THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.' SUNDAY MORNINOi NOVEMHER 21. 1001. g ' - ' "" II TRANSFER AND nTOILluu I "IJtAIi WimTHW t r n - wu u , ?. . t. tXUL AXf. WOOD r:OTICE,TtraVNSLABWCCD ;Hrr'N mi 'lit wooii. .11 t I. Ml I M 4 FT oul. prr ,V-;J? I'M.IVHl!Kt ' ' UAHK 1MMITLV ,i Ttc Pcrtlacd Slafcvcoi Co. Main III. A-TPOI. 1 ' a I t4. b-ioi!. Wood, Con 1 and Pry Slab Call Main ; Koot of Curry at ' "woui siDmpagk. . Abfliit Suixi vnirds. mliia Portland, v, urn elation. Apply V5 Kabi Couch lormna-e J., ' I'- "' YAMATO Wood A Coal Co. vAll REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Alphabetically Arrr,tMl for Jtb Convenience of Journal It cider. , , -t 500,000 PORTLAND 1012. . A dollar wlaely Invcated la Portland real MUI today means dollar te Ilia invndir in I ho nar future. Portland la el In Ita Infancy. No city on the l-aclflo const baa a brighter fuUr. j-iatenalve developments ara now In progreas, nltiahle Information An b obtained from any of tha below tianiPd rMtjr dealer. , . , . . " Orcfron Transfer Ca .atabllahad 117. Transfer and fur arums ageata. ' aiorego, fra irackag. Office II liul at., bet. aih and tn. hnne: alud of fir, wood and nice coal by sack or Inn. Phonea lb. alt, U-1MJ. . la and xiln via . ( "i ll Portland Blabweod Co. Main Mfii A-3M2. Illuck ood. 14. tO; dry wood, $2.60; green elabwood, 1 (.nil H.l . dry alabwood, boxwood. corJ. nixxl and coal.. Multnomah ' Fuel Co. Main' &540, A-Jllo. Kl;i:U FARR. dcalera in all kinds fir and hardwoods 05 AVeter at. tie blocks a specialty. Main 4594. A-4547. KlCE ary bog wool at rrgm Hox Mfg. Co. A-65H4, Main tMJ. DAXCI.NO CI.AHH instruction by tha term only Private elimevs may be formed. - Faucy or taK danolnjt. for tarnia, apply - to Mr. I'lulatriiaeo Office at balL . l'hnnea Main 601 T, A-480. HiNQLKlt Uanclnir Academy, private and clea Inatruutlon, arternoona ana veninK: poelMva cuarantee; oaaf and weal aide achnola: phonpa. . . i'akini). oiwii every lilt lit excPt Sun day. Moat popular plare . In .. cltyi NAMC-T-. ' ' . ' APDK3 ' TEI.KPHON K.rkn. A nUi.inrl fil Hoard of Trada ..A TST4. Mala VW Hakar, A. A 7.....; ...,..,k..2la AWiiirfoB Bld.. Wla : A-.waf J Itivwa Nlrt-lt lNmn , iKi-mwna ai aiaia a no llri,U.r a Ham-dl.1 W Kay. Wjr H'lndaur ll'labta. 6 IliiUi-rir.irtkJtiM.liniaoa Compaar. lar Lafejelia ffidf aad Hirt. Mala aAil rook a Co . H. a.. ;.n cvrbait Blda....... Mala Mi. AJ"M tkaula 4 llarluar Cbawbat of Cnmnar...., Mala 10-J rioa, I), r. Co. (Wxltn)-. .Koctm and lukoa,: Ball wood in (AtddacbBldt'a Afeacy .........H Waahlncloa it.. ..,... .Mala ad A Hoook, Goorae A. (OoIooImOob )..... Labbe Bldf Mala 13M Jacvba-Mloe Co. , 14 Fifth Bt .Malo 0i. A-ll (Ball Craat, BarkaW. IXTar.) Kllllnaawortb. W. M M Hiambar of riMBararre Mala TT Kaapn 4 Markrr T I'-baaibor of CXimmarra. .. .Mala aad A-SlO araary 4 To.. V. .. (IlUht Brooarty) Offlra aa ilalfhta... ..A-1SJ4 1C lllll Land Co. 4M Abliirton Bldf. Mala 13.M Man A Ton Dnntal 104 Beeoad St Main and 1-H" Oiic.d Koal Ratata Co., Tha grand Ara. aad Multnomah. .. .JCaat T. O-ITQS I'arrUh. Wat.lm A Co. '. .XW Alder Bt ......Mala 1044 Kitn'mlt lnrratmaBt Co. 12 Kllllticortb Are. p. 'naia. ttrira ii . ......... mars a i KMi-lda, I. II Sua Orrllntur Bldf. Mala M4.IO H.llnf. D. c. Cororr 87 Ik aod K. Balmoet Tabor io fi"6." J'lCKT'Traiiaf.r A bloraaa Co.. of. tlo and oomniodioua 4 atory brick warahouao exJaio iron tuuiuB an4 flroi.ioof valuta for valuabUa; north, weal corner Id and llna ata 1'laaua and furniture moved and (kd fvl bl manl. Main iiA-ia. Tsatjs'U 6k t n A N 6 KKB CO. CSeneral tranafar and etoaa. aafea. cfanoa. and furnltura movad. pack ad and ihl.pd. r Cal at Main III; A IH). INl'lLI'l i"llI al iranaiar Co. toraa. 114 tot ark. Mato 47. A.4II.' ' ' . ' tl?NNINfl. kfE.NTtB UIIJVAL'nll. undertakara and .mbaimni; inodara In every 1.lalL aovantb and 1 Ina. Mala 4 J. lJidy aaalalawC Tba LERCH 111. 41 Tai'iaviUTiwJia KKHU1L.T HmUh-l'remltr and Xamlnt ton typowrllrie. good aa new, ti down and H per month, at HI 60 to 111. 40. Why lay moraT Ouarantaod for one yar. A M. Al'"nu.r aa tf.u t. 8m 1th uroe. typawiitei A!!- Jiain on Cuo tth at. oota L, ra.. 1)1 ALL. inaka rented, repaired, i nlngharo Co.. til Stajrk. Vf. aold. 14 0T. eaat alda uii.lerlakar. Lady raaitlaau D-ll; Uia Kaal Al.lar. J. P.JFlalcy & Sea 'lllktJSF Ijidr atlrndant. Main ; A-llll. TltlJ-tH-UHNLa6,tidorlkaiill Kuaaeii; r.aai iua. ia.iT iimni, ST' EN I KK fclUOKNCJ, riiidorla'kara; lady ni t, 4P AJi1rrat. lloth phonoa. lttl 111! Ua.Mk.ja.lll. ' fhonea Q-tllland A-4414. KAH1' MlnlC funeral dlraciiora. iiovmi. ora to K. B Imnnlna Ino. K. It. M-JSJ8 Ed Xiifi"! i"5li a n. und'aTuaa?: iii Id at. Lady aaalatant. Main 607. tV - - - L ...... . eosofiic naps 4 iu i x-. vs. '. .'.-'uiimii jua NEW TODAY. ' Bettor ira Ilartman noma poopi don't like A'EW TODAY Montavilla Walker, B. T., ........ Woo11wa l"'T .Mala al2. t-i:"l .004 Corbatt til .Mala IMI BANKS IB8T NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Or. ' - . . CAPITAL ' AND SURPLUS 91,800,000. WADHAMS CO, wholoaaJa rara, tnanufaclurara and colic rot lei a, tj anrf Oak atat fc V KHUINU 4 iKHKLU produce and co-nmlaalon merchanta. 140 ITront at, Portland, Or. Phone Main IT. ' M. A.' uujnoi o . vj DISTRIHUTOKS OV FlNB CIOAIta AN ' 4tEWlS-OROCKRTEa. " tbls moved. ELKCTttOLl'SIS wrlnklea. auDerfluou hair Mra. M. D. Hill, 429 FUedner. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marlnei elect rlo enulpmenta; . launches, acceaaorlaa, .itnlula and retail: enrlna repairing Reiereon Machinery Co.. . 18 Morrloon. HAND LAUNDKY' 'La France hand laundry, careful works cl-ninir. Pfenning. 27 N. 16th. M. 7wqi lljACK curlalna hand lunndertd. 40o per pair. Phone Alain 14 jig. 3LEATHEB & FViVViGS ; CHAS. U MASTICK & C07' 74 Froat, . leather of avery . deacrlptlon, tap mfr. findings. ' UVEltY AND 8 AJLE STABUSS HESSIAN atables Hacks, livery, bo, try tr anil aaie- lumuure-movioK. a TTnlnn av'Vhnna K. S58J: nlsht M. 10. MUSIC TEACHERS , WEBBER Academy of Mualo, violin, mandolin, piano, guitar, banjo. WHSi.ington 5Uc Piano, guitar, . banjo, manaonn. violin.; Mr Martlh, 'IIOO; Tlano x 90. 434 1st.' Main 8904.. " .- '-. - M. S. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 -Sal mon. Main V340. uoraervatury E. THIEIailORN, violin., te5hr P"?!' Sevclk. A-41S0. B84 Pine t. Main avo. LOUIS A. CREITZ.. violin teacher. Sherman at Phone Mam inn. in PIANO. 15. A. violin, cornet, mandolin. Smith. IAS h Bt- Prof. pSTEOI'ATHIO PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBEIXE PATTERSON, ape claliat on nerves. Acute and chronic dlBpaRPS. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 88SI. DR. SMITH. poat-grad. 1 1 07 Iff. AVirKViiie, mu., . Swertland bldg. M. 1987 JDR. F. J. BARR, A. S, O.. ZOT Mohawk bldg., -Sd and Morrlaon. Main .iitt. U NITED STATES NATIONAL BANK , Of PORTLAND, ORItOON. nortnaraar corner loira ana uii mreen. Coodocts k Oeoeral Bankliic. Baalueaa. Kit A FT 8 I88U8D arallablar la-AH Cltlao of tha Fnlted HtalM rut tumna Hnnrkonf and Manila. Colleetlotol auda B favorahla terma. Praaldant J. C. AI.N8W0KTH Caabler W. SCHMBtR W, A. UOLX MEETING NOTICES Kurnpa, Jloprkona ana AlanlU. I A . .vLi.-. t. i , f' .... Vice fraMent.t,..., LEA BAKNEd Aaalatant Tatbler. . . .... Aaalatant Ctuhler. ....... a. at. wumt'T EBMAN-AMERICAN BANC Portland, Or. Corner Sixth and Waablnctoa Sta. IT .Trenaaetaa (eneral banking bualneaa. Orafta laaaed avallabla In all tba principal w cltd-a of the l'nlted Statea aad Europe. Four per cent Intarcat paid oa aavuigi t.nnnta. ttaft dfalt vaalta. " . - v. , M BONDS AND INVESTMENTS ORRIS BROTHEBS, Chambar of Commerce BnUdlng. ' ' Mnnlolpl. Railroad and Pyhlle Borvlce Cnrporatloa Bon da. Directly East of the Country Club Price $100 and Up " Easy Terms . S $10 Down, $5 Monthly OW.NINIS-HOPKINS COMPAAY K'UblUbed 1W2 BROKERS, ... STOCKS, . BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Bold for Caab.and oa Margin. rtTnte Wlrea. Hnoim ail to J04 Vnnrb Biilldliig. 'Phonea llnln 8.(5; A -2357. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD OREOO? LODOB NO. 101. A. - A . ot a. m. npociai cum. munlcatlon thla day at a. m. hum., klaaonlc Temple, to I 'conduct the funeral ceremonlea of our lata brother, wituam eichoanDer. Members earneat !ly requested to. attend. . Vlaltlna; broth-I nrerXVem0t:eVfc l '"'JBuU Run Watef-Inside City KNIGHTS OF TUB' MOUEBN mai;- CAUEKS are reaueated to assemoie ai X P. Flnley & Co., undertaker, at 10:80 -Sundav morn nr to attena ine funeral of Sir Knight William Schop. JACKBON WALKER. Commander. Record Keeper, Buy Vlittle farm and be happy. Live among the live ones.-, '-'.' Prices $55010 $600 . .... i . . Terms 10 Per Cent DownandvllOO Per Mohthi properly dvertlad. wny when you call. Thompson. have their They'll tell you r 5c CAR FAR.E .25 minutes' ride to Third and Morrison streets., . Good t.FAVINO PORTLAND. Aabland I'aaaenaer C'ottaae Grove t'aaaenger Sbanta Limited ., Callfm-ola Expreaa Baa franfiico ExpreM., WEST BIDS Onrrallli Pasaengcr Sheridan Paaaerisrr .......... . Koreat Grore PaiMenger Fnreat Orora Paaaenxer Forent Grore Paaayntrer ,i. i. . . . , SOUTHERN PACIFIC Oregon Expreaa 7: SO a. ai Cottage Grore Pasaanger 10:40 p. ni Shasta Llm. d :M p. m. Roaeburg . Pn.nenger.... ...., ...... a.3U p, , 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p. id. 6:00 p. ni. ' 7:43 p. m. J :30 a. m. ,7:20 a. -ni. 4:O0 p. m. 8:M a. m. 1:00 p. m. 8:40 p. m. Portland - Eireoa WEST BIDE. Corrallla Paaaenser .-. 8:88 D. m. Sheridan Pasaenger ,,..10:80 a. tn. Foreat Grove Paaaenger. . . . ......... 8:00 a. tn. Foreet Grove Paaaenger...,. 11:60 a. m. Foreiit Grove Pnwienger 4:40 p. m. ...... ..11:00 a. jb. j Washington at.' xx$X&- llluAr&': ' schools and stores, v - ; SlprU-'nTV""- i'S " Make yur serection of lots muslcar devfees. or ratea apply Adv. t0Jay, Take Montavilla Car THE adjourned meeting of M. T. U. No. to tract office, 108 Villa avc- i . CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. . C. P. R. Short Lin via Spokane.... 7:00 p, tn. I 0. P. K. Short Line via Spokane. , ..,9:00 a. m, VU Seattle. .Victoria A Tanoouvar,.' 8:00 p. m. 1 VU Vancouver, Victoria 4 Seattle.. 8:85 p. ni. Via Snmai ...,12:15 a. m. I Via Biima and Seattle. ............ 7.-00 a. m. i aujourned meeting or ai. a. u. no. tfLi-.i .a 58. ib called to meet in w. of w. haii, nue. corner xiiODara. iHPCntSI and Aider, Sunday. .November 2i. -at a at tract all day today. Phone granted were annulled at .he last meet- I TaDOT 366. OT Call at -u.. inf. By order of Uie president 1 - . ,".vi MAIN OFFICE J, J. PRICE, neo. W. O. W. NORTHERN PACIFIC T.EAVR PORTLAND. North Ootit Limited, via t,uget,.!,' Bound ..... .......10:00 a. 0. North Coaat Limited, Via North i Bunk j.....;.. t:oo p, m. Atlantic .Expreaa, via . Paget 1 ... Bound ..................12:10 a., m. Atlantic F-xpreee, rla North. Bank. 9:Ot), a. ta. Twin Clti Expreaa Tin Ptiget-Smind 8:00 p.' m. Twin .City Expraea. via North . Bank 7:00 p. m. Eaatim Exnrea, va Puget. Sonnd,. . 12:15 a. m. stirn Exnreaa -via North Bank.... 0:00 a.- m. AJInnourl River Expreat Via Puget ' Mlnwuri River Expreaa, via North Bank 7:00 p. m. Portland, Taeoma A SeaMIe Ex. press, oraya jiaroor,. uiympia and South Bend branches....,... 8:15 a. m. Portland. Vancouver aneolal. . .10:00 a. m. Pufet Bonrid LimWeif, Grey1 Har-: - ( bar and Booth Bend branchea. 8:00 p. m. Taeolt Paaaenger .......,....4:00 p. m. ARRIVING) PORTLAND. North coast Limited, via North b night. November 86, 1909, at W. O. W. bv (Thanksgiving) Bank North Coaat Limited, via Pnaet Sound ,........ 7:00 a. m. Northern Pacific Express, via North Bank i. 8:0p a. m. Northern Pacific Express, via Pa get Bound 8:88 p. tn. Pacific Expreaa, via North Bank...; 8:00 p. In. Pacific Express, via Paget Sound... , 7:00 s. m. Weatern Exprnas, via North Bank.. 8:00 p. n. Weatera Expreaa. Via Puget Sound.. 10:80 p. m. Miaaourl River Expreaa, via. North Bank , 8:00 a. in. Missouri Rrver Express, via Paget Sound '. 4:00 p. m. Portland; Taeoma A Seattle Ex- . pres., and from Olympla. South Bend and Grays Harbor 4:00 p. tn. Puget Sound Limited.... 8:85 p. to. Vancouver-Portland Special ........10:80 pc m. Yacolt Paaaenger . .. 8 :00 a. in. BENEFIT dance -arlven regiment, Thursday c. tefonl. 1S8 llth at Weinberger or- ch extra: innloir muslo. Gents 60a, . m-AS d. m. ladles 8 Be. I - flO Special prlae whlat tournament. Friday. Nov. 28, hall 201 AllsKy iidg. nnmt muain for: dancing. Admission 15 cents. You are invited. Bring yonr : friends. Oregon , Kose wrap, xtoyai Neighbors.' ' vna tiit.kt .rta.ll . room. hardwood floor. 60x60r one or tne oeei in ma city: well ventilated: nicely lighted ana 231 Worcester Bid. Main 3253 '.Jf Con Third and Oak Sts. ' heated; on good carllne; rffnt only 818 per night. U. a. tuno, a na ana xw 'thorrie.. Tnhor 1147. PHILATHEA CLUB, regular meeting Wednesday even- au OREGON RAILROAD at NAVIGATION COMPANY. PAINTING AJVD PAPERING FOR best, work, prices right, .call P. Doane, 104 Union. Both phones. ' TAINT. OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN A CO., "High Standard'' paint, ne, cor. 2d & Taylor. M. A-1771. PRINTING LTBA VINtl PORTLAND. Atlantic Express ...,..'....,.....;. 8:00 a. m. Soo-fipokane-Portland '.i.j.i.i..,it 7:00 p. tn. Chicago-Portland Special ...,,,.....10:00 a. tn. Salt Lake Expresa' 8:00 p. m. Oregon-Waahlngtoir Llajlted ........ 8:38 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Soo-Spokane-Portlaad .............. 9:00 a. m. Oregon Express 8:40 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special j. 8:00 p. tn. Pacific Exjress 6:30 p. m. Oregon-Washington Limited 8:00 a. tn. f L .... in A VINO PORTLAND. Seaside Expresa 8:00 a. in. Rainier Passenger ..j..... .......... T:l5 p. n. Astoria ExpresSf .,..,.i,,, ;..;.. i. 8:30 p. m. Rainier Paaaenger 8:10 p. m. ASTORIA ANI? qOLTiMBIA RIVER Portland A Rainier Passenger. ......10:25 a.'m. Portlanckdxpress ,12:16 p. jiu. Portland A Rainier Passenger , 5:20 p. m. Aortiand Bxpreas 10:00 p. m $?.000 Profit 10 Days :bers reques iber tod 24: all mem- I to tie Drfeeni. JOE H. JORDAN JR.. Secretary. I ROYAL CIRCLE will give an apron and necktie social. December 1; Five Hun dred, whist and dancing; prizes ana rea son prise. Admission IBo. Aprons and ties furnished. W, O. W, temple. Owner will . positively advance price on tljat 100x100 near Burn side bridge to f 25,000' December 1. . Ton can buy It before then at $18,000 112,500 cash, balance at - ( per cent Don't you think It Only W2 miles from the river, straight. u t Washington street, on the w c s t s i d e , level,. sightly and cleared, soil perfect, - t The Mt. -Cal- 4 vary line is to be com pleted by July-1, 1910. We will show you in our automobiles. Don't wait until the carline is built' and pay double: Take advantage of develop-; ments. Do you want to buy now or wait? ; " United Trust Co. 917 Board of Trade. WAjuexovsa rsorurr JUt 4 block! N'n mora Hut think of Itl A whole block for IDS.OoO, . . AOUlOl TOM PXATTTJrd . v One Tlloa little nlaca Inalda eltv limtta for only IIOO.OvO. ' ; aroa xxlx, .' ' Beautiful residenca. lot SOalOA. tll. 500. , ... Another . on" corner, lot KOxlOO. for $11,800. - Two more on one lot with 1100 a month Income for $11. 00. ; Good Sites for small manufacturing lant, lot (0x161, for $1100. . No apeou itlon,' but an absolut certainty of In creaa In, value, . ,.. . . -; ZBTZVOTOV ' Five room cottage for only $1150. La than half raah required. A bar- -.''.' mora 'eriTT tax Flneat building, alt .on Alameda, Driva, only $1600. . - jooiioo, ciose ro store, ror fieuo. . Corner near car. 50x100. at 170. . A blgsnap for someone. y , . ... Fl va room ' bungalow, full baaement ' and large attic; lot 60x100; all Improve ments in and paid for; one block from car, $$200. Only $2000 cash needed. A great bargain. " - . Bungalow nearl completed. Can hm flnlahed to ault buyer. $3900. Handaomaat buna-slow . in Portland, complete even to $500 worth of electric light fixture. .price 4to. j , ; New modern 7' room house At $3100. On very easy terms. can taka a good lot In part payment. , No equities. t.JJa. lance at $26 a month. , -k ,N. i '.J : . TOMTL-AVTD XEXOXT0 s ' Vina residenca lot at $1600. Mag nificent View; within walking distance. too..,' , ',. 'y.f.-, IIARTHAN&TIIOWN Chamber of Commerce, Portland DON'T Overlook Who Are the Happiest On Earth? ITHIS DESIRABLE PROPERTY PRE SENTS THE MOST1 COMPLETE PAN ORAMIC VIEW, OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND TO BE OBTAINED FROM I a ii 1 1 x IkvT nrATVTfm ' a -nr A v T-tt fW fAii M. VI V iUlil 1 . A WAX m iJV THE NOISBJ AND BUSTLE OF THE BUSINESS CENTER AND Q.VER- CRO WDKDl -. RESIDENCE --SEi'CTTONS. They' ara tha people who own their I own nomea, tne people a large- share mrtnt h Har thk- Are you carrying a rent buraenr jr you are, here is your opportunity to get rid of It We will sell you a lot In Gregory Height as low as $150 on THE HOMESTEADERS. No. 31, Willi erive a grand masquerade ball. Thanks giving eve, Nov. 24, in the Savoy bldg.. ijast jsurnsiae u o priacn iuii Union Music. Gents. SOo.Jadlea 25o. , overt Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREET PASSENGER STATION Pi ' Welch-Carson PrintiM Co. ,' "Doer of clever things with type and Ink on paper. 263 Yamhill st. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.; not In trust; close figures.-good work."- 803 Goodnough bldg. Phone Main 4121. OfilLREE BROS., orlnters Cards, bill ' heads, etc. Main 1858. 145 H 1st St. PATENT ATTORNETS TL C. wnrflHT. IT. . and foreign ent; Infringement casee. 604 Dokum, pat- PnTSICLANS ASD SURGEONS , DR. C. 8. CARTER, physician for women; 401 Merchants Trust bldg. Hours, 10-1) 2-4; -8. Sunday. 10-1. . .- - - V'V. "REAL ESTATE , J. W. OGILBEE, real estate and loan; eatab. 18a3. 1454 1st st', room 11.- . RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS. STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co.( 231 Stark. Mala 1407. SAFES I R-AVISiU PORTLAND. Inlnna Umpire Express .... KX a. m. For. Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kaunas City. Bt. Louts, Walla Walla, Paaoe, - Rooeeyelt, GranddaUea, White Salmon. 1 Stevenson, Van eouver and Intermedtata atatlona. North Bank Limited. .. 1 ...... 7:00 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansaa Citj, St. Loula. Spokane. Spragne, Rltsvllle, Llnd. Pasco, Roosevelt. Grauddulles, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. -Colnmbia River Local for Vancouver and Ca mas 6:00 p. m. White Salmon, Lxle, Goldendale, Granddalles, Cliffs and all Intermediate stations. ' ARRIVING PORTT.AVn. From Chleaifo. St Patil, Omaha, Kansas City, Rt Lonls, Walla Walla, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles, White" Salmon, Stevenson, Van couver and intermediate stations. North Bank Limited 8:00 a. m. From Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Loula. Spokane. Sprsgne, Rltsvllle. Llnd. Pasco, Roosevelt. . Granddalles, Goldendale, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. Inland Empire Express... .... 8:18 p. m. From Cliffs, Granddalles, : Lyle, White Sal mon. Camas, Vancouver and all Intermediate ststlons. . Columbia River Local ..12:28 p. m. -,: r r Jefferson Street Depot Portland to Datlae t 7:40 a, m. I Dallas to Portland Portland to Dallas. ....... ....... .. 4:30 p. at. (Dallas to Portland . Portlaod-Oswego Subnrban Leaving Portland a. m., .5:30. 8:80, m4 f m" 0. 1:08, 8:30. 4:15. 8:20. 8:25, 7:4b: 1,0:10. U:30. T:80, 7:40, .-..10:15 a. m. . .. 6:05 p. m. 8:50, 10:25; ... . .. Portland liy Light & Power Co. Ticket office and waiting room First and Al- d?All 'subnrban trains except Vancouver leavj Kast Morrison and. Water atreets, instead of FUMtand Alder streets, as formerly. , . . ,. CAnif fjtJAVis run. Cltv 4:00. 6:30 a. m. and every 10 minutes to aodDfiLudhif. P "en 10:00, ll: P- m-;; Jft K.m .v-Att 45 9:45. 10:45 a. m.; 12:46, 2:45, 8:45. 40, 5:45, 6:45, 11:35 p. m. - a m.12:45. 2:45, 4:45, S:45 p.-m 111 2d et. near Wash. $400 Sacrifice R. N. A., Oregon Rose camp, meeta i rl day evenings, Alisky hall, Third and Morrison. - . t3 xr a Aroa.noill-A namn mAt. everv Thursday evening In Savoy hall. East Burnside street anq urana avenue, M. W. A. Evergreen Camp. 6466, meeta . ef11ln XTImm 1310 West FarK ana wasningxon. BUSINESS CARDS MAA XVI. BUI A , Iiurjav. lav o m m i-, y- Doslte Meier & j'ranK S. . main m, DRESS suits for rent, all alios, Unlqu Tailoring Co., u Btara sr. Aupnnrwra rardi. W. Ci. Smith A Co. Washina-ton bldg.. corner . 4th and Wa s hi ngton sts. ' CLARKE BROS., florists; and floral design. fine flowers Morrison at 10T I a. k; J2:;'2T4578;: 4:45? l& PACIFIC Title & Trust Co.. the leading p. m. I abstractors. zu-o-d- rsning oma. . . . FOR VANCOUVER. , ' t CERTIFICATES of title made by the jiraer ornce. sna waiting room second and I Title & Trust company. j T . Chamber Waablngton streets. A. M.--65, 50, 10:30, 11:00. P. M. 12:80, 1:10, 1:50. 4:30, 5:10, 6:50, 6:80, 7:06, On third Monday la every, month last ear xim hi i ;vu p. m. - - Bally except Sunday. 'DsHy except Mondsy T:25, 8:00, 8:35, :10, 3:80, 8:10, SM. 7:40, 8:15, 9:25, of Commerce. THE Mosler Safe Co- 108 2d at Safe at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened; bargains In second hand aafea. SEWING MACHINES SEWING machines repaired, all kinds. Machine Repairing Co. 33S let. M.2102 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCA SES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE-JAMES 1. MARSHALL MFtj.-Ca, store 8708. new and old showcase, cabinets. and offlre fixtures J Couch. M. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOR show cards end designing that' ' better than the rest and costs you less, trv :t lie National Advertlfing Co. I'h.'n Main 504. Hamilton Mdg.' J-XX5TEH A- KLEISER. signs; the larg est sign makers in the northwe-at; 6th end Everett sta, Phone Prlv. Ex. 66. P"th A-11B5. tl'JNB THAT ATTRACT" Portland F!n ( ?7 Fta'k Thtctfle 1J. SPK.WIXU MACHINES TUB HAFIHE MANCFACTCRINO CO. Vanufaeturers f hand and power apraj-e'-a. norr.lea. roda etc. ?I Fttti Pt.. Portland.- Or. I AIIERMIST8 AXD FURRIERS trlVIVrt PORTLAND, Salem Infc 8tas local... ........v. Utllboro-rore.tGrove UwaK..,i... .8 45 a. m. 'Salem Int. Stas. local.........;. 7.40 a. as. Hlllsboro-Forest Orove local. .. j,.... 8.30 a. m. Salem-Tualatlo only, limited 8 50 a. m. Suli-m Int. Sua. local..... 9:55 a. m. HiilAoro-Forest Grove local 'J?:I2 V BIm .Int. BUS. local....... 11. J Hillsboro-goreat Grove local '2J5 J' "' Salem Int. Stas. local.. J g Hlllborroret Grova Jockl.......-s 215 a. n. HlllalKiro-Farest Gfove local...... . Salem InU St.s. local .W ;J W Ovlll lot. Stas. lorsl. 515 P- m. Hlllboro-Fore.t rove local, i 8 35 p. m. ..,'8:25 p. as. .w.IlsiO p. m." ...11:15 p. m.' Oregon Electric Railway Company DEPOT FRONT AND JEFFERSON. c. tA, int Rt.a. local HIllboro-Forr.t Grove local.. Salem Int. Stas. tocal. ....... UllUbora-Forest Grove local.., xv Raiem. Palls City at ARRIVING PORTLAND. Wllsonvllle Int. Stas. local Hlllaboro-Forest Grave local ,, Salem' lot. Staa.Dlocal HUlboro-Forest Grova local,. Ssk-m Int Stas. local .s Hillaboro-Forest Grove local.. Salem Int. Stas. (oral. ...... Salem Int. Stas. kx-al....... HIIlaboro-Foreat Grova local., H Illaboro-Foreat Grove local.. Salem Int. Stas. local ., Htllaeoro-Foreat Grove local.., Salem-Tualatin oily, limited.., Hillaboro-Forest Grove local.. Kales, Int. Stas. local 6:53 a. in. 7:50 a. m. . .... 9:O0 a. m. 9:35 a. at. ...V11:00 a. m. ...11:25 a. tn. LAWYERS Abstract & Trust Co., room Board or l raae Drag,, aosuacis apeclalty. : - ' v. ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab- etraot-offlce. 41 S Corbett bldg. . Mala W. R. HAIZLIP CO. (Inc.). abstractora. first class work. S27-8 Corbett bldg. FUNERAL .NOTICES VANLOO Tn 1 this city, November 20, wnr Vonlnn. aaed 24 years. C month a. "Funeral services will be held at . Dunning, McEntee Gilbaugh cnape, eevenin snu ruis, mwimnj, vamher 22. at 1 n. m. Friends resDect fully Invited. Interment Rose City ceni- etery. ,..J2:05 n. ... 1:18 p. m ... i:u p. m. ... 2:55 p. m. . . . a-ftff n n. LtF TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, Hillsboro-Foruit Grove local... Salem Int Stas. local.. Salem Int. Stas. local lilllsboro-Foreat Grave local... exempt Sondaj; : a. m. Simdsy only. Weatera Railway points via Saleaa ( 30 a. aa., 2 6:23 D. ... 8:15 p. as. ... 6:10 p. tn, ... 8:20 p. an. ...10:40 p. m. ...11:00 p. m. p. m. dally Leaving Portland ft T'S.flZ termedl.te sutkma--.15. T:if. . ? in-ill 11 15 A aa.: i:15. 2:13, 8:15. e.ia. 5 -15 I'll P. it. F Unntos, aad iDterme dlate atatlona Satm-dJiy aad Sanday eoly i:10. 10:0O. 115 P. M. Time Card United Railways Co. Arriving PorUaad fresi Borllngtoa aad ln- tarmedlau atatlona a, ,-, Jl A. II.; M aoo 2, a, 4. B. 6. 7. S P. If. From Llnatoa and Inter mediate ststiooa, Sataraay and 8uBJ flay oolx e:i-. 11.14 P. M. TRANSPORTATION . OPEN RIVER TRANSPOR TATION CO. F. R Flnley. 24 Columbia aa1 ca T tf a. L waitxagu - Fkoaea IsAJa taaOw ' AW. ' XXXIOKT BEtTZXTXO BAQ.T TOM ism a. ialote. A'lafte Paacas, WaaJa. Keanewick. Waaa 1 be UsUAea - f And per uMabaa ' and ataake firs spctota . . i -, - - - . 1 txeavnaer n . I au tmvwm rvrmira a t I r AS tewele daJ!'-. mh, Itui, mh ! a. ca. Won, Wed. a4 Frt. arriving II ir it.oefi lruad Laandry 4 5 er1y at The Ialle Paaaagera saay -.,! y, 1 r.t- Cau :. and Cosrk ata. bnr4 t.r Its. a!ftst kfera. ' HK1 remodeled, etc I-. tatterfry srrrk. i. .. v , t-et ti:i', eiawrt In1 .t t,ri!,'.f. M Harrla. a Wuti ' TOWEL St rrLT 1P t MI.K1XLA IIKPAIKI.NG t.A r Xi.r'.ri 414 - -i F. 1 fc atea-tnef bRAvAK VVATatSJ lea" Pen i.x4 Ueenewdar al I a aau. f . - ' Ainaorl f-tU int atartfe Bi Suit. , t- t aa Coo. Aay a-aiata. Ir. c t re riv4 weAil fa. M ay ef i,.'ifi )iu,m far, flet rtaea. 11; ce-.d leT CLASSIFIED AD KAto CAS ST AH: . IS waeda ar teas loe aw rnaertlaai I as S aarAa. 2or: 21 te 26 wora S&e. Ls aa geeaa. Bale Hint. glraatWs raated. T Br,t AO. ia4 R..M Res Ada. them laawtlosa far ta arWw J( twm. AO tber rtaaatflcaUaaai mn taaartk.s ar tba tea ef ata. CBABGS ADS- Otber tkaa enetnet, Te pa saate4l Baa. 1 Ope avaae eaatraet ta ha see ie 12 aMwraa, la Knm. ae per eaaa baa Maea A He per eaat4 Itae M Has ar am a pee ewte Ha AB tuannes aararaaaaa; eaargeA ky Uaa M ana r ar rwt ,om,.. ............. -.1 Sa) aae rfw pee Veek ........fl a Itae m SMI I BBoanae..... aa aar uaa) rsr awl corms aooKB: rak mm tWareary mt mmmm, ' fjie ft A ..... mm saeaaial ga si re Saa-a........M.e m ...-. iim a a k. aae n ...-a im Ormwmm ! saeB 1 M. aar. ae as U rl -ra She eagalaa aa tlaae saw mt J. FOR RENT 6 room house; lot 100x100; fruit trees, chicken house and yard, large woodnhed and small cellar; 62d and E. Couch st, 4 blocks south Montavilla car. Inquire -26 K. 62d at. -- - - .-- WEATHER REPORT Your choice of, 2 east front lota In Alameda, H block from-pro posed carline, with ' improve- . ment all paid for, $850 $244 . cash, balance monthly payments. . ; ' - ..-".,'.... Repass & Woodyard . . 800 HEJTBY BZiDO. .' Main 5864, A 2532. ' t f! i . . .: U KJ-i 1 thai W i ll Qo Out Today people who do not apeadlTake any eat side car over BurnBlde,ir of their, earnings each lHteei bridges and ask for transfer "to aupport of a -landlord. Russellfcliave car. f. $ 1 l 'i . YOUR hOME T0U to let u. talk It rn"nio'thly in- At llVerlOOK PXZCZB AJTD TERMS BZA80HABU9 OPTICS Burnslde. near Front St Overlook LandCo. ' : H. wrMaoe, President Northrop Acres Close In, : VVest Side , These beautiful acre tracts are only 15 minutes' car ride, 5-ccnt fare, and are adjoining lot additions where lots are selling from $300 to $800 each. ' , We have ' a few very choice acre With a new, modern, t room house; Sine j tracts left at $800 each, on very liberal terms. , ' " y v- ,.--:, ;! One of thea tracts is equal to a city block; large enough so you can raise vegetables, 1 berries, fruit and chickens, etc., which is a great help toward making a living. Remember, an acre so close in on the west side in a few years will be very valuable. !' . - ';V ;-.' - Always a pleasure to show property whether you buy or not - . - M. t2. L.EI3 ; Room 411 Corbett Bldg ";. terms of $5 cash and $2.60 per month. Then if vou have not surncient money with which, to build, we will furnish it I fstallments about equal to your- present rent This aounds liberal, doesn't It T At certainly is the best opportunity that the Portland salaried man' ever had of securing a home. Lots are all clearest Ball Run water, graded streets, cement sidewalks. I I! Jl laJlu J, IINYESTHENT.C0.nJ Owner. Take Rose City car at Id and Yamhill sts. Office on tne property. Get off end of Una, . - ON THE PENINSULA ; ONEACRE Union Aye. Specials, The "Washington st. or tna.jsast Hide We have the inside prices.: It's our field, j Remember. ... when you buy at right prices orr Union ave., you have as safe an Investment as Washington at. More sura to double in a few years. Put your money wnere mere- is elasticity. Come right away,- get a choice now. 60x100 Excavated 7 feet deep. S310O 60x100--7 room house. . : . S4000 60x100 Fine business lot, 6 room house. -: .. . ,p " " ' '' at . r.t ii 50x100 New 2 story store, room tor on mora . . ; - ' :. miiHi " 50x106 Heart of business, fine cot. 104x106 Finest business, corner, be tween jsurnaiue nnu Aiueruv bis., new store and flat; room for 4 more stores. Thla la a anap. :.. J. D. Kennedy - 3 trinoar atb. Phona Woodlawn 1712. - ham. all kinds of fruit, etc. City wa ter. , Faces lmiDara tripping street. 100 yards from the station. - A 8HAJ A ; $5006 ' XOTJZS SAXOKOV (, utx. 933 Stark Btreet, near lecoad. Investor! Read This IS I.OTS, corner of HA IT 23TK and XirOTT. $7400, or $617 per lot Worth $1200 each. t HALF CASH Sea ua today.- , -v Columbia TrustCompany S Board of Trad Bldg.. S4 4tk St, you desire Information Regarding r Laurel hurst Wa will leas for a term of years the new three story fcrlca ouuaing on tha south eaat corner of Fifth and Flanders streets. There are seven stores and ft I rooms. See us for terms. - win lease !. ft-1 tt tt irrtarai ra ng uw rwr .ae w Tha a.1 vHfl a P. I va. . e" mt- r- r-- r e!w srttk ra.a- There has been little change In weath er conditions during the day. . Rain ha fallen at nearly all stations except in eastern Waehrington and In tha vicinity of Portland. Heavy rain Is reported from the northern California coast The pressure Is rising rapidly over wasning ton aad Montana, and falling over Cali fornia and southern Oregon. The tem perature has fallen ever Montana and British Columbia, but In other sections .11,).. , nnl- . i ....Hkl. - mY.nmaw ww Ik. Innn., flnnr. n T rtrmm MnaMflv ereater Dortion of this district Sunday.! PAJlaUSST, WATIIII CO Portland snd viclnlty-Clondy and probably- showers Sunday; light south west wind. . .. . - " " Oregon ana wasningron -ronaoiy showers Sunday; cooler east pertlon; light southweet wind. Jdah'v Ctww; rvwiier potihit, Y FOSTER DAT a) WKATHER. Maximum temperature, 61; minimum. ii River reading. a. ra.. I I feet: charge In last 14 hours, 1.7 feet Total rainfaJl 46 p. .). . of an Inch; normal rair.fajl atne Fefteanher J. .T6 tnchea; e-x'-eae ef re'nrail inea peptemoer - A. I u. 1.1 larhea. New BHcIt y The Addition with Character Formerly X.add's Big Haiel ran rant. Call ap SCaia 1603 OS A-1615 and leava your name and number for Mr.' UrdabX eSlSO!: For a Term Of Years opportunity for an Investment ' A anartment flat building: retumlnr better than 1$ per cent net oj money required. - . . . ' H. A. MOSER .! I SMVa TZZBO ST. . 2CAXB (489 TRANKTORTATTON eert flM I. j m m' - - T - ' It tan FtaDciaro Jr rorttautd S. 8. Co. Oaly lrae ataaaaar, dayUglit Malaga. Aln.voni ami. a ori anq p. aa. lLasaaa City. TO'V. ta Pes, la. fLmm Cty, Da, a. 17, et. rrrm lir 4. r-rar'-e, II A a i a. aj. tunmm ..','. mww. mi, am. as. SAO Aider Street S1S.OOO tlx'8. corner ef Iarrabea 1M Ha. salo els., I story frame building con taining store on tha ground floor; t 6 room flats and one room flat Tbls property Is paying good Intercut on the inrvtmrm. ve rave wlahe a leaae on flat for It months. handle thla , . Paul L Oeland InvtstHicnt Co. - 6:0-622 Board of Trade Eldg. . client who the store and one One half cash will 28 rooma. tne two upper floor of the new $ story Arlck building on the south east corner of 6th aad Flanders ata. Ifioa as for partlculara. PABBISS. WATgTBTS ft OO, . ISO Alder Street a QfA 'Acres - i on electric Una about 1 xnllee front city, on a line roe a rag aatoa. IWAPP O MACKEY . SIS oar af Tt4s Blag. $16,000 . 10x100,' comer of Cnioa ava' ant) lfc 1 CTay, H caah. Pad E. Cleland Investment Co. 620-122 Board of Trade Bldg. CWrrrrrrrsarsyi 10 Acres To Lease lMnlrr Will. A--l- 1T)1 rlatte-J en tVarhrvijaa T tmrXKT-f arttea, with llhwl trackage; t ; . , T te . ,t JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - aU iHi Kor aa.e crp. KNAPP O ftACCY t 11 . 4:. Ir - re trt"' ae4 a.ei 1 a- IM'I . 1 B A- Eaaeaa C ty, Dee. 4, 18, B. H. I?s'aH At 4 A T T ;v 4 A-r Sa era's -e Uik.t ". Til.' ta4 IT ' a a .: IV m;?, main r:-j trmm f a W J. '1 at. V.ta. tt. '7 ! 1 . ' -a 'a or A ia.'H i il. I ft-c-. a - . I t a : a - t t r t ' k - i. a - ; a. A f L et ift. Hi ef '