THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21. 1009. nnnn oriniio adc himm imTco: if Jou should need hi uuuu nunuo mil f iuiuhiiih iui lo Suif or 0vercoal &r rui PTTJ OW 1 Ttw4 Jf . H r 4 AM) T)1tAA iinile Brtiffulere, Cosmopoli. " tan, Succumbs to a Forest Grove Citizens Hold Special Session, Called to Your Order With Tempting Offer. Excellent Kesults. nuts Amendment N ICOU 7Ae I aimf 12 MS Hues' es ftr-Ul Dl.palrti to Tfc Jutuaal ) - Ban Francisco, Nov. SB. lumll Brug ultrt, knight of Hi Ordsr of KU Jacquea, liohanilsn clubman, playwright, musician, wit and traveler of many aeaa hu forsaken art fur commercialism. An astut purveyor of cuniptfit has of ' fered him an alluring salary lo assist him In dispensing hi bottled laughter amour th bonvtvnt of the roant and . Hrusmler h accepted and gon to work. Bruguler returned from Europe some month ago, when ho learned that hie wu. who waa Veata Bhortrldge, the daughter of Charlea Shortrlrfge, of San Jose, had Instituted ult for divorce Bruruter ha mad no attempt to fight the court proceedlnga. It waa reported that after th dl-voj-c waa obtained Bruguler would ' mak hi home In rrl. Th accept ance of a position with a win agency, howTr, effectively silences this. , Bruguler announced hla employment today at th Bohemian club, when h presented . tb wmt friend at lunch a business card bearing th monogram of ttss win company, with hla own nam at the Jower corner. , RAILROAD BRINGS JAPAN TOGETIIKR SPECIAL SALE on OVERCORTSFrom $20 to $40 As Wc'Arc Overstocked With Fine Overcoatings."' Ask to See Our Scotch Suit . ings, $25, $30, $35 and Upward. ix-ll IXtpatrk t. Th. Jouraal.) Korrat Ureva, Or., Nov. 20. A move ment wa Inaugurated In thla city thl afternoon at th Instigation of th coun ty court to build permanent rock road. Heretofore It ha been Impossible to (PatlUbers1 Press Leased Wtr. J Mobil. Ala.. Nov. 10. With election day on week off Monday, November 2 Interest, Is at whit heat . In th forthcoming conteat In Alabama wheth er to amend th constitution or not. eecure good roada except at prohibitive making prohibition statutory, prices. At the meeting today. County Judge Good In stated the Oregon Iron & Steel company' of Portland had of fered the county th right to quarry rock at their quarry nesr fieaverton gratis, and that the Southern Faclfla would haul It at L'5 cents a ton. Th I prohibition should be written In th con cnmie or the court Is to Install alatitutlon forever prohibiting the man quarry for permanent ufaetur and us and th licenaln of th aal of ilquors in thl state, . Both ina legiaiaiur waa caiiej tn xtra session thr months ago by Governor Comer, primarily to strengthen th al ready atrong' prohibition laws In thin aiate, and after a bitter fight decided to submit the question to a vote of th people. Th Question la whether crusher at th use. Crushed rock can be delivered to the Base Liln road at ' on half the present coat, or at It a cuble yard. This was th first of a aerie of meet ing to b held In th county to stimu late Interest in good roada All parts of th county was repre sented at the meeting. Everybody la enthusiastic. Th assembly was com posed of business men, dairymen, farm- Both aides have Satlafaotton guaranteed In hit cases, Garments to order In a day If required. Full dress and tuxedo suits a specialty. sides claim victory, strong adherents. Both United State Senators Johnson and Bankhead hav Issued signed state ments against th amendments, while th congressmen ar about vnly di. vlded. Representatives Hobson, Burnett, TflVtrtP mnA Tfeiln - . m . - - ..-.. u 1KTUI . I .l.TIIIII . Dnt. Underwood and Richardson VlLlJ A MJ E R R E M Li ' DON (Publishers Press Leased Wire.) ' Toklo, Nov. 20. Th opening of railroad to Kagoshlma on Klushlu, th .most southerly Island of Japan, com pletea a grand trunk line of about 2000 miles, running the whol length of th country from Hokkaido to the north cast to Klushu on th southwest- . It Is all rail except, for ferries be tween Hojl and dhimonaekl and be tween Aomoro and Hakodate. Th time between Toklo and Kagoshlma is' now 4i. hours, against S3 daya required In feudal times for the lords of Batsuma . to come up to th Shogruna in th cap ital city. " FOUL PLAY THEORY MAY BE EXPLODED f fascial DlaDStch to The JoeraaLt Marshfield, Or., Hov. 20. That Harry - McDonald, a brakeman on the local rail road, has met with foul (lay has been the fear of th police. . The man disap peared from .' Jhis boarding house - last Sunday and was known to have had about 130 In his pocket. . Several men who were suspected of ' knowing some-, thine; of the" case were! arrested. Th officers think tonight they have lo- a ted the missing; man In a logging camp. In which event the men arrested will be released... Roseburg .Turkey Shipments. ' rflpeclal DUoitoh ts The Jnornal) ' Roseburg, Or.. Nov. 20. Turkey ship ments , from Roseburg, Harness and Johnson 2100; Kohlpagen, 600; Fry & t.i., avuuj loung & v;o., uaxiand, 8100. The highest price paid for birds was 22 H cents. era. ana an voted unanimously to vot against. Ther hav already been wanv o.v.V. ITi , "r L, .l I liow : uelor in election is over. ui (n-nriius, w. names, a. ts. xoaa. I T- . t . in nifnTrmi-n William Marsh. Dick Rhodea John IWilxAJllA UH1ZlK1H inornuurg. ana others. I ci?T f?nm mrmr mTAvrmm 108 THIRD STREET. 35,000 TREES TO BE SUFFRAGETTE IS FED WIIH TUBE PT.A YTPTi IffPYT VI? AT? L "In,''.Wan Nv- 20 At a mass ijjiuiijji uai a. jiiixt i meeting or th c It liens of Kalama to night to choose a municipal ticket, the (Sneeial Dlaoatch ts The JonrnaLl I followlnir rr iMmln.ti. w. ...( I ia; ion, , ami., nuv. tv. kjo too vl I Clltnen Tar thn. ara r u n n the announcement of a local nuraerv-1 m cnrt t. n- t '. J; man that at least 25.000 apple trees will dorf waa nominated for tre',W tZ. Mftsfnn WnTtiflTl in T.nTlllftn ne set nut In fha imnar Tniiih.t ii.Tiaw I .i-. . . " ,, . in small tracts this fall and next spring, all opposed to local ootlon. The ioci comes a report of th purchase yester- I ontlon lctlnn win k- v. . day by P. A. Hatfield of 40 acres of Tuesday h h- -i. ".T choice land three miles east of Dayton, offlcera will not take plac until two near Balleysburg, Jor. an orchard. Th weeks lat.r. Th.w.i .w 17,. tract waa purchased of A- O. Crawford b a warm one. as thVwtaBd dry forces for 212,000, and represents th top price ,r. evenlr dvMl Y '0rC' paid thus far for land In that locality. Prison Not 'Allowed to Go on Hunger Strike. . Mr. Hatfield said It was hia Intention to plant th entire tract In apple trees early next spring. He will probably choose the Rom Beauty, Jonathan and Yellow Newtown varieties, as experl- Hood River May Be Sur passed. The cranberry marshes lnnar JV1,I afe InL 7 ed TnfotloT WT ha-v vl npic ufmu IU taiv I "B u . m-UKi tit yiclfi per I (hlS SOOn. London, Nov. 20. Suffragettes Just 1 released from Holloway say that Alice Paul of Boston, confined in that prison. is iea wua a ruoe ana ts in a condi tion of extreme exhaustion. "Wt know that Miss Paul is being fed forcibly," said Chrlstabel Pankhurst this morning, "but we ar without de-1 soil and climatic condltiona of the Touchet valley. ....... With at leaat a docen small orchards and three large orchards being set out east of Dayton, and hundreds of acres west and south, It is certain that Day ton Is to be a center of one vast orch ard extending up the valley six miles and down the valley to Prescott, a dis tance of 17 miles. It Is estimated that $750,000 conserv atively estimates" the amount" now In vested In Touchet valley orchards. Five years ago $100,000 would probably nave purchased every orchard In the valley. According . to real eatat dealers, - th demand for orchard land Is surprisingly heavy, and the only difficulty In selling that farmers now holding the land. being confident of the growth of the Industry, are reluctant to sell at pres ent prices. ' acre are not surpassed anywhere In th - This Industry, thongh yet In Its In fancy on this coast, has already reached results that shpw beyond a reasonable donbt that this Is to be the most profit able of all lines of fruit culture in the territory tributary to Portland. . The exhibit of cranberries shown the past week at J. K. Gill's book stor was a revelation to. all who saw It, and It proves convincingly that we can grow unusually fine berries and In quantities that make their culture exceedingly profitable. ,' -This display may be seen throughout this week at 284 Oak street, between Fourth and Fifth, In the Henry build ing, : and should be visited by every person . who Is In th least skeptical as to the successful growing of cran berries In this vicinity. .. j Miss Paul Is an educated woman who came to England recently to participate In the militant movement Disguised I as a charity woman, she gained access I to the guild hall two weeks ago, hid and waited until evening. Willi Premier Asqulth was making a speech at th Lord Mayors banquet s4t appeared and shouted, 't "Votes for worn-' en!" "She was Immediately arrested, and sent to Holloway. According to information received by your correspondent. Miss Paul refused to obey the rules of the prison and did not eat. After twe days, while weak, she was bound to a chair by the ward resses and food was given by means of a tube by two physicians. . She .haa persisted in refusing to eat. and the.j tube process Is repeated, with the ac companiment of acreams. , , florals Is only twelve minutes from the business center of Portland. If you doubt this take W-R car and be convinced that WAVILRLEJGH H1LIGHTS LOTS are the lowest priced lots offered on the Portland market today. All THEY GQST$2i Down on the first payment Then only 0 a month. This is a real snap. The best proposition that has beeri or ever will be offered to you. Including Graded Streets, Cement Walk and Curb, Bull Run Water, Electric Light, Telephone, and the best and largest Public School in the city is located THERE NOW - r ic: p. simm company 122Vi SIXTH ST COR. WASHINGTON A-1550 PHONLS MAIN 550 ' If you would have the right idea-vy our own idea--of the value of LAURELHURST homesites, try this method of arriving at what you think' they arc worth: . . ': v - -V Go out to "'.'tHe property today, stand on the ele vation where the office is located, at ah ; altitude of 225 feet above the river, at East Glisan and; East 38th Streets, arnd take in the! sweeping view of the tract, noting the various advantages it has in location, beauty, 'accessibility, contours, street-grades, etc, etc Imagine that it all belongs to you, and that you are about to put it on the market as a high-class, exclusively residence district, with complete city im-provements-asphalt pavements, concrete sidewalks, water; sewers, gas, electricity and all other - conven ienceseverything a man or woman could want in the place they call qmtivV." When you have this idea of personal possession firmly fixed in your mind, figure out what you would ask for fifty-foot lots in such a place. -; That will give . you your own idea Of what the property is worth. Then compare your own idea with the prices at which we are now selling lots, and you will be satis fied that our prices are away below what such prop erty should bring. But, don't let that disturb you, because notwithstanding the fact that we are selling these first lots, at prices comparatively lower than any other good property in Portland, and at very little profit to ourselves, ve expect to make good profits on .the property we sell a few months later at advanced prices. If you want to invest your money where it will double within two years, buy LAURELHURST lots before the prices advance, and you will be certain of satisfactory profits. If you would be satisfied for the rest of your life, make your home in The: Additionwith Character Go to LAURELHURST TODAY, and see the fine lots we are selling oh the following terms: Price of lots . Cash payment ; Balance of . $1200 120 . . $1080 payable at the rate of $24 per month. i We have a number of lots as low as $800. The street grades are now established, and the grading work is going oh. The other improvements will follow "immediately. . There will be twentyfive . or thirty houses under construction within a few weeks. '"(Th . To reach LAURELHURST, take ; either - the Montavilla or the Rose; City Park "carsboth, lines run through the property. ; ; Office on the ground at . East Glisan .and East 38th Streets. Telephone, East 989. Henry Building. Hioncs:' Main 2565, A-5234. 522 Corbctt Building. . Phones: Main 1503, A-1515 v.