TrtE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21. 1003. 11 our six mouths kiioosu LESS Fi!E DAYS FACES CHARGES French Bark Francois Ar- 8. 31. Haslett of San Fran rives After Kxtremelv cLsco Accused of Lar- SIow Passasre' ccnons Practices. nnrvrjc T.A PHP PAPrirt trui pipmi t tu jon VJ.J a4. n. i B.B w ..-,... TO BALFOUlt, GUTHRIE ' trtn wr.hQU.. n.thod. of m- i ; tltloua wait hln and of adept manlpula- Mon or warenou receipt Involving th Itfh lUrk Llfermlto Also Making Haalett Warehouse company of , thie leUjr owIralitt4 today In tba filing of Slow ,Y 07 aga From Jlobart Out J formal and apaolflo charge with th t, iv nutlet, board of director of tha Merchant Ex " -'"-- I changa agalnat 8. M. .Haalett and tha Hark IUtrahire CuM Comment, MthouM company by M. oianunnitrm, a local importer. , . Tha charges anlnat Haalett will ba followed by an Investigation of hla fbla expulsion In rchanta Exchange, inria vesiaroav at noon, wmpimim i. m.. ... . i . i . " . .J . iki. -ort I " i vnaraoa. who ma re- The let er part o r&JJl community of tbla eity. Tha oharg.a 0U.tb. th-5- - mti!: lrly discussed by bualneaa men wmrn mnm raw. in n - "-ion tha street and In tha Merchant Ex- mor man an average pannes. - i change, "f' jna rranrni. i' - I The cturfti' that hare boon filed by wnn a, cargo or auuv I Brandnteln pacifically charge 8. At merchandise for Balfour. Guthrie at Co I u,,,i, ani th. treeiet vir.imiiu and arrived at Hobart for ordere Sep- pRny wUh haTnr juggled a oonalgn- temoer 4. ioi ay arter ana .aura .u n,nt 0f 190 bare of rlc -stored with the Thame. Bha. aalled from Hobart I th,m Brandaneteln at tha tlma of tba tour oay later ana arnrea jn in mooui i f jr jn nog. of the Columbia Saturday afternoon at jt la claimed by Brandensteln that x:it ociocg. requiring its oays ior iam m atatement rendered by Ilaalett the whole voyage. It la jyoaalble of eourae warehouae firm failed to aoeount for a that aha may have been off the Col urn- iar(M conalgnment ef rloe. bla river for aeveral daye, held outald Buhaequently thla eonala-nment. bear by the atorm that haa , prevailed for in- the mark of hla firm, waa found by aome.daya.K i ,- . Brandenatetn It la alleged, to hava been 'Another wthdjammer which la making offered for aala In tha local market. A alow paasaflre .tn the Columbia la tha claim waa lodged agalnit tha ware- French bark IITermlte, Hit torm net houae company and monetary restitution filie eallffd from Hobart Auguat , and waa mad. ' la now out 17 daya from that port: Biytl The filing of other charge by Phillip la under charter to Kerr Qlfford ft Co. I ft Co., George C. Moore A Co. and Otla, for a cargo of wheat to v the United j McAllieter A Co., against tha Haslet t waxenouaa company ara auegea 10 no imminent, now that M. J. Brandeneteln baa blazed tha way. It la known that these firms laid oomplalnta agalnat Has lett Jbefore the apeclal Investigating com- McVln. five day. of be.n out ... montha. the rr.nch bark rnnn. iM dU(rrilca from th, erc tona net. Captain GulUon, arrived at A- Cr,mln-, nro--(,u,ion. UX 5un6aY Services at tl)e "porUan5 (l)urcl)es . ,s ' ... Saptiat, . . i First White Temnla. Twelfth and Taylor. Itev. 4. Whluoinb liroualisr. U. l. 10. 'line Accord'' iryr nieHliig crvli-r, lv:au and 7.30; Yuule artiool 11; Y. I, V; Krniona by n'. J. W. Kra mer, flrat laptut. cimrili, noan, aan. . Second ftMvonth mil PS,t Ankenr; Rev. kL . black. 10. S9 eiiU 7:30; Htble erhool. la: U. V. P. .30. Tonloa. "Ihanksslvliia." "Qeooiiiociiiilna Otxl. Central Eaat Twentlxlb and Anken l(v. w. T. Jordon. 11 -ami . k 10: T. P. IT.. Irfto. iMornlna: aernu Hev. J. R. Knoilell. -or.gon lry In 110-: eveoloa tonfi-s. "Tha Man witn a Vision.". - - Arletar Rev. K. A. Pmtth. It and T I9 B. .. :4; B. X. P. U.. 1:80: aermona br Hev. tl R. Owen. Highland Alberta and Rlxth. nev. JS. A. Leonard, pastor, 11 and T.I0; B. X. 1 1 wood Tacoma and Eievenin, nav. D. V. Thtiratnn. paMtor. 11 and 7;30; 8, a.. 10- v. p. a.! '.ift. Calvarr Raat Klahth and Grant. Rev, J, N. Monroe. U and T:80; a. JOJ , r. P. II.. l it. Inimanuel Jones Jlall. Olhb ana Front, Jtv. A. B. Mli'uker. 10:80 ,nnd 7:0i B. 8., it; B. T. H. V., 6:0; union services t rourtn j-reenyierian cnumn. , Sucstlvc Question on the Sunday '. , : . Scnool lxr?son ty Rev. Dr. T. ' (allnlatera.. Bundav acbool teanhera and thara Interested ar lavlted I wnn im journal larmriy inair vuwa as to ins nno OI uiae duhuvw particularly If thav cunsiaar them ef value In their werk.1 The elnternatlonal Newanaoer ltlble Ktudr club la for tba enrooea ef r ' motlng In an unfettered way tnumi the niaaaaa, a Wider studv ef th Bible, the baaal trutha - of .Christianity, and the problema whl.-b entar lnta averf man' life. It is eompood of all thoee who Join a looal club, $t& lka P h simple coura brln outllr.rd, barring only ordained clergymen. Alt-wb have Dot joined are warmly, tnvtiad to do eo and ta com pat for tha prtaeek Pereona may Join the club at any time during tha year, out moat, at eourae. e newer the - it - auaatiana hereinafter explained, la oiiallfv for U pnaea, and the Dark queetlona may t obtained by addreealng this or no. This paper haa secured tha rjht ta publish the InUrnatlonei aHiadav Brhool Leeaon questions by Rev. Dr. Llaacolt, which hav areueed Be much Interest elaewbere, and they will appear werkly In both tha Batorday and aunaay laauea or The journal, one or tnese qneetlona each weak is 10 Da answered Ir. writing: and upon these answer the prlaaa ara t b awarded. Qoadmoajg a the eontest, 1. Kach contestant, or hla or nr family, "nasi ' be a aobewrTbar ) thla &P, in order to qualify for membership la the International Mewspapec tllbl; tudr club and thle local club. i. . r, . i I. Each contestant In this local elub must answer each of the written ejoea Mone for it consecutive wcoka, eommanqtng Sunday, Uarcb 14. and the anawera must all ha In , the possession of thia paper ; trlthiQ. wa week ef tb oloa Of thla rierliwl. .... i . . terlan church. I I. Each Question 'must b' anawered separately, and 'the pa pay 'written en Topics. "Christian Asauranca,' Accept I one aide only. No anwr must exceed too word In leneth and mav be leea Ing Chlt" 1 Ec,? "wer must have tha nam and address of the writer at tba bottom ow "newer. " ..... . , t 9 i 4. The anSVera must ba dellverad to fhla Affln. mnA Ihn win i Mllatad t the close of he contest and forwarded io headquarter for Independent .HMii.uun di compeuni examiner. id prise win tnen d awaraea ee cording to the blgheet number of marks, won by member ef The International "wapaper uioie utuay eiuo. , . . -.' . ... . xaa maea. . First Series a gold medal to each of tb first five contestant. pecono fierlaa A- silver 'tnaiial trt Mrh of the newt nv. nni..l Third Bfirlne i T.irh.r'i VllKle nrlr. ts (A tit u . .w. ftm. mm. T ' -T-i ;- - ----- . " Fourth ftertea Tfie hnnk fe Hear of h.t, 1 Ka ith ef the next 15 conteatanta. - . j . , . ' ' ECB medal will be sultaWy engraved, giving the nam of the wlnnr und Kingdom. .... Bateabtoe BtUl Otrt. . Th Brltlah bark Butaahlra. 17S tona pet, CapUIn Purdle, la th causa of con- MbmHI., MAmmenr In waterfront elr cleg here on account of her unuaually nta of th Mrchanta Exchange. long paasage from Panama to Portland. . She left Balloa Auguat z for thla port. At 4:40 Celook tha draw waa again and la .now out 111 daya. She waa re- opened to let' the steamer through, and ported to have arrived off the mouth of ah finally auocaeded In doing eo after the Columbia river October 28, but alnc th draw had been held open another that time nothing haa been heard of her. .20 minute. It waa thought at tha time .that aha . As ahe passed through tha open draw, might bay had to atand well off from backing down stream, the current, which shore on account of galea which came la pretty atlff at the present time. up about that time, but ahe haa Men 1 caught her and, aa ahe could not be out so long since then that that Ideal easily handled while going stern first, was given up. -jahe waa carried agalnat the east side Bklppera who have had considerable of the draw pier and slid along It experience on the- weat coast - do not until ahe waa In th clear. pfm to think that there la any causa The opinion among river- men who for alarm about her aa yet, aa they eaj watched her go through aeemed to be that there are many reasons why ahe that ahe would have ' had no trouble . might make an extremely alow paasage and would not have detained traffic but from one' of those porta.- The British' a few mlnutea had ahe turned around bark Jordanblll, which arrived In At- above the bridge instead of waiting un torla October S from i Ouaymaa. ' waa tit ahe waa through to head down about 60 daya In making-, tha paasage, stream. She ran through the. ateel and Captain Ketihealy aaya that he doe bridge without trouble, I "'not ,aee, any -particular cttuse for Ymx- J ' The 'Majeatio took- I llree af nntavtlla; Rev. Albert K. Patch. 11 andI7:6: 8, 8.. 10; T. P. V.. 6:80. Topics, "Prayer," "IB It. Profit hie tn Re e l-hrUtlanr' ' TInivereltv Park 8. S.. -10. ' 11 end T:80i H. Y. P. 11.- 7." ' Sunnyalde (German) Forty-first and Hawthorne; Jttey,.v. eiaraein. .x, 9. o. St. Tonne f rjrmen Kev. rein tneth. 8. 8 :45; services JLand 7:0. BL Johns Rev.' V. U. vwen, , nd. 7:80; 8. 8.. 10; B. T. P. U.. :!. Chinese, Mission 81 to Ux sireei. 8.. 7i preaching. 8. by Rev. Fung Chsk- .- . ' ... - First German rourtn ana ui; Bev. J. Kratt. 11 and 7:80; B. B., .:4ft. Second German Morrl atreet and Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Buermann, 11 and 7:80; 8. 8;, :46.. Eaat Forty-fifth 'atreet Corner East Main: 11:15 and 7:80; B. Y. P. U.. i:45; Sermons by Key. A. B. Walta. - nta H. a., 10; 11 ana t:u, a. 1. U- 6:30." Bermons by Rev. B. C ronlr. ' . - . Mount Olive Seventh 'and Everett: Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. 11 and 7:80, HwrHh Movt and Fifteenth: Rev Erlck Scheratrom. 10:45 end, 7:45; a S.. 12; B. Y. P. TJ.. 6:80. : Third Knott and Vancouver. Rev, R. Schwedler, 11. and 7:80; 8. 8., 10. Woodstock Forty-first and Holgate; Rev. F. E. Park. 11 and 7:80; S. 8., :45; K, I. M. Fvenlag aermoa by -onng, 1-. ci. 1I C Itev. C. C. I' Meeond Fargo a ad Kerby, Rev, C C ronng, 1 v ana 1 :ia. HL Joha'e Ivanhoe aad Joha. Rev, li, r. I ate, a, ., 1. i RECORD PRICE J rnn m nrnTrn rUK ULUWItl.i $1 Tor Bushel Jloves 3Iufh WhvAt in. Inland Empire MTIUVUVU ABwMUUtlBI. I . e a . . e - . . ft First Eaat ailiih and Mar- JllirllCr I TICCS 1 101111 eil. ket. K. R Culv.r. U and t;8; Y. P. A, r "! I.J: 8. 8. 10. First German Tenth and Clav. F. Ben a. 10:41 and 7 41; H. H. 0:80; T. P. I p. in. Toploa, "The Iattera of Clirlet te-tb Church at Smyrna," "Heading, vvnau nowr Memorial Kaat Eighteenth and Tib- (Rpecl.l Meaate!) te laie Joaraal.t Colfax. Waeh... Nov. to. A pew re. ord for wheat price wn aatabllelird here today, blueatem being, quoted at It Mr bueliel. th hleheet flenftre ever neiia, aaorri iieveriing, 11 ana a. 0, 1 reached at thla ean of the year In v. Free Ketbodlst, Flrat church Eaat Ninth and MI1L David M. cathey. 11 and I; 8. .. 10: J. P. M., T. Second church Hbat Flander. be tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth sireef. jtev. . w Bur N. forree. 11 and T:it; s, n., 10; clasa meeting. I: JO. . Olive Branch Mission Second and Ankeny. A. Wella, auperlntendent. Meeting every evening at. 8: Sunday 11. All who can write and have Meaa. 'era nrmmA e v ..m. v .4lea r. gardle of the derren of their education, aa tha nenera ere tin. veloe from an educational ' or literary standpoint, but from tb point of. view of tb . -'-j wi luoir rwioiiN lane out " cargo of lety urttil. the, Buteshire has been out lumber to California, porta,, her deck- , yo dajra.," ; r t load of ties beln probably the largest onipmaatar aay tnai 11 in no unusual 1 m - mu uuwa oui uo a oimun thing for a ehlp to be caught In a, calm In theaa water -and held for week, during which time her bottom will be come, more fouled every day, and when ahe. doe get a breeie ahe . can hardly : make time at all. . The Jordanhlll would have been out longer than-' she was had it not been for a tramp steamer which gave -her a tow'? about 100 mile when ahe waa In a dead calm. , aohooner this aeaaon.- She carries about 1,000,000 feet of lumber and ahe wa loaded until her guarda were under water. - . Presbyterian. First Twelfth and Alder, Rev. Wll Ham Hiram Foulkes, 10:80 and 7:80:8 8., 12:10; Y. P. U., 6:30. Topic. "The Offense of the Cross." "Selling Hla Rltthrlwht " .:-.- Mlapah Eaat Twelfth and Powell; Rev. Harry Leeds, 11 and 7:80: H. S., 10; XX E., 6:30. . Calvary Kievenin ana uay, nev. (Copyright, 1809. by Rev, T. &; fclng- - cotv MX, P.) . i , t Wovember 1009. ; Paul' atorv Of hla life. IT. Cor t . H to xii.. 10. uoiden- Text H aald unto ma. My grace 1 , sufficient for thee: for mv strength la made, perfect In weaknera. 11 i.or xii.. .. k .... - Verae 21 Do. Vnil k-nnw inv nerenn In all history Who had a hater rltrhr to boldly tell of hla Bufferings than Paul? Verses 22-28 la there any lack of modesty, or good taste. In PaUt or any other true man. aivm- a full account of hie quallflcatlona and hi suffering or unrisfa causer what advantage Ja It tb be bom of gooa stock T what advantage waa It to Paul thftt he was a Hebrew, an Israelite, and of the aeed of Abraham? la there any higher privilege, or greater honor than to have labored and ful love and grace of God to him, and ALOXGf THE WATERFRONT MARIXS; IXTEXLIGEyt.'B Beguiar Zdan Bu to Arrive. JBJn, 'i iciii. .................. iiov. - 1 George W. Elder, San Pedro. .. .Nor. 51 81 ..Nov. 23 ..Nov. 28 ..Nov. 23 ..Nov. 24 ..Nov. 26 ..Nov. 26 ..Nov. 27 , .Nov. 30 With passenger and a full cargo of general' freight- the steamer - Alliance, CapUIn Parsons, salted last nfght fur cooe.Bay. " ' I .. : - The Gecman ship PAmasses will shift today from the North Bank dock to , the elevAtor dock, where she will finish tier cargo as soon aa the Yintiennea leaves there, which, will be about next . Thursday,. : ' From the Victoria dolphlr.s the Ger man bark Wandabek will shift to the North Bank dock Monday. ! , ! ; : Iaden with a cargo of 800,000 ft of lumber; the steamer Johan Poulaen . left for Ban Francisco yesterday after .' noon. ' With a cargo of lumber for Shanghai the Norwegian steamer Christian Mich lesen. Captain Bentxen, will leave down today at noon. She is laden with J.U00.00O-f eet; of firr valued -at-' 132,350. She 1 dispatched by Balfour, Guthrie & The American barkentine J. M. Grif- JoV pti-n 7 ,i iTe Wandabek. Ger.- bk. . i . . i . I .North Bi for Portland , 'Sh is ttnder charter; w, h. Smith. Am. eoh. Linn rmiiour, uuione ec vo : ana win ioaa about 700,000 feet of lumber at ono of toe local mills for Peru. She will be 'due here for December loading. .... - - .Nov. 21 Nov. 21 .Nov. 22 .Nov. 22 .Nov. 24 .Mjv. 24 .Nov. 28 .Nov. 29 .Nov. SI MARINE NOTES - Astoria,. Nov. 20. Condition at the mouth-of the river at 5 p. m., smooth; wind southwest, IS miles; weather rain. . Ing. : .. . .. ' . . ' ' - . . '. Astoria. ' Nor. 20. Sailed s,t 7:1 . ate'amef- Kansas City for. San Francisco; arrived at 7:15 a.nd left up at 8:40 a. m. steamers Shna Yak and Tamalpals from San Francisco; arrived at 7:16 and left up at i a. m. steamer Olympio from San Pedro; sailed at 8 a. m. steamer Eureka for Coos Bay and Eureka; arrive t 0:15 a. m. French bark Neuilly from Cardirr via Kahulul; u sailed at 8:16 a. m. steamer Elmore for Tillamook; - ar rived at 12:18. p. m, French bark Fran cois from Ibndon. ' . : ; , 8an Frartclsco. -Nor. JO.Arrlved at iv a. m. eicamer rcoanoxe irom ron- . una ior sun reure; ,aauea ai x p. m. ' steamer Kansas City for Portland.. . . '. Monterey. Nor. 20. Sailed steamer W. fl Pnrt., trtf tlAftl.flil 1 , Argo, Tillamook Breakwater, Coos Bay ...,. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... Kansas City, San. Francisco. Eureka, Eureka Alliance, Coos Bay Roanoke, San Pedro Rose City, San Francisco ... Santa Clara; San Francisco. . Begnlsz lar Due to Depart. Santa Clara, San Francisco. ... .Nov. 21 Argo, Tillamook. . : Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook ... Geo. W. Elder, San Pedro, . . . Breakwater. Coos Bay ....... Eureka, Eureka....... Kansaa City, San Francisco.. Alliance, Coos Bay...... Roanoke. San Pedro ......... Rose City, San Francisco. ..... .Deo. 3 , Vessels la Tort, Neulllv. Fr. bk... Astoria Firancois, Fr. bk. Astoria Tamalpals, Am, 89..,., Oak street Shna. Yak. Am. ss. ...... ..Couch street Olympic, Am. ss. ........... .Oak street CaJama; Am. ss.. s .. Linnton Ley land Bros.. Br. eh ......... .O. W. P. Donna Francegca, Br. bk.. ... . .Astoria Plorre Antonlne.Tr.' Uk. . .T. Columbia 2 Cane Flnlsterre. fir. as..... Port. L. Co. Bougainville, Fr. bk. . . . . . ..On way up Marchai a Castries, -r. sen. , .centennial Nantes, Fr. bk, . , .. . . .Lirmton Bank ton Paranaesos. Ger. sh. ...... . .Elevators Ia Rochejaquetin, Fr. bk.,.. Gas Dock Altalr. Br. bk.-. . .... ........ .Columbia Jordanhlll, Br. bk. .Tnrhan-Poulsen Poltalloch. Br, bk..... victoria dolphlna Berlin,. Am. sch... . . . , , . . rGobla Washington. Am. as. ' .......-..Linnton Neotsfleld. . Br. bk ....... 4 . M . .Oceanic Henry VI Hard, Am, ah.. . . . ..-.Aatorla Brabioch. Br. bk ............. .Oceanlo Glenalvoe,- Br. ah. ............ .Oceanic Gulf --Stream. Br. bk Elevators St. Nicholas, Am. ah........ . ...Gobi -Incennes, Fr. bk....... .....Elevators ' En" Bout to Xoad t, umber. ' Wellesley. Am. s ....... San Francisco i Olvmuia Am. as ........San Francisco Casoo ...... San Francisco Inca Am, ch. . .. . . .Ban Francisco E. K. -Wood, A.m, sch. ....San Francisco Marhof f er San Francisco H. B. Bendixen, Am. sch. San Francisco Saginaw, Am. S. S. ......San Francisco Shoshone. Am. ss." San Franclscc Kalrrter, Am. ss, ....... i .Man Kranclsco Carlos, Am. , ss...... .....San Francisco Tamalpals. Am. tn...,...8u Francisco Ea Boot With Osment aad. OeaaraL BossueC Fr. -bk. ............. .Antwero Crillon, Fr.- eh. ..... ...Antwerp David d'Angera, Fr, eh.. .London Ernest Legouve, Fr. bk. '.(....Hamburg a Perouae, Ft. bk. ........... .Antwerp LeMn Blum. rr. bk ......Ban Francisco Manx King Br. sh.. ......... .Antwerp Marecha! Noalllea. Fr. bk. ....Antwerp Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:80 end 7:45; TilZljT ,""' .. "?:L1Y. L."" S."? Tilhle achool. noon. Too c. "From Moun- iu OI wmai, wmcn t . ir.n" "t the ireet of s tno cause or humanity? Jesus." I Doe true ministry, thea and now, Fourth First and GIbbs; Rev. Donald always imply much, suffering and self- MacKenzia, iv:su ana i.ov. a. a., n., v.iaeniair Bfal-tWore" p.,fc twelfth .r. fl4-S7 What lu th best word TteRv. NeTslle'n.f t0 obl 7:30; 8. S., 12; a B., 6:30. Topks, who, at th expense ,of lifelong and nn- "Thanksglvlng," stereoptioon lecture on nunnr, guv umnu up to "Journey to Bethlehem." ,. tne ervlce of other? (This auestlon f orDes oeuwooa ana umnenoein; i must d answered 1 WTlUng by mm uv, a. a,, gin or til OlUbt. Pledmbht Cleveland and Jarrett; eaa uniu tne awry or tnia bitter Rev. J. E. Snyder, 11 and 7:30; S. S., and prolonged suffering Is burned Into 12:15. r- your, memory, and then .read the sory Chinese 145 FIrst,'7:45; S. 8.; 6:45. of Paul's gret work and of the wdnder- westminster iuasi renin, ana weia ler; Rev. Henry M&rcotte, . 10:30 and 7:30: S. S.. 12:, Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30. Marshall Street Marshall and North Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Haya, 11, 4. Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty- man; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, 11 and 8; a 8., 10. , Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth and Spokane; Rev. D. A. Thompson, 11 and 7:80; 8. S 10; C. E., 6:80. Third .East Thirteenth and Pine; Rev. J. A. P. McGraw. 10:80 and 7:45; S. S., 12. Hope Montaviiia, East seventy- elehth street. Rev. Henry L. Nave. S. fl 10: 11 and 7:30. Kenllworth East Thirty-fourth and Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; S. 8. 12; Y. P., 7. -Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town- send: services. 10: 8. S.. 11:15. Anabel Rev. John A. Townsend. Serv ices, 11:80 and 7:46; S. S., 10:16; C. E. T. Trinity Dakota street, Rev.- A. Rob inson, 7:45 p. m.; C. E. 6:45; S. S.. 11. Vernon wygant and East Nine teenth; Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and 8; B. 8., 8:46; C. E-. 7. Catholic St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis Most Rev, A. Christie, D. D. Low mass, 6, s and . Hign mass ana sermon, 11.' vespers, instruction ana benediction. 7:46. i , St. Joseph'a (German), Fifteenth and coucn Kt, kov. james jKauw, v. u. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers, benediction, 8:30. St. Francis. East Eleventh and Oak- Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass, 6, 8:80 j and 8;. 8. S., 10; E. L., 7. then think of the aumntuoua Uvea of th chief priests; who were, lu great measure, responsible for Paul's suffer ing, and then say, after all,, which got me more aggregate joy out or life, 1'aui or fcyf- 1 ' I.jw many of these cruel suffering, to which Paul refers, are mentioned lsewher in th Nw Testament? Give chapter And verae. (See Acta lx- 34-16; xlv., li; xrl.. 21 et aeo.) ' Verses 21-13 I Paul an wteeptlon. or is it th duty of all of us to hav a great car for ell th churches, and to be in sympathy with everybody,' weep ing with those who weep, and rejoicing with those who rejoice T ' Which is the greatest man. the one who excels In education, in science. In oratory, In statesmanship; or. tb on who excels In hla lov for th church, for th poor, for sinners, and in a heart that sympathizes with all mankind T Chapter xii., 1-1 What' la the logical or scientific vain of Paul's experience of heaven? What Is th only real proof of God, of Immortality and of th wisdom of th plritual life? ' Is It probable, or possible. That per sons ' today may hav similar experi ence of the unseen world aa Paul? Verses 7-10 What waa Paul's "thorn in the fleahr What 1 the greatest "thorn (n th flesh" that strong and healthy spiritual rnrr have today? ' Lesson for Sunday, November 28, 1909. ' Paul on Self-Denlal. (World's Temperance Lesson), Romans, xlv, 10-21. ' ' ' ' ' fMinistertr. rJundav acrmaT (teachers and -'there-"'' Interested are invited to write The Journal briefly their view as to th worth of the "question." particularly if they consider them of value in their work. Clarence True Wilson, JX D., 10:80 and! Clinton. Rev. X Krause, 10:80 and 7:30: is. l... 6:30: 8. 8.. m:l6. TODiea. .(: o. a.. :su. wny ana mow tne bidio was tie-1 nmiy Gorman i .Missouri synoai vised," first in a series on "The Twelve winiams ana esenwooa; J, A. Klmbacn. Blr Bible Questions."; o. a., iu: x,aureiwooa jiev. ti. sa. Myers; 11 dwbuibh ugustana Kooney ana and 7:30: S 3., ,10; E. I. 6:80. ta.nt0'?i Rev.- C A. Tolin. 10:45 and Central Vancouver avenue: and Fargo) : . a.. :so. , 'TJaltarlam. Church of Our Father Yamhill and Beventn. Hey. w. O. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. 1. l-lf tl ri - . I .. i -. - a v., .... v.. wiiuairr iiiwrilUB, I A nd 7:46: 8. B.. 9:45; adult class, 12:30; 'oplca,' ''Salvation- Acoordlna to the tirtnnaox Creeds and salvation Accord ing to Jesus." Hong service with ser- men by Rabbi Jonah it. Wise. S. 8. harvaai service at ;4 a. m. Ohrlstlaa Colaaea. Firt Church of Christ Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and Lownadale, 11; s; b. ix; auoiect or leaaon sermon, "Soul and Botly.' . 1 ., Serond Woodmen's hall, Eaat Sixth and Alder, 11; 8; 8. 8.. 12: aubject of lesson sermon, - tsoui, ana Boay. ' mBd' Oharoh. Sunnysld. Main and East Thirty. fifth. Llndley A. Welle, 11 and 7:30; Bible school, 10; C. E.. 6:30. . Lent. Center atreet, Myra B. Smith, ii ana y:io; bidi scnjool. io. th history of wheat raining in thla sec tion of th northwest. 8o rar aa ran be learned, none wa sold at thla price In Colfax, farmer holding for till further advance, but In St. John aevaral thousand bushels were surrendered. A . representative of one of Uie largest line companies stated tonight that about - per rent of th crop was yet unsol.l. and that 31 per bushel now mean that the remainder will go for thia ftgur-i or bette.r '. ' Other quotation today were: Forty- fold. 86e; Club Flf nd . Turkey Red. 15c; Red Russian, 314c; oats, $174; barley, I.15. Walla Walla. Wash.. Nor. J0.D. H. Cox. a local grain buyer, today offered 6 cents for Turkey Red. and much wheat changed handa at thla price. There waa a audden jump' of . about 6 rents, and this had th effect of bull ing th market in general about 3 or 4 cent. . This I th highest price paid this year by about 5 cents. Cox was. acting for a' Portland firm whose name is un known. . JIOTOR CAR SERVICE WALtUIiA TO DAYTON" SC. X. Chnroh South. Union avenue and Multnomah street Daw U Unwv& 1, m.-a. CS a . h . E. L.. 6:80. TodTcs. "Do Natunil Laws I par on between Dayton and Wallula Account for the Power of Christ?" Ad- through Walla Walla. The new car (Special Diarates to Tb Journal. I Walla Walla. Wash.. Nov. 20. By way of improving th local train service, th O. R. N. will put a gasoline motor dress by Mr. Florenc Roberts, "Jew els.- Beformed. First German Tenth and Stark streets, G. Hafner paator. Services 10:45 a. m. and d. m.: 8. 8.. 9:30 a. m Y. P. 8., 7 D. m. Even In tr unlan ta Women's Home Missionary society, Mr. x. uiapsiaei ana Mrs. M. Howard. will make a trip each way daily. One of the cars waa brought west for an experiment. and goes into service Tuesday. IT nir realist. Church of the Good Tidlnss Broad way and East Twenty-fourth: Rev J. D. Corby, 10:46; 8. 8., 12. Topic, "Be lieving. Doing and Growinc After tha uivine i-aiiem. atreet, Rev. C L. Hamilton, 10:30 and 7:30; S. S., 12; E. L., 6:30. Norwegian Danish Vancouver ave nue and Skidmore. Rev. C. J. Larsen, 11 ana r s. a.. 12:16. Japanese Mission 121 North Fif teenth, Rev. Eilsen Ribara, 8:30: S. S.. 3:30. Swedish Borthwlck and Beach, Rev. bt. John 8 Peninsula avenue and rrli..,i.i.. n A.iipaLriua; a p. in. t Swedish Mission Seventeenth and Glisan; Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11 and 8; a. o.. iu; x. jr., o:au. EUm Chanel Michlaran avenue mil 9:30 and Skidmore, Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11; 8. 8., Immanuel German Corner 15th and Miscellaneous. First Spiritual Society Kllham-Davla hall, Second and Washington. Confer ence, 11; evening service 7:46. Topic, Hunsnine; Spirit Meesagee." Church of New Thousht Sellina-- Hlrseh hall, Henry Victor . Morgan. 8 p. m. Mental Assassination, la It Possible?" Swedish Corps Salvation Armv 430 Burnside. 11, 4:80 and 8. Meal urns" and Ministers Association Auditorium building, 11. 3 and- 7:45. Latter Day Saints (Mormons) Raat Tenth and Sherman. J. C. Wasterrard. presiding elder, 11 and 6; 8. 8., 10. Aaveni unristian aecona, between Hall and LInooln. E. Wallace Bhepard. 10:80 and 7:80. volunteer of America 285 Burnside atreet, 8:30 and 8:30. Divine Truth Center 301 Allnlrv building. Rev. Thaddeua M. Minard. 11: B. fc., lz. Tonic. "The ODen IvOad to success," Dy Kev, F. j. oreen. New Thought East Thirteenth and Tenlno, 8. Kev. P. J. Green, Church of Naaarene East Seventh and couch. 11, New Church Society (Swedenborgen) jcieventn ana Aiaer, n.nignts or x-"y-thias' hall. Lay service and sermon, 11, Non-Sectarian Odd Fellows' hall. Eaat Sixth and Alder; 1:30, up to date Dime aiuuics. . Center of Right Thinking W. O. W, tern pie, izg Eleventh and Alder streets, Mrs. hi. snerman uiney: s tt. m. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints East Seventy sixth and Irving. Elder Walter Bar- Ker. it ana 7:so; 8. s.. io:45. spiritualist meeting at Alisky hall ED two ens One had Face Covered with Itching Eruption Eyesight was Affected . Raw, Itching Humor Spread Over the Other from Head to Feet In a Single Day Dreadful SKIN-TORTURES YIELD -TO EASY TREATMENT John Ovall. 11 and 8: S. S.. 10: E. L.. 7: Leo (Sellwood). H. a Ebellng. 10:30: . T-VX. 1V 5T2- Tonloe. "The Will of finA. "The rireet 8. 8.. 9:30. ' I ""i" .." enie, o, Salvation." o Grace English Rodney and Iry. AI tirsi uerman irteentn ana Moyt; n.Deung, 1:30. G. A. Waasa; 11 and 7:80. Evangelical Kerby and Fargo etreets. second uerman eianton ana noaney, 1 u. nagoes. Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8; S. S.. 9:46: IS. Ls-t I SU, Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma. Kev. juester c. r-oor, 11 ana 7:30; J. lfi. L. 2:30: E. L.. 6:?n. The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thicty nlnth and Powell, Rev. Ernst Leon Jones; S. S., 9:45; 11 and 8; E. La 7. Montaviiia East Pine and Eighteenth streets, Rev. naroia ooerg; n ana a 8., 10: class meeting, 12; E. L-, 7:16 Congregational. First Madtenn end Park P Luther R. Dvott. n D Rev rsnv r. juick, assistant; 11 and 7:45: 8. s.. 9:40. TODlcs. "A Nation In th Milrlnr" "The l-sycnoiogy or Jesus." Laurelwqod Rev. W. H. Myers; 11: S. 8., 10; C. E., 6:30. Bunnysia jsast Taylor and East Woodiawn William J. Douglas; 11 Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J. S and 9:30. High mass und sermon, 10:30-. Vespers, Instruction and benediction, 7:30. . St Lawrences', Third and snerman Kev. J. c. Hughes, low mass, 6, 7 ana 8:30. Hieh mass and sermon. 10:30. Vesners and benediction. 7:30. Ascension, Montaviiia, Rev. 3. P. Fitxpatrlck. Mass. and sermon, 9" In j chapel of Sisters of the Precious BloOd. St. Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savler V -IT! T Unrnh T.OW man,' B Ullh "."-l .'' University Park Dawson and Flske. ev. w. K. Jerrry, j.; 11 ana 7:su. African Zlon Thirteenth and Main, Rev. W. Matthews; 11 and 8; S. S., 1. Mount Tabor uast Btark and Slxtv- lirat. j. w. Hcuougaii: 11 ana 7:so. Woodstock J. D. Voce: 11 and 7:30: 8. S-, 10: E. L.. 6:30. Patton Michigan avenue and carpen ter, d. a, watters; 11 ana r; a. 10; "Mental Telepathy. uiaastone Meeting Meeting com mences at Gladstone tonight and con tinues indefinitely. Reside home forces it is expected that Rev. A. A. Berry of tne A.ern rum unnsuan cnurcn will De in tne meeting soon. Y. W. C. A. This aftrnoon at o'clock at the y. W. C A., there will be a Thanksgiving program for girls. i-iano soio. miss nazei watts: vocal solo. Miss Zeta Hollister: readings. Miss Edna, May Well. All girl ar in- vitea. Y. M. C. A. City association. Sixth and Taylor streets Meeting for men L,,h 7:80; S. S., 10; C. E.. 6!fo. Topics. o'clock will be addressed by Dr. I , s n. I B t n t-t, K.t .SC,VI.' BtUl fi. . tf.1 .OUO ,i, I . ... . . - . o ri . Uu .u . Marwnu r.oa.Juea, r r. om. . uST m ' , J'e7T T V ., ' Notre Dame d'Arvolr. Fr. bk.... Antwerp barkentine J. M. Griffith for Portland. Wavertree. Br. sh. .........Uvemool Tides at Astoria, Sunday High water: Arctic Stream. Br. ah. ...Tyn - Tift e rr, 7 1 fet Tift TV. m I! fl Low' water; 9.H a. rn, 1.1 feet; 1:86 p. m., 8.1 "feet. :: TE3ITERS DAJIAGED EtMt Siders Grumble BecamM of Slow . Stramer. Bumping lightly against the east aide Qrela Xonna- . En. Boate ta Ballast. Amlral Cecllle. Tr. sh. :.. Honolulu Comliebcnk, Br. bk. ........ VaJperaiao Francois, Fr. ba .......London L'Hermet. FT- bk. ....... .....Dur.klra Le Filler. Fr. bk. ....t.. .......Dublin Pierre LotlrFr. bk. .Dublin Rene. Fr. bk. , Franclsce Sully. Fr. bk. .Limerick . Sa movie Wltk CoeX Bel en. Fr. bk. Newcastle. X. 8. of the draw of th Burnsld atreet Jean Bert t r. bk...weaetla. N. S. W. onan. and aiiaina aionr 11 until ana waa clear, lh steam schooner Ma Jeatle finally negotiated th opening af ter ahe had held the draw open for 45 minute yesterday afternoon. No dam age wa don to tbe pier but there wa much damag to tbe feeling of those tk bad bualneaa on th other ld of th brtdr opening.. At 4 $ e'clock yeeterday afternoon thm dmw waa opened for the Ma)etlv whieii was In charge of pilot Kdwln Pulilvan. to at throvgh. which rbe aiterarted to do. hacking down trreaa frwrn the 'tarHard Bot factory, where he hni taken oe a defined rf te. 7 he, twvr.t te get thrwerb falied and at 4 : rW tbe tut n.f on t r w'UM t he Vpt-Be, a tfc Tl t-n rf 1 fr:o;t-. OU Cerrtar Xta Atlaa. Am. mm Aaunclon Asa. aa ...... Argyie, Asa. ae. ........ ,San Franc! ace .Pan rrancleco ,8 a Franc! see THE-TRE MANAGERS TASS RESOLUTIOXS Revolution . rerrettlng rhe death of th late James 1L Erricksoa. manager of th Orr-heuni were paxeed yesterday by th Theatrical Manage asportation of Oregnav, ef whk-a Mr Er rl kaon waa a merot-er and by th Tbe-trV-al Mr'chanica' eene ta t ton. No It, ti'rotjrh Owrr L. Bkr. rr''i'''rt of tKh oraton. o-lee f brnh r-eo-!u!'fn were st the Mow tit tve late Hev. E, P. Murphy. Low maea- 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. .vespers and benediction. 8:30. St Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill Jesuit . Fathers. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vesper and Benediction, t.zo. St. Stephen'. Firty-secortd and East Taylor Rev. W. A. Waitt. Low mass. 8:30. Hlsh mass and sermon, - 10:8 - Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams and ' Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and err- mon, io:so. vespers ana Deneaiction, 7;so.- - - . Holy Rosary, East Third and Union very Kev. a. b. utwur. uiw mass, , 7 snd 8:30. High mass and sermon 10:80. Vesoers and benediction; 7:30. Sacred Heart. Mllwaukie Rer. Gre gory Rohle, O. S. B. Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon. 10:30. Vesoers and benediction. 7:80. Holr Cross, University Park Rr. J, P. ThMlman. C S. C Low mass. 8:80. High mass snd sermon, 10:30. Veeoers ana oeneaicuon. e. Holy Redeemer. Portland . and Van- couvei- Rev. Ed K. CantwelL C BS. R. Low mass, s Lents Seventh and Gordon. Rev. W. Boyd Moor. ' 11 and 8; S. S.. 10; E. L, i. "The Infallible 'rHs'tlnetion'J Modern Life." St. Johns Rer. G. W. Nelson; 11 and e; is. iu University Park Haven and Dawann. Rev. O. W. Rlgas: 11 and 7:30: S. a.. 10: Cj., CIV, Hassalo Street East Seventh and inassaio, Kev. George E. Paddock, 11 and 7:45; S. 8., 10. Topics, "The i ninKing Man in tne Presence of Jesus, ijove as an eternal irarc. Baptist church of Spokane. x. M. c. orcnestra. Music by GEORGE ASKS TO BE XET ALONE AWHILE Seattle, Wash.. Nov. io. Charles E. George, the Tacoma lawyer, whose mat HlihtandnSt S tefh' Tad Preacott. troVble- hav.e been thoroughly . . n. 1,, . . . . l lrl in Tne annorlor. noiirr or Ktnr xev. m. o. coiiinnr. 1 1 ann :au: ri. m f - 1 o , ZpisoopaL Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett A. A. Morrison, . 8- and - 11. Evening frayer, : . Kmmanuai movement meet ng, ?:.;AB. 8.. 9:46. Sr. Matthew's. First and Caruthera . Rev. W. H. H. -Breek. Holy commun ion, 7:30; 8. S., 10; service and sermon, 11; sermon by Bishop Charles Scaddlng. . Church of Our Savior Woodstock. 11 and 8. Pro-Cathedral of St. Rtenhen. the Martyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. H. M. Ramsay. 7:30. 11 and 7:20 o. m : 8 S. 946 St. David's East Twelfth and Bel mont Rev I? ,1 ..1 1 T.lhnt tl.ltf oomrminlon, 7:30; prayer and aermona. ll ana 7:4a; s. :4&. St Andrew's.' Portsmouth Holy ucharist and sermon, 11; prayer and ilu; !. b., iv a. 10; Y. P. C. E.. 6:30. Tonics. "The urace n men Raven ; musical program. First German East Seventh and Rer, I Stanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 10:80 and i:au; s. s :i; u. m., c:so. Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri svenue. Rev; uaniei p. Tliomas. 11 and 7:aoi d. e :to, county for several weeks past, haa writ ten a ' latter to Seattle, dated from San Francisco, November 17, in which he asks to be allowed to live a quiet life for a time, with a slight let-up on the notoriety surrounding the several di vorce cases and civil Suits in which he has been a central figure. v "In 1 907 my face broke out In a mvi of itching sores which finally affected ? y my evesieht. I triod several highly recom mended salves that cost . one dollar an. ounce, but to no avail. A friend of mine urged me to try Cuticura Soap - and Cuticura Ointment aa he waa sure of good results from his own -experience. - I used the) Cuticura Ointment for about sir weeks, after washing thoroughly with the Cuticura Soap. My face is in perfect health now which I owe to the Cuticura 'Remedies. I shall always stand by them as one of the greatest blessings to the suffering thousands. Arthur D. Gridley, 532 Dean St., Brooklyn, N, Y Apr. , 1909." "In the middle of "the night of March 30th I woke ud with a burning itch in my two handa and I felt as if I could pull them apart.; In the morning the ltfhino had irnt to mv chest and during that day it spread all over my body. I was red and raw from th too of my head to the soles of my feet and I was in continual asonr from the itching. I could neither lie down nor sit up. I happened to see about Cuticura: Reme dies and I thought' I would give them a trial. I took a (rood bath with the Cuti cura. Soap and used the Cuticura Oint ment. 1- put it on from my neaa aown to. my feet and then went to bed. On the first-of April I felt like a new man. The itching was almost gone., I con- -tlnued with the Cuticura Soap and Oint men and during that dar the itching completely left me. - Frank Gridley, 3'JS , E.'43rd St..New York City, Apr. 27, '09.H Complete Externa! and Internal Ttratmrnt for Ifverr Humor ot Intents. Children and Adult con sist ot Culirura fcotn (2Sc.) to Cleanse the Skin. Cutirura Ointment aOe. to Heel the 6km and Cuii cra Rreolrent (50e.), (or In the torm ot Chorols'e Cos led put. 2,5e. ier vial of 60) to Purity tbe Blood.: Sold throughout the world. Potter Pni A Chetn. Corp., Sole Prona. 135 Columbia Ave., Poxlon, Mae. e-Melled Free, Sf-tsutet'utleMrm Boo. a autboei Ry m tieatmeot ot SkiB aad 6calp Claeaaea. . - f sermon, 7i20; 8. B., 10 a. m. All Ralnt'a Twentr.fifth anil Ravlar High roaaa and aersnon, I Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Holy cora- ll ; o. United Brethren la Christ. First East Fifteenth .and Morrison. Rev. Russell 8. Showers. 11 and 8: S. iv; vj. ni., i. Radical sixth ana Mechanic, Rer. Os car A. Martin. 11 and 7:80: S. a. 10: tj. c, :ju. Third South Mount Tabor; Rev. C P. Blanchard. Bible school. 8. Alberta East Twenty-seventh and Mtiarea, Kev. a. tx. J!,mericit, 11 ana 8. Tremont Wisdom and Curtla streets. Kev. xi. t. csnaiier; a. a.; preacn ing. 8:80. IS TO 10:30. Benediction. 4. - I m union, 8; prayer and sermon, KL Andrews. Mnlb AI6rt IB 12:15: evenina- Driver. 8. Rev. Thomas Klernan.. Low maea. 8. 1 flt MerV'a Tvtntv.rint rA Mi,. High mas and sermon. 1 0 Veaparavin- shall... Rev, J.-JBli. Klmpaon, - Holy Btmctton and benediction. T:8. I eucharist. 7:80 and 11; 8. S.. :46: St. Ianatlus. Fort V-SPCond and Powell I metlne inA litanv. la lS- avenenne-. i-ia. Valley road Rev. K. Dillon. S. J. Lew gt Jobn'a Church Multnomah and mass. 8 and :0. Mas, sermon and I Taylor, n and 7:80: 8. 8... ia. benediction. 10:30; - . .... uix4 Shepherd Graham aad Van- 8t Btanlalaua. Maryland aad railing rouver. Rev. John 1 eon 11 an4 xtev. v:. oerosai. iow maaa, e. axiaaiv-je- t:4t maea and sermon. 10. . , - XCrtlkOdlst. Taylor Street Rer. Benjamin ToungJ . I3 18:1 and 7:10-8 B 18:19; K. l- "Thanksalvinlr " orace t well! a no Taylor. Kr. joea it. cuotipp. IX. l , io:3 anrt J o; ts. a. 11. l: t Le, .xo. i or.K-a, AXQanca for Christ." . Sacred eonr-ert. Xorarertaa - Iranian Tt lrteenth and Davis, Rav. K. p. Nelson. 11 aad 8; B. 8.. SunnyIde Kaet Tamhlll and Thirty- Grsce AfetnoriaL " East " Seventeenth and Weldler Rev. Geora R. Vaa Wat- I ' Ohrlstlaa, Central Eaat Twentieth and Sal mon: Rev. J. F. Gormley. 11 and 7:S: LBible school... 10. Topics. Thanksgiv- 1UK erii-ea, revival aervices. 1-1 rat Comer Park and Columbia. W. F. Ragor, minister. 11 and 7:80: a 8.. :S0. Topic. -The Crowned Tear" "Va-fsithfnlneaa.'' Kera Park Pitt and Mldbura: Rr. A. ABee.y. .4 and 7:808. g., 10; C Jtl :S. Rodney Avenue Rodney aad Knott; ter. Prayar and. sermon. 11; 8. 8, 10.Thomaa G. Plcton, 11 and T:89; 8. S-. Asoanslon Chanel Portland ItelrhLa. aV I to. PL Paul Wood ro er. Rer. J. C For- ythe: 11 a. m : 8. 8.. t:4k KisnnB aiorns Hemoriai rMri. oooo Samaritan hoepltaL Rev. William R. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion. 7 a. m ward eervicea. I: era rer and rmog, I .id p. m. t Jame aVataaraa. FnslUh tVeet Park and "Tbe Shadow fifth; W. T. Eneter; II end I M; R. m I Jefferson; 3. Alien leaa, 1! and t:48; S; r l--. :. TOPIC. "By v Per A a . t j Tonic -TKe ri aioe mr n wran, i n itdqiiu t iteum or a MUrtn. vo. ny Ti'iuoi utrrrni!i. of the 'ro. L John Rev. r. . Baodefur; III wedirh lanmanne KIreentai IM : ri l. j: b. v i. Ilrt lnc II and i; S. S, :4 Frwerth Twmtr-atTth arrd lv4ee, t Korwertaa F rr"4 Kaet Tenth and B'v. teriea T. McFbereoe; n and CreM: her O Ilacea. 7:4: 8. 9. 11. a:4: K. I. 4. Tn-e, I Kf-tan'a naelet rnle enit Merti; e eiye'err ei tnnauuiitr. lunai Hr. J. r"-ru n aeej i: s. i. FM ef Honer. t'r'r'e M ss!M Cbaa Sing Kal; 11 nd 1 T T-1-"r rlT'"(M 7r,t' T F; F nn. 11 ard 7 l .J; S. 8, U , Ce-t "I'f - Tiot V'e?i Tl, l"nit-d Nrer'e 41 N Fworteemt'i : D-'nar Lareeni. 11 and T4t: 8. S -. 're-n: Jt M- K VT ' r- r rv I i 8. "I F'. - r Grmfi-rit Te:r-.h asd t:4t: c K.. 7 Ds m. Sellwood Eleventh . and Umatilla. 10:39 and 7:48 Woodlaen Rer. Edward Wright. 11 and 7:80; 8. S. 10; C- HU. 7. Gladstone Rr. A. H. Mulkey, 8. &, 10. 11 and 7:14. - - Tcfl'-e. li, :.4; algrem of W t C-rkVy J Vaftod IT tytertaa, - Th Church ef th Stranger Grand vL and Waaco. Rev. rt Jtarl Da Bois. U JO and T ier a It. Inierpretatlon for the deaf very Sunday morning. nrat tell in and Montgomery. Kev. Frank D Witt Flndley, 10:80 and 7:8: 8 8. 17: C. K. 10. Torlca. -Doe It Pay" lluwaalr HeadllgHt."" Third aat Tblrtr-eevetitr? and Clr: Rev. J. U Acbeeoa, 11 aad 7:80. 8. a, io. " . - i waaaeaeaMev Varbed 8Tva.rUeal. . First Et SJiteeeth and pocltr. Rev. 14 A. Ik. 11 aad 1 It; 8. 8, Trf'". The Tefi-l t hurra." Pro- oroan WSeetoTtarr eor-letv. Gav and Wll'im.tU F.ev. J. B(ri'l, 11 ar-d 7 l; 8. aV Spolcane; PorUandSeallIe Ry. "THE NORTH. BANK ROAD" The Short Line Scenic Colnmbla River Rcufc . TWO TRAINS DAILY LEAVE PORTLAND 9 A. XI. P. M. ' - ARRIVE SPOKANE 9 P. XI. 7 A. M. Standard nd Tourist SIeprs Obcnation Car I ,r - " Qass Coaches THROUGH SLEEPING CARS to St. Pan!. Cl.kit .. O DIRECT CONNECTION for Denver. Kana t. l. ' TICKET OFFICES: Cor. Sd and Morrison St. 122 Third Street KO ThJ PASSENGER STATION I1TH AND JIOYT TT