14 ; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,. TUESDAY KVENING. NOVEMBER 30. 1003. - . . , 'Krai III! Ill I UI1L nniin rii '1111111. i iimr i UUU l u WELL WORTH WHILE; TO TAKE mTFRWAY IFfl . a I nni it nil in I lAniimoninH p mi-i. h Luui rti lYin. nununaun, it ufioumnTnn II WHOIIIUUIUii Br J. T. B. If yos havan't ! another thing this on -end let'a hop you haven and If you don't expect to to again. whatever you do, put on your umbrella and run up to the Portland and eug t Dallas Welford In II. C. Carton fare. "Mr. Hopkinaon." It will b cheery prlud to tha dlamal Christmas shopping period. It will make you for get that Its reining. It'i I poaltlv guarantee of a whole evening ot laugh. which from tha standpoint of a habit ual theatregoer seem tot moat valua ble thing In tha world.. Dalle Welford Introduce an abso lutely new type of Englishman to the realm of farce so far as this country, at least, la eonoeroed that of tha low class bounder, whose parents were Ye- straining Lease of Dry- sr.,K?siuls?SrCu Z'w Port of Tortland 3fust Show WIiv Fermanent Order Should Not Be Issued lie rtk "Wiin V ArLnimentSJhlm. We've had the bored society peo U0CiV Jlall-y . AIU,m,US,pl of rin.ro and the entertaining mid- die claea of Bernard Bhaw, but carton haa worked them all together and put them around Mr. Hopkinson, a book kaanar in a retell store who la suddenly Dramatic was tha moment when Ha- j ,e. minions by an uncle In South Af- rhael Citron, accompanied by Doptuy I rir. South African uncles hava done Khertrr Bird, disturbed tne meeting or v-oman service In the aid of tna Jin the Port of PorUand subcommittee yes-l,..h rm before this, but never bet- terday afternoon, long enough for the ... then in Inducing Mr. Hopkinson to anerirr to serve an oraer on me nirm-imak a try for " 'Igh society. hers of the committee, temporarily re-j Wei ford's funnylsms nre English and .training the .Fort or romaim irom en-ii. ..u most of the first act ror an terlng Into any contract or .other I American audience to find Itself among ntrreement ror tne lease or in oryaocs i them. Once this Is dona the mange to any private company. , ' from our own old accustomed Jones is ine oraer wum ipbuou yuuiwit 117 1 Alatlnntlv BtlmuiatinaY .: wenoru iTaeiaing juage uruniunn 01 ine eiaie rwmi:r.rhkinhh. National Ifivers andHarbors TO ELKCT A "WET" um'u,: endn. u Conffiw.WJll Meet TICKET AT KEXXE1 "Ma Hopkinson" prove a tenia that no oaa can afford to do without It Is so runny that anyone mor In his makeup crlea. Tha aituatloi Dior delightful until positively marry thai 11 o'clock haa coma. And Imagine being loathe to go home at tha end of tha usual farca ; Mr. Carton has written his nlav aa a combination of satire and farce. The satire predominates but la gloased over. In a way. by the showy farca of Mr. uopiunaon Himself. . As a farceur Mr. Welford Is tha moat ntartainlns- ier- -rta will remain In poaaaealon of tl truphy for a iui her year. Tixttur'e vies tury was harder earned than that of Ha. ueJ.r, .aben lirooa and Wllittng tie- fraud the t'altfomtan handily. Al' though the lotal III an captured th inaluu In straight eat a, the flret t eets ran to deuce srorra, 11-10 and l-T. The third set wut to the Australian by a aoora of t-l. December 11 WICK Washington. Noy. 10. While tha pro gram for tha National Illvera and liar, bora congress, whlob meets la Wash ington December , t, t, and 10.. la still Incomplete, enough Is known to pre- son that has come over tha Atlantic In I diet the most Interesting series of meet fears. 'There 'la aomethlne- aitraarrii- I Inaa ever held hy a waterways conven- narlly comical In the mare annaaranra I linn k.ln tha '. culmination of tha of tha man. It Is heightened a little! busiest year aver known In the cause by makeup, but It. la aatmil.hlna' u Lr Imnniilni tna rlvara harbora and know how little. More thin thla ha tiil...i. v, M.tr. really exceptional knowleda-e of the! Th. nnanini anMraaa w-tll ha made bv true Value Of farcical aituatlona and of!. e tha rinltat fttata. and the art Of Oarrvln them off aa nr-1 u. .T.et of national ant 7 . t0 J6T audience, even la international , prominence will , be tne midst of Its laurhter. . half avm-1 ,4 - cut. ra r rniiM ant Pi.h',nt? W,,.th. th v,cUm'" Predicament Ltbor Charles Nagel and Beoretacy of ir. ,a 1 .wmpany that supports War Dtcklnaon will represent the ad Mr. Welford Is an excellent one. Mlaa I -..... 1 .u . ... ri.. .K. . -v I miMWVJBilVH Willi kuuiwvo. " ' Barbara Clement aa Lady Thvra la the - r. . i- n t- a . m . I it i (air aaiii uMaiasaiu . v VUU V vu evv nenci a a 7:X ahVhur,.v,b.uL ihf: S2ChiEiJ t B'5.e.b?.rfh whUa Fr!er- algn Interests. , a 1 1 XL a Wallace ana War-I tnWnlnm nthara tiava mnMntft to deliver speeches daring the sessions of the congress: Senator T. E. Murtou of Ohio, chairman of National Water- ("iwUI tltpalr te Tha Jaaraal ) ' AennewicK. nun, jsuv, D in an open caucus held here Saturday even ing a oitlaene' lloket for the annual city election Uecember 7 waa plaeed In the rieio. Three councllmen and a city treasurer are to be elected. Counollmen A. It Richards and Christ Kruie were nominated to aucceed themaelvee, and J. J. Reed chosen to succeed Councilman James CrbwelL The name of Carl Har- non was placed on the ticket for city treasurer. Interest In the coming election, which has been at a low ebb, was aroused last night, and before the meeting wes called to order it waa evident that the balloting would be close, with tha aa. toons and the North Coast franchise as tha leading Issues, The saloonmen were oat in force, and unless an opposition ticket Is launched, tha next council will be wet.' - ren Fabian' were enterralnlne an4 nn, ful actors. Mr. Hopkinson" effectnailv 'wlnaa out tha debt Incurred and SUCh "thomas rot" aa that arentla. man would call It, . ... .v. "Jacklca" Giving V? the WeexL Washington, Nor. SO. Foea of "My Loy Nicoune" will be glad to learn that, while cigarette smoking Is on tha Increase among the boys of ynclo Ham's t ' uauii 01 luoncco. cnewing at least Is on tha decline. Bids for tha EIIDEiWOH TO ILIPBOIIE SOUTH.;- King as t as poaalhle, Owing to tti . aliarnoe ut fruata this fall, moat ou te have tier 11 too green and terwler to UIk, so they would keep through the. wiutar without rotting, A good crop la ed from all allies, and the Imrveat Is vicinity will be bettor then Southern Commercial Con gress to Hold First Ses slon Since Birth. " , Sinldnjj SpeUi Every .F Days 'At the time I bean; taking Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy I was Washington. Nor. 10. "For a greater nation through a greater south Is the alnaan nf tha Montham Commercial con- greea, which win meet here for the! haTincr sinkinc spells crerv few first time since Its organisation at y . . , . . .. Washington on December 4. 10. on iuj- nanas ana leet WOUia December ( and 7. ' - J r,Vf .fttrl. T -.AA , ' t.. Thla ronereia la oomnosed Of the ' vwuiu , amtcij leading buaineaa men of tha south, breathe, and could, -feer myself . of tha country of greater oornmerolall gradually $inking away until I Imporunca. thereby adding to the wonld be nnm'n,,. TU w-.e vwaa.aWMs , eV IIVOV mn r nhi. WK.rh.rt nr xfinn.aota. lODfCC0 .wr. Pn .t th navy de- clrcult court on complaint of Captain I . . . J ... - the burden ih.r rn... thrnuah hia attorneva. Nrydock for the lessening of tn nuroen ji..r. kl Mnini ana nanhaai ritrnn. I to th taxpayers, providing an aavan Th. nnl Alraa tha 1afan1anta to an-1 taa-aoua lease COUia DO maae, cur u pear before Judge Bronaugh tomorrow I last fire and one-half year a he aald. morning and ahow canse why they I it 1. ahown that the drydock haa been should not b permanently reatralned . yearjy axpense of about $3J,- from th action that it is alleged In I .! Vvf.' ........ the hands . . . . . 1 . . . VHU. J 1 1 1 .1 U I. J 11 . ... W. D , tne complaint iney are contemplating, r - . , annum. Bervlce of the copies of the restrain- ana per utrj.rv..c.u -- lng order was made while Chairman W. Owing to th fact tnat nusiness win 00 D. Wheelwright was concluding the divided between the two cocks in me statement that so far aa the commie-1 future, whereas the publlo dock has had Hi on era war advised they were in favor I no comnetltlon- heretofore. . will maK of the leasing of the plant, and caused I tha burden much heavier. stir of astonishment in ' the room, I H. ' J. Parkinson, of the leglelauve hich was fiUed with people who had! committee of the Central Labor coun- aeBembled In the Port of Portland I cit. made the first remark in oppoel rooms to hear tha discussion of tbeltlon to th leasing of the dry dock. Mr. mieatlon. Th committee having the! Parkinson set forth that he represent subject under consideration and served led about 10.000 laboring men of Port with the restraining order consists of fend, all of whom were opposed to the w. v. wneeiwngnt, J. u. Ainswortn 1 leasing of the Port of Portland, dry and C F. Adama. ' ' '. 7 1 dock to a orivate corporation, on the eta rorth OombiB. -v ; v grounds, that th commission does not Th complaint filed by Captain Crow hava th right to dispose of a publlo rives, briefly, a history of the forma-1 utility and that further, If It was placed tlon of the Port of Portland and gives In th hands of a private Interest ther the process by which the dock was built would be a disposition on th part or in 190S at an expense of about 1365,000, the lessee to depress labor. The complaint then refers to the bene- , Bays Port Would Suffer. fits resulting from the operation of the! wis remarks were followed by Ed. drydock by the Port of , Portland to the I Rosenberg, who said that should the port, arter wnicn 11 alleges mat an nronertr be leased, the Port , Of Port al tempi, is oeing roaas 10 organize a 1 land would find Itself unable to retain combine of the drydocks Of the Pacif lo I the control and regulation of the prop- ceasrt "am- haBemriBB'f tfearjfnyatn-hiMt thatch-lter&4a do( k in this city in th only step neces-t0 h oort would ventually suffer. sary to its completion. The complaint gat Senator C. : W- Nottingham d denles that' th members of th Port dared that the drydock was built for of Portland commission have any au-1 the purpose of Improving and beneflt thorlty to enter Into any contract or I inK , the harbor, and for helping the nfrreement for tha leasing of the dry- shipping IneresU of the harbor, and dock. It recites that the contemplated was never Intended as a money-making action by r th commissioners is "for- proposition. He said that It made no elgn to the rights and privileges of difference what , the Umltatlona thrown said commissioners and an open rlola- around the : lease miaht be. one s th tion of the trust 'reposed In them," drydock passed from the direct control Peel sight to X.ase, of th Port of Portland. th company Scarcely heeding the Interruption I which leased It would get what they want at the expense or the people, while at th present tune there la no com plaint by the taxpayers about the ex pens of running; the dock. '"' ". Speaks for tease, f Th .only, person who spoke adro- catlngr tha lease of th dock was W. H. Corbett, president of the Oregon Dry dock company. ; Mr. Corbett said that the Port of Portland was not getting Its. share Of the drydocking business of the ' Pacific ; coast, because of existing condition under which the drydock is being operated. He said that for the same reason only emergency repairs are made to vessels entering the port. Any j Idea of a monopoly would be out of the question, with the conditions at tached as suggested - by Mr. Wheel- cauBod by the service of-the restrain lng order. Chairman Wheelwright con tlnued his remarks, saying that he and the two other commissioners composing the committee were satisfied that they had a right to lease the drydock to prl . .. vate Interests providing that they lm pose the same conditions regarding the control and operation of th property on the lessee, that are required to -be observed by the Port of Portland Itself, under its charter. Mr. Wheelwright said that they thought that it would be contrary to the spirit of the charter to give up the control of the drydock, and for that reason It would be stipulated In the leas, should one be given, that the com mission would always have full power to, fix conditions on which the dock should be used and to regulate all rates of dockage.1 The dock would be open to all ship and craft of rall descrip tions, and to all repairers, whether per sons, firms or corporations, wishing to do work ther on equal terms. He said that the commission would retain active supervision of th drydock. so that It should not b run In the private In teres t of any corporation or in the prl' vate Interest of any Individual or to the Injury of th publlo welfare. He said further ; that ' no ' lease would be concluded... without full publicity and competition, and - that he . had heard through responsible person - that a syndicate Is being made tip - of outside interests other than the Oregon Drydock company, to compete. - Would aUUere Taxpayers, Mr. Wheelwright said that the com mittee was In favor of leasing the mon, of Ohio; Eberhart, of Minnesota; Burke, of North Dakota; Hadley, Of Missouri; and Patterson of Tennessee; and Representatives Alexander, of New Tork, chairman of the River and Har bor committee; Dalioll. of Pennsylvania; Small of 'North Carolina, and Burgess, of Texas. '..'.. na A Vi A aval a I rar m I aa a saa ' ev4 van "m"l . f .l one story rrame over to addresses from aome of th lead ing editors of th ' country, amongst whom will b Harvey Scott, of th Port land Oregonian; Lafayette Toung, of the Des Moines Capital; A. T. C. Hamlin, of the New York Tribune, and Dr. J. F. Crowe!!, of the Wall Street Journal. ., , Professor Emery 8. Johnson of the University of Pennsylvania, who was with the National Waterway commis sion on its recent European trip, as th representative of the National Rivera and Harbor congress, will present a report on his observations during. the summer. , , ' -. n ' Other addresses will be made by ex- Governor Benton McMillan, of Tennes see; Honorable Frank Gates Allen, of PERMITS TAKEN OUT .E0R 3IAKY HOMES irJntT,iT?L bul"n permits. In- '""i'cwuuib, aa 101 lows Hi. W. Countlss. erect nna ati dwelllnr. Kirr.mit ,tr..i k.,..!.. J SfanHuplnir . . . dwelling Crookham avenue between same"ll600n Sev.entnth; buUder, J. W. Nen.L ranalr nn. '. pc-olroorrf. 118 Seventh street between N. Houx. erert twn .tn... 1. . Clifton street between Sixteenth and Seventeenth; builders, . A. C Emery & Coj 18000. . . . rr . J. Manntan. rnn.lr twn . , n . , ; - - vi wjkvi v nam. :lat: V?uJ?hn "treet between Twenty third and Twenty-fourth builders, A. C. Otto Mlkknlaon .rol , - -, . V . W. J 11D1IIC ? iii ; amiei street between Twen- partment toaay. This amount repre sents a year's supply for th bluejackets and marines, and Is a decline of about two-third In the amount used In pre vious years. Ducks and Oeese .rientlfnl. - Shelburn, Or., Nov. SO. Since th re cent rainstorm, wild geese and ducks ar beginning to make their appearance m the swamps and sloughs of this seo Uon in goodly numbers. ' ; For Lou of Appetite. , Take Horsford's Acid Phosphata Its us is especially recommended for resto ration 01 appetite, strength and vitality. Try It'-; -.. . - f-. - r-- ; A typewriter' was patented In Eng land as early aa 1714. - . ral welfare of th nation. Tb three most Important subjects to be considered are ' "Neglected Agricult ural Opportunities In th South." Manu facturing Opportunities la th South.' and "Colonisation Opportunities In th South." These three questions will be discussed by leading buaioesa men and talesmen, and steps will be taken to ward establishing a vigorous campaign of publicity with a view of attracting outside capital and settlers. Morning, afternoon and evening sea alona will be held or Monday and Tues day,, and following the adjournment, all In ; attendance will be invited to be present at the opening session of th National Rivers and Harbors congress on Decembers 8, when President Taft will address th delegates. , ' - ' . v John M. Parks, ,. president of the organisation, will' deliver . th opening address on Monday morning, and h will b followed by Secretary of War Dickinson. Thomas u Fields, of Lon don, will then deliver an address .on "Th Opportunity for Southern Propa ganda In the British Isles." . Prominent southerners. will speak at tna afternoon 'session, and in the even ing an Illustrated lecjure will be given on the ""Opportunity Patent In the Panama Canal." by Claude N. Bennett. manager of the congressional bureau. Farmer Digging potatoes. , Shelburn. Or- Nor. 30.-The weather having moderated to - an occasional shower, farmers are rushing potato dig- ty-fifth and Tenty-iTit Mobile, Ala.; I C Emery & Co.; $6000. I Danforth E. Ainsworth, New Tork; Jerrr Rronaus-h r.n.l. frame dwelling. East Washington street two story between Union and Oranri er, C. CarmichaelMloo. v St Paul Lutheran church, repair one story frame church, East Twelfth street between Clinton .nrl Tvnn- .- hnlM.r. lhberg & Springer; $1600.. V , ,' o. J. - Alien. v ere? nna iIam eMm. dwelling, Oakland street between Pnifl. na- wrirr-eu traers; same?"-! 800;' - ..oooaen, ereci one story frame dwelling. East Nineteenth street be tween Marlon and I. Inn- v.ntiHr ..n,.- 1600. . . ' ' Nlckum A Mowery, erect one' story frame store. East Thirteenth street be tween Tenlno and Tacnma- hnllriAra wv-ii ac 1 uuKer, aiovu. Honorable , Albert Bettlnger, of Ohio: W. A. Johnson, Order United Travelers of America; F. W. CrandalL' Traveler's Protective Association of America, and O. P. Austin, "chief, of the bureau of statistics, department of commerce and Labor. t TOILED 44 FOB DIVORCE FUND ' ' (TTnttPd Pnm taaae WlnLt StPaul. Nov. .80. After saving for 14 rears to obtain the money necessary in Vantir. . rflvAro. "KJrvm Tur n m m. 1 Leadbetter A'plttork renalr twn .M k""' 1 . ' "'"f frame store, 186 MorrlsSn street be. whonTshe" charaed with er,,i tween River and Knnt- huti.r xma. wnom ne cnarged with, cruel and In-1 Pharmacy company: 150. I nuinan " treatment." - The . decree was I H. W. Harala. erect nna mtnrv fr.m. I granted, by Judge Booth, after three dwelling, Skldmore street between Con-minutes had been occupied In taking C0J? ?I",,P?nverI builder, same; 11200, j testimony. Mrs. Taylor left her hus- T -n -r.-i - : . . I lima - Kha -.aav. av.rv . xanl M.hl. xv xxiue, rase one ana one natx story frame dwelling, 834 Fifth street between Clay, and Market; builder, same; $1000. 1 a. xnompson, erect frame flume, wuncu u-resc; Dunaer, j. 1 crandall; $8000. . Fred Share, erect one tan' frama aweuing, j;asi juighty-first street be- iween - reemont and Klickitat; builder. same; $1000. ..-.v S. P. McKee. erect two atnrv ev.ma uwBjuiiK, xiAsi wasnington street be tween xnirty-rpurth and Trihty-fifth; time - she -saved every cent Dosslble from her meager earnings, with a view of obtaining the divorce . which - was granted yesterday. CANADIAN LINES NOT IN TELEGRAPH MERGER v (Un1td Prow leased Wlr.) Ottawa, Out, Nov. 80; Canadian tele mnh anA talanViAfi aa nmrianlaa yntrt 11 ma John Carls ton. erect two Rtnrv tram I k-. r,n.tu, 4. a fweh telegraphy merger according to state- builder, Frank Carlston; $2000 , ments today by officials of the various n T5 rl AHn. . . I rnmtun m nnprannar in -tha '. nnmlnlnn w. -wevi tjiiu Bwrjr . inim t --. - r, ... .... dwelllnar.- fitanlav nvanna h.ttv..n ilt. I Offlfara nf tna 'Rail Talanhnna Mmmn wrlght. . or the exaction of exorbitant j rioti and Annie: builder. Same: 31200. of Canada denied without raaervatinn th. chargesor anything else that would In-1 : C. A. Shepard, erect one story frame rennrt that thair nrnntntirm i,m k.- Jure the shipping of the port - f..""" Ar5?; 5?tw??a..?!?: ioine Part of the combine. Similar de nials were Issued from the offices of the Canadian Paclflo Telegtraph and Great Northwestern companlea Mr. Corbett said that he waa not sure l?J!L,uld Clyer.; builder. M. McClumm;! t,m ka laoaa Kaa nlr s a aall f ' vv would b attractiv to th Oregon Dry- TOPIC FOR PRAYER aoca company, out mat tney wouia bei tt a T T riTTTTTnTTTri ! willing to give It a. chance and at the JUS ALL t-li L) KLlijbo same ( time relieve : the taxpayers of Portland of a great burden, I This is the week of prayer In all the I churches throughout the world, and fol lowing is the topic for tomorrow: John xlv. Prayer in Christ's name: Jtv:l$-17. zvl:23-S4. It Ha Broken'Ann; Shoots Self. ffffiM-liil Dlanatrh . TK. Imm.1 Husum, Wash., Nov. 30. Two severe! John xiv:13-14 accidents .within 10 days happened to I 'a not to use Christ j name as a charm Bobbie Glaaco, living in the Hult coun- with God; bnt that we may rise up to try. . A broken arm was In a sling. I our dlgnt:y as membera of Christ. To ana wnue carrying a rifle,, he tripped ask in Chr!fV ftme is to ask with on sagebrush. In falling, the gun was Christ's aurLorUy tor what he would aiscnargea, tne bullet entering- his leg. I ask, I John t:14. passing down Into the foot and lodging I ' The prayer that he sanctions. Inspires, Australians Keep Tennis Cop. Sydney," N. W. S., Nov. 30. By de feating Maurice McLaughlin and Mel ville Long of California, American chal lengers for the Dwlght Davis interna tional tennis cup, the Australian court NO MAM IS. 0OWM: And Out Until He Has Lost Con ". fidence In Himsell and . Refuses to Try A wronrfloer is often a 'roan that "Eas" l'af t eomeWrig un(fonnotal-. ways h that has done something. Neglect Is as much, a ortraa as over ' action. Good health, and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings, but utt ef tea men caQ at my of- . floes who ar so skeptical of physi cians that fear of failure has cost them many . months : of . unnecessary and frequently disastrous delay. Whan a singer starts a song too high he is wure to strike notes in th scale that h will be unable to reach the same as a doctor who makes dogmatic' and extravagant claims. . I .make no elaims that are not sup ported by th facta. The company commenced business in Its present quarters over 30 years ago, and are domg more than double the amount now than 10 er SO years ago. Refer ences are ihe best banks and busi ness men and grateful patients ourod ' all ever Oregon and 'Washington. I have given my entire time for years to the four diseases that wreck men: TABioosa vsxirs, Bixon roisov, . ZTAXi WSAKnrxSS JJTO XKTHO- Tiotrs : siiobdbbi avs tuib SXSUZaTS, and I cure them to stay, cured forever. 1, fpaa? 1S WOT A BOXJCaJi VTEmt KM ."AXD MTU. OVBBS about me could not tell there was life In ; me.. After these " spells I would be Tery weak and nerrons, sleepless and without- appetite; had neuralgia In my neaa : ana heart. After takmir the remedy a short time alfcthis :y disappeared and in a few weeks ; all the heart tiuble was rone." ' : MRS. LIZZIE PAINTER r ., &3ja 3d Ave. Eransville, Ind ' ' ; For . twenty . years ' we ..have ' been constantly i receivfno;' just . , such letters as these; There is" r scarcely a locality in the United -States where there inot some one "-who; can testify tor the , merits of this remarkably sue- " cessf u r Heart Remedy. r , " Dr. M lies' Hfit Remedy la sold by all drugglata. If the first bottle fall to " '- benefit, your druggist will return your money. - ., . MILES 'MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Imt' MEM THAT ARE WEAK, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN COME TO ME ANDBECURED t Bee AU Kr tleats ParaonallT. I hire so snbstltutes sad hav w medical eompaay. . . k. - i THE DOCTOR THAT CUBES. there. HEALTH OF ANIMALS BEST - ... t if.--.-.- ... , ,-i . ,-- .. , .... - J .4 . . - . J,-.', v- BECAUSE Of GOOD DIGESTION An interesting interview was recently obtained with L. T. Cooper, whose theory and medicines have created such -a sensation during the past year. Mr. Cooper, In speaking of the markable success of his medicine, had tms to say on tne subject: My medl cine regulates the stomach. That Is why It Is successful. The .human atom acb today has become degenerate, and is the cause for most ill health. In the hors. tb dog. and the wild animal generally, you see no nerve exhaustion, aa hriwilA riehfMtv. TK. ar. tint .h JP day after day with practically no exercise, and they ar not able to stuff thrffisutves trnr food when their bodies have not bad enough work to Juatify It. The human.' race has been doing this for year, and look at th result half the people are complaining of poor health, not real Illness juat a half lea. tired, droopy feeling. Ther don't r.Hy know what is the matter with t!ern. - - - ' I know that all th trouble la caused tr weak, overworked stomachs. I hare r-iovad this wits my medicine to many t!,ouanU of people In moot of th lead- !"l rule of the coantry. Thla Is the r-al reason for the demand for my frryrmtlon." . - Amorg these who hav recently a rert.-d t C-opere theory I Mr. 8. V. I-kni f Aberdeen, Misa, who jiv: -I t.av ut aprat for nnlserab) .rs -kira'and s archlcg for. relief 'n and stoanacb trtribl. I -?.'-t tlacr'.na the suffnirg I hare ' - th. J!v bnilh'M umUr- '. rl I rM are wjaaif ra Idly - - I -'4 latyT eat. sW-p .or ' T t j4 I fl d ir trt to '- f me the S)traa ! --r !.; p"TrtTr . t t T1r . " - a '--v. a i! v i j. so w pray In the.Holy Spirit (Judo 30, Bom. vlll:f6). Let us pray for the missionary work or tne church at nome and abroad. For an increase of missionary seal tnrougnont ennatendom, , For all engaged in missionary work, teachers, doctors, nurses anil ethers, as well as ministers. Large heartedneea. - Recognition of God's -manifold wis dom in dealing with various peonies. Witness in life and temper to Chris tian standards and Christian grace, A spirit of entire self sacrifice, SUES JOB $5500; . FINDINGS FOB $600 merous remedies, with a Ilk result I was at tb end of my string, my pocket book emptied, and I was in a worse condition than ever. I gave up In de spair; there seemed to be no hope left, and I was completely discouraged. "A friend came to me and urged me to try Cooper's New Discovery medl-1 - Circuit Judge Gantenseta yesterday cine. I threw up my hands in disgust I decided' tne case of Sol JE. Levi what was the use? His sincerity lm- J against Ck A. Hag ar In favor of the pressed me, and I finally decided1, to Plaintiff for 3(00. Th testimony was tak another chance, and bought one I heard In th morning without a lurv. Levi Dotue or en isew twaeovery.. -1 bad no I sued for 16600 damages for failure of ilea tnat it would Help me, but It did. I the defendant to give possession ef the from the first day I could notice Haaar theatre in - Vancouver. Wuh aa Improvement, and by the time the I under a lease for three years, with the first bottle had been emptied there I nrlvilee-e . of renewal. Tha nmn.,-. very noticeable change for the under the lease Included a comnleta better. My bowels were thoroughly cleansed, my stomach felt easier and retained food, and my digestive organs began to perform their functions nron- erly. My sleep became restful and re freshing. I developed a rood aroetite. and soon discovered that I. could eat anything I cared for and as sauch as I wanted, without a theucht of diatreaa afterward. moving picture show, and Levi aald that Hagar toW him he was making 1210 per month net oa th ahow. - A Religions Author's Sta4emnt. Rev. Joseph H. Fesperman. Salisbury. N. C, : who Is the author of several books, writes,: - "For several years I was afflicted with kidney trouble, and last winter -1- was suddenly stricken with a severe pain In my kidneys and was confined to bed eight' days unable to get up without assistance. My urine contained a thick, whit sediment, and I passed same frequently day- and night I commenced taking .Foley's Kidney Remedy,: and the pain gradually abated and finally -ceased and my urln be came normal.'" 1 cheerfully recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy." Skldmore Drug comnany, ltl Third street : ARE YOU - A SUFFERER ? .. You Can Be Cured-Other Men Are Being Cured Every Day Come to Me and I Will Cure You MY MOTTO: The Best Treatment at Reasonable Prices Don't Give Up Before Consulting Me Call af Once if in Trouble My fees for cures are lower than the general family physician or surgeon. Medicines furnished from our own laboratory for the con--, ven lance and privacy of patients; from 1.60 to $6.60 a course. If you cannot call, write for one free self-examination blank. Many oase are cured at home. - SOUKS a n. to (Ma, sad Sandays from 10 to lo. "" - . - v - - - - - , . j - ... - - . u: - -- St Louis TJedical Company Cor. Second aad Tsisbill ; PORTLAND. ORE. arv ' 0 A oxma i lowr than any specialists In th city, half that others charge you and no exorbitant price for " medicine.- -. . '- "-, ., . m stt expert speclaflst. have had 0 years' practioe in the treatment of diseases of men. My offices are the best equipped in Portland. My meth Wl are modern and un.to.dnt. , Mt Cures ar antra- an nnalfiv. . T Att n rear symptoms and patch up. I thor. oughly examine each case, find the cause, remove It and thus cure th dis ease . .. . X OTTSB Tarlooss Tolas, Xrydroeele, Froststlo Troubles, - Contracted AO meats, Mas and Specif lo Blood Soisoa i aad all Diseases ef . ices, v- CUBB OXt WO MT1 am inl Specialist la Portland -arhn mahaa no ; eharge unless the patient Is enUrely sat Isfled with the ? result accomplished, and who gives a written guarantee to refund everv dollar naid for unrinaa If a eompiet and nermanent aura la not effected. JrrH.':" :....'.' .- -' lif FM V!slt Zr- Lindsay's : private -' Museum of Anatomy and know thyself in health and disease. Ad mission free. Consultation free. If un. able to call, write for list of queatious. Office hours 9 a. m. to t to. bl. Sun. - days, 10 a. tu. to 1 p. m. only. ' DR. 1114 Second St, corner ot Aldei. Portland. Or. Young: MI rig cmnese Medicine Co. , i r" FREE TO THE SICK AND WEAK First Bank for Curry County. Curry county la to have a bank, tha first institution of the kind that has j kind, lost strenrth. nervous debility ever opened its doors to the patronage any trouble that weaker you, dc This great book tells how you can cure yeuraeti wnnoui exugs. It la ritten in nam language ana beau tifully Illustrated with picture of well-built, robuat men and. woman. at explains many aecreta you should know and shows how. men becofn strong and vigorous aner a lew appllcatlona of mi i t-ieciro- igor. If yoa suffer from weakness ef any Dp. TAYLOR'S 310.000 MUSEUM OF ANATOMY OPEN FREE TO MEN :' All men visiting Portland should tee Dr. ' Taylor's Free Museum of . Science. At far ahead of all other advertised museumt at 'th ' Dr. Taylor methods c of treating men's dis-1 eases are superior to the old, haphazard 'tnd r guesswork treatment -An-exhibition prepared at a sreat cost of time and labor. No charge to tee museum, which is entirely apart from ' medical offices. '..- : - . - CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FJUDlt , r ; NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED. Office Houra-0 a. m. to 9 p. m. Dsilr. Sundays, 10 to 1. -?IToo Cannot CalL Write for Symptom Blank. - - v - JThe DR. TAYLOR Col -?HSSSS5i 3K. TATlOaV. . The Xnwdtng Wonderful reme dies - from-, herbs snd roots. Cure Cancer, Nervous ness. Catarrh. l-a. Orlppe. Blood Poison. - Dropsy, THifta T . a. Liver, Kidney ani Stomach .Troubles. e cure all chron- Prlvate Dla- easea of men and women when others fail, r Hundreds of testimonials from grateful patients. No operations. Hon. est treatments. Consultation free. . , vToung Ming, S47 Taylor it, bet and Third, Portland. Or. ! it f k h'iwi' iriJsl 10 Every Woman iasreKai aaa lanaid kaow ... . a born thm vODdarfn MARVEL whirling Spray Tb petr VarM trrtara, tmfn. wo sea aarWoa. UtmtStd. ail A oml vonranteint A ;ar 4rutbl B. nnmaavnlTtn hi aouent ia other, bnt aand Mamn toe llluatnited book araUa. rti run namcoiani and rtirawiMnnai tn. Valu. bl. to U1 tea, M R V a I, rOV. aa k, sen ir tew gov- aab by Bkldaxire Iruf Cm., Waedara. . Clark. Oa. and Laaa-Div). firo Oa. .toraa. I - na-r -v..- D. sannoaavpirue V . . tree,' WW' I W'iS '. s)FOR WOMEN ONLY Ir. Sandersons Compound Far In and Cotton Root Pills. The best and only reliable remedy for DELATED PER IODS. ' Cure the moat obstin- - ate cases in I to 19 dare. Price ti per bos or three boxes tS.OO. Sold b . Address T. J. tland. O', m dmrrlsta everywhere. PIEKCE. Ill Allsky bids. or inr irouoit uiai wniiri vow. am t of that wealthy section of Oregon, says ,,a" ,7 thJ" book- Hetaembe-r, It I . i . - . . I th ( ooa Rir Hirknr A .n- " w"v.w, ... ,n . " : A r::T:"iD' !a. a. ur... tbe .,,. 0 RfcnAvv.-Tr i -.u a miBt. . cut rt tbu . .. wrt s. . . w .- i pon right Row gtgmilOII TfW rAtl ra a-a. aw a a - a awaa a, aa Usui BL aaa Baaaa I I 1 1 1 0 r wwWVSkam ' soon rammed, and I oontlBued nntil I j t&B P"1"' interest -The bank will bad taken- four bottles. I eornow ea-l port orford- 0org IX Mood ef tlrely well never felt better Is nv I appleton. Wis, who snade aa lasnacrJoa life. All my former trouble has disss-jof U county; eerlv laet fall. U the peareA- I owe a an to Cooper a kw I prfan" fctr th" B,!?Trt- His loraj rHacoverr. and would rnrr.i.i I etaaociates will her E. a. Jtall.i- r- xt deed. If I failed to give praise wher I Bii'T- w- Colebrook, W. J. Want W. It la da. j A. Weod and W. A. Blabel all r 4v., -i mac IMS statement naralv rmm . I D R. and bring or mail It to ma Coneultatioa free. Office hoors, a. m. to p. m. Taeadays and Beturdars until p. m. StiBdays, 1 to 1 p. ra. enae of duty. To ay one who is uf fertng ta any way from etoraach trou ble I m rcoml this Cooper t-i- C-mpei-s frw. 11CT,rf U rli y: a oraggiF's rrtrj-m r,er. - I rifteea tfiiitoa ra'lons of water dar sre pumped frrm tii m(ne ef Lew.3. i tiila. Cr-io, arM It Is eat muted n , ti t tew of water are r3 Tor evert ' ton ct er r ir--. DR. S. A, HALL CO. 1314 Seeoaa Ave, SaaMla, Vut. I lease ent m. f rep't your free I6-fag Jiioatraie! . II-l-tt Kama ..... . . Aj;re V.r.T.".. '-"H ' W I N Q UE E The Great Chinese Doctor LOCATED IN PORTLAND 5INC IU3 il H I called th great beraose he cures oiaeaae - witoout reaorting M tb Irnlfe. Call and bar a free examlnatloa. lie will tell you th exart natur of your trouble. He treats suoeeae fuliy every form of female -orrf.ialnt ail prl rat a and Mood diacaaaa.. meer.pralrla. tumcra, rfaeo matlant and ail disorders cf th stomach, liver and kldneja. H has had great aucoeaa n curing con emptJrn when the victim is not too ma h rn down hy the 3!a. nd will 'op bemorJ-.aca tn an 1n-r?rhlr short time. He brea-s hts own oiedl rln from Clineaa root, fcertni, b-ida. tiaras nJ vretMe ta. . I of M'h are entirelv Karmle.. ana wnoae melH ir al r r"t-rtl-a i ?:'frtit ri-tai reT-'oa I in. 1 f i ,itt rf t .f- sr. r a li-J ln t t rr' tlce over I rwl. of ta- ! ' T rt ro: t rr f,;i ure ' t s j r-n( I ilh . ' ; J Kr AJ liln.t1