The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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T. 3f. (V A. Will TVaoh
- "Wireless Tclcrapliy ia
' JPiiture.
Always 'firat In taking up new Unas
f education, the lortland Young Jlen'a
give aeourae In, wireless tlarapl. a
' ,ubott ' that a tievrr before ben
lauuht In ny -Western lnatitutlon. Al
ready th T, M. C. A. balldlng. Sixth
mid Tylor strets. has been equipped
with complete wireless outfit and
tro of "wlaard" telegraphy Is to
bejtln leeoember 11. -'
Tha nats for the new station have
been rected on tha roof of Vlie T. m.
(C A.' building and It has te found
'nat massages tranemitted to.
M racawad from, all cltiea or. the Pa-
,ifi There ia uuu-"- lnatruminte. so that com
'inntiicatlons caught In th air. can -bo
!i.v, in all connected rooms of the
building. " - '.- ' -,
Th lmar tilant consists, bfj a tfO'
Mlowait transformer, idllorlng ' M00
volts, a condenser, variable Induction
colls, circuit breakeravvolti meters and
jwave detectors. It Is one ofvthe moat
.WW stations in the
ruin P. ntildmrlster ha been wnptl
ihv tha Y. M.,r.v A. to take charge of
ilie new work..; )le is a graduate of the
Berlin .Polytechnic school ana n -ex
perienced operator of wireless Instru
ments. Mr. UuIdniclBter Jias . prepared
the following spi les - of ' 1 8 lectures,
which will be given on Saturday nights.
keelnnlnar December 11: " ' i
; "Principles of Elect rlCaT Tlinomeria."
j "Electrical Units,"- "Principles of'Alter
'riallng Currents," "Transformers ' and
induction Colls,'" 'Transmitting Instru
ments." "Receiving Instruments," "Os
! filiation Wave Detectors." "Laboratory
"Work,- (three lectures) "Various gys
! trail of , Telegraphy," Wireless Telo
,'phony," . '1'. : . s j
Revival Services ; Attract Interest
tflpectal DUpatrb to Tha Journal. I
Roseburg, Or.. Dec. 4. J. 1, Spring
steail. a local : dairyman, was arrested
vesterday upon complaint of W. R. Cat
icrliu,'. a 'purs rood-inspector.- charged
with selling milk "containing less than
: 3.2 per cent of buttep rat." or in otner
! words, ni)k that had been skimmed.
(His case has not yet come, up' for trial,
j Thu is the first case of this kind to
develop In this county. !-,.
L ; ; '
if - -. v. i vm vN.rr a a
I I 1 i ' . . . i 1.
Il d II 14V1
1 1 . '
fioveiiMiient fet,s Aside Fiuu:
. for District luclud- .
Rer. R
,. Intereating, revival services are now
under way. at the Alberta' United Breth
ren" ,ctiur?h,v Kast 'Tenty-sever(lh and
Buiriner 'wtreeta. ' They '.began Novem
ber 28,'and will continue until tha even
ing ofDecember If..-': ' V .- i .
The meetings are under the charga .of
Rev. K. J. ParretUof .-Elkhart,. Ind..
who is assisted by -Mra Parrett, one of
tha well known gospel singers of the
country. 'Great Interest has bean shown
In tha meetings sine their commence
ment and good congregations gree tha
two gospel workers .whenever, tha meet
ingV are opened each evening. ; ;
Mr. Barrett-ana " his wife, are well
known in the United Brethren denomi
nation, having been in tha evangelistic,1
Ulatrlct I of tha National Koraat flfrv
Ik-e, cojnprlnlng Ilia alatas of Oregon
and Wtahlngton, and Alaska, haa Juat
been allotted iiSBQ for the purpose of
! hiring jtrofraalolUI hunters, to deatroy
predatory wild anlmala upon tha na
tlonal' forests.'. Tt)la amount has been
apportioned aunong tha Wallowa. Whit
man, Malheur, 'Fremont, VmatHUl and
Ieschula joatlonal foraats in Oregon.
and tlx Wenaha and Wvnatchea national
! forvnts in Washington
The primary object" In ' tha employ
ment of professional hunters la the. pro
taction of stock grating undur par m It,
but at tha auttne time they aid In tha
protection of lam animals, such aa
deer, elk and mountain . sheep, as well
as all the. game birds. Cougar,' Jynx
and other predatory animals . abound, J
i n rive ana multiply on most or tne na
tional forests, and 'are today a. "great
menace to tha growth of gum a herds.
uwmg to the ' peculiar pnyaicai ia
working under tha auspices of the Home this national forests the cougar
MtK-Inn ao.-l-tv of tha rhnrrh 'anrt Un. I Wft iyn are more qpiiruciive 10
Mr.-'Pairett Is noted aa a most effect-hnon ar huntera, ami when there are
Iva sneaker and earnest worker, while " nunters to aeep uown mesa preoa-
Mrs. Parrett has aung her way Into tort animals the slaughter of gnme anl
,ho. nt mnrondniii vin,iii. mals Is very severe. The elk ana moun
from coast to coast wa """P nomuij -
This Is the-first trip ever taken by "nri- an1 un I"n "l "u?
the two church workers, through tha " v - '
wesL and they are both charmed with many. ot these rare pirn, animals will
and with the success which Is m. HIng elk, born evr to
u. v." I owlns to the cougars. '
.uitii- '7A&vin. - iiirriiug .will, up 1 -, , L . - . . , ' . .,
ned by their , work.
J. Parrett and Mrs. Parrett, Revivalists..
work for the past 14 years. They are
Ml MM.
Former ' 3f ulti-SIillionalre
Cannot'Stand Strain of
, Federal Shadowing. .
hla aide.' Vhey w!l breakfaat with vlm
tomorrow, mxI will alt In hla pew, on
on taclt ttldd of, him. wfion ha gooa to
India Tha aurvellUm d will cuntlnun
until tha auprrma court of tha Unltei!
tiinlea pnkxna upon his petition for
writ Of certiorari and auperamlnaa. If
the writ lhaura tha case wlir ba da
pored of for at least two yrare,. If
tha court refuses to Intarfore, Walah
muat go to the penitentiary at once.
(fnlt4 rrM Ud Wire.).
Chicago. Deo. 4 John IL Walali. for.
murly tuultl-mllllonttlra, now prlaoner
or the federal court, and la special cua-
tody or dt-puty -Ljilted Ktatea marshal.
la breaking- down under the strain of
twlng coiiatantly shadowed by federal
orncers. ,
After a day of surveillance Walsh
retired early tonlglit. . A deputy mar
shal stood outside tha door of his bed
room and another slept in a room ad
orning with the door between the two
rooma open, Walsh did not make a
move today that ' a ' dtputy , was not
standing at his elbow. They 'allowed
him - the widest freedom poHalble, but
not once did they let him gut. out. of
their sight or .heading. ----, ;; -;."?
'nnen ine agea ez-oatiKer eat flown.
to his meal a. a deputy sat with him;
when he went to buy Christmas pres
ents for relatives the deputies
Enlarge 1'owrr Plant.
.'(BPMliil DUptlrk to Tbt Jnarl. )
pokune, Want)., Deo. 4. The capacity
of tha Nine Mile power plant on tin
Rpakana river nlna mllea- below Spo
kuiie, "U to be doubled to 10.000 horaa-
power. The. contract for 1110.000 worth
of iw machinery -has been 1st to tdo
Weatlnghouaa people. Tha plant fur
nlahea power for-tha Traction company
of city afreet cars and for the Inland
empire system - of 'suburban . electrlo
lines.' .. ' . '. . - ...
' 830' Dentists lnOTj;on.' v
(Stlrm Biirciu af Tb Journal.)
Salem, Or., Dec, 4.- According to the
annual report ; of the state dental ex
aminers made to the governor ' today
by Sotretary IL.H. Olinger of this city,
thera are about 860 practicing dentists
In Oregon. Bix' prosecutions are under
way for violations of the dental lawn,
mainly fpr "practicing without a tlcansa
from tha state board.. About 60 appli
cants were examined and admitted to
practice In this state during; tha year
Just closed.' . ; '
llnued until the evening of Decern- ' ,",7,T T " ZJ-Zr. V.
i mr,i if i. .. ii employed by the (orest service on the
Ji iliS' .i, national forests in Oregon and Wash-
,aKCJ'U,W-i' 7 -trength- JnrtJn for Bhort durlng th.
Portland Attorney Chosen.
(8Rleia Burets ef The 'jonraal.t
Salem, Or., Dec. 4. C. K. McCulloch,
. . J',prttonj attoauey.,wMi .yeatardax, as,
j pointed by Governor Benson a mem
, her of tha Oregon commission on uni
'form laws. This commission is ap
pointed to cooperate with the American
1 liar, association for : tha purpose, of securing-
uniform, laws as far as possible
1 throughout the United. States. ' . The
'other members of the commission, who
were appointed by Governor Chamber
lain are H. H. Emmons -and W.- S.
Powler. also of Portland.; '- -iy .m
itigs of - a': permanent aii ' substantial
nature have. been erected this year, or
are - now - under construction in Welser
than . have -been for a number of years.
' '.' tHolted PreafLeaaad Wire.)'
Hampstead. 1 I., Deo. 4. Tha dead
body of Mrs. Julia A. Wallace, wife of
a farm or at-Munson, parts of her cloth
ing missing and -that which remained
covered with ice, was found lying by
a roaasiae near cere today. Mrs, Wal
lace usually carried beneath her skirts
a bag containing about $400. This money
was missing and the police believe she
was murdered and then robbed.
The Ice on the body., the police aay,
indicates the woman was beaten , and
thrown half dead Juto a nearby pond.
The shock of the cold water, they be
lieve, revived her and she dragged her
self to the roadsidb where she died.
Mrs. Wallace left home last Blent
Her body was discovered when a search
rh,.M;T. y' " arm" na the remainder of the upper story will
ftbouiacr - . shows..., numerous - brulaea,jt ted 1 un Offices:' v"" '
wniia tne side of her head was laid
open , presumably by a blow from a
heavy implement. '
spring and summer months of this
year, and they have killed a total of 604
TITTSV- HmTiT)TTft ' coyotes. 21 oears, 8 wolves. Jl wildcats
m Biiu a i iisa a ijj ucott u v vavta a , tuoo
f ' O-EjAQIAi IxJl' tVrjlOXili animals Dy me government uumera sb
Dccn , a great saving not oniy 10 ine
Wl.f Tr. A fr. hnA. SlOCKmen, out 0 all IHO ranciiera BJ.u
farmers living within: and adjacent t
the national forests by protecting their
I poultry and domestic stock. . ',
. x Land -Sells for $90 per Acre.
(SpecUl Wipatch to Tbi Jwirnal.)
JDayton, Wash., Dec. , 4. Mrs. Laura
Matkins has sold 160 Acres of,: wheat
land near Covello to S. Bloomfield at
190 per acre.' This is one of the high
est values received hare for wheat land.
aim yo0 amis
rJafle: So v0irder
XJQR six days, beginning
ll tomorrow we will build
to yoiir measure, suits
worth $25.00 and $35.00, for
only$17i.50i "
The materials , . are 5 Cassimeres,
Cheviots, Tweeds and English and
Scotch effects, including newest de
signs in stripes and checks.
Every Suit will be cut, tailored and ,
finished with the same careful atten
tion given to our $50 and $60 gar
ments. We guarantee you a perfect
fit. : ' "" j ' r-y-y
Come here and get "style and
"quality" for less than half the price
other tailors would charge you.
Every bolt of cloth, we receive is
subjected to a special process by the
weavers to prevent its "shrinking,"
so that when it is made into garments
it will not "shrink' or "sag."
Order a suit from us now and get
one that will "fit and "stay style,"
for only 17.50 during this sale.
;No other. tailor in Portland, can
offer you such excellent fabrics;
The Herman Haas Hardware & Imple- BENJAMIN F. JONES
mem company a now uiova is unoor n'TT T T TT?m?TirPT
construction. This building Is situated . WILL lHi Uhbtil V Lili
oa a ' corner,': having a'- frontage of 60
feet on State and 90 feet on Main stroefc. rwwini nianatrh to Tha Journal.)
The structure 1 of brick, two stories Independence, Or., Dec 4.--Bonjarain
In helxht with a full basement and will Franklin Jones, member of the leglslat
cost completed in the neighborhood , of ure, mayor of Independence, chairman
ifiii nnn i or tho acriool hoard, rriena or tne normal
. The Sommer block is being remodeled schools, sponsor for the opening of the
and enlarged to double its former, else. Oregon City locks, conserver or tne uae
It now cavers a ground spaoe of 60x120. J land, and poasessed of other notches in
The lower floor and half of the second hla record, Is to be receiver of the Rose
will be occupied by a department store, burg land office, beginning December
is. Through tne . iavor or oenaioi
writtea ' UP for offices;' " v "" '"j Botmw'. and the' aiJgtileHcenc"-Df "Fresi
Johnston & Brent are erectlna- a brick dent Taft, Mr. Jones will assume the
bulldlnir on Commercial street. 40x80 reins of the office as soon as hla cer-
eet; In else for the fitudebaker Brothers tlflcate of appointment reaches him.
comDanv. Thev recentl v rrml.i . which will be on December 18, unless
brick bulldlna- nn CommerclRl atmAt some unforeseen delay comes.
80x80 feet that Is occupied by a black- n November 28 a government In-
smlth and wagon shop. The Welser Pector bearing the name of Clark and
Foundry &. Machine company will soon tne directions of the Washington au-
have its new. machine and blacksmith thorities , came to Independence and
shop . completed. This building is of delved into the tecord of Representa
tive uuuee. t uu.v iuuuu yicocu uii
greatly, so he said, and now comes the
news that Mr. Jones is to be given the
appointment. ' ' ' .
B. F. Jones has served three . terms
in the legislature as Joint representa
tive from Polk and Lincoln counties.
During all of that, time he was one
of the leaders in the fight for the -normal
schools of the state. He Intro
duced the bill providing for an appro
priation for tha purchase- of the Ore
gon City locks Jointly by , the govern
ment' and the state, and fought the
measure through to enactment. Ha
also,' at the last session of tlp legisla
ture, secured the' passage 6f a bill re
claiming title by the state of a large
area Of tldelands granted . by the. state
to the Corvallia & Eastern in 1S74.
. Mr. Jones has been mayor of Toledo
for two teTm?. He has 'been county
clerk of Uncoln county for three terms.
He has served three terms In the leg.
islature and is now mfcyor of Inde
pendence and chairman of the school
board, there.
brick,' 30x60 feet.
550 and 560 Suits Now
835 and 840
' ' "
Eacluslvt Portland Agents for
for men, women, misses and chil
dren; guaranteed to wer six month.,
Spcchl Holiday PacKagcs .
now in atock make a nice and ac
ceptable tift- . . .
MEN'S HOSE, box of CI K(
6 pairs, for ifXUM
LADIES' HOSE, box of CO flft
6 pain, for PUJJ
MISSES' HOSE, box of QO ff
6 paira, for VUU
HOSE, box of 6 pair.... D-WaUU
LUSTRE HOSE, ;box of CO fiCi "
6 painfor VtlaVU
Mail ordera promptly filled and de
ivered free everywhere. -'
- a.
Our prices will be found extremely reasonable -no higher' than the average den
tist, charges. ' In return; for moderate 'prices we give everything that is best in the
practice ;,of , liigh-class modeVn dentistry.'..! Perhaps we would , be justified in ask
ing higher prices,' but we prefer to liye and leHive, and we are satisfied so long as
patients are pleased. . '.; v-:jvi.v.': :' -'"' "UV:; v -' ' ; ' A 1; VV' t'.i'
Gold : Crowns (bicuspids) , ?4.00 ,; Best Red Rubber Plates, each U .$7&0
22k. Gold 'or Porcelain Crown . v. $3.50
22k. Bridge Teeth (guaranteed) ;
each . ; . ; : . : . .$3.50
Gold or Enamel 'FiUins?s.each'.'. -.91.00
Silver Fillings, each ; ; . . .50 Painless Extracting (with som- : :
Inlay Fillings of all kinds, each. .$2.50 : noform) t :'. . r. . . ; . . . . $1.00
Reliable Painless Dental Work Cannot Be Done for Less. Money '
Celluloid Plates, each . . . , . . .$10:00
Painless Extracting (local anaes- .i.dfA
: thetic) . . . .'. . ..50
I Modern Dentistry
At moderate p reav--You
can't get better 'dental work
done anywhere. "
Riwclal rjluuatcb to Tba Journal.)
i Ijewlston, Idaho, Dec 4. The big
concrete 'dam af the Craigr Mountain
Lumber company, whtcn is being bqllt
for the reservoir at Winchester will be
completed about January The 4am
when complected will cost about $25,000.
and will be one of the most Improved
and strongest dams that could possibly
be constructed. The dam is being built
of concrete and earth, the ; core being
entirely -of concrete, with a width of
six . feet on top and 21J feet long.
Around' the cement core will be a fill
of earth which 'Will be rip-rapped, as
suring permanent solidity.:
rr - - rr ti rrr-i
' JSiidDiPdii u giniidPiPS
Scvcnlh and Alder Sis., Opposite Lyric Theatre ;1
This Pate in History.
17S2 Martin . Van - Buren, eighth
president of the United States, born at
Klnderhook, N. T. Died at Llridenwold,
N. T.. July 24, 18C2.
1802 John Scott Horner, fifth terri
torial , governor, of Michigan. , born in
Warrenton, .Va. Died in Rlpon, Wla,
February , 18S3. ' . , . .
1804 The South -Carolina legislature
rejected by a single vote a bill prohib
iting the Importation of slaves, v
1845 Dedication of St Marys cathe
dral In Chicago. ' ? ... '.v.-;
V 18C0 Louis Kossuth,' the Hungarian
patriot, arrived in New Tone.
...188$ Steamship Humboldt wrecked
near Halifax. ' .
1874 Over 350 Uvea lost In tha burn
ing of tha Brooklyn' theatre. . ,
1891 Dom 'Pedro,' ex-empenor of Bra
sll. died. In Paris. Born In Rio Janeiro,
December' I, . tS2i. .
- 1882 Sir J. A. Chapleau appointed
lieutenant governor , of Quebec
, There are many kinds and forms of
,s Dental Bridge Work, each of which
has specialized merit. We produce in
single-piece castings any bridge of
gold pr gold and porcelain or gold and
platinum combined. We. also make
bridges of platinum, and porcelain, as
the case in hand mav reauire. We
manufacture backs for removable bridge facings, we color and shape artificial enamel for bridges, and we
contour and build teeth to conform to the- peculiar needs of any given ease. , , . j v f " ' - : .
" Bridge work, to be right in every detail and possess the quality of permanence, .must .be' exact, in its
mechanical construction, so,that the stress of mastication, when applied,, will ..fall equally. upon all the
anchor teeth or abutments. Failures in bridge work are due to unsanitary construction,. to actual "don't
care" carelessness or to honest ignorance. -. , . - -
Mailing Arll
ficial Teeth
" i '-
. Is. a .leading feature of :.
our business and we
believe it cannot be
surpassed in the point
of its completeness.
We operate our own
' laboratory, .'and- as
' making artificial teeth
is a specialty in dentis
try, we are in a posi
tion to make this offer'.
and guarantee satisfac
tion, - . '
Dr W A Wise gives the plate work his special attention and can guarantee ; the best possible re
sults There is a great difference in. plates, and unless they fit perfectly are a constant source of ...annoy
ance'' Jf you need a plate, we will extract useless teeth or decayed stumps witrrout causing you the slight
est pain, and supply a plate on the same day if necessary . Remember, you. cannot be too particular about
your plate; the best is a comfort the other, kind almost worse than nothing.
Our system of taking impressions of the mouth is original with us. .It does away with that nauseating
and disagreeableness produced by the old way. We exercise particular care in selecting the proper teeth for
Size and color and fit them first on a wax form, so that the patients can satisfy themselves that the teeth are
what they want and get a correct idea of how they will look when ready for use. . . ,. (
11 . f. . "if ', .j'.i ;',:?.. :i'.'':. (..'! r ..,,....... ......,'.,.
n.. i.a.nMlOiili ii Onran eoreoraticm. eavltallsad at 950,000. dotar boalnaaa strictly oa bnsl-
ataaa TrlneiiUa and aoaordlng to tow. WltH tats ftoaaolal reeponelblllty backing out guarantaa, wa nrnit.
do rood work, and an rnaraataa Is as good aa a bond. Tnis Incorporation aarorae yon Mat taa wis
TJili r.n ! MRiatiial lnatltatlon and that they will ba bare to do your work at aay Urn la tha
lust as today. We keep a strict reoord of all ear. work and by whom donav
ba referred to by aay on laterastad. at aay time, bow or 1 tho future. ..
aim la to make tha company parpatnaJ, and thoaa hTlng roaraatoo from U
on aim la to make tha eompaay parpati
tho assaxaaoo tbat It will bo uado good at any time.
Theeo raoords aai,
this eonoorn oaa have
ritimr nine TM.. n-oMnrrfn Port! an ft fli . iirnrF finrilfS !
I A1L1.IU iii,ht.. auuu ami iijuia(iu ----- ''" mva
ivnan, i to i
. Sir Henry V. Lacy'a Klrthday. ,
Btr Henry "W. Iury. . the famous
writer for the Kngllsh. comic weekly.!
Punch, was bom at Crosdbr. Enrland.!
December 6, 1S4S. Jl started In life as!
a merchant's apprentice, but at It be- I
came a reportr, and after stud ring
languagea and literature In Pari, found
a place In London In ItTO. Ui in.
rirat tn tho Pall Hall Gaavtte, but In j
171 he became tha chl.f parltarrvrnUry
rrur for tha Dally News, a placa ba !
has kntd eVer since, except In 184-7, J
when jTor a year tt n editor of that '
newspaper. Hi took It over to the sup
port of Gladstone's home, rale policy,
and many readers were loet. with tha j
rsaajt, that ha went back forme- j
work. Besides treating- "Toby. M. P i
E!r Henry baa written many books oa
trlUxnent an Intimate ctudy of Mr.,
G'artator. ami sok onvela. Ia the
-eira of hla etten're travels ba tm
tfewf4 oriraa on to llt fio t h Afria.i:
fKe Mat Ideal ' CoM Storage lee. Co.
Is now complete and ready for business, and we wish to announce to the com
mission, merchants of the city and dealers in the country that we are prepared to
take, care of all kinds of cold storage products. Our plant is on the line of the
O, R. & N. Co., S. P: R. R. Co. and P. R., L. & P. Co. AH goods can be consigned
direct to the building, saving cartage and many other expenses Write or phone
for information. . Address .- -
BJafidnal Cold Storage and Ice Go.
Fhones East 277, B-2742.. 309 EAST WASHINGTON STREET
( 2a. u.(r,l'. a Wat todies aej 1 w
ta Lb.ieC ttata