THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DLCLMULR 5. K J. FAVORS RECLAMATION BY PRIVATE PARTIES HRISTMAS is cither a pleasure or a vexation. It all depends on whether it gets on top of you, or you pet on top of it. As Jlesult Of Wcstoni Tour Senate Committee on Irri gation Is of Opinion that Government Should Withdraw From 3Tost Jleclamation Work. Half the Christmas troubles come from indecision, and the object of this announcement ia to help your dccUion by telling J you what Christmas things, we have and what they cost. With-your mind made up. the rest is easy.' The question aa to what to give can be settled to your entire satisfaction by a visit to this More "The Ideal Gift Store." Scan this list of suggestions, then come and see our superb display. For your own pleasure satisfaction economy come. And early. Pul.ll.l,f' Pre Utm4 Wtra.)' JUy imlpU W. Whiteside. Washington, le. Wends of lrr. gation audi reclamation are worried over report that a fight is to be mada In iinsri ttiia whiter to reverse the pre. .nt policy in rvjard to these Important matters. - . ! Senator Borah of Idaho confirmed la a neral way tha ImprwxHlon which haa tcn giving worry to the reclamation torvlce, by tomi observations ntuivereo mi the White Iiouaa today. Ths sonata - committee on IrrfgaUna took a trip through the waat during the summer, visiting the varloua projneta. ilrtnlrs of the party save out emptier 1 ally the impression that they favored a irradual withdrawal of the government from a dominaUug partlelpaUon In theae eotivltiea, and a return to the plan fit letting private enterprise do roost, of the reclamation work hereafter. Senator Borah thla morning aald he understood that to be about tho view of the committee. It ' regarded, h fciild, aa preferable for the governmen lo handle only thoaa proJecU In which It might bo difficult to enllat private capital, and to allow private enterprise to handle those it was vHtlni to take uin on l busineaa basla. . In Its simplest terms, the friends f reclamation are saying, this means tlit the government will handle only tii. dubious projects of which tha out come Is more or less doubtful, while jrivate enterprise will be permitted to take up those In which profits are easy nd apparent. It 4a pointed out that tiicre is still a vast field for these ac tivities, and that tha demand for Irri tated lands, aa the number of people Increases who know how to farm them. is growing all the time. Boosting- Baa Diego Talr. J. W. Sefton Jr., of San Diego, Cal ls in the city in the Interests of the 1'anama-Callfornla Exposition company. The city of Ban Diego ia planning a big exposition for 1915, when. It la expected, tlio canal will ba completed. Mr. Sef ton speaks In glowing terms of the pos sibilities of the- exposition, i . "P. C. Peterson, of North Bend, Wash, is the government hunter of the state of Washington, and he killed last year more than , 300 .wildcats, go bear, , 1J cougars, and four lynxes,"' aald F. Q. Lynch, of Seattle, who was In this city recently. . " . ' v. . - "There are some persons who assert 1 hat. - there ..lav sot-.much big., game -4a AVashlngton. but Peterson says the rea Km such statements are made is not because of tha scarcity of tae 'animals, but because of the difficulty of finding them in the heavy timber. "Peterson has hunted all . over the. United States," conttnaed Mr. Lyixfi, who claims to bo somawhat of hunvr himself, "and he declares t!U the a port ha had In the Cascade mountains rivals any other part of tha country, , "Hunting, lth Peterson, has been a passion slnoei childhood. What to tha average hunter la thrilling 1s to him eommonplaoa. Ask hi in If ha haa had many narrow oscnpea, and ha will say no, and then go on and tell soma hair raising story that to him la simply a great Joke." ; , Afi fustic pus. Tha funeral of George Hobblnson Murphy, .for a number of years justice of the pence at Westemport, Md. took place thtire recently. Grandchildren act-' d as pall bearers, Mr. Murphy was (8 years of age. . lie- witnessed tha unveiling of the Washington monument In Baltimore, the firm shaft to be erected to Washing toa In thla country. Ho marched with his father. Captain John Murphy, in the funeral proceaalon of Charles Car roll, of Carrollton. the last of the sign ers of the Declaration of Independence to die. - Frank Carpenter, prlvata aecretary to tlta president, lias developed Into a great horseback rider, lie takes his ride every afternoon through the coun try outaldo of the city. His mount is big black horse, and Carpenter be strides him as if he were glued to him. Oleomargarine Bow.. The old fight between the oleomar garine and the butter Interests la to be waged jsgaln in congress this year. v Within tha last few days President Taft haa received a number of com munications from varloua men on both sides of the controversy, and moat of them request him to take up tha mat ter In his annual 'message. It la claimed that tha Armours In Chicago have centered the butter mar ket, with the Intention of running up the price to 60 cents a pound or more this winter, to servo aa an object leason against tha wisdom of congress In pass ing ins oleomargarine law. The Important work of constructor loruncauons ror mo entrances of v the Panama canal will be given careful consideration by a Joint army and navy board during the coming- whiter. . Thla board, the, personnel of which has been partly completed, will visit the Isthmus and go -over- -the -ontS-r" ground "Iti" a thorough and systematic manner, mak ing the investigation of conditions there most complete, eo that congreaa may bo prepared to act intelligently aa soon aa it rs aeoidea that the work of fortify ing snail oegin. ATLANTIC SEA FLOOR : TO BE INVESTIGATED By Eric Grundmark. Publisher' Pi-mw Ied Wire.) ' Copenhagen. Dec. 4. The Norwegian povernment has placed the- steamer Michael Sara, at' the disposal of an ex pedition which will devote four months of the exploration of the deepest part of the Atlantio sea floor. The expedition was suggested by Sir John Murray, tha well known English expert1 and was readily accepted by the .Norwegian government. The Michael Sara will leave Plymouth ebout April t. A series of sections will he made from the coast of Europe over the Continental slope into deep water as far south as. Gibraltar, and even off the coast of Africa as far south as Slogador. ? Observing stations will then he made as far as Maderla and the Azores.- Should good weather be , en countered, ' she may-; then proceed ; to Newfoundland, Iceland, the Farces, . and Scotland. Should, however, the weather not permit this extended cruise the phip wUl return again along the-coasts of Kurope to tho Faroe islands. ! Sir John Murray, Dr. John Hjort, Professor Gran, Dr. ' Hoi land-Han sen ana Mr. Koeroea wh take part in the expedition. Captain Tversen has been in command of the ahlp for the. past xeven years, and the crew are exper ienced In deep sea-work. Tho North Atlantio has been the ob ject of numerous investigations during tha past 60 or 60 years? Its physical, chemical, and biological condiUons were specially examined by the great rChal leng-er expedition over 80 years ago, and similar, though 'lesst"ttehsivo explora tions have been undertaken by Ameri ca rt, German, French and Danish ex jediUons as well aa by tho Prince of .Monaco. , - ; 1 - 1 , 1 1 ' ; ., Tho purpose of tha ! forth-coming rruie of tho Michael Bars Is to try in tho great ocean the new methods and Instruments which have been de veloped within the past few years, es-l-ecially during the international fishery explorations. . It Is believed that the (treat fishery - nets and trawls ' whicljj re now used ror economic purposes in shallower waters can be used with mcces in great depths,' down even to three and a half miles. On one occesion Hie Challenger from a depth of nearly lo miles with a 19 foot trawl, brought up 27 fish, belonging to seven species, but recently the Michael Sara, by means if a trawl with 80 foot head rope. brought up from a depth -of over half a mfle 22S fish, 1 00 - which belonged to new species. - If these larger catching appliances can be used with success in t i e greatest depths of the Atlantic, some important and interesting boo logical re auns may be obtained. i .-j eciaj interest will ba attached to Knervatlons with 3cman'a new current r efer. This has ta used wiyi auc- ' s hy the Michael Sara down to depths I'jO fathoma An attempt will ba ;e by means of this eurrer.t meter . rnr aurt the rate of currents over r a'.'.c ahoala. - , A '. l la reedlneas for the data to ? fi.rniAhd by rr. Frederlfk A. Cook, ' 'rT,ii.c hia Pnlu trip. One of tho ! of tne Cnirernty of Cvpeo ' la rili of the forthcoming . ration aa.d-tu rne; -'it'hiie the " t si.itn in Inmark la favorafela I" ivt'i r'iira that reacted - S Mh I i. It mut ilot tfMjM - a nmri t'-:t ttii he if wnl io- - - n tie lui tt.t C.nro'!rhneis I InfW f tifn. K'rerr bet-r- r J everr na-'-rrrt be aub- - " rli vmiij sni erery - t - i-e- .n tsvm as r!rig as I j irfc'u v b sc!TFCa can coast of Norway, Is appealing for sub scriptions for tho purchase of tho house of Grimstad in which Ibsen lived from 1844 to 1860. Ibsen went to Grimstad as assistant to a chemist named Rei mann and lodged In his house, which Is a small wooden building, two stories high. It was daring his stay at Grim stad that Ibsen wrote his , first play, Catilina. : .- I underatand tho Swedish government is about to undertake an Investigation of the causes of tho largo immigration to America with a view to applying remedies. which will prevent tho deple- "f mm"m" '-! 111 ' - 'Jor (5ran6motl)er A Sentiment calendar, piced up from . . . . . . , ,25c Combination RIotter, senti ment and Calendar, priced - up from .... . , , .v. ,23c r JIandbafi, priced up from $.V. -Chronicles of Oidfilds.$1.56 The Story Life of Lincoln. . ...,..1.75 A Globe-Wernicke Combination Desk and Bookcase $31M Household Cooking RecipeBook, some : thing . new i ..$1.50 'Guest Books, priced up from .... ..$1.00 -The -Suitable -Child ; ;tV; : i 60c Christmasse Tyde" ', .. .'. . ... . . .$1.25 The Spinner's Book of Fiction . . , ,$2.00 ' Tor salljzv or 3fu5ban6 A Roll Top Desk and Chair, priced up from....... ,.$:J0.Q0 Diaries, Loose-Leaf, Memos and Wal . lets, priced up from ,M;2.'c Office Sentiment Calendars ......30c .The .jyorcigner.: . .U..- W,.$1.18 Set of Lincoln, 10 volumes .....$5.00 Webster's New International Diction ary $12.00 TorJanifatl)cr AMemorandum Book, prie'd tip from ............. ,50c A Framed Motto, priced up from ...... .... ...... . ,25c A Fountain' Pen, priced tip from ..............$1.00 .Washington Irving, priced up from $1.00 A Volunteer with 1W.$1.18 A box of Correspondence ' Paper priced up from. .25c , A Globe-VVernicke Sectional - Bookcase- '. . . . . ,$G.90 A Waterman's - Pen,- priced , up from -. i . . . . .$2.50 Postcard Albums,' priced -up t from ..'V... . 25c-; : Desk Portfolio, priced up ' ; from . , . . , . . $1.50 ; ,.'A pretty Qlendar, priced up . from . i... .V. $1.00 The Violet Book $1.50 Her Heart's Desire. . . ;$2.00 r3rov ,3rr&b 3Vt (Toltese i y, '. . t ,-;rr r . - Engraved Calling Cards, priced up from $3.00 A Laundry List ...,130c A Globe-Wernicke Book Rack for Handy . Reference, priced up from .$0.35 ,-A Loose Leaf Memo Book . ,65c to $1.75 A Box of Monogram Stationery. ,'.$5.25 Evolution, a Fantasy' -.5.$1.00 In Lighter Vein ... . : . ............ 75c ' Legends of the Alhambra ......... $2.50 v Fisher's American Girl . . ; , . . . . . . , .$3.00 Webster's New International Dictionary. . . . .;. . ... ....... .... .$12.00 " Tor 'ZJantZ&t (Tollege A' Waterman's Ideal : Fountain Pen, ' priced up from ...$2.50. A Desk Set ................,..$6.00 Private Monogramnied Playing Cards, . priced up ftom 25c The Poetry of Nature ........ .$2.50 The White Bees , . . . ; $1.25 ' Little Sister Snow . . .. ; ; .$1.00 When oy . Begins, by Laughlin . . 50c Old Rose and Silver $1.50 , Masterpfeces in Color . . . T , . . . . . . 75c Girls of Today . ... . . . . ..... .$3.00 A Guide to Modern Opera .$1.60 Tor "I3!)& ' Wait A Globe-Wernicke Card. In-., dex, priced up from .'.60c An Inkstand ...25c to $6.00 Monogram Playing Cards, ; priced up from .......,50c The Foreigner . . . . . ;v$1.18 sThe Pleasure of Reading the 'Bible ....-,.,.:. ......50c . The Religion of the . Future .........50c : Taines History of English Literature, 4 volumes $6.00 f Tror '5l)t aby The; Night x Before . Christ- mas '. . . .".TV; .-. .". . .60c Mother Goose" Jingles, ,60c Baby's Friends ....... ,50c Big Animals .......... ,35c The Book of Trains ...,25c Domestic Animals ..'...50c Lettie Lane's Doll Houses. v:. ;$i.oo ;l)atrotl)croul6li:the' Engraved Calling Cards, priced up from ...... .y ....... v: .... . .$2.00 v A pretty'Calendar, priced up from I 10c A Calling Card Case . . . . . . . . , ... .$1.00 Jake; or. Sam '. . , .r. .50c A Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. $2.50 Good Stories V. . - . . . .....50c The Smile on the Face of the Tiger. 50c Fiagg's city People $3.50 ' 'So.&ve Ulster Ladies' Handbags, priced up from $3.00 Private Mailing Cards, up from. .-.."25c From My. Youth Up .V... :$1.50 The Lilac Girl . . ;.. ..,.$2.po, A'; Waterman's Fountain 'Pen, priced . up from 4 .$2.50 Arts and Crafts Desk Set.'. . . , . , .$5.00 A Set of "500," priced up from ; ,$1.50 A" Qobe-Wernicke' Bookcase"."."; ,"$6.9p" xThe Black Puppy-Book 75c ; The Chatterbox . . . ; . ...00c ' Varna Yama Land . . .$1.50 i Little Folks., V; $1.40 Best Nursery Stories and Rhymes ;;.....:..: .$1.00 Stories That Xever ; Grow , .; Old ,7.;. n rr:: .;:$i.oo - A Folding Card Table. $3.50 An Address Book, priced up from i...60c Hand-Painted Calling Lists 75c Voices of the City $1.00 ' Sovereign Women Versus Mere Man ..$L00 The Perfect Tribute . .$1.00 Co. At the Corner of , Third and Alder At th Corner of Third and Alder I5t)e 3Ual (Btft Store BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS between yftttt . A Game Set .' .' .' .$2.00 A Toast Motto, up from 25c The-Master of the Inn.. 50c. Bachelor's Christmas . . . 75c Friendship, ' Paul Elder. 50c Yucatan,": the - American Egypt '....',...$3.80 An Office Chair, priced up 1 . tlon of tho country of. Its very best blood. Tho reoent labor disturbances have. It is said, resulted . In a heavy Increaae in tho exodus of Swedes to tho United States. 1 In tho death of, Mnio. T, H. Krooyor at Skagen, Denmark loses ono of her best painters, Mme. Kroeyer'S work with tha brush has a conUnental reputaUon. An After Dinner Cigar. The El Sldelo "Marvel" Is a, suitable finish for a good meal. Five inches of dear Havana wlU make you feel at peace with tho world and glad you are alive. For sale every whero for 16 cents. ' Journal -want ads bring results. BcBcoTiLirn Mcow to Christmas shoppers can get good ideas of high-class gifts by looking over our stock, which we are pleased to show., i he values run just right tor nice remembrances, without being too expensive. Natural and Black Ebony HAIR, BRUSHES , ' . MILITARY BRUSHES CLOTH BRUSHES - HAT BRUSHES . MIRRORS Trench Ivory Tiberoid that can be engraved with monograms and filled with colored enamel ' . ; : HAIRBRUSHES v BONNET AND HAT BRUSHES - - MILITARY BRUSHES CLOTH BRUSHES -. MIRRORS BUFFERS TRAYS. ETC. Atomizers . The new style tha is abso lutely guaranteed. ; - Perfume - Atomizers, plain. Perfume . Atomizers, . deeo '"rat'd. ''..:' . Perfume Atomizers, cut g'". . - Perfume Atomizers, with netted bulbs. TOILET CASLS K nnct -otnIt nrV nf fpnaine Ebonv. Fiberloid. Natural Woods. Silver and Gold Plate, White Com position, etc. ' COMB AND BRUSH SETS BRUSH AND MANICURE COMBINATION. . MANICURE SETS ; SEWING SETS SHAVING SETS, ETC PiLFH CRYSLER, PROPRIETOR. PE,RFUME,S : AH the high grade, popular odors, imported and domestic - . ',,.. . .-. , ROGER & GALLET Vlolette; Etc. J PIVER'S La Trefle, Etc. . , ' - KIERKOFF D'Jerkisa, Etc. CROWN CO. Crab Apple. - RICKSECKER'S Golf Queen, Etc COLGATE'S Da ctylia, Etc, f " .. IMPERIAL CROWN CO-Soul Kiss, Etc. , LIGHTNER'S Red Rose. PALMER'S Garland of Violets, Etc , SPIEHLERS Lily of the Valley. V And. an extensive line of Package Perfumes, Toilet ! Waters, cachets, Soaps ,and loilet Powders. 1 . " . . ' ' ' -J " ' ... . T .-. . -' RAZORS and KNIVES' All popular makes and guaranteed- " . i . GILLETTE Safety Razors,; combination sets. EVER READY Safety Razors, $1.00. GEM Safety Razors, all prices. ' ' GEM JR. Safety Razors, $1.00. T POCKET KNIVES, Case manufacturing; guaran-1 - 'Jteed. .. . v ' ' : SCISSORS AND SHEARS. , . LeatherCoods High quality, of the latest - styles. t - Handbags, with frarne.1 Handbags, shur top. -Coin Purses, all style. Bill Books. Cigat Case. , Music Rolls. Triplicate Mirrors All heavy pUte glass. Natural oak, maple, etc. F-bony and mahogany iinih. Weareve r Gut Frames. ' . - Shaving Stands, etc. , 7-,;-;r" J;; 11 Km f . 1 1 J BOS. Tho work -of Mr. Bos was a Joy. It stood out as a distinct feature of tho . program, and each succeeding num ber gave tho pianiat further oppor tunities of artistic work. Tha bril liant accompaniment to Schubert's 'Elfersucht nnd Stols. completely , overshadowed tho theme, and Mr. Bos was given' h la-own a hare of the applauao for his fins work In-this number. His charming reading of ' the accompaniment to "Die Tatibon rost" and of tha playful score of "Dla rorelle" wero nnt tho least import ant featnrea of these numbers. New Tork Times, February 16, lo. . . . -America's Oldest : ; ' and V Foremost Piano -Will be used at the concert of . Ludwig Wullner, the great German song interpre ter, and Coenraad Bos, pian- Mst, Masonic . Temple, West Park and Yamhill. Wednes day evening, .Dec,; 15, direc- ; tion Lois Sheers and Wynn -Coman. Seat sale opens at Eilers Piano House, Satur day, December 11, 10 a. m. .3 i ! tib'aiMaoaaMtaVaaaiaJ It was evident last night at Carne gie haU that even bUxsarda have no effects tipnn the also of an audi ence if the attraction la sufficiently strong. The immense auditorium was filled to the capacity to hear Dr. Wullner In fits fourtflpnth ap pearance in this city, and at the clone er the program the demonstration proved that he has enlarged his cir cle or admirers until he haa gainwl a atandinar quite aa remarkable aa it n unuaual. It haa been said of Dr. -.Wullner,. as frequently of Pariereweki, that ha hypnotizes - hi audlficpa. " Nw,Tork Eveoing Mall, March 6. 1. .".Musicians of the prominence of Ludwig Wullner and Mr. Bos appreciate the' supreme qualities and recognize the fact in selecting: the dickering Piano fhat they have chosen the best possible medium with which they may display thefr art. - There is a mellowness and sweet ness about the Chickering tone which suggests the violin quality of tone has never be?n sacri ficed for quantity of tone, and there is always that pure and true musical timbre associated with the Chickering Piano which at once captivates all listeners. The Chickering Piano represents more closely the human voice than any other instrument, ' - Chickering supremacy was not gained and is not maintained by purchased influence. . Chickering tone, peculiarly its own, has never beenN equaled or approached, though hun dreds of attempts at imitating it are on record. '. " Chickering Pianos are sold in the west exclusively bv "Tl - more-jy ras '.Go, THE HOUSE OF HIGHEST QUALITY piojvoT-o.!iaiL';tr BIGGEST, BUSIEST AND BEST 149 and 151 Third Street 253 WASHINGTON STREET AT PARK WMMet