The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 61, Image 61

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tor rent ruw
.-..a,,-.-,,.-,..., -i -..-.n-..
. '.Bargains in Pianos
used pianos from oimi h fntinu
ts CASH, $5,M0NT1ILT.
Graves Music Co,
? Ill 4th t.
mi'mU'IH 4 ruuni flat; hath, water,
hall lighted and free phone; $.0.
294 Fargo at. Main 4H04 or Kami 1106.
Horses. Wagons,' Harness
i yOR BALE. .
A carload of good horsea ha Just ar
rived; guod fur latin, delivery ana arri.
inonir which ara 4 irixxl colta. 4 vrin
old, which would maka good farm horses.
we also hava sevrral
Farm wasona, 10 delivery wagons.
1 furniture wagons. '
I carta, I breaking carta. ' . '
l vearetabls wag oil.
K I.11 v tf m
60 I u
4S0 Hawthorns Ave,
WELL FURNISHED lower room flat,
16, or unfurnished tl monthly. A p.
ply 364 North .th. VV car from d
iot. on Third or Morrison to 16th, block
north. -
F iTr NlSllED lower flat nmdarn;
minutes'' walk ta -P. O. Hi Lovejoy,
hone A-4348. '
loDKHN.f room furnished flat, 110
zi at.
FIRST das outside office rooms for
rent in new buildings steam heat,
clectrlo and gaa lttrht, with janitor aerv.
Ire. v N. K. cor. 8d and Madison.
DESIRABLE desk room, around floor,
1 SPAN array marea.
, . weight 2 luO. .... ' , .: i
1 span aorrel horses,'
, weight JtOOtf. , ,
1 aorrel horse, wC 1260.
Woman's , driving mar and
-.- Big heavy draft team. '
1. aorrel mare, weight HO.'
' 21 Nicolal. . .
Walk 4 blocks north to Bobby
Hums World's Fair grounds col- ,
tags. .-r . '
; Farmers - Attention
We hava about alt the horses on Mr,
$11.69. Call rdora 6., Lumberman f Joan's ranch! ha had Including stal
bldg v " . , - ,j lions, 14 .marea,- yearlings, J. year
gyy.'oV. ' ki," i;i-i.'.l,':"vi," jJi::..." I and t-year-olda. We have in these two
carloads. 4 mares in foal from' 1200 to
1600; fear fine saddle horses. I)ont
watt till spring; buy now. 606 Alblna
vs.; take L oar, . , - .. .,
, Paul Brunzel
; Proprietor. '
tiORSfi, weighs 1100 lbs., $65; bay horae
and. axDreas harness. Drioe 112.60;
bay horse, welglfs 1200 Iba., price ISO;
I big team,.-weighs 26S0 lba., and new
breeching harness, all complete. - Price
I lSyi alHO express truck and harness.
600 Washington at. '
ii'tOQ lb., team, f 70; 2400 lb. team. 1100;
oot iivv id. horee, good top express
wagon; one S spring wagon. 2 old
buggies; will exchange for cow; must
sell, going out of business. Kenilworth
Transfer Co..' 800 E.- 28th st Woodstock
car 10 uiaostone ave,
sen stand In citv: cheaD.
TJKSK. room, reasonable. Call (22 Wor-
tester bldg. .... -
ClInONrlli bldg offices to letl Call
608 same. . .
tXa IIBST Off loss - in McKay bldg. i
Apply 211 same. ,
1 CltlCKa for rent In Rothchlld bldg.
' Apply 218 same. ' - '
' FEW . nice offices in the Couch - and
; Chambers bldgs. 601 Cotich bldg.
VOH HKNT Barn on East 47th. and
Salmon.. Phone B-1940. i
2B4 Union ave.. N. East 4867.
FOR RENT HALLS 09 2 0XD dellvry horses' between 1100
... --..., . m. . 1 , . and 1 200: 2 mares, will work double
EILERS fecital hall for. high, class re. or single; z sets or neavy aounis nar-
citalH, lectures, meetings; splendidly I ness; i sei or ugnt single harness; a
lighted, ventilated,, heated, f ree f rom farm wagons; 1 covered spring wagon.
, street noises,. soating' sou; equipped iwtn I r.,aei paimon st.
pipe organ, grand pianos and automatic MUST' sell sound true 2200 lb. team
musical devices. For ratea apply Adv. I $80; broke ponies, choice 30; 2400
j-nvt., umi, ouu, ,np, icam, extra gooa puiiers, gooa it
Washington st, Rinch farm waton. harness and buggy.
&JEURlt,fva Dreamlann Dancing Acad- guaranteed as represented. 270 E. 6th
etnv. 100x100. nollahed maDle surface st.c between Hawthorne and Madison
laid oct a con. finely Illuminated for I rr ' n 1,-rji in r,on.,raf., .nri .i.
, ll8j,,paf'e,nicetings, Jodgea, i eta jn harness, blankets, lap robes and
Mct'II. th and Oak. horse furnishings; harness washing.
FOR LEASE, hall 20x60. suitable for oiling and repairing a specialty. Wll-
lodge or association purposes; heat, lametta boulevard. Ockley Green. Rea-
iipni ana janitor service rurnisnea. nanaDii prices.
quire 711 lorhett tlg. I THREE fine work horses. Dig gelding.
1600 pounds, true as steel, works sin-
J g or double; rine large orooa mara,
neavy in, roai to. rersian stamon; i Dig
flt SAL& MISCXLLANlvOlS 10 t)R 8 A LE ailSCriJN V.OVB ' 10
Hath tuba. lavalorlaS. sull blue. Sinks. I HollJ sold filial wlLh a 11
boitara and ltuli.. All our goods a Hewrt Waltham inv.,nient. IS, This is
abauutly first tiU. We aril to all.
J. Simon & Bro.,
' 244 to S80 rront st
AKITOKK wul.lns
iu huv uuarior
sawed oak drrs with eoimnod, eaJling for It with 140
a watnh worth llii)
Solid fol.i watU fitted with a It- W,
Raymond fe-lglii niovniient. Tnla watch
wui4 hot t bouMbt new ror irsa than
I si. I will sell It to the first irauu
nearly new braaa enamele1 bels, spring!)
and nimlirnasaa. WIlMmn table and
clialrs. rtukera, ateel ranao, nearly new;
ruga and other household goods, please
can up --u.
Leah Furniture Co. .
Wilt furnish your home complete and
take your old furniture In lohange.
uranu ave, ana Awor. ut.
luOO ft. S Inch bydraullo pipe.
iuuv rt. 14 inch uyarauiio pip. .
s M. 5arde & Sons
147. K ntlMah.. at. rnrnir llh it
Anything In ptp- :
Cornicatad iron Corru rated Iron,
Rubbrr roofing Kubbur rooting.
11.00 per square.
, J. Simon & Bro. v
244 Frontst. . .
riolld sold watch U sixe. full jewel
Waitbam. This watch originally cost
tit. Will ell for $J0.
HoUd 'void lluntliiir Mansard. Ils
XIV Shane, fitted with a full Jewel
Klgtn movemenL original cost 196: sals
proe oniy iu.
A 16 sisa U-K. sold fllletl ease. brau
tiruuy engravea. with s lull jewel
movement, for ill. ,
'1'H.n Iv-v am r 14 karat, sold filled
pueber, with ft U Jewel LlanipJen, for
IJNni.K MTER8. 1 TlllKB,
Pipe! Pipe! Pipe!
I Inch pipe, T cents per foot.
I Inch pfpe, 11 cents per foot . "
4 Inch pipe, 17 4 cents pr foot
All guaranteed new threaded and
eoupllnaa. Hipped Inside and outside,
free of charge. Contracts taken for
the laying of pipe.
J. Simon & Bro.
244 to 250 Front St,
I HAVE lust sold my fine farm at
tt-rli)(ibiOiik aiatiun, lust aoulh
Of f'ortlanil. I have a first mort-
f nun of 13H00, drawing 4 per o-nt
ntereat,. due in 6 ywtra, which
' will discount 1200 and gtvo I
, moutlia accrued Interftst. security
jrlll edge. 1 am tu riwed of money.
If Interested drop tn a Una. .
AWCIL iuTlCti "V
Arleta, Or.
FOlt' SALE Heal estate contract on 60
xioii jot and 4 room houso. for I1S6U.
Amount paid. 1606: balance due. life
payable 118 per month, 7per cent In
terestr w:u amcount. tbson Horn
i lftl.K n.. in...
WA.NTfc,r I5U00 on improved farm
land, vaiue iiz.uuo: win pay r
cent i war Joan;, uo ciimmieslon, R-805
Journal. .
WA N T KG to borrow- 15000 on glltedge
security. J'hone a-6320.
Hutton Credit Co.
tered oak. 6 foot, with chairs aui I a, cneap
setts to match Jtnd'lxl2 rug. This 01-
Sheet Iron
Flat sheet Iron for reoflng, siding,
floe desk was bought, but I cannot use I
11. can yotrr vau at in t. m su 1
near Main. ' .
Plumbing Supplies
Ws solicit trad from alt
Contracts taken - ' '
Inspeotlon eertlfiratea furnfsbed.
T. Simon &.' Bro.
244 to 260 Front st
M. Barde & Sons
I47-E1 Oltsan at , comer 1th st
"The House of a Million Bargains,"
In anything in the Una of iron.
Your old
Or take it in trade for new.
1Mb Front st. Main 6801.
A GERMAN-AMERICAN, family of 7 f?11""-, !(l8' ood worker- a
ncauny ana inausinous peraont, "
sires to rent by January 16. 1910, for I PAIR handsome seal browns standard
a term Of years with optiwn to buy, a and registered bred, drive single or
lann or about 10 acres, wltn a hoiue or 1 double and sound, one mare, one horse:
five rooms within '10 miles from Port also new top Tjuggy and runabout, 2 sets
mnd. a rami on tne uregon uity or single narness; au nrst class, uaii su
biHem Electric line not over or a Washington st.
mile from station with several acres in WANTEtw-Horse, 1200 pounds, or team
b. arlng strawberrtps preferred. Must ahout 2200, for Its keeping, or would
"'f- traae email norse ana cow as pan ui xtNiai pmynij wuiu iitvo i payment. ' ;
to take them on small monthly instalUl J H. HAMILTON
rnonts in addition to rent. Terms must) , 20Z Commonwealth bldg., Portland.
I'fl i,l v xuvi.ii'm. wiiriir full s
Journal. ;
BAY mare, 10 years old, - weight
. about 1200 lbs: 135. or trade top cow.
Alberta car- to Klillngsworth, 7 blocks
WE ARE in touch with several parties east in woods.
wishing to rent aesiraoie noniPB on
either eBSt or west sidf; rurntsneo ano - w rvvavfimr ivn wwrrrttv art
Dnfiimlnliod If voiir nlai'o la for rent I . iilVI!.SrUVJV &MU mUlUHX HO
s.all DnH Bo, ii nr nhnn. Main 1 "
I BUY and sell fancy chickens. "1 hays
best stock Black Mlnorcas, best Buff
cochin bantams on coast, good cockerels
in White iegnorns and Knode island
Keds cheap. Also s pheasants cneap.
Green, 828 Ladner st. Monta villa. Phone
raoor oo.
28ft Oak st Portland. Or.
WANTJSi) By refined young coole,
employed during, day, 1 or 2 unfur
nished rooms, wwrt side, walking dls-:
4 rt n ol Vntt r 4" (mfdiiaiinaa Tn entcH.
Ing, give full particulars. A-820, Jour- FOR SALE 2 cows, X fresh, 8 gala,
nal. '. , per day; one black horse, 1200 lbs.,
S'lTRNISHED house or apartment of 8 f"nf "BtXQSgS?dvlei:iiChafJ?if
to 6 rooms, with niano oreferred: taken at once. 998 E. Yamhill. Sunny
ndnlta; mint ha reasnnnhln. (1-393.
.Imirnnl i .1 S V R 1 i tnnrm 1 VArv fln. vAltnw Tat!
GENTLEMEN desire unfurnished back . sey, heavy rich milker, gentle, good
room in quiet house, east side; cheap, family cow 1 Jersey-Durham and Jer-
It-812 journal - sey-Holstein.-These are extra good cows.
WANTED 3 desirable unfurnished ?5 .11 neftr B' ,Stark- S"nnya can
liniisakunlnir rnnnil' iriva full nr. 3 FRESH VOUng COWS, rich milkers.
ttculars. Y-327. Journal. 'wouW exchang .for beef cows. Rear
va MTifirta r hnnsakaenin.T'Wm ? butcher shop, pckiey reen station,
in gunnyalde. Telephone Tabor 1248.
8AFES 12 second hand . safes, yery
ahaan: i mini en IJee. 1. to IT Kth
, we are now giving tne biggest cut WANTED Young man, services and
r known on new llerrlng-Hall-Mr-1 small eanltal secures fine onenlng
vln safes. - Call or writs today. Port I where you can learn and make big
land af Co., 2 7th st. money Call 10 to 11 Sunday. 242 Fifth
EASTERN manufacturers' arnounta, and Main. .
trad well established, full sample I PROMPT attention ancVhlghest prices
lines, ws have more than ws can at-1 paid for furniture. Hawthorne Fur.
tend to. if you want to be your own I Co.. 162 Grand ave., near Stark. E. 6204.
r?.nakit.rf mone3r nvesttgats BE WISE: get more ror your
this. D-838, Journal. " hand furntUre by selling It
to Ford
FOR SALE -Pair bay horses, suitable Auction Co., 211 1st M. 8961. A-241B
for business or farm, use; must sell nnTRlrli Tnlllrnn. avd. cleaned a
S-. k vnii, . 1m isth curled; furs and velvet hats made
Kramers New York stables, 16th and OVB t ' b-.. ..tisfaction. Ostrich
Alder sts.
Plume Co., 803 Washington.
fi D',DJL.f" gPl:?'? ,! S,i WANTED-i loads manure delivered at
t .r": ""I10-. h.ea?.Lmu"tB?.crJfl5 760 Nehalem ave., Sell wood. Phone
TWO dozen thoroughbred Rhode Island Main 8117,
horn bens.
202 Commonwealth bldg., Portland.
-Rl v"ATE party wants all kinds or
second nana goods, nignest casn prioe.
PARTY will buy
ralncoat, size 42.
In good condition. cheap and
Z-.1Z0, Journal.
furniture. East Side Furniture &
Bargain House. Phono East 453.
METRONOME, French make, perfect
condition, if cheap. Phone wood lawn
HAVE broken up my home and want to HIGHEST price, paid for econd hand
place my rine piano in responsible
noma where I can sen same later on,
If possible. J-321, Journal, -
BLICKENSDKRFEh T typewriters and
supplies: Fox visible machines: rent
als, repairs, inspections: fireproof safes. I WILL nay $100 cash and balance land
in. M. i-iayxer uo.. vn Bin st. Main sua, i ror pianola piano; must oe nrst piass
AUTOMOBILE engineering course in P. O- box lift.
i. u. h.. reasonable ir taicen at once;
also phonograph and records In good
Iflnn TJ.'51 7 Tnnmal
Ws are the only' company In the city
or Portland organised and incorporated
under the laws of the state of Oregon
loaning money on furniture, pianos,
etc., without removal; storage receipts,
real estate contracts, salaries; also con
fidential loans made to ladles; no, In
quiries anywhere.
Loans of 110 to 1100 may he obtained
"from us on short notice, and at a very
mall cost to the borrower.
It will pay you to Investigate our new
crsait pian.
Hutton Credit Co.
611 Dekum Bldg.
Salaried People
If you are looking, for . money . how
ao ineso terms suit you :
110 repaid In Installments of .41 .
116 repaid In installments of 1 .70.
20 repaid in, installments or 1 .80.
25 repaid in installments of $1.00.
60 repaid in installments of $2.00.
Larger amounts tn proportion. All
we ask is your personal note. No mort
gage; no indorser or security; every
thing strictly confidential.
State Security Co.
" 308 Falling bldg.
403 Rothchlld bldx.. Conner 4th and
Washington. The recognised bank of
the wae earner. A clerk, boekkeeser.
machinist engineer or employe can ob
tain money oi us on mi note without
security. ,
is return to us ...... i.uo a montn
30 return to us $ 8.00 a month
$60 return to us $13.15 a month
Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries.
Special rates on pianos, furniture, cto.
A Nt'Ei'l'LATlON w hers you can't lose.
We hitvu a rfal eatnte proposition on
which you will surely double .your
Yen Da Ee Cord
money In a short time and may make 4 1 Without Medlvliie or Operation. lt!iu.
v L r Leo, room 411 C'orbett bldg. niatiam, I'siolyais, Hrtaili a. CmurTt., i ,.
" " ' "' "' ''v: -- '- - dls-silon, Neuralki. 1'ilra, Htirt.
- NOTICES 90 Constipation. K-viiw, 'Uoltvr,
-.i-i .. .-,--. w. ... Kidney, Hluiliiar, Proatait.-. Itvi'tnl t.d
NOTICE Of SALES. Femala iMseitsaa, ' Omsnllatlon t
Ths. nndarslnne.1 will ifrMr for' sals ! Dili . H ATU XOFAT H S. .-
at-publio nuetUin snd will sell to ths I i T . JftsroU. fitua
bigbest bidder at sui;h sale at the west II r-T. B Mnrart J;' W H a.K M
Ai,m sW thai t. . . - M I s vma, U I 1 -"- ,
county Oregon, on 1st "THE JAHN lit w., Url
day of December. 1909. at lbs hour of rtrat cU.s halrdressln. aa taiTl iLh ,. '
10 o'clock a. m.. of said day; Ten bonds wiia. touDeesT tninV ifl.n-J Sh.t 7 '
of th Camplmll Lumber company, a juuit VtyH of iLn7Stt ctllr
Corporation, together wllh the Interest hTad all over IleuS tfon b. 1 JakI
coupons pertaining thbrt... which bonda Imsslble! Einirlanc
are of t(,e par value of $500 each and In Vttend.nctTu
MuSrW a allow"; rSm W''!"
iiuv rm
Campbell Lumber company, a corpora- "-"-.' . rrlJlLt.
tlon incorhorated under tlie laws of the PR. ALICE A, OR1FF,
state of Oregon, and which bonda are I Diseases of women and children st.
certified to by the Fidelity Trust com- I ciusiveiy, women are often aavad s-
pany or Tacoma, Wnah., trustoe, and
are entitled ro the lien of tlie trust
deed or mortgage glvpn to seoure the
bond Issue of said Campbell Lumber
company. '
This sals will be made bv the under.
signed by virtue of the agreement en
tered Into between the Campbell Lum
ber company and the undersigned, dy
ing usj the usual right to stdl nny of
tne collateral In our bands towards sat-
boll Lumber company to us. so far as ftJV", VK, "our','.hln. "?,
I, 1 . 1. . 1 .. . ,.. I . I . V .". r. , ax viltS lilllR. 1011 I. HY
better I, will show you what good milk
..I1"- J drove a milk wagon In this city
vers aursloaJ operations by connul ttim
me. Nervous diseases of cblbln-n a
specialty. Alt the latest electrical
treatment given. Correspondence so
licited. No charge lor consultation.
Phones.. Main 82. A-6407. , Office
room 10. Grand Theatre bid. Wash.,
Ington and Park,
Milk must have a sweet flavor. If
not mere is something wrong. , Good
is very nourianirut and sir
for babies. . If the milk Isn't
the. proceeds of the sale of said
bonds may go.
Trmm a, BAu. ... , I '" '.'" ok ItllJK Hiiim in tuia illy
.terms or sale; Ton nor cent of tar l tnr a i . . .n . ...
value of the bonds to be paid In cash yet. r y 1,'"; ,2V K U l .
at time of sale;' balance to be paid In fim 490 imrnslde st
cash upon delivery of the bonds sold. , nurnside st.
JUated at Portland. Or., this lf.fh day I THE Swedish Svatem nt Dma-laaa
of November. 1909. I Ing Diseases cured by natural. In-
PACIFIC EXPORT LUMBER CO.. I expensive methods, without drugs, dope
By D. L. BLODOBTT. Betfy. I or niec our freo Illustrated booklet
containing charts.
. v yiuuiiivn win uo iwjrmou fc j3 riuagut nvr., v.iiiLnKv,
Iflce of Whlduen & Lewis. ..rchl- ttj -r t a t"t xTrrhlhriaji IrTTIm'
701 Corbett building, Portland. 1HE JAHN TurkfSn electrlo
until 12 o'clock noon, on Mon- and Russian baths. Removing of su-
ecemoer 9 1909 for btone. Terra perfluous hair, moles, warts, etc. Patnleas
Installment loans on olanos. furniture.
warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance
policies, and all kinds of securities;
real estate and loans from $3000 up.
416 Ablngton bldg
GASOLINE wood saw. 6 horse power.
Btover en trine. In perfect working
order; $200.. Fones, Willamette Basin,
St. john- canine.
WILL BUY one 2-hamess fly Bhuttle
camet loom. Northwest Rug Works.
163 Union ave.
WANTED Good second hand coal heat-
lnsr stove: state size and price. C-329.
Journal. :
Anvone steadily employed can borrow
on their plain note and return it In
easy payments; strictly connaentiai;
lowest rates; see us and save money.
427 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak.
diatrrama and tn
MTJL.TNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE I etraetions,, te41s and siiows you how.
Stone, Terra Cotta. Brick and Concrete J Wrlta for It today.
Work. I BWi-.DlSlf rflMPANT.
Sealed DrObosals will ba reoelved at I 1764 B Farraarut ave.. Chlcsa-o.
tne oiiice or vvniaaen Lewis. ..rem
day. Decom
. , I . , . , , ... ' l r - ...1, , uivivo, tv a 1 m, x l
if fu " 1 -oncreJI'orKj anu ror and permanent by electrlo needle. In-
Ji .1 " viou wi in vi-iuorseo py an pnysiclans. .H4 Tamhlll
flcatlons. for the east wlnr of a. new I - trr -w tin .
court house to be erected for the County fF ,-vt ' lt " "v Shu" ,'L';
of Multnomah. Stats of Oregon. mltn T' ga ,i clotPe t loow
Plans and specifications may be ob- .nTfeiH?e"1?ell,n5 nM K lots to
tained at the offioe of the architects. U5." Purchase, you
No proposals or bid will be consld- A "7 "ln you
. a .... 1 1 i .... 1 1 a, ui. j i neeas tne monev. von naati
payable to the order of the Coanty Court l!0cil l, 2et? tho,,R,Uatori. P,e,5s"
of Multnomah county, certified by a .-- Vote for me. Carl Button, 1239 E. Taylor
ponsiDie nanK, ror an amount equ:.i 101 . wu; ciKifi -
A na. r r. .1 1 l 9 t li Q Bff.oala n.niui.Bl I RhinmatUm Mlo.rh KwnAti(,.M a a , V. .
to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated I ma, goitre, dropsy, epilepsy, paralysis,
dnmaeres in rase the bidder neelecta or I tumors, skin and chronic diseaapsi Co-
refuses to enter into contract and pro-1 Jumbia Sanitarium, third floor Raleigh
viue a suitable nono ror tne raitnrui 1 muK-. r-ortiano. ur.
performance of said work, in the event
the contract is awarded to him.'
The right to reject any and all bids
is hereby reserved.
County cierg.
About 3000 cords, 9 miles Portland.
mile station. Apply 769 East Couch
mornings ana arter ( p. m.
THE Peoples' Auction house pays well
ror an articles, its; v ront. Main n o.
CASH for household goods. Savage k
Fennell, 346-347 1st st. Main ago.
WILL exchange brood mare for run
about, buggy or grapnopnone.
Vancouver, Wash., R. F. D. No. 1.
SPOT cash paid for furniture; prompt
attention always given. n;ast iuo..
WANTED Second hand 20 to 25 H. P.
steam automobile engine. llOGrover.
MOTORCYCLES and bicycles, new and
second hand, buy, .sell, exchange, re
pair. Agencies for Trior and Yale Motor
cycles. Ape Bloycle Co., 186 12th. A-S306.
XMAS decorations for home, hall or
store. Trees, cedar Doughs, Oregon
grape. Drop a postal to .Shrlver, S90
Atoerta si.
WANTED Secondhand up-to-date dic
tionary. 264 Taylor st.
WANT surveyor's transit and stubtape,
or will hire an outfit. 4S Dabbe blk.
MONEY advanced salaried people, house
keepera and others upon their own
names without security; cheapest rates,
easiest payments; offices in 66 princi
pal cities; Bave money by getting our
terms. Tolman, 317 Lumber Exchange,
MORTGAGES, contracts for deeds or
other real estate securities bought on
city property or lands anywhere iu
Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble,
316-317 Lu m berjmen s J ldg 6th & Stark.
HAVE $6000 or less ?or mortgages in
central East Portland; also some
"smaller amounts for mortgages else
where; no commission to agents. Ward,
210 Allsky
WE LOAN money on dlaunonds and Jew
elry at reasonable Interest for long or
short time, A. & M, Delovage, Jewelers.
269 Washington gt
- .Men cured Quickly .
Modern electric treatment for disease
of the prostate, nervous debility, plies,
etc. W. I, Howard. M. D., S04-6 Roth-
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
Physician and surgeon, treats women
60 Common-
THE annual meeting of members of
the Aso-lated Charities for the elec
tion of directors and transaction of and children exclusively;
other important business, will be held at fi- ant mnrM.nH.i
ke ymuer weann Diag., eth and Ankeny sts. Phon
1909, at 805 Jefferson st, near 6th st Main 4047. A-2411
W; R. WALPOLE. Secretary. I - ;
JTiailU XUIllIlg ,
Enjov Derfect harmonv for Thsnkaclv.
;ing and Christmas. Have "Andnrson,
CHOICE home - canned , fruit blackber
ries and loganberries, gooseberries
and prunes; you'll like them. Main
TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt ab
solutely guaranteed, all bargains. $15
to $66. Northwest Typewriter Co., 820
Ablngton. Main 8870.
MATCHED' team of browns, horse and
mare, 6 and 7 years bid, weigh 2850
lbs.; are sound and true and will be
shown to any load .oi" tried any place.
Call 606 .Washington, st, Mr. Barney's
team. , 1 : ': : ;.'
150 buys' pair matched sorrels, horae
and mare, -flaxen, manes and tails,
trip in face; also nice set breeching
harness, with collars, all complete. Call
606 Washington st. ;
. $12,5 takes gentle family mare, harness
"and Buggy, -heavy vanough for flellv
or express , wagon. Apply Srhith,
8t. Johns car.
.FOR SALE 11 head Aberdeen Angus
i cattle, 2 buns, 4 cows, 6 heifers; will
sen au or any number. J. M. Hchaefer,
Forest arove, or.
, north
Warner st 4 blocks
station. Ml, Sdort car.
SPAN of farm mares, 'weight about 2355
and harness, $145; one 2-year-old filly,
well bred. $65; black horse, harness and
nuggy, gentle Tor . lady to drive, $116.
Call 14 Union ave., corner Ash st.
FOR SALE Gentle black mare, 7 years
old, well broke; is a family pet and
"perfectly -safe for any woman Or child
to drive. ,. Good buggy and harness;
price $350. Phone Main 6481. .
, BAY ' pony, - buggy and harness, $20;
gTay mRre, ?lo; dounie Harness, fiz
light snring wagon. $15. Cottnere Ii
Hawthorne Park. E. 12th and Madison,
. KlCE bay horse. ' 7 years, -weight -1060.
harness and rubber tired buggy; must
sell, going, away. - Mrs. Anderson,: 20
tvrand ave. (Peterson's Stables.)
FOR SALE 2 fresh cows, one Guernsey,
one Moistein jjurnam; Dig, ncn milk
ers. 927 N. Leonard st, 2 Blocks from
N. St. Johns school.
60 yearling hens, fine, mostly Silver
Laced wyandottes and Buff Orping
tons; also lot of young chicks different
ages. B-310, Journal. '
WXIiL exchange Jersey cow, light mllk
er, for good fresh cow; will pay cash
difference. Phone Sellwood 1384.
Al Jersey cow, ,be fresh March 25, for
sale or trade for fresh cow.,' Phone
Sellwood 818. :
THANKSGIVING Indian Runner and
Mammoth pekln ducks for sale.
Phone Woodlawn 83T. Call 183 Madison.
6 V4 GALLON cow and heifer calf. 4th
place soutn or uan.orove station, or
egon city car;-
FRESH buckeyes received dally direct
from the western reserve, onio, u.
A.'s: crlces reasonable. First come.
first served. John A. Wattson, 76 6th.
TO SEA captains and mates -Bargain
In sextant, good order, cost $65, take
$35; also stop watch; the two for $43,
investigate. F-8Z6, journal,
FELT hat shapes ; selling" below cost
nrioe at 362 . Washington, room
upstairs, corner Park and Wash.
COURSE In International Correspond
ence School, big discount Phone
Woodlawn 2086, or D-322,, Journal
CANARIES, good singers, pure yellow;
also green xinnets, cheap. 231 E. 6th,
near Salmon.
montrrs old: also some half breed
Spits puppies. Phone Monday M. 2218.
FOR SALE Ladv's astride saddle.
bargain, can at stable, 14 union ave..
corner Ann.
FOR' SALE Mail carrier's uniform, in
good condition, or win exenange ror
set harness, f-3.1, journal.
TnTTVYTTl vnuna l.n.l, Ann. A ..lln.a nl, no r.
trade for beef cows.' Rear butcher
shop, Ockley Qreen., St. Johns car.
FOR SAXE Barred Rock pullets; also
blacksmith vise. 1146 E. 16th N.
HORSES and burgles tor rent by day,
week -and month; - special rates to
Dumne-a nouses. w and. iiawtnoroe.
t-;ast - ....
W'Tr.I. 1.11 V ) . (1 r-Uia .n ni.r.l . nrlth
-heaves ff-price s right, for easternr
regonj give full description. E-3Z0,
journal, r
FOR SALE -A 4-year-old . mare, city
nrose, a ramuy driver and a beauty
dark bay. 91 Walnut st, Haxelwlld
station, jit. Bcott carrine.
tARLOAD of horses and marea from
Swin, ranch. Laws valley, Gilliam
nunty, or. Pale at 05 Alblna ave.
j ase l. rar. ram Hrunstts. -
BAY .horse, 8 yeara old, fat gentle and
good driver, $40. Going south and do
it. 'i wipti ,, wiii a ,ti rui.wen Bl. -
FOR SAIJv Clieap, good gentle, team.
rity oroae; win seu separately, Mrs.
KMAl.L horse, very chean..or will
trade horse, buggy and harjiess for
tron cow, -fiftiwood it'i a.
VANTEI A-1 horse; must be young;
and genOe. VddrBS 661 2d, or phone
,1 i It f,V,
FOR HALE OS 1RAD&-A good heevy
team, wagoa 'and ha men.
w-ultie St., (i,nwi car.
1H04 Mil-
ONE good burse and apring wacan for
seie cheap; must oe sold today. 10
K Slat st.
VoCNG tnti t-am. milium else for
their feed, may buy. .G. Schersinger,
' ,s,, ; . ..
WA.XTEfpT ficTianre nwTittW pair
ff mar-i, with foal, for cows. A-l.L
Journal - '
JrlRoT f. hor-s artd wr for sals
-st V. R Ktat., 24f Front st Wilk-
-"nfl, Jiri-"1tnr '
J If!. T 'L.ii hor- r 4 rrsaree St
Madison fctrwt K;t Htbl-a, ItiS
!1i"n st, er t.n i
iiA':Al:ETTea'rC welsM lli4, su't
tvti,- lff"Tt pajirr- 'th and i.
THREE nice, gentle family cows; rich
miiKers; xor sate,, cneap. 7Zt Brain.
ard st. Montavilla.- -
TWO fresh coks .Jersey. Durham;
cow 5 gallons. s k. Main st.
FOR SALE Two ;beef cows.
Satchel, sylvan.-or.
FOR SALE Beautiful white Wyandotte
cockerels. Cor. Going and 25th., N.
f T Chas, E. York"
Band Instruments and Mu'sia House.
Repairing, exchange. 3d st
IBV UllllKUl Iia.nvamt.j, J.UV, (ICUalB,
- excellent construction; would make a
fine Christmas present; pries $176,
terms. 446 3d st.- near College. -STRICTLY
new Al new mahogany
f'eani m t tilaNM AnlW I1in Ilk
dewn snd $4 monthly. Call 850 Alder st
A SNAP $400 piano for $100 If sold
today, ills E. Btarg St.. cor. K. th.
SEVERAL swond hand Mclntyre solid
tire autea, in first class condition: 1
Bill, p-a-fHgiT. Bll A 11-r.
CAMERA, sis Hx8tt. with eomplet
outfit for sale; high grade machine;
neerly new. Apply room Zi, 4 5V. N. Id.
F K SALE New steamer, cheats $9
ft long. 11 ft beam. Write or call
P. M. B-rtrnnd. Rainier, Or.
F R SALE A fnil blood Alaaksn sr-itl
dog. Phone Sellwood tt 4t R 17th.
1 ) i i'iVt : : i,
r - , t ' ' T r , ,' . 1 1
f.! :;T 1rri ii,
v . t
j ! - r i 1 h e
a ?''-'r V 2.
tandard swlr nsachina. aood
condition. Itaa Morriaon St., roora 42.
TEAM, saann and hariesi for saJ-T
If -6 K lMh st, N-
2 laying br.a for saia, cheap.
-llinnf) III
OX'VTKRTan fcpita frup for sale. Fbons
1 la . w. (if I
Xh.IV - HkMC lr.f -ac' In: doS
prfw-t wr.r: fi. 'sfl lit F. n yst
l'R P Lk fT bliaard tatia. h.t
74 9 oa?"4 are. '
ONE d-.ito-n art atouar,
h ! 1 lt T. ,cy l
A ri s k tnotr tat f -r ;, W far. 17
f.-t i ,, p. an-i... Ts.vr i i t
; c
i i . . .
t'. "i'i:i a r i 1
fit v--- n st. I
: T . ' i . '-r
600 feet of Hi. inch rope, also one
horse: sell or trade, at a bargain, ai
Southeast 13th st. East 6921.
FOX terriers for . sale, come and see
, them, they are beauties. C. C. Cain,
Laurelwood Park, 160 N. 1st st.
FOR SALE Astrichan coat; elro 36;
. $76 value; will sell for $26 too
small. Main 6999.
NEW electric carpet oleaner for half
price. Heiler bldg.. Grand and Haw-
thorne ave., room 78
GAS range, gaa water heater, cheap;
good order, little used. 880' M. ljth,
corner Harrison. , i
FOR SALE White silk French Poodle
?upples; there are Only 2 males left
Columbia st
$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ MONEY to loan without delay and I
$ strictly confidential on real 1
$ estate, furniture and pianos (with- $
$ out removal), storage receipts, 2
$ life insurance policies. Jewelry $
$ and diamonds and all kinds of $
$ securities, at lowest rates in city. $
$ On easy weekly or monthly pay- $
$ ments. U. S. Real Estate & $
$ Brokerage Co., room 12 Hamilton $
$ bldg.. 131 3d st Phone Main 2084. $
I have clients who will give first
mortgage real estate security for loans
in amounts of S750. Jiooo tin to Jisoo,
at 7 per cent net to borrower and lender,
to run 8 to 6 years, for building purposes.-'
No commission for me. What
ever the borrower pays' you get Clean
business. Your money sare.
617 Commercial blk., 2d and Washington
MONEY TO LOAN on timber land or
contracts city property, lohe or short
time; easy terms. Boggcss, 221 Mor
rison. Room 5.
TI JOURNAL maintains a Lost and the Piano Expert," tunr your p ano."
Found Bureau to a d the public in the Phones Main 3763, A-1725.
recovery of lost articles. If you lose -! "T. ., r",',' . '
anything, inquire at once at the Lost Mrs Or- Marv TCrnmpr '
and Found Bureau of The Journal, and lei i,,, V . mdTY Jvramer
a record will be made of your loss. If 81 M'slsslPP,IJ ave.. treatment of wo
you should find any article, of value men and children a specialty: blood
and wish to find the rightful owner, medicines for all irregularities. Exam
leave lt at the Lost and Found Bareau Ination free. Phone Woodlawn 1673.
of. The Journal. LADIES ASH your druggiet for
LOST Saturday night, lady's black Chlcheaters Pills, the Dlamon Brand.
seal handbag, containing silver purse F?r 6 Y6 known as best safest
and money between 4 th and Morrison A.lwa7 wlabls. -Take no other,
and Washington Market, or in market; Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills ara
natno inside bag. Reward. Phone sold by druggists everywhere. ' 1
Woodlawn 1716. RESPECTABLE middle aged widower
LOST On Fifth and Stark, or on Al- with some means. deBire.t.4nierf
berta car, black handbag containing qualntance of a respec'ttflde main-" "
$5 In gold and some silver. Please re- en or widow woman about 40;
turn 391 Sacramento st Reward. no triflers; object matrimony. D-324,.
LOST Between 10th and 349 Jefferson. .' . ,...'. ' '.
gold watch and fob; name inscribed A YOUNG man, middle age, good look
LOANS made on life insurance policies,
or will buy' pay more than enmpan
les. S. rt. Mitchell, 624 Henry bldg.
HAVE about $1250 To loan" on first
mortgage at 8 per cent); no commis
sion. E-328, Journal.
TIME loans on diamonds and
telephone bonds by private
Room 19 Ainsworth block.
MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty,
building loans; lowest rates; fire In
surance. W. G. Beck, 312 Failing.
MONEY to loan or will buy mortgages
or contracts on real estate. Harding
vr Keynoids Co., 313 Chamber of Com.
FOR SALE First mortgage, $3000. 4
years, at 6 per cent; valuable farm
land, Marlon county. Or. Write or in
quire. Thos. L. Emory, 4 Lumbermen's
MONEY loaned, salary or furntiure.
Room 11 Washington bldg. Main 9482.
SHORT or long time loans on real es
tate or other security. A. L. lundas,
224 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts.
SALARY LOATVS Confidential, easy to
get and easy to pay. F. A. Newton. 615
Henrv bldg.. 4th and Oak.
WANTED Loan of $250 on $800 In
vestment; will pay 8 per cent. Today.
V-324, Journal.
MONEY to loan on improved city real
estate; no commission.
Trade bldg.
913 Hoard of
WANTED Money to get valuable ar
ticle patented; the law will soon com
pel use of same for public safely: big
monev in It. For particulars address
C-326. JournaL
$600 loan wanted Will pay 7 per cent
for 2 year loaa on $500; security
$1400 house and lot. block from car.
line. Laurelwood. Mt. Scott Phone Ta-
bor 1336. No agents.
WANTED Money to place out in. short
time loans: well secured; payment
guaranteed. Room 231 Fleidner bldg.,
10th and Washington.
$3000 to loan on good security at low
rate of interest. Koss English Inv.
Co.. 322 Mohawk bldg.
$100,000 on mortgages, ctty or farm
property, fire Insurance. McKenzle &
Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2d and. Alder.
MONEY to loan on Improved city prop
erty. Mm. Mr.cMaster, 302 Worcester
within, initials on case; reward. Phono
Main 7874.
LOST Sunday afternoon on east side,
garnet bead necklace, valued as keep
sake; reward. Phone Main 2969, or
A-3958. .
LOST Full value offered for mink
ntickp'lece that was picked up last Sat
urday about 6 p. to. No questions asked.
781 MacTidam st.
ing and moderate habits, would like
to meet young lady; , honest working
girl, matrimonially inclined. Grass
widows and general delivery addresses
not answered. C-334, Journal.
ACQUAINTANCE, of an unencumbered
lady of means 40 or under, matri
monially inclined, by a refined busi
ness man, practical and honorable; no
General delivery letters answered; con
ldential. E-326, Journal.
Wut..l, with nil. l.,of.,-IKc,l m, .la.
tine Lehmillcr on inside. Phone East AJrjAiJX w'snea to meet an elderly gen
2985. Reward.
LOST Cocker spaniel dog, old license
tleman of means: oblect matrimony.
Y-329, Journal. ;
No. 15SS,
IV, Oral IV VVg) . ItV-T. Ut?q mi 1' 7T i ii I77m n" i i ii , , , T "" , ,u"l r ui Vn T rin ii
Fjndegnone M. 1212. 1$ USINESS ULRECTOEY
Diseases of women and children a
specialty; maternity cases given spe
cial attention. Women's department Co-
WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. aasayers. ana
lytlcat cbemlBts. 204 Wash. M. 7508,
lumbia Sanitarium. 3d floor Raleigh PORTLAND analytical laboratory. 622
Mdg., Portland, Or.
Al Oi.) aS'i ttontiemtih. indenendent means.
desires acquaintancef of lady not over
X wijv.., fc.l lln-IHMl, lil.Vllllll'UJ I
suited; give address and particulars;
conunenuai. v-.tai, journal.
MEN When weak, nervous or despond
ent, use Sexoid Pills as a bracer: re
stores lost vigor; price $1 per box, 6
boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce. 311 Allskv
bldg. '
Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M. 6980.
MONTANA assay office, laboratory and
ore testing work. 186 Morrison.
general practice. 411-12 Buchanan bld.
W. W. BLANEY. Mfg. of Babbitt metal,
tinsmiths' and plumbers- solder.
MONEY at 6, 7 and 8 per cent on city
ana rarm security, is. s. uuiesple,
201 Fenton bfdg. "
$800 On real estate in city,' 2 or 3 years.
W. J. Day. 210 Henry bldg.
QUICK loans on all sscurltles. 8. W.
King. 45 Washington bldg Main 6100.
WANT to borrow $500 on 160 acres
of improved farm land. J-327. Jour
nal, i
WANTED $1500 loan to complete
building, good security. 1000 E. 12th N.
LOAN fr the asking salary or chat-
tei. inn uiaii 1,0.. i uenum Dldg.
MONEY to loan on ail kinds of security.
W. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. ,
SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate.
Goddard Sr Weidrlok. 243 Stark.
GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc:
uerman. English. French. BDanrsh.
Swedish and Italian dictionaries: ,for-1 smelter and refiner of drosses. 434 b
?Jt . T. v. ; ; s HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2,1 at.
DR. C. 8. CARTER, Portlands popular Blank books m'fg; agts. for Jones'
physician for women and .children; Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see ths
private sanatorium if desired, 402 Mer- new Eureka leaf. A-818S. Main 183.
toirtHour8St10-ldg'-3-4' 6-8 unSylO-l THE J. K. GILL CO.-Stationers. book
ton. Hours, m-i, .3-4, t-. aunoay. m-i. Hers. office outfitters. enrin.ra'.
REFINED widow with best references. draughtmen's supplies. 133 8d cor. Alder.
luvt'iy iiurui.-, wiu give eweriy invaiia
gentleman every care and' attention.
wno can as
triflers need
and cross-
On. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures
aiseaees ui men, oiooa and sain ais-
ISAAC IV WHITE, money to loan,
insurance. 331 Sherlock bldg.
Phone Your "Wants" Today
and Every Day
" " "in".
The Superior 'Want Adw
Telephone Service
Of The Journal is unsurpassed.
Anybody who has telephone
can call up The Journal,
- And have a "Want Ad" printed
ks ordered. - Bills for ads will
be sent to "owners of telephones
after publication.
In the Telephone Directory
Is Reference. Enough for Us
Vour ads will appear in The Jcmrnal the same day if received at
: the office before 11 a. tru They 'will be properly c!aMGed. too.
. - i 1 a
every care ana attention, I Btreet navlnir aldawallra
assist her financially; no hngii ilf Rk'bldr
a,i iwiiuK, gutteriuic, rttuairina; sou
general Jobbing. J. Los 11. 118 Jeffe.r-
ain ai, l , A . '
eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid- Z ' V, . "'
trey, oauuer aiiu piiv. 10. lai u. run , . . " ..... tow vuin..., ,
land embroidered silks, dressing gowns,
DR. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cot- fjj?.' """ 70 6thst -
ton Root lllls, sure remedy for de- THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO..
layed periods. $2 per box or 3 boxes for Portland office. 404 Worcester bldg.
$5. T. J. Pierce, 3H Alisky oldg.. 265 JA& Mcl. WOOD & Co.. all kinds of ln
Morrison. surnnce, surety bonds. McKay bldg.
- i ..ii i in.- ,7,-,, .,, .
ANXIOUS, about the future? Send
dime, sWrnp and date of birth for ac
curate predictions for the coming year.
ITor. Aitso n. pox At, spnngrieia, onto.
ENERGETIC bt:slnes woman, alone.
stranger in city, some moans, but not
enough to handle what l want; would
line partner, u-szy, journal.
MARRIAGE paper; highest character;
incorporated; 14th year; 6000 mem
bers; paper sealed: send 10c L. L.
Ixve, box 1600. Denver, Colo.
MAN OF 35 wishes communication with
young widow or unmarried lady who
would like good home; have good trade
and home C-323. Journal.
LADIES! Dr? La, Franco's Compound.
safe, speedy, regulator. 26 cent, drug
gists or mall; booklet frea. Dr. La
France, Philadelphia. Pa.
; LOST vitality restored y Dr. Lorenss'
I. Nerve Tonlo Tablets, lie box, 4 boxes
WB hava 10 years- experience In clean
ing and dyeing business, $1.69 per
suit Call up and give us a trial Har
vard Cleaning Co., 74T Northrup, sear
d. Phones A-53?. Main 11.
H. W. TURNER. Dyer Carpeta dyed a
specialty. 60S Jefferson st Ualn
2S1I. A-26JS.
CHIROPODY, manicuring. Mrs. Imnton.
Tiirord bldg.. room 204, J9tn and Hot.
Mra M. n. HUt 42 F!Wnr Hit
$1 25.
Stipe. Tavlor Drug Oo IS Mor-
Mall orders pwmpttyfiii-4.
M RS, eOPlllA B. SEIP. mental scien
tist 312 Al.'sky blig.; Wwlneaday
meetings, 8 o'clock sharp. Public wei-
MEN Dr. Ketchum -till promptly cure
all your private ailments; advice free.
Hours, a. m. to 6 p. m. 17fe Third,
rear TarehHl. Main 8 "7".
s A.N'Iib 1 o buy com.Mn;a: Switches
made to order. Mrs. Writ. Bequeauh,
IS1 t Yamhill. Eat 171.
LADY wiil iv wMl rate of iafar.t or
-ehi4 at fear hm auaeaiai-la. Mrs.
P. sier, Arl-ta. p. ().
Work guaranteed. Tela Eaat $:H-1.
CAitTET vvliivHo -"""
CARPET and ram weaving. Hi K. i:ia
su N. WoM'ami 2154.
& . HUMPHREY, at ty. rm-,..rcral 1 . .
117 C. of. J. yiiw'a : --" '
t' HTti sevwbere. 'e get ! niw j
Wl's M-rrBJ arwf, t- I K nt T.
UllDlLMiOX lIl.lXUA.Mls
l -I V n a r,mfiL1. 1im ulSar. -all.
sold snd g-jarsate-ai fey the Aaar'aW
fvr-i ,Ce. Its ttk t. Mala tlM.
LAIMrS L'ae Dumonfs aatutary rvs
n'ators: rTspoiidetce 4slre4.
J-1 '. Ji-jmal
Jt . V.. a -.- 1 ' kLA "HI 1 P I I
BtM TIGS fr a l fejiale
$ G'taa-4. yHa 't
fKKD $T aai b'tth , f --r" i-orfca-';
-i t f ll ' l i '
VTK pay tba fc!stet !t f
fW t rs mm & a aat !. h '-.
k-itter, rfn, f-jra. t. r ara. ...
rra'a. 'H rite a ya i-
lklyA. l4jv.'i 1
1 - - i
f I 1 1