THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, TORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21. 1009. 3 nj SO nt;J IirSIXL-SS CHANCES so The- Globe Hrokape Co. 404 kUrqUrtlll bldg. A-4I1I. - We are certainly doing the bualnes, and tlim muet be reaemi for II. peo ple that have good pruiolllua llat Willi lis, b-aUe they know W gel "the buyer. M'8'xi:s chances so Hi in KIVKIt ' Mi Mil I III V ! H llooll ItlVI- II Mooil It I V 111 IHKiI) 111 V I. H II a.ri-a. fine red aliot !. I1 miles outhweel at llun.l ltiver. on main rouit. iv roan: aim i ! ai r-a under cuiuva lion, muet uf whirli I planted ti rum- j iiiarcui varii-ltt-s or young appia trees; hot and j lu In iic of plure eaellv i-learr!! plenty a oama, or rree water from creek ami anrlnara on . European hotel, 71 room, cold water in every fiom; leain lint, furniture and carpets new; plm-e; Improved with house ami barn: lu-Uk IjuI i.Iim k. good liM-ailon, 6 year's will msriu good paying rooming houae ieaa; will eit-nr iver on "i"n in i-niiiuild worth I4UU0 lr month; will sell fur llO.vuu $000 - th, hnlaur time. Beat buy In tii i lly, 40 room flat. IS rooma furiilelied, balance rented, unfur lilehed; yrar ieiihe; will cloar . $200 month. Trie. $3"o0. i . ' 41 room flat that rn't be boat; fliiar. tar at we.l oak and mahogany furni ture: fin rarpete; all rooma full, with the beat clues of roomers; hi money maker im-atlon. Ttia very beat; a aimp at 14400, H gash. , . . . tj Wa hava ona 18 room liouae, good fur niture; doe to 12th ami Taylor, only ttoofl; easy terma; one 1( rooma. fini; $4000, t4 raali; one awell 7. room flat, 1700; ona It room houae. elegant $UU0. . , Grocery atora that'a worth having-; good a took, flna fixtures; corner, In a good east aid location, doing a fln bualness; a bargain at $960. . ''.- - At ohcj west eld grocery atoa that will Involra about $1600; doing an ele gant bualness. . Tou -better, aea this merit: no -h DEVLIN llo-tll-JlI hwelUmt 0 ki part pay- required. Price. $i6V'3, r lltl'.HAl Ull, bid. Hums of the ,", Best ' , Hualneaa Propositions ' In the Citv. Coma Quick.. pick up at once. Here la another grocery a tore, on the -weat aide; been eHtabllahcd i years; doing a business or S0 par oay; rent barn Included, only (30 per month, will , Invoice about $3000; give tenna on part. Flna .ennfactlonerv atora. eneellen . fliturea and utocki ownera going to California. ,Xt U a gooa puy at buu. '' Home bakery and confectionery: nice atore, doing a good buelneaa; nice living rooms; rent is per moniu. l7io: neitcr ace) iu , . 'THI OLOBE DHOKAQB CO., '" ' Q Mrfl"an" blilg. t ' Rnoma tH-tlT, HothchllJ Rullding. PtTWKi'tH NO. 6 l-aineioKraph, allKhHy uaed. 'guaranteed perfect condition, with complrte.equlpineiit; with or. with- oui two t!inriia reiiture riima. . i Hecond band Kdlaon moving' picture macnine very Giieap, uuaranteea , per . lakmmi.r film seuvice. Over Pftntagee' theatre. Ili:iJ WAXTin alALfl I HANriEN'a M'MVMKVT tiKrlCK, (H'KN Tlll'AV. 10 man, with a and rroaaclit aw to tmllii colduroy (m rueila, i a dity, io acrra of land to, clear at l an WXSTTJTTrrtGutlne WANT pari to take contract , clar 1 acra land cluee to city and. ir llne; eaay to lear. J. O. t I.KISIIMAN Ul Mnrrlimn al HELP WANTKle SIAUS AJfO 1I31AI.K sn ufrk "UKiKKKKI'lNM ehorthand and type writing tauvhi ly ii r(.oiiiti nee ami liervonal liili ial..n : rractwal ayateina. I - . I 'I'm aiy aim raaiiy uarnei, puaitiuiia acre, a. rea at i-i oar ... . U1, v,nimny; prrtet ,. fc,out U, . (ltr, N,a,l.rd n, t,T . I cl t Y men tur land clearing. $!. a day, wll arln rllerlrll,.o; m,Hlcraie aalary i..-. v. T " - t , ; caMn furiilBhl, board Ivea. ,, .1vanra aa ruerlte.l. Hiate n- AN rh.l Wail or wuiimn of bualnrea W h..r. $1 a ror.1. . . lurV former work . inJ bank ref- 11",,"l' " connection with fine ratab le laooreVa. t U, drlllera 10, for JZ,, , J lot Journal ""r1 -anUarlu.n In.titu.lon; large a.l- county road work. WiwTfrTu V SriTii r "fi ."nd prufna; Inveaiment neteaaary. brl.lae carpentera. $S 60, 10 bridge V ANTKi Man for ll.lit e,ffl.-a woik, ll Hoard of Trad... .,r. '.,,,. work iltl. board Permanent poalllon; aalary $3& week. 1 1 - ' ' In mlit vht? ImtTr, ' coinmia.lon. $100 required. 8VAMIHM Bet of book a for learning Ian- T 'laat!.ree ll Su ' - Merchants HiiNineaa fc. hnge, III Mer- , guagt. given away rre with rourae of j i-.KkTr-L,ker.. rising, .linger T-blg. .oj.nd W-.l iTlrn. !- wiMMiN Hiiiiitr i w vw at r as m a. i u gantg aga 1 1 i f r xur in iiri nciui i i.1 i Rooming Houses, Special v .1 ' - , Bargains -r A ' $!R0O 11500 caah, new, ateam heat. $1750 80 rooma, cloae In, olearlng " (100 to $300 per month; three rooma pay $1500 $1000 caah; new, atrlctly mod- arn, running water in rooma, ateady . roomera. some tranalenta, etc. . Morrl- ' aon at. - - - - ' --s-.jii $1000 14 rooma, Yamhill at. 1500 10 rooma, near Portland hotel; "others, all alaea nd locations. Will loan half purchase price to buy wltli. All ' dealings confidential." Merehanta Buai nees Exchange, . Suite 81 J Merehanta . Trust bld., corner 6th and Washington t. Main .7807. . A-3288. ' BUSINES8 chances' which will stand rour closest investigation: - - 00 For a bakery and atore combined ... in one of the best cities in the val ley clearing $2000 a year and more. $3600 For a neat and good money mak ing country atore wun r. public telephone. - A crack-a-Jack for some one. $5000 -For a strictly modern 6S room hotel In good valley town, low rent, long lease, a moneymaker. $8000 -For a .business right here in Portland; can show you to clear - $30,000 In less than 4 years. Stratum goods; no fake. ' F. K1TOHS3, MorrlBon st. This WM Appeal to You . Great opportunity for good man with about $4000 to get Into one of the fineat and most profitable businesses in ine state; -investigation soiioitea. For cartlculara call Monday. 404 Mar- quamoinj, - ' . GROCERY STORE. In good suburb, atock and fixtures, will invoice about $1000; building new, with living rooma, rent $30 per month. This la a good buy, . Sea ua abopt It REPASS A WOOD YARD, " 800 Henry bldg. , VANcoDviiR saloSn. A-l "location, . right on Main at.: all! stncK, rurnitura, rixtures ' and Par rix turea. I wine rooms furnlHhed, caah register, etc., 4 finely furnished living rooms, all Included; license paid for 8 months. . Will take part cash. Room 18. 270 Kj Washington st. CAPITAL FURNISHED, Industrial, manufacturing. mlhinar. oil, gas and railway stock and bond Is sues sold direct to Investors; commis sion basis. Samuel Graham & Co.. Hell- ing Brokers. Mew xorK bira-bidg., won treal, Canada. RESTAURANT. 7- Doing $80 daily; A-l location:' cheap rent, long lease; fllxturea; will invoice u : isuo 11 taken at once. . Felera, jo jn. bin st. Comrete laborers, city. $3. 60; labor era near city, IMS, rami neio. Miiaer m-iiMiniRi i. usi i-tm n. n. WORK. ' Hlalli.n kujius for solid rock side and through cuts, ranging from 1 to 40,000 a rile, on new railroad. , t'oyote men, per foiH. . ' . II drlllera. suecial 82.60. Free far. 'tShlnnina- e.nla for the L'lnh Con trmllon (To. on their near 84 lull H. P. railroad contract, on the Natron, Kia rniith FhIU rutoff, near Eugene. Men wanted and sent dally, wages i r up, Free fare. .Work for 2 yeura or more. Ktnu oyltig and shipping agente ror Erli keon ei Peterson on Ihelr Weed, Cal., Klamath Falls. (Jr., 40 menl. vmina man with rartiet eao- rlence preferred; miivi small for !- Iglnner, Apply lo lr. Wbealrr. Oevtirla, 173-6 1st at , Monday. BALK8ME trade to rommlanlnn basis. call Ina; on cltv or country trade to handle good side Una on til Worcester Piag, HELP WANTED FEMALE and HANSEVH LADIES AGENCY Cook, count rv hotel. 140. boardlna louae tu, rancu ruui eeu. Restaurant cook ' German ; nreferred, $16 a week. Two waltresaea. rountrv hotel. fare.a mile .contract. I advanced. I!6 each: waltresa 86 a week: All kinds of construction labor wanted, t haaihermald ,$20; Id girl, lit. Ilouae Ship dully. Free fare. . Clrla for nice placea and food homes Kmnlovlna- and ahlnb ng agents lor 10 assise ana ror general worn T oh v Hroa. and their suoconlractora I vooaing. silt to 110. nn new OR W. 100 mile con-1 NEW SITUATIONS DAILY, .,, . I, f l A M nn thl lltl. I HANSRN'fl Lit)H'' IIIKM'V. chutes. ' . 1 143 4 Washington, corner 7th, upstairs. FREE INFORMATION ABOUT JfEWUAMXEiuo iJi.."to buy their suTta ' it" , t v , . I m arummera aampiea at y price. , NEW ( ORDERS. DAILY, y . , Remember, few weeks only Butt! capea, HelD Of all descriptions, for anjT Ie I costs. , walala. net) Innate at. at U -llln,.,. ammIavmah -.VAmntlw k I, Tl T 1 I J . . ... ' I . " iiniruis i"i'i pnc. uomB end mage your trip pay free of charge to emloyera. I you from 81$ to 885. New York Fifth Aollcanta a-uaranteod employment as lav. finv . q,.i rw.k tnr reresonted or no charge. 'F?ea registrar I room ti, Hamilton bldg- 131 Id at- Wt nun. ara nnen rnm m wn ia a n tn 88 N. d St PORTLAND. OR. SPOKANE, WASH. , SAN FRANCISCO. Established 1876. HANSEN HIRES HELP" All Over All tne Time. WANTED At once, cash girl a and. wrappers. Roberts Bros, Id and Morrison. . e business by mall and Prepare for f Vv'ANT three saleswomen, used to calt ltions aa. chauffeurs and repair men. on bU8io.B, people or having had make you expert In (10 weekaae .xperlence ,n lhe Wing of Insurance WANTED-Young men to learn automo. bile posl We slat you to secure Doaltlon. Fay uiKl I mt, k. kaai. a- i r t I 1 . . " , - -v-wf aMiivi(" "WAn vi i s a rDtvvi a wora piKaauui; uoiimou you have selling ability you can hear . o.Duiiamn, ijai biuioi - hu i or Bomentinv or interear nv (taiiina zy; sample lesson. -; Empire Automobile In- 8- Henry bldg. See Mr. Cooper. ni 1 1 u ir, it s 1 1 r w i , a. a. Livery and Dray BunlnesB for' sale In county Beat town; douu. farticuiara rrom tne u. w. p, Land Co., 1st and Alder, Big Bargains .- Small tract timber land on R. R. Sawmill- plenty timber 5 yeari run. For Bale, sawmill, plenty timber for 10 - years' , run; on R. R. 416-18 Henry bldg. GROCERY with 2 living rooms, rent only $20; lust the place for man and Wife; goee for $660. x: A.' uuakd & CO., r ,I28H Washington St., ; room 216. -. PINE location, confectionery and bakery for sale. J-825, Journal. MERCHANTS, LOOK HERE. . -v $1S000 for a fin SO acre farm 16 miiaa trnm Pnrtlanit ; will axchanae eith er for good grocery store In Portland or gooa country store. v $18,000 for al2. acre tract, 1 miles from Portland courthouse. When laid out Into lota sneuid ciear a man u,vuu. Will exchange- this for a good stock of ' goneral merchandise of about the same value or iis.uuu. . if 1TTTPHS. 581 A Morrison st $2600 WILL BUY three buildings, best up-to-date confectionery, full stock, doing good business, and three living rooms, in city or ju.uuu. t o rem un confectionery and living rooms; long lease on land. Any person looking for ; good investment can not miss tnis. Agents and curiosity seekers save your postage, j-azn, journal. $400 Buys ' ' One-half Interest in employment agency, old established, moneymaker, clearing i monthly- $600.. Trial given, satisfaction guaranteed. Particulars, my exclusive agents. Merchants Businesa Exchange, 1 buite Mercnants Trust Diag., cor, gth and Washington sts. ' ; HELP WANTED GLE SALESMAN " WANTED BY ONE OF THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF LADIES' MUSLIN AND FLANNEL ETTE UNDERWEAR IN NEW YORK, TO HANDLE A COMPLETE LINE OH POPULAR PRICED GOODS IN WYOM-J ING, MONTANA, IDAHO, WASHING TON AND OREGON. SPLENDID OP- OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT PARTY WITH WELL ESTABLISHED TRADE. NO OTHERS NEED APPLY, ALL COMMUNICATIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ADDRESS, UNDER WEAR, BOX 25 COHEN'S AGENCY. 184 BLEECKER 8T., NEW YORK CITY WANTED Salesmen; many mane $100 good ateady nay writing adv. letters to $160 tier month: some even more: I tnr n. m m. fnr en. LUCK Clean. KrOWU On IVIICI VKUUU, ISIlfnll,,lf,m. xta mnrt mnnov. rm- i vituaiui. u .. to qUlrM No canvassing. American ly; choice of territory. Address i Wtih. gajes Co.. Dept 4, Delaware City, Del. 1 ( K V w 1 , 111,1 .VI J Vj, , . , , W,CUIW,1. AN iFTntrllik'rnt pel aon may earn good Income correapondlng for newepner. Experience unnm-eeaary. Press Corre-1 spoiKlence Bureau, Waahlngtun, D. C. SITUATION WASTED FTiM ALE 4 THE CITY Or l()KTIAND - ritKE EM l'I)T MENT Iil ltKAU 111) il at I noil. trt. 3d en. I 41 h Home A.64J4 Phones Main 368S. W'a will supply you with any help you may need on vary short nntli-e. We have the following female help who want wore: 1 Chambermaids, t Cooke. I Waitresses. 10 Women for day work. 1 Nureery governess, . -1 Talloreaa. I Klti-hen helpera. m I Dreeamakrr. , 1 !.a-e curtain laundress. , I Hteiingraphers. - tVXltMKIIKD liOOUS t V I.SC MDK FINE front room with alcove ant eit r rooma, from $10 tip. Willi fun,, heat, eleiilrl.' light, ht and col, I i In roome. 1'hoiia !n3. 4 Min ki (. i r. ik ; 1 1 i:ih, oi.bIi white im. plerhur h. EL El 1 A NT LY funilehcd front iH m i" larxe, alnele or en suite; mini 0 elralilo nelgliUorbood. All niHern con veniences; cluee to bustneaa venter. C'l A-6j0. . ROOM, nicely furnished, bath phone. elrrtrlo II. lit i. 41 V tl at, Vhi A-7677. f llookkeepers. I l lrrka. ClTUATICIf WANTjlvD SI ALE office and atora. , 3 t ashlers. I Kxchan ga operators. ToTTTx) NOT HAVE TO SEE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO GET THE BEST PltlfM ON A PIANO OR PLAYER PIANO AT 8HERMAN, CLAY aV f(t wtn atf l nnu m n ,ni in. HOLUTELY- ON THE ONE PRICE FlilST CLAKS transom? BiBir.m. Ruiidays with housework for board; references furnlahed. Journal. rr,i.i..-.. 1 11 . . I Main 1.n l.jii ci r.-..ti- i,. iuuw, rerinea, wisnes iisition - "- - ....... . ...... f THE CITY Or PORTLAND FREE KMPLOYnMENT BUREAU 170 Madison, Bet. Sd and 4th. Home A-6S34 Phones Main 8668 We will supply you with any help I FIRST' olaaa eaatern stenographer, you tnayvneed on very Short notice. We I aueaklna- Rnanlah ileelraa nnalilnn: have the following mala help who J would assist mornings, evenings and woia; u . i Bakers. ' 13 Carpenters. , a i srtMtnter helpers. 10 Clerks, store and Office. 16 Cooks. - 1 Chef. 1 Hotel clerk. 2 Hotel porters. 14 Engineers. 10 Firemen. I Housemen. 10 Machinists. 4 Bookkeepers. I Stenographer!. HOTEL LENOX furnished roome aingia or enaulta, at reasonable prlca; modern eonvenlenoee; opp. the Pima. WABlUNofoN. Aider and 17Toeie The Norrla Absolutely new, all out side rooms, strictly modern , eonven- lenees. i lo M weesiy. ml otiirr rooms: aood nlaea.r.Hp Iravelttiv nm pie; T blocks from p. tt A-1883; water In room, til ith. -' FBtCEERTViry fheert'ul ' furnl.t.ej room In modern residence, suitable for one or two;. 8 minutes from postoffle. housekeeoer In modern borne of el I derly couple br widower. Immediately. Part sold outReferences. J-S14, Jour. nni LARUE pleasant front room, newly fur nished; walking distance: suitable fur 2 gentlemen; all modern conveniences; $3. 21 N. 17th at., cor. IoveJoy. . f Palntera, WANTED -Three first class salesmen, tlag ohooi; patterns cut to order; a inose navingnaa experience in selling .pacuity cf tailored sklrta and cos books, bonds. Insurance or real estate; I nma mii. t nniae- nnthtn. their fvu uov irp ...w vj u i eauaL chicasn costume House, bbs money to the right man.' Call or write 207-8-9 Henry bldg. See Mr. Cooper. BOYS can.' mate gpod money during spare time selling Success magathie in oinces . ana on the streets; special Inducements to hard workers. Call 8 to a. m. or 4 to 6 p. m. Parsons, 848 uaK. Chicago Costume House, Morrison st,. Pupils taught M. 24SS. WANTED An old couple to rent neat -housekeeping rooms; nice, quiet neighborhood, bath and phone; reason able rent: German couple preferred. For particulars call up Woodlawn 821, STUDY LAW In day or night classes; new classes now formine: thoroughly prepares for bar examination in 2 years. Portland Law School. 620 Worcester blflg. i WANTED -Steady, aober man, used to farm produce; will pay good salary; also share profits; small Investment re quired. Particulars 417 Board of Trade building. , W A N TED A neat appearing man aa a circuit manager for teacher of elocu tion; good salary for the right man. Call 802 Lumber Exchange, Monday or Tuesday. ' . '. . ; , .WANTED Man: with $1000 that understands timber and sawmills. . 416- 418 Henry Bldg. - ; ' :- ; Must Sell - Clean Implement, stock at Invoice, plua freight $3500 also store building it a price .which makes It a good in vestment -at $2800. . Ill - health pushes me to sell. -' For particulars, write or call on J. J. Stangel, Woodburn, Or. M Interest In ' nice,' clean,' fine paying casn ousiness ortice; no oiner in city; lady or gentleman; trial glvtu. Partic ulars, call Suite 312, Merchants Trust bldg., th and Washington st. - 'rtOCiMING house. It rooms, good furnl-turej-4 years' lease; Income $141; to tal expense, $66; every room full; goes at $8a0. ' ;F. A. BEARD CO, -' 828H Washington St.. room 216. " $3000 to $10,000 yearly easily made In . reat . estate ousmess; no capital re auiredr we will teach you the business by man, appoint you Bpeciai representa tive of leading real estate company, llat wun- you reaany salable properties, co operate with and assist you to a per manent success; a tnorougn commer cial law1 course free to each representa tive, -write ror .z page pook, rree; ix will be sure to Interest you. The Cross wo., jjept. zzn, untcago.- ; - . FIVE HUNDRED strong young men wanted Immediately for firemen or DraKemen on nearov railroads, uooa vision. Account Increasing business. 800 men sent to positions last two months. $76-$ 100 monthly. Promotion. Address, statlna are. hefeht. weleht. Send. stamp. Railway Association, care jour nai. CIVIL service employes are paid well for easy work: examinations of all kinds soon; expert advice, sample ques tions 'and booklet - 868, describing po sitions and telling easiest and quickest way to secure them free. ' Write now. Washington Civil Service School, Wash ington, D. C. ANYBODY. - either . sex, can make $4 dally all winter raising mushrooms for hotels and restaurants with my spawn, In 7 cellars, sheds, boxes,'' etc. Free illustrated Instruction booklet. Hiram Barton, 829 W. 48th st. New York. ' , - LARGE bowl rice 6c, coffee or cocoa with snalla So, beans 5 e, best bean soup So, clam chowder with crackers lOo, all cereals with milk fic. Owl Rica Kitchen, 66 4th st - WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salary $800: surlne exam inations everywhere: candidates ure- parea iree. jr ranxiin nstltuta, Dept 808 H., Rochester, N,- Y. BRING your old hats and trade them In on a new anape; oeavers o; rurs, feathers, $1 up; wings, 60c up; hats trimmed, 60c; ladles' and men s hats cleaned and reblocked. Hat Renovatory, northeast cor. 6th and Alder, basement ANY ladV with some business ability can earn good money by Inducing their friends to purchase their fall and winter apparel from an old established firm. H-318, Journal. jacket; skirt and gown WORKERS. Thoroughly experienced hands wanted at once. ' OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. LEARN halrdresslng, scalp treatment manicuring in one week for $5 cash; face treatment $10. B128 14th st Phone main nuuu. Janitors 8 Nlrht watchmen. I Teamktera. t 2 Cement -finishers. 1 Boat builder. 1 Barn -man. 4 Blacksmiths. I Chain men. 1 Coachman.. ' . I Chauffeur.' 4 Collctora. 1 Druggist 4 Elevator operators. 2 Gardeners. 2 Mechanical draughtsman. I Plumbers' helpera. 1-Planerman and atlckerman. . 1 Pipe fitter. 1 Polisher and buffer. 3 8aw filers. t . 1 Shingle sawyer. 1 Salesman. 1 Transit man. 1 Turkish bath rubber. 1 Timekeeper. 1 Yard foreman (sawmill). 1 Furniture finisher. 1 Head Taller. - -- I 'T' a i. ... i.m. .., .eaae i, 3 .,.,-,. SMITH PREMIER Employment be- FURNISHED front room, use of pr rjartment nnmetant etenorranhara I lor. Piano: modern convenience: furnished upon application free of gentleman only. Flat C, 641 Taylor, eharae. 881 Yamhill Main 778. GOOD, loving car given to children ai FURNISHED front room with use of our horns, lo the right party; reaaon- parlor, piano, modern convenience; able price asked; expect pay In advance, gentlemen only. Main T789, 149 Tay- Box 80. Marlon.- Or, lor at., ; . .- ' EXTErTSTVE experience), professional in VERY desirable room, beautiful lona-. , all kinds nursing. Invalids. Infants In. Hon, west side, all conveniences, fur. eluded. References; reasonable. Main I nace heat, walking distance: rent rea. 3088. sonable. Telephone Main 6S18. YOUNO lady, employed, would assist I 7 I N. J8th. near Everett Choice, newly wun cniiaren or ngnt worg evenings i mrnisnea rooms, in modern Dome; part payment for room and board; west I every convenience; fine location; break- side. D-821. Journal. I EASTERN widow with ability and ex. I perlence desires position In hotel or .wldower'B family. St. Louis agency, 246 V4 .Washington. Main 2039, A-4776. POSITION aa manager of ranch, ex perienced ' orchard. stock. general farming: Block preferred; Al references. i J-SS3, journal, fast If desired. Call A-6638. LARUE double front room In cosy, up to aate iiat; private family; sultabl for two or more, 333 Montgomery; 10 iiiiimin waia. - LARGE, newly furnished rooms, walk lng distance, modern; very reasonable; BDlendld location. , 24 Flanders. Main 7815. .. . - refined widow with m year old child. F-327, Journal. ; WANTED Position aa housekeeper by z West Park, choice furnished rooma in private iamiiy; splendid location; walking distance. Main 6947. VERY desirable sunny rooma, aingia or ensulte, for gentleman: all modern conveniences. Phones, Main 8263, A-30G3. . The Olympus 81 rjer dar for-rooma and Knrl -111 .... - . - - . ... I tain st., corner Alder. WANTED Position by lady with 10 years experience in merchandise dusi- ncBB. Q-87. Journal. WOMAN wanta a home: lia-ht work: small remuneration; plain family; no I children: answer soon. Y-sz. journal. Sawmill hands, loggers, wood chop-1 wTTf . . - . , - i A . , v , ibuj koto i , , , 1 1 v. irrnunD, wvu J pers, concrete men, tarm nanus, com- u.,nn. rlrat elaaa eltv references Kiitmn ' . . mon laborers promptly furnished. MJ,enr i, s, nr" CIa"8 clty rerorence"- THREE rooms and den, furnished for r . . Main BIBS. I - hnnaekeenlnn.. rani til en .u WANTED A vouna- man attending nr-nivm i-k. - -i.....i i.: '""TJ " night school want, a few hour, work - .houeeper bachelor or widows bldg. " "" ' uerilnger faeh; VS&XZ Purred. Y-?2 8' Journal. W- - - E-S21. Journal YOUNG man speaking 4 different Ian, DRESSMAKING 'a-uas-ea. wishes any kind of position: i w . xt ,.h.j .i.i... ei has had experience in furniture busl- from your own material; also suits, ness. Willie Haluk, 278 N. 12th St. .. tfrinoeaa Hree at reasonable LADIES at home day or evenings, ap-Dlvina- transfers on oorcelain. $1.60 doz. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. YOUNG man, aged 27, is tired of single nte, wishes to et acquainted with a refined lady about - same age. V-S23, Journal. WANTED A SCHOOLGIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK FOR BOARD AND ROOM. 861 ROSS ST. LADIES' TAILOR. A first class man who is an expert on collars. ., OLDS, WORTMAN & KINO. WANTED C oncrete man to take con tract to lay 8500 feet of cement side walk and curb. Call ud Main 6632. N. i.oHutngo. iii mil st. E. B. 13. Night School does the best work; places alts students In the best positions. 629 Worcester block. . LADY socilltor wanted with large ac quaintance In city. -Madam Brown, ZUB AJlBtty pidg. WANTED Position aa blacksmith fore- prices. Elite Ladies' Tailors, 646 Wash- man; experiencea in moaern metn-i mgton. main zauo, a-jmi. ods; manufacturing. 64 E. 75th st, WHO 1b Mrs. Brown? The best and Portland, or. oheaceat dressmaker In Portland 11 ' 1. 1 , - it . . . -T. .' I , iiouoo, mr, aai. ana jmlui si., new I building, new furniture, hot, and cold waipr, ire pnone. f TWO nice, newly furnished' rooms, prl .vate family, gentlemen preferred. 245 6th st. r FURNISHED rooms for rent, electric ifjoio, Eao, wain anu pnone. tail ill ri wr , rnone A-ll 9. CARPENTERING, shingling, repairing. Princess dresses $10; fit, style and LARGE airy front room, suitable' for lobbing, inside rinisn, prices ngnt; ex- workmanship guaranteed. sso Aiisay f, private nome, rree phone, bath, 151 st. perienced' workmen; work guaranteed. bldg, Phone Tabor 1895. WOMAfJ with boy 6 years old wants TWO connecting front itarlora. win. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, col- f work In family, or rooming house. I piano. The Beverly, cor. Park and lectlng or any kind or clerical work; Call or address 793 E. Z7tn St.; taae ammu. 6 years' experience; beet of reference. w.-W. car, get off Francla ave. NICELY furnished room, ' private hom F-325, Journal. ; SEAMSTRESS goes out by the day; modern conveniences, will rent by da v. MANICURIST wants position In barber general and children' dressmaking week or montn. 475 Taylor. Main shop or manicuring parlors. G-320. and alterations. D-32S, Journal. 294 11th, corner Columbia, choice front Journal. mimrn main ihllrirn'a aeWlns1. room, oiilte nnmtnniliniio n.ii,i. i. ,T 1, 1 11' A - " I . w-w w, U.Ik,,,, M , -T Phone C-ZBZl. I iai!. WANTED Position In city as foreman -ir ?Jih TP'If Ctlng flrm referenoeB- INFANT'S outfltB turnished complete. 130 N. 16th at, near Glisan. ooally fur- journat. ; Woodlawn 2477. nlshed front room in modern t-srae, YOUNG man, experienced in shipping, smWwAtRTS laundered 10c apiece, walking distance, i . .i-,v'.' w.oiii vuBjiiuii, i. I w w Tin-r 98. foot East Madison, st. 1 ONE lartre. new fi.ih.J ni 1 , i room, per montn. 427 12th st. FURNISHED ROOMS " WEST SIDE city; will deliver. Phone E. 1947. STRONG young man (Danish) wishes in caring emnlovment: is experienced kfor horses and driving. V-322, Journal.' Phone Main 4439. STENOGRAPHERS that are dlscour aged should call at the E. B. U.; you can succeed. 629 Worcester blk. Try us. bAiESMEN, experienced in Bale of health and ' accident insurannn hna. Pital and doctors' attention enmhlnjut Call 414 Rothchild bldg, SALESMEN wanted to. sell fancy Jry goods, from factory to retailer; strong side line: liberal commission. Rrvn Mawr Mill. PhiladelDhla. Pa WANTED Stock salesman for towns In the Willamette valley; high class Industrial Stock: liberal cash onmtnla. slons. F-822. Journal CANDY making. We teach candy mak- ng. w. v uarwooa, publlo. market, o' et ei.., x-ortiana, ur. WANTED Experienced girl f or. general housework; no. children. 260 Grand ave. N.. corner Multnomah Bt. COOKS, waitresses, kitchen help and oth eris, city and country. Mrs. Howe's La dles agency 826 Wash, room 807. WANTED Good sewing girl from 9 to 6; steady employment; state wages wanted. Y-325, Journal. COOK and baker wants situation, day or nlKht: city or country. D-szu, Jou rnaL i FOR excavating, lawn grading, lot clearing, plowing, etc Phone Wood lawn 2467. LARGE furnished front rooms, with board; home cooking. All conven iences. 107 16th st, near Flanders. Phone Main 5513. 1 3 or 4 new, elegantly furnished rooms, Single or suite, all conveniences nlnu. ! Jn. Main 7285. , : WANTED By experienced bookkeeper, set of hooka to post after hours; ref erences. J-320, Journal. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. X-301, Journal. WANTED Good girl cook and general housework. Apply Monday at 795 Flanders st. 1 BOYS wanted at Multnomah Mohair mills, east end of Umatilla ave . Kail. wood; steady work. PLASTERER to contract two houses and annlv nart on niii-oho ne in B-S26, Journal. SIDE - line - salesmen; reliable gauge . valve for automobile tires; sells to dealers on sight; liberal commissions; nncket enmnle: write, for narticulara. Rose & Simons Inc), Midland bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Man; must be .willing to -. learn and canabie or - actinar as our representative; no canvassing -or solic iting;' good Income assured. Address National Cooperative Realty Co.. 909 Marden biag., vvasnington, u. y HUSTLING salesmen; salary or com mlssioii: big Una, large profits. Fairfax Refininr Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ibv win ouy a good business for man and wife or two men at 747 Northrup. ' Call afternoon OIOAR RTORRl On best transient street in city; free . rent; long . lease; clearing $6 daily; prloe $400; half caah. Peters, 16 N. j Rth st, - ' - . - . i ' " WANT rooming house, 10 or 12 rooms, on west side; etate lowest cash price, . location and how fumlnhed. . No agenta need answer, deal with owners only. " B389' Journal. -" A NO. I MILK and1 creamery wagon for sale, or exchange for cattle. Oregon City . car.- George florae, Jenninga FINE Utile delicateflsen -and- home bakery, 'stock and fixtures; cheap rent This must go. " Price no object fall Monday. 416 Henry bldg. BLACK8MITH wanted to buy half In- terest in aood niacasmttn ana wagon shop- in country; good trade. Must hsve $360 paeh. D-327, JournaL Bl'TCHER shop for aaie on account of 111 health. In a town tf 2600: casn sale averaging let per day; will sell r b ea p. R-grt.. Jeurnal. ' - SALESMEN . wanted: best line calen dars, leather goods, bank supplies and advertising novelties; exclusive; long .WANTED Boy 16 to 18 years old with . wheel to deliver goods. Hoffman Mil-Hn.efry-Co., 803 Washington at. WANTEDi Partner stereopticon lecture and advertisina- buaineaai enn malr. .tu per montn. h-szs, JournaL WANTED A girl for general house work; wages $30, month. Call 353 Stark st. .YOUNG lady assist In general house- woric; close in: gooa nome: gooa pay. Phone East 8573. ELEVATOR boy wants a position; has had experience. Phone A-6478. Owen Ward, 171 8d Bt WANTED Position to attend atable or horses by a veterinary; newcomer and not registered. X-317. Journal. NEATLY furnished front rooms, also Bide rooms; moaern; very raiunu located. 60 N. th, off coucn. FURNISHED R003L EAST SIDE 53 NEWLY furnished front room for either man or woman In nrlvaia tam. THE VALYNA. furnished rooms; all I Hy; good neighborhood; all (moderate tslde rooms; neat anu wu, , v iT0",ir Vf.V-,;i VJ: ",".'4 week and up. 162 1st, cor, Morrison. NEWLY furnished rooms in private family, gentlemen preferred. 83 ft W. Park st EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants position; good references. Main 1164 SITUATION WANTED -FEMALH 4 WANTED A girl to assist with gen eral housework. 706 Flanders st. WANTED Young girl to weave hair, and apprentice. 428 E. 9th st., S. WANTED A girl for general houae- I!) OFFICE girl wants position; some knowledge of stenography. F-829, JournaL REFINED trustworthy widow wishes housekeeping- in widowers' family. D-320, JournaL work. Call 853 Stark st COMPETENT girl for general house- EXPERIENCED stenographer with city EXPERIENCED piano teacher gives lessons, 60e; special attention to be ginners; references. Mam ano work. Apply at 391 Main st, near 10th HOME canned fruit to exchange for sewing. E-325, JournaL J WANTED A young girl to assist in general housework. Phorle East 2717. WANTED AGENTS 6 references, desires position; optionaL Woodlawn 1032. salary LADY will teach Japanese or Chinese wishing to learn ,-ngi.isn. uau i Harrison st. MIDDLE asced lady, good suburban borne, would like care of 1 or 2 chil dren. 683 Bid well ave.. Sellwood sta. WANTED at once men. to learn - to anve and repair automobiles. Inquire at.oa n. an corner uavis. WANTED A man to care ,for horses. salary. 3S per montn and room. Call early. 66 Washington Street stables, men. Bankers' Supply Co., Iowa City, MAN to do tinting in exchange for tal lows." - - - . '- 'i ; lorlng. F-814, Journal. DISTRICT managers and city. men ' to WANTED Men to have their shoes ! handle our accident -and health pol- half soled for 60c. 222 2d st. Icy; best written on the coast. Oood RELIABLE salesman who can sell land renewal contracts ta live men Fidelity on esy payments. 48 Labbe blk.- Mutual i Aid association. v 604 Wore.- WEi ,rcurff ror our memberw ter biog - Special membership Y. M. C. A. A GOOD real estate salesman wanted y-un. ...,,.,,. v.... by a well known firm. Apply in per- C,.h' i-' C" son room 525 Board of Trade. No fornla Wine Depot. 164 2d. money required. ' NEED help iu real estate office; no WANTED Good cleaner and prfsser at rnoney required. Room U. 142 2d. once. Call 300 West 8th st, Vancou- E. DAVIS, cesspool contractor, phone Ver, Wash. --" - .1 Sellwood 424. Route 1. box 176, Lenta a , , , 1 , ,.' , ' ' 1 . KhaTAl'iUM (or eele for $4.-, ukln in from $30 to $16 jer day; owner ' l",'ly'B town. J-Sia. Jnumwl. POK SALE Blacksmith a bop ran be had at rrtre ef stnrk of material. cheap. f.J CorNett bM K-lley. WANTED Lady workipr hniiea, ho required: large rooming moat art qit-k. partner in ONLY paunt ehop in the erroa Ing tnwo of Lents for aale; owner rolng a way; neipeate r"d r ' 1 1 at e'p Tf 't bualneaa ftri f 7: tft 1.1: 1 .!, . te. Rree City Priwtery. 12 (4 st, foet Pkr i'm I rfy W.a.-.i'-Tif and preeir.g work". Ile caeh required. Call un ar ii -l t- t land Ki. LTA TT-f. aHlmen h rea r n ey rTn'nl 4" I - t - lr 1 1 I P." V-e - tr" an a : ;XJ r-ft ' '-tI era. .H. E. WALTER, Manager. REX FURNITURE CO. " ' Dealers In . ' FURNITURE, DRAPERIES AND FLOOR COVERINGS Of All Kind. ' ' Repairing and Upho!tering Neatly Done. Your Old Furniture taken in Part Payment for Kew. ,. 230 Second Street Phone Mala 9193 - Portland, Or, Not. 18, 1909. Ortgon Daily Journal " Gentlemen: Will yofl lttndly liare your adrertiting' man call upon vtj at the earliest $v?ible date. AVe mUh pricet on contracf advtflUIrg tjh!ef Hftiie?)o!4 Necei nitUi. ' HiTiPf tiverr this line cf classified ayertiainf a .fair triaVafi J findirg it very sati'fact try, we lg to remain, yferirery traly, j i . RLX FURNITURE CO. . i Ter H. E Wa';er. rr-f. WANTED Several refined Women nos aertalnip rwv - lntearritv. aflantuhll. ity for confidential corporation service; u.iaer. experienced woman aetective, part time employment wnne learning. Ap- polntment phone laast 4663. AGENTS wanted for a high claas, beau , tifully printed 'and illustrated dollar- a-year woman's magazine. .;ommission, 60 cents on each dollar subscription. Write Jot agent's free outfit American Home Monthly. 27 Spruce st. New York. AGENTS to handle biggest money mak ing fira extinguishers; special start ing offer; exclusive territory; $76 to $300 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co.. Milwaukle. Wis. - WANTED Salesmen who can sell trees; outfit furnished: cash advanced week ly, good territory. Address Oregon Nur eery company, Orenco. Or., via Hllisboro, AGENTS, dealers, greatest seller ever produced: No-Nicotine pipe: 100 ner cent profit; sample 10c. Barrett 204 to. UKtn, New rent, m. x. AGENTS wanted; legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1. Particulars, Glsha Com pany. Anderson, lnd . Independent Laundry Co. PHONE MAIN 01 Z3. A-iii FIRST class cook wants position, board ing house; beat reierences. ai-m. Journal. . SITUATION WANTED Resident seam stress and companion; no oojection to country. A-31S. Journal. A COLORED woman wants day work, or take washing home. 348 Couch st. LADY wants day work of any kind. Phone Main 7315. HAND Laundry, each famlly'B washed separate, pnone oznas. NUP.SB, maternity preferred: will take charge housewortt. wain zuaa, A-irm. LACE curtains hand laundered; satlsfac- tlon guaranteed. Tel. tteuwood MARRIED lady wants offices to clean or rooms. K-327, Journal WOMAN wants honest work by the day. Phone A-31SS. walking distance of down town. E. 12th. B-2763. .. . NICELY furnished , rooms, heat, bath anu pnone; minutes want to Steel bridge; $1.25 to $2.50 per week., C-1676. 324 E. 1st st. N. t NICE light airy rooms, furnished; PLEASANT light room quite commo- BOabiS easy walking dinner U K dious, closet ".ditlon; every con- 16th North. East AnVny U venlence. 748 Lovejoy, near 23d. x-rr-r-r v i-i.j' , -r iLAXWELL HA 207 14th.n modern UgTtey furnished rooms, elngle, en suite. I sonable. Phono n.nnga ie p c.i transient j . I mon. PLEASANT alcove room, nice mission furniture; choice outside room; mod ern conveniences. 128 14th, near Wash. HOtCl MaSOfl IVM-ZS? SeV Tk" FURNISHED room; light heat bath, t ... t '.i;60 up p r I .. phone. $12; all the housekeeping priv- : l lieges or a rood home to rlirhr nartv .. - Phone B-2053. . 1 , ' CADILLAC. 288 Third St.. Well fur-1 Phone B-2055. nlshed rooms, reasonable rates; also HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' one housekeeping suite. Nice large rooms and use of kitchen 812 CLAY Nicely furnished front I for couple; no children; two carlines. room, suitable ror z gentlemen; mo a- iiao xaaryianq ave. can Monday. em; 7 minutes to P, O. LARGE front room suitable for 2 ladies, for one, 724 Union ave. PLEASANT outside room; private fara- light, gaa, bath, 10 minutes' car ride. llv: every convenience: xiu or $12 for- two. 192 13th. NEWLY furnished front room, ault- LARGE room, modern conveniences, on I able for one or two; free bath and Johnson st. near 23d: referencea. Call phone. East 5028. 12 E. 9th st forenoons. Main 6314 or A-2662. TWO nicely furnished brixht rooms. FURNISHED rooms; coBy.pleasant and bath and phone, on cariine. 409 commodious; desirable locality. 328 Broadway. Phone East 8947. ' Park, near Clay. LARGE, airy front room, suitable for 1 NICELY furnished rooma and house-1 or 2 gentlemen, 134 Grand ave. N.. keeping, brick building, central; rates corner oyt. reasonable. 342 1st st... two nice front rooms, first floor, clone 258 13TH ST. Nicely furnished room, f In, cheap rent. 41 E. Aider, cor. 6th. new house, every convenience, gentle- East 938. - men only. FURNISHED and unfurnished roonif; 294 JEFFERSON Large front room. I fan is fJ. so ix newly furnished, fireplace,, bath. gas. piano, ONE large light room, free phone, bath. 194 15th 'st, N. COMPLETELY furnished 6 room house. Inquire 700 Qulmby at, west side. ROOMS, single or en suite; rent reason able. -ifsirMt-rriiz2ijz FURNISHED rooma. steam heat. bath. phone. 4l Morrison. PLEASANT front . room. In modern home: private ramiiy. litn. NEWLY furnished steam heated room, 649 Wash., flat B. Main 769. FURNISHED room, modern, at 834 Harrison. Phone Main 2205. SALESMEN wanted lo lake our cash weekly selling choice nursery atock. Outfit free Capital City Nursery Co, Baiem. ur AGE NTS Big money made selling our aureery atoea; grai.. demand, rise line; own commission weekly. Eale Nursery Cx. Salem. Or. KMPLOYMEXT AGKACTKS 63 C R. Hansen & Co.. SEVERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office. 28 N. 2d at. Portland. Ladies' depertment 7th and Waaa. sta, upstairs, Portland. 424 Front ae, Pnokana 17-19 4th it 8ea rnclaca. EartsMlehed 17. citt or fOPTUvn rREE EMPLOTMENT OFFICK. 2XQ HADLSON rrS1'4 Male a ad Famale Hai Fwrri he4 Prea of Chatge. Mala tilt: A-6II4. . HANLEY TAFLET UIFUiIMEM CO, t-4i war tare- tot R. B. work fH V J4 et ULLi WA.VTr.IWMALE A.D FEMALE 29 iimi ros:nosi Gresham Livery, Feed and Sale Stable . J. E. METZCJER, Proprietor. Prompt Attention, Coorteoua Treatment . . "Greiham, Or, Nov. 19. 1909. Gentlemen: Please dicontintie my ad with you, and I thank yon very, much, as it has more, than been a success. Send your bill and I'll remit Yours respectfully. J. E. M ETZdER. For HALE r will trd for 4 or I paeeamrr-r auto. eefl Hn1 r fw. l?e irrn at ed cf 1 e'eaiia cgrl:r. auiteMe f"r fmlt: t arre ueJr emtt mUon: . ruber, vrry ejr y r y ' I r - ee J. & 4ii.r, irv n. r . i ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 DESIRABLE furnished; also . unfur nished rooms; single and en suite: quiet; very suitable for single gentle men; reasonable. Kamm bldg., lst-Ptna. KEKINLD home, splendid location, 2 rront rooma; turnace neated: best table board: moderate rates. - 761 Mar shall. LARGK unfurniahei frout room fir sleeping or light housekeeping. Main 764!l. 206 IStil. TWO or thre rooms, cloae in, lir family of three, with or without table board. Phone E. 1353. 14 Clay Unfurnished housekeeping rooms. ' Phone Main 7147. LARGE front unfurnished room for rent 44 East Clay. IIOTKLS SI HOTEL PORTLAND, only: II. 16 day. European 3 pUu THE CALUMET HOTEL. 1M Para; i- ropean and Awtrloin r-ian. BELVEl'F.HF, Kuropean. 4th and Al !-r. ROOMS AND DO .inn 1 NICELY furnlihed front room, p. v for one or two: hete,j. e o room, rent rr-asore'.le. lu,. ir, I7" Id Mntn . . t NEAT, nealjr fun i-ir l If- 'i. txiard. for rnnra'n: rear ti . alao walking 1,'nc., I Kt 4311. AN ei-rert frunt r-- m har f furnace teat. teiV ft-' - J wl'h r wtthuvit twr M -r -ii" NH i.I.T feiriif.. Qlaunrt. trv ' fuit i .l;T) t.K t- ' lrti1 r--'in. t -i i-' .lnif1 rr - : 1 .! t I I . I m! ' : J) t -T . I ! - 1 K ! r- ,r. i i fee fre-t-iet'e let Te-; tru e-4 ww w e Jer-i ba-Hr i r ereebe: t 9 re f.. r- m rT7t'e mdi llli 111 If.. ar , . t t . F - e i I