THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24, 1003. 1 jl. ilusi-i u. i i jay FilCS SEfJT ClIGEf SifJDIE W EIIGIIWD SMI-SIM Many Vessels Cast Ashore Disaster Overtakes Ships in Harbor. (Taltad free, t . irira.t Plymouin. aiaaa, Nov. 14l.aahed by the worst atorm that haa swept tha New England coast for ovar year, a big three masted schooner. Bam Un- known, but which la ona of a fleat , , .. ,n Ai i M,n but which la ona of a fleet Llluam DlCCk Alleges iMt by tha ailbert Transportation ,i tr t -it., n ! .l I oomtuny, la ashore on Stevens flat In ?. Jawuur, lias uuiucu Possession of Real Estate Worth Several Thousand Dollars Through Fraud. tbla harbor,' Tha lives of 19 men who ar. aboard tba vassal ara threatened. Tha schooner. Ja loaded with stona Every boat In tha harbor except two hava been pllrd on the beach by tha atorm and aome of these hava bean badly shattered, Portland. Maine, Nor. 14. The two LABOR CHARGES DEBS CALLED TEACHERS HEAR HIGH Oil ORYOOCK 10 SPOKANE IIOIEDEDUCAIORS Daniel Kern ' Says. Union Industrialists Say lie Can Professor Sisson Says Fam jfen Charge Jloro.Wlicn Help jloro There Than ily Government Is in at Los Angeles. , Working There. Hands of Children. IIEIILIOII SEEKS 10 DELAY TRIAL - Deposed Adjutant's Attor- nej-s Fonvanl Appeal to U. 8. Supreme, Court. Because Portland labor unlona charge! Totted Prase Leased Wire.) 10 cent nor a dajr for averr man work. Spokane, Waah., Nov. Z4.-fc.ugen. V, lng on tha Port of Portland drydock Db. ha been ordered to drop bla con Nearly 1000 teachers from the city sobools of Portland and St. Johns and (Sport. I Pt.p.trs te Tb Joaraal.) Olympla. Waah.. Nov. 14. Attorneys tha country districts throughout tho are busy la the superior court of Thura. minus ir it inrnr ir II mi nnpinu and I county aeeembled at tha Washington to ton oounty today examining witnesses to try Ortla Hamilton and it l thought mnA f 1 mam a 'iltv ftm saTl MsUin arnlvt a I templated trip to Ixe . Angelea .hin. !.. i. ...., .. v. k. iv..,i.ni4 ooroe to Spokane Immediately to assist hlh school this morning to listen' t shins than la charged by tha Portland ,ft h flfht fw fM ,p-ch A notble addreaaea by three of the fore Drydock company, tha shipowners will rram reoelved here today by oounael for most educatora of the Pacific coast. not ratrOnlSC Ul dOCK Unless ' COm I tha Tnrfiiartal tVnrV.n ' frm IMItnrl M A adrlan fif Utnl. riarhara fl palled to do eo, Daniel J Warren of the Appeal to Reason, at ON I who waa scheduled for both yesterday I tri l..n ih, rnlumkU rVin. I rarrf. Kan atatad that H.ti waii 1 A II n. I a nil tndav'a nrna-ram r 9 .ha tn.tiriilA I trading company. Becauaa of tbla on-dubte4ly come within a few daya. J but wag detained by delayed traine, ar- ,n,on uprerne court for permission to dltlon tha dock la being operated at a I witn a amau rorca the induetriaiiats I nvea m uma to deliver ma address this I " ';' ... inaa Mr. Kern contend, and because are -till waging their fight agalnet tha forenoon on "The Making of Men" I;?1?" ' th supreme court of the of that the Port of Portland la now police. The olty jail la filled with which proved to be one of the most In- Miima. 1" Du! tnia waa ceniea. considering the advisability of leaalng prisoners, but room tor 1000 more .la I tereatlng and valuable dtacnastona on thai n" tlu coniirui. in tn. superior . I ... J I V. t . a wis a. Vae . a a a I a ...... J I Prtll T T 11 Ti I Aalat . Ok VaW r I i Af f0 Flltlitlftn I the dock. . .. iTiiiuto in int j-or vyngni aruara-1 mrwe umym prugrara. . i - - " r ... " v i I ... 1. ... I ... - - ... .1 ,UIII,M. t m m Ka .linn. n. . i P . Fx th. m, n-am tha ntvunt poum ana ine aoanaonea inranKiini rouowina iToreaaor Adrian. iTeaident i ... w. v. .... that by night a Jury will be aecured n4 rU,onl(.n FIfMlc in Itllpriefln they will be able to proceed with the XlOCh. . Ill allUlfiLUU w "... . '.. w v tieramic uecoraung uora- llamllton ' attorneys aaked tha Wash-1 T. , . -TT ,,y . paiiy ;jLcpne vaiungs 01 Victims - Postal Inspect- ors on Trail of Owner. . . . . r.. .. I. wi- - j. .w. r, I schnnl. whlnh aM halnv naail aa tnlla I P. I. Pjiinnluill at tha TTnlvwrattv nrlvniied States. m.m Knin.r nnry. mown aanora irounie regeruing ' Annneal he. nna forward h mall Kxtenalv fraud. Including the uae of f ired notca and paper, whereby Ed n rd Pleok. an agd cabinet maker. vas swindled out or property on Wil liams avenue worth 17000, and aeveral n !,', aggregating about 110.000 In all, is charged agalnet 8. V. Davldor In a t ompiaint filed in tha circuit court by 'miik 8chlegil as attorney for meek. M ,h mm u . K .Us I a .... t it AhAt Jntlill T IntlB l I 1 IIV IllUU.iriaJl.l. UBCI.f. LX1CV Will BIT, VIC1UB I.WW1 UU 11W UUIUD1 Dl DBrl u . 1 , ... , . . I 1. .v.. . - . . .v,i txAlmore men aa anon aa work h.a-l na to I vice." Ilia addreaa. waa an elnnii.nt I ', Ine national capital wuii. 11 .a .wniin in. new Mf won iiwi ii " 1 ---- " - 1 - ' - I nrama mh.i nt th. tin . - w.. . . . . . . . " I j, . V..... .nrvlahut down In lumber eamna and tntnea I anneal to the aaaamhled taachnra In I Preme Court Of the Un nii Lie in a uaiivrea 10 pieces u J 10. cum. a unjr iiiui w " m.n ....w 1 I , I 7 .J I writ .-hfh l ...ntl ,v, . T .. ... 1. . a..,a. th. t A,ti tnlon account of tha annroach of winter. I aive to the rauaa thev renreaent thalwr,I mcn ir grantea un iiua .urrnwn. m an J amau cnin umn i j u.. 1 -- ---- - - -- - - - - - - - - 1. aivon In tha t-A i-.j .1.' .v. u.i h... tha .nrir in tha ahtn. I ' . . .. I very beat that . Is In them, and make. ."lven ,n ln m.w iivun wiwaru .iuii uw main- 1 ...t- ... . 7. ' I . I,,.. 1 . .. . . laalila that trial. . I yards at Bt. Johna. At tha aame lime, I AAlin I Itll gfrt . I"'9 poaaiuie eaoruice in ine r . ' in -.un ri v bU asking the au-l Ited Statea for a I coast I 1 11. u.. ..... It aa.,. Mwtftara itrvltina ini. nviu mnjmt ,k wv... " . on tha port's dock 1 mora a day to h.u. .M vA..n filn. ahln "laanail and Hil.1 nl.ii.M 1. Tk. t 1 . " Oregoh City. Nov. 14. With an ele- ovrnauiea man to nave tne " wr. Orrgon Cily Rrporta R1im. PCTO lllfHIU ULI0 IltlE EXTENDED txr . ., . , w,in... miiia nave inui aown ana paper in a- - . V .VL . . 1 1 1 W. A. Hathaway i and F. H. Williams eMntm on, and two of mill C of tha ers of ocean vessels to pay $1.50 a day v . "iTrTrPJB 3FZ!XS&?Z OtTS Mffff . WestemrniOii Wires Need xeveral others Involved In tha var- I M.7i .... " ,T 1 done on a river boat. l .ua oeala are made defendants, Inolud- "n,"r "d the water still rising I 8lnc th Port ot V" doclt WM ing "'"o' SfuTS-'ta '"a? constructed for th, purpo.a of meeting ti.H lates. Faber, J. .M. Hanslmalr, I -,w. ..(. n.-.. I tha demands of ocean going vessels prln- Juliua Oreen and'.wl M. R. K field. I "'m. k.I. J' 7"" ' . . Z.. I clD.llr. these condlUons force tha own lompose the Realty -associates, Dr i cing a clerk In Davldor's onica. it 1 stated that Davldor owns all but two shares of stock and that this com imny is the cloak under which Davldor carries out plausible deals with the -unwary. It is alleged that Faber Is imed"by Davldor to carry out fraudulent c-hetties "and-" 'U T completely under Davldor's bidding. - . . One Called "Stool Pigeon." Another defendant, Julius , Green, Is characterised ln the complaint aa '"a r tool" pigeon and person that Is a eon- training of the mind and development of the character of the youth of the land. Professor Edward O. lsson, head of the department of English, at tha Uni versity of Washington, closed tha morn ing session with a 40 minute addreas on "The Educational Situation." Pro fesaor Bisson s talk took tha form, of a refutation of the . charge sometimes heard that the schooIsystem is respon sible for many of tha ehortoomlnga of American civilisation. tha only ones that hava not been forced to shut down. They are running full blast Mill Superintendent Pusey stated this morning thst tha water waa within a few Inches of the wheel pit and that as soon as it reached that the entire mill would ba forced to close. -.Superintendent- Howell of tha , city water works said this morning that tha works could stand a ftva. foot rlaa In the lower liver and .that tha upper j those Oresort Drydock company's plant Be fore tha advent of that dock It cost them the Same amount more than It cost for tha same character of work dona off tha Port of Portland dock, . , All sides of the drydock controversy Till March. , - The city council this morning granted ciarea ine speaker, "must taKe a new hold on the discipline of children. Not that we must revert to the puritanical Ideas of half a century ago, but we must go far enough back to rehabilitate will ba given kn airing on Monday af- the We.tern Union Telegraph company "u:h ?d old S !?,one? w,ordg dutr ternoon next when tha Port of Port- " tZ t.i. i t w.Wh mnd obedience,-. Tbera Is Just as much land will hold a meeting at the city JX iiL i11 in tnl country to- haii at 4 n niock. At that . tfme all 1 tot tM ia.yii)g or tneir wires unaer day as there ever was. only It has - in . i - rniiinn am. r r . mtkmnvmi rr nvarr - in ui. iiuwuuu i Interested have no effect - on tha whether tha dock ahall be leased are rivsr .would worka Authorities here' expect from wires, destroyed the house boats of Siefrld RmthAra a rA VrttA P.t.r.nn.' a dam. leaa I nassii1 from tha hanrta nt tha ninnti I ... ..... ... The petition of the company for th" tha hiMrn agea the Duiiaing used by the Ray's WANTEn-Ladlea, at horns day or " evenings, applying transfers on por- before a verdict loelain: $1.60 dosen. upwards; steady, superior court will set 1 empioymeni. it aiarquara. Back into the limelight sprung the American Ceramic Decorating company. Incorporated, 124 Marqusm building, ' yeaterday, when poatal inspectora be gan aa investigation Into the methods of the concern. Adding to tha, Inquiry being prosecuted by -the ' government authorities, Dlstriot Attorney George Cameron and Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin, of the women's police auxiliary, will look Into the affairs of the company. . Notwithstanding the fact that Scores women hava walled that they were vlcttma of a full ' fledged swindle. though none have offered sufficient ev idence to cause arrest, crowds of gulli ble members of the opposite sex thronged In and out tha company's two-room ...ft. In h. UMI1.m htlllHna- V..I.P. Flra starting from defective wiring daj titTnoon today. Most of them FIRE DESTROYS ' I BOA HOUSES Tha American achool and home," de- Slcfrid Brothers and FlC(l of Peterson Lose Valuable Propertj'. " a two W.Z, .raaiTwh-Port of Port " extension until June 1 was cut down. -T are suf ferin. In this 5 country " Carina hoapltal this afternoon. , expected to meet with the Port of Port- f rffllnPm,. rnra h.rt .avareiv e. ?f.a ."""?ri?. .'"j.1"1 .country th. ihm... win .m.,-t , t ttnnn . " i iruiii a. niBKui or nuBFiianiam. mm anift - 0 -w w ve I 1 4 ..a. .. aal mUmi a. as lha TPVV i lainn uunimiBBiUD suiu ui av vaasfcv 1.110 va wuu- 1 . . . . . . . 1 - u4B. ort and assistant, of Davldor .In- W-J Your foot rlsa'moMT Condition.' will sltlon pro and con. Members of the '.rM1 "' V". ,.P...T: broul11 on by ht French writer more, with some Insurance., frauds." Rafield Is also , classed ;as a b(l n.d . the nolnt wher. Main atreet commission believe that out of this dis- . '. vr , wn0 ln one llt book has perpetuated rnre tool, of Davldor. v ,! " runs into tha basin. .-There is V .two mission will come some plan by which r.r?.D; l"ls"m."- .A"'.00F""Br n.0 acles than any other one man The story told in the complaint opens t t.n.Mr.n H.m - .n ir th water tha matter mav be adjusted to the sat- rBa Deon gramea one exiension, i who ever wrote.' with a deal whereby DIeck was to raise not h. ied .i wln ,,ood Maln t.f.ction f -11 . the work has not yet been started. i iscuaslng strikes of high school J 10.000 to acquire three notes aggregat- .treet for a' block or two. . The mill In discussina the Question of leasing . ine council Deueves ine wires snouia and college students. Professor Sisson lng $12,000 from J. M., lianslmalr, the mnthoritIaa at the Hawley mills state the drydock several members of the nave n n?er ouna some um 1 said that he never were turning In It each, too. Though "A. Keller," whose name ap pears In black letters on the office door, Is not known to tha many women who aver they have been tricked, Mrs. J. Knapp. who says she is merely an iniiMnint hut who. " accordlnar to the The three house boats were moored atudents. seems to ba ln charge of the on trie east Dann or tne river above tba I company's Portland branch, was not to Portland Rowing club bouse. ' Defect-1 ba seen by postal Inspectors who visited ive wlrinor. nurhaos. cauaed br the I the suite. nhanira f noaltlon tnnMant to tha htwh I TOia Dy Oriice glri mat. Jam. ha nH.r fait tllra rt.t.ln. puainun iikiuhbi 10 ine) ingu l - JV.. T'li. Tw. . ;r. r" . 1 amngniiw at tnt ii.wicj uiiiin ami. 1 in. aryuutu aJTcr moiuuma i . , ....... I . . 0...B , t . ,iM ,).. citrtA hma. KnaPD was navins nir loeiu iuia. tu. notPa heina- secured T)V a mOrtKaM On I h.. .11 r .ha nti I .Amn.i..inn Won' lliil thav dn not I "a "u ai ibhoi biiuuiu m a.a ijuiuki as i nn BUcn DenormanceS to tha- nunlla. . . V. . I . .nnAn S00 .acre. of land in Chrlstlancounty, th7t th7r. U no dangV that the blame Mo. As this showed an apparent dls- Man street ' of drydock owners and will not be. The, ff .I1"?. up r"6 .with the Pents, school boards f" tnt m t0 tft other waited anxiously for th. arrival of the count of about $1000. 'DIeck arranged, he says, : to secure the money; turning in his Williams avenue property, .for $7000 and also the!notes-he owned. :-, He ; says that after this deal had been arranged Davldor .told him Hansl matr had taken ? the t notes and mort gage away, with, him : while-Dleck was out securing-the'' abstract Two days later, he says, Davldor told him the deal was off, but refused to returtf hlm the money derived' from his notes, but did return one $1000 note. He al leges that the ; notes and mortgages -'Tha total ' rainfall at Orea-on Citv tv tha atanrl that thev are trvlng to c"f sireeia Dy me corporauone, eepe- and college faculties. Since Sunday morning up until this effect a businesslike arrangement by "-" D negligence naa Deen anown Wnue speaking of the cost of tha morning' waa S.T Inches. two houses. The fire boat made an effort to I reach the scene, but could not make Instructor. 80 far a. the Inspectors were able to which the drydocking work of the Port to be the cause for much delay and ex- graft prosecution, throughout th. coun- "C!"!' ,nL C?he .wlft cur- '". " the women'a work has of Portland may be taken car. of at tra Wockading of the thoroughfare. try about which .uch loud complaint ha. f0 Ta fTre dena a. "perfect" which Is the least cost to the shipowners com- " isn t because this company Is In been made. Professor .Sisson declared d2tmt.M;IU.n5..! neoeaaarv before the comnany will C.ll. . Vl I tha l.n.t mii tn tha ahlnnwnnra com. wwtt.'v. - mm -.v I - V . - . .. . ." ..11 i. ., n in 1 1. imrtmr anfl at tne umt " l mu choid, that with this thar. the people could well afford ' to spend 20 times what had been spent If tne youth In one city could be shown Una nf hnaa nwn trrnn tha flllff ihnv. Decesttry before nnrl Ihua niiMmhail tha fUmaa A I Pay Up. MOWever, launch valued ' at $1000 waa . In the that it la .,1m, for a orriMoi house adjoining the Peterson place and "w cneap piaies ana a set 01 rvnera JrL1.!'' ? i'fUf.! . pu,b' 0."lcla w destroyed. ; There was soma in- - tcky substance used for pasting to betray a public trust. He deplored Later, - A - atinthar PrODOaltlOn. Dleck says, Davldor ' offered .w"f T!"-rB.a" Tim. ith th. Tat cost to the taxi they have .not gone ahead of a TurTher "s ??n tZ Cowlit. river payer- of he district of th. Port-, of work. For we have been shown by their a ruriner rise in me wwmi river, v last statement of dividends. Issued re- At o'clock this morning the river reg- ru.anas . . . . , . L..nti th. th.. ... th. ...m. . . . .. . . , . 1 it m m niM imi uu uw arramK now ...v, ... ... .v vmvmv uub. h, uouiuiru ... . "::L!a : ,K r. Ti r.7;, 7Z- wnMMT m.000 annually to iest corporations in the world, . the passing of the old college chapel I Burancc """" av hi,h V,r..7 mrV of voiamhar. look: operate. This charge Is not objected to ; apparent ana j. taKe u , ror ina point out that in modern text rTT., TW1V mx granted, iui uiey aia not even oroer boom me etnicai nas Deen almost en-1 jJJLxJVJCi Ivllil IU XjjlX their piping for the conduits until very tlrely eliminated. oT-Tm-mvrrn-r rmm i tt reoenUy. If they had wanted to do so. "The college graduate.- said the at, JN 1 LIS L&D J K JJJ A Y iana i dui tne loaaers on tne upper reacnes 01 1 : " . . - . iL , i v,i ..v m v.. i i... I i.u utu , ,i . J. . : . . . ,K., , , i at the aooK. ana ror mis reason tne (" wv.a. wu.u ' uoou Bmijiwai -!" , nim mu mau mm. . . . i . the. Stream had most of their .logs out .B.m. to h. on the blacklist Thav long ago." and noble ambition; but la quickly told rtwrfsl Dfoatcb to The Jonreatl -in. company claims mat it will Del in tne Business worm mat such things I fenaieion, vr., wot. i. juage ttean Impossible to complete the work even by j are only fit to be heard inside the four fixed Friday morning at 8 o'clock for th. company will many have deposit ed IS for a set of ceramic transfers, a few cheap plates and a set of rollers -1.M.UA.K1aa 4aMaaa has Jyria III OUWr VXIIIIHEI O tTU VU w V,waaa vvusiuci uiv vinumriw wo awM uunvi i " m . , . . u th. In Ml,.n.iri were cooked Everv mill haa been comoelled to close. P""nl ooln " .-" - . .-"..I . jr.. A. " I . .Ithev ara eharied more ror worK aone aid for the occasion ana mat me teuiu i dui me loggers on tne upper reacnes vi i -' . . . . . i . ....... . . i n t Tn. niuw. m 1 11 1 iiir hub laanuu ill n i was worth not to. exceed x iuu. and rafted. As a result pocket booms were not straining full, and most of seems want to remedy this condition,- tney say, and In their proposition , to lease he transfrs w the plates. Investigation Is to be pursued by tne postal authorities, wHo are of the opin ion that the company Is working what is commonly called a "legitimate graft." many of which hav. been put out of business during th. last few months In Portland. him another deal for 805 acres or. land mem neia. " " . . . thjtnnir ara.woririna- to this end. In Uncoln county Oregon, representea w . iU..i "" I o ha other hand, the Central Labor this morning will expire. It waa.aug-JKO a business. March 1, when the extension grant! walls of a college and that they don't the passing of sentence on Ryan, con victed- of Ua-n.urdor OX Dixon. As Ho be owned by Julius Green. He was company, just above Keiso. was wasnea . ontena that It would throw gested that the Postal Telegraph com-j Professor Sisson will bring the ln tms iana to i v.w mi uibiiu. j.f uin, r v,.i He was I company. Just above Kelso, was washed -to a-et a first mortgage on this land to out at s:80 last nignt. ine pocket Doom ' . . .... . . . I .. llT.n JR. Diinw mill ot th. mAnth ecure nls Williams avenue proiicriy, ire i i uf """j "- - v ay a. August 29 hs deeded th. property of the Cowlits was also washed out last !to Green and received notes ror O00 nignt. : xne western Manufacturing 'from tha Raaitv Associates. Ha says company f. this place lost several bun Jhe has since learned that Green did not I dred oords of cotton- wood, which was kiwn the land and that It is worth not on tne banks or tne c:owntz. xns doi- iover $5 per acre, -Instead of $1, as he torn lands-ln-this-vlcln-lty-are covered Mastoid. "v -r . ' with water to a depth of several feet Dieck says that Faber finally acquired Tha grading crew of Cravens & Murphy, ttltle to the Lincoln county land and working on the Nprthern' Pacific double 'deeded it to the Realty Associates in track, haa been roroea to. seek nigner iHepteraber and that on or about "Sep-1 ground on the Wallace farm. The stream t ember 11. when, he waa In Davldor's I Is at a stand here, but a fall Is expected Sof f ice, '. Davldor and Faber asked him j by, tonight for the notes and mortgages they had I iven him and changed tha date to Sep-j ; jfo Damage About Kennewrlck. f ember II.. . - . I Kennewick. Wash., Nov. 24.-Although The complaint recites .several .mailer the Columbia river has risen steadily .eaj in wiiiv-u no -"T "."r here since Sunday,, the water is stm jused to Induce him topart with ms I several feet below the high water mark property andwhereby th. defendante. Md ther- ,B no danB;er 0 damage ba- yarucuiariy iTHwr,;. w. tng a0n In this Vicinity, iralse . ready cash, which they converted i Jo their own .use. In one of these deals foot four. lnchei. lt: f8 .UU com Jie accuses Davldor with changing ths ta The total rainfall In this vlcln assignment-or mortgage to aatiaiao- ,t y Blnce gunday has been .72 inch. The ion. ana in anotner w. -.a. wnaw i ,j i. tt,iK..t.. accused or taking ?tltle to a lot In Sun- lng. now. , th. mountains rather than fiyalde without consideratlon'and for the purpose of hindering : th. creditors Of JJavldor...' V. v?.--.'.' - 4 .'''. ! '.- Bays He Trusted Sarldor. ,.r Dleck explains that he Is 65 years old tnd has had limited business experience. to tha rainfall. Injured in Runaway. Starting from Twelfth and Tarn hill a runaway express team ran Into an K L"t bush ?iJa .ior"ef tilh!.m0?ryVj shot in mercy by a poUcemin. The ...... . n..j.. . n.iin . . v ,v.uu. . . , kiava f-kawtiln. oo1nA.4 hla mnflilnii.'h - iarrj-tng through a few small deals for lilm that turned out well. ; Dieck asks that numerous conveyances f property be set aside, that he be de clared to have, a lien on some of tha Jand. and that the Williams avenue property be restored to him. and team belonged to R. J, Bragg. Bragg was In the wagon at tha time of the runaway and was bruised. ' . Columbia Rising Slowly. Vancouver, Wash.. Nov. 24. With the water four inches above the IS foot mark th. Columbia river continues to rise, though not so rapidly as at first Th. river Is fairly clear of driftwood. PK0R0GUED TUESDAY Vh city. PARLIAMENT? 3IAYBE T London, Nov. 24. An Immediate meet ing of the leaders Of th. Liberal party if or the. purpose of outlining a plan of '.campaign aa a result of tha crisis aris ing from Lord Lansdpwne's motion to withhold from the budget bill th. con- Good Rainfall About lone, lone, Or., Nov. 24. During the past week about three inches of rain ..has fallen. While th. wind ha. been heavy. sent of th. house of lords, was called I no damage haa been done either to at a prolonged meeting of tha cabinet buildings or fruit trees. Willow creek today. - ..-. i naa rmisea aome out not cnougn to even It h generally believed .In parliament- wash out the. bridges. Farmers are re- ry circles that the house of commons J,c,n "u "wiing an grouno Will ba nrnroonert aa aarlw aa n.wt I available. Tuesday. - Thla means' that the budget pa til be put up to the people much earlier Than had been expected, quite likely during th. first week of the year. . th. Ani,Ti, nt v.aflAia com in to i nanv was able to complete a similar lob I stltuta to a close this afternoon with an .. ... .. . .... I I i . . v. . nr.. . tt , 1 biTh,. rr I'T.ln.nln .. .n T. .1...n.ln 1 Portland into tne nanas or a monopoly 1 111 i. tiuio tiin.i. um western uhiud -w.v., vu n wu ciumu.uuum tha tn h. m nil . while the i mitrht do well to employ their comrjetl- I Force. contention is further made that the own- tors to lay the wires. , ?. j Other addresses for the afternoon are ers of the Oregon Drydock company Another extension of time was grant- by Professor Adrian, whose subject is maintain an open shop and are there- ed until January 1 before the new hawk- "A Fair Chance and a Square Deal." by fore hostile to organized labor. The ers license ordinance will go Into effect 1 e superintendent of education J. whole Question, however, will be- gone The measure fixes a restricted district H- Ackerman, who will discuss "Some Into, thoroughly at tne meeting scnea-iin wnicn, it is proviaea tnat tnose wno .uiih. . . uled for Monday next sen must pay an annual license or 60. 7-7 At the meeting of the Port of Port- The district is bounded by Burnside, Canbjr Nominates Officers, land commission held yesterday after- Tenth and Taylor streets and by the Canby, Or., Nov. 24. At the citizens' noon Robert 7 Mcintosh, superintendent river.- Venders offering their wares for meetlrlj held last night for" the nomi- of the dock, tendered his resignation, sale outside of these boundaries must nation of candidates for tha city elec- whlch was accepted. Mcintosh has been I pay a license of $50 a quarter. drawing a salary of $200 a month. His work will be done for the present by C. L. Johnson, foreman of the dock. The change waa made by the commis sion in the Interest of economy. PERSONAL Frederick C Torrey, a well-known artist of San Francisco, Cal., is regis tered at the Hotel Portland. . J. H. Ackerman, state superintendent of schools, is a guest at the Imperial hotel. He registers from Salem, Or. P. L. Camobell. president of the Unl-I momlna- anii - notica verslty or Oregon at iuugene, or., is at the Imperial hotel. CITY REJOICES AT CARS tlon to be held December 6, the follow lng were placed in nomination: For mayor, H. A. Dedman: councilman. W. H. Blair, H. W. Kvana and A. H. Knight; L. D. Walker was renominated I as treasurer. The meeting was well at tended. Th. nominees, represent the progressive element In the town. soon as sentence is pronounced counsel for defense' wlH file a notice of appeal. They will ask for a writ' of , probable cause and ask that the client b. ad mitted to bail. It is anticipated that the writ will ba granted and Ryan given his freedom under $10,000 bonds. The Jurors refuse to discuss the decision. JUDGE MILLS WILL GOVERN NEW MEXICO (United Press Leased Wtre.1 Santa Fe, N. 11., Nov. 24. Territorial Chief Justice W. J. Mills of Laa vegas has been appointed to succeed Governor Wets Win at CasUorock. (Sneclal Dinpatoh to The Journal.) CasUerock, Wash., Nov. 24. Th. lo cal option election here yesterday re sulted ln victory for tha wets, the vot. standing- 127 to 90 in their favor. Th. election ' was one of the most earnestly 'contested ever held in " this city, the drys particularly using every means in their power to win victory. Old Jupiter Pluvius opened his vials upon this region to such an extent that about 40 did not gret to the polls. - - Jury Acquits Accused Slaver. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) - South- Bnd, Wash., Nov. ?4. Th. Jury last night acquitted Clinton E. Drake, who waa charged with the mur der of A. Stringer last July, after be ing out over three " hours. Drake and Curry of New Mexico, according to a Stringer had trouble over a shack and dispatch, purporting to be official, re-1 Stringer struck at Drake three times, ceived here today. Judge W. H. Pope when the latter pulled his revolver and of Roswell, the message stated, had I shot Stringer, who died within 0 m In been named to succeed Justice Mills. utes. . new cars of the pay-as-you-anter typ were received by the Portland Railway, L-'ght & Power company this was received br Superintendent Franklin today that eiarht additional earn hava naaaari Omaha james wimycomoo, a memoer 01 m I bound for Portland. Blx of the new cars ar. now ln operation on the Six teenth street and Twenty-third street lines, the cars they replace going on the Mount Tabor and North and South Portland lines. Th. new cars are of the same general type as the old pay-as-you-enters, seat- MM ' fT a' - . 1 - ' FALLS AT EUGENE: RISES AT PORTLAND TLH !U U 1 Sarsaparilla faculty of th. Oregon Agricultural col lege at Corvallis, Or., Is staying at th. Imperial hotel. W. L. Vincent a mining man or Baker City, Or., is staying at the Hotel Port land. W. Dean Hayes, a banker of Tenlno, Wash., Is a guest at the . Hotel Port. land. H. L. Prince, a rancher of Dundee, Or., and wife, ar. at the Hotel Port. land. J. S. Green, of Hermlston, Or., for merly connected with H. A. Hunter In th. real estate oroKerage Dusiness 1 Portland, Is a guest at th. Hotel Port land. B. A. Churchill, of th. Staton Woolen Mills, Staton, Or., Is at the Imperial hotel. L W. David, a lumberman of Seattle, Wash., Is at the Hotel Oregon today. W. A. King, a mining man of Baker City, Or., Is a guest, at th. Hotel Ore gon. Dr. w, H. Lytle, of Pendleton, Or. member of the state veterinary board. is at tne liotei Oregon today. Attorney W. H. AbaL of Montesano, Wash., In at the Oregon. The river at Albany 1. at a .tag. of 1 2H - feet and In the last reports to I the local , weather bureau it waa rising at a rat. of six Inches aa hour. At Ku getve th. reports show a fall of five feet since yestwrday morning. At Portland th. river roe. 2.4 feet Is th. last 24 hours and at S o'clock thia morning was at a stag, of 17.4 feet The river Is still running Ilk. a mill mm tiid mora. drift waa ninnlnr thla Eradicates scrofula and all lTl-.vttfVLSllX otner numors, cures all their br FT"M' nlKVt r aamrday mommg. , , predicted that It will probably . ClteCtS, makes the blood riCh rCB ' bare.. After Saturday It t j . t win probably begla t. recede, and It la anil abundant, - Strengthens the opinion ef Tempormry rortTiMlnr th -ital nrMtii iwiu-on tnat wuen it beglna to vail H til ine Tlal OrrratlS. IwlU g very rapidly, aa the lack of hi-h water 4a the Columbia river will aii-a it Sects US fJCil CCfCS, not Sim-I1" " lil,m"" a caaac t drain trnob ; v it-cars it contains Mr&apa- r I tt lccj-Je it comhinti the! Msrdrrrr l tor Lite, ; ,.lrr- lv5' -rfil. Lawlatowm. Mit, Nov. 24 FVtrr ---" HoMnarm. vlx vu rhiriH with Lav-i - : rent i-TT''".r.!. lng "aji.rdevod Tir. ghort tn . dtwr-vt j er-r a am; I Mil. was found ai itj f f" ,-.-,. t ,.! 3 1 f rt mr1r tn tr- wrM twa tly and j V. - -!- : ' reifl v f-r?t-rtiry f-r l;r.j JJ Most Delicious Vanilla Sauce?: r- Boll OB. eupiul of eream with Csblespooafnl of safar while) bot, a tir la tba yokes or tbre. eli aad thm add oas teaapooeiul of Barsctt's Vaailla, fiorv. hot- CMttvttlt of BURNETT'S VANILLA -rill ooaviaos roa of its ateiUfltf avr ordisary Linda. Iawist oa ettia4 ths om bottle. erf Jill.! r l.i .1 Ytj K ml wil'U mi LAaaa (raa. BU. rrZ I a. far hi NOW. joezn sttxttt coararr, m baVat. i Quickly Removes Dandruii. Stops Falling Oalr and Itching Scalp. Changes Gray or Faded Dair to Its Natural Color f Grows New Hair &?.TSSASi: Don't Ask You (o Take My Word For It HI1 Out Free Coupon Below plat form In th. new cars, that leading from the platform being operated, by a lever by the motorman and that from th. body of th. car to the front platform being a eliding instead of a swing door. Tha cars ar. also fitted with much heavier motors than ar. th. old cars. Three large cars of th. "Portland Railway Standard" type have been placed on th. Irvington line and It la believed will relieve to some extent th. crowded situation there. Th. complaint from patrons of th. Bunnysld. cars is growing - concerning the aerrlce given by that line. The Sunnyslde cars no-longer run west of Third and Morrison streets and after th. rush hours are cut out altogether, so, trat patrons of that line who hav. Just accustomed themselves to waiting ror tneir cars at Tnira and Yamhill hang around that corner for an hour or so and then learn that th. Sunnrilda m. Ahn. flat vuiiil slum Wait Thl. "K' " wu CU1 "Ul lur 11 m I Oraad Treatment Xas Done ror uruS' 1 A.1..VW. T an.Mia TV. aa Wn.V Tor Ys. Bad Today. and Mail Today For a Free 1.00 Package That win. Prove All 1 Claim Votalar Quit, to STlos Aa a Baautlfal , Bead of Sals, fiont Be th. laugh ing Stock of Tons Meads Aay - . X,o&aar. Vs. Foso. MRS. BEXJAMIX TEAL TfTTTAVE "VEW TRTATil Evry Man or Woman May Have a Beautiful Head of Hair by Using the Wonderful Foao Treatment. axvlij - xt U Send You Free a $1.00 Package and Prove It to Your Own SatisfacUon.1 - ' fTslbfd' "T-ai las Win.) New Tors, Nov. 1 4. Mrs. Bra jam In Teal, wife of tha New York theatrical man, was released from prison todar Rr aetna- Foao. on I1S0S ball, pending . a rehearing eft treatment will do Ber.tnai on cnargea - or subornation P'iM. -ip Dandruff Is Easily Removed Package Falling Hair Is Sick Hair Healthy Hair Is Moist; Is Yours? ir tne natural on la lacKing, your of perjury ta connecttoa with the Frank Gould d I rorc milt Mrs. Teal was trtt teamed to ems year la prise, bat the decision of the lower co art was rrrrv4 br the court or appeaia yesterday aad a sew trial ordered. JI0KE WITIIDILUVALS FOB WATER POWER irrafW f-a I I WT-. I vrashlngtoo. No. 1. The Interior e- 1 partmatvt today aaaoearvd the I'mpor ' sry wtthdraval "tn aid rf proftA. ,' lalatioa f or tha 4loettin of water ' rn-wr it" of 147 men al-wc King s j i Mm. Cal, ar ltl srres sort" tf.a ,'iPt H't s rlrT la MeBtarsa. tNrt't te I be ri.jt: fr-r rr f r ji7nt to this treatmeat conrlncs you. .. .thor?!,5.1'.P: stops falling halr and promote- new , . ro.0 et. at tn trouble by as- i.iw quic-Kir yiii. rrowin on rain spots, xvaturai color rt- a all.f .,,,,. , k ,- .. . A-trial will speedily -tored. darrtruff rrmovei. inflammation ! TJi".?1"!.!0.?". 15 .??lttx3 'T. . Horrid. Irmi hiditm under scale . rhVn;r.rv,yp;ndVair "if $:r Try M onc: r--u t t ... ,. wii, .v. . an nw xime. - . . i itwvmw. . Air iii . . w it. uttau. plav oil and properly dlrtribut- No More Gray Hair tmm Hair and fWlp ftemwdv brlnaa Toa- yur hair back to Ita natsral color, gioas Baldheads Rcioice ant vlr. It la not a dre. but a true , . aianeaa rejoice hair fod that -Wtmr. the caoae of the thrr trr Thou-anfls of men and wotneej who h1 nocn ban for years trnuble and aais natore t. atipply tha pirmt or coloring matter. by loos okl before your timet Food for Hair row have a beautiful had of hslr grown by the proper uae of Foao, which la th. great and faTMtis treatment for all die eaa of the t.air and a-aip. Fow alao tnare a l-tTurtart growth t. eyebrowa and eyeiaabea Why Comb Out Hair la aa fne the bod r. Krittle and dull l irrrif. Life a "A (InM d aarta.r bm the ft elements rjyire4 a IwMrr. ami the -; im Wh, a yon raa keew them When the riM a r ie ta evrt r i aame, foao i a r put In a healthy nrnd tlon, the -r-,a M j-rr-m'' mmt Mlur. e- ro'm pn-.jrf h-t at1 "o cleaned by ri-'!. t Ki fc)r is en Ir.Jea ta -oo1 n''nt i eo. the yr e'ft -"nir.g t.;a. 4 Oiitol fow in ttutker snd ,oj. VACXAQB COOTOaT. Fill la yoar nam. and addreaa on the blank line, below, cut out th. coupon aad maU to J. F. Ptokea, Mrr, 47 Town BMg Clm-tnnatt (hio, Encloae la rents In stamps or liver aa sa ldea'. of good fallh and to help cover iw-klnt, poetaga. etc, and a full II. M parkar artH be aent yM at otx by snail prepaid fre. ef charge. ...... , ...:.. Olre ftill edifreaa wr11 r'ainlv.