The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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ttTTlNIEB with- lt, cy grip ,1
A upon' ut, and In many hom
VV th ll0W"l)( wind ru accom- '
, Ijanled'bjr the cries of Uttl " ' -ones
who Buffer from the common 'af.
tllctlon of earache. ' " ' ' ' .'
Som chlkUn ara vtry acnsitlva to '.
' draughts tt whid. Generally th llttla -
tot Will have an 'aching' bar that has V- "''
been, ; through, eareleejness, aubjeotad' '
to cold air. Sometimes prolonged pain v' '-'
: In the ' organ Li due to an ' nbrfbeca In -the
inner ear, and It these simple treat-"
menu be Ineffective I advise consult-
lug your family physician. , , ;
;v!rb6-net -tlia fciwit jo Ul4leber
girl suffers from earache dip a cloth
In oil of peppermint and hold against
the ear; When the fumes have penetrated
to the f&rdrum relief will usually
. follow. -vi-.' . ;
Another treatment Is the soothing
drop of warm olive oil. Its warmth Is
good for the nerves of the ear and the
.oil is healing , to any Inflamed parts of
the, middle ear.' '
Do hot Allow . Joo ,mucb. of the liquid
to remain the "ear." After, applying
this liquid .let .the head 'of the sufferer
be inclined o one side and the surplus
oil run out upon a towel. ",
A hot bran poultice Is excellent wheji
supplementing ttie first treatment. Bind
around the ear and secure tightly on the
head. It should not be uncomfortably
wet, and ought to be as hot aa the child
can bear. '
For sensitive ears there ls suggested
Answers to Beauty Queries
VINQ to the great amount of
mall fecelved and th limited
space civen this donirnntni it
Im AhMOiulelv ImnnaalhU
it11.61,8111, the Sunday Issue following
their rteelpu The letters must be an-
SSieredJn turni nd this oftUmes re
quires thre or four weeks.
All correspondents who desire an Im
mediate answer must inclose a self
addressed stamped envelope for a, reply.
This rule must also be complied with In
regard to personal letters. ,
air on the Arms
rjr Sirs, Byrnes. v
f aJn?ye4. b . tar rrewth of hair
S?y-r2?' 11 aetractg from the appear-
f fl.Ti-i.m5L rm much. Would roa
; kindly lv me a permsnent remedrf
I alro have pock marks on my face.
I ney are not Vry Consplotious. but they
ar a scar to my faoa. Can van tall ma
remove them?
. 1M only permanent remedy for re
moving superfluous hairs is the elec
tric needle. This should be used by
f:,lXDert.only' 16 th operation will
prove serious. - T
I do not believe home treatment will
remove the pock marks from vour
face. There are persons who make
a 'specialty of removina? such arara.
and I think It would be advisable to
go to one of these. ,
Celandine Leaves
Daar Mrs. Srmea.
,J" ',' " the recipe tor the ta ef
carandtne lavB to remova superfluoua
Hlfi "T.i.0 PD'r U and how oftn. and
caa 2 cet the laavas at a drus store T
itow...,u. . the reeipe for the
celandine leaves remedy given to "a
. M. B. Apply the remedy every two
T ,hr?i. 6mya-, Aa lirst-claas drug
gist wUl supply you with the leaves,
. Go to an Oculist
tar Mrs. Syma. , , ,
win you ainair tn me. throush
Tha eye Is auch a delicat? little
organ that one should not try Just
any remedy to cnrs some ailment It
Is muck safer to go to an oculist at
once to allay any possible trouble.
i a remove superfluous Hair
IVr sf re. gymee.
Will yoa plraae fH me If releedln
will rnwve auparfluoua hair ea4 '
W ta tmm It? C II. E
Celandine leaves will remove super
fluous balr for a time, but It la not a
permanent core. To make tbe drplia
tory, take on ounce of tha leaves to
ne pint of bet water aad apply to
tiro balry surface ta a sort of poultice
Tomatoes and Fruits
Dear Wra. mwe.
t l I r ki41y me tw if ton
tmm iM frilla are fmot It te k.a aad
t im wr sbi coma biBscdee aad
t t-r-n a taai M.a
Hy r-ewt tKa te-e awe a WMk
itk a eraan, n- n in.,, tmm
ketirr or arn In yera com'
. What fva woi ye ,. nt, M
eet ff I rau m W f
Hw h tk M ka
kaat ltk ear kraatlw t
( t-aav w i
I. I rartaet sive4 t li4 a newer
"1 es" or te your irsl oelia
. ---''-Nl- i n,
a cap which has protective disks. It Is
not unbecoming and affords sufficient
shield from draughts or sharp winds. v .
Remember that each attack of earache
makes it easier for the next one by pre
disposing th nerves and membrane to
congestion and inflammation.
Protect the little ones from these pain
ful attacks by taking precautionary
methods first and by thorough but sim
ple treatment when the siege Is on. And
when in doubt, consult your doctor.
JA1!!.1 t'lsT you mention have
I;.!. . on airrerent mdlvid-
'tifiL; enerl thing, however, I
tnink It la safe to say -that thev are
very good for the blood and complex?
2." Not.
vP.Ki)'!iaRe of th will
"f,'h1? kn In good condition and
preserve its appearance for many.
y yfa. fnd wilt not have a bad
enect in the long run. x
tarhy and sweetened
l?,tl!r fere5Uv vegetables containing
tarch. uoh as peas, beans,
Jake one tablespoonful of oliy oil be
fore each meal.
, Th length of time depends en
tirely upon the Individual.
For Chapped Hands
D'ar Mrs. Byrnes. ,
JX'i." " 'i? me a recipe for.
' W.1?"4 softening, but without aloohoC
straight oily halrT I wash mine evarr
five or six weeks, but within a week after
washlne; It Is fust as oily as ever. My
skin Is naturally oily, but the secretion
from the afalo is exwralve. ..
Here is the recipe for'a lotion vhih
will prove very healing- to chapped
Tincture btniola.. , to drops
S1c"',,! Jounies
Borw'f .ounces
ins1 a balds night and moni-
vV" .thJ rf P f oy hair, rubbing
the mixture into the scalp once a day:
Alcohol - .... .M.a, .,,.. . f ounoaa
Witch baaef... ..:,; J
If your akin Is oily, mix together
one dram of boracic acid and four
ounces of witch haseL Apply to the
face with a piece of old linen or a bit
of absorbent cotton. ,
Clipping the Hair
Iear Sirs. Gymaa.
V 111 dipping the ends of the hair prevent
It from aoliiiing. or will It tiarmtha balr?
Ooma aav that tha hair ought to be clip
ped at evrtaln tlmee of tha moon. What
la tha Troor time? A SUBSCRIBER.
The hair win grow much thicker If the
ends are clipped In the first quarter of
each new moon. The pracUoa of clipping
the hair will also prevent the ends from
splitting. '
Moles on the Face
. Iar Mra. Byrnes.
Please orlnt a remedy (or rwmevtne; moles
from the face. TROUBLED.
Atoies may be safely removed fromtbo
face by ictrJcKy. One must be sure.
however, to go to a perfectly competent
peraon to bvo auch aa operation per
formed. Any other met hod of removing;
them may prove injurious to the akin.
Young GirFs Measurements
Wra Oi ntia.
V. ! sea t t'ft TH trf-e tail and walaw
Jl .. My t aet irr te ;.i f ;
' aseajrar. ti ira; luf wwaawra. as
l. I am 1 years aid. Hw are Soy
kravretr!ei . ;
I i.. take ne te 1 year aid.
How ev4 1 wear av rlrf I ear tt
I in tbe W'-l J'. rc!ej OS th i4-a
a.- k- ti I -a 4e wit Itm
A i n.r m i trtrmA thf a I wear any rate
t-w "a 5i. tf 1 nk waakt aa wear
It aa tr.v -a. IT i
1 t wear re r-e rwi
"I" !ey '
" ''1 ' kit tne kat ai' Va
i. I ear rta rrm tfrr gset
- ' .J
HoUaGolh Dipped in Oil of
altnougn they are not in so good pro
portions as they will bo when you are a
few years older.
x. if your hair Is not arranged to cor
respond with your general appearance,
wny not wear one braid rolled , up sev
eral times and tied at the nape: of the
neck with one large bow?
4. To, increase your' height, follow the
advija given to An Anxious Girl."
Becoming Coloy
Pear Mrs. Byrnes. w
1. My eyes and hair are dark brown and
my vomplexlon la dark. What colore
should be becoming to niaT
t. Although my face, ia very smooth. It
sometimes breaks ouft In pimples on my
forehead and chin. Is there anything I
- ran take that will, not harm ma In any
way? .
5. Is Roehelle salt good for the blood.x
and how la It taken T TOOTSIB.
1. Soft shades of brown, dark blue and
red are some colors which should be
becoming to you.
2. The following recipe Is for a cream
which you may use on the pimples:
Cream for Pimples.
Salicylic aold ...w 10 grains
Calomel 1 Oram
7ard 1 eunca
a. A dose of salts taken once a iumh
la very good for the blood. Mis two tea
spownfuTs of the salts In a half glass of
cold or warm water. , v
Eyes Hair
Dear Mrs. Symea.
1. How can I ebsnte tbe color of tnr ere,?
At premit they are frees. would like tham to
be blue. .
a v oat ti a toed aaiia er coraetr I have
reartag one, out It doe aot prove sati
, aa. R makee my back acbe; pernAue I
faitery. m
bava heea larlna too tuthtlt.
My puffa are enite faded
as I wraat let
soma in bair. What are tliev weartnt.
are tliey wearing, rnrla
or bralo? . . NAUGHTY RTF.
L II la moat harmful to use any rem
edies to change the color of tbo eyee.
You can make your eyes appear to bo
blue by wearing a grayish or greenish
blue; but avoid any vivid or strong
blues, for the contrast would only make
your eyes groeoer. -
i. I am not at liberty to recommend
any one make of corset. I a grew with
you that tight taring; may bo the cause
for your backaches, very often the
trouble lies in the Improper adjustment
Of Lbe corset and not in tha corset itself.
a. The braid seems to bo very popular
; Just now. although we often ace it used
, tit combination with puffs.
Wants to be Tall
IVee Mra
I aw. 4 feet tM-rws tP: aav
,tjL S faw fce: kia H'wuia.
tr- ewi I w-w M uwmd. liak wvy
ewttii f,e er M,. kirl. IS Man In -i
kaww ml aavutia that w""M waVv r irw tUf
'O 'i,
fo TIM he inira;e, for It rnay 00
To a ro Rot through y rowleg Tw kry
c-eae ymr he:sht. take' tr fanoarUig
tAt.-vtjo t .try day; tuoj f rtaiy oa
7jr ksw
I -0ia0l- - - fa I
...... By MllStlENRY
Applying a
Hoi Bran
Poulvce '
if -A-
Pepperminl aja'msl the Ear
botlr feet, rise onJ your 'tiptoes sad
reach up as far as you can with the tipa
of your Angers. Mark off the height
you are able to reach, for it will be in
teresting to note how much further you
-can go eaoh day.
For Bleaching Purposes '
, Pear Mrs. Symea. : v
Kindly tell me through the paper what
- kind ! of seroxide Is: uved for bleaching,
The oadlnary peroxide of -hydrogen is
usedfor all bleaching purposes.
Anotiier One Too Short
Dear Mrs. Symea. ,
Can you tid)i ma attain a better helgbtf I aa '
onlj five feet tall. A. B. C.
u x ilia a iairy's wand 1 wouid surely
pass It over to you and the other corre
spondents who are so anxious to be tall,
but as It is I can only advise you to add
to your height by taking the exercloes
given to "An Anxious Girl." Clothes
should bo selected with a view to their
effect in making- you appear taller than .
you really re.
To Develop the Bust
Deer Mrs. gymre.
Wyi you pltaae tell me bow to "'B'J,,g11
If you will aiaaxage. your bust with
cocoa butter morning and night It wlU
soon Increase in also. ,
Numerous Questions
Pear Mrs. Symae.
i. Is bwttenmik good for the stomach T
Z. Is bu.v.i.ui.a guod iwr the skinf If
laa rt"r huii UMd Dd what effect
good for the tabf Poss tt
orack tha enamel T
4. How many poonde should a girl 17
vmayra, loec , incn weiga f
a. Hava I Sntafaerf arawtnar
T. Ia glycerina aod roe a tar food far
the hands T 11 ae, what are tha proper-
, I ara very alewder sad would Ilka to
gala seeno Beak. What woold yoo adrtae
Boa te eatT
. la .tintre of troa gnod for tho tlaetV
aad wtl rt aivo r" aa araetftaf
, M. te anaiiios a Beah-boilirrf
. , Hrt. tt.
' V Very aTood. if It agroea with a per
SOS I stomach.
Z. Buttermilk Is oxeellent for the skin,
making II amootta and white, snd abould
bo used morning SLrtd. night aa a face
S. Salt Is very good for cleaning tho
teeth, but should not be need more than
acre a wock, Haw It will hurt tho oa-amel-
4. A airl of sroch a bolgit and are
orwrwM we4gh anywhere frosa It to ii
pourna .
. To yr.iyr 'Shootopa.
- . The rhaaews ara that yoai hao rof
' i Ol'itts. rooewgier aw ben"l
WWwMMM Jar itMrgHi!i 'Sd
is- i
ThisProtecls Sensitive tan
,are very good for the hand... Following
Is the recipe for the mixture:
Tineture bensoin. SO drops
.Olycerlne ' i. ...... ........ 8 ounces
RoaewateT 1 ounces
Hub this on tha hands night and anorning.
8. Eat good food abundantly, but never
to excess. It should be composed prin
cipally of starchy and sweet' substances
of good quality, easily digested and aa-
prletary articles, I cannot give my opin
ion of the fcrm developer you mention,
but I may say that you are too young
SW sews generally from 8 In the
morning to 6 "at night, with a
begrudged hour at noon for
luncheon. I aometimes wonder
how she can go for alx days In a
week, and probably fifty weeka In a
year, doing her best and, it la sad to
rotate, being worked to the limit of
her power by thoughtless women.
A dressmaker Is human, my dear
friends. She ha nerves, and her eyes
rebel just aa much as yours do
aga.ast a steady, strain. To be aure,
you are paying her. But she Is giving
you a balancing favor in the shape of
many hours of conscientious work.
I have seen womi who do not even
grive this person time to warm her
, hands before dress patterns' are
-spread out, materials displayed and a
general working campaign begun.
' She is expected to seat herself and
to cut and sew without intermission.
While planning one dress her opinion
is sought about othera Indeed, it Is
Right or Wrong?
EAR Mrs. Adams. ; -
I am if yeara oia ana evwr mot
waa 10 a boy who IS now M yeara old
and at college, has lived with my tmiiy.
Ha baa not been legally adopted, but we
have always been like brother and alster.
When ha goes and comes from eolk-ga I al
. wan kiss him. and when he is at home ne
calls ma dear" and glvea me advice upon
- mv conduct. I otten wear a kimono when
la around I never thought anything
about this until a raw days ago I heard two
lad lea taikina about tt and they asld tt waa
Improper. . I asked my mother and aha only
laughed, so I would Ilka the advice of a dls
Intereeted party and one who fcnowa wrbaX
li right snd wrong. 1 am afraid of burt
I. wa twinge it I say anything to bios.
Ubat shall I dot . . . J1- -
I am sorry your mother laughed when
you brought the subject before her, for
she should have given you her opinion
and advice. I realise that you would not
care to hurt tho young roan s leennga,
but think you can straighten matters
out without offending him In the least.
Tbo net time you meet blm do not k as
ham, but treat him tn a kind and eordlal
way, so thst he may know you still wish
Jo feo friendly. After you have met him
threo or four times without offering too -kiss,
he will awaken to the fact that
you are now a grown-up aad must not
be treated as though you were a very
11 A rid 'now- about tbo kimono. Too can
very oaailv anlvo this pro b. em by mak
ing a point of wearing a rest little dross
when tho young man Is in tbo bouse.
Duties of the Chaperon
"Pear Vra. Adawia- ' '
VMH vea km. sne the oaaet dwt
f a ehaiwa at a be ar tiaaata tarts, for
Twra 4W- .be at '
T la aav saoay oU&r wroaetad or -
9r".. .v rt ta t eaeeeaHW at a
. olacw,' tr 'a-t
alaa the keaMar Oaty oa
Mvcuie the ekaoeewa aafe ffco Wteea e-f-riaed
tf rt-area ee a ke tk
at-r tea tke If ioaeheao taa.
ee 11 the rtarerti oer nr 'ha
kwww Oa tfcia? . KCT liii.TD.
- L The tbaperoa prweodee tbo yoongf
womea and Is gtveo tha first tho- .
tmt as a rolw an a!'-"ws tho tetJtajeo
tha wrtv'lere of erorrlff tho rwt
flac. All this Bttast bo awrostly
to use any artificial
means to gait a
beautiful figure, for
nature should be
given opportunity to
do her work.
9. if-the biooa ana
. 1 appetite- need to be
toned up, tincture of iron ia very, S
for the purpoRe: but do not take it un
less your physician prescribes such a
tonio for .you. ' .
. Fat 'Nose
Pear 'Mrs. Byrnes.
Will you kindly publish a reeipe for re
moving fat from the noeaf Can you also
tell me why my nose -Is so greasyT Tha
oil or grease Is readily removed on wash-'
In. H. J.
fat from tha nose, but probably by
gently massaging the nose you may be
a fiendish delight to some women If
they can drag work from the little
seamstress, who must not protest, be
cause these people stand for her bread
and butter.
All of us know how exhausting; any
activity is wh.en It is continued for
hours at a time. A pleasurable pur
suit grows wearying after two or
three hours. Think of a nerve-racking
day! And the next, and tho next!
When the visiting dressmaker comes
to you, remember that she is not a
machine, capable of grinding out work
With no wear upon her being. In
sist upon the worker taking a rest
two or three times day. Take up
to the sewing room a plate of fruit
durlmg a short Intermission. Ask her
to leave tho scone of hostilities and
walk with you to tho end of tho gar
den or street. .-
Make life worth Irving for this
woman whose lot is not the easiest.
Why, the very fact that ou hire her
to come Implies that you cannot
stand the pressure and strain of a
sewing siege. '
The visiting dressmaker has feelings
and ia entitled to a respectable and
civil consideration of them. It Is an
evidence of a lack of good breeding to
disregard the rights of a woman who
is giving you tho full valuo of her
monetary compensation. It is always
gratifying to know that you have
lightened a burden by a little kind
though tfulness.
aged so that tho party does not attract
too much attention.
2. No; not unless one is to act as chap
eron for many weeks or months.
3. Tha person who has elected you
4. She should bo aure that all her
guests are equally comfortable - and
abould divide her attention among them
and not give It all to one or two.
5. Consult with the mother of the host
ess about refreshments, where she would
wish you to take the young girls, how
much money ia to bo expended. It is the
chaperon's duty to order the luncheon
after conferring with the hostesa.
, Let Him Ask
Pear Mra Adame.
After a ladv haa accepted an Invitation
from a kentleman, to-go to the theaten
would It he nropor far her ta invtte him
te coma lo sea her. or RttAK he ezpreas
".soma desire of visit las hart U. w.
Allow him to ask permlaaion to call oa
you- , : ' , . ;-. . . -, ,
" When to Cali:'i:j:
-Pear Mra AdaaaeL . .. ' . - ,
i ' bava taken a young lady to a
country daaee. la H proper for tue to rail
; oa i herf If aa, ahmild I aak bee to aamo
a date, or can I rail at my notion
When mav a man call oa hta laJy frlaeda
avrtft be has ha t a.geaeral lavltattoa' to
eaU. ar Is K aaeeaaary to at a davr .
' - Ulf0tClt. -
I. It would bo perfectly proper for you
to call oa tho young lady after rais
ing ber consent to do ao and aakins;
her to name tbo looOt convenient tlma.
I. It U proper .for bins to aak too
ladlea wbn It would bo mo,t ectnvonlent
to have him call and then snake final
If 'hen Mother Disapproves
" tMar "Mr. Adarea '.
a. wa m ' ' aa I xw
re ,bbm tw
frrry a t man aaa
tl w ew r.- tKr
eV wat atieBvo of H aad
raxwea live
vnawt aim'
I li s-w rw a t aaafef a t-H
b Vh1. ber ana wfcaa outao awwa im
A few weeee ae wa iee a waa.
a(j we
-v-e-a aritk n,na a fa a
wc r -a m i a. -
wlaka at wa. What "-a fie aeaa. a4
k too f-eee far o te aaa.a . a
k at
areoar aa aM tbo afcaft
i il ' j" '
J. ' I
StWiMsaMMHHHna -1 I
Oil Musi Be Removed
able to reduce its' slie somewhat,
- It may be that your noae Is oily be
cause you eat too many rich and greasy
foods. If this Is the case, banish all
such kinds of foods, ;or dit has a great
influence on the condition of tha skim.
and use the lotion for which I am giv
ing the recipe.
lotion for Oily Skin.
Boraele acid 1 dram
Distilled witch hazel f ounces
Apply with a piece of old linen or a bit
of absorbent cotton. . . ,
Girl of Sixteen
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. ' .
I am i fett Inches tall. B inches bunt
measure, 84 inches hip meaiure, lit inches
walHt measure, and wrKh 117 pounds. Am
I too large for a girl of If Venn, of age?
I think you are on a par with tha
average-girl of your age.
link nnchaperoned? It Is a eublio place,
but It Is almost Impossible to .take onii.
I. You are certainly too young to
think of getting married, and I sup
pose this Is the reason -why your
mother does not. approve. Walt a
few years and follow your mother'
advice, for It is the best you will
ever be able to get.
3. It Is very Improper for a boy to
assist' a girl by taking hold of her
arm. If any assistance is absolutely
' necessary, he should offer her his arm.
S. you may rest assured he does
not mean any good, so the best
thing to do is to stop any further
acquaintance with him.
. No. i I
Vsing the Fork
Dear Mrs. Adams. . . , ,
Is It oulte proper to hold your fork la
vour left hard and your knife In .yoJ
right hand during your meal, or should
all the food be .cUt at once and tha folic
only held in the hand to convey It to the
mouth T A IBL'BaCRIBi-R.
Never cut ftllthe food at once, Hold
the knife in the right hand and the fork
In the left to cut Just enough food for
one mouthful. Then lny tho knife so
that it will rest wholly on the plato
and shift the fork to the right hand to
convey the cut piece of food to the
mouth. ' .;.'
Salary, Lunch and Linen
Pear Mrs. Adams.
1. Whit should be the salary of a ma a
who Intends to marry a girl who is word
ing and In medium circumstances?
2. Is a buSst lunch ever served at a wed
dincT S. How much linen snd bedding should a
girl have who Intends to msrry?
1 1. Kvery one has his or her opinion
about this subject, but I think no uiua
has a right to marry a girl unless he la
positive he will be able to provide for
her as liberally as she has been accus
tomed to providing for heraelf. - It la
hardly possible to say how much a
man's salary should be, for tbo ex
penses in every household vary s b"
every man should have an eye to the
future before taking the final step.
8. No.
J. When starting housekeeping one
should have it least a half dozen eaon
of all the linen artloles, four blankets,
two bedspreads and one down quilt.
Is It Advisable?
rtea- kfre. Adam. .
1 .Ta It arlvlaahle foe a ' airl of
14 -1
tut 21 T
carrearjotiil with a vounsr man of about
3. la It proper lor a young gin iu r"
reepond with a young man If tha latter
doea not furnish postage!
1. It hei1 parents are willing and if
the correspondence exchanged It aorta
X A young man should never furnhii
postage for a reply to bis tetters.
; -x Short and Tall '
Pear Mra Adame. .
,11 am keapms company with a 1" .
short fe,!w. aim I am feel it .n
What ehu Id I wear to make tut look t.wrt
and' he tall!
1 He ia and I in 8 Would I !
, doing nht to nuurv bim In ii u( i a
fact that people ear I ain "luting I i
1. Do V"0 think there Is a orubaUUiiv ft
- a tall fH:w aaklnc m-.r haul m
tmr: or do yuu think aie U old t
anoiber cnancef
4. Mr Mi seem to lock do a ta n
'Id auaid.'' Is Uial rwbtf .p,.,, .
I. It "would be ' rather ' d;i i..; t .
make you look snorter t tiaa t a r. .,i ,
for a woman always has a la..r a , -pearance
tiaa a man.
t. If you love tiie lif-Tfar-f'J -,
tha question of age s i-j' I r t
roasidf red. liow .r. 1 a i t
to give htm a f w '' i - ;
to lorm Sut-antil ! ' , '
I. Tour thirl oj': "
believe yno rt- t " . , - .
yooth. fr If yi " i ;
mot be .. k.. a ; -
of a tslier n e r 1
never to oil f-r h' .r ,
4. I I S I!''-'- I
aet linked !- '
ra n h -e 1 1 r t " y. . . -
Siva a bai . r 1 ie t i .
far the awfce .f '!
a-rf-bate-y !; d ' ' ' - -