THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, .NOVEMBER. 21, 1000. ROOMS AND noAim 18 k it i v r..mli4 ro..m for J, two walking dlaUnco. M.m U44. , . -::tsl. . i hi. mivaia rtu iiv. n a talon ere. N. 1 " - ' i- : , .. t-t- tUIO " il..iic , cur, 11 III hiullli uit m! If dlrd. room two out board; private faintly. moderate at modern. Ith (. ennr- Moln ri-s: l.iiAUl and room for . tng distance. 191 N- 42K4. . ' . SJi K'W "quiet rm.r "ith ''or U1" board, for gentleman; near 8-car. Ui inn .. . .n Wrll furnlehed . nd hcatrd; rvrry , onv nl'-nre. for I ! gent lemen : home rooking l9LS- 'Tn." jiSTrHt773 v.iiitt. , choice roomn, private family, firel rloi hrnnt rook Inn If dralrrd. . 7-nlv ATK family, from room will tva fulfill.., 'm. " liMikfail and dinner iace heat. l Holladay. .NICE room. .tltabW fr two. i.mi. piano, borne rook I in: mlnutea walk. lVr wek t i:n hWRb and room for aoin orklng , ajtrl, bath, phone and heat. 2!6 IS in. roar Salmon. JpllOKT room with board for 1 or 2; walking niaiam-e. 1m! Hall- HOL8KKKi:rin rooms JCiHT tUDf? 48 NKWI.Y furnUlied houaekaeplng room a; aa ranaa, ktuiirn. dviihif rotun. bath, phone $10 pr month, Including cooking Murrtaou at. rarllna. or walking dia (aitce; no thtldran; modern homo, tit I Jirtmont at , nimer K lfcth. housekeeping room a. aaa. balh. ele- phone; fan stove; plea a hi, quiet i.lah- l.ortuKvd, I carllne 77$ E. Taylor. Tel. r.-aite. i'fANlSHED roonta for bouaekarplna, l-a.t i2 IIOJHKIIOrn NKC1CS-S1TIES IIOl'SEIIOLD MXTJiSITIICS is Used Unriirht Pianos rKOM OUR RKNTINO UEPAKTMKNT $5.00 Monthly Until Paid For Craves Music Co. Ill 4th at. TiAffiSGMNG Geisler & Borres AMIli 386 East Kcnison: VV XUlMiLf UQUOR S eaay UOUIi pony heap. -, war car. I-akvlcw Koo.M wllh" Taylor. Take or without board. TvO nice. Ilht. clean board. I KwMtt roo ma. 469 -with"! WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 30, WANTED Bord and room for boy ( yram old. X-1U. Journal. ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 . WEST SIDE WHEN you move you'll neel nw fur- niture. Hut it ludlrlouelv and tna aavtnite will exceed your moving ex pen aa. ' Our NO-IIENT TRICKS made ua one of the tar (eat furniture houaea Id the city in Iraa than two yea re. Iokera are ahown the aame court eay a a buytra. MORtrAN-ATCHLEY mrRNTTTJRE CO.. Orand ave., cor. E. Stark at Eaat Ankeny, Montavllla and Kaat Side Una para paaa our door. Old Crow Whiskey, bottled in bond .-. .... ...$1.25 Hermitage Whiskey, bottled in bond ...$1.25 Canadian Club Whiskey $1.25 Guckcnheimef, bottled in bond .$1.00 Medallion 7C, bottled in Good Furniture-Latest Styles DJOVBLOPM BNT NEVER CEASES AT OUR UP , TO DATE STORE. bond Imported key ..$1.00 Scotch Whis- $1.25 N and ICEI.I furnlshrd 1 room houaekceplng auite. on first floor, with fre phone. . Kati. ami on i v a minuir. " from noatofflee, very central., lit Kod 'realdeiic district to "' ,ro'on,.y ,117 a month. -Call at 109 Market at. to be showed the room a at S21 Tth at., that are to be renteq. WELL, furnished houankoeplna; rooma. i for S. J for $18 monthly: two In cottar, $12; 4 room lower flat, ll, iluaeaV 10.'30. $27.60. 4 N. 2lh. . vr from donot. Sd or Morrlaon to ;ith, block north. well furninlied, hiiwlinlni rooms, ana. oath, reie- nhone. gas move: pleaaant. quiet, neigh borhood; 2 arllnea. 773 E. Taylor at. I'hone Kast 520. n-wB! RiiTHERLAND Newly furnished housekeeDins rooms, hot and cold wa- I EIGHT ter, electric lights, gas ranges, Datn ana phone. 16th or W. carllne. corner $7th and Thurnian. Thone A-4174. R)r Rent, Houses 7 room modern hnuee with barn. I?o 7 room liouaa. larga barn, with t acrea oi aTouna. us. 5 room house on 47th and E. Salmon eta.. $1$. . . ,Otto & Harkson 183 H First t '"vlngton, between Thompson and Tillamook, l block from car, a S room cottnge with rii-f.pJuce. good basement, gas and a nice yard with fruit trees. $26 I' vi won in. HARTMAN aV THOMPSON. . . Chamber of Commerce SEVEN room modern house, 1 block car; 0 minutes out; $15 per month; sub urban home with t acre, Ru fruit treea, 6 room liouse. barn, chicken honse. 2 car-lines, $16 per month. Monday Main TEN room modern house, 7$ Union are.. N.. near E. Everett; $40. .ro,om, modern house, 412 Stanton at. near Union ave.; $20. LOUIS HAI.OMON & CO, iaa oiarK st. Claret Wine, per gallon, 50c to .$1.50, . Sauterne and Reisling, per gallon, $1.00 to $3.00 Port Wine, per gallon, $1.00 to .$4.00 Sherry Wine, per gal., $1.00 to ', .$4.00 Angelica, Muscatel, Tokay, Malaga, Madeira, White Port Wine, gallon,. . .$1.50 TOU WILL, ALWATS FIND ' SOMETHING N E W. HARE RARE AND ORIGINAL IN OUR STOCK TO INTEREST YOU. THIS WEEK WE IN VITE THE PUBLIC TO SEE OUR Dining Tables DLnln? Chairs Buffets Tou nerer , saw a better Una of Furniture In ' quality and prices. WE! ALSO OFFER FOR ONE WEEK EVERYTHING I N WEATHERED OAK AND EARLY ENGLISH MISSION STYLE. At One-nnrth Off DO' NOT OVERLOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY. QUICK MEAL STEEL RANGES. OAS RANGES AND HEATERS. HOISKIIOLD NKt'E-SSlTIES IIOl fi:ilOU) .NECESSITIES REMOVAL . SALE Patronize .Home . Industries ONE connecting sulta of housekeeping rooms, first Iioor; ruouui. close In. private, family; adulta only. 402 4tn. . FOR RENT--2 housekeeping rooms, un furnished or will furnish, nott heat and Mght furnished. 275 N. 2d tt. Main 6,97. . TWO nicely furnished front housekeep- imr rooms, iifirni. coniiurmwic, rng water, phone, $14 mo. Jiimhla jit?, run- 448 Co- rOOm mrwtAm hmiaa H.l.k Ua, . - " " .. ...,...., (Lll ir lurnace. sua and citv .,i.r i.r.n concrete basement and attic; one block from school and Mt. Tabor carllne: SwS,Um1,,3!R.f.,.X n?r- ""I? W: Ap- 1", 1.1 inymr wt.. near K. tn. .Nfc W room bungalow, fireplace, all convenlencen. will riv. sponsible ppopie without children. ,o'.,STORr RAINEY, , . 42$ HENRY BUMi. MAIN 2964. $ ',-it ri.m l,ous. one or more cfee; rhti,T.,ot" irulh ood P'ac 6r cow CnifKftnfl. ffflHnn lift L. , . . ' t a v iiiuii lii . viian, AD Sd or Morrison to 2th, block north NiCKLY' furnished housekeeping aultes, twO "Be to.r rent, corner Union i - "u"i . " ia niceiy rur ?in :. OWnf WODla ,,ka to board with memtly,6W9'Tnrf'UP'j;0' Wood ln bM- even-thing convenient; reasonable. 492 Clay st, pricea very i vtrr.r.T furnished front roomi, house- . keeping; bath, gsa, phono. 848 Mot.t gomery. Main 6815. - ; SEWLY furnished front housekeeping and Bleeping rooms, bath, furnace heat phone, $3 o 84. 684 8d st , . 184 Sherman. Sou lb. Portland, $1.60 ' week tip, large, clean, furnished nouse keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. 450 Yamhill,, between 12th and 13th; well furnished, desirable alcove room 3nuwsekeeplngi modern. - THREE lower floor rooms, furnished comnlete for housekeeping; adulta; walking distance. 847 Market t NEATLY furnished housekeeping room, $11, $10 and $8 a month respectively; central location, job nm i. KICE auite of front housekeeping rooms, 27S N. 12th st nvi) rnoma for lifirht housekeeDlng: ore- I location for fer married couple without children. " z'th 428 Blackstone between 21st and 22d sta. CONVENIENT auite of rooms for housekeeping; also single room; eta tlonary tubs; all modern. 48 N. 9th. 614 Everett at, cor. 15th Comfortable, neatly furnished housekeeping suite; fine location; every convenience. TWO newly furnished, clean, housekeep- Ing rooms, all conveniences, walking -distance.'' 17. - ao Mill , i fnt.0?.0'- block, east and north front: lara-e nnmh. , ui i. m ' Woodstock, ?a.-RuSseil ata ion: hTJn elevation, overlooking city. FOR Phone Sell- RENT 4 . : - II I i r-1 ii uuuhr. UnZl' W- rnced. 1 block two car nivJ t e;. ttTi. reasonable to right ??19 ' ' QU 249 Salmon- Phone El FOR RENT Furnished ... m-o rw iiuuen. ij niVcrSlLV -"H r Ir ttPnSEFW1? !H "ome;Toyflult8: B15 Board of Trade. Main 4667. ROOM modern huno-o i... S . . . m furnished. CaH "beTween" i aS 6 p7 rhorve. 268 nea?dHU Multnomah Pure Rye Whis key, gallon ......... .$3.50 IJillwood Bourbon Whiskey, gallon .$3.50 Old California Brandy, gal lon . . .' .....$3.00 Old Crow Whiskey, gallon, $4.00 to .............-.$7.50 Hermitage Bourbon Whis '"' key, gallon $4.00 to... $750 Hermitage Rye Whiskey, per gallon, $5.00 to ,$8.50 DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY NATIONAL WINE COMPANY N. E. Cor. Fifth and Stark Main 6499 A-4499 White Petticoats Corset Cover and Short Skirt, or. Corset Cover and Drawers, nicely made, trimmed witn lace, em broidery beading and lawn ruf fles. These values should compel your inspection. j location for roomer:,r;' near Ankenv st. .-vjsi room furnished c tio; i DiOCK west i oectjon une road. Call vniuuiera sc, clean. Mrs. O M R.m.fl. ottage, bath; lt Scott car at 1870 Pa vis. SHfcRMAN, CLAY & CO RVMT pit" MOV .Fw? AT $4 PER NEATLY furnished, large housekeeping fZfifo TroWARD W, jSIt, suite, modern, central location. 32 rn Jt,WAHU PURCHASE PRICE. WHEN IT RAINS Don't Worry About Let Us Handle It for You N. 11th, off Washington. 2, 3, or 4 furnished-housekeeping suites, 1st and 2d floor, gas, bath, phone. 615 Yamhill. 49 MORRISON Unfurnished house- keeplng auite, $20; good location; key; .upstairs. ';;' : --' ' ; TI-1REE neatly furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, not, coia water ana lights furnished. 428 Hall at BRAND new 7 rooms and bath m: flni f'inA. . ' xxZl tu furnace, naies. etc.; on Hatnrne r. In,U're 291 lenn rnrrntn4 r00m house- Fai'fns at.; i,,tar Un,on ve.; also large 6 room house corner Beach Roiinev v Tn &Hltl63Farjo st Tel C-z Jesf large 4 room house. inf. 168 10TH ST. nished rooms, tteds. Three nicely complete kitchen. fur- two a mlmitoo rfiA - Inquire 490 Multnomah Ave.. Sell- station. car. wood. FIVE room CAMBRIDGE BLDG.. 3d and Morrison , sts. Furnished housekeeping rooms, very desirable. Apply room 36. NEWLY papered housekeeping rooms. 13.60 and up; catn, laundry ana pnone. Col t H ir m ) i u Mi .... j . within walklni- 3it.' T?...',"r"j st., corner H. 2iSt . T iA"il""ua . v iiumi in. T L- XT , ""i ' ' nli, S.J? i"se' rrnace; partly fuT: Annlv ioV Karae- 74 Johnson. PP'y 60 Johnson, corner ?lst $87 Washington st WELL furnished for housekeepini clean; modern. Z room, nicely suited r purposes; neat and ft Jefferson. TTflR DPWT it . : maTn "?. com- txrVi ' """- iouo uneonto Woodlawn car; $18. St., THREE clean, nicely furnished house keeping rooms, strictly modern. 109 N. 18 th. ' 466 Main, between 13th and 14 ill, liouae ' keeping rooms, all conveniences; no c-htldr-n. no ins. MODERN new oath; Jl Montavllla, 7 rilum V. . 1 1 1 . . . . . ( i . - bath; $13 month; fi li i S 7 ROOM modf-rn car, $12.60 house In fine condition, all conveniences. 2 blocks from Hoom 4, 22H4 Mnrriann HINOLK room for phone, bath, gas. TWO i.ewly rooma. $12; one $10. light housekeeping 103 10th st. furnished MODERN cottage. East RIH. ..,n'7 location; 6 roomR unA o,'ik. .'uT.J- , milium At Five Cents Per Pound It Is Cheaper Than You Can Do It at Home Phone. Your Orders Troy Uundry- Co, WATCHES Main 2!08. housekeeping 721 1st. 4 rooms, for house 19th, near Marshall. FURNISHED flat, kefping 260 N. t2 N. 1 7 tli sL, 2 nicely furnished house- keeping rooms. Main 4958. JLAUGE and clean. for housekeeplngi furnished complete kill xnurman. ROOM modern house, with range st tached. or imrfiv ,i.,i!"J V J: Martin ave.. oT phone SeT.w to3 410 - "ic wooaiawn FOK RENT 1 have a nnmh.r . : for fr.. , , " "yw-m bof 670. V ' rooms- t-all HOl'SEKEEl'lXC HOOM3 EAST SIDE 48 two nica ngni rooms furnished for housekeeping, bnok building, electric lignts, free pnone ana bath The lola, 860 H Hawthorne ave. I'hone East 6253. FXK BENT 2d floor of private d.-si-denea for housekeeping, all furnished, with bath and gas. hot and cold water, $20 per month. 660 East Morrison st. THREE completely furnished house keeping roomH. ground floor, bath room, pantry. Call Sunday 64 Mllwau l ave. I-1 iR RENT Ona furnlKhea or unf nr ni.hed faooekeping . room, electric lirht, fre phema. bath, furnaie haL 4 I nlow ave. ftinw Kurt 112. iiO L'SEK tKPING rooma. ne w 1 y d t-oorat --d end furnLahed; walking dintanr ?1 Wtillame corner Bnwdway. f ( ft fumrh3 housekeeping rooma. E. t;rnt, near Ith at. Call trin 1' . or pboa Seilwood 4(K So c hil rn " U j furalabn) bouaekrepirg ror.rsa. K- :t. tt- Hawthomt and E. M"rnn. fHrne Mat 2kt, MODERN 8 room house; 71S. l?s Galns at. f irpnlann naee. gas. cood location. 125 so ' Ta- fu Main Fh?n?Efi'Ti 6 Ionm hou"e- $; newly las ave fceUwood car- Cal 646 Doug- luJLHi$?,Ti;.An ? room ,iou. mod: a&i muir fl HI .1,1. i'hone Main 1747; A-46 month. $18 rxn kwi-i room house, all modern. m-ap. van K. loth St. N. 100' feet south Alnsworth ave. on 10th i Ladies' Waltham. or Elsfin $11.50 Men's Waltham or Elgin $9 Wc Save Yon Moicy On Diamonds, Watches Jewelry and Silverware si Standard Jewelry , Store 141 5 3d Street, near Alder ' $2.50 MUSLIN COMBINATION SUITS Take advantage of this opportu nity to save over $1.50 on Fine Cambne Petticoats. They are made very full, trimmed with hemstitched tucks and embroid ery. , You' Will Save $1.50 to $2.50 on Each $10 You Have to . bpend: fc : FOR FURNITURE . ' ' RUGS, , ' CARPETS BY PURCHASING ' NOW. DURING OUR NOVEMBER . REMOVAL .SALE. .' EVERYTHING ' Redaced' 15. M .:2S.fer;Ceit;: Except' Victor Talktncr Ma chines, Edison Phonographs and Records. We will be in our new building in 3 weeks and have 10 carloads of new fur niture coming. Pre fer to close out our , stock without profit. $67.50 Malleable Ranges $50. $52.00 SteeL Ranges $39.00. $30 Body Brussells Rugs, 9 by 12, $25.00; $28.50 Axminster Rugs, 9 by 11, S22.00. $12.00 Tapestry Rugs, 9 by IA $9.00. $20iX) Tapestry Rugs, 9 by ' 12, 15.00. $16.00 Tapestry Rugs, 9 bv 12, $12.00. Our furniture , , Is Made. t and Handled, .'' by the Union LaSor ; of Portland'-' itorsi:i!ui.i M:(rs.srni:s . HOOD RIVER Yd!07 IJCHlOVD Appk'.Cider SHOULD BE ON EVERY, t r J PRICES AS; FOLLOWS: Iron Beds from $1.65 . Up. Dressers, from $5.00 Up. Extension Tables, $6.00 Up. Chairs, from C0cfUp. " The. Exchange; Fnrnitere loose Corner First and Salmon. , 'fotir,'Grocer Keeps 11 ;;;'. :; . ..v:., COSTS NO il l r INFERIOR PRODUCTS . " .td Fit; ;;: :, . - - - Any'Pnrsc ; S S Co. Waslilngton St at Tentfi The Store Where Your Credit Is ' Good. " J . .h tor. rMlt- 6 rooms and haThl I kitchen stove, etc.. for sale. 709 Cor- 1 bett St.. bet. Mead and Hooker room cottage; i 1 Dtoca from FOR RENT Modern full lot; Upper Alblna, tTmon ave. 414 EIIeb, u t ROOM house, and stable; $12 pr L.liCIl, Thurman SIX Talking Mac&incs We ara closlnr out some very fine new machines at about half prir. Take all the disks you want at 36 cents each. Jorm zzd at. Inouira ks Plaaos What Every Woman Needs ISA WHITE SEWING , "IAC1NE ' Let Us Show You Why THE WHITE IS KING' Over All the Other Machines. THERE ARE SO MANY REASONS THAT THIS SPACE GIVES NO ROOM TO ENUMERATE. ' CALL AT OUR SALESROOM AND SEE OUR NEW ROTARY SHUTTLE AND AUTOMATIC LIFT. OUR NEW CABINET MACHINE REACHES THE PERFECTION OF THE CABINET MAKERS' ART. WE AIBO RENT MACHINES BY WEEK OR MONTH. WHITE SEWING MA CHINE STORE H. D. Jones, Prop. 420 WASHINGTON ST, Main 6102 A-1602 orgai-AtcMey.. FirittureCio Grapd Avenue;. Cor. East . - Stark St ' Special ;Ten Days' Sale Gas Supplies r Fiiraftiire Bar- gains.'TMs 'Week We have soma fine rooda which wa win sacrifice to make room ror new. Hera they are: Extension Tables 8 rt.-4K Inch top,-- polished oak yedestal, $16.80. 6 ft. -42 Inch top, solid oak pedestal. 12.(1(1. 6 it inch top, weathered oak, 6 legs. $13.90. -10 n.-4ti Inch top, golden oak, 6 legs, $14.30. ... 6 ft-42 iach top. Pacific oak. .5 legs, $11.76. . Chairs ' Polished quarter oak, leather seat,-$3.65. Polished quarter oak.,leather seat $4.85. I'OHsiHsd quarter oak, cano seal, a.o. Polished quarter .oak, cane seat. $2.60. Qolden elm, wood seat .$1.30. Rockers Solid oak, cobbler Beat, $$.10. Solid oak. wood seat. $4.00. Quarter .oak, polished wood seat JS.90. Quarter oak, polished veneer seat, $4,00. ' ;" Heaters"' ; No. 19 air tight wood heater, $1.74. Wood or ooal heater, $10.76. Nickel trimmed wood heater, $6.60. - Oil burning heaters, $3.45. Special Mascot Range, $29.75. Malleable Steel Range, $49.75. THE PRICE OF EVERY ARTICLE FOR GAS GREATLY REDTICKn Welsbach Complete Lights .....50c western ana weishach Mantles, resr. 25c, cut to..... ...20c imported j uiooes lor Welsbach and Lindsay Lights 1K Complete Inverted Lights ...60c Welsbach 30o Mantle, cut to. . .-t .. . . 25c weisDacn iuc mantle, 3 for ...26c Welsbach 15c Mantle, 2 for 25: UTO.stea or Jtiair Jj-rosted Inverted Globes ....20c 1MVEKTE1J OAS MAKTTT.TCH. Z5c grade ... i , . 20c 16c grade, 2 for ..,..25e 10c grade. 3 for 2Rn Eeii-xignung Aianues, either Upright or inveriea, ine regular 350 Man tle, cut to. each .inn weisoacn junior ijierits. aen sr.n Welsbach Junior Mantles, each. 20c Manning Lighting & Supply Company 43 Sd st Main ggll, A-23U. ' . Llnolenin-''- Best grade, plain $1.00 yard. Fine erade. inlaid. $1.10 yard. Best grade, Inlaid, $1.67 yard. TJiese pricea Include laying. Our goods are guaranteed; a trial or der will be appreciated. : Eex Furniture Co. .230. Second' St ',: Near Salmon. Main 919$ WE HAVE AT ALL TIMES SPLEN DID BARGAINS IN OUR PIANO EX CHANGE AND BARGAIN ROOM FROM AS LOW AS $86 UP. GOOD. DEPEND ABLE INSTRUMENTS. WILL TAKE A LITTLE DOWN AND A LITTLE EACH MONTH IF YOU'RE NOT PREPARED TO PAY ALL CASH. IF YOU WANT A BETTER INSTRU MENT WITHIN. ONE YEAR WE'LL EXCHANGE, ALLOWING EVERY CENT YOU'VE PAID. Eikrs tlim Itose . $53 .WASHINGTON ST., AT PARK ( EIGHTH ) ST. The East Side Furniture ai$ Bargain House. OPENED MONDAY. NOVEMBER 8. . ; '"'. i - " With a, Complete X,Ine of i New and Second Hand , FURNITURE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, HARDWARE. ETC.. - . DREKTOR & WIEDER, Props., '"'- ' ' ' ,. ' 1 , .95" and '97 Union Avenue EAST 453- HOUSES FOB REJTT, FURMTLRK FOR SALE 82 IS- . WE HAVE SOME FINE : VALUES IN SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS. WHICH .HAVE ' BEEN TAKEN IN EXCHANGE TOWARD OUR PLAYER PIANOS. WE ALSO HAVE A srLENDID NEW PIANO AT $10 DOWN AND ONLY $6 PER MONTH. WHY BE WITHOUT MUSIC? - ';' s: SIXTH AND MORRISON, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloth, L i n o 1 e u m, Stoves, Ranges, Cooking Utensils,- ; Crockery, Glassware, . I lard-; ware in fact, everything to furnish a house complete with . both new or. fine second-hand h o u s e h o l i furnishings at 'way down prices,' and we sell on the installment plan, too. Our terms are down , and small monthly payments. - r " : ' ' . '.; ' '" YIcsttm Mngc Co.-.'" 627 - 629 - 631 - 633 and 635 " Washington St:, Cor: 20(517 - Both Phones LOCATION IS RKJHT Two blooka from Oregon hotel: 6 room modern house; fnrniture $500, rent $35. HARTMAN & ' THOMPSON, Rent Department Chamber- of Commerce. EIGHT room hous, furnished; gas range, otc; rent only $16. Must sell. Rooms laid out fin for renting; $176 takes everything. 676 Hood, cor. Grant 10 ROOM modern house for rent;, f urnl- ture first class condition; splendid lo cation, central; rooma all rented. Cash or-terms. E-312, Journal. 12-ROOM home, best location in city; rooms all occupied; excellent business opportunity, Those only Vho mean busi neas need apply. A-7495. HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale; first class condition; Rplendld local ity; cash and terms; 41 N. th t Main 7678. . BARGAIN Fine furniture, 7 room strictly modern flat; central, light. desirable. ' Main 8684. 228 10th st UNUSUAL chance; fine furniture of 10 room house: must sell this week: owner canea away. iao otn si. FURNISHED 5 room flat in two house keeping, suites for sale, $226. Apply 698 Williams aye. FURNITURE of a 6 room lower flat for sale at a sacrifice; all new; cost $660. apply zzt uwwin mi. room house and Kxth m. xr ill between Tillamook and Ttumir.. Main 414. D. C. Rums. 1iJ UT tl.rec furn',ith.d lm. ra. -le-trtv It.nir ti'' " and Mnrrmr-n. Inquire I. rrtly fmi4 Ha -r- om diabra and a-iti rrxKne, tJ'ar.a d flor. Iil MONTH Th fee clean mrm ., tag? 8 mail harn jit alH & Wanhlnglon. lewelrv store Z . 11 """-. not and cold water oath nlc location. cIom to car Bta- " r " at t?$V 5r:VEX roma. modern. et aid. Hth . "c N- Applv 132 AMer sL , i . 1 1 r"4.rra. rta. ra. rm IJI Farr at I . I , :r.i. at. I. car 11 :i wk . fi rth' hnutrfcxrlna ra lintcrr f ,rt-! ran! . i, l.i.i ,Sw.r .jrtiao rnona, i tfe m -e.rifa, ptate, ta e I SI in Kurt ItHt ma. -1 rg rB-rn i f !:. r. v , JNTH Three room rttag. 16$ if. 147 Warner at.: Stewart Park. t KNUiiin cott.a- in KunnysldeT" i no. nir.HAKT CO. COTTAGE. rr4. M n $i; FI VK roona hrw. a! I modern. (11 AV r.m l.-.iii M l i HN rix-m c : ' ) v.. i r T .- 4 ... lr..l- 1 f r-m. !..( Tihnf 14. " I '!"" '-n 4. 1 rl. 4 . --r IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW PIANOS WE WILL CLOAK OUT A NUMBER OF GOOD SECOND HAND PIANOS AT ABOUT ONE HALF THEIR REAL VALUE. ON PAY MENTS OF 15 PER .MONTH. loychdcn-Soiilc : Piano Co. 106 Fifth Street The Reliable Shoe Store Fnn-iy located at im THIRD fTREET. la ic w -atabliabed at 2332 Alder - wlta a M-rrH. Ur "t MrNII AND I'.jir PH'.Fs; p"th far w--t- a -41 rav. l. P. UisJuNOLi, in. AT $2600 Two houa rm $4x100; an la a i room, nearly modem. bas, with 1 rooma dwnataJr and t Mrom up rlalra: all niely finished and rents for $1$ a month. The nther la a 1 nxiw eottaa-o wfl toilet and woodshed; now resting for $f a month. afaka tro roat war Tnr thla r.rrnrf Take Alberta mn Wmvlltva ra r tn Shaver at- ard r I Mn-M east ta 1th it No. til H IM u N. o-at and a thla and thea mnt and na j m i - u i mw wmwj nl Oil COT thla oa. Fne Stewart- Co. ft-$ P--4 ef Tra Tips U- L. Read and Answer ii v 7"0n Buying and Selling 1 Second-Hand Clothes Enot out the Second-Bind Cloto iag that fill and crowd your cloaeta. Saaka tht doUan out of them for tier "w-Ul bring them-if sold. Torre la profit la both buying and eeliinj ' lightly worn clothing. See w-hat yea bare right acrer. Let cur little Wast Adi carry ytmr neeaeg to Uoaaaode for but A few -peaairf. There la always something of Inter eat M ear CUsied page. 1 Today's Waiit ArJs. ALL or part new furniture o t room, modern flat for rale. $250; close In. Phone Main 7808. -' ' .. NEARLY new furniture, 7 nice large roams, very modern, good location, $460. Hatfield, 15 4th st THRfciH roonr flat nf furniture for o-ile, only $100; rent $12; terms. 616 Board of Trade. A bargain. ! FURNITURE of 8 room house for Bala or trade on vacant lot Inquire 41 N. 9th at Tel. M. 7678. FURNITURE of" 6 room cottage, near Washington and 12th sts.: rent $22.50. For particular, call 90 10th st . v FINELY furnished flat used 1 'months. for sale chenV If sold Immediately; winter's wood thrown In. 262 Sheridan. - i ROOM house, furnished, i-eady to move into.. cheap If taken before Dec 1. Rent $10. 189 Grant TEN or 15 room houses. welV furnished. wellented, fine locations, cheap., 349 Salmon. 410 Washington. DINING and bedroom furniture for sale. 712 Mississippi ave. - 1 FURNISHED HOUSES .30 i COMPLETELY furnished honse. $ rooms, gas. bath and full cement basement; rent reasonable to steady renters. Apply Monday after 10 a. ro. E. Irving, mr. K. 29th. WELL furnished cottage, west aide riv C i20 month. Apply $4 N., W. enr from depot on la or Morrison, to Ilh. Mwk north. COMPLETELY end nliy furnlnhei . hoon; . 4 - rooms: walking tiatam-; elec triHty; PW MT)1n. 4t Milwan k t-. A i'oTS rixnn houe fur rrnt, pTt-tii-farnitih. at Portsmotilh. PU Johns eoritw. 1'hnn. Mum 15. lie r'T mo WtoLL furn!ii-d t iaai-rel coue Xil SO month, or-posit iiaalist church. f Arl-t Or : K W. i. r. ft)R RKXT FLATS 13 PARTLY furnished .Tat wakle r!i Ui)", abulia cnle 6 rtnn. ;S. is Pn Ryt r E'l v. rsr. NFW 6 room fat: rir, itw of, ci;y; ' I. I ' '".." 4,11 " i r- :.S - r r-. I li