that these ads bring the desired results. C. A; FOSTER. Ad Mgr. for Gevuru. HOJJSEHOLIJ NECESSITIES mi HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES SPECIAL SALE OF, USED JPtSIL'fflLiliy HJJUll4yaylL ' The followln descrftedlanos were GAS- LIGHT.; .'(Oil Earth ; v Lerus-tell you about our - 1EM0YAI 1 . Ends taken In exchange by ua for new pianos ana ruayer pianos ana nave neen tnor-i ouKhly overlooked, tuned and polished ana are in excellent ,raer, t y Some of thette nlanoa were orlo-tnallv i aold by ua, others , were taken In ex ! change .for our new pianos and player pianos, some are ffroin our , renting biock, an are in nne order ana are ruaranteed bv ua In everv nartleular. any niano in this Hat will b uentMl in exchange any time within a year for kny new niano and all of tha monrv paid will be annlled on ; tha nurehaae I - r ; i u any new piano. - - Here la a chance to ret a fine Inatru- ment at a Tery moderate price and -to aiart, tne cmidren on their musio at ' once. f . : ; . ' ' LBI.AND PIANO. ' - - t? tt.. Cirt,.-" 'T-I11.'l A "ne upnjfnt piano. oaK case, nne rOr XlOmCS, OtOrCS, riallS, I tone, action Hke new, one of our own itjauuEf, t. iiLiie usfa nne noes not enow It fofH'Tmn'SMe""1t'.t aw' feoba ' Itl new, tms is one or tne best bargains mm we nave 10 oner. . a rine piano I ai tne prire or a cueap instrument. Cost new $326, -our price now (1-95, A good upright piarft), eome used but in gooa condition, gooa Tor a lire. time of wear, new Btvle. colonial qua In mahogany, lull size, 7 1-J octaves, good tone and action. . . I Thl piano new," $250; cur price riowl winy, idi. . , - , , , . KNABB PfANO. - ' This Dlano is one that hnvn tnkan I In exchange, and have ref lnlshed In our I wortc anop. iotooo'- HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES ,' Geisler & Borres ';'. I Up-to.-date Furniture and .Carpet House. . HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Etc 500 Candle Power for 100 . Hours ' , . PLEDGES I i- 14- Let' Us' Demonstrate.'' Tt is the largest and one of the - GRAND. .- Opim ,In Our .'Large moat ornate cases of the Knabe piano, a Deautiiui rosewooa case. .- mil re sponsive tone, fine action, an orna ment to anv home and a bargain in a fine nigh grade Instrument This piano new cost $700, our price ItVW lOOO, : -..'J ... . i- HALLETT A i)AV7S. ' One of the oldest and best known of the high grade piano. Mahogany case, full gige, 7 1-3 octaves, fine tone ana action, case line new, a little used 4 - 41 Ci Tit ' o)1 f A nil uui i'nn no toia irom new, case new l-Of OU Ol. lVliilll .Oll, nOll, loioniai styie. . - cost new : oo. our price now 1325. SMITH A BARNES. " - ai neariv now nnris-nr : minn ma. nogany -. case, has been out with an I i agent ana is some snop worn, but has i never- oeen usea. nere in a ohance for a nne Diano nracticajiv new at a. saving , in cost, i .. - v .W. .MANNING NG⊃ PLY-COMPANY- ;WATHES - For: tic at Once,'' Expires Soon UNCLE. : ' A Card to the Public: . In all trafnsactions of busi ness We have stuck, to our oricrinal motto, that of square dealing, and we have been repaid many times . over, by household Duyers 01 our city. We do not make quite as much bluster and noise as I some of our brother furni- n hundreds; of o r boon I ture men: but we give you an beino talked about min ear- i honest dollar's worth of mer- NEST" THE QUESTION OF WHAT PIANO AND' WHERE TO BUT MUST BE SET TLED.', AND i'THERE MUST BE NO MISTAKE ABOUT EITHER. , WE SUG GEST THAT YOU GO TO SHERMAN, CLAY & . CO.,4 THIS ' WEEK, MAKE nr. - ... 1. I iwn isiLLi&uiiuis AJNi iKix ua vvc iidvc;t wigc tfaauii i MAKE rnm( delivery later.' jit ment of suitable presents for doino so ,you' can avoid the rinriQtmac Jiffs Kockers. Wi BU"' T aHit' Writing Desks 'T i- "avjs wui-.umu fkicih iuu LaUlCb VVlllUlli lS-P.Ot -'l I OA NNOT MAKK TUB HFSPmVIPBV brary Tables, Dressinsr Ta- that- some, one else bought U1CS. J 111 U A 1 II K vauillVIO, Shaving Stands, C arpct I Sweepers, Rugs and many other articles. Will trust I you for anything you want! chandise for every dollar you spend with us.., : . : HOLIDAY SPiECIALS r LESS.. Ladies' Waltham or "Elgin Men's Waltham or Elgin $9 Cost new $325, onr price now $265. STETSON PIANO ' . A full elEed mahogan-v ease Stetson piano, - now in etock with 'one of our I agents, this piano has ten ordered in for this sale and In offerer! as a bar gain for a close, buyer. Tone- and a ra tion is like new,' case shows some signs of wear, a fine piano for a beginner at a very mau prire. This piano, new: JJ50. our price now WJLLARD PIANO A. good piano in a mahogany rise, taken In exchange Tor , a new piano, this piano1 has been used but has been eareruilyA overlooks, junea and . re polished and ia as good as new for all practical purposes. . .. '7t baa a light -easy action," Just right for a beginner, good ton. an4 will give years or goon service, -e i Thl nlfinA-fl ilMt l$ftft ah Ki4(.a 141X2 street, near Aider. nwwn' V"- : , SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.: STEIN WAY. AND OTHER - PIANOS. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES. SIXTH AND MORRISON. OPP. P. O. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 FOR SALE 11EAL ESTATE 16 Opportunity ; to - raMeYoir." "".Money by , ,ffext' Spring! Four. Underpriced'Lota-." , , Owner Hard Up It is a bona fide fact; he must have. money. , Choicest east side residence district; 10 minutes' on cars. This is an Instance where money talks. You can get two Quarter blocks from eacti of which yon can look over the whoKi city. Next-year sell one for what you paid for both. The speculator aa well as the home builder, will appreciate this. See me at once. , -t v . i Frank L. McGuire . .Exclusive- Sales Agent. . 518 Board of Trade. ' A-B203. ., ' Main 6284. 5- 0ut; Glass., Bowls (On Diamonds; Watches : Jewelry and Silverware Standard Jewelry : '-"Store : WHEN IT RAINS Don't Worry About .NEW BUILDING 15 .to '25 Per Cent i"V;Rcdnction !: . . t . . i - - rhis week on Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Stoves, -' .. Ranges, etc. Eforgan-Atclilcy Furniture fk Gran i Ayczzz, Ccr. East i " Stark St. -. Let Vs. Handle It. for You f At Five Cents Per Pound It Is Cheaper.Than You Can Dolt at Home ." -Phone Your Orders , Troy. Laundry Co. '.'FURNITURE'' Carpets, Rufs, Oll Qctli,' linoleum, atovea. raDgoa, rooking atea- ells. crockery, glaaeware. hardware -la fa-t. -eTerythir'g te f urtiiJi a beeee eTmi.lete with both new or fine aconil hni hnuholl umlehinga, at way down prlcee. and we a II o the iBtaII- mrist pisn. tcv Our terwia are dona iH' mll miitHr rTweDtB. TESTERIi SALVAGE CO. : c;;-ji :i xr wafmis'-'JTov t, c n. ::th et. roru rna.vtAi AEOTTAN ORGAN.- A large fine self plarlng organ 1n mahogany case.' This instrument can be played manually er with the rolls and Is a splendid Instrument for some one that cannot' play and wants to plav and her all of the, popular music and pertlc selections... We have 46 roll of muafn with' It of many Of the popular selections aa well aa selection, of the popular operas. -. This is one of the largest styles and Is just the Inetmment for a mil room or for a lodge wlier any style of music desired ean be played for any nui-poee. This instrument rout 1700 and ta ona of the new pvpular atvlea; the Instru ment Is aa gcod as new. Indeed ha had nut little wear, but waa exchanged for a fine nlayer piano. . To close this out juicklr we offer It as a special bargain for S12S. This bargain should not be over looked, we 1n not get In many Instru ments of thin character and It la an opportunity that w may not be able to offer again. If you appreciate good mual and are not able to play it yourself here la tra instrument for your hp. W have eversl good aouare ptanoa new that are Jaklng room that we reed, tliese-wli! h aold for 1$. tt and IS tr c-nt to close them out. we alo have a number of organs will rloae cmt at rerv low prices to secure the room' that tbcv take thst we need for our ian dl'olay for the ho'ldava. In our renting slock, we nave Hano ef a'l f the well knewn makers if roa hare a reference for any particu lar make ef pUo-and want a need ple-o. we -n eutplv tear warita. We will be pissed in send Ar nrytp. tfnri of anv trlie rf clam atir 1 and lovlta j our lnpct1on of this tork. GRAVES. 1 1USIC CO. Ill I'h Pr, IVrtland. Or. IverylMeg In f"ni- ffhinlt sr4 H"ait. A COMPLETE LINE OF THE VERT BEST . - i- ... - .. .-, V - . Guaranteed Heaters - -,..$1:74 ' ' . . - ' SPECIAL ' ' THIS WEEK ' ! J-lncH Heater, full nickel trimmed, large, front doer, top apac for cook- - Just finished; modern 6 room bungalow, within half a block of carline; it has everything that Is up to date.. - There are 2 large : bedrooms, 3 clothes closets, re ception hall, porcelain bath, waeli howl, linen closets, living and dining rooms with openings. .Fine Dutch kitchen. Built in window and hall seats, Plate rail around dining room, front and rear porches, double floora and walls. . cement bae- - mepf, good neighborhood; lot 60s 106 feet. This is close to 1 pub lic schools. Lots in vicinity are selling from 00 to $1200, . $500 down . and $25 a month, Thts is a bargain for, such a bungalow so cloee in. . , t'rice ;si;. - . The house is SOxtt. and haa a. rabla A VERY APPROPRIATE hwket..-""-""' r't'CT' I 1 "n rroni porcn ta run width or the KJir I. (house and built In, and haa a double celling, with rubber roonte between and supported by, six cement columns, with niAlan ...... I I t ere IS VOUr ODDOrtUnitV tO beauty. , c . . I The front door la of oak and has a DUV an exqUlSlte piece Ol CUt full-length plate-glass opening into the i . . ,i:-.., 1.,. living-room, wmcn is 20x14, with a bx class at an extraordinary low 4, niate glass window looking onto TL 1 1- the front porch: a piano -window is on price. - IheSe iJOWlS are mOSt the other side of the room. - . i, A beautiful chipped brick fireplace, artlStlC in Shape, pleasing in with a long beveled plate.lass nflrror pattern and pertect, m cut. lis bookcae artitieiiy bunt in. This a w,.a iiaac. ..u . u ww ...... a aw, v., I..)J J 1. VHO regular, j-incn iioonng; siiamg doori this room from , the dining 605 Corbett bldg. See them tomorrow. separate room. Ctt a T A rTTTTXTTCf The dlnlng-reom Is Kill, with bay ri A K Vi"U' VlUwUINi io windows, with a beautiful built-in china I - A PV tu 1 t m. , Ing P. ft r- K- u ' r .-aav r0 e a 1 - li tr, k txt-.cr m A tea; w vca, CH-Burnlnir Heaters : $3.45- ' Rex Furniture Co. 250 -Second St. NEAIl PAIMON. maim m SOLICITED-. - ' , ..' - -'.'..'.' v. . -, . - ; Eastern Outfitting -. . . Cov .. Washington St. at ' Tenth. LUMP COALS For Furnace or Rancfe POTLATCH, per ton. $6.50 MENDOTA, per ton.. $7.50 SUPERIOR, per ton. .$8.50 GIBRALTAR, ton.. .$10.50 OREGON FUEL CO. FUEL . ' - . DEALER ' 2J$ Wasliinjrt on Street Star Theatre Bldg. buffet- This room also has hardwood floors and allying doors between the Kitcnen. , - The Dutch kitchen is a model of con venience, with ita ' bins. cunboarda. drawers, china closets and clothes cloa et. woodllft. The sink back and drain boards are of genuine tiling; and set very prettily. . The basement 1st of cement blocka outside and smooth cement wall Inside, with, cement floor., cement wash tray a and toilet. Unen atairway with newel nnat leads from the living-room to the tiall above. off from which Is the front bedroom. 11x14. which haa a large closet and storeroom, also a built-in bookcase: two large windows. The rear bedroom ta the duplicate of the front. The bathroom has a low-down flush toilet. C-lnch. rolled-rl mated wash aland and heavy rimmed bath tub. A linen closet in tne ban. The house is heated by hot water ra diators In earn rootsj In the hoiiee. piped for gV wired for electric liM. House will be tinted' and painted and stained to suit purchaser. The ftitwres will be square brass and beautiful tulip bo'H shads effect. Twn blocka from notn eenoots ana Churches; close to two rsrlHe; cment walka la front to and aroand the hu-. Ths mosit M'rtbl party can r. (heir ess ternia. agents. S-U. mint!. IN PORTLAND. . IaOts $S down and $6 per month. We imvRi all- Jtinds of vacant prop erty, such as acreage, lots, good modem 4 to room nousr. - i j. KKAU 1 ttl. 4 beautiful level lots and , room house, furnished. on corner; fruit. shade, chicken house. ; Ths , price ia $2400; terms. " ' S room house, plastered, 2 gooi iois. eei,.-t. hitdo. 1 blocks f mm car; worth 11600: can be bought for $1200. door cash, talance like rent. Kw 4 room oiastervd house, nice lot. fenced." chicken house, - etc. ; close te car; can be bought for JSi cash. If taken at once. AQAIN , I acre with good house, near ie cr line; fine place for chickens. Frl' ilOOi)." terms. ' BLSIXKSS PROPERTT. . A good corner lot., - A good building. - A fine location ' For a store, rooming house or rel'ir ant: 1 block to rr; price ",resonl.l. terms. 8e Urays OrAe"ing UnU at Grays Crossing, Mt (?.-ott cr. P. i Sjire Chatarnsn s pinht.sm. I.enf Qi, 1-VIR AL At t'olTerr' fXrs. room -ne. y- i,t frt nd flrrw-rn $ 1 .' : ! ' m . tmk ' ml Irte or e1-. Ha l J.ia4 rf 1 e fr ..-" f I'-'t-Uad f-r k.a. Easy Terms, $3 03 loin' S4 acres all hi cult lvat ion. 4 bun rs low. on t houfee. soma fru.t. f re well at water; : minutes s:k 11 rurl house, lrire $10: 1 Aomn. b.-i $lk A month, St ft per rer.t. fc. P. I LUuTT 1'""J . S rn Hon tits. r. r '' lT L.A A It V J c t ' - f r a t . . 1 TRUST !-!, .,f i ! i - ' t 1 . - .. e - r-- t . I f. ,. - li'HTMN' " . t - , ARfclfVP .T-i"-. I-"- - 2ar-"se"t - l ' B-v-ntt.. t I . . s i - Sl.l t ' II. i"- n r.