The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1909, Page 17, Image 17

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tiii: ori:gom daily journal, tortland. Wednesday evening, novemiier 21. iov.
nm H UX KK.W. ..STATE 14
iiot'SKiiou xr.ciissiTn-f
ron saii; i
. Special Bargain
Central v eld. ' lck. llS.IOOj
llill1 fnh, l.ulmne I trail Cul It IO
mill J i r luniir-a or fUla. Clatke, 111
Aliky 1, 1.1 1. 14 and Morrison, Cult
'I'nure.lay. .
Special Lot Snap ' ;!!" "n.'
' Full lot Milt front. block to I nr. ! mo",h
Itnea. We gaarantee II la genuine Ur. ,!!"!:. P,.
ky bldg.. id
Spilzenbcrg Apples
: Scappoosc-Spilzenbcrg-
Orchard Tracts
.' I0-3O-3O Acrw 3400
And 9500 Uncn Tracts
. . a
Railroad runs tUr.vueM center of Woer -iir1r PirL-tin .
- our lands, nnljr 2 MILES rKUMU iTneieill view of mountain. rlvsr
1 PORTLAND. GOOD WAGQNTand ny; n.n hou. with bath, hot:
"PrAnS Rent nf volcanic ah. clav i water; 1"' 4010, Adjoining
KOAUb. W , Cr!CiuT vcJv4nt lot. Imld higher than we ak
Five ronma and (Jen.
1 onior lot.
Patronize Home'
. "'Industries' '
lln. We iiuttnlM It la a
gln. Very cioao In. K t-aa)i
'lhuraday. Clarke, 111 AlUk;
and Morrlinit.
Homes and Lots
Tomorrow will I at tha office a
ltm celling.
All tinted.
Full baanment.
Linen clnarla. . , 1,
Cabinet kitchen.
See thla tomorrow.
liKir fl."S
uaual anil you ara invited to Inapact Our Jill K. Clinton, cor. ITth.
orrere or nutiaee ana i"i. narse, i 1)1-1610. Tabor 1121.
Aihy PMg, 'I ami aiomenn.
Open rWirtnya and evenings.
SunnyslJc Btmgatow
Jnanl not. gnu, aniiinie tor nrri-w"or u,ta ,hiiim ami JoL Now Harrlaort
"PEARS. , CHERRIES. PEACH r-a contour road In front and roar. Pro
'.nri berries of iir Hud., no IK- ? '':ina h,"!tvv4.',h'? .bIr.k.
RIGATION NEEDED. . ' f .V Wdg. 'id Morr"! Call !?' P--- "l.
TO tract buyer, town lots free in Thursday or Friday. .n. nicely tinted, n
new towntite. SPITZli.NBi.KU, on
.1400 caah. balaaca aaa payments, will
buy thla awell ft room bung low, 8
bliM-ka frri S aooit oarllnaa. jaal lla-
tn tA tha dfa:iii(lon: Kull attlo and
baarmant, laundry fray a, braaa com hi
nation - fliturra. - vary laraa raxutptlon
room witn suiiai,
rortland & Sotithweitern Railroad.
.,1 Thes tracts are all aituatfd 600 to
800 feet above Columbia river, slop
ing finely for drainage," and with
' proper cultivation fruit tree of all
','klndi M-ill yield the most excellent
' graort wnn peaumui jianu-pauucu
cheeks. Nothinjr fiucr, can be grown.
V Regular trips Tuesday, Friday and
. eunaay every ween,. .
Call or write for complete partieu-
v lars. Easy, terms of payment. .
- McFarland Investment Co.
i ' 318-311 CORBETT BLDO.
M ERR ITT 8c TALMER, Sales Agts.
Good Ii?estmeit
IIOOO will buy 4 bualnoea
block, with Rood atora build-
Ina; lraae runnln 1 yrara at
SoO par monlh : my cllant neada '
: tha money; will aell for part ,
-' caah, bafanca Juat what tha ,
patiparty will rent or. 159 par
., 16 Commarclal bldir . ...
. . U A Waan. Hi Main 1961. '
room a vary laraal
lea wma varanoai
xmndlna- anroaa front, camant walkl
around liauao, aawer In. If you ara)
looking for a rino noma on easy tarmai
tnia la vnur opportunity..
7 .EAflfT MinljflNVfr.'MTMENT CO.
Tabnr 117. - SJth and Hawthoma:
Our Furniture
' IsMader .
and Handled
by. the
Union 'labor
of Portland
rOTLAND-A homa t or . $10 per
month; n lea llvinf ana
t!!?eA iS :.w. PRICES 'AS FOLLOW,
w'lav Iron Beds from $1.65 VI
."t.0Jh.v .5lLhJ" : n Dressers, from $5.00 Up.
and 4 block, of jBoimont Extension Tables, $6.00 Up.
car: tbla - la rol 'rz I sr tt .
.itain; pnea fi. irom OUC up.
caah, . balanca ; f 10 per I . . '
montn.- .
B. K. Cor, d ana oaK ata.
aecura thla
beautiful residence, apacloua a rounds.
cioaa in; ma umniuo,
Only 12000 dffwn will
can now be bought for ,
$850 EACH
Choice' Mount Tabor Lots
Moat deatrabla location ort weat alopa
of Mount Tabor. . Sower and a-aa malna
nil a I t r ( mrtraai -will - annn ba COm-
l.llj ' K . n ahrinlhnnu I Union IV. N.
bwner will Veil at loVprlcea and aa.y jWfK.thJt" Ll?'' Pay
terma. Coma and aea tha ' - you t0 L.vaUgata thla at onca.
Pacific Commercial -Trust , , Ohn U. Mattnews
. company. .
1100 caah and US per month buys a I
Kood room moaorn noma wun ine
" ?,fnDn.!. . .e?ri I TTor 1400 caah and-120 wr month you
iiaiui s b" you i rnjuv umi inuuiiiriiii m
new, run iment basement wun .ir,!,,". ",7 'kiVir a t?nn r4
laundrv trava. cement walka. atrect artlptlc; block to car, 12600. . C.
Improved and paid for; tlila la thai
hi Chamber of Commerce.
This' Over Thanksgiving
best horn 4 in Portland for- tha money.
1500 caah. balanca to Butt.
' ' IBS Morriaon at.
PORTLAND You have been lookihk
- for a place to move rignt
into, a place tnat is not
. too far out. how doea
' Eat SSth at. near Bel-
i mont aound; ace ua about
. is. cor. ta ana uai sis
Story & Rainey'
Main 296. ' 428 Henry bldy.
r:: Streets , graded and - cement
walks in and paid for. ;
J: This tract is located at R 46th
(and Hawthorne ave. -
'f They-will be worth more next TTmT
; spring, ,wnen jwaaison Driage is
open and Hawthorne ave. paved.
- Terms $50 cash down, balance
, $10 per month. V
Agent on the ground every day.1 , I f You Are Looking: for '
' . , . I rlAM Im nrnar ii am a 11 wall tm.
AV&tt&rn TfllCt Ci proved farms, at low price and on moat PORTLAND You will
II vjivi if vs vgvii a s ujiwi 1 11
, 14 Chamber of Commerce
; Cowperihwait & Christensen
'Agents, 49th and Hawthorne
ForiStire House
Corner First and Salmon.
Guaranteed Heaters $l.T4
You Will Save $1.50 to $2.50
on Each $10 You Have to
. Spent' for
riTRNITtrRK. RtTOf. carpktu,
nTOVEH, RANOrn, HT rrm HAalN'i
F . . .r-. - , .7 - - - -
Reduced 15 to
25 Per- Cent
Except Victor Talkincr Ma-
chines, Edison Phonographs
and Records.
Wa will beain morlnr Into our naw
bulldlnar In two waaka and have 10 car
loads of naw furniture coming. Prefer
to close out our atock without prorii.
! 17.10 Malleable Ranaea, I0.
51.00 Steel Rana-ea, ,11.00.
10 Bodv Bruaaela Ruca. Sill. I2S.00,
21.60 Axmlnar Ruga, 9x11. 122.00.
1.0.00 Tapeatry Kuaa, fxu, iio.uo.
11.00 Tapeatry Buaa. x!2. 112.00.
112.00 Tapeatry Rugs. ill. 00.
Fernitiire' Co.
. Grand Avenue, Cot. East
Stark St.
Wanted Id Exchange
Choloa acraaie near Portland or Ira-
proved larnt
. ron a
" " Grccnhcusc
ill Uerllnavr l.l.ia
'tranc within 4 mil
cirri rriMii oourthouaa. waat aid, en
mara dam lard road, bet wren a carllnne.
dandy h w ft room bunaalnw, air pres.
urn wairr ayatem, modern Hsiin(
riant; aiod barn, land all In culllva.
Ion; will airhanga for good realdance
to value of 1&I0; 10u0 caah, loe on
time. Will not cunald-r tHiuity, Mor
gan, III t hainher of ( animurr,
Excbangc Two lots
300 doan. or will take equity to that
value and take wall aecurrd note of ItVtl
on balance for I rear. This alvea you a
f-e and abstract Address Arlata, boa
iub. t-nnne iinor .
i.X 11 AMJK ! Ilia rallnr prouarty lQ
Hawthorn avenue Ulatrlot. 12 mln-
utea out from center of city; cash value
11)10, rer ranch with soma Improve
ments, of equal value; want 20 to 40
nywhere In W
T-IJ7. Journal
We In Willamette valley.
acres; an
room, new modern bouaa In Port
land, worth 13000.
til Oerllnger "'dg.
0 ACRES of frm la nd In Doua
laa county. North Dakota; alao rkm1
residence property In town; price k003
for both, will exchange for acreage or
farm rear Portland. Call Tit Rothchlld
bid a;. Phone Main 1610.
fUli SALE Part trade, general, mer-
chandlsa. store, drygooda, gents' fur
ntshlngs and ahoes, between fSOOO and
4000 atock; ctiaap rent. B-zif. journal.
(2600, general store, valley town, ex
chanaa for Portland nronerty or val
ley farm; Investigate.. Call or write
owner, ill Jefferson at.
BEACH lot will exchange for diamond
or something nf equal value In Port-1
1 M .AAA, klKAA. DKamA
mi.', u.ncr( ivuvti urimunk A
You Will Want ThU
36-Acre I Ionic
,H Mil K KKt.iM fllUM Ki'IKK-vr.
. illlK hKM K. I1AV. (JltVlN, lil.
. '1 t UK A 1.1. (iO.
If you have loikit lit vain for a
farm thai Juat eulled )nti
nd go no furl hr, for Imra I.
on we know wut more than turei
luur requirement a. It la a
lit acrw homa, JO acres In a liUU
alal tf rulllvatlon, llanre ni
plrnaant grove of fir. The bind
la perfectly drained, laying Juat
aa jou would have It, the soil
being a dark, very rich loam, and
worka up lust like a garden.
There are fjur acrea of onion
land. The Improvements are flrat
vlaaa. being a beautiful I room
cottage, nloely paliited, nice wood
ahed, tiarn 0x40, with slieda: hay
had 14x70, full of hay; chicken
houaaa, etc. Choice family or
chard, t The place - la well wa
tered. Just a word aa to loca
tion: We are aure It could not he
more desirable, being Just with
out th lty limits of one of the
beat towna In the valley, with a
population of I 'ion, only 30 in 1 1 re
from Portland, on main line 8. P.
R. R. Your children would have
to walk only V mlla to splendid
high . achool. What more could
you ask? Tha beat of land, the
heat of Improvements, the beat of
location, and we give you the
following personal property; Oood
team of horaea and harnesa, wag
on, mower, drill, feed cutter, cul
tivator, t flows, 100 buahels oats,
0 bushels wheat, several tons
hay, S aplendld Jersey cows, all
the chickens and household goods.
All for only 18000. Owner old
arid feeble. . This la your oppor
tunity. See us thla week.
Hargrove & Sons'
111 th at N.. 6th and Ollsan.
Don't Worry About
$200 and up; cement walks and
ourba, graded streets, Bull Rua
water;- 16 down, f 6 per month, no
taxes. .
H. S. Cheesman
107 Villa ave. Phone Tabor 189.
,Let Us
Handle It for You
ZS-lncb Heater, full nickel trimmed; I
targe .front - door, top apace, for .cook
ing , .$7.60
- rm t,-li-, ai arI i rive enrs rer jrouna
nhkVulfoT?fthyo5 OMiihilnr Heaters $3.45 It js Cheap.r Than You Can
Ideal home of " - rt T- XJ
ttk tra , j ukj it at ixuiuc
Kexr.ninuiure to.
230 Second St. "
liberal terms sea me.
own properties. ,
I. O. Elrod
Rearlv to move into: 2 rood -lots: rou
can get tt for your own at the price of
xi a montn. order tne iransier man
I handle my
620 Corbett BIdg.
.a ee 'a m e I IU Illu Vc UU
iJUy YOUr . Home in , a UrOWing ory office in. (Sregory Heifrhta
I Suburb, and Let Us Suggest
to move von rlrhf In. . Call at Oreu-
Oregory Helsrhts. TaKe
Rose City car on 3d and Yamhill,' get
to be thankful
huv that Ideal
fine . rooms: it ln- In a
", class by itself: -words
cannot tell how neautirui
it Is; If you waat a hiirh
class home for only 14500
1 this Is It. - 1
' 8. E. Cor. Sd and UaK Bts.
Phone Your Orders
.MAIN 9183
? On the Mount Scott car line, as
;a desirable locality, with good
sou, pleasant surroundings and
large lots. , Prices $195 and $200
per lot, and terms as low as $3.00
cah, $3.00 per ; month. cThese
lots are being sold rapidly, and
we would , urge you to make an
early investigation -with a view of
buying. Office at Lenjs. Open
every day. Right where you get
off car. Do not miss this oppor
tunity. V .
Western Oregon Trust Co.
' "
14 Chamber of Commerce I
N Cowperihwait & Christensen
Agents, Lents
off at end of carllne.
erty. -v. -.--
Office on prop-
nnnA r mom house. ks. casement, l
brick foundation, corner lot on Whitaker
at - nrir. t'lun tftRrt cash, balance 1151
PO RTLAN D T h ere is nothing to equal P",tr?i0"li,1Ji; ; r"-
, ;; lt; quarter bioek, facing wm"sit 7nnW
Iroy Laimdry Go0
$ whmtelc1 SIT wSitSFibt Tde bldgi 4 th andOaK
1W0 MS-
y PORTLAND TRUST j CO. I To build oti, 1200 down. $400 secured
t. JUi. yor. aa ana van, bib, notea ior x year.- hub (five, .you m utrti i
and abstract; a cnance to nuna ana gei
1 a sa at vrrm O atnrtf ltatllttd
brick basement, cement .walk and street dress Arleta, box 806. Phone Tabor 668
paid xor;-on uoroetisi., near union; artC1tkTa lOTTVC
easy walking distance, price S2500; f 300 I . ALBfaR I A JBU I 5
cash, 820 per month; place worth 13000. J w. ara headouartera for clreap lots,
""i"J"lJ:i i ffrtfhi tS uo. Bungalows and cottages
Snf i,Miifj;-;: n.t 0 monthly payments. Own our prop
317 Board of Trade bldg., th and Oak. grf vKtrvSvZ r.r.mmlBHlon.
A SNAP If taken at once, 4 large lots, I. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.,
frontage whole block. 214x100. on 100- I 54th anil Alberta, at. Phone. C-1110
ix. oouievara, wun ane;
beinar built In vldnitv,
Morrison wt.
street car: excellent location:- clentv
large shade trees; many beautiful homeslTnTToT
rior Investment
A six apartment flat, well ... built.
weir located- and well rented. Re
qulreatSSOO cash and nets better than
13 per cnt. This will go quick. Inves
tigate at once. ,
aw h TTrrarn sit. 'aunr aa
ANU Close In lot. East 22d
st., witnm j iou ?e or
- union hi. oar.: oniy
blocks from Latld's addl
tlon; a full size lot for
fno; that's cheap.
S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak sta.
1 blOCk from DrtOTT lUin Will eaair tn mnva
t;Ii into witnin- a weea . or
floor; east front; large
windows, brlclc Pillars:
everything; -tasty; price i
1,111. vowv. cod; irillin..
ON !
The Reliable Shoe Store
Formerly located at
la now, established at
233 Alder
with a complete line of
Both for work and dress. , .
f 6 room modern house, furnace, fire
place, fine fixtures; this la a beautiful
home for-only $4000. have party who
will lease it for $35 per month.
--SSt-Bward- of Trade Milg.
, Look H ere V
T ham a niece of choice close In west
side property-avhloh if taken at once
can be had $1600 below market price.
Must sell soon or not at alL V-808.
Journal. ' . ".-
S. E. Cw. 8d and Oak sts.
FArVTY" having 1 business lot-In Prince
Rupert will sen: must nave tne casn
on account of urgent necessity. Price
$426, $276 down, balance trbe paid to
Grand Trunk Pacific R. R. at 160 a
yeas. Next payment Is due Sept. , 1910.
Inquire of owner. Spencer & Co., 102
2d st. ' "
100x100. comae nf TTnlnn ava and "US
ay,, -casn. p . ,. -s, j
Paul Erf Oeland Investment Co.
620-622 Board of Trade Bldg. '
aii1 " ' " ii' .i wif
PORTLAND For location, price and
ruture values that nice 6
room home on Wasco st.
a nara to neat; look!
Price only $3350; loca
tion near East 27th at,
' S. E. Cor. Sd and Oak eta.
460, $150 cash, balance $10 per
month, for new S room house and pan
try, lot 40x100, In Brentwood addition,
close o cor, Take Mt. Scott car. . get
off at Tremont and inquire at store. -
$2.000 Modern -6 room cottage,- 192 E.
29th, N., H block from Carllne: fol;
sale on easy terms; $600 down, balance
$26 month at 7 iet cent. Very de
sirable- home for small , family. .i-Par-
rl.h WntHnrAfn SRO Alitne mt X
Balance like rent, fine room 2 story
bungalow; 60x100 lot, 2 blocks to 10
minute car service, close to the Ladd ad
dition. A rare bargain at $3100 if taken
soon. Rhone owner. Tabor 1129, B-1831.
FOR SALE vheap by owner, new mod
ern 1 room Queen Ann bungalow: gas.
electricity; lso staca ror rurnace; iuh
cement basement and wash trays, ce
ment sidewalk around house. Apply at
7i R. iitn. or at nouse, biz iu. oner-
By Trading With
' , SOPPLY ta
43 3d St. Main 2311, A-2311
Suburban Property.
13 acres, 9 miles from Portland,
on good road, and only one mile
from both S. P. and electric sta
tions; 6 acres In cultivation-; more
easy to clear: small house ' and
barn; sidewalk to place. Fine
far den land. Will sell part of
his tract,, without buildings.
Price $2800. Some terms. This
Is a bargain.
Stroud & .Wiffle
434 Chamber of Commerce bldg., -Portland.
U'HAT have you to trade for halt in
terest in real estate office In good
town near Portland? Address tf-070,
ournsl office, Vancouver, Wssh.
40 ACRES 8 miles east of Oregon City.
Oood Improvements. Exchange ror city
property. Lee, Wigle & Lewla, 9V 1st
t. t sane.
A VALUABLK farm to exchange ror
Portland city property. If you have
anything to trade let ua hear from
you. Address Boa 274. Athena, Or.
118 acroa Improved land, good water,
will trade for city property, city lots
or grocery store. H-321, Journal.
IF YOU want to aell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker A Stevenson. 627 Henry
bldgf Phone Main 4466. Home A-7434.
get you anylhin
in trade for
g you have. .323 Henry bldg.
Under this classification will appear
all advertisements that comprise artlolet
for trade: for example, household goods,
watehaa. blovolee. trnewrlters. livestock
vehicles, automobiles, clothing, etc The
Journal has segregated this class of adi
into the swap column for the convent.
ansa of tha readers of classified ads,
The rate for "swan" ada la 1 cent per
word per Insertion, 7 insertions for the
price oi c xor casa aaa. arnon ana
charge ads T cents per line per Issue.
golden oak eichubert piano; zs 10 ue
tiald in monthly naymenis. tJ-otu, jour
nai orrice, Vancouver, wasn
PHONOGRAPH and records to exchange
for painting, papcrhanglng or cemen
work. R-301. Journal.
PIANOLA to exchange for painting, pa-
Derhanging or cement work.-
CITSTOMERS to try M. I. S. T the In
faiiabie cure ror rneumatism. scroruia,
A.I...1 . T.a.I llva. anH Irlitn.v. Vho n
Ptrry.' Mgr.. 332 Sherlock bJdg 'Port
land. Or. Come and see us.
WANTED 6 room bungalow; west side
nref erred:, about J2500: 1500- cash
owners only. 302 Swetland bldg. Main
WANTED House and lot for $2500
1500 down: in vicinity of Killings
worth ave. No agents. E-3 18, Journal
WOULD exchange painting or papering
for stove. E-31 9, Journal.
.8 miles from Portland, close to carllne,
Nearly all fienced.
Small buildings. .
Acreage on both sides-of thla place
sens irom jou to uu.
PORTLAND The cheapest lot In the
district, rme view, sou in
FIVE) room bungalow, atrlctlv modern,
full basement, with cement floor,- flre-
, . - 1 . 1 1 1 w . ,
place, rirviuo iiK"i butvi, im
proved, double walls and floors; fine
k 4 i.r. ,94AA tCnn ...I, . tOdli.
11., V1 ,,V. WWW bUDlf, o
wapnington si., room i.
7 ROOM modern house, 1 block from
Williams ava. Hi blocks from Klll
Ingsworth. Small payment, balance like
rent. Wade Real festate. 614 Swetland
bldg: . - - -.- :
front. 1 blocks to car. on
Hillcrest drive, near (3d
. st.; price leoo.
RE. Cor. Sd and Oak sts.
65x100 NEAR carllne, Irvlngton, beautl-
fnl hiillrllna- site: price $2000.
.40x50. west side," 12760.
60x100, Klnga' Heights, $6000.
50x100, business location, $2600.
621 Rmrd of Trpde bldg.
'- : ; - - My Home ; " f
A strictly modern 6 room house, full
basement, gas and electric; fine view of
elty; you can't duplicate thla place for
tha price asked; $600 down, balance to
nft. See owner. S04 E. 27th at- take
W.-W. car to Gladstone ava, 1 blocka
SIX lots, unexcelledr-View of city, anow.
capped mountaina and Tualatin val
ley;, the first lots selected on Council
Crest; for salo a.t a bargain by- owner.
810 Board of Trade Mtig. Main 834.
W'K.ST slue lot 60x100 . with Improve
ment. $4005 $50 down; 14 minutes
out; Frank L, McGuire, (18 Board of
TraiTe. - ' - -
Prie $T7S. easy terma 6 cent carfare.
Double Corner, lOOxlQO
8(50 buyn elegant, large corner, fins'
view, coat $1SOO 6 rears ago; perfect ti
tle; worth I200O. SIS Merchanta Trust
Hldg. 6th and Washington. Main 7807,
Germania "
Lota lite and up; will fuild boiiaea
suit buyers on iDstallmeat plan.
vVoodetork R!ty Oft. tarl Hermes,
Mgr., WooflMrwk. Phone Sell wood 160.
See owner. 814 Board of Trade bldg.
ROOM modern house, 13000; $100, $26
monthly Owner 1 ., woodlawti 1719,
C-24SS. "
oiln- and
TWO lots in Irvington, on 21st at., be
' tween Stanton and Siskiyou, at a price
away. below value, on account or sick
ness must oe an i a, - - -
. 423 AbtTlgton bldg.
$450 buys house and lot 60100, near
Woodstock carllne; part cash, balance
$( per month ata6 per cent. WoodatoWt
Realty Co., Car" Hermes. Mgr., Wood-
atock. ' phone Sell wood 1 606.
NEW S hmoi cottage, lot 82x100; well
. Improved; Iocs ted In a fine residence
dlatrict; price $1400. , $600 cash balance
very easy terms: 6 room cottage. - lot
60x100, $1700; $100 cash. iit Vah
lrgtonat.. room 61. - "
$S60, H cash Splendid level lot. dose In,
ONE-HALF acre, one acre,
half aerea. 16th and I'l
water. Terms. Tabor 16t
FOR SALE New ( room bungalow.
atHctly modern, 1 blonk from carllne;
a baraaln: by owner. vA-116. Journal.
very near Hawthorne, worth (1600;
rnuat sell. See my xcluatve agents.
(Others all prices.) Hulte 111 Mercliants
Trust bldg. cor. 6th and Wash.- sta.
rbone M. 7807. A-I18I . - '
nd ltvtaion: Ht1SKWT room cottage with modem Im-
Ladies' Waltham or Elgin
' $11.50 .
Men's Waltham or Elgin $9
, WcSayc You Money.
On Diamonds, Watches
Jewelry and Silverware
Standard Jewelry
f; . Store
141 y2 3d Street, near Alder,
Water on place, fine black soil, near
cnoq, on man route.
$3000 buys It. $2000 cash, balance S
years, per cent.
411 Couch bldg.
rm no-lern rottaga, 4 lota, on Wil-
lamert boulevard, a, twauty. all In
'riilt and berrlea, $1400, your own terma
-"eer V fa. 10? 2d at. T
OH 8AI.K 14 arr. with modem
nm-.' 14 t Mar at. N,
ho 11
?t. north rf Flrland at.
near M.trrer
ML. Scott Una
C W. DOKFLKJ1TER. houae moving and
raiaing. 111 aiisaiaaippt . ava a-'hoae
Wood ia an 2114. -
$ j 40 tiiTS caah, for sale by omner.
modern 6 room bungalow, Hth at,
near Alberta. Phone Woorllawa 124S.
TlU'iKE luilit lots on 14th between
Kluiagaworth and A Ins worth, rbeap.
owner. 4li e!nnatta.r i
IHK t-ALi:
iH "hean. small hnuae
I lets. 144 O-rt
'vka porth Kern,
; j i 6 x n . $ 1 1 ' 4 ff.m hone,
i-a.i 1 . i. irra
'-rer, (41 P,"Milf
aide: fine location; J carllnea; fur-
riahe l; ?: terma, Phrn A-t t a
Dravements. well built. 1 blork from
rari-streeta Improved, lot ISexlOA; priiw
$2500; easy terma. Full particulars 2166
Washington St.. room tie.
" $4loa S room house, factory and
grounds, renting for SI"; 3 year leaae;
I j fni ea a h. py owner. A-IZZ. rnal.
tX)l SALE Cheap, modem I rooaa
bouaei owner must eefl; leaving city.
Also J lota for sale cheap. Phone Weed-
lawn t4 -
A PINK modern room bouae, 1 lars
" "ue, wev e.a aemeer waat
elnae la Terrace lark, Mii,
leap, small mium and I'm-Ti ; ; . -
n r at Re park. 1 I L r ra p,a-. very reaaenabSa,
rn Park .taML' St i M.wk bMg
- iNF W lii l e iaa in M -i . ariv a adJi-
tl'.n R. P Rlfo.
P"e V . till
fi, .laa.1n.11L I FOR. bouaea, er,d lota at ba r r I n pricea
I call Km 4th St. E. Crarcptoa,
aide, walking dtetaace.
swl1 y owner, in tin at.
f S. price Mlit.. yur a a
terma. 1 -r n houa on carllne; e
rta. W-6, JurraL
y'H pALF 1 Jr.ia la Co- Par. coraer,
Hit. $i;t: aow la vr cramajc.
r t lA"a at tM j rl-e A -It 'I.
Li-'T yr rrnperty wltfc
? For Furnace or Range
POTLATCH, per ton. $6.50
MENDOTA, per ton.. $7.50
SUPERIOR; per ton. .$8.50
GIBRALTAR, ton... $10.50
363 Washington Street
Star Theatre Bldg.
Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Oil
Goth, Linoleum, Stoves,
' Ranges, Cooking Ujensils,
' Crockery, Glassware. Hard
warein fact, everything to
furnish a house complete with
both new or fine second-hand
household furnihings,
at 'way down prices, and we
sell on the installment plan,1
too. . Our terms are i down
and small month !r payments,
TyTCTrn tn"vir:t: rn
?T yr property alii, f (. a. ra f " a va- v, v.
I' Merriaoa et. Pbeoe Mala 11U l-stMnii am i wiivrrorcg
A-4ti. I rr. c. sc-Tat aT. Tai riant.
aSummer Home Near
- . - - .
40 acres, Including Salmon river, with
some clearing and buildings; fine timber
worth the price, $1200. Oet this and
you -have a snap.
711 Rothchlld bldg.
2 hi acres, all under cultivation. 7 room
house, barn, 2 chicken houses, well.
24 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of small
fruit, fenced, only 10 .minutes' walk
from 6c car fare: carllne will soon- be
within 2 bjocka of place. This is a fine
Chittenden, Otto $Neill
268 Stark st., rooms 17 and 1$.
ONE acre, with good 6 room house; near
Z canines, sisuv.
44 aores, in cultivation, no gravel, with
S room noaae, nam. cnicaen nouse;
small fruit: price only $1350. terms.
FIVE aores, good house and barn, all
In cultivation, best or soli; close to
csr; $1800, terms.
113 Morrison st.
S acres choicest beaver meadow.
cleared; other ( acres upland. Uncleared;
7 ml lea from Portland: H. mile to Oreen
burg. on Salem Electric; (300 per acre;
terma. 14 4 Stark.
FOR SALE 140 acrea of stump land. 2
miles from Columbia river and Oak
Point; 1 room bouse. 60 acres level. For
full particulars Inquire William B
West, room 15 I abba bldg.
1ST your vacant lots with Baker for
results. 519 Board of Trade bldg.'
28 Acres
Lpbb than hours ride from Portland.
on electric line, near Gresham; finest
ktnd of soil, no rocK or gravel; fine
spring, which can be Used for irriga
tion, also creek; fine s room modern
house, with cement basement, - bath,
hot and cold water, double floors, etc.,
barn and outbuildings; a beautiful su
burban home, with all city comforts;
price $12,000; $6000 cash.
Kuaffmann & Moore V
as8 Lumber Exchange. ;
20 acrea, half mile from Battleground.
15 acres cleared, $460 worth timber, all
fenced, $2500, terms.
13 acres In town. 7 acres cleared, some
fine timber, small house, and . barn,
fenced; $1600, half cash. . :
40 acres, 6 miles from town, no tim
ber or brush, $1000.
160 acres, 26 acres clear, house, barn
and fruit dryer. 1000 fruit trees. In fine
condition. 16 years old; price $30 per
acre, part casn, naiance t years.
320 Liiimfter Kxcnange, za ana gtarit.
" MUST BE SOLD. ... "
Everv day will be a Thanksgiving dav
to the man wno is zoriunaie enougn to
The Best Forty Acre Tract
Near the City cf Portland
For. Only $SSC0.
This 40 acre tract Is located In -the
famous farming sections of -Damascus,
9 miles from the city
limits of Portland. ' It is univer
sally acknowledged the best
and the richest 40 there. There
are 30 acres In a high state of
cultivation, balance easy clearing;
very fine barn, small dwelling,
and one of the best young bear-.
Ing orchards to be found any
where. It is a splendid laying
tract, being level, but perfectly
drained. The soil la a very rich,
dark loam, as loose and mellow
as a garden; largest yield . of
spuds per acre this- year of all
that section. When you see this
place we know you will say that
it is the richest and best laying
40 acres you have seen iq Oregon. '
It costs you nothing to take a
look at tt. Price, thla week onlv.
$5500; about, $3000 cash,, balance
6 per cent
Hargrove 8c Sons -
113 6th St. N., cor. 6th and Gllsan.
164 Acres
Three miles from ft R. In Washing
ton county, rolling land, very best of
shot soil, living water, family orchard,
house and- barn, 2,500,000 of good tim
ber; price $5000; to exchange for Port
land property, v
12j Acres f
Of excellent soil, all under cultivation,
on Salem Electric; 4 room house, and
outbuildings,- $2500 to exciSange for
Portland property. ; -. -.-
'-'48 Acres".-"4;"
of "best apple land in the famous Klick
itat fruit belt, 5 miles from Lvle: 10
acres in cultivation, house, barn and
outbuildings, small orchard; good water,
$4000 to exchange for . Portland va
cant or Improved property.
Five Room -
New cottage, on E. , 27th St., close to
car, strictly modern, 50x100 lot, $3000;
will accent lot as first payment with :
$300 rash. - ,
Kuaffmann & Moore
324-325 Lumber Exchange.
Sell or Trade ;
r" Choice- Farm
43 Acres '
Beautifully situated on corner of cross
road, easy drive from center Portland.
short walk from house to a new town
and station on electric carllne; land
nearly level: clean soil., free from stone
and gravel; stream of -water forma one -:
boundary line; 25 acres highly culti
vated: 8 acres timber, balance pasture;
good house, well finished, bay windows:
good frame barn, chicken . house and ,
runs; 1 splendid team, 3 cows, 3 heifers,
some hoaa and chickens: waa-on. hack.
harness, all farm tools, hay in barn. If
you want a bargain in- a choice, well
equipped farm, -near : Portland, you
should see us about this one before vou
buy. Will take good Portlandpropertr
tnr-PHVment and-easvTerms on the bal
ance; no other proposition offered like It
611 Qerllnger bldg,.
gh ti
d; 31
( acres. 1 mile from Salem electric
at Tualatin. $oe cords wood on place.
ins per acre. Terma i4t ftara. -FOft
SALE OR TRADE 160 acres
miles southwest of iHif nr. Or. For
partlcalara write O. E Qulggle. 110 W.
17th at.. Vancouver, waan.
Ft-'R AALK I acrea of garden aoll near
ppeme ewa
aecu re this farm at the price aake
acrea only 7V4 mllea from center ef
Portland, ail in cultivation, fenced.
buildings and well, school and mile to
electric line: terms.
422 Henry bldg.
40 acres level land, fine black soil,
15 acres in ciuuvaiion, an lencea, tt
acres high grade winter apples, 2 acres
assorted fruit, fair 5 room house, partly
furnished, large dairy barn. 26 tone
hay. fine outrange for stock; R. F. D.
mail, within 25 miles Portland; must
sell. Price $2750. See owner, 433
Larrabea st. Home phone C-1736.
FOR SALE On easy terma, or ex
change, fine 1500 acre wheat farm;
1300 acrea in cultivation, fair house.
large barn, windmill, and unlimited aup-
Slv of fine water; first class deep soil;
49 acrea level, balance alightly rolling;
onlv 4 miles to rallaoad, on good road.
R-284, Journal. -
BEST 120 acre farm In Ureaham dla
trict; en O. W. P. line; black solL
rich and deep. Thla must be sold. You
can't afford to overlook thla Price Is
riaht and good terms. S per rent 406
Couch bldg., ea 4th at., bet Wash, and
Stark sts.
Pocket map of Oregon, wall s lie.
howlng railroad development In Des
chutes Valley.. Write or call. .
200-4 Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
Office open evenings.
, Ask about . v
Future Metropolis of Central Oregon.
; $110 dawn. 1S per mo
er, B-tlTi or rail 20 E. I
IS ACRK.-N. close te rltv, on the eaat
elle: IKS per acre for a short time
ewlr. t E-2. JwimaL
HAVE soldier arrip rr ll acrea er Al
berta wheat land. $toa Write Box 28.
ACRES. C if mi, a
Ienta, $20w
ran a v.
northeast rff
III Mica-
roR sale riul estate le
DOCGLA8 county, Oregon For sale
1T acrea choice land, on gpou county
ad. I mllea from railroad and good
town; thla land Is very suitable for
Slatting and is at present In good con
Ition; price $25 per acre. For particu
lars aed terms apply to William Mac-
Master, $0$ Worcester blk., Portland, Or.
160 acres tl1 mi lea from Crawfonieviile.
g-ood rd 3.SO0.0OS feet timber houae.
barn and orchard. S acrea-under cultiva
tion, creek through piece;' a bargaia at
114 per acre, good terma.
B. 8. COOK CO.
tl porbett bldg , Portland. Or.
US acres In tea, hutee valley pear Red
BBOo4; 1S aerea irrigable, perpetual
water right; will aell cheap or trade
for Port and preoerty.
B. A OK t0,
6"! Crbett hMt.
Canby ! Canby ! Cartby !
We have, 40 acres, 2( minutes' drive
from Canby, all clear and in a high state
of cultivation, . except S acrea of fine
oak timber, for which- there is a stand
ing offer of $9 per cord. There waa
over 600 bushels of wheat raised on 1 2
acres of this land thla year; 6 room
house, fine barn and all other necessary
outbuildings; plenty of fruit and ber
ries; 2 good wells,- running stream
through corner of place. This Is an
Ideal farm and home; there is not a
better, one In the Willamette valley. If
you are considering buying a farm It
will pay you to see us about this one
at once.. Price 7aeo. ; . , ,-
Repass & Wcyard :
Main 5154: A-2533. $ Henry bldg.
XdoETMs lip
210 acres. 14 acres In rultta
tlon. 10 acrea can be farmed t
an advantage. 40 acres good tim
ber, email house and barn, noma
fruit, living water, ele nna'i
bora, - school 1 miles, mii.-s
to Molalla Coraere. I'rh-a,
$1500 ca.h.
4ea WHKtT rawr to evhange for
reaiir, t.frwm. grocery; other prr-po-'a
r-'.n'4eee.i. artil aire er 'im
freeeeae, .ereon at lluDt. 11IW
rtrtl at
KlaM ( a' tracts, all cleared: pear
Tlsard. en Tvalaftn rtrer. .$laS i r
acra: teraaa: email bouse en one tra- t.
lt a. rea. 44 rrn.ea froi
earhnt.a ri-. at
lit tra-3e for tin. ber.
The. Itat'-ee, ..a
a t r , . n. r
P. t. Ui 41.
FOR BAf.K Kme ' t rrm ef It ki
arrca. 4 mllee to i ' ' n a ra
plowed. 4S are perl-t i. .'. t i -
am a e'-ehtlr roj ma. a- n t
and anilmlte-4 a walrr fftn a in..i
neil. Pru-e $. per acre. : i
tn n-e r--i prejrty In ! re t t
paWieit. " d 'e t.'r.a f i .
ante, er i'l ae ama I ,' ' '
baUfxe ear!y or rp - tw r .? . s- : I
ri Vn rfnt' ;"'""" ' -
V f i I t ' ' 4 - I
tn i ' l .'it -i ; . -j ' .
at., r"" I '