The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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tiers, would be Impoaalbl In th house,
with Ha 81 members. .
Th speaker by virtu of th appoint
ing power, plce Itia chairman or every
m iipli steering committee, which asal.ii fTi ' ' 1 1 1
III A If I ri " I I I ,or" various committees, lha 5 . . . . , . , . , .
I lHIIlK lllt SSg? 1 Smieay Services, at tye ;portlcm6 (H)urcl)cs
ilSIEl? OF
committee under obligation In him and J Taylor. Hev. J. Whltcoinb brourher. u
ppointiupr of Committees
: Is Where the Shaker's
' Tower Lies Easy to Ue-
wan! Well Behaved Con-Kha.JS.
By Frotleric J. Itjutkln.
. Washington, Dee. 4. -JoacpU O. Can
non lias aald: "The speaker la th'serv
ant f.tb house. The speaker la fleet
ed by a majority of the member, and
He ran be deposed and another man
elected any hour of any day that he
fHlla to fulfill the dutle of th ffic " -"l"
u m-,.A hivil f hum Till I
makes every chairman a member of the
"organisation," Any rnalrnian who
ihould fall to abide by the organisation,
aa did Mr. Kowler of New Jeraey, la at
ones convicted of Ingratitude, even by
those who oppose the organisation.
Gratitude for political favora la re
quired of practical politician! by the
operation of every party law, and by
pubilo aentlment aa well. . No one la
permitted to go back on tha man who
gave him Job. That la a primary law
of American poll t lea.
v lary Bolt MaintaJmed.
An able defender of tha houa rulea
and of the speakership, Representative
Olmatead of Pennsylvania, goes to tha
root of tha matter when lie declare
of the ay a tern under
governed la to se
cure and maintain party rule. lie ar
gute that a party entrusted with a ma
jority In the houa of representatives
muat be permitted to control that body,
even If, a email fraction of tha ma
jority party ahould bo split off, form
an alliance with the minority party,
and thua conatltut majority of the
whole bouse. This defense admits that
the present system Is able to prevent
a majority of tha house from acting If
that majority" be mad ud. In large part. Hawthorne; Rev. C Feldnuth,
of renreaentatlvea of the minority tartv. I
i, 'XJtiB Accord ' prayer meeting
a, 10 10 and 7:10; ltlble school 111
IT., 8. Topics, "liroken Vows,'
l. 1.
V. P,
"A Question Man Never Answered.
Second Seventh and Eaat Ankeny:
Rev. JL tVKlack. 10:30 and T:80; Jtilbl
avnooi, ii: u. x. I', v.. CIO,
Central Kaat Twentloth and Ankeny;
Rev. W. T. Jorrlcq H and 7:30; S.
n; t. I". u f .jo; sermons by ltv. K.
K. Duley, , ........
Arleta 11 and T.IO: 8. 8.. 0:45: B
T. P. If., .J0; sermons by Rev. J. A.
MoVelgh, . ..
- Hlhlnd Alberta and Sixth, Re, IL,
M 1 .... - . . . . .......
P. U.. 8:80; 6. S.,,10
gillwood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev.
D. W. Thurston, pastor. 11 and 7:80: 8.
8.. It; Y. r. U., :80. Tonlca, "Th
Lord 8uppr,M "Moral Suicide,"
Calvary Kaat Eighth and Grant, Rev,
J. r. Monroe, u and ?:o; a.; a.
i. r. u.. :. . '
Immanuel Jones Hali.
Front. Rev. A. H. Mlnaker.
7:80; 8: 8., 11; B. T. P. U- 8:80.
Orac Montavilla;- Rev. Albert K.
Patch. 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 10; T. P.
it a .mi ry- i ' r tBA.oe "
U .a f ,u, a I'l'nv, i, UW- vyi nm ( ivt vrx, w
"Imitators of Uod."
University Park 8. 8., 10. 11 and
T:I0: B. X. P. V., 7; germoua by Rev,
F. (1 W. Parker.
Sinnyald (German) Forty-first and
ii; d. v..
, Suestive Questions on the Sun Jay 1 ,
School Lesson ty Rev. Dr. T. S. Li'nscott
Left (BrllwOOd). IL C Kbol.g. 1
S. rt.. .I0.
l rare Kncltsh M salon Synod)- Ivy
and Rodney; jtev, Carl llassohl, 10 and
Kvangellcl Kerby ' and Farxo
sireeia Jtev. u. jugoes. -
! Din ccd en
hi ii mm
iWlnlstera Sunday acbool tear her and thera Interested are lavlted t
writ The Journal briefly their vlewe aa to the worth of Ihea "oueetlooa.
particularly If they ronslder tbem of value la their work.
in iniernationai newspaper mole otuay riusj is lor tna purpose or prv
motlng In an unfettered way among the niaaeea, a wider stud of the Bible,
tha baaal truth of Christianity, and the problama wbluft etjtr Into verf
man's Ufa It Is composed of all those who loin a looel club, and take no th
simple course herein outlined, barring oaly ordained clergymen. All who have
noi loineo are warmiy invuea to ao so ana la compete for tn prisea
1'ersons may join ma eiuo at any time during th year, but muat. 01
course, anawer the ii . auestlona hereinafter eiblalned. . to ouallfy for th
prises, and tha back oueatlons may b obtained by addreastng this office.
This naDsr baa aecurad tha rlahl to nubllsh tha International uundav
School Lesson questions by Rev. tr. Llns:ott, which hav arouae1 ao much
Intereat elsewhere, and they wlU appear weekly In both th Saturday and
aunaiT issues or ire journal. un or ineaa qaeeuon acn wex te to p
answerwd lu writing1 aad w three, answers tha prisea are to be awarded, , :
OoBfTOf atloaaX
First Vadtson and Park.
A. A. Holromb, 81 VearjOW,
Ilurleii From 'Kufftfy .
at Xanipa.
Luther R. Uyott. D. X Hev. Ouy I
iMCK, aastatant; 11 ana r.; a. .,
tUpeci.i Mii sti h te The Jiiful.l
Nampa.f Idaho. Dro. 4. A. A. HoJ-
oomb, aged II years, a pioneer of this
state, wss thrown from g bugey her
yesterday and killed. He wa oat with
his son. A. 8. liokomb of Holso, for a
ride. The horse biuKine unmanitgeabl
and the son at'empted to , get out and
top him. Ttie son was dragged ,0
' ' - Ooadlttow of U Contest.
tacn contestant, or nia or ner family. inat s a'
abener to tkla
as tha majority mould have them ful
' filled." Many peraons. In and -out of
congress, have said. In substance: "Th
speaker Is the autocrat of the house.
Th consideration of legislation cannot
l" '"' b had except by hi permission, and
the whole house la subject to th re
, elrslnt of hi personal will. There la
, no houa of repreeontatlves, "lut only a
.czar In th speaker' chair, who has
usurped th function of th popular
branch of th -national., legislature."
Manifestly both of thee statements
cannot be wholly true, and a a matter
of fact, neither of them I entirely Jus
tified by. 'th fact . Th truth lie
somewhere between.
Theory and Practlo.
' ' There Is nothing in the constitution
or statutory law of the land, nothing
In the rules of the bouse, nothing; In
the digest of precedent which authpr
' tzes in black and white th exercise of
any arbitrary power ' by the speaker.
Under th rules, ha may 'be deposed at
any hour of any day, and he la always
at the mercy of the majority of the
house. But this 1 true only In' theory.
In every circle of American politics,
at one time or another.' there baa been
a man exercising complete control over
a party, a atate, a city or a school dis
trict, although without any legal au
thority or theoretical responsibility.
V call him "the bos8.M-i. Everybody
' knows that Richard - Crsker wa . for
many years the real ruler of New York
i city, but his name does, not Appear la
the lists of those who have been charged
under the laws with th administration
mi.- um aj lai rnv t uwt,muiucitnuy,
Argument by Brltisn statesmen are
In. support of the principle of
party rule, but they are not pertinent
In this case because In England when a
sufficient number of insurgents vote
with the minority to give a majority
against the government, tne government
Instantly resigns and the newly formed
majority takes charge of affair a In
American politic th rule moat scru
pulously observed 1 "Never resign."
When JE Uses Hi Power.
There can be., no reasonable objection
to the rules which enable the speaker to
prevent filibustering. The minority has
no right, and should have no power, to
prevent the enactment Of legislation by
the majority. But- It o happens that
th rule to prevent filibustering; are not
applicable in case th speaker desires
to prevent action on a certain measure.
Th speaker ha often refused to per
mit the house to act upon measure . to
which th majority or the house -was
favorable. Sometime he has done this
only by hi power to withhold unani
mous consent, a power held by every
Other member. - But often he has done
It by the power of his position, his
prestige in the party and th' fear of
th consequences of a revolt
St. John (German) Rev. C Feld
meth. . H. 8.. t:4fi: aervlcea 11 and 7:10
Bt JohnsRev. C. JU Owen, II:Srt
and T:0: 8. 8.. 10: B. T. P. U.. :S0,
Chinese Mission 3611s Oak street
8. 8.. 7; preaching;, 8, by Rev. Fung
First German Fourth and Mill;
Rmv J Krntt. 11 and 7:10: 8. S..
Second German Morris street and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Buermann, 11
and 1,90: 8. s., :46.
Inta S ft. 10: 11 and 1:S0: B. T.
P. U- t:SQ. Sermon by Rev. B, C
Mount Olive Seventh and Everett;
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7: SO.
Swedish Hovt and Fifteenth; Rev.
Etick ' Scheretrom. 10:45 and 7:46;
S. S., 18; B. Y. P.'CT., 0:30,
.1 ,n order to qualify for membership tn to loternatlooal Newspaper
1lbb and Btudr. club and this local club.
'.'.i" na I . . t-h contestant in thl local club must answer each of the written ques
tions ror OJ consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, Maroh 14, and th answer
must all he In th nnimai 1 n r 9 ihla mitap mil t h n wuh. m t lha latt
of this period. . i .
I. 'Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written n
one aide only. No answer must exceed 100 words In length and mar be lea
-acn anawer muat have-th nam mil . tititmu nf ka. writ.. t tha. KaI la.-a
of th answer. ..,.. ; ......
4. The answers muat ba dellvaraA in IhU ffl- mnA ,.. win h entlaad
t th ClOSA of tha an. I fnrw. AA ft hM,lmi.rt. tn. InHmanMtt m9m
amlnatlon by competent examiner. Th crises will then -be awarded ac
cording to the hlgheat number of marks, won by member of Th International
Newspaper -Bible Study club, i , . . ,,.,-.
Tit Vrlsa.' . . .
First Berles
Second Serle
Third Barli
testa nt
Morning toulo, "Increaalns L. ahl
evening ermoa by Rev. U. W. lilnn
Iaurel wood .Rev. W. IL Mvera: 111
8. H 10; C. E., :I0.
SunnysllKnst Taylor and East
Thirty-fourth. Key. J. J. Staub; II and
:; n. n., in, u, iu, aau. ...
St, Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and
S CI U t .1
'UnlvaYslt'y Park Haven and Dawaon. Mrard bX Unea when th animal got
Rv. O. W. Rlgg; 11 and T:10; B. 8- 10; way with thn old man In the buggy.
C. K . :0. i I The buggy atruck a tree and threw
Ilassalo Street Kast Sevanth and I tlia nM man . a ki ' lla n
"""', rinv. ueorge -t. ruduaca. ill carried tn a nearhv,ra
a n .4 Til. a a In lp.hl IJ ilk.ll I . .. . '
v.. ,-.ii. ' ii. nif.. . ri.i...i: "" wiimn a tew niuiuiea.
Highland F:ast Sixth and Prencott,
Rev. E. 8. Bollinger, It and 7:10; 8. 8.,
jo: x. f. .t. k., :3". Mormons, "Uuty
i-aii in . sorrow isigni
Belf." ...
German Eaat
Bibln achool. 10: C. K. C10
i'mi.,Ii ii .L"ts. Onter street. Myra a Smltll,
Itomlng to i and T.IO; Bible chool. 10. f . 7
Stanton, Rev. John II
Seventh and i
Hopp; 10:10 and
7:30: 8. S.. :16: C. E.. :0.
I'llgilm Hlinvtr snd Missouri avenue.
Rev., Denial p. Thomas, 11
and 7:J0;
ifnlon avenue and Multnomah street
nev. i. ii, aiuwre. ii ana i:iu: h. id:
K. L . :.H0. Morning topic, "Whtit boon
the Scholarahin of tha World Think of '
Christ?" ., ,- .... '
gold medal to each of tha flrat five anntaataata.-. .
-A silver medal to each of th next five conteetant.
A Teacher' Bible, price It.CO. to each of the next flv oon
"rth Series The book "Th Heart of Christianity.- prlc 11.60. to each
Of the next 85 eonteatants. ... . .......
Each tr.adal will ha .iiIIiM Mmnn .Ivln. iv. .a .v. . . ,.4
ror what it 1 awarded and In Ilk manner each Bib) and book will be In
scribed.' i 4 ; . - '
All who can write and Tiava Maaa era nriw a ,.l. m.
Sast Forty-fWh street-Corner East JrdJ,f," of th,ir fon. " the paper are not valued from
In; 11:16 and 7:80; B. P, Y. U., 6:45. !" ducV Jl u. cr "t'T, "tandpolnt. bat from th point of view of to
cogency of their reasoned ldeaa
(Copyrig-ht, 1909. by Rev. T. 8. Lln-
acott. D. D.) .
Veoember 8. 1909.
Paul or th Grace of Glvinsr. IL Cor.
Ms, jo. i. mt. u., w.ov. vruiuon i rxi HememDer in wora
xnira unott ana Vancouver, iwt.ji. m tk. r.nnt tm. , k. ..m t i.
Schwedler. 11 and .7:30; 8. 8., 10, - 7k.-
wamintncv Knrf v-nrm ana HOisate: i . . - "" .v..b.
Rev. F. E. Park. 11 an 7:.0; a 9:46; ACt xx 85.
' Presbyterian.
First Twelfth and Alder, Rev. Wil
liam Hiram Foulkes. 10:30 and 7:90; S.
8., 12:10; C. E., :80. Topica, "The
Kennedy Bequest," a smyposfum by Dr.
Foulkes and Rev, W. S. Holt"; "An
Apostrophe to the Sword."
Mlxpah East Twelfth and Powell;
Rev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:30; S. S.. 10;
C. E., :80. . -
calvary luiavemn ana i.iay, .nev,
The autocrntlo .power of the speaker
of the house of representative Is large- I bill to restrict Interstate shipments- of
ly that of a dobs. He ha patronage I liquor was favorably reported from the
Often the speaker Is th scapegoat oflThnma- Holme Walker. 10:30 and 7:46:
Cowardly leglalator. -Thar are many (Bible achool, noon. Topics, "Sacrament
measure which would pass If the repr. of the Lord Supper," "Crippled Body
aentatlves were, forced to vote upon an5 So?J-" ! t,",.
them openly, but which would have no uVj&a&GPfi'i f'S Djf
chance If th rot wa by eoret ballot b g-So
Thes th peaker om time choke bawthorn Park Twelfth an4 East
to death and takes th blame, while the Taylor; Rev. E. Nelson Allen. 10:30.
j. i a-. . - c a o. f -c. s.nn
uuHwuiy rcprsscuiaiive may return te I , o. j, y- '"i"", i "a, u. wur nearis are rigniT
hi, peopja jjil,plaa4.,thav .olajne
peaxer. The much discussed LHtlefleM
' to dispense, and he la, under the rules, i
the arbiter of many classes of disputes.
Notwithstanding; the .dental of - Mr.
Cannon, it Is nevertheless true that leg- j
Islatlon against the will of the speaker
J wellntgh impossible. The speaker of.
the house, by a system of evolution, ha ;
become the second most, . powerful man
in tli ' republic, - Th people hav not I majority would not support hi demand.
objected to thi fact, indeed they hav j They dldn"t want the bill to come to a
time and. again at the poll expressed, I vote. Mr. Cannon was himself opposed
tneir . satisracuon wun Tne system
which give , the. speaker this power.j;
' Speaker X aeally Kaatr.
: In practice, whatever the theory, the
epcaker of the house Is master rather
than servant.' He appoints the commit
tees which prepare legislation for sub
mission to the house, . he recognize
whom h chooses to make motions or
to speak, he must be consulted in ad-
Divine."" stereoptlcon sermOh 'on "Odlisr;
Pown From Jerusalem to jericno."
Forbes Sell wood and Gantenbeln;
Rev. Harry II. Pratt; 11 and 7:80; S. S.,
10; C. E., 6:30.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett;
Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:30; S. S.,
Chinese 146 First, 7:45; S. S., :45.
Westminster East Tenth and Weld
ler; Rev. Henry Marootte, 10:30 and
7:80; S. S. 12; T. P. S. C. E 6:80.
Marshall Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays, 11, 4;
8. S., 10. The Finn will hold services
in the evening In their own language.
Mount Tabor Beimont and Prettw-
to tne out ana ne was generauy Diamea i man; o.ey. cawara ju.-enarp, ii ana e
ror wiling it: Yt ther wer inanr
committee and a majority of the mem
ber of th house Wer pledged to vote
for-It- If it had com to a vote It
would hav passed. The time cam when
It wa th "regular order." But an ap- j
proprlatlon bill waa being considered.
Mr. Llttlefleld demanded tha regular
order. He didn't get it because the!
Ar thee word la th Ooldsa Text
quoted from Jesus, hyperbolical, that
is, a Historical ovar-statement. or Is it
utorauy true, that it la mors blessed
to griv than to rclv, aad if o, whyt
(Thl , question must bs anawered is
writing by members of th club.)
Verse 1-6 la it according to animal
nature, or to average human nature, to
give to other outside of kith and kinf
- I giving liberally, Intelligently and
systematically, to religion and charity.
aiwaya a 'grace,- that is, an Incline
tlon divinely Imparted?
What 1 th relation between giving
nu juvingi
iz we are in need or "affliction" our
selves, will the grace of giving still op
erate in ua, ir our hearts are right T
I representative who would hav voted
for It who wer glad It was) choked
off, . ...
' Kay Zlvst Blxa of rower. .
Despite Mr. Cannon' dictum and de-
spite the constitution, th majority .doe
not always rule In the house of repre
sentatives. Some time th majority Is
Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth
nd Spokane; Rev. I). A. Thompson, 11
ana v:s; ts. s., jo; u. m., s:su.
Third East Thirteenth and Pine
Rev. J. A. P. McQraw. 10:80 and 7:46
S. 8.. 12.
Hope Montavilla, East Seventy'
eighth street Kev. Henry u. Ivave.
S. R.. 10: 11 and 7:80.
Kenllworth East Thirty-fourth ana
vanca with respect to proposed leglsla-I sorry, sometimes It is glad, that such I Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; S. 8.
it. t t n
, M, K.,
Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town
send; services, 10; S. S., 11:15.
Anabel Rev. John A. Townsend. Serv
ices. 11:80 and 7:46: B. S., 10:15: C. E. T
Trinity Dakota, fttreet. Rev. A. Rob
inson. 7:46 v. m" C. JG. 6:45: S. S.. 11
Vernon Wygant and East Nine
teenth; Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and 8;
d, d., b:b; u. v.
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Toung,
v. jj., io:so ana; s. b., iz:i; e. jl
tlon. and he constitutes in himself a I is the Btate of affairs. But there Is
power higher than that delegated in the rarely a tim when th speaker i not
theoretical constitution of the house. In complete control of tne situation. If
The president of the United States, in the next house is Democratic a Demo
theory, has nothing whatever to do with cratlc speaker will be the bos of the
legislation-until It comes to him " for house and those-who now defend th
his approval after passing both house rule .will then abuse them, and vice
of congress. ;' Yet when it is announced versa. ' ,
from Washington that the president and .Th status of the speakership will be
the speaker hav agreed Upon a certain changed only In the event that a mixed
measure nobody" is surprised, least of majority, composed of members of both
all the member of the house of repre- parties, control th house and .takes
. . . . . ' . . . IT. - . ... I MJ. MJ
tentative. wnen it eo nappens. as it i tne power of naming committee away J 6 :80. Topics, "Like Aa Interpretation,
did in the Roosevelt admlnlstraUon, I from the speaker and vests - It in the "The Younsr Man and the CitVi"
that th speaker trade a bit of legis- I nous itself. The proposition to ac- Grace Twelfth and Taylor, Rev. John
lation to th president in consideration 1 complleb this revolution failed by only H- cuaiwp. jj. v., io:bo ana 7:30; s. 8.
for th nresident's silence on another I ftva votes at thn heiHnnina- nt thta ai. I-'16: .' Anniversary cele
......... . 1 - " - 1 rat Irtti mnpnlnr aa
suojecc or iegisiauon, tnere is no pop- 1 gress. Before the next congress come
mar cue ana. cry ana moss lew carping 1 m the question of th power of the
critic wno point to in constuution 1 speaker will hav been settled by the
r merely laughed at for their pains. I house itself, or It will have been re
' Well Behaved One Bewarded. If erred to th people and settled, at tha
At th same tim It 1 perfectly true I ballot box,- . .
that the house can depose' it speaker I Tomorrow Th American Congre.
at any time. But an attempt; to do so
might result lir failure, and then all I TAA "Din?T?Q TTTTITT. A XTTl
those member who opposed the speak- I x iixtx-ixij v jxxri x
er would come In for punishment Mr.
Cannon punished the Republican insur
gents who voted last March' to deprive
him of the power of appointing commit
tees by giving them lesa desirable and
less Influential committee assignment.
H rewarded th 28 Insurgent Democrats
' (Snadal Disnateh te Tha Journal. 1
Dayton, Wash, Dec. 4. Bringing Joy
to th heart of th farmer, which
mean th population of eastern Wash
who aved him that power by giving nn: "now commenced, falling Thur-
them better esmm ttM iMlrnnmti "'" "u wuc
than they had before.
- - Certain amendments wer mad In
the house rulea a th prlc of th sup
port of - th 28 Democratic Insurgent
which will make some considerable
change In th procedure of the house.
But there 1 but one change In th rule
which will hav th effect of depriving
th speaker of his power, and that is
to take away from him th power to ap
point committees. Whether or not It
would be practicable for the house to I because It Insures better protection of
itlrct It committee by Vote Is another j fall-sown grain, of which there Is a
question. The plan proposedby Champ I large acreage in the Walla Walla val-
;iarn ana aupported by. the Republican I ley thia season, Freeslng and tha'
insurgent in this congress wa to leave I lng without , th protection of apow is
inches. This la th flrat touch of real
winter southeastern Washington baa ex
perienced. Report from th Blue
mountain, 12 mile back, are to th
effect that a heavy fall of enow 1
recorded In th foothill doting the
paat 24 hour. Until yesterday the
mountain slope were bare of snow, th
Chinook wind of last week having
swept tnem clean.
Farmers are Jubilant at th snowfall
I he selection to a committee on com-1
laiMee. that committee to b elected
by th house. The aenat select It
committees by ballot in theory,-but in
practice each party chooses In caucus
'death"' to the tender grata shoots.
With a large acreage of fall grain.
which ylelda heavily if not Injured by
cold weather, an unusual amount of
moisture la th ground and a protecting
blanket of snow, everything argue for
another bumper grain yield next falL
Yh00pIng-C0u3h, Croup,
Bronchitis, Cougns,
Diphtheria, Catarrh.
H-mm M a mmm wn taS la e
mrr for am-aina M tha kfwtainc arsaas laaa
la U- mainr laaa taa luaaai
S awmm, m am Snaia
K-a. -ia et a. r" ydnasn aa
T, - 1 m'ti vl Ii Si aM4Sar
mt cra. f-W""-Saaaaaa
rw W a i m I 5-
. . ww- rM m a
11 0VCCi5T-
' Dayton, Wash, Deo. a. A leas was
secured by the ' Dayton High School
Athletic association on th J. Rosen
bull Jing ' on East Mala street for a
gymnasium.. Th Idea f securing th
county fair grounds waa abandoned on
account of the distance from town. The
asportation was recently organised and
officers have been elected. Work of
remodeling the large building will ootn-
I incur at once, a fund of several hun
fdred dollars having been raised among
j Dayton businesa me t finance the as
uc-iiion. ajj apparatus or tne larger
j "st-ras" will bs Installed and training
1I commence this week. President
Ctark of the aftaoriattoa saJ4 that It
was pTbhsbie cballenges will bs sent
Sit eoon to other hig4 schools sf tbe
bration, morning sermon by Rev. Henry
I. Rasmus,- Spokane: evening sermon by
Rev Clarence True Wilson on "Rainbow
Around the Throne."
Norwegian -Danish Thirteenth and
Davis, Rev. K. P. Nelson, 11 and 8; S. SM
10. ----- - - -
Sunnyside East Yamhill and Thirty
fifth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30; 8. S..
:50; E. "U, 6:45. Topics, "In That
Glorious Regeneration Day;' "Prepara
tion .Sermon."
Sf- Johns ReV. F N. Sandefur: 11
and 8: E. U, T: S. S' 10.
Enworth Twenty-sixth and Bavier.
Rev. Charles T. McPherson; 11 and
7:80; 8. S., 9:45; K 1... :80. Topics,
"The Wine of God Living and Active. '
"Master or tne situation."
Chinese Mission Chan Sins Kal: 11
nd 7:80.
Trlnlty--East Tenth and Grant: Lewis
F, Smith, ll end 7:30; E. L.. :80; 8. 8.,
10. Ttonies. "When and How to receive
the Holv Ghost" "The Relation of the
Holy Spirit to th Bin ner.
Centenary East Ninth and Pine:
Clarence True Wilson, D. D., 10:80 and
7:30: E. It. f:30 8. H 12:15: sermons
by Rev. W. B. Hollingshead, district
superintendent and Rev. J. T. Abbett
ijaureiwooa Kev. K. is. Myers: ll
and :80; 0. S.. 10; E. L-, :S0.
Central Vancouver avenue and Farso
Street. Rev. C. L. Hamilton. 10:80 and
80; B., lz: rJ. 1-., :.
Norwerian Danish Vancouver ave
nue and Bktdmore. Rev. C J. Ljtraen. 11
and 8; a 8, 12:16. .
Japanese Mission III North Fif
teenth, Kev. Eiiaen Rjbare, f it and
8:30: 8. 8., 3 10.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach. Rev.
John Oval!. 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 10: E. L 7-
lopirn, i ne urnien cinngr 10. HU
manlty," "Sounding the Alarm."
- First German Fifteenth and Hoyt;
O. A. Waaaa; 11 end 7:30.
Second German Stanton and Rodnev.
nev. r. tierisier, ii ana ; s. :4;
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacnma
Rev. Lester c. Poor, 11 and 7:10: J. E.
1., z.iv: E. !.,
Th Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thinly-
mam ana ruwriL nev. Km,T I mii
jones; a. :4; Jl and I: E. L. 7
MontlTlUi Kaet pine and Eiahteanth
streets. Kev. Haroio Obfre; u and 8;
b., le: ciass meeting, iz; E. l. T:li,
nmonwi-iiiuiim j. imui ui -11
uu a e, m c u- i.
University Park Ijawaan ant s-taaa
Rev. W. R. Jeffry J.; ll and 7.30.
Afn-aa Hon Thirteenth mnA
, f . . . . L "
tw . . Mm at i ii www -. 1 1 ana s : b. t . i :
rioh liberality" be in the same life.
and 1 such a combination natural or
supernatural T
There was great poverty and suffer
ing 'among the Christian at Jerusalem.
and the liberality of the poor churches
at Macedonia to relieve their need ia
what Paul here refers to; contrast th
evil at Jerusalem with the resultant
good grace of giving developed at Mace-
aonia, ana say which is the greater;
that Is, did tho result do a muoh good,
or exceed the evil done by the cause?
Titus, it would appear, wa appointed
to present to the Corinthians the need
of. the Jerusalem Christians, to take
Vnitad Brethren In Christ.
First Eaat Fifteenth and Morrison,
Rev, -Russell 8. 'Showers, 11 and I; 8. 8.,
iu; v. i. . .
Radical Sixth and Mechanic Rev. Os
car A. Martin. 11 andv7:30; & a, 10;
K.. a., ;ju. ' -.
Third Sooth Mount Tabor; Rev. C
P. Blanchard. Bible achool. 8.
Alberta- Eaat Twenty-seventh and
Mildred, Kev. u. e. Emerick, 11 and
7:80. Sermons by Rev. R. J. Parrett
D. D. EvangelisUo meetings every night
next wees. Mrs. i-arreu win sing.
TFAmAntWliHAm mrA f. . r 1 1 . .m.I.
ll n a ,mi.aIa. - j,. , .. V. X ' - v.
vi uavaiuii' in uiiiu nit, ii. m. onaiaxj a. d. j:au; preach
ua grace or giving; wny i tner not lng, :ju.,.
worg mor hoble, or duty mor Impera
tive, than for minister and teacher to
teach th people th duty and Joy 'of
, ' p . " . Beform&. ', " '' "
German Tenth and Stark
U. Ilafner pastor. - Servloea
' Chrlstisa.
Central East Twentieth and Sal
mon; Rev. J. F. Gormley. 11 snd 7:48,
BI1 school, 10 Topics, "Deity of the
Verses 7 I Paul ..n,,..,!, ...nm. BIW sonool, 10 Topics, "Deity or the
ttotT! SETiSi Woman's Horn. Mi-
First Corner Park and Columbia.' W.
F. Reagor. minister, 11 and 7:80; 8. &,
utterance, and knowledge, ,
and In - a a , ai i..h ...a '
' - .WW. UU . U.l . I 1 . XhWHUI.
abound In th grace of giving; but la 9:45. Topic "Deborah," special program
he right, for how can uoh a thins bs byth . 5-..M-' .'-
possible f . i .ern r-ara rut sna snaourn; itsv, a.
.una mm, urn aia not urge tneg:jo. '
grace of giving by "oommandment!"! Rodnev Avenue Rednev and Knotti therefor anv lnsn tha dutv anil I Thomas G. Pic ton. 11 and 7:80: B. R.:
privilege of every Christian, rich snd I9-'' c- E J- Topics, "Religious
poor, to abound in this graceT InfAuence,Vi "woman gs a Factor In
verse What should be th suoreme I i," , 1.-7 : n n-..m.
motive, snd what la the greatest induce- isYn -nT,7.-4i."""
ment to give liberally r " woodiawn Rev. Edward Wright, Jl
.plendent character of Je.u.7 l"' Mulk.yi S. a, "pSSJ
Did th giving of Jeeus of himself. I u' " .. I kane. T '
and ; all he had for us. Imply, permanent v rrmta w-a-kwia-ia-
Dovertv ror mm. or ih.
way to all that great wealth Is supposs!.-
to stand for? ' , lv. ana Wasco, Rev. B. Karl du Bols,
10:45 a. m. and 8 p. m.; a 8., 1:80 a. m.;
. mt. o. c. I p. in. J '
tmivereauai. . . -
Church of the Good Tidings Rroad- ,
way and East Tweiitv-fourth: . Rev. It
Prayer I and What It Doe for Life," .
Xlsollnoa. "
Church of New Thourht Selling-
Ilirsch halL Henrv Victor Mnrtin. '
8 p. m. Topics. "The Witch of Endor,'1
NwiArilaU irwrM U. Iir. , m iA
BurnsMe, 11, 4:30 and 8.
Inter-Denominational City Mission
( Fifth street. A, Wells, superintend-
ent 8 Sunday, 8 every evening fa th
Medtumr and "Minlatr Association
Auiuiunuiu miliums, 11, t ana ..
Latter Day Saint (Mormons) East
Tenth and Sherman. J. C Weatere-ard.
presldlng elder, 11 and I: 8. S., 10.
Aavent nrisiian tseoona, Between
Hall and Lincoln. E. Wallace Bhepard.
10:30 and 7:80. . .
Volunteer of America 188 Bnrnalds
street 8:80 and' 8:80.
Divlns Truth i Center 101 Aliakv
building. Rev. Tbaddeua M. Mlnard. 11;
8. 6., 18. Topic, "Growth- -
- Church of Nasarens East Bsvsath
and Couoh. ,11. 1 - -
New Church Bocletv fSwdenborseni
hiieventn ana Aiaer, jK.nignt or rr
Wliw An, -i- . ... . , I im:io ana :; a. d., -is, interpret!
wny aoes giving of all kinds f lnallv I , A.r a,..,. mnmin
Tesjut,Un,6Jt.Uag more of that. which- wsl- .-nrstSin thr std- MostgenMryf Rew,
give, than would be nosslble If wa kenf Frank De Witt Flndley. 10:80 and 7:30:
hi limn oi money, love, knowledge, I i,j "t : topics, - in tn
xperlenoe, enoouragement etc.) I Battle Line or by the Baggsge, t'How
Verse 10. 11 What 1 the Christ Helps LToungPeople."
In nmm i,in, . ,,..,, . " ,, , inira cast i niriy-aoyenin ana wiay,
hi-5oJ !u58or,F Uon ,t0 ?"8rton Hev j. u Acheson, 11 and 7:30. S. &,
or benevolence and not paying It and 10
not. paying your grocer or TakerT '
Verses 11, 14 What Is the nronortlon Vnlted SvanrsllcaL
of our Income which th Bible demands j First East Sixteenth and Poplari
of us, as a minimum T iRev. H. A. Deck. 11 snd 7:S0r S. 8..
verse 15 What reason is thers to hat i 10. TodIcs. -"The Sober and Habit of
lieve 'that If we give systematical! v I Safety,'' "A Revival and How It Cam
?J2A;::ZVan V 0Waa" 'bMAbOciur Green-Gay and Winametts.
Lesson for Sunday, December 11. 1809 '
Paul' Last Words. II. Tim. lv l-i.
. Ministers, Funaay school1 teachers snd other Interested are invited to
write The Journal briefly their view a to the worth of the "question,
particularly if they consider them of value In their work. '
. ' ; ?
Woodstock J. D. Voces 11 and 7:0;
8. S., 10; E. L., 8:30. ,
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, D. A, Watters; 11 and 8; 8. fl.. 10;
E. L., 7. '
Lents Seventh and Gordon, Rev. W.
Boyd Moore. 11 and 8; S. 8., 10; E. L.,
7.' , . .
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev.
A. A. Morrison. 8 and IL 7:30; S. 8.,
9:46. ...... .
8i Matthew's. First and Caruthers
Rev. W, H. H. Breek. Holy commun
ion, ll; o. tv, 10.
Church of Otir Savior Woodstock.
11 and 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St Steohen. tbe
Martyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev, H.
M. Ramsay. 7:30, 11 and 7:80 p. m.;
8, 8:46.
St , David' East Twelfth and Bel
mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot Holv
communion, 7:30; holy communion and
sermon. 11: S. S., 9:45; annual meeting
Junior Chapter B. S. A., 7; evening pray
er and sermon, 7:46. 8. 8., :4.
St Andrew's. Portsmouth . Holy
eucharist and sermon, 11; prayer and
sermon, 7:30; B. a., 10 a. nt.
All Saint's. Twenty-fifth and Savisr.
Rev,- Roy Edgar Remington; holy com
munion ana sermon, it; c a., 12:10:
evening prayer, 8.
Bt- Mark's. Twenty-iirst ana Mar
shall. Rev. J. E. H. Simnson. Holy
e"ucharist 7:30 r and 11; & 8.. 8:46;
matins and litany, 10:16; evensong, 7:30.
St. Johns Church. Multnomah and
Taylor, ll and 7:30: S. 8.. 10. -- .
Good ; Hhepnera ura nam ana Van
couver. Rev. John uawson. 11 ana
7:20: S. S.. :45.
Grace Memorial. Eat Seventeenth
and Weidler Rev. George B. Van Wat
tera. Praver and sermon. 11: S. 8.. 10.
-Ascension Cbapsl Portland -Heights.
a a on
St Paul Woodmer. Rev. S. C. For-
avth: 11 a. m .: S. 8.. 8:45.
- Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good
Bamaritan nospitai,- nev. wiiuain it
Powell, chaplain. Holy "communion.
7 a. m.; ward service. S; prayer snd
sermon, 7:1s p. m.
St. Mary's Pro-sthedrsl, Fifteenth
and Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D.
Low mass, , 8 snd . High mass and
sermon, ll. - vespers, instruction sna
benediction. 7:45. . - .
St Joseph s (German), nrteentn ana
coucn Kt. Kev. james ttauw, v. .
Low" mus. g. High maaa and sermon.
10:30. Vespers, benediction, 8:80.
St Francis, cast tieventn ana uas
Rev. J. H- Black. WW mass. . 1:10
and :30. High mass snd sermon, 10:30.
Vespers, instruction snd benediction.
T:30. . - ' -.
8t Lswrencea. Third snd K nerm an
Rev. J. C. liughes. w mass, a, 7 and
8:80. High mass and sermon. 10:10.
Vespers snd benediction. 7:19.
Avennlon. Montevllls. Rev. 1. P.
iriimalrlrk. - Mass snit sermoiL. In
chspel of Sisters or th Precious Blood.
St. Mmct s, riineieentn ana uavier
Rev. E. P. Murphy, Low mass. 8. High
mass snd sermon. 10:30. Vespers and
benediction. .
Ft. Micnsers titaiiani. ronrtn and
Mill Jesuit Father. Mv msea. g.
Hirh mini and sermon. 10:10. Vcmara
and Dcnediction, 1:1s.
Rt. Stephen a. nrtr-second and Eaat
lor Kv. w. a. waitt. lw mass.
Kv. Thomas Kiernan, Low mass,..
n'sn mass ana sermon, JU. vespers, in'
structlon and benediction. 7:80.
St Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell
Valley road Rev. F. Dillon, 8. J. Low
mass, 8 and 8:30. Mass. sermon and
neiicaiction, iu:3u. ,
St Stanislaus, Maryland and Failing
iwy.U DeroKL jvOW mass,. 8. JrLlh
mass ana -sermon, ltf. ,
St. James' English West Park and
jeirerson; j. Allen jeas,- ll and 7:45
ft 8., 10; L, L., 7 p. m. Topics. "The
uia Man- rut orr, Not Pressed Up";
"Capital and Labor; Their Discord and
now to neat it."
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth snd
irymg. 11 ana ; s. fi., :46,
Norwegian Synod East Tenth and
Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes, 11 and 7:45; 8.
., a:iu. ;
Betania Danish Union and Morris;
Rev. J. Scott 11 and 8; S. S., 10. ,
United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth;
uetmar jarsen. n ana 7:su; B. 8. :5.
Zlon's German Chapman and Sal
mon: 11. H. Kopoelmann. 10:15. 7:45: 8.
a. :io. ': K fc,
St Paul' German East Twelfth and
Clinton.. Rev. A. IT rail se. 10:80 and
7:su; a. 8., :. . :
.Trinity German (Missouri - synod)
Williams and 8 ell wood; J. A. Rlmbach., o. 0., iv; 1 : s v.
Swedish Augustsna Rodney and
Stanton: Rev. C. A. Tolin. 10:45 and
7:46; 6. 8.. 8:30.
8t John's Peninsula avenue and
Kilpatrink; 8 p. m.
Swedish Mission - Seventeenth and
Glisajij Rev. B. J. Thoren. 11 and 8:
8. S.. 10; Y. P.. 6:80.
Ellm Chapel Michigan avenue and
Skidmoret Rev. B.J,-Thoren, 11; S. 8,
Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 7:80: 8. S
10; C. E., :80. Topics, "His Riche.
"mm Povertv Our Riches."
Second Fargo and Kerby. Rev. C. C
Poling, 11 and 7:30. .
St. John's Ivanho and - John. Rev.
C. P. Yates, e. a. 10.'
Svangslloal Association.
First English East Sixth and Mar
ket. F. B. Culver, 11 and 7:80; Y. P. A,
6:30; S. 8., 10.
First . German Tenth , and Clay, F.
Ben. 10:45 and 7:46; S. S., 9:80; Y. P.
7 p. Ml. Topics. "Th Letter of Christ
to the Church at Pergamus," "A ChriBt
less Christianity. .
Memorial East El ah teen th and Tib-
betts, Morris Heverling, 11 and 8; & 8.
- Non-Beotarlan Odd .f Fellows hall,
East SJxth-and Alder; 1:30, up to date
Blbl atudle.
Center of Right Thinking W. O. W.
temple, 128 Eleventh and Alder trt.
Mrs. E. Sherman Olney; 8 P. m.
i 5toFniEeioChUFeh-- of -Jjmus- Christ -
or issuer aunr BSints isast seventy
sixth snd Jrvlng. Elder Walter Bar-
'.'''.' rs Methodist.
First church East Ninth snd Mill.
David M. Cathey. 11 and 8; S. 6., 10;
Y. P. M., 1. - '
Second church. East Flanders, be
tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth
streets. Rev. Wilbur . N... Coffee, 11
and 7:30; S. S., 10; class meeting, 8:80.
. Oliv Branch Mission Second and
Ankeny. A. Wells, superintendent
Meetinss everv evenfnr at 8i flundav
at 8.
Valtarlaa, ', .:.
Churrh of Our Fathnr Va.mhm and
Seventh. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr.: Rev. T.
L. Eliot. D. 'D.. minister emerlttia. 11
and 7:45: 8. 8. 9:46: communion ser
vice, 12:15. Topics, "Hell snd Heaven.'
"Orthodoxy -as a Substitute for Chris
tian Faith and Practice."
- .. . Ohrlstlsa oieno. .
First Church of Christ Scottish Rita
cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale, 11;
e: a. i; suDject or lesson sermon.
uoa tne uniy ;ause ana weator."
.. Second Woodmen's hall. East Sixth
snd Alder, 11 8; 8. 8., 11; subject of
lesson sermon. "God the Only Cause
and Creator." '
11 and 7:30: R fl.
Spiritupalists 311 Aliskv building.
MrsV Sophia B. Selp.. First In a series
on "Health and Happiness.'
Fellowship UnionUnion hall. Grand
avenue ana East Pine, 8 p. m., Dr.
Davidson Buchanan. Tonlo. "Eoonomlo '
Changes and the Higher Life as Exem
plified in New Zealand.".
y. w. c A. seventh and Tavlor
streets. Fireside hour at 4 p. m. Read
ing from Les Miserable by Mrs. M. L.
Drury-Scott . Talk, "I Had a Friend,"
Miss Mary B. Day. Music by Miss
ADoy Whiteside and Mrs. Mary Eliza
beth Johnson. '
Y. M. C. A. City association, Sixth
and Taylor streets. H. W. Stone, sec
retary. Men's meeting In new. auditor
ium at 3 o'clock. Free concert given
by the Schubert Symphony club of Chi
cago. Address by R. R. Perkins of tbe
Y. M. C. A. ' .,
Christian and Missionary Alliance
East Ninth and Clay. Services 10:30
and 7:46. & S., 12. Y. P. M.. iS0.
Rev. F. II. Serft will preach.
Much Snow at Walla Walla.
(Special Dtspatcb te The Journal. 1
Walla Walla, Dec. 4. The second
snow of the season is on the ground.
which is covered to the depth of about
five inches. . Two cold snaps already
this year have broken all . records for
winter in the Walla Walla valley. Farm
work Is completely tied up by the white
mantle which hides : the ground, and
most of th farmers of the country
havs given up hops of further work this
falL .
Friend Church.
Bunnysld. ' Main and East Thirty
I f u .... j d . ud. Aic.u a .... . lull 17-
Immanuel German Comer 15th and I fifth. Llndley A. Well. 11 snd 7:80;
a iw -
I Srr4 ehlldrsst st Bnakfast, j
Laach sad Sapper Insure their I
sesluifBl growth. . J
: Many person find themselves affsoV
ed with a persistent cough after aa at
tack of lnfluensa, Ae thl cough oan
be promptly cured by the use of Cham-
borlain's Cough Remedy, it should not
be allowed to Tus on 'until It become
troublesome . .v ..
7S''4 'T .
i Hiih me and sermeo, 10:ie
imTiacwiaie Mmrt 01 iarr,
A. Daly.
evening, annual dlacours for the Elks, I snd Stanton Rev. W.
"w 01.11. viip ami toe iaaa.
Wonnt TUr-M( Stark and Sixty-
SrT w-a S S U ' .S fi. , - - a a a .a.
t . 1 1, . v. . -irjmwrin: 11 ni 7:3tt.
SpSBklng do- not euro thndrvn of
wwrMinf inm m a yHsf I'utlonal
l' ' irmjoie sirs M t-vm-
I mera, ttox v . ivnire ram. I rd . wilt
n. -r,i. i .... ... r-" "n7 "'ht tier Suftaafal
JZ 2"Z . I trestnwt. with full lnirictmr..
-. . - . i ,,a w. rm-r.1 , lumpet eM M 9ntmr. but write br tadmf
Boots er t vi thwyst 14 j ' rl-4rmn uw-!M Jrt in 1h)m wr
The rilrrftf t-f tbe t,l i I'M ' btama ths chM. tt -l-m-s are
vita ethar a. bnois .f K iwrthwevt 1
I.wr I
mass, . sbo iiiga,raas and iv-r-1
tnon. IB. is. vespera ana oenedlction.
1:1". .
Hnlr nosary. cast Third and TJalaw.
Very Rev. A. B Utlw. La max a. g.
T ana . IB- inin ram a ana s'rwion.
II 11. . " . ao'i p-n-ntcunn, :l.
HfT rt. Hinioilf Krr Orw. I
gnry Rohla. . S . . M maaa. t. Hirt
rns aid srr"oo. 1 It. Vesors and ;
tfrM ri!nn, i..
l'lv ' ro. University IHr R T
P. Thinian. C R. Lew maaa, :!.
Hirti ma i kttboiv, i.ii. i
ai1 rT!1r tir. .
Hoir P "-er. r"rfmrt s- Vm.
a. -
It talces but a teaspoonful
t p ' t h e cup when the
cocoa s pure.
Co co a
F a c t
No. 7
Ecoador (South Amerira)
fumith nearly ors-nfts
cf ib world product Kn
c cocoa brant, sow ri
nated at . 30O,OCo,O
poonda. A wwld-wid OC
tnihi exott for Exusdor
coma Tbcn, hit which that
couwtry cr lv hf rrp-irta'ir-a.
W isr port tS
best itxX.
is most economical be
cause it is perfectly pure
and goes farthest.
Don V ask merely forcoeoa j
, ask for GhirardcllPs.
j hti this yr
iHaa ant hrfvr
mmbrs mors sthletet
I w m. " H rmaas sod serasom.
rv-es nlta mmt a rM fi i,
with nrire un.iii-s tr ! or r 'rt
M. Ar- ! a. Mrta a A