18 )THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.- WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24. 1D09. iiuj a WKKTINQ KOTICIJJ IffiHMIL DM PROOUCTS FILED IH COURT Will BE SHOWfl rninarriod Daughters So cially Fayoml by Lato : Tortland Banker. Mid Nellie Henrietta Lambert and Annual Session of Oregon -Milk Dealers to Ito Held Next 3fonlh. A special feature of the Oregon -Dairy IILICHIIH LARGE TRACT Forest Service (Jives Atten tion to Lands in Paul ina Mountains. 41 camp :I VAMP meets every Wednesday Vaiiltii tn W. (X W. temple, lit CAKI) Of THANKS WtO wish to thank our friends for the many b.Kitiful floral plmea flvea IA mum M.n 11'. II.. ii liui ,1........ U r. II In HI. All liioiln I joarpn vanloo an1 family. redtieeted to attend. 1 i -a- Vlallara weleume. KJ. II. DKKHY. C. C. IIKMaiAN bCUAKB. WKATUKIl IUCTOUT The aturin moved eastward rapidly ..i PACIFIC Title Truat Co.. the leading y'T; abstractors. t04t-4-7 Kalllng bUg. Jjrnry 8. Jtrfttl end wife to I. lu. Wolomon. iOxki feet In frac tional block 7. Coueh'a addi tion .' 117.100 too . Miss U race Lambert, the two unmarried , association In its annual convention to daughters of the Ule Joneph II. Lam- bo held In Woodnien'a temple. Decern- hert, art) specially favored by the uf the aged bank president and hortl am. do neiu in woodnien'a temule. Decern- I " " " iwwmim i will br and 10. will be the display of ' "' The land la In ?'T" :zt ? r- i- SSS .5 wS, VTnST cullurlat who died November 12. The , will waa admitted to probate by County Judge Webatcr today, and under It the two daughtera named will receive tit,- -000 each and are given the home place at Eleventh and Market atreets, In ed- ' dltlon to alia ring- equally with the other children In the final distribution of the, two prlres, S for flrat and $35 for prenensive exhibit of the kind ever ahown In Oregon la anticipated. Theodore U. Wilcox haa renewed the prlre of the Portland Flouring Mills for $100 (o be awarded the beat and moat comprehensive display of dairy prod- fleveral thouaand acres of enoellrnt range land will be practically made over through the efforte of the foreat aervlea The Und la In the Paulina ea national ful through the drilling for water In a number of placet and tha eaiabllahmenl of water holes. Thla arid tract conalata of approxi mately H townships of tha f I neat grat ing land In the state, now unuaed on account of scarcity of water. Consider ucta. Thla puree will be divided Into ,nf th(U thU por, f u erowded property. ' - The total value of the eatate, an eatl- mated In the petition for lettera. la 1160,000. Albert W. Lambert, Henry M. Lambert and Donald U. Woodward, two . aona and a aoo-in-law. are named aa ex , ecutora and will bave the management of a truat eatate created by the will, . W. H. Wall, D. C. South worth and A. ; W, Whitmer have been appointed to ap- pralae the property. 4-, The will waa executed on February 1. 1107. ' and a codicil waa added on second. The Portland Commercial club will give a Joint reception, with luncheon and mualc. to member of tha Oregon State Dairy aaaociatlon and State Hor- from a grating alandpolnt more than any other, operatlona wll begin aa early In tha Bummer aa tha cltmatloa! con dition will permit Thla development work will conalat of drilling for water In thla arid region 2 ' ". J i . 7 it J. ' Tro npiaiman ami wife to fta.kairhewan. Haln haa fallen from M,Jo g.v.ri lol lf WocK , central California northward on the 1'a- Waodlriwn ... clflc 01e and along lUm entire Atlanllo K t wienrken'and'wifa ' to'j. coaat. Uver th- central portion of tha ' Bennett lota 1 and 4 h.oek country th weather la generally fair. Laur-lwood The temperature haa rlen over tha Ml- t if Ui'eJ V ' VL" I Well, lot block i. Laurel. . .... ........, ilerrliunta 1-oan Truat com pany to O. T. 1 oater, lota t and tlcultural aoclety on Thuraday evening. addition to digging wella. By ualng December , at 8 o'clock. Great credit ia due the energetic work different methoda In different locall tlea they oan determine tha moat uc- of tha aollcltlng oommittee, made up of ceaaful and eoonomlcaL In addition to tha work carried on under the auper- vlaion of the foreat aarvlce. aeveral atock outfits have agreed to drill for water in, thla tract. In conalderatlon of a term permit for a atlpulated number Meagre. T. 8. Townaand of the T. a Townaend Creamery company; W. C. Dey of the Washington Creamery com pany; C. M. Ktbert of the Hazel wood "February 16. 1908. By the codicil the Cream company; and F. II. Wiencken aharea of the two unmarried daugbtera of the Sunset Creamery company. They I of atock ahould they be aucoeasful I are . increased rrom iis.uuu to tio.uuu nave auomuiea tne following report I iinnin wtr Th. .HMkmn era acn and Ue nome propeny, inaieaa or snowing mat atwjut half the $1000 fund enthualaatla oer thla work and aDnre- belng aet aelde for their use for five I desired has been raised: nt. h. th. fnr.t aervtca la dolne- years owy. oa oiviuca ami mtv iniivcn nuuu rrm . o. jsjo.vu I ionr these llnea. absolute title to a portion of It. The lownaena uxeamery wo .6.00 Th,, .,, not conaldered from a view eaat part. ,3xl0 Xeet. 1. thrown into t" 60' .7::.:::: p5 Point of graalng alone, aa fire proteo se truat eatate. . Otherwlae the pro- weatheriv rr.mr ilnn tlon la very Important. The deetruo- viBiuiii. ui nv ui.fuMit -fvi. b.v tw i urefon K:Tvtimcry .. Changed. t " IDamascua Creamery - In .HHItlnn tn ih heoiieata tn th. Dranaei i reamerv jui.... r.i,..i torn .v, . Klock Produce Co. five other children. Mra. Alden E. Gra- hrL"Zu""a Kin, Mr. niAjiBiii mwu, wis. inaiu i iadd A Tllton Bank . G. WcrOdward. Albert W. Lambert And Pint National Bank Uawirw VaT , TAmKapt i ' Tha .. ramolntnff I The lAiirnail Kv f O Taa1aAn daughter, Mrs, E. I E. White. Is given wanae urenmery Co. two lota on Montgomery afreet. V"V?"'i':1 " i'"""P"n 1 1 la provided that the executors ahall v'.nnn.. v., ZL A' - wu. v - ma fcijimi 1 AiDera xfroa. . Altillnaj CO. yrvyvny wiu ui rau r.wi ouiaiue Jensen xsroa. ' ..... the city of Portland, and from thla fund I Th Stephenson Co, the specific beaueats are to be paid, any I "lKr ni. aourl valley and fallen from the Koky mountains to the 1'aclflo and from tha JUIaalaalnnl to the Atlantic. Condi tlona remain unsettled In thla district and shnwera are prolwble to nigni anj nursoay in oioat piacea. THE HIVEIl. During the pt It lioura half an Inch to an inch 'of rain fell in the Wil lamette valley and the rivers have con- f 1 ,1 M ti. rtmm t.l.ili Tk. . t. Una la out of order and reporta from mf. A..1 '!u"c ' .naw,w,f A r.usene ami llarrlabura are miaalne. I ' " ciiu, iui (, uiova to, The river ia rising very rapidly at Al- I Bumiyaiae bany. where It now atanda at Si.l feet na "reaon eat cataie com pan j a rlae of 5 feet tn The creat lias not yet but It WU1 probably exc river at Ralam ha. riwn last II hours ind win e..t I bor Park At Portland the river . will probably I Moore Investment company to D. 4. block , Willamette .., Laurelharat company to - Mary m. - ' . r Amanua v i.nn, 101 a, oiock. a, Kaurethurat . . : .,. . r. . Abramo Cereghlno and wife to C A. Hoy, lot s, blo4k J. Mayor uatee auauion (00 160 too JiKW TODAr. aaaaajaassBaa,aaai Who Are the Happiest People On Earth? ' Thfly art th pont who own their r the last 11 houra.1 .? uowman. iota 1 ana 1. reached Albany. Diocit io uonaaay a aaoinon. :ed 10 feet The I W. T. Williamson and wife to 1 1 r..t in h. city, lots "U." and "EL" ML Ta- tlveneaa of foreat flrea In that locality in the paat would have been consider ably lessened had water been available for the men who were righting it GRANTS FBANCIIISE flnwkl niuutek t Tba Joarnal.t Walla Walla, Nov. 24. At a meeting of the city council aa a committee of the whole, the franchises of the North' western Corporation were adjusted and 2S.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 2S.00 or. nn ifll WALLA WALLA 16.00 30.00 6.00 6.00 2.60 16.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 J -we. .mmt tm h. .,.it. .H P"n City Tranafer Co 2.60 were granted at the regular meeting . .. . :. . . I Kellos's- Trnfp ""i . . 1 tn th. minell among an tne cmidren. The real estate I Everding A FarfelT Inside the city, except the homestead, 1 Monroe A Crisell 1600 is piacea in a iruac esiaie, wuicn is xo I jrage a won 10.00 be held by the executors and managed I Bell c Co. 5.00 by them for not lesa than 10 years nor West we.n 200 Vh LS?L?,il": nr'coV':::::;::;::::: ITo - nui niuuu. 1 Liang A tJO. . . . the children, and when the trust eatate I Blake-MrF. 11 rn is terminated a, like division la provided. I Mason-JBhrman & Co. 6.00 i ine committee) reels the need of 1200 more, and subscriptions reported to cneirman T. S. Townaend will be aD- preciatea. 2.60 6.00 JAPANESE MURDERER MAY BE IDENTIFIED BY SEVERED THUMB 4 (TJnifed Prew !ase4 Wire.) w San Jose, CaL, Nov. 14. Hon- da, a Japanese from' Alvarado, Is In the county jail accused of 4 bavins; murdered Okasakl, a fel- e low countryman, yesterday, with a knife. He was suspected be- - cause a piece of a man's thumb was round near the body exactly a ruung the recently cut thumb of Honda. " The bit of flesh Is being held as the people's exhibit A. The murder was a . brutal one. una victim or, tne murderers ; wrath was literally slashed to : pieces, and any of the half dosen wounas was mortaL As soon as the crime was discovered 4 sji bnertrr Langrord started a search through Japtown. The niamg piace or Honda was un- a covered. When the officers ap- a e proacnea tne Japanese fled. Hla w rugnt was impeded because he a kept his bandaged hand In his pocket: - a - - Jts soon as ne was caught the officers fitted the piece of .thumb they had found and then took their man to Jail. . . a :; . Repeated sweatings hare failed to gain a confession from Honda. ENTHUSfASfJ FOR NEiicormiiY of the council last night. By terms of the new franchises the city Is Just $2$, 000 to the good, that amount having been added to the tax on the franchises by the council. The franchises grant the privilege of Streets for 25 years, also permit selling . 6.00 of electricity for power and lighting o.uu .ml ra. fnr llrhtlnr. Thev will also permit crushed rock or cinders instead of plank along the rails. The Northwestern Corporation has announced Its intention of building a line from Wallowa, Or., to Walla Walla; from Dayton to Walla Walla, and from Wallula and Pasco to Walla Walla. Work on the lines is promised to begin In the spring. Investigate Man's Death. (Salem Burma of The Journal. Salem, Or., Nov. 24. A grand Jury investigation is promised by District Attorney John McNary relatively to tha death of A. M. Steen, who died yester day at the Salem hospital of paralysis reach 20 feet by Friday night or Satur uay. Temp Mac Mln Pwl mainet waan 60 HoIhk, Idaho. ........ 64 Koston. Maas 64 lluffalo. N. V 30 Cairo. Ill CalR-ary, Alberta... 10 Charleaton. H. C. . . 7 A Chicago. Ill Ig $6 61 Cincinnati, Ohio. , uenvor, Colo . Betrolt, Mich odge. Kan........ Dubuque. Iowa Eagle. Alaska Helena. Mont Kali spell, Mont.... 64 Kansas City. Mo... 48 Jjewiston, Idaho... 64 North Head. Wash. Kl Phoenix, Aria 78 Pittsburg. Pa 14 Pocatello. Idaho K Portland. Or 62 Roseburg, Or 62 San IHeuo. Cal Hi Seatt'e. Wash. M PIhIcIvou, , Or....-.,.. . 64 Spokane, Wash.... 66 Tan ana, Alaska.... 10 Tatoosh laL. Wh ki Valnex. Alaska 24 Walla Walla, Wash. 64 Yellowstone Park., ii Yuma. Aria........ 8J 41 ' 48 82 24 14 2 44 10 26 40 24 40 22 44 26 40 40 ' 48 24 46 46 48 48 44 42 44 40 42 16 48 88 66 K. May at al, lot . block. 28,. varnon Joseph H. Nash and wife to Wil liam B. Moore et a 1, aoutn iih feet of lot 4, block 1. Ravena wood 1 ....... . C N. Rankin and wife to William A. Kaasebaum. south H of lot 7. block 16S. Eaat Portland.... .02 W. H. Crandall et al to Anna L. .24 1 Christopher. lot 10, block 8, Avonuaie IP. 20 .06 .12 .00 .00 ,QO 1 Avuiiuni. .. .' .00 1 Charles C. Duvall and wife to .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .26 T, .12 .36 .00 .00 .22 .94 John R. Moar. lot 21. block I. Oakhurat Dora B. Bolter to Mary Carrlno et al. lot 2. block 17. Roae City Park Nile C Hanaen and wife to Hel- tner Pierce, lot 9, block 8, cen tral Albina Norman D. Root to F. E. Den- Iflon. lot 13. block 6. La Dene Park Title Guarantee A Truat com pany to Ueorge Holmes, lots 1, 2, S and 4, block 18, Dover. .48 Arthur W. Gleee to B. Fi Boyn- 1.400 860 3,100 1.600 1.460 E00 S06 1.830 850 S09 r 6S0 1.678 3S0 135 own homes, the people who do not apend large snare or llieir eariunga eacii month for the aupport of a landlord. Are you carrying a rent burdenT If iportunity to get 11 vnu a lot In Greaorv Halahta aa . low aa ll&a on 1 lernis of $6 caah and $2.60 per month. ' lhan If you have not auffli'Ient money with which to build, we will furnish it and you oan pay ua back In monthly In stallments about equal to your preaent rent Thla aounda liberal, doesn't ItT It certainly la the best opportunity that the Portland salaried man aver had of aecurlng a home.. Lota are all cleared. Hull Hun water, graded afreets, cement siucwaina. NEW TODAY mVSTrIENTCX).5,U,, Take Rose City car at 3d and Yamhill ata. Get off and of Una. Of flea on the property. j - . ;-..., .00 .46 .68 .06 .00 .24 .00 .12 .14 .00 MARRIAGE LICENSES Juliua Beck. 871 P-nt TTfK.V. ...... 9A tt , 1 1 - w .... wuvot. ,..' uoiucr ill. UHQO, J nrry William street V. street 19. ton. lot S. block 4. Gieae'a ad dition 060 Fred Btalger to College Endow ment association. 101a 1 ana 2. block 67. Fulton Park 1.200 Joseph M. Healy to Napoleon nav . lota 1 ana z. diock 02. Stenhena' addition 20,000 Alice H. Dodd to Blmon w. Kog- era et al. lots e. 7, is. iv ana Jlo. block IS. Good M or nlnar addition l.zzo George E. Weller et al to Arthur Leslie et ai nortn su xeet nt lot 0 block E. Paradise Springs Tract 1.800 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY -Portland Heights . . XTS AJTD WOXABBTK ITS. . Modern ' house, 7 rooms, built In bookcase, sideboard, bureaus; plenty closet room. Newly pa pered and painted. ' - KOT 60100, s Splendid View &GBOO $2500 Caah Balance Mtge. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY SOMETHING TANGIBLE SOMETHING REAL t - - Fire cannot destroy it. A tornado cannot blow it away.: It cannot be stolen. . 1 -. . Most of the great for tunes of America were made in real estate. , A bit of .soil the firm earth the s olid groimd. We can set our heels into the ground and say, "This Is Ours." . -r-The man who pur chases a lot in Portland thinking to double his money next week or next month is certain to meet with disappointment, but he who buys a lot in 4, and'teac! Mc&'rl?'?? Joseph ft He'sly "it ! Vo Robert Jaion MlUw cityTza Vnrt Emlg and husband to Nela jason jidiuer, city, 29, and Anna Gray, Nelaon et al, lot 4. block 8. Lawrence TL Allen. 209 Vjm T-.ie.k BtTP!S 21. and Mary E. Webb, 18. AJb.e,rt Sheet. 609 Goldsmith street, over 21. and Rosa Eugraft, 17. o. Butter. St rrh.rla. hnf.i en --.1 Dora Stear 30" ' .tu,rt M"e!.l?rv 8 Michigan irirli ' jj. wooawara. iuurm , street, raeoma, Wash. tfuiifuij xx rtyan, ao. 500 600 I T ,lli tv day at the Baiem hospital or paraiysu renaleton Citizens Discuss following a ght last Sunday with j. Plans with Traction Com pany's Representative. tSneH.I THanateh to Tt. 7..--1 Pendleton, Or Nov. 24. Citiset the county and city met in the Com mercial club rooms last evening- to dis- Neighbor, a carpenter, over the loca tion of a line fence. On account of his age, Steen is sup posed to have Buffered injuries from a fall during the fight that resulted in his death. Hs was 65 years old. The aged man waa unable to rise from the xt a. . , . . I bkvu wan we. uuou.o w . an A itv- mt TrVK , 0 ground after his fall and Dr. J. N. Smith, who was called, had him placed in the Salem hospital, where he died cuss with D. Fitzgerald. Dromoter of 0 ta the Washington ' & ' Tarpley; who llveB adjoining Steen'. Oregon Traction cortiDany's nronnruwt . 'a i m -kti . "JWm,ibU cLty toward Wa,la the fence and he had Just lined it out . . k.-u. a ii.Kciaiu. woo SDDHlrAfl fore the city council to aecure a f rn. chlss over a year ago under the hame of Jonea. addressed the assembly at length on the purposes of the comnut and what it expects of local people. f-revious 10 Uie veto of the com- ' '' Companies Incorporated. , ' I ' Salem Boreaa of The Joornnl.) . SsJem, Or, Jfovi 24. Articles of in 'vojjrporation were filed In the office of tha secretary of state today aa fol- lonsrs: i Central Oregon Investment company; principal office, Portland; capiul ; : atock, $5000; Incorporators, Duncan ; MacLeod, Richard It. Neill and Mary U .JleDoveu.: . Cleaver , and Havelick; principal of- noe, Portland; capital stock, $10,000; : Incorporators, Isaac N. Cleaver, Pearl ' , W. Havelick and George F. Brlce. Fairvlew urain Ditch company, prin cipal office, Ontario; capital atock; jbooo; incorporators, T. J. Johnson, J. v ; A. Walter and Fenton Johnson. . Lester Manufacturlna; company; prin - . . cipal office, Portland", capital stock, ; 360,000; Incorporators, J. H. Gensler, ; Harry Hale and H. P. Stevens. .Dr. O. W. Rog-era Medicine company principal office, Portland; capital stock, ; $6000; Incorporators. G. W. Rogers, M. J. Denney and J. H. Zan. New West Publishing company; prin cipal office, Portland; capital stock, t $250,000; Incorporators, Ralph Bacon, i O. w. Bates and William N. Strahan when Steen appeared and entered Into an altercation as to its location. Burglars Take Candy. (Special Dlnpateh tn The Journal.) 'Albany, Or., Nov. 24. The D. F. Mo- TATi llloma aifA at TTataav waa kcAlrAH wfif" rancn'88 fey the mayor of WalU into Monday night by burglars. Some waiia ne said the Intention tn iihin -t,a w.. t.ir.n make it a Walla Walla company to con- all the candy in the store was 'missed " "eruroan jines Detween that this morning;. The robbers pried the city and Pendleton. Now the company front door open. There is no clue lead- uirea to mane u a Pendleton concern ing to their identity. w rauwun a traction line with this wiiy as tne Dasis. rhe company has a I New pavements in Oregon towns are mo waiia waiia river I now mucn appreciatea irom wnicn can be develontrf annn Slxtv- 48. and j.nomaa w. Sparrow, MarysviUe, CaL. 21. and Florence Sadie Lambie, 2o! Aotuwi Hemes, vs tsiaat Twentieth tfeet, 30. and Martha Laasch. 23. -rJiVS111" J. Sandercock, 686 East Tenth street, 24. and Theresa B. Das- . 0. 5iAiermfn& ew Occidental hotel, 24, and Malga McCormick, 18, .SifBt.eftp U -Wllliama. 360 Sixteenth street, 20, and Bessie M. Resbel. 2. Charlea Fourmentin, Wllliama avenue. William H. Delop. 480 Grand avenue, 60, and Mrs. Mary Nllee. 43., mt Svredson. 426 North Park ""y u rtoran tacnei Mortin si andDellaKn. "4 AiT yA- wneeier. Fraitdale, 28. Alice Crawford. 19. Terminus addition LaurelhurBt company to C. V. Conner, nart or iota 11 ana 12, block 1, Laurelhurst 4.100 I C F. Ruhmann and wife to H. C. Brueninir. lot 11. block 17. Overlook .......... i 8,600 George LAngrord and wife to Falvatore Gattucclo et al, lots 7 and 8. block 82. Tibbett'a ad dition . 7,500 jemma 1. croxton ana nusDana to Clifford D. Green et al, south 16 feet of lot 8 and north 16 feet of lot 4. block 6. Railroad Shops addition 1,700 and MAX M. SMITH, florist ISO 6th St.. op mrvaM w inrioi nr. r runs aa ai a m 771 s- KESS suits for rent, all sisea. Unique' x.. oua piara Bt w aijjjm cards, w. O. Smith A C Washlnarton bldv.. mm.. Washington sts. - 4th CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowera nnu oesign.. 1st Morrison st BIRTHS Horsepower, Dut it is not extensive enough to permit of establishing dls- piants in Doth cities, and the company consldera Pendleton the best neior r J Much Fruit for Klickitat. (Specie Dtopatr h to The Joorml.t Husum. Wash.. Nov. 24. William Ol aon of thi town, fruit Inspector for Klickitat county, says an unusually large number of fruit trees is being shipped lntothe county at the present lime, A A. Qaarnberg. horticultural ; inspector for the district comprising the J counties of Clarke, Skamania and Kllckl- taU- states that the work of fruit in-: spectlon by himself and Olaon will keep tnem Duay ror aome time to come. I .. .... .. Fitzgerald announced hla Intention e noiaingr tne rranchlse by having three mllea of road In operation within five montns. as the power plant will not be developed by- that time the rnmn.ni, will operate grasoline instead of electric ra at nrst. He also explained the company's plans for an electric park for the fair pavilion, athletic field and recreation grounds and Intimate ik.t it would be established on on. th. plateaus on either side of the city. He announced that the company was deeir ous of enlisting a certain .mmmt r local capital In stock subacrlntlnn. For the purpose of conferring further a committee, consisting of James A Fee. Dr. C. J. Smith, R. Alexander, Leon Cohen, E. B. Aldrieh, E. J. Murphy and Frank Fraaier, was appointed which will meet tonight with Fin- j gerald and report Saturday. The citi- I aens are enthusiastic in the proposed enterprise snd Fltsgerald silenced the most skeptical last night GOLDEXDALE TO VOTE OX LOCAL 0FTI0X (KnecUl rM.pateh te The JoernaD . iji-uiii, nan.. ssav. 11 Tha The pleasant purgative effect exper ienced by all who use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the heelthv condition of the bortr and tnt nu... - ' - 1 tlon of local option will be crfuntni 1 which they create, makes one feel Joy- ! to the votera of Goldendale December ful. , Breathe uaianbecd. 0 cure No stomach dosiacr breathe tha pleasant, healing, gera-killiagajr of Hyomei, and com Catarrk, Castas, CaUs, Crea Sort Taraat, Braacaiba, Etc Complete outfit, inclndiiur hard rubber inhaler, $1.00, on money back plan. Leadimr drriirsrfRta err. erywhere. Vail orders filled by BOOTH'S HTOMEI CO., BafYale, K. T. aiujSLr To Mr. and Mrs. Charles A, Steel. THi Cleveland street Nnvamh., HiCKS -To Mr. and Mra John T. Hicks, 126o Mississippi avenue, November 18, KENT To Mr, and Mrs. Arthur ir.nt 406 Second street, November 16. a FJWSTER--To Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Fewster, 1729 East Ninth street. No vember 7, a boy. - MOBJ To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moe, 32 Clataop street. November 14, a boy. MAXWEiLD To Mr. an Mr. T ' r Maxwell. 704 Lexington street,? vember 19. a boy. LKTHELT To Mr. . and Mra A. A. Lethelt, Island Station, November 20. a boy. STICKLEY To Mr. and Mra Frederick oticKiev, ev nst aurnside street. November 18, a girl. WSITPT Mr- 8nd Mrs- Thomas E. White. 742 Fourth afreet Xlniuml... SCHRAUTZ To Mr. and Mrs. John Schrautz, 704 Mississippi avenue. No vember 22, a ttlrl. LIEBREICH To Mr. and Mrs. D. Lieb reich, 1321 Kelley street, November 22, a boy. . CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title & Truat company, 7 Chamber of Commerce. LAWYERS Abatraot ( Board of Trade apeclalty. t Truat Co., room sldg.; abatracta a ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab. atract office, 413 Corbett bldg. Mala to. W. R. HAIZLIP CO. flrat class work. tine), abstractors. 327-s uorDett Diag. NEW TODAY. HOOD RIVER 80 acres, really worth $100 per acre; owner is pinched and wants cash; to be sold now at a I sacrifice $80 PER ACRE Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce Mortgage EACH A GEM Loans 8650 Splendid corner In Elmhurst, cement walks and curbs, wide parking strips. $1600 building; restrictions. 15- tafXde .VJATti " f..b- corner quick, as present owner cannot u,,ua jnvic luvcsiura. Keep up ner payments. ivo casn, Dai ance easy payments. ftKKn The best lot in Belle Ores regardless of prioe, less than one shor block from the cars. moK "Sri.i1 ,t Phones. Main 6084. A-3327. ffl.l Jir-wwiuum v-va iivi tv, v. a von , i . ' . .. W-w cars, $85 cash. $10 monthly, se- flace Your Iire insurance With Us. cures a good ouiiaing lot. Lowest rates and terms to suit. :m.ethompsonco. $eo cash. $13 Corner Fourth and Oak Streets. 200 Country Club looking the "Club" grounda. Buy thla district over- lot and build your house and save buv- ing tickets to the races. Sit on your own porcn ana see everything- as well aa Deing in tne gran as urn a cash. B montniy. RABIT& rPATTOir 00 PIfTH ST. DEATHS 'Aa latalattM tar mere are only three saloons In Kll. kitat county paying a city and gov ernment lieonse. and these are located at the county seat. 8hould tha electors decide against them the county will be practically dry. YhoopIng-Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. lm It M mmm mmit An i w. i a s nawtt tm an... ml w N.im Ma"" uai I. mh XMm tmmm$ tmmm tmm sun rl I ai !f Mume mwr ar mmmt rtMiif liiaia. tiin a mum il tausie fTSBBsw-1 ! TV 1 mm I iVv ye .a. t -4 IMM.Hi.H ! f mM mm lws mt bt4 B ITTl t -T lMAw . fV .CVTCV' SUA $UOlfT. I. l " rJ V a5' 'kim i , . J WIFE BEATER APPEALS TO CIRCUIT COURT fpwl.l IMmtek t. The Jsnwl I Albany. Or Not. 24 Michael Kef. ir.e wue oeaier. today appealed hla MEETING NOTICES EILERS recital ban for Bisn claaa re cltala. lee t urea, meetings; splendidly lighted, ventilated, heated, free from etreet noises, seating 2e; equipped with pipe orran, araod pianos and automatic lcea. Ki 'OP Pat., annl lepu 2d floor. Ellera Piano Houae. 16$' musical devicea. Lept. 2d floor. Washlnirton at FOR KENT Ball rorZ hardwood floor. one of the bet In ha city; wall ventilated: nicely lighted and MEDCALF Herbert Medcalf, Good Sa- in u man nospitai, .November 6, aged 26: tyohold fever. CARROLL Ed Carroll, police station. T.iVJir r . "gea oo; acutef Ollatlon. HARN Harry Ham, 41 North Third street. November 18, aged 37; suicide from gunshot. VANLOS Walter Vanloa. Fifteenth and rruin .irnis, iovemoer i, aged 24" accidental drowning;. POHLMAN Baby Pohlman, Lents, Or, November 12, no age; stillborn. HAYES Ellen Hayee, Home for tha tyA,5?d.FWVr'mber.il' "ed 8l! aenlllty. HAW Ho Haw, St Vincent's hospital. November 16, aged 30: tubercular trouble. MIH1K Carl Mlhie. St Vlncenfa hoe--pital. November 19, aged 30; typhoid fever. RANDALL Hester A. Randall, lisn Montana avenue, November 23, aged 70-. cancer. - I BRANDON Thomae Brandon. 292 Eu- isuc ..irrci, novemoCT zi. aged ? heart trouble. WERTHEIMER Samuel J. Werthelroer. North Tenth ,etreet. November 2L aged 49; cancer. .. . ... CARNABY Jan. Camaby, 91 Bast hearVSou'b'le1- RAYMOND Arthur F. Ravmond. Se attle, WaahM November 22. aged Si ne cause. ' Union Ave. Specials The Washington at. of the Eaat Side We have the inside prices. It's our ffeld. Remember, when you buy at rlf?ht prices on Union ave., you have as eaie an Investment aa Washington st. More sure to double in a few years. Put your money where there Is elasticity. Come right away, get a choice now. 83000 (0x100 Excavated 7 feet deep. S3100 80x100 room- house. 840OO ' 60x100 B3lne business lot 0 room bouse. &4250 ' 60x100 One story and half house. . . S50OO 0x100 Heart of business, fine cot tage. 104x105 Finest business corner, be tween Bumslde and Alberta sts., new store and flat; room for 4 more stores. This is a soap. . J, D. Kennedy B3BJ USIUI ATE. Phone 'Woodlawn 1712. AreYou Dead In earnest about wanting to Invest tn Oregon or Washington farms f If so, NOW, and hangs onto it for a year or two, is sure to double his money See ALAMEDA PARK. Compare low prices with prices in other adjoining restrict ed districts., ; fHome building begunt j Broadway carline be ing extended to Ala meda Park. You cannot duplicate low prices and easy terms anywhere in Portland. Prices will be ad vanced $100 per lot by Christmas. - Sixty feet above Irv-ington. Alameda Park, the nearest beauty spot to Portland's business center. thea-don't- about some of the beat bargains as to prices, tanas and location. Haven't you been reading that Oregon lands bring in better returna than Government bonds? Why Hesitate 7 we also have aome splen did lots for - sale, cheap, in the beat auDum or Portland. Qeer & Mat toon ABZZrOTOV 2UUDO, 106 Sd St. 2aX. 8181. PLACE YOUR Fire Insurance SEE ALAMEDA WITH H. E THOMPSON CO. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts, Henry Bldg. Phones, Main 6084, A-3327. We Have Money to Loan. to the rlrrnlt court. Iai . -..' hated,- on rood carline: rent onlv 111 tried la Justice of tha IWn. a..-. FT" ' "ht Q. B. Cilne. 27th and Ha w- eoirt for wife beattnar and waa flaeid j zv ana coats divorce Tahor 1147. Roqiiaitioaj Is Hoajorwl. coats Hla wife mtmu. eii- I """i" 11 an given by w. O. W. FCTTERAL DIKECTOKS Good Buys North 14th, between Davis and Everett. .. . , . it .;sxioo. Rental a ISO per month. S26.SOO Corner.' 100x100. 7th and Oak. Income Property. S130 OOO s NAP PAR DCXKINO. M'ENTEE OILBAtTOH. ' Lurriupn .ng mnistri; modera tn every datalL Seventh and v.i. W. j 4t. Lady a..lstatit. 65 ACKS8, all clear, at station, on Oregon Electric, lays fine to cut into traeta of from 1 to 20 acrea. No. 1 aolL well drained, fine buildlnga; about 4 acre fruit; you must coma soon for this, uome to - : Al Mishfcr, Woodbum, Ocp. Write or telephone us to go and see for your self in our car. ALAMEDA LAND CO. 322 Corbett Building. Phones Main 7958, A-3651. tSsleai taMI r Tke Wm Raleta. or, Nov. . 14. A rroiiUtlol fee the extradition to tba atate f waahtnrtoei of H'.E.txthhMi r.onws nm i!r, was linnnred la ' v-reroa tinmm camp, meets Krt- l.l lit 11th, Welabertrar'a nrcJ.tr msK?. -ni ji'Cj ladl ti Kcf Kail. For Rent tit M et.. piwtr Tsh. Howe-navla Cex the executive tff et. m tne n.r.itn i oar evenlnas, - h auuisnc retvra ta rner. who la held Peniand. to er-iii-, fv trtaL Allsky hall, Tntrd ta U. N. Ay Ma. guerite Tl T4av .i,n In Save. Ii.il r ... imp. ra-t n er.rv Par. W. ert t-d Jjranjjavew a.Oert l r 1 mrZ.Z. j..,. i mrTrlZZ p.f - f? ' !" Hira. bid. - - " . . ci n uiiirrwa. B mlttuL R-iaaa- 4? gaat Alder. J. P. Flalcy & Sea ir1 Iagy attendant Mala ; A-l(t. UlJt.HB RSE8 CO, eadertakeia. 27 Rim wll; F-ayt !. t.nln.tit kRICSO.V I'XDtRTAKlNO CO, Main , HI.A-t2aS; lady a.et. co- Coraer oarth aaal Oak ffte, FinM Xata ae, A-S33T. sis,ooo E(x70, comer of Larrabea and Has- aalo ata. z atory rrame bulMing con- tainlng- store on the ground floor; -3 S . room flats and ne room flat. Thla property ! paying- gvod Internet oa the investment. have R OSE CITT CEME1 tkl. Pnor.ee C-2114 ard A-4 4 44 KAfT SIDE f jneral llreeiota, turmt ea to r Imprtg Ie E. tt. P-?! d SU . rwl t . , Lady ui.iuhl Mala fL. lit Warehouse Sites Corner ltth a4 Overton. 1W1. rent al ITS rr "onth. - B30 000 2t0 on O R V and Falnto. . 15 OOO t Jt. TsTOitnt-osT co Haary mUAgn Cor. 4ta aa tak. viehe-s a Ixaae ea f'at for 12 month a. handle thla. . client who tha atoT and or One half cash will Pal L Clelatd Investment Co. S20-S22 Board of.Trala Bldg. TIRED OF THE CITY? THEHM A WAT OIX TREMONT TRACTS f-r wte ahAet IL B. T. WAiril, sjo4 CorVrn B If. Reed Institute - - . N lT want thla, tit it la yours at S1333-331-3 An Acre " If Ton Come Flraf. . 20 ACRES BARR ROAD. About H Kill eaat of Laurelhurst. leel and adlolTina tba) " corsaTTBT nn. - Tha last laxre piattlaa- property f the renter of PortlaAd, whar iota w , ea I rota . 00 to VIOOO ' Th!" Is PrlttTelT tba Bvsrr mAavsAXsT . tn -ern ta PorUand. Jtv.a annrt fimm oaiy. Liberal Tenna t OSEFIiH.JOffHSTC: CI cttiam 1 di-iSwc: 1 Sa-83 tAftrttt ld, Vaak. ru r