t mmtm xr wwomh bvge of ttie joiml ! i THE JOURNAL . an iNPKPt.nniwr Ktvtrirtm. . JAlK.-U'l.',........'. , I "i J-.aee! eerr eealf l.io-pl Su4aJl " i -warr Katal.y u rnlar ! T J'mI Hull 1 lh r,ri l anthill .-r.a rucllaaA. or. . al Ik. mafufflua at Kl-ll4 . I lvi,.mtola lae-M U w eooi4 ni kl'HH.M-Utla TITS; HOME. A-"!-' All Ai-twrtikeula wiled br 1.0 mwr. ' T.ll the bl -h-i-arto-ent rl MiSSI-i. AlVXBTISINJ ItKrUKKKNTATI VB. JVi.biI k,alaor Ce.. Ilmil'-i niii......e. ! t Mftk atfane, N. Yon,: lOti-uS B..7C ' Sall-Ha. .blraru Anherrlirtloli Turn. r nail or to maf addrea to tfe LnllMt Siaim. C.11..U or Ml: nut. v. a leer M OO I On month Bt'NDAT. Oh T' I1H I One month " PAII r An bLM'Ai. na War IT AO I (Im Bb.nla 1 j For bountr-jim cmim "t fruit and grain, I Kor umtnrr sunshine, winter ihIii. Kor country great, rlrli. peart-fill, f re ' J-orplaina una ror si. Kirentn ana wa, r Mriinois ami rnurcu-'n, wmuuni ' wraith. For 'book and hanks, for lome and health. For charity and kindly rhccr, 1 the fraud wera JalI ifora Itoose- aecure pure milk, and will comply one mure atplendld advantage a a volts attorney general, Ilonaparte, to the beat of their ability wttb city of home and he replied with nonchalance that I the proposed milk ordinance. . It tboy did not Interest hlai. will be to their ultimate Interest to The trnat secured the removal of I do so, even at 'considerable prevent Kdward Fowler, collector of customs trouble and exitenBe, for Portland la of tbe pcrrt of New lork, because he I bound to have pure milk, and the pemUtt'd In collecting evidence of bad dalrlei will be denied a market the robbery of the United States by here. Their wisest course la to" do the llavompyer crowd. Henry L. ever) thing In their power to ""bring SMmson resigned as United Status about the deal red result, and cor- district attorney because he was notldially to help along the pure milk permitted to prosecute tho trust for I movement. Its thefts. For his temerity Stim- 4(TANGLEFOOT1 ir aiLii ovaanoLT Til ANKHOI VINO- DAY. COMMENT AND NEWS Iiy BRIEF SMALL CHA.NGK son was defeated for the fusion nom ination for mayor of New York by hlRh officials of (he sugar regime. The samo powerful Interests, be sides swaying and directing secre taries of tho treasury und other high officials of the I'nlted States, have been able for 25 years to control a majority of congress and write the DAIltYMAX ItOTlI'8 TIIKOKY F ANY consumer has had doubt of the need of a pure milk cam paign, Dairyman Roth must have removed all question. Mr. Roth attended the conference of the dairy men and Mayor Simon's special committee for preparing a pure-milk I I MlKr aiiiiuui, mo jairni iiimnni n i ordlnnnrft H mart- a .na.f, nA I, . , , . M I - -. , - - w u ST - V V Aal lAlnav t h A ns mem nlir fMMAiin lln w-v --v I ... ilia, UK l Aill incij a...c !''- tho ml.li! nf If Hlor visions of the Payoe-Aldrloh tariff dirty milk to be as wholesome and health- Jn all thla Rlv thanka." , ' . Cbrlatmas Is Jut a month away. There U plenty of mud for that game. Ha thankful If vou hava tha nrlu f . . . ' 8orai propla do not feel thankful for too much rain. . v. It takes a'aood deal to maka aom pHt thankful. "i . But thor am othera who trt thankrul for aniall favora. . . Tat TTnrlit John Di.-tiaa mnrh fmnnavt . . i . . . - ' iu urn inanaiui IQr.. It la few DrHinta who in not thankful iiiai nicy arc alive. What's a short of ran fn aurk a anuriuaa vi iurKya7 The football Dlavera ran ha thankful r a Tnankislvlna- (Jar ever raaaed " mr tum om m (OHIOEC 1 A-ci trr in I . J TjWriT'HANKFUtj a. OIUXaON SIDULIGHT8 Pi Wallowa county also raises fine p- '5 2X RLALM, TLMININL Gold Illll Is to have an up-to-dsts paaery.-. . -, , Condon flour mill aVeraaea ISO br. I rels a day. AJlfcJ w our wt a no w Ive. Paved atreafa fumiah flna object lea- bill. Not nly has the trust had iFor rowiin light fnmi far to I power to enforce 'ti ;Kor children Joylnir In.thair play, I , , . ., . :Kor cheATf men and matrons sray. prosecution for its t Dinuiy. rrena,n anu U nited State". DUt It WBS aDie TO aaa I i v a 11 ru "IV" tnsn on mat Comrvillnn .hnl.l,l li.,. .ith mhltl-a truth. to the profit from these thefts by 'VTUh IS 'Z.?.? . ".!! " mrn wh7. tnr lha riant have atood. U.lrnllln. l0rlltln fni mtklni " 1"" " " ' - t ' Y -ra.th.rur. pure, -wt womanhood. rr"!'. 1 ti: a .r7,.; n Z raK rrom thedregs of the dirtiest KT.TE A15' cherr lKr icouraaa, - youtn, Por honor, grace. j Kor For For worahlp, and for merriment. i i ' ' I mwi, irni. "'nil tt. M'IIItiil For hope, and faith In God nnd man t h'or each good purpose, motive, plan, r or. earttt below. ior sua. shore, h'or mercy, liberty and love Kor many thlnra moot morula may Be thankful this Thanksgiving day. i .. . or as ciean miiK. lie ex-1 wnnour a proclamation oy m It a lipped 'immunity irom Li.,-.i .l., l. v., 1 1. i..i. .t. . IhPff. frnm the . u " u"" "u ,uur Bon" nt V. .,1 V , V" " , "7 li ":. . "' "rt of weather, " " " - 1 na 9 r t mm I . . 111. mI J ohu A a Va l . ap w a . a bu n a I to add vV u ' I m nke it a rule to give thanks on that reprisals on the American consumers of sugar. The annals of crime In big business have no parallel or prec edent that approaches In audatlty can to give those'. boyB, and four healthier boys cannot be found," shouted the speaker, and what makes the incident decidedly Inter and venality tire operations of this tn PnrMon rat ' las at a i JU.J llf I "l O ' uuuu 1UIIA VVUDUIIIIS scii-coniensea, sou-inajcieu criiuiuni.j , lhai tha llftra , THIS I)AV w or advice, why I give it to him. regard- leu" or expenae. I am thankful that my appetite does not crave eg-gs, putter, airships, meal, wood, coal, milk or Halley's comVt; also that I do not look well In ap overcoat T am thankful fnf what T hava tnr luuaiy what I ought to have and for what li The religious feature of Thankavlvlna uay biiuuiu not oe overiooxeu. Apparently the atoolnla-enna aa wall aa me soiled doves, will have to go. s If nrayers for. rain avail, whv wnuM a ceaaiiion ot mini mm Tho revelations are.llkely to have II h" ".r.C "n",1 ' ' "fi1" x w"UrL..?'fi!..."5? P-r?- good lurr. .fforfln flvlno- thn nnllev of V- " """" " "f , u..., oui not nan enougn -rc ' - - o i a nrpcont. i or ricn. rami or me cnam a-anar. the Taft administration. The pen- ,. ... ... heaven or the penitentiary, I will be B DO NOT, like the primitive duhim must swing away from th U K ""t iiZmZV man,s.i m "e. ior. i. , " ' 7" lh :r H believeii what he says, what kind of Tnm'.'nd crnbe". "P? PP'n y 'ire ana -gamer -nuts, or "RC l milk Is hp snnnlvfne nnri whar tinL p,e 1 : walk" on the sea beach, and gress.in showering further bounty , Vfc W w . , . kInd Olve me a whack at -em. then let me die. ;..!.n ..L !;J RrJL .r ltPi.ta Thev nre likelv 18 u ))I,ed b7 .ch of the darymen Give me a chance to eat all I can at.nd. i ioick'uD shell fish for a livlna. We on Pugar interests. They are likely Jdo not; Ds-did he, live In caves-and to Impress Mr. Taft with the man!- .ene?n Intellhrent oxneHcnoe have an existence but little removed fest fact that some of the-vaunted "?e!:" as "loudly" cheered him? All iimve an eiiHieiifu uul nine reiuovtfu ffrom Vild animals: ' Unlike those of "business" interests are criminality Jnnnfher time va have nn tnemv Hito under another name, and to be jGenghis Khan . who. pildd up 100,00 J viewed with extreme suspicion, s i human heads before the gates ot a clty he had conquered, pur coun- OCCASION FOH THANKFULNESS ttry is safe and our Institutions se- dcure, unlike those of (f peoples who JJived In an epoch when wars of con- fquest were the chief human activity, when tolght was right and when any T all competent authorities, all phys lcians and all other sources of trust wormy inrormation declare pure milk to be as essential as pure air or pure water. Wherever experl ments have been made It has been proven that the substitution of etean for dirty milk has resulted in HERE ARE a number of sizable : matters for which we may be heavy decreaSe , thfl death rate thankful today. We feel grate- Becau'se of unsanction the French iui, lur uiBiauce, luttk il la uuu jij m,. . . Z ...-. '.aa- i. i.j-a j ai nr I - - " " ""P "uniua ,opie wno couia not, ueua menj. luiupui.u., cm oo ceui iurW, or but we cJeaned away tDQ flUh and jto.Tje overrun and subjugated, if not J should please us to reflect that wire- canal w,ith no greater logs of life !;J ' " . , r J .' I , 6 than the average in other localities "uo UOT w.w,,,,!.!' uo.ou ,wnV uuimi tuucr nun oin.cu. imu nt here Is n rtnlrvmon .nnnlvl.o ibinds ub to the soil, and rules us by our thouehts on Cherry, we should ,iit, ja v.U i iit,-c.Cu w iD uts icunKiui IW'WD uave ihb.cuucb mnk from the drega of hlfJ dlrtieBt rules his cattle or swine; nor are we to buy $10 coal, father than mine can gave the best food ,n the word ;Buujruio vi u muuar.u .uu bilb vu u. , w e are an manaiui ior our new for hls boys and ne waa loudiy ja f throne ; and ! -Arrogates his divine tariff bill, for, since it was handed cheered by other dairymen for his fright of authority, striking off heads, to us have we not all been told BrBtem0nt ww m, enth stabbiDglth.a; sle repeatedly. vthat -we are 5 tickled to mucn na8tiness, how many disease pise exertlsing the power of life deatH t wltofits roylslonte.i : In, the breeding .Impurities must enter into. w,vva wiw:.w-mmwr: iixiuf-YW mllkv delivered by .,mea. who holtt tueDiivu iu uBuv-w.uu ou. v wmcn-'wre .are istyorea ana jiwy.wnrca Hurh a hollnf? whot o d.ii,i. iJota are not cast. In .a land .where we should Jffer J heartfelt 4 thanks proof of the" heed of official Inter oaminea come ana go, ana wuere iu tnere. is, oar- own gooa uairyman rrowha. ch.it tf , - , a I " la-a-v. cv a, uwi,- tj nun VlllOUill" ; jean years leus or. cveu uuuureuu ui i nota. WOO tens US tnai Illiny Did . ntrnlriHt rhlo thsnrr fhot t iiuvunuu. yi.um.V B me iiiing we want tnu uin we mnk Js the best, and that feces -i.-iu v3. i-76 v.oo are mi migHiy iuckj iu uave filth and all other 'dregs and" dirt reside In distant is tea j of the fsea wives: there are with tftat mork of "al dalrvman1 hubllclv r.rftciairninP'anch .where there-is too civil izatlon-or law , pencharitr we are all? glad that -the a doctrino and other dairvmen n- wnere canmoai inoes leaai on na- new,: nusoana or miss iiungton nas pitLXfoiVig it, wfa0 can . have doubt of iuui nu, uurau niu iam ui cwiuoi anaeiea a wue. wno . wants 10 mena j tha i.rwnr nH ort,l lmnrf.nM r .fcuow ouu .ocuv "ucu tc uul bockb ana are nupmg inai iter ia this prolonged demand for' good Jand seal blubber are the luxuries of may become epidemic. We are full Unk? Fortunately many dairymen 01 praise ior uie laui. m our do not belleve with Roth' in the ef helplessness we have Aldrich and flcacv and value of f)lth Iff. Cannon t,o watch over us and run the glver but how are they to be heard government. ior ub, anu we wisu and how are the peope to know? mem Doin.many nappy return 01 Then I'll die to alow music, please call In the band. Let s all be tliankful, Christmas friends. j-.ei a waroie inanicrui tunos. If we uan't have cranberry sauce. Lot's grlve our thanks for prunes. "Dodgast that hen," said Farmer Snook, she don't lay eggs at all. txcept perhaps ten days In June an' early In the fall." "Before you flnleh," said the hen, "by caning me a vagrant,' You surely know I do my best; by heck, 1 ain't no egg plant." I Manv nennl tint ihU a hnv - ui.i,.k can BtUrfind something to be thankful for. . . a.. - The lnsurientu will harrilv ihii4 In eplklng the Cannon in this en m ce ment. If turkeys were so acarea for Thunlm. giving, what will people do on Christ ma f People of no nart Of the countrv have more 10 oe inansrui ror tnan those or uregon. Senator Dlolc navs he In atandlno- nn his record. It is a verv. thin, ahakv luunaauon. Roosevelt Is ktllln atlll mnra t. phants. The British government must nave removed tne limit. A Chlcaaro minister nv. mtn ahnnlil be compelled to marry. But there are too many aivorces now. , One Hundred Veara Ago. , na w women really a-raleful for. many bleasing today, or are Mmniv arlail llt Ihliix uva WiraeT ' lliiva.' wa takan tlma to "count our Ifl-a. Inira ntia ha Outatdera ara ' buying much Wallowa I one. or hava wa aa a wh.iia h,.n m county, Und. . I engroaaed In the worrlaoma turkev rttn. ' rtalUS la I a' hava a union denot nar. with its acconipanlmen ta to saf -Uou ob..rva.,,aV . unlon f Pot;- "r 'i.,h '.'rnal d,'h" w.rd .4 ' j that we have had little time for gun-, ' Tmmenaa atork-alavlnir black wolf ",n0 thankaglvlngT Do wa aa a aer klllixt irar Aleliama. .i ' , I even berln to'reaiise what we have to ' n Arago baby 'was born mother a 17th birthday. . on 'Its Two Condon men got 103 wild geese on a rlp, apd trapped It ooyotea... - Tha .r n CI . . 1 j ThomDson hift eTrorV. i.lki V" weP as men should pro- Jn i'JJZ r"lllvos?i Chicago preacher,- ut - ' - i.v . W I llUJlKr 1 L ri I 1 1 1 Tl I 1 Flf V in TnPtf PI f OOT 1 .r RT.I. ? -uao xttiiu removes moun-1 lalnB- I The Associated Charities wnnta nil beggars driven out 'of town; apparently it wienies io oe na 01 oDjects or cnanty. mm A tremendous dynamite explosion, wrecking 25- houses, occurred in Dan ville. IU. But it didn't touch Uncle Joe. A -correspondent says that there are not half enough streetcars. The man who habitually walks thinks there are twice too many.. . . i Commissioner Bailey Imagines that he Is still the victim or attempts to ruin lilrh-lpolltically. The ruin was fully ac complished long ago, and by himself. rz '-a - - . i j Letters rrom the People j Letter to The Journal should be written on one side of the pnper only and ihould b accom panied by the nanlfe and addreu of the writer. Tbe name wul not be used It the writer ka ttlat It be withheld. The Journal la not to b nnderatood aa lndorolng tho view or atatemenU of correspondents. letters abnuld be nude at Drier aa posaibie. xhoae who wlan their letter returned when not used ahuuld tncloaa poatage. Correapondenta are notified that letter ex ceeding 800 word In length, may, at the dis cretion of the editor, be cut down to that limit. existencef We - are,' not. Chinese I beating tom-toms in time of solar eclipse to irignten,; an imaginary Idragon, bo he will not swallow the !sun. "nor"t'hat inost pathetic of life itragedies, a Hindu mother sitting In ! superstition- on . the- banks of the rt 1 . 1 . 1 . t- 1 , , 1 . vtianges aB ne inrows ner cuna into Ithe river. We do not live In the Jdays "of Ignorance, and intolerance, Sto be burned at the stake for con science sake, to -be atoned to death 8for heresy or hung for witchcraft A1 lheBeere,"oraTe; the-lot-of TJtliers. It Is as If we were a chosen J-ace. We have a constitution that guarantees us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have homes ' and every "convenience that a mighty civilization affords. 'We have conquered even the - elements and forced them to contribute to our comfort. We have trifling ills, per haps, but compared to those of other peoples and other times, they are as drops of water to rolling oceans. There Is evJry reason for us to make the day a cheery Thanksgiving, THE TRAIL OF SUGAR HE MORE the lid is lifted from sugar trust pllferlngs tbe more the mess smells to heavpn. From 1894 to 1909 the frauds have continued without Interruption. To the short weight thefts of customs duties has been added the proven theft of water from the city of Brooklyn. The fwater thefts - aggregate $750,000, . jbut a $25,000 campaign contribu jtion to Tammany in the McClellan felection silenced prosecution. 1 1 The trust's confession of guilt by --payment of ?,000,000 aa a com Jpromlse of the government's prose jctitlon is now discovered to have Jlcen a most effective stratagem. The compromise covers all the steal ings from 1894 to 1909, and delivers tbe trust from prosecution for its crimes during that period, stealing that aire estimated at anywhere from six to ten times what the government collected. - Evea more amaxlnc than the ftbefti is the power the trust cxer- ltled over public men. Unqutlon- lAbly, It wrote the ugr schedule In !(h GorroantMnsoB tariff bllt Jt . j fcrldi a nimflarly t n'renehed posliloa la th MiKir Jey administration, asd fwhea the ft ea! Ints low made pvb y.)c were rrfvs'eiy reveaJtI to Ly m ao J. Cafe, :rKlfl!eT' eecreUrj tf th IrtTanury. h did aot proe jfMte. t sit l!frcffd his Informer to . Iii.h;tr txt It. rrtxf'ofi the day so we can annually return our heartfelt thanks for their mani fold kindnesses. We are more than filled with thankfulness that the North Pole has been discovered, but we wish it understood : -that we do not, with Alexander, propose to Bit down and weep because there, are no more W days. DEATH lit A MINE , HAT DEATH imaginable can be moije horrible than that , of . those entombed miners who lived on for several many of them for perhaps North Poles to-discover or near,y a wcek? In darkness and more Mount McKinleys to climb. ILLUMINATING AND PERTINENT 0 NE OP the favorite amusements of Speaker Cannon these days is the. reading of Insurgents out of the Republican party which party he claims by right of capture. Incidentally, he insists that any Republican congressman who is not for Cannon for speaker and not in favor of the rules of Can nonism, is not a Republican. In the three cornered fight in the Sixth II linois, a Cannon congressman was elected Tuesday 'to fill Lorimer's un expired term, and a speech made by Cannon in the campaign is both In teresting and pertinent. An Inde pendent Republican candidate was nominated and made opposition to Cannonism the issue in his opposi tion to the regular nominee. 'In his speech Cannon 'eaid: "If you are determined not to vote for . Moxley, 'the Cannon Republican, go and, vote ror Kyan, me uemocrauc canai date." ) It was publicly charged, and Is doubtless true, that the Democratic bosses and the bosses of the Cannon wlag of the Republicans were in league for the defeat of the Insurgent Republican. It was by such a coali tion, with Tammany Democrats, if accounts are true, that Cannon se cured a new lease for his rules and another term in the speakership when the Insurgent revolt tn tbe lower house had him defeated at the frpecial session. The utterance In the Chicago speech Is confirmatory of the Tammany deal, and tbe Tam many deal Is confirmatory of the at tltvde of Cannon in the Chicago eprb. The two are a key to. the real chararter of Csmtion. HU plat form la that Cannon ta the Repub lican party, and w hen j on cannot vote for him. the straight Dem ocratic Urkrt. scant, foul air, without food and but little if any i water, with but slight hope of rescue, doomed to a slow, . agonizing death In this fate ful tomb could any situation be more terrible? Some doubtless be came insane, and thus perhaps suf fered less. Some, as Is the nature of, certain types and temperaments, may have become savage and merci less to weaker ones. Some prayed incessantly with what faith they could muster, but in vain?. Sudden drowning in shipwreck . at sea, or suddent death from fire, holds no such terror as this lingering death In a cavity of a mine, the end com ing as. a relief only after 'days of torture. Again, as is always asked after such tragedies, are they not prevent able? Or at least could they not be rendered far less frequent? There! are many of them In this country to one In Europe, indicating that the mine owners of this country have not taken the precautions that Euro pean mine owners have. And if they have not taken all precautions possible, what a terrible burden of black guilt rests upon them. 7 11 Is tllere4 that many dairy me 1.1 ;tr-rfi.ry Jota ia la. effort le Except the provision relative to tuberculous cows, the new pure milk ordinance will go Into effect once. This corrects a statement In this morning's Oregonian which says It will not become effective un til July 1. The measure unani mously passed the cooncll yesterday. nd Mayor Simon gave assurance this morning that he would sign it at once. An emergency c la awe pro vides that It ehall take effect as sooa as the executive signature affixed. The only provision that ernee not take Immediate ?ffect Is that, with rr-ference to tuberculous cows, which ber-omes operative' July I, next year. The measure Is an Important step la the direction of per milk, and with the vigilance that many (ntereeta are go! Eg to ob serve la the nailer of Its ecfrrej Eject H shovta at ence give rortUui, No Commission Necessary. Portland, Or.. Nov. 23. To the Editor of The Journal' With reference to the agitation that a public service com mission be created to control and regu late the public utilities in Portland. , As a taxpayer, I want to enter an em phatlc protest against such a move, be cause 1. The city Is not of .sufficient size arid has not so largo a number nor so extensive a system of public utilities as to warrant the creation and expense of such a commission. 2. It would entail an unnecessary ex pense, and the taxpayers now, a. major ity of whom are paying for homes, have unusually heavy burdens to bear be cause of the rapid grtiwth and conse quent rapid development of the city. 8. We now have a body amply able and having the authority to control and regulate the public, utilities In the city, namely, the council and the mayor. 4. Tha council and the, mayor are not going to . surrender any j of their pre rogatives without a struggle. 5. The mayor has ample power, and means to coiripel the public utility cor- poratlona -to perform and : f tilfllL Jlielr duties. If he will but act. Relief should be had at once, and not delay matters on the plea that the president of the street railway system Is in the east What a specious excuse for the mayor to gve as a reasonTor his inaction! 6. If it la' Mayor Simon's avowed pol icy to keep the expense of the city down to a low point, why does. he not compel the railway company forthwith to per form Its duty with respect to the car service we east aiders should have, and save the taxpayers of the. east side car fare used and time spent in attending' In dignation meetings and the wholly un-W necessary expense of another commis sion, when we now have so many com missions and boards that I venture to state no cltlsen bf Portland can tell off hand to, what board or commission or department this or that function be longs. 7. The more boards and commissions we have, the more will responsibility be dlvldod, and the more difficult will H be to place responsibility when It Is sought to do so. i We spend so 'much tlsne endeavoring to learn what we wish to or should do to remedy an evil, and then seeking the means to accomplish the end. that our energy is pracucany spent and the peo ple nave Become tired or the whole mat tar batore th method we hare adopted has begun to have any remedial effect, if It ever doe. In this case we must create a commission before wa may have good car service, or. at the earliest, nothing can be done until Mr. Josaalyn return from the eat. . In municipal affairs reeponalhlllty should be centralized and when rallrf arrecung or concerning a public utility ia sougni. ii wouin not be a difficult matter to determine upon "what depart ment of the trovemment the responsibil ity and duty devolve. AS EAST SIDE TAXPAYER. be grateful for? Thanksgiving' with moat of nne na. tlonal celebrations, haa lout tfnch f Its original significance. Where Chrlst maa has come to mean tha arivina- .e i no uauea people Will hold a mass I i-ourtn or July the making meeting to Improve clvlo conditions. I of vile noises. Thanksgiving; has come . . , . I to mean satisfaction of the Inner, man Large 'numbers . of . stock halna I a nrl If tnr nntliln. - shipped from Wallowa oounty. pointa. I cause for endless gratitude for the mod. vi..i,v...',i lrn means of preparing thta satlafao- Not wlthatftndlna- two short crona. I o " , . . ?. , . Morrow county farmers Twill aaed again B-l'Ii i.- hT ... extensively , preparation-necessary can b . gleaned ' . ' " from the fact that approximately 40,000 Curry county offers fln opportunities turkeys will be consumed , tn Portland for Vounr men wJio will work while alone, with a rorrmnnndlnr numhi nf ' they wait, and stay with It ' . j quarts". of cranberries, to say nothing : A. a. , , . - '-.-I a-"-"-"- " y u-w-uaaaaaa eU VIUCI' V ICIUUSI t.0"."? ,Mart whed 1ST In proportion; ' , 4 , pounds, and. there were three other 1 7 ' squashes on the vine, the smallest ofl .v , . , . ' . whloh weighed -10 pounds., I Trvel back In history, even les than . 0 , - i I "u'irra jreair) ana oonirasi tne prep- ' Gold Hill Newer'. Nothlna- better eonid I a rat ion of a Thanksgiving dinner! then happen for southern Oregon' than that (and now.. First of all there were aot, . every man living therein Should aetltha aamo rilahea at tha hnnaawlf'a out to becoma an expert road maker. command. Tomatoes were .then oon-" ' a .Mk.. 4 o. ta 4. , ; , Isldered poison and none of the other A teacher In Stanfleld. who latolv I . ..1.1 ..ui.l .. arrived from the great corn state of 7, than to vhraaku ia nutnnH ui... I ter were then to be had. for the tin Hut-she may change her name In Ore-I can ' era ha1 not ot dawned, gon. I "To be sure they Vatill had potatoes.' v ' . . I cranberries. . nnmnkln und tha fontlva N There has been snow on all sides I turkey, which waa to be found in large Sfiaa- ? anr,r? t fvore?, "P- numbers running wild in the forests. . missed It all. says the Irrigator. Within I c.n you imagine voursclvea rosstlns: two-hours' Journe from here the ther . I . 1 y". . ou"eivea roast na ., mometer was 20 degrees lower than In your- Pou"oe lne asnes. ana cookln Irrlgon. And 'the difference- was not your turkey and other dishes overman ' due to altitude, which is about the open fire, for you must remember that same. ' , stoves were yet ' undreamed of. Even . ; . matches were things of the future and TmaUfc JLii"! A","r,a' SmW? flies wore started-by a spark struck & Tillamook road is a matter Of great frnm nint and a niece of ateol Tho Importance to Astoria, aa it will trav- om. 1 . "., p 6 steei. me erse a fertll district which an mL cooking utenslla; were most simple. as 'the line Is In operation Willi be w,tn nna of "the modern conveniences, subdivided into small farming tracts (There were no 'flavoring extracts, bak and made to support dozens of f am- ( lng powder, yeast nor prepared mustard. Hies Where but one now lives, says I and th coff hud to h rnailNt and ground at home. , the -ludget A fnrrv rnnntv man nn.A.!r. I the Marshfleld- Mail, la makino- a Add to these few difficulties the fast cess In mining the black sand deposits J thait the average family made all of along the beach between' Corbln and its ; own clothing aa well as, spinning vveaaerourn. ne has a machine that the. wool to make the yat-n and cloth. Will save and aenantte the rrltLttnnm I ti... a..., ..i,i., ..... and aold from the sand- He has with - hnndrod vora ro no rcnt in mm two ounces of nlat num anrl 14 ounces of retorted gold, besides a small vial Of oxidised gold, product which has heretofore scaned tha minora aim nave qeivea in tne curry county Bands m f m . . Grants Pass Outlook-' KotwHhotonH ing all that we have sahl with , regard i"B urcai iwea 01 aiversiried larm 1 ng in southern Oregon, the' apple tree !? leems destined tn h mt tha i. n mo years ago, the very wealthy families all of the furhiture- and carpets were made at home. , Think of the work that all of t'hia" irreant to the women of tlioso first Thanksgiving days, and then consider how lktle we really do in comparison. If tho giving of thanks la to be measured by material- benefits alone. seems destined to be at the head of lne women oaay snouia .De inspire the procession of products. ' Certainly I 88 ""Ver before with gratitude for the among . orchard trees,. It will stand at I prlyllegej of living in this wonderful the head In this county, for the con-1 ago "of development. anions of soli and climate- are - such as 10 give it tne nnest coloring , and an unexcelled quality, This fail has been demonstrated by a number of or-. 4.III4I Ul4. FAMQUS GEMS OF PROSE -y- Skepjticism of Educated Men By Ralph WalJo Emerson (Brom a lecture on "New England Re formers," In Armory Hall, Boston, March 3. 1844.) When the literary class betrays a des tltution of faith, -It Is not strange that society should be disheartened and sen sualized by unbelief. What remedy? Life must be lived on a higher plane. We must go up to a higher platform, to which we are always Invited to ascend: there the whole aspect of - things changes. I resist the skepticism of our edu cation and of our educated men. I do not bcleve that the differences of opin ion' and character In men are organic. do not recognize, beside the class- of the good and the wise a permanent class of skeptics, otf a class of conservatives or Of mallgnants, or a class or materialists. I do not believe in two classes. You re member the story of the poor woman who Importuned King Philip of Mace don, to grant her Justice, which Philip refused: the- woman exclaimed,-"! -ap peal;" the king,, astonished, asked to whom she appealed: the woman replied, "frorp Philip drunk to Philip sober." The text will suit me very well. I be lieve not In two classes of men, but in man in two moods In Philip drunk and Philip sober: . I think according: to the good-hearted words- of Plato, "TJnwil- t K '.,' ; -Teal Birds. ' : GUT very tnin slices or veai rrom inm loin, remove bone and trim off all fat. Cut them into nieces ahout two inches by four; chop all the pieces trimmed off with as many half Inch squares of fait pork as you have chopped meat. Season with salt, pepper, a-tea-. sDoonful of chopped onion, lemon Juice, a little sage or thyme and molstet with nna alla-hlltr henten find a. little "hot HrtSrly the soul ' is deprived of - truth." Hnrfal this Tnlvtiire on cacti Iron conservative, miser or thief, no man Ui.. nt vi roil and fasten each with Is, but by a supposed' necessity, which a small toothpick.. Put a tablespoonfiil he tolerates bv shortness Or tornfriltv n'L, 4... 44.. IM tk. fmrlnir nan an, na anon 1 - f v ,(1 KJU44D1 . J " 1 " " " Sight.- The soul lets no man ao without ! tt t hot out In each bird and some visitations and holy-days of a di- saute to a light brown. Then remove viner presence, it would be easv show by a narrow scanning of anv man' biography that we are not so wedded to our paltry performances of every kind, but that every man has at Intervals the grace to scorn his performances in com. paring; them with his belief of what he should do, that he puts himself on the stae or nis enemies, listening gladly to wnai tney say or him and accusing him self of the same things. What ia it men love In genius but Its infinite hope which degrades all It haa aoneT uenius counts all its miracles poor and short Its own idea it never executed. The Iliad, the Hamlet. th uunc coiumn, me itoman arch. . tha ootnte minister, the- Oerman anthem. wnen in,ey are ended the master, casts behind him. How sinks the song In the waves of melody which the universe pours over nis soul7 Before that tra. cious iniinue, out or which he drew tnese rew strokes, how mean they look, though the praises of the world attend ll, cut water Is stored. ... Through . an 8 inch nozzle 3000; cubic feet or water may be discharged in the space - of a minute, with the velocity of 180 feet per second. The water bursts from thte nozzle in a solid cylindrical stream, and strikes against, the wall which is to be' torn down with a tremendous impact. Oreat tents begin t6 appear in the face -of the mountain, stones and boulders, the latter often of enormous size, are tossed aside androlled and turned like pebbles in a millstream. A torrent carrying this whirling -mass presently is rushing past The crushed disintegrating; burden is carried through races and sluices pre pared to receive it. About 8000 cubloj yards is thus carried off In every 2-1 hours." " ' :: 1. 1895 Mr. Hanson became a director of mo eiiirni 01 ueorgia -.road,, and in 1900 he was made chairman of thahoa ef directors. When the chairmanship of - .uvMBHwi in i?u4 up was elected to the presidency of the com pany. He is also Interested financially iu uiu;r rairuus ana in steamship com panies apd other large industrial enter prises in tne south. Tearing: Wealth Out of the Earth. Covering an area of Hit acres, aa it do, the largest hydraulic gold mine tn ir world If to t round la Trinity coua- ty, Callfornta. Popslar Mechanica for iecraiDr says: to thrust great holna inu tne vital er a tnowntala, rending ad toaring.away by ttie handrede of wes ine aria ana gravai -end hug oo-uier n orcer mat tn prerieoa tnet. al bMdea away tbreia mjght be ae creI re-jalr a tMmendoiii h4 ef water. T(-re , waa Boa available fa th lMmed!at -rktnity. and a pipeline trnHee la W'ata aae te Im eeastrsK-ted. Part of thla llae la throua-h a tnrnw-i n the Mde of a fitaio a mil an4 a half tn length, whloh (Mnk twe vaars tn til!l fa tp 4 Orea Twntal I a .g retn 'r ia wl.if a thla irecteu This Date In History. . . 17S8 British flag raised over the ruins ojf Fort Duquesne, and the place named Pittsburg, after the great com moner. 17KJ British evacuated New York. 1786 Oreat fire in Savannah, 350 houses destroyed. . 111 a Philadelphia theatre was tha first to t lig-htad by im, . 185S Henry T. Gage, twentieth gov ernor of California, born near Geneva, N. T. - 1887 Committee, of the house re ported In favor of the Impeachment of President Johnson. - - I m2 Bir John Thompson succeeded John Abbott as Canadian , prime minis ter. , . " - ' lfjl W. B. Howe, Episcopal bishop of South Carolina, died at Charleston. 10S Celebration at Atasttn of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the found ing of the Cnlverslty of Texas. - John F. IImmoi'i Birthday. lIior John T. Hansnta, pre Men t ef the Central of Georgia railroad, was born la Monro eeanty, Georgia. Novena. ber St. 14, and r-rlred bis only arhotaath- training In tha ohs field trhoe4s of Oorgla. 1 ew-rved aa a pri vate in the C-on federate amy and when th war wae rr erobarked with twr. era aaaoctatee la tbe ma nu factor of -ttne) yarn. Tbe . emtipaaf xroperM until in th co-ora ef tlnae It operated Berm fBlIIs with 78," arlndioa. Ia, He Won't Have It. From The Dalles Optimist oiniw me recent announcement of oiaie r-nnier' i-uniway that he is a candidate for governor many friends have again got busy asklna- tha o-itnr of the Optimist to "stand" for the nom ination for state printer. Not on your life. No public aspirations for "The Old Man." He Is too poor to get rich and too rich to get- poor. He would rawer nelp some good Republican friend ret the orfice. He never begged a vote, in his life and never will. ALL r to a stewpan, cover with milk and cook slowly for an hour; serve on points of toast with the gravy in a separate dish passed With It at K a ; Woman Proposes. From the Chicago News. . LL THE courting 1s done by the women of Ukraine. Russia. When girl falls in love with a man she goes to his home and tells him the state of her feelings. If her affections are reciprocated a marriage is arranged. If, however, Barkis is not wmin", sne remains in . die house. Hoping to coax him Into regarding her suit with favor. Tha - poor f r 1 1 o w cannQLJtreat, Ji er with discourtesy or tarn her out, for her' friends would be sure to avenge the . Insult If he Is really determined that he won't have, her his best plan is to leave his home and stay away aa long as she remains ln-lt.t 'Thus a man may be turned out -of house and home. .1 at k k B1RDSNEST CUSTARD Peel and core en6ugh pice tart apples to fill a pudding dish; fill the openings with sugar, pour over all a little water and cook until tender. -Make a custard ufficient to cover the apples In the dish In proportion of two eggs to a pint of milk. Sweeten to taste and fla vor with nutmeg.. Bake till the custard sets. .''" at - at at The smile that wreathes my face Is not Tha smile of one who won The bets. he made election day. I smile because the sun Marks now that aolstlce of the year When sausage Is the game. And to the breakfast table, lo.r The buckwheat cakes have came! " New York Telegram. ' Knowledge ty Mail Tho Worst Abuse Yet. From The Dalles Optimist The Portland Spectator, one of our nngntest and best exchange, haa this to ay anent the direct primaries 'law, th initiative and referendum and Stat.' ment Ne. 1: "fuUntheln1tedStat.aii. Ahar ej ta ta rd ao fw." Well. thOptimlat naa aaia some . mean thlnra arainat those, and other freak laws, but wa never aioepea to any amch abuse aa that Hum a, we are ashamed of you. -' Bhotaid K-rpiain. rrom the- Woodburm Independent . IKep, . Cengressmen asking rejection ahemld explain to ttie people what their atti. tude will be on such Questions aa the ur port or Joe cannon, ah Id stibaia and a few other Items. (Contributed, to Tha Jooraal br Walt Miki. tlx famous Kaoaa port UI prose-poems at re-ralar feature ot UI coin ma la The Dally Journal) . ' An las-arrrrtion at Iraat. FVotw the CMe-are Tribune. Th movement against tncJe Joe Can- tvo-a baa net mamH the form of a revolution, bat It has every apttaar asce of being lively lanrrertloD. Hens erenne feme ere go-M lavera nd r are txortrg late that town, ear tn . I'roria inter. When I was young and fresh and rud dy, and full of snap and .-rtm.- wiy pa rent used to make me study -until my bead would swlro. , I twU upohkTli school house '. bleachers,.' with pnl). book and slat, while sundry bald an I weary teacher drilled knowledge ttirouglt my pate. - For some quick met hod , I waa yearning. Mm easy path to tread;, "there 1 no royal road te learnliur," the bald old teachers said; "atlrk lo-Iy t the printed pafa. all Idlanes ee-tH-w. and -then perhapa tn future ae. rou ll know a thlnjr or two." And when I left the' school and coliere. to -cllfib lifj's toUaorae hilt I foend my little- etore f knowtexlg would trely ni'the Mil. But nowadays tbe World nvv- tuWtsr than Ift the long a-; old-faahloned not hod make ua enk r. .they were crede end elo.. By --ndhig evn wooden dollara' te Mee-frs. Freaka aal PYeaka, they'll make er -children ftt 1be4 e-hot are. and de It la thre- --,, X let we rleee the echonle and tnatre "ere to. ruin and deTy, and ,1 tbe and map n-t .beeve a- wiii:-n mile away; for tow tbe kHa tak- eredUloei In thre-trrain raciewie f"rm. the te her fovea IK roaltKHA that b has Km r.a. ir. Ctul-e Mat tev roe tea poeiieM it.at