THE OREGON 3UNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21. 1003. J M HU - I . - ' NEW TODAY. XEW TODAY. m:v today. NEW TODAT NEW TOU AT, KKW TODAY, M:y TODAT. r IF, -;' you I. WANT ACREAGE W have two choice! 5-acre tracts, singly or at a whole; all under cultivation; aoout o muea irom court house, on Section Line road. At Bearerton, 24J4 acrea. 12 win orchard, aome beaverdam, - and all at pricca that will ap- peal to you. , VACANT LOTS Six bunchea of lota on Peninsula, all of . which we consider bargain prices. .' . DWELLINGS We can aupply the most faitidioua aa well .as the ,' . ' most modest. . , SPECULATIVE Some good buya in business locations qr . apartment sues. INCOME A few business ' proper ties paying good interest; . also flats. LOANS Several sum to loan, rang- - t ing from $2000 to $30,000, on Jackson & Deer I ng ' 246 Stark Street Phonea Main 345. A-3457 OurVact at Lents is rapidly tell ing and no delay should be mads in securing: one or more of these finet - '''' V r: , JUOTS Prices are "the best that can be had in this district for large 80 by 100 foot lots, and; fine level ones can be secured for , . ..' '" . - With erms as low as $3.00 cash down and $3.00 jer month. Of fice at Lents open every day. Western Oregon Trust Co. 1 14 Chamber of Commerce v Cowperthwait & Christensen, ; s Agents, Lents Place Your Fire Insurance WITH ' Jno. P. Sharkey Co. : Agents For . OLEHS FALLS INS. CO., Glens Falls, N. Y. oprTTDTTv TMetTDAMrir New Haven, Conn. ON mmmt Warehouse Terminal Tracks One Corner Lot .. . . . .318,500 Three Lots, Corner ...$40,000 Four and Fraction . .$00,000 EAST SIDE Two Lots, Al Corner. .$22,000 CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce ' Halsey St. Xjot 4xllS to allay at 2Sth, aMy va cant lot In block j curb and crushed rock street in . and - tald . for. ThrM block from Proadwsy car track at Chapin & Herlow S3S zst or Co Bargain ACREAGE TRACT, on electric Great line. tpecialiT adapted for eubdirision 1 into lota and acre. Cannot be beat' at rooneytnakeT. Partiea' leaving 1 cuy, my reason for aeiiinf. taijr terma. Iffijuire Cl F.. Bunker 514 Chamber ef Cemmtrce. 46-Room Hotel ; Is located on the Columbia, river, 10 miles above Kenne wick, at the mouth of the Yakima river, and is under one of the best irrigation sys tems in the northwest. Have you ever stopped to think that there is more to consider In the buying, of land to grow fruit on than the mere fact of raising what you plant? If you are going to make . anything out of what you grow, it is neces sary to grow it at time when it is in demand. Con sidering RICHLAND'S ad vantages and climatic cohdi- tions, making it the earliest point in the entire northwest, excepting Kennewick -with Which we share all honors- its fertile soil and abundant water supply both for irri gation and domestic ' pur poses, ' natural . drainage , to the Yakima and Columbia rivers, assuring healthful conditions, unequaled trans portation , facilities by rail and water, v - . - ; ... . , . .- Offers' greater inducements to the fruitgrower and home seeker than any place in the west, i ne price oi tana is . mi . . t s- i j r 1 less than in inferior districts, and there is nothing else of merit at anything like the price. Here the location is the most central of any in the state. The soil is per fect for irrigation -volcanic ash, with an underlying sub soil of gravel no hardpan. You can produce all the ne cessities of life and many of the luxuries. The season is from two to three weeks ear lier than, any other in the northwest and therefore your products are first on the market and you receive the top price. THE LORD MADE THE DESERT FOR IRRIGATION IRRIGA- TION MADE THE DES ERT FOR MAN, "" s Buy land now, while you can get the best for $125 per acre,with perpetual water a-.- . ' m ngnt, water under govem- I jnent supervision. Go up on our Saturday evening excur sion leaving our office at 5 , o'clock and returning Sun day evening at 8 :50. Get a free siuto tide rver the pret- tiest valley in "Washington. Call for our free booklet Co. Oil 3 A. V. HOVER , Mansfr.' &C3 BOARD OF TRADE BLDQ, FOURTH & OAK Ifa'n 74:3 2I7 PORTLAND HEIGHTS I No. 2 Advances 15 Per Ccnt Dec 1, '09 Do you know . that the S e a 1 1 1 e syndicate is sluicing ' down the frills with hydraulic giants, and that their property is only one mile from PORTLAND HTS. NO. 2, and that the Mt. Calvary line is to be built by July l; 1910? , i vod want 'to buy now or UNITED TRUST CO. Main 9416. Board of Trade. 917 INVESTIGATE mmmt Before buying elsewhere -it costs you nothing. Streets graded and graveled, cement sidewalks and curbs, Bull Run water in front of every lot, and ALL PAID FOR. No property bonded for fan-! provements here. Building re- ! strictions of $1500 and $2000. New houses constantly being built. Splendid car service. When desiring to build we will help you. Clark CookCo. Room 6 Board of Trade Building Main 5407, A-3252 can now be bought for c M Streets craded and cement walks in and paid for. This tract is located at ' East 46th and Hawthorne ave. They will be worth more next wait? r - , GOOD LOTS IN ' Arcadia, I spring; when Madison bridge is open and Hawthorne ave. paved. . Tejms $50 L.CAsb-down. balance $10 per month. Agent on the ground every day. Western Oregon Trust Co. It Chamber of Commerce Cowperthvrait & Christensen, Agents, 49th and Hawthorne 1 - and New and modern B room house. Ctoee tp Htwthnrn avenue Vt alope of Moufit Tabor V - Hlsh and slrhtlr Cbanee to double roar mosey Only $13,OOQ f.lackie&Rountree t -219 Uniier Exctarie BIJi Cec. a4 Start rt 54GO 'ill tnl, rff Jrrfjigfa SOMETHING TANGIBLE SOMETHING REAL - '. - r Fire'eannot clestroy it. A tornad o cannot blow it away. . ; f(" , It cannot be stolen Most of the great for- ja a tunes ot America were made in real estate. ; A bit of soil the -the solid firm earth ground. . We can set our heels into the ground and say, This Is Ours' -The man who pur- chases a lot in Portland thinking to double his money next week or next month is certain to meet with disappointment, but he who buys a lot in NOW, and hangs onto it for a year or two, is sure to double his money See ALAMEDA PARK Compare low prices : with prices in other adjoining restrict ed districts. Home building begun. Broadway carline be ing extended to Ala meda Park. You cannot duplicate low prices and easy terms anywhere in Port land. Prices will be ad vanced $100 per lot by Christmas. Sixty feet above Irv ington. - Alameda Park, the nearest beauty spot to Portland s business cen ter. SEE ALAMEDA Write or telephone us to go-and see for your selt in our car. ALAMEDA LAND CO. i; PAR fl32ZJbettBuilding Phones Main 7958,' .' A-3651. Mt. Tabor LOTS 0s19, god view , aaslft. good view ............. .tiaoo ..suoo ..Saaoo Ha lots, great flew. Chapin & Herlow S3S OF COXXJ1C1 Alortengss Lonns BurnsideSt . Business corner, 50x100 $40,000 WisonSt. 3 story brick building, 100, near corner First st. 50x In come $300 per month. : Price $40,000 55x100 on Madison, near Second street $35,000 II. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club .. . building. Phones Main 8699, A-2653 Irvington Residence $8500 Built t year ao by a man. who knew bow, for his own home, and not to aelL t rooma, with evarjr modern conveni ence, lnoludlng- hardwood floors, 3 fire- placea, furnace, handy dreaslns rooms, etc. Large lot, 70100. "Very little cash will handle, ssy $2000 MacKie&Rountree 217 "219 Lumber Exchange Bld com. sEcoin Aim btask bts. Swell Little Home 4 room modern house, In fine neighborhood, new and pretty. Owner called east and must aeh quick. . $16SOINow Q.M.McBRIDB 850 STABX ST. lOAcresofLand XV A WmUb tMPBOTE3 , WXIOKBOB- HOOD. 1 M, miles from Woodburn. Has a 5 room cottage, good barn and a good orchard. Will sell for 13600 or trade for a good bungalow cottage here In the city. It Is a good place and a won derful bargain at the price. Address or inquire of The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 848 ALDEB ST. $2,000 Modern ( room cottage, 193 E. 29th N., H block from carline, for sale on easy terms f 500 down, balanct $25 monthly at 7 per cent Very desir able home for small family. Parrish, Watklns & Co. 350 AX9EH ST. WILL BUILD A modern rooming or apartment house to suit tenant. Locstlon within three blocks of Postofflce. Tenant must fur nish bond. ' - . j . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY ST. X. Cor. Sd asd Oak Sts. SNAP J ACmsS, ail elar. at sUtioa, ea Oregon K)ctrle, isys fine to cut Into tracts of l mm 1 to zs srrvs, rua. 1 eoll. well drained, floe buiWin; about 4 seres fruit; you must come soea for this. Corns to Al Mishler, Woodburn, Ore. Nob Hill Residence We hare for sale a fine 1 room resi dent In tb Nob Hill dietrVt oa Twi- ty-fortli street rear Marshall for the lew jtrtc ef I IK-. The grtmad aln ts worth ilmwt the srice asked. For parUcalara. srply ie CHAS. K. HENRY CO. iinr xjd4v. rrtk aad Oak ttav, VwOaad, Ob smTTma car soaxi arrrarv J0NESM0RE Lots are 50x100 ?500 to 700 Easy Payments. 1 Complete Abstract. . Warranty Deed. ' On Montavilla Carline. GEO. D. SCIIALK Main . 392, A-2392. . 264 Stark St. A Growing City Requires up-to-date methods in the transfer of real estate. This is accomolished bv the use of our GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES OF TITLE., ,i . TITLE&TRUST COMPANY Paid Up Capital $250,000. Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES, Sli miles from town, In best district: llf-s perfert for. Irrigation; OTM 8 ACMX9 jPLAWTED to Yellow Newtowns and Spltsenbergs, most of which are S and 6 years old; small fam ily orchard, assorted varieties; acres in strawoerries, some meadow; 7H Inches of water, and all personal prop, erty. Including horse, wagon, buggy, and all farm implements: good 7 room narq nnisnea nouss, and Outbuildings. Genuine bargain at 111.000 2500 cash. Will accept Portland residence property h pari payment. Devlin&firebaugh 510-01 J-S18 Swetlaaa ldr. at A perfect horns at a pries which Is lower than anything In the neighbor hood; 87 feet fronting on 15th St, near Mawrnorns avenue and an I room house with all the latest modern improve ments known to make a houss conven ient and handy to live in, Dutch kitchen. wood elevators, china closets and best of plumbing, all for 14500 II J00 cash and terms can be arranged on balance. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. S4S AXSXB ST. 160X200 feet, between Tlllamnnk n1 ! Thompson streets, for 13300. Beautiful! building sites. This is an offering i which win noiu goon oniy ror a snort time, aii street improvements and con crete sidewalks In. Close to car. Don't i an 10 investigate tnis. tscb Dtnnr-iu.'WTtinrcB co 848 Alder Street . DES MOIDS ADDITION Large lots. 10x101 feet; lies level and Sightly, Just south of the Woodstock and Tremont district, almost adjoining Brentwood. These beautiful lots for a snort urns at siao saoa a saak aad S3 pr meati, -at per cent - Interest. These prices are rery reasonable. In quire of " 3. w. oaxxxBX -Stoom 11. 14BH rim t, rortlaad. Or. BARGAIN Price, $6000 Lot 10x100 and church building asd parsonage combined, situated on the nortnweet corner or East 19th and Ofaot at) stia. Trma MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Sec4 St. (X.aaibe Bxakaar BVdg.) L 35th and Clinton St5. Price. $3000 Lot 108x164 aad bouse aad bam altv at4 ths S. & center K. Hth and Clinton Sta A good home for some oaa Terms, MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. Lumber Excaange Bldg.) Peninsula Acreage for abdirislosk A mosey maker Brbnjr-Stcelc Co. us sxccxs rs. HoodRivi Look This Irvih&on Lots a ncrr t rfS S f r.-rr r J-t .a pvrr r . 4Ti!' . tr , - . . j -t. .rl' . ' : tl" ' -'' 'r: -1 c i't- J T. r". r r. I ! - n i ... ; - 'Mb West Side Corner lot, rent $125, Building on Russell st, leased to large corpora tion $1200 yearly, term of years. Price ; . y $10,000 Glisan 100x100, corner, "near 20th. Fine ' apartment site; walking distance, also splendid car service. Price L Ji Daly 222-223-224 Failing Bldg I j OPAL. CITY TUTVBX SCETBOWOUS - OT OSITTXAZ. OBIGOS Enthusiasm over ' the future of Opal City and the certainty of its superior location as the big city of the Deschutes - country marks the report from all disinterested observers who are now returning from Central Oregon. . Don't misa this chance to Invest. i FREE MAP .. Call or writs for fine Docket . map of Oregon (wall size) show ing railroad development in the Deschutes valley also ' Informa tion folder. American Trust Co. I0O-4 'Chamber of Commerce, j rortlaad. Otagoa. . ; , JSUNNYSIDE ' 120x66 2-3, corner Thirtieth and Vamhill, three good cottajres, room for two more; on corner. This is a map. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY COMPANY . . . 618 Board of Trade Bldg-. Irvington Bargain We have for sals a quarter block on the southeast corner of Twenty-ftrst and Wasco, Thta la in the best roiden'- district of Irvington, surrounded bv fine homes; pries only 1 4 1 6 9. Investi gate this. -CHAS. K. HENRY CO. romrtk aad Oak Sta rortlaad. Or. FINE HOME For Sole I will sU st a barmln tny bf. i' ' home at Hlreretl. Trr cit- (mmindi a fine virw cf ih n,' -i ' snl riv.r and Is the um j; i i i rwirt ef trs. cfty. l.Hrl '- t f reo'.jtrnl. Co 1 en o n-r, C. V. C til K; y t 1 hon.e ;. A . . Seven Lot: With FIvc-Rocn CV,tt.- fi T 4t?i ft Upper Albina $20,000 7 ' .r ("f i. i t y - 1 .- I i a 1 - fn: H .Johnston fo - let 4 0 fitr rTMr at r-rat!e rstea i I... r.. ' - ' - - y i-i r f t- , ciAkx-ccor corriT. Ju ui as. wwiwsi vvse n t, ;, wnN - "-v C-, S.