THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY - EVENING, NOVEMBER 3. 1S0J. CU'ER FALlliiG RAPIDLY HERE Iorts Have It That Xearly All Kunawny Los Will . Be licked Up. loss estimated at r ABOUT 20 PER CENT UVoan Tows llnl Haft Through .Bridges Since Wk Watr Or W gon City JiOChd M-nni im .' ing Stejn-r to Kun Tomorrow ; '. ' Practically nil of the logs whloli got sjoose last work, whon the river was at .'Its high stage, will I'O picked up. It is ' laid, by the middle of the week anJ It ! stated that the loan of logs will , probably riot exceed 10 per cent. Some - of ths raft were picked up Intact, while logs from those which broke have been ntorlr all olcked ud by the ateamera aent out for that purpose. ' r.nfoln O. W. Hosford said this , :morntog that the ateamera 3. K. Went worth and Alarm had gone down as ; far as- Brookfield and are working- up the river, picking up me logs in w .stream and getting me rani vugowiei. nThey are now engaged In picking up " the logs which were Jammed against " the Madison bridge last week. Eight rafta which broke loose from 4 the Portland Lumber company's mill and went down, the river Thursday, "were caught at Kalama, all of the' rafts .'being In good -shape, and not oroKen i on. .As there were too many of. them 'to be easily bandied, they were cut In lialf. and four of them were allowed to float down to Rainier, where they were. caught and tied up. Captain Hos- .ford says that of the 28 rafts which " got away during the flood, he figures ithat not over 20 per cent win be lost. lie expects the gear and rafts to bo "'all secured by Wednesday, . In the last two days the -river has . fallen . rapidly, especially in the last :r24 hours up to 7 o'clock this morntnr. during which period ,it fell J.4 feet. , In - case there Is no more .heavy rains. It ? will continue to fall rapidly, s The first raft, sines the extreme high '''water, k ; was towed up , through the bridges ' yesterday, . when , the steamer Weown brought one up on the 19 foot "stage. .. The raft cortalned about 100,- 400 feet of , lumber, and consequently ttirt pull ' up the stream was , a hard "'one.' It took the Weowa four and one Jialf hours to bring the raft the six mik'S up from Swan Island to the Port" n land mills, which, were about out of The Oregon City locks r closed last week on account of "the high water and " were opened again tnls morning and i .steamers of the Oregon City Transpor tation company wll resume operations tomorrow, the Pomona starting up the river and the Oregon leaving Cor vail Is -for Portland. -Fears are expressed, ."'however, that the storm off the coast will' bring heavy rains again and the ..river come up to ine point where the flocks will have to be closed once mora. the Willamette river tweea Corvallls and ivorle this afternoon. Inluw of the OchUUiama the French bark 1, Hermit arrived at the ball1 dock In Llnnlon yeaturdny. Tit 1'ort of Portland lowlmat thun returned to -Astoria for the Krnh bark lvl4 TAn gers. whtrh la hra, wltli cargo for Krr. Olfford A Co., but on account of the heavy gal the tvklahaiua could nut bring the ship up today. The steamer Rainier was lowered this morning from the Oregon drydmk., While there sh had a new stem iIj- put In and her stern bearings tlg.n enod. After leaving iha dock ahs n to the North Hank dock to load wheat The remainder of the minor repalrltis will be done there. She will tttka a deckload of lumber to Can FTanclsco for the I.imid Lumber com ban y. With naaaanaera f nl frclaht the steamer Hreakwater. Captain Macgenn, arrived at T o'clock last night from Coos Hay. Deetdes 80 pusavngers ! had SOO torn nf al and ISO tons "I general mrrclmndlso. j After dlacharglng 000 kega of pow- der at Martin's Uluff. the strain r Thomas U Wand of the lllchardson Steamship line, arrived at Ouk street dock last night. She has about 700 ton of general merchandise to dlsrhurge, af ter which ah will go to drays Harbor to lond lumber for Ran Krnnclaoo. 1,1,111 .III IS HIE GOD PBEflCIK ME fflUr THIHCS in coranoii MgeMSMSBlSa Should 3Iako Lf'fc a Pmc- CommlttmApiwiuted to' As- tfc of Immortality ' on Earth. : Bebuildinpr Church at WooUlawn. Ml DV0TT SPEAKS AT "Immortality," probable that she will takr the On-gon dredger outfit, toona and pipe, will Jell MARINE NOTES Astoria, Nov. 21 Arrived down dur ing the night, stenmer J. B Stetson Arrived down at 8 a. m., steamer All) ance. Arrived at 9 and left up at 9:20 a. m., steamer Breakwater, from Coos Flay. Irft up at ( a. ni., schooner W. K, Jewett Arrived down at 11:30 p. m.. steamer Catania. 'Sailed at 1 p. m steamers Asuncion and Kansas City, for Ban Francisco. Arrived down at 4 p. m., steamers Olympic snd Shna Talc San Ftanclsco. Nov. 28. Arrived at 1 a. m. and sailed at 1 p. m., steamer Tamalpals. from Portland for San Pedro. Arrived at a. m., steamer F. S. Loop; at 10 a. m., steamer Shoshone, from Columbia river. Sailed at 4 a. m., The Portland district preachers meet- In. nnMhul I ia wiiinni a I th Flrat UMVEIiSlTl 1 A UK Methodist church this morning and will continue to meet through weanesuay I I I'lia r.nil.r nminm for tha local mtn. IHIIrrrs 9Irsae or tnaoHnc in . . mating was carried out today First Sermon Since DraUi of 1-Vr- with a paper by Pr, Clarenca Trus Wll I m..m "A N.vl.ii of Dr. IImI'i nook on mrr rastor U. . lUfijpi ptHDjrt-i ,mmorU,y... Dr. Wllaon eompjlmeoted Dr. Beet for his commentaries on the various hooka of ths Jllble.' but said that In his treatises on general theology he weakened and was unable to writs convincing book. His theories on Im mortality did not meet, with Dr. Wll son's approval in any respect, ana ne undertook to refute these tneorlea by Biblical quotations, largely, Kev. W. B. llolllngahead, the district superintendent, was given a warm wal come, as Ms long absenos la ths east had mads him much missed. lis spoke In behalf of the Woodlawn church hlch with the parsonage was burned completely to ' ths ground recently and was a total loss. lis asked for th aid of the churches and said " that the promptness which ths 'Oregon confer WALKER-OTIS : IM'J OH TRIAL First Case to Test California Act Is. in Court at Oakland. With a message of condolence. Rev. Luther It pyott Sunday morning It is preached the first sermon In the Uni versity Park Congregational cnurcn sines the death of Kev. O. W. Wlgga former pastor. Immortality" was the subject taken by ths pastor of the First Congregational church. lie said: Adonis, a mythical personage, child of 'Incomparable beauty. Venus and Proaerpln' craved tba possession of Adonis. Conflict aroaa. Venus and Proserpina had their quarrels as to who should have ths child. Unable to set tle their dispute, they referred the serious matted to Jupiter, who decided that Adonis should spend part of tho J ence ha1 -nown responding to ths call year with Venus and ths other pari fron, 8an Francisco In Its earthquake with proaorpine, so tnai ne uvea eigut hai caused wide comment, and months in the upper world and rour that am readiness should be montha In ths lower. This fragment .hown to meet loc-i needa A commit tee of three was appointed to get ths of literature from mythology Illustrates soma features of moral Ufa, fecund with gleams, with hints and hopes of Immortality. Amid conflicts and antagonisms, with struggling faith, at times well nigh steamer George W. Fenwlck. for Colum- 5Un(1)a . of roaterlalUtlo propensities. uia over, okiiou m iu a. vuic Santa Clara, for Portland. San Pedro, Nov. 17. Sailed, schooner Andy.Mahony, for Columbia river. Ar rived, steamer Majestic, from Portland. Astoria, Nov. 29. No bar report; cape line down. Tides at Astoria Tuesday High water, 8:12 a. m.. 7.4 feet; 2:27 p. m., 9.2 feet; low water, 8:45 a. m., S.S eet; 9:28 p. m., 1.1 feet. . M4.RIXS 1 XThtXIGEXyH Bssrolaz ZJnars Xna to Arrlvs. Rose City, San Francisco . . Hanta Clara, aan j-rancisco. Alliance, Coos Bay......... Breakwater. Cooa Bay ...... Oeorge W. Elder, San Pedro Kansas City,, San Francisco Roanoke, San Pedro......1.. there abides ths desire of possession with soma notion and lov of the good. some vision of the beautiful, and under lying Intimation that the domain of the beautiful is more extensive than that of ths physical world. It sweeps out ward and onward beyond the bounds of our sensuous apprehension and sug gests that man la a bl-world creature. A belief In the Immortality of the soul does not depend altogether upon scrip tural proof texts. The progress of hu man life has some bearing upon the question. Modern religion should have no quarrels with evolution In the In .Nov. 29 terest of immortality. ....Nov. 81 ....Dec. 1 Dee. t . ...Dea i ....Dec. ....Dec. 12 ' SUgvlax- Tilners Doe to Depart. Santa Clara. San Francisco.,.,.. Deo. Roanoke. San Pedro Breakwater, Coos Bay Rose City. San Ftanclsco. . . . Alliance, Coos Bay ......... George W. Elder, Ban rearo. Kansas City, San Francisco.. Vessels la !ort David d' Angers, Fr. bk. .. Kuaaaltr Has ZToffrssssa. 'Let It be granted that primitive man. with his animal passions, enhanced by his powerful emotions, and stimulated by his growing imagination, has dawn lng Intellectual forces, and his lncreas lng self-consciousness, rendered this Nov. SO creature more cruel, blood-thirsty and Jjeo. 1 I raven a-ful . than the beasts: let It be granted that war at first did not con- TWIX CITIES TO TIE UP Open River Transportation Com' " pany's Steamer Off Until Spring. T On the last round trip that she will make between Celilo and Kennewlck be fore spring,-the Open River ' Transpor tation company's steamer Twin Cities will reach Celilo today to be tied up ror the winter, according to Dorsey B. Hmitn. general manager or the com, ' riany. - . ; . ".. Tonnage is not sufficient to warrant ttie steamer continuing- en h run any mnger this season and lor that reason Bhe will be taken, off for the winter. 8 ho will be put on again in the spring as soon as water permits and tonnage -justifies, states Mr. Smith. She will probably be put on again about ths rflrst, of March.. The Twin Cities has been handling; - the business between these points alone since the steamer Inland Empire was ;aken off about a month ago. -' The steamer j. N. Teal, which op .' crates between Portland and The Dalles, rlU continue to make her regular runs. FALCOX ARRIVES vllas Cargo of New York and Euro ": pean Freight. leaden with 760 tons of merchandise from ffew Tork and Europe, the steamer . Falcon, Captain Schage, arrived yester "day from San Francisco. She has 600 - tons of New York freight, which con sists principally of sisal, pineapple, coffee and other merchandise. In bond -She has 150 tons of linoleum, decorated ' earthenware, manufactured glass, enam eled wars and preserved meat She will ' ail again Tuesday with cargo for New "lork and San Francisco. ALONG THE WATERFROXT RygrJa, Nor. ss Falcon, Am. ss. Breakwater, Am. ss W F. Jewett, Am. sen..,. T. L. Wand, Am. ss L'Hermlte, Fr. bk Vosburg, Am. ss. ........ NeuiUy, Fr. bk Francois. Fr. bk. ......... W. F. Jewett, Am., sch Sue H. Jfilmore.!. Caiama, Am. ss ..Dec T.. rCLz: i tribute to nation building, but was noth Dec. 10 ling more wan sporadic, voicanio out breaks or inter-tribal hate, ana au tns Astoria demands of evolution be granted. Still Montgomery it must be admitted that humanity, , . .Columbia in its totality, has progressed. . Alnsworth "Now, In tha power to progress is ' naiTttr something divine. In that something .On way up I divine is ths seed of immortality. ....Astoria Again, we find an evidence of lmmor- . ...Linnton tality in the fact that 'man can reach stream the piaee - where he- evidences Ood-llke ..;:qoich not know very much Linnton I U UUL uou c uu iiuv nuuw vcrjr uiuuu Leyland Bros.. Br. sh. ; O. W. P. Donna Francesca, Br. bk. ...... .Astoria Pierre Antonine, Fr, bk Columbia 3 Cape Flnlsterre, Br. ss Port. L. Co. Bougainville, Fr. bk .Stream Aiarenai a uastnes. . jrr. sen. . .centennial North Bank I after him. North Bank I duce Ood'i Elevators can . . . .Oceanic .... Oceanie . .Elevators Goble ..Elevators , . .Columbia .-.With, passengers and freight the steamer Rose City, Captain Mason, wHl I due to arrive nt Alnsworth dock this afternoon from San Franclsro. The steamer Sue H. Elmore. Captain Echradcr, arrived here yesterday after ,roon from Tillamook, bringing a large Jiumber of passengers and 950 cases cf ,iheese. To finish discharging Tier cargn, the "JCorwaatan steamer Rygja moved from ,K(iitgomry dur-k No. 2 to Atnsworth 4ork 4his mornlnr at 11 o'clnck. A small party of government cngl reers are going to Mast out snags in EASIER TO PREVENT Wandsbek, Oer. bk Parana sob, Oer. : ah. , , . . . , La Rochejaquetin,. Fr. bk.'. Altair. Br. bk... Jordanhill, Br. bk. . . . .Inman-Poulsen foitaiiocn, nr. DK. .... victoria dolnhlna Berlin. Am. sch.. Ooble Washlneton Am. as. Linnton Neotsfleld, Br. bk ............ , .Oceanic Henry Vinard, Am. sh. ...... . .Astoria Brabioch. Br. bk .... Glenalvon. Br. sh. .'. Gulf Stream. Br. . bk. St. Nicholas, Am. sh Incennes Pr. bk. Tallac. Am. ss Lellermlte. Fr, bk Linnton Bn stoats to Xrfiad X,nmTer. Wellesley. Am. ss .......San Francisco Olymuic Am. ss . - San Francisco Casco San Francisco Inca. Am. sch San Francisco K. K. Wood. Am. sch. ;....San Franciapo Marhoffer San Francisco H. B. Bendlxen. Am. sch. Ran Francisco BaKinaw. Am. S. S San Francisco Shoshone, Am. ss San Franciscr Rainler, Am. ss San Francisco Carlos, Am. ss San Francisco Tamalpals. Am. ss. San Francisco Forester. Am. sch San Francisco Yellowstone, Am. ss San Francisco Sn Bonte With Cement and General. HOSSuet. Fr. bk Antwarn Crlllon. Fr. sh Antwerp David d'Angers, Fr. sh London Ernest Legouve, Fr. bk. Hamburg La Perouse, Fr. bk Antwerp Leon Blum, Fr. bk 8a n Francisco Manx King. Br. sh Antwern Marechal Noailles. Fr. bk Antwerp Notre Dame d'Arvolr. Fr. hk. . . .Antwerp Wnvertree. Br. sh. Liverpool Arctic Stream. Br. ah. Tyne Grain Sonnaaf En Boats In Ballast. Amlral Cecilie. Fr. ah. Comllebank, Br. bk.., Francois, Fr. bk. .... Le Piller Fr. bk. Pierrs Lot!. Fr. bk. Dublin Rene. Ft. bk .Ban Francisco Bulhr. Fr. bk. T. 'i : Limerick la Boats With Coal. Belen. Fr. bk Newcastle. N. S. W. ! about man. But we know enough to observe that the attributes and facul ties and life-functions of God bavo I their correspondence in man. God thinks. Man can think God's thoughts God loves. Man can repro- love. God achieves. Man fJSJ? achievements. In these things, as In -.'..luinum t i . ... .. comes of Ilka That which is like God is of God. God cannot die. That which comes from him cannot die. When the life of God organizes in man,- about the essential ego, that life cannot die. Consciousness of X.ife. "Again, life carries with it a con sciousness of the same. This is at least true of immortal Ufa The final proof of Immortality ia in tha individual consciousness of God's life In one's own soul, as to speak mora correctly, in one's own spirit. This leads us to the question as to whether immortality is inherent in the life of every man,, or is it bestowed of God through the birth from above? I do not know. Sometimes. I fear that sin kills beyond the grave. Sometimes I fear that a man who goes into the other world with sin as the ruling force of his being will ultimately be destroyed by the awful thing that does destroy life here. I could hope that, , in the mercy of God, men may have another chance in the other world, even sinful men. But I do not know. Two Immortalities. "I do know, however, that a person whose life is a reproduction of the di vine life on earth has two immortali ties, one which he leaves behind him in this world, in the good he has done; the other he carries with him into tha other world. In the good that he is. We should, therefore, partake of ths nature of God here and now, and make life a practice of immortality on earth, which, by sublime continuity and divine guarantee, is carried into the other world to be as eternal as God himself. To Experience Sod. "The life of God is the environment cnurches to work in giving substantial help. Several, ministers reported that they had yesterday taken collections for ths Woodlawn church. Ths program at ths afternoon session was a symposium on child training and character building in the Sunday school. 3. T. Abbett opened tha meeting and ths other speakers were: Miss Myra Ab bett.' Miss Jessie Beard, Mrs, J. P. Newell and Miss Ella Lois Swift. A Junior league rally was then conducted by Miss Matson, ths district superin tendent of that work. Following ia the orocram ' for tonight and tomorrow Ep worth League rally 7:o, song ser vice, led by Stanley Baxer, uayior-sireei chapter; 8, scripture reading and prayer; 8:10, selection, male quartet from Sell wood chapter; 8:18, "Tha Importance of Mission Study," by Dr. George B. Pratt, Mount Tabor; ,8:80, discussion of ques tions; 8:48, ladies' quartet of 8 el I wood chapter; 8:60, "Christian Stewardship," by W. H. Ney, of Taylor street chapter; (, questions and discussion; 8:10. hymn by the congregation, standing; 8:20, The Needs of tha Field," by Dr. D. L. Rader; 8:40, tha roll call of chapters. Tuesday's Program, 8:80 a. m. "Little Things Which Weaken a Minister's Influence," J. 11. Cudllpp; "The Church and, Its Relation to the Social Life of the Young Peo ple," H. Oberg; "Is It Worth WhlleT" Frank James; "Righteousness and Self- Righteousness," C. C. Rarick; "Our Pro Rata Claims," (general discussion) L. F. Smith; "Christian Work Among tha umnese oi rorimuu, , vuuu oxug "A Minister's Chief Business," W. H. Hampton; "Church Loyalty," J. J. Pat ton. '''' - . 2:00 p. m. "Cardinal Doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal Church," C. T. Mc pherson; "A Minister's Relation to His Former Charge." W. J. Douglass; "How to Grow In Grace and Become Spiritual," C T. Cook; "Pastoral Visitation Among Nonchurch Qoars," J. D. Voce; "Pastoral Visitation Among- the Children," W. T. Buster; "Pastoral Visitation Among tne Youna- People." A. A. Heist; "Pastoral Visitation Among the Sick and Aged," C. L. Hamilton; 'The Chief Aims of Pastoral Visitation,'' D. A. Watters; Willamette University," President Ho- man. Temperance mass meeting,- 7:45 p. m, "The Benefits of State Prohibition," J. W. McDougall; "The Cost of Victory," H. W. Foulkes; "The Indifferent Voter," D. L. Rader; "How to Awaken Interest In the Cause," J. Whitcomb Brougher. Piper Heidsieck is a name hard to spell, easy to remember and that stands for the best chewing tobacco In the world. trTnlted Prwa hum Wire.) Oakland. Cat., Nov. 88.--Oeorge Brown, also known aa Oeorge Zellnsky, was held by Police Judge Samuels today, to answer In ths superior court ths charge of violating tha Walker-Otis anu-bet-tlng bill. B. P. Martini ("1-2-8" Mar. tin), a bookmaker who was arrested' with Brown on a joint complaint, was dismissed by Judge Bamuela. - , It wss alleged that Brown waa em ployed by Martin, but tha court held there waa no evidence ta show that tha money placed In Brown'a hands , waa turned over to Martin. This Is tha first teat case as tha re sult ' of tha. race meeting at Emeryville under tha new anti-betting- law. Georga Helms, representing District Attorney Donobua. placed", bet . of 82 on Rose Cherry at R Emeryville track on November 21. He claims that Brown took tha bat with, tha under standing- that It was to be placed with Martin. There waa no evideiu-a that Martin waa conducting- a book, as the betting- at the track Is being conducted orally. Tha district attorney contends that tha placing of money, however, waa a violation of tha law. Brawn's bond was fixed at 81000. Upon tha decision In' this case will depend probably future methods of conducting racea in this state. iM THAT ARE WEAK, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN COME TO ME AND BE CURED. P Flood Damage Repaired. - (HparUI Dtapateh ta Tha JonruLl Marshfleld, Or., Nov. 2. It is etpsct 4 to hava trains running through to Coo.uil)s In a day or two on ths local railroad. Tha froahat baa nauaad a aood deal of damage to tha road. Tha water !A,r? " "bL,i,"k? TlfB DOCTOR haa receded from the tracks,. but there I company. "" THAT CURES. nave oen waanouia in- . - . . nl.M. A l.r.. m.n la mnwm-A I .7.7, . T IS. lower sr-"v. -'aw p. v . - HB a fn rushing ropa.r work. ' ' t m All Mr li t ft..-.- " -1 1-X T Li 1NJ RECIPE FOR CATARRH Tha only logical treatment for catarrh spaolallats In tha oily, half that othars .? you n exorbitant prica fw medicine. 'n " expert specialist, hava had 80 yeara' nractloa In the treatment of 81aaa of men. My offtaes are the iuiprn in foruana My mem. OS are modern mnA un.liMlta . 11 la through the blood.. . A prescription, I cures are quick and Doaiflva. 1 do not which haa recently proved wonderfully I tr"t. symptoms and patch up. I thor effective In hospital work is the follow. lng Any druggist has the Ingredients, or wll) quickly gat them for you.. Any ona can mix them. . . "One ounea compound syrup of Bar sapariUa; ona ounce , Torla compound; half pint first olasa whiskey." These to be mixed by shaking wall in a bottle, and used each meal many peopla hera laat winter, oughly examine each caaa find the causa, remove It and thus cure tha div I ODkl TitImmu Vatna. WAMaala. 2TOStatlo Trouble, Contract AU- " mww Mm apow auooa arviava and all Dlaaaaas af Mas. . , oumu oa ro mt-i am the eniy Yn .ahlladoLs hefor. - FortlaV wb mV In tableapoon . doses before chars, unless tha la aatirely saw and at bedtime. Thla cured lafted with h raanlta aeoompUahad, Do You Feel This Way? Do jom Utl ail tirad out?. Do you sometime think yoa ust oaa't work away at your proles or trad any longer P Do yoa hava a ooor aoa: tita. and lay await 'at ni slits anabl t sleeoP Ar yoor aervM all on, and your ttomach too ? ' Hag am : birioa to for ahead la tha world left yoa P -If to, yoa tight as wall pot stop to your misery. Yoa can do it if you will. Dr. Pierce Golden Medical Disoovery will make yoa different individual. It will set your lazy liver t work. - It' will set things right in your ttomach, and your appetite will eom back. It will purify your blood. If tber it any tendency in your family toward consumption, ft will keep that draad destroyer away. Evan after con sumption hat almost gained a foothold in th'fonn of a Gngerinf cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at tha lungs, it will brini about a euro in 93 per cent, of all oaaea. It ia a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., whoa dvic It glvm firtt to all who with to writ turn. Ilia great fuooce hat oome from hit wide experience and varied practice. -, Don't b wheedled by penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior lubati rotes for Dr. Pieree'e medicines, reoommended to be "just at good." Dr. Pierce' medioinea ar o known oparrotmoN. Their every ingredient printed en -their wrappers. Mad from roots without alcohol. - Contain no habit . forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. and who aiT.s a written gnaraBt. t rafoad av.rv , flollar nald tat aarVfeaa tf a compieta and partaaaeat ear is not effect, d. .... Dr; Lindsay's ' private um of Anatomy and health and dlaeaa. Ad. mission free. Consultation fr. If uik able o calL write for list of queatioua. ' Office hours a. m. to t p. ro. 6ua daya, 10 a. m, to 1 p. ro, only. . DR. LINDSAY 128 H Second St., corner ol Alder,' " Portland, Or. QUICK RELIEF FOR MSICWAlLli C Gee Wo's Harmless but Effective Remedies Produce Won ,derful Results T MEM HOT SICK, BUT GLOOMY. DISCOURAGED, ".TOIM-OUT From Dissipation arid Excesses, Overwork, Brace Up and Come to Me. My New System Will Restore Health, Strength, Vigor. This Is the Way You Feel: There Is usually a pain across the small of your back; blue rings under your eyes; speoks before yoor eyes; your, sleep does not rest you; you get up In the morning feeling- tired; your mind at time wanders: your memory is poor; you are losing flesh, hollow eyed; whites of your eyes are yellow; you ar fearful always expecting the worst to happen; very nervous, you start in your sleep, and awake out a dream very much frightened; stinging pain in tha breast; no appetite. Do you know-what causea you to feel like this? This condition will not improve of its own accord, but In stead you will grow gradually worse, and eventually end in nervous debility or neurasthenia' If you have ever taken treatment and failed to get cured, per- haps it 1s because you never took treat ment from me, for I cure when others fail. Consult m (free). I AM FOR MEN Free COSTS tn.TATIO ASTICB ZlULMUfATZOW Sffy ra Are Within ths KeacB of the Working-man. Gee Gee . . . Honolulu , . Valparaiso London Dublin Jra xiHrA' I ""1'"''- - w. ,of this Immortal life in us. If we keep ou Camera xi Bout. i ,ho rrriii,un. i,k ,k,. -w " ' - i . ... u ...... OIIVIJUII ment. whatever is good In us, whatever Atlas Am. Asuncion Am. artsy ie. Am. ss. ss ..San Francisco , .San Francisco Sun Francisco worth having forever, whatever is BROKE QUARANTINE BUT DIDN'T KNOW IT - MoKt physicians ar agrd that th ?M way to comtmt BMt ill le by the 'fnltrtct method of atlmulntlng th rrr"iilya natural powers in fighting and .'tror1ng the germs of dlBPan. Cod- Himftlon. for eismrle, ta murh easier , to prrxmt than it Is to cur, and t ..-onaboot the land a determined war " tnrt tm beln- wared lnn th dan . rr ef Infection by this Insldlcma ri fras. Cough, and clda are a pro f flf vrtnrc and ahouM not be ceg td. At tre firt alra of a rold step. a! nuld taken to rberk It at once. ad ra ht b ort ltti a Impt Charges of breaklna; quarantine, pre ferred against Captain T. J. Fosen. of the steamer Melville Dollar, -ho waa arrested last week In Tacoma. Wash.. I oi a warrant nearly a year old. will i w . ... . r i . . 1 , . . . 1 1 , .. Vf ... . I . ! 1 1 ' 4 'I r 1 1 J v . niiuin. .villi n . tuui I L ur:- I larattons made by the master are shown to be true. Captain FSsen is charged with taking the steamer through quarantine estab lished last spring at the mouth of the Columbia river to prevent bubonic plague being brought into "the United Ptates. He admits bringing in the ship. out cer lares ne oroke through unknow ingly. F landing off the bar. Captain Fosen said be was unable to nee the yellow quarantine flag, probably for the reason that little wind aa Mnwlng and the I streamer hung lln.p Learning, when the pilot hoarded tt ship, that be had' I broken quarantine. Tar tain Foeen de clares he dKkd hi M; Immediately. divine, must ever a-row In thla anvlrnn j ment. where eternal life itself In us. i is correspondence with the eternal life ! of God. This is life eternal to know ! God. That Is, to experience God. ! This Is the life and immortality In the I new light offered by the life and teach ings of Jesus Christ, which all who will I may have. Jesus is not the only teacher or Immortality, but he Is the best Let dally increase life with Its immor- and so live that when we die the natural death It may bs said of each and every one of us, "He being dead, yet speaks for, 'tis the divinity that stirs within ua 'tis heaven Itself that points out -the here after, and intimates eternity to man." and voluntarily aati the arrival of fr two of filreerln. a 1 rMr i"crm. 't ourvr ef Virgin Oil ef rin ttn- with C. K M rf attArBr for lh ""'nt pnt and ettU etiiex f fur , atearaship . t af tain FotM rUl itn-aey. TK ai miT-1 tether ; ""a ' """r w:m nr. ac . - ENGINEER LEWIS DOWN WITH TYPHOID FEVER tialeai Boreas cf TW Joarna) t Palera, or, Nov. l. State Engineer John H. Lewis haa taken loim with trpbold fever and wss not able to take tip bis du(lea at his office In the state house this morning. In a Ur-a-e bwUia Kak wed ad take a taTrifjl every four boars. Tt I" . t-il kr the tah CMulal Cn. f 4 -n-.atl. wh tfre f T!r'a Oil r r ea rt. r-e-o r4 ure Jfrr d!rpnataa o . h 4rnjtglta. t-mt fnix ! t ! e v14 a t . -1 a- cs-ji tt ta ecrat till ra!tarsj It Honrs and j s rUa J re "kat soight be term -4 a flreleoe water hateT ! a new arfltanc lUr,t ft l oll of iv bin j t be ta rtel in a I ail cf vraler. r-onlatnlr re1etaie nft t take elect rir car- real float ecy tvm rcti.t codnectioa. rmnaflvaala Graft Case. Harrlsbarg. Pa, Kov. JI. K special tmm of the criminal court convened today-for the trial ef the conspiracy rtH aa-alnst Joseph V. Hoston. archi tect of the state capitoL Hsstoa'was Indirtol with John H. Banderaon, the mntraxrtor. stsce dceaed; ez-Aodltsr General W. P. Pnyder. ex-State Treaa- urer W. L. Katheua deoeaed. and ex- I arTiflti4ent J. M. Fhumaker en a rKarge of eoHracy to defraud fbe j s'ate la conrl.oa altk a bol fr tl' CRYING FOR HELP Lots of It In Portland but Daily Growing Less The kldneya cry for help. ' Not an organ in the whole body so delicately constructed. Not one so Important to neaitn. The kidneys are the filters of the blood. When- they fall the blood becomes foul and poisonous. There can be no health wnere there Is Doisoned blood. Backache is one of the first indica tions of kidney trouble. . It is the kidneys' cry for help. Heed It Doan's Kidney Pills are what is wanted. Are Just what overworked kidneys need. , - They strengthen and invigorate the kidneys; help them to do their work; never fall, to cure any case of kidney disease. Read the. proof from a Portland clti sen: Mrs. T. J. O'Brien of 0 East th at. North. Portland, Or., says-.. "Time has not changed my opinion of Doan's Kid ney Pills. I gave this remedy my In dorsement in 190S and am glad to re peat my recommendation of It. A mem ber Of my family found great relief through using; Doan's Kidney Pillar and since then several of my neighbors have tried' the remedy with equally as good resulta For sals by all dealers. Price SO cents. Fosfer-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Don't Suffer Longer Don't Hesitate Call Today Examination and Advice FREE BLOOD, NERVOUS, SKIN KIDNEY DISEASES, RUPTURE I CURE, OR MAKE. NO CHARGE, You who have searched In vain for a restoraton of your lost health, you who have hesitated and delayed and done . nothing; for yourselves while you were conscious all the time that your strength and vitality were slowly but surely slipping away from you; you who have become diseased and are suffering with nervous or blood troubles and would like to be cured, but do not know how to set about it or where to go -I want you and every man with these afflictions to come to me.: I hold out to ?ou a helping- hand and bid you take courage. There is a cure. My Elec-ro-Medical Treatment combines the forces of medicine and electricity, and searches out and removes the diseased conditions as. nothing; else ever can or' ever could. My medical offices are the longest established and the oldest and best equipped in Portland. ' There is none better or more favorably known anywhere. With me you are sure of honest deal ing, skillful and successful treatment and your health and vigor will be restored for life. :. . - ; -v : MEN WHO HAVE BEEN DISAPP POINTED BY UNSKILLED SPEC- . IALISTS ABE EARNESTLY REQUESTED TO INVESTIGATE MY METHODS AND TERMS WITHOUT DELAY, WHICH HAD THEY DONE IN THE BEQINNING, WOUjUD HAVE SAVED . THEM . TIME ( AND MDOfpT LET MONEJT MATTERS, "MODESTY 'OR ' PRIDE PREVENT YOU FROM BEING CURED. . CALL TODAY. , . , Free Museum for Education of Men Call If you can. Write today for self-examination blank If you ' can not call. No business address or street number -on our envelopes or packages. - Medicines . from 11.60 to J6.&0 a course rrom our own iabora- 891 KOBBXSOsT 8T, Bet. Fourth and Iifth, rOBTXOJTS. OBSOOV TSB CXUTEBB SOCTOB Through the relief afforded to Buf fering1 humanity In this northwest, C. Oee wo. the Chinese doctor, haa been heralded by aril hla patients as the greatest of his kind. He treats any and all diseases with simple yet powerful remedies, compounded - from - Roots, Herbs, Barks and Bubs, many of which are not found in this country, and their healing properties are familiar only to Chinese scientists. ; With these remedies he guarantees to cure catarrh, Oanoer, Asthma, linns; Troubles, Khea matlBTn, Vervoasnaas, Stomaah, Xlva and Kidney Vronblesi also Private Dis eases of Men and Women. COSSTn.TATXOJr TBXE. If you live out of town and cannot call, write for avmDtom blank -and cir cular, inclosing- 4 cents in stamps. tory. Hours Oregon Medical Inst. The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 162H rim It, Oor. Morrison, Port land, Or. TO TOE CITIZEIVS OP PORTLAND ... Lue-DaTUDrog Co.. drng Kists. Jlandle Gilhoolcy'a Irish Liniment, and they back it tap 'with what mi(jht be called a governmeni, bond. In fact, guarantee certificate goes with every bottle, to the extent that if Gilhooley'i Irish Liniment doet not cure Eczema, Rheuma tism, in any form. Salt Rheum, Lumbago or any skin ailment, yoa are . out nothing, -as the druggist yoa bought it from -wa-ill gtTe back your money and take the certificate for hit pay. The natter it entirety in your hnJ. Cilhooley Irish Liniment Co, St r$aL Minn. THOROUGH CURES FOR " Many doctors call a tuppreasioa ef aymptoms a 'care. Some dose for drug effects and then claim that nothing mere can be dene. . But tha real ailment remains, and wHl bring the symp toms back again, perhaps the same as before, or perhaps modified in some manner. My treatment is effectual In completely removing the ailment, because It goes to the very so roe ef the cause. It searches out every root and fiber ef the ail ment and thca effects a RjEAX, CURE one that ia permanent. The thoreaghneas ef my methods In treating man's ailment a haa - brought cure where etbere fail, haa enabled me to promise much with certainty ef fulfilling every fcrotalea, and haa rewarded me with preeminence In the medical field and with the largeat practice ef Ita kind In the West. - MEN Yoa Con Pay When Cured Obstructions - . nnn, The Xeedtng speotallaa. FREE UCSEUU m LA19XT ITT) MOT OOMJTI.TT wDiira or hit out i Tara V. B. raga to MXJf. In the treatment ef ebetractiofis I have egaln tiismphed o-rer eurrery. I employ aa original rnatbod by which tfie ebstreetlng tissue le com pletely dissolved, and ail lnflaromatlaa and Irri tation threagboet the irrttm expelled. Ne pain, ne ruttinc ae dilating, and a ssre eure La every Instance. ooirrrrxTATtow rmra my honkst axd caxdid nncx otti TOU KOTHIN!. I rherfully give yrra the very tet rtnion. raided by ycara of rucceeefal practice. Meat eot ef tew. Inutnrabie, Tli If yea cavnaet eall. ae maay eajaee ylaid reelly te proper home treatment and cura My efficee are epea ail day from a. bl te p. aa, and aiasdaye it U L The DR. TAYLOR Co. bmu atmLmztaoar mxwr. ocirn ixoon, i-oBTXja-T, oinoow. Are you sutrering from Luug, Asth ma, Catarrh, Heart and Kidney Trou- bles, also all Private Diseases of .men and women? You had better consult these well known Chinese doctors. They will cure you without pain, poisonous drugs or operations. They cure when all others fail. If you call for a pri vate talk with them you will not be ii rireri to bea-ln treatment. They have cured thousands, and unless your case is an obstinate one It will be no excep tion to the rule. : Consultation and pulse diagnose free. If you live out of town , and cannot . call, write for symptom blank and circular. yim ft tobx, csnrssa aceoxenra Hn 142)4 Tint Bt Oor. Alder. WOMEN A SPECIALTY The well known 8. K. Chanl Chinese Medicine company, ' with wonderful herbs and Toots, has cured many suf ferers when all Other-reme dies have failed. Sure cure , for female, enronio, private diseases. nervousness. blood poison, rheumatism. rHini asthma, throat, lung, kld-""---l-BM . ney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless STo operation. Honest treat ment. Examination for ladies by Mrs. g. X. Chan. ' . TaTB CKZ1TSBB MXTQICIHB CO., 38 M Morrison St. bet. 1st aad Sd. r Many persons find themselves affect ed with a persistent cough after an at tack -of Influensa. Aa thla cough can be promptly cured by the uaa of Cham berlaln'a Cough Remedy, It should not be allowed to run on until It becomes troublesome. . , . . - . . . ma r