The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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Artistic Picture Framinflto Ypur Order at Low Prices Traveling Dags and Suit Cases, 4th Floor Portland Agents DuttcricK Patterns
llSto'ppiag-:: Pays- Usee : -Comes?. CiMsgp
The' Mefer (h Wmli Store-Can" Serve 0EGssi3;
i ; . , . , ,1 i , i i i i . i i . m i .i.i iii .. , .. -., ... i , . . .
Only 17 chopping day Before Christmas Do you realise how rapidly the time ia flying? Buying npw can tie done with a degree of comfort and satisfaction not
possible the last few day Purchasing now means choosing from complete a toe ka, more attention from salespeople, quick service, prompt delivery, etcEvery
Every preparation has been made for caring for the greatest volume of holiday business ever done in the history of the Meier & Frank Store Nearly two thou
sand employes, thirty delivery-, wagons, seven elevatora to carry you to the upper floors, extra cashiers and wrapperaJn every section There is no necessity for
leaving the store Huring the day All your holiday shopping can be done under one roof Restaurant on the seventh floor Rest and retiring looms, second floor
H i - . '
. ,'!
MA'li1 few
:1 iram a.
-III? l :
. I . . :. ; ;. ,-.-. y-j : vv 1 " ' VL,
"Apple Show"
Ahd Meetings of
State Horticultural
" , f , . .
Tuesday and Wednesday, December
v , 7th and 8th, on the fith floor, takes
place the Annual "Apple Show" and
. '' Convention of the State Horticultural
. v Society. A tine exnipit oi uregon ap
ples, both days,' from 8 a. m. to 6 p.
m. No charge for admittance; every-
1 ody cordially invited. Remember the
J jays, i ucsujf uu n cuuciua;, .
. cember 7th and 8th. On fifth floor.
Special lot of" 500 Dump Wheelbarrows, AQg?
best 70c Values, 'oh' sale at, special, each TtSCj
father Tuck s Panoramas; 50c values, each..38)
500 children's Red Chairs, good model,1 OQ
well.made and finished; best 40c values, at
500 children's Red Rockers, good ' model;, 9Q
the best 50c values, at this low price, each'OiC
Three great special lots boys Tool Chests com
plete in every, way. ' Great values,' at these prices:
Regular 35c Tool Chests; on ask at, each. .23
Regular , 50c Tool Chests, on alt at, each.. 39
Regular $1.00 Tool Chests, on aala at. each . . 79
All Toys and Holiday Goods purchased now will
be carefully packed and stored, same to : be deliv
ered any time you say. , Buy Christmas Toys now.
98 c
French TenTins, In baskets,' best reg- Qi OQ
ulaf $2.00 vilues, on sale at, the .sctPi-0
Old Hickory Toy Furniture' Sets, best reg
uiar $175 values," on 'sale at,' special, 5set
25c ; Cloth Doll Patterns, on sale at, special. .19
Great special sale . of Kid "Dolls,' hip 'and' .knee-
jomted, well made; great values, at tnese prices:
14-inch, regular '60c values, on sala at, each, 484
17-inch regular , 85c values, on Sale at, each, 704
18-inch, regular $1.00 values, on sala at, each, 8&4
20-lnch, regular $15 values, on sale at, each, 08t
Special lot Of Father Tuck's Mechanical
Animals, best regular 1 50c values, at, each OVLt
Rubber Bubbles,' regular; 25c : values, at,' ea
rirste and .Traveler, regular $1.00 values,' at .79
Laces, Embroidery
Round Mesh VaL, Mechlin and Mal
tese Lace, and Insertion, .'A to 2 inches
wide, for trimmiiiff 'of holiday articles;
vaJue$., $2.50;' per dozen QQ
yards, on sale at,.; tlie ; dozen OiC
Swiss Corset Coyer Embroidery,' floral
designs, values up - to. $1,75 (Qn ,
the yard, on sale .at, the yard UUC
27rin. Embroidery Waisting, design
In filet, blindwork and imitatton baby
Jrish; values up 'tp.' $2.50 QQ
yard, on sale at,; special,: yard vOt
27-Inch Swiss Embroidery ;F,lounciiig, :
eyelet designs," fpr lingerie, gowns and
petticoats; values-to $3.00 yard.. 98
Semi-made Corset Covering,,.in dimity
and lawn, eyelft, designs; !val
ues pp ; to $J.50, th ; yard,
l7illameUe,, Sewing Machines $2 Down gl Weekly Glove and Merchandise Bonds jforAny AmouhtWatch Repairing at Low Prices
Couch CdVer
$20 Values S9.85
09.00 Vals. 04.95
07.50 Vals. 03.95
100' fine: imported " Tapestry ' Couch
Covers, exact copies of Oriental Rugs,
tA?'-i' .- fV" - -..-i.-.
. beautitul colorings; greens, reas, Diues
and tans; best values up to JQ OfT
$20.00 each, on sale now,' at Vyi
Beautiful Tanestrv and Veldur Couch
Covers, in Oriental designs, plain cen
ter; effects with tapestry borders; also
art nouveau designs; plain or tnnged;
$9.00 vahies, on sale at, each..?'.95
500 heavy double-faced Couch Covers,
Oriental designs, m blue, green, terra
cotta and red, art nouveau.. and two-
tone effects; 3 yards long and 60 iris.
wide; the best regular Cl nr
values, on sale now, each ipOUO
$3,115 Pr.
Great special holiday sale of women's
standard $4.00 footwear- at $3.15 a
pair. All new models in gunnietal
calf button style'; glazed kid, in but
ton and blucher lace styles, and pat
ent colt with London smoke, green
and blue ooze calf tops, button btyle;
all .sizes and widths; regu- fiJO "J C
lar $4 values, on sale, pairvOJ-tl
Complete showing of Christmas Slip
pers for women, men and children, all
styles, all sizes, all prices.' See' them.
Shoe: Department, on the third floor.
W. 6 m en
$! 2'5-tb:$ 7.30 Vals. V4 Off
Great holiday sale)f women's highjgrade fancy Undervests;" low neck,
no-sleeve styles; hand-crocheted yokes and lace-trimmed novelties, in
lisles, silk and lisles and all-silk; white, cream, pink, light blue; also
Italian Silk Undervests; vahies ranging from $1.25 l0A iff
$70 a garment, on sale at one-fourth off regular prices, VII
Great special values in popular-priced lines of women's and children's
Winter Underwear. '; Splendid bargains. - Don't fail to take advantage.
Xmas SaleSilli Petticoats
This' week our great annual Christmas sale
of women's fine Silk , Petticoats, made of
superior quality silk with deep double
flounce and pleated ruffle, rows of y2 and
1-inch tucks. 1-inch tailored bands or dou
ble flounce with pin tucks and two rows of
niching Complete assortment of the new-
est shades and blackEntire stock at de
Great Valines
In New, Fancy
Holiday Goods
cided reductions from regular selling prices.
Regular $ 8.00 values, at. .fS.9S
Regular $ 9.50 values, at. .a?T.45
Regular $10.00 values. at..aT.95
Regular $11.00 values, at. .a?8.Tg
Regular $12.00 values, at.. a9.50
Regular, $12.50 values, at. ,f 9.95
Regular $14.00 values, at. 11.25
Regular $16.00 values, at. .fl2.85
Great special values in medium
nriced Silk Petticoats, extra good
silks; black , and all the leading
shades; splendid bargains.on sale
at these prices $4.95. $5.45, f 6.95
Xmas Sale of Messaline Silks
Great special saleW Messaline Silks, in black, white and all the leading
shades. Don't fail to see them, On Sale at the following low prices;
$1.00 values, on sale at, yard, 79 $U5 values, on sale at, yaro, f
1500 yards of Plaid Silks in the best designs, colorings and com- QQ
binations; great'special value, on sa)e;at ; this low price, yard fY
Five great'lots of fancy Silks in all styles and grades; great values:
69 VARD, T94 YARD, 89 YARD, ajl.09 YARD, 1.2T YARD
3-piece Brush, Comb and Mirror Set
in silver; handsome design; $10.00
value, on sale at, special, set.. f 4.98
German Silver Mesh Mags,' $7.50 val
ues, on sale at, special, each.. f 4. 98
$3.50 Silver Jewel Boxes,' all silk-lined
great value, on sale at, ea..l98
G e..r m a.n...J5JJ ye r... Match- fQ.
Boxes, -best $1.00 values, each XrpK
50c Silver Pin Cushions, each... 33
Fine Opera Glasses, of Oriental Pearl,
$10.00 values, on sale for.. ,.f4.00
German Silver; Cigarette Cases, best
$4.00 values, on sale at, each..fSK98
Regular 50c Hat Pins, for, each, 23
$2.50 Gold Cuff Links, special, f 1.89
Regular $2.50 silver-mount- fTQ
ed Fountain Pens, at, each pLOV
$2.00 genuine" Briar Pipes at. , 1.19
Plain and carved Hair Bar- OD
rettes; regular 50c values, atOOl
$3 Back Combs,' on sale for,. 81.49
Great variety of Belt Pins QQ
and Brooches; Test $2.50 vals. IO U
$1.50 Gold Beauty Pins at, each.. 98
$1.50 Smoking Sets, for, the set.. 98
Leatherette and . Celluloid Handker
chief Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes,
etc.; best $1.50 values, at, each. .98
Ebonoid Toilet Sets, Brush, Comb and
Mirror, silver-mounted; best $3.50 val
ues, on sale at, special, set.
Regular 75c ,Post Card Albums; .43
75c Christmas Stationery for... 49
$2.00 Handbags . on sale for. .81.19
85c Ebonoid Hat Brushes, each.. 59
75c Perfumes, 1 on sale' for; oz,. .49
Great Christmas Values in all lines of
fancy. Jewelry. On the main floor..
Sale 200 Beautiful FufSets
At Low Price of $10.45 Ea.
Special lot of women's Fur Sets in Isabella OfiOsum,' made up in
broad flat stole. effect,. finished inf front with tails; plain-CJ1 A Aff
pillow muff; great values at this, very low price, the scrJAlt:tl
Special lot of Sable Coney Sets, made with large collar,- larg&head in
back; two small heads. in front and tails; large rug muff J" A vfC
to match the scarf: exceptional valueon sale at.' the set tvLXJtrkO
All lines of Furs sold here at the lowest prices you should see them."1
MmiMaF Xiias Sale
Lot 1 Karate Rugs, beautiful
silky antiques, in handsome
designs and subdued color
ings; size 4 .by ..7.-feet; regu
lar $45.00 values, flJOQ cn
on sale at, each 0J
. Lot 2 Daghestan ; Rugs, 0C
of them,' fine specimens; sizes
about 3 feet 6 by 5 feet 6 ins.;
$25 to $35 values, at $13.68
Lot 3 Beloochistans, ,all
deep, rich' colorings; every
one an antique; beautiful de
signs, rich? colorings; "$35.00
to $45.00 values, at. . 820.25
Lot' 4 Mixed lot of; Iran,
Sareband and Kurdistan
Rugs, all choice pieces, rang
ing in size from 4 feet 6 ins.
to 6 feet '6 inches; regular
$65.00 to $85.00 fiK
values, special at PvVFtf
Lot ' 5 -A beautiful lot , oi
rare Rugs -Saruks, ' Kerman
shahs, Sarebands, etc., every
one a gem; good sizes, mag
nificent designs and color
ings; the " best regular $125
to : $145 values, C QQ KA
Great special values in room-size Oriental Rugs. Let ti show yoif.
Great special values in Navajo Rugs. Take advantage. On 3d. floor.
A .i. TVntxf r -rt and Fancy Work of all kinds in the Enlarged
"ri lvpi Art Department, third floor. Pretty and. useful
TtifDn vftifiir articles for Christmas gifts. 4 Stamping dbne to
triIKU JiAIUIV.- your ordef at lowest prices. On the third floor
Portland agents, for Carlson-Curner bilks., , You 'should 'see ; them.
a"l -fv-f v '". " i SSlL- J v I
Xmas Sale Cloves
20.000 pairs of women's ' English Cape
Walking Gloves, spear-point arid P. X.
M. stitching, Dent-style, y all sizes, all
lengths; tans, grays,' white; and black;
Regular $1.25 Gloves,' at, pair:'.. 95
Regular $1.50 Gloves, at. pair. ,81.19
Regular $1.75 Gloves, at, pair. . 81.33
.Regular $2.00 Gloves, at. pair. . 81.63
Regular $2.75 Gloves, at, pair. 8198
Regular $3.50 Gloves, at, pair. .82.57
$ ! .50 Ribbons 63c
20,000 yards of Jiigh-grade faocy" Rib
bons, 5 to 9 inches wide; warp prints,
jacquards, stripes; all styles and col
ors, for holiday fancy work? the best
regular $1.00 . to - $1.50 .'values, CO A
on sale '.at, -'special, the yard UtJU
3000 dozen women's Handkerchiefs,
in all lines, hand-embroid'd, Madeira,
initialed and colored novelties; aiv im
mense assortment; regular 35c OCJf
to 45c values, on sale at, each fcftJV:
Sale Neckvear
Thousands of new: and pretty-Jabots,
Rabat9, Collars, etc.r grand -variety
for your selection; best regu- A H n
laf 75c values, on sale at, each a: I s
Great special line of women.'s Neck
wear samples; this season's most at
tractive pieces; $1.2S.,to $2.50 values,
at this special low price, each. .87
1a Off on a11 Ir,sh ' c r c h e 4
Neckwear selling1: regtK
larjy at $2.00 or over for the. piece.
Great sale of Feather, Boas, in ostrich,
marabou and coque, 18 to .: 72-inch;
white, black and colors; great values:
$ 5.00 to $ 6.50 Boas, at, each. 82.98
$ 7.50 to $12.00 Boas, at, each,
$12.50 to $18.00 Boas, at, each, 87.98 '
Kiser's Magnificent Views of Oregon and the Northwest Ma Bath Robes,3d Fl.
Great Christmas Sale oi
French Undermuslins
Women's French hand-embroidered Chemise,' "made with
double scalloped sedges; some lace-trimmed; ?0 CQ
beautiful styles and materials; $5 and $6 vals.. at
' . ' .
Special lot of women's Nightgowns, made of the best qual
ity, cambric, muslin or nainsook, and trimmed in lace and
embroidery; high neck and long sleeves, low neck and
short sleeves; very pretty styles; the best reg- QO HZ
ular $3.50 ; and $4.00 values, on sale at, each
$ 6 Combinations $3.75
Great 'special offering of women's two and three-piece
Combination Undergarments, made of fine lawns and
nainsook and trimmed in laces, embroideries, tucks and
insertings; all new and pretty undergarments; PO HfZ
the best reeular $4.50 to $6.00 values, at. echVtlIU
Child's and infants' Wear i Silverware Specials
Women's imported full-fashioned lisle
Hose, in all the new and staple shades,
plain silk finish and gauze lisles, with
dainty silk embroidered boots, lace
boots and allover lace; six pairs in a
box; the best) 65c values; PO QA
on sale at, special, the boxV7l
Women's plain black lisle Hose, full
fashioned; silk and plain finish; light
and medium weights; six pairs in a
box; 35c values, at, the box.. 1.75
Women plain black .full-fashioned
lisle Hose, light weight, wide double
tops; reinforced heel and toe; 6 pair's
in a box; the best regular CO A A
Xmas Salept Evening Apparel
Xni Sale of ilbred Suits
A cnecial lot of children's white lawn and' nainsook
. Uresev, trimmed in lace, embroidery, tucks and uisert
i inf s; aotne hand-embroidered: ages 6 months to 3 year;
t vry pretty tjrle; the beft regular $4.00 and (JO QO
' $4 50 value?, on le at thi low price, eacbOifO
lnrnis' fine naio.ofk and cambric Drees' trimmed
I in tiainty laces, embrfwderv. tucks and inser- O"! CCk
f tun; the bet tegular $2.50 values, at, each Vlw'
j Infants band -crocheted Sacijaes, the beit t?"f OQ
j ttgvUr J175 vaWt, at this ott price, each OA 0 U
i 5vcl lrt of. cV.ildren'a Sweater Coats, age I to 3
' ;ri-; libiie. with pV and bine trim- f?1 QO
tig: tit btt rtgtilir flJS values, at. each OA00
WVirrirr' Kand-CTfxheted Sham!, circular and Kjuare.
. l. 4i ! t i'1 f.u-imr )"w ri.
:C3 wahje. ach, $1.4 9 IZ.7S values, each. 81
1 fg-'ar i.00 vahies, at tha low pr. each. ..2.69
$1.75 Salt and Pepper Shakers at, the pair..fl.3
Rrtrular $6.00 Fern Dishes, on jale at. each. . 14.79
4-nc. Kilvrr-nlated Tea Sets rrduced. at these rrkes:
$15 values, set. 8H- $20 values, set. 15.98
$17 50 Coffee Sets, on sale at this price. tt..f 13.98
$2.50 silver-nlated CandleHickS, on sale for.. 8 1.98
Regular $5.00 silver-plated Nut Bowls, each..f 3.9S
Great Sale Cut Glass
. i
Regular $4 50 Celery DUhe. on sale. each..S3.29
Regular $15 cot glass Baket, specl. each..f 11.40
Regolar $12 50 cot glass Qieese BelK acb..t.49
Refular JX5)t (Um Better Dhe, ath..-34
Regular $.-fO rut R!a Water Jugs each.. 5.98
Rrg-ular $2.00 cut gla afles; on sale, ea. .f 1.49
50c values, special, the box
Women's medium - weight lilk
Hose, .in black only, with extra wide
double gartered tops, quadruple soles,
full-fashioned high spliced heels; six
pairs in a box; the best-QO JTA
regular SOc-values, the box 06uU
Complete display of Christmas Gar
ters and Supporters in fancy boxes;
round garters, armlet supporters, etc-,
of fine fancy elastic; prettily made
and finished; all prices, 25c-$2.50 box.
Great - special values in ir ie.' and
boya' Hv,iery by the box; t-r them.
Great Christmas sale of children's
Umbrellas. Take adrartage of talc.
This - week,' in the Big; Second Floor Garment Store our great annual holiday.
excluaiva garments for dress, evening, theatre . and reception wear. Material
in crepe -de chine, crepe -de meteor, chiffon messaline,' taffetas, nets, lace
soanaled novelties, henrietta cloths.1 broadcloths, sertfes. etc.. styles include
as a . . - : . at .
H arrictlv tailored'- rarmenta. and the Movenaae fashions, with dainty yokes ol'
Ilace; also darnty dancing frocks of net and chiffon, with low neck and ahort
1 m mmamtrn - rll n n r rrV mi i i In ' lil rrT. nr 1 nnr n mir artrl m m . m i n ratalw tri m in mA in lira
nets, spangles, beads, etc. Also draped skirt- novelties, all the newest shades
and combinations. Evening --coata and capes in broadcloth, satin, Bengaline,
etc. All new, exclusive outer garments, with full looae back and flowing
sleeves, trimmed' in jet or beaded bands; semi-fitted long coats, etc. The
newest and most up-to-date garments, in . marvelous array.' Entire stock
great reductions from the regular - selling prices. Now offered aa . follows:
Regular $25.00 Garments, each, 18.TB Regular $ 75.00 Garments each, 8 66.25
Regular $30.00 Garments, each. 2"375b Regular $ 98.00 Garmema, each, 8 73.S0
Regular 40)0 Garments, each, aau.uu Kegular iU5.00 Garments, each, eg.25
Regular $50.00 Garments, each, $3 7.60 Regular $125.00 Garments, each. 8-93.75
Regular $58.00 Garments, each,
Regular $65.00 Garments, each.
43.5Q RfgnUr $165.00 Garments, each, 8123.75 1
$4 8. 78 Regular $185.00 Garmenta, each, 8l38.75''
All Tailored Suits Reduced
Great reductions in all our plain and fancy Tailored Suit, made up in tight and
semi-fitting effects, some plain - tailored, others braided, velvet or- braid
trimming. Coata 36 to 4a inches long; material in broadcloth, serge.
cheviot, tweed, homerpen end worated; plain colors and fancy mixrerea. Kine Tailored Suite, in assortment
large enoofh to pleae every one m eryle, a well aa price. See them on aecond floor. On nVe at theee pricea;
Regular t20O0 Suits, each, f la-WSRffuTar $25 OJ Suitt. each, 9 14.45 Rerultr $30 00 Suita. each.
Regular lUM Suita. eatK, 1 8-45 Re pilar $0 03 Suit,, f2.4 5 ReguUr tgQ0 Suita, ecf 2 7.4 5
at '. , , J
') l'::f:f :
f n . i