The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 58, Image 58

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ran sALE-rrAitsis it
h H a tt M H
FaVa a m. s 8 " g
VOll 8A I.H 1 II.MS
H $SO0O 100 acres one mile 'fon
H r.lmda electrlo carlins; JO scree m
t i.. .,c -mi ivailou. soma n
K tlml--r; belance very wlly cleared,
H u ecus fenced with ire; I s;re
H of lertn orchard. mostly apples,
H rt.ol runo Iiommo tJ4. new barn.
H I14l. aid alt other outbuildings."
H ti oii spring near heuse. Team, new
h names, cieam separator, mower
H and rake, binder, all farm Inipie
H ments and small Inumi fine a,
N 2 heifers, 7 larse hogs, I do"?"
H hit-sen. iuO bushels oata, 100
a-lt spuds, 60 boxes apples, house
M I.. .1.1 riirnliiir- Vi'rv best cf MacK
ei toiiL Terms. 13000 cash, baience
IS your own term.
H $1000 10 scree, J, miles, from 8
H Sherwood. IH miles from ,R- iu n
8 nation; 1$ torci la cultivation, 20 8
H mnk vary easily cleared, balance B
liruan ana nmoer; soa nnms
K cnefc. good hop rard 7 acres, good H
N hopliouss; 12 cords Of wood worth B
si $4 per curd on tract. mile naut o
H Mtia.l house, gool Darn, siiwui or.
H card, beat of soil.
u i
H $:S00--2n seres, m miles front &
8 Camae R. R. atatinn and ro:it ianu- a
' K itiir: IS acres In fine state of oul- 8
K lU.Hnri' Iwarlna- frill t IreeS. H
H new room house and bam: beau- 8
5 tiful view of Columbia river; very o
& b-st of soil. . . S
: S $1800 8 J acre, m mlUa from 8
S ramaa. Clarka Co.. Ii miles from g
H Portland; t acraa in cultivation, 8
S aorne fruit, very brat of loll; no 8
h rocn or irravai; ana p.
8 $2000 10 ierea. IIH mllra front 8
8 Portland: 5 acrea in cultivation. 6 8
8 acree timber, balance very aaily 8
. S cleared. aU fenced, all lev!; -rooin. 8
8 ruatlc Uoum. on main county ronu. g
S M mil to'aehool and church, fina 8
8 location, very beat of aoil; tjlve 8
8 cood terms. -
8 " 8
6 I6S00 80 acres. 3 mllea from 8
. 8 Canby, 20 miles from Portland, 23 8
S a-r-a in cultivation; aeveral more 8
8 acres nearly cleared, family or- 8
8 chard,- 50 acres level, balance 8
eliirhtly rolling; new S room house, 8
8 modern XtxiO; new barn, very best S
8 of aoil, fine location, near achool; 8
S team worth ?600; 1 colt, 5 cows, 4 8
S calves, 13 hoirs, J wagona, bujory. S
8 harness, food chopper, separator; 8
S all farm Implements; terms, , H 8
8 cash, balance 6 per cent. 8
- ....- O
8 $2400 18 acres, 1 miles from 8
8 JPortland. mile from good town 8
S on 8. P., Vx In fine atate or euui- o
K vation, balance very eaally cleared; S
8ltj. acre orchard, mostly applea, 4 8
8 room house, ; good barn, chicken 8
8 house and park, good well at door;. 8
8 land all level, all fenced and cross S
8 fenoed. very best of soli, fine loca- 8
S lion; a snap. " :j 8
a a
f to per rra for ! arras in
Clark rouniy. tiw I room bouao.
new larn. S acre rlard, 70 acres
mora rai)y c)ar-d; thla will uibms
oiio of lha l farms In counir)",
a Und U It beaverdant.
$U0-for lli acrea In Clarka
county, rn bulldmaa, 4 acra
cleared. 75 acres lvel, baUm
good pAalura.
:Jo Itcairtlful 1 acre farm
overlooking the t'olumhl nvr
valley.- U mile from'tifiln line of
N. P. 14. 11., In the Ik Miore
fruit di.trl ti t mllra from Van
couver; H cleared, halanca slashed,
new nom house, barn (wing
built; splrndld soli. Price 1
cliidra team, agon, harnea, row,
rhlckena. all farm tools and liO'i"'
hold furniture Trrnis rsonable.
$lti per acre for fine river
bottom farm 4 miles from Salem
on tha Wlllamelie river; room
house, s large hirns and othr
bulUtlngs; windmill and lank; 100
acrea rlrarel. balance god paa
lure: 1$ acres slfaUa; steamboat
landing on lac; $4000 cash.
1500 for 14o acres land In Jack
son county. 4 miles from K. It
station; good ned; . in ""
cleared. tO acres plow land; small
. house and barn; fine soil; this la
$J2iO for 140 acrea I miles
from Kalnler. or.; good road, H
mile from postofflce and achooli
good well, 75 bearing frnlt treea,
good stream runa through place;
1.400.000 feet good yellow flj
timber; 4 acres cleared nd
fenced f fine soil, no., rock or
gravel; buildings burned down
but sawmill close and lumber
Clacknmaa couniy, wttalern . fo.xhlll
ITjliOOO for 41 acrea. near Oregon Cltri 14
avra in cuiiivi , ruititina wir,
gmd family ore! liou aild barn.
IVIIitrade for I'nriiahil iirepfriy. ir
old wilt take tt0 down, balance I 'J
47400 five 110 acrea near Kderwood
new builduiga, I room houae. llerd:
rmiiiiiitf watrr: hydraulic ram water In
lha huiier: -li airt-a In cultivation. SOw'n r..r
acrea more can eally te cleared; floeiii-d (xxiklat teljing all
down. bal. 4 yeara, f --r cent. . fruit mcUkIi, wlierv aoil,
till, u
I40DH for o acres, cnoii-e ai-bie lanu
rr IIihM J.iver.; tt rocks, dri, rich
soil; gHMl spilug: will tm.iM Huiiy for
a lionie in foriiiina, ijouo mortgage,
4 pr cw-nt, t years.
HbOO for llu ucn s In Clackamas coun-
tv. ininroveiL llvlns water. 40. acres
aw liiuber; 1 span vt horkos and har-
nraa. hiiiihi, aurrey. lugy, I nmi, 4
ir(fr. I aws wlili Ik. lols of
"For Land Sake. Read This"
t'lacknniaa coumy, western . rotillHU i "' ' ,
alo, vt ML IIokI. ib n.iirs from port- ' '' '" our t.1'". county road.
Un.I. on line cf kit. Hood KUH-trle rail- cultivated. 10 nrarly level. W Iw
road, offers the brat o-...rtuilty III ; mnuer, running water, good houee, new.
Unrvn for eonuner. I.I aire growing, spring by door, fine barn, large chicken
mir n r.ilTi.lln IUKJII Ulna- "". u. .,.. ....
kM telling all alniul this Ideal i Jwn; school, c liurch y-?" '
di'ttlnaav, as w-ll as olevittlou. over 1 2 i
and cedar: worth i&uno or inin.
Ti i.. i. ....i ... i Tall, write or nhone Main 7S07. A-JJM
n.erclai oi clmrUiog. If lr.terf.lml In j Merchants Pur..ras fCxcliange. Bulls 114
frull growing it will pay you lo inveatl- Merchants 1 rust dltlf.. corner 4th and
gut una iu. II.kkI district, which Is' yj-1.'.1"1"""-1"-- ' ,
undergoing a marvelous development liiiMUHTfcAl""! H m""on feet of tim
and houdieJa of nerve to be ! tu cum- I br, 1 mile from It K. end river t,rana-
inorcial frull. Here Und already set to
trroa run be had for one.lntlf Hie cost
lf-iof linlnmroked ImiuI In hlrhlv axnloltml
horn chlckt-na: $JS00 down. baUnsi 4 jocHu.-a An r.-oi ve fruit growera
uer cent. Will trade for city property
We have r.wcral good llmlMr claim
ifor sale. Uomt n4 see us Ik-fore buy
U0O" for 49 acrea, z acres in cum-
I vat Ion; good orchard, fair buildings, is
tnllca from Portland, i'.i inllea from
carllne, mile from boat lundlng; Vk
cash, balance 4 por cent, 8 yeara.
$1600 fur !4 acrea near Courtney ela
tion: will trade for house and lot.
$150') for S acres clone to carllne.
17000 fop 60 ucicm- 40 acres In culti
vation; 3 fine horscn, B head cattle, new
witvon. hutrav. nlows. harrows, cultiva
tors and all the crop; timber lo pay for
4 of the place; I ' miles from eiaein.i
road. 1 miles from Portland; terms
I $4000 down, balance 1 to I years at 4
Note We have all kinds of farms,!
rarm lanoa aim city properry ior
and for trade; It will pay you to see us.
association will direct aclontirio care
and planting only lha Ix-ol commercial
varii-th-a, vis: eplta, Newtown. Jona
than. ltd Cheek, etc. iJon'l delay if
you want ' the best Investment on I he
market, aa prions are steadily advanc
ing and will double- tv a or In. Any
alae tracts from 10 acres up. from $.10
la iiu per acre, roitauierlus; the close
pronirtmy to tne ciiy, on bent of roads,
there la. nothing to compare with K
Will gladly show you.
(16 Chamber Commerce. '
414-17 Itothchlld hi. lif.. 4lh ami Wash
ington HtS.
on avenue. Phone East 4215
The Washington a.nd 0resfCDi5 ac?rks orcincksmas county a vi
,UC "rUi"S ZT I hest soil. rich, deep, black, ynderla
620 Union
301-80 MerchanU' Trust Bldg
Portland, 6th and .Washington,
Phone iialn 2404. and 400 Main
8t Vancouver, Wash.
6 Acre . Place 1-1-2
Fronr.'Orceon Qty
Sell or Trade for
re xiiie
8 105 Gerlinger BIdg., Cor. 2d and 8
8 Alder. Office, Main $430; rest- 8
8 deace, Woodlawn 2169. Portland. , 8
8 - . ' - - 8
8 S S S8S8SS8S88SS868S
A BAItQAIN. t - -Improved
form-Only IS2.50 Per Acre.
160 acresT 115 now in cultivation,
practically all tillable; one of the finest
In Washougal valley. Including: 9 cows,
r. i,ntffl.B o hAr... nH llik )men
Aso 25 tons hay, amower, rake, hay''
joaaer, Dinaer. qibk piow, , uibk unriuw,
KpriiiR and spike harrows, some plows,
cultivators, other Implements and
(mailer tools, 2 wagons and 2 aeat
surry. . ," '
About 10 acres orchard, all bearing;
excellent 7 room house, barn 62x74,
machinery shed, shop, w )od shed, milk
. . Jioobb with running water through, and
a 1 i dalry fixtures, prune dryer and
' ether Improvements; good Borings and
line creek. Phone lri nouse, R. F. D. 1
Lews than 5 miles from Washougal
R. R, station and boa Handing. The
- whole place la fentsed and cross fenced.
This is one of the best known places
here and we guarantee to show every
thing advertised. - . ; '
Washougal la ; only 27 miles from
Tortland, It is a mectlon of fine dairy
end general farming. We have both
, large and small places for sale at
prices that are right, and we have the
noil. Full particulars upon request,
rat-ms for trade for Portland property.
rii nr writa ut once . if you want
this place, as this prlco only holds good
n short time. ';
Pox 16. Waeliougal. Wash.
These Are Good
62 cres, 35 cultivated, 4 room house,
: pood barn, granary and prune dryer;
K"od well and spring; aU fenced and
cross fenced; 34 ".acrea apples and
prunes; 2 horses, harness and wagon;
3 buggy, plow and harrow; 6 head cat
tle, ail hogs nad chickens; all crop In
the buildings, for $6500. This Is a good
place, only li miles from carlinc.
r8 acres, 28 In crop this year, good
bulMinga. spring and stream of water
and orchard, $65 per acre.
80 acres, -18 in crop this year, 15
easily cleared, house, barn and store
building, on main rpadi $2300.
'rhosA only Af iarirtk Hut "fit
farms wo have both improved and un-I
improved, also cheap fruit land in the t
cascade, foothills, from tt to itu acres,
This sightly place la planted to
berries and email fruit, and is all
.under cultivation; there Is an 8 -
room house, plastered and papered.
'"It Is .'roomy and comfortable. It
- Is right on a main road with a
, aldewalk Into Oregon Cltjr. It has
R. F. IV and telephone and Is J
mile from- a graded school. It
has fine barn 24x30 ft., painted.
This place has produced $300 a
year off one acre 6f strawberries.
The following stock goes with the
. place: tons of hay, 1 Jersey
cow (registered stock), all small
tools necessary to run the place.
If you are looking for a coun
try place with city conveniences
. here It is. You can trade your
city property In on it.
Ralph Ackley
605 Corbett bldg.
Cheap ff. Taken
40 Acres
40 acres, 80 acres undfer' culti
vation, some fine beaverdam land;
good house, barn and outbuild
ings; fine spring and living
stream on place; R. F. D. and tel
ephone services 7 miles from
Vancouver on good road. Price if
sold soon, $4600. Can, all be Ir
rigated. - i
Thompson & Swan
Citizens Bank Bide;.
Vancouver, Wash.
110 Second St., Portland, Or.
with s-ravel: 80 acrea in hla-heet state
of cultivation; all fenced- and cross
fonced: larae oreek crosses property;
electrlo Una crossing place has agreed
to put In station on-request: very nne
fruit land; no dwelling; some granarlea
and other outbuildings; can be subdivid
ed at large profit. Small payment down,
ten years on balance. If sold at once
can be had at special figure.
WR have others.
One acre or thousands.
- ''It wlll'nav you to see our list'.'
Chamber of Commerce.
Ill TamMll Co,
220 acres; 120 acrea In cultivation and
planted, good 4 room plastered house,
1 barns. Dlenty of water.-28 miles from
Portland, close to railway; only $70 per
226 H Morrison St., A-3670, Main 8022.
it's got to sell. Its under the
hammer: 40 acres; 8 acres cleared
and improved, good house and barn,
nlentv of timber, enrlne: water, on a-ood
county road and It. F. IX; 5 miles of
Wrwuiisnri nene school: fine climate:
elevation 1100 feet; S miles of Columbfa
river and double track N. f. ti. .
Price $1000, terms. O. B, Wooldridge,
Woodland, Wash.
160 acres. 40 miles from The Dalles, on
1UTMKR lioon ' '.''-. .
Ieep ahot loam soil.
No cold eaat winds, ;
Free from late and early frosts.
Proper elevation. . '
Ideal air drainage.
Abundance of moisture.
If not found a represented we will
pay you $10 per day for your time
aoent looking- over hitijkk iiuuu,
Our specialty Is 10 and 20 acre tracts.
Prices range from $60 to $126 per
acre. -et
our booklet and arrange to go
witn ms and look tne country ovor.
Z"S Chamber of Commerce.
Acme Investments
3,600.000 feet of yellow fir In Tn. 2!
south, range 6 wesC W, id., near 8. P.
L It.: price 11500. .
8,000,600 feel yellow fir in Tp. 4 north,
range 3 west, w. cpiumblu. CO.; I
Drlne $.'800.
4.600,000 feet yellow fir In Tp. 10
south, range 9, wiwl W. M.. Douglas
co., on siroum: price ivu.
3,500.000 feet of yellow fir la Tp. 20
We Offer
Be .FollGwicg SJscis:
Cottonwoixl Coal A Power, iro-
tim ing iroiei tv), pfd 114.00 .
Cononaoo.t Coal A power n-ro. "
ti'iclng property) conunun. 3 60
Cull heiiu Mln. Co., Jsev luo
I'hillp.iltie plHiitntloii Co..,,,, 15a
Matiliallan Kev. Mln. Co. 40o
tj'ilillirl,) Homerset Mln- Co..fe.
Marenie Kulenslon t. M. -Co.. 600
Calif. DlHinoiid 1)11 Co. 300
CiiacHiunK i.und 1'evel. Co.... $50
Aluxka lre.1lng Co. ,,$U0.
Hold Gravel M. Co. tt0
Idavaitn Mining Co., .......... fd
Uold Triangle M. Co 10
. ' i
All these shares (varying tn
amounts! are owned by this com- .
I'nijy and purchaser Is protected
la the extent of j. rice quoted, or
ftto k exchanged, .
OyiOltt.ANU invf:stmknt CO, V
' 401 Hoard of Trade bldg. , ,',
Business Opportunities
411 Hoard of Trade bldg.
..... - ..S Aimnttmt
eat snloj goud money maker; chogt
luO room apartment house, your
prl.'e, or will trade.
ll room lodging house, close te this
orflce; great uionoy maksri loweet rent;
lieataurant, very cheap, low rent, wlto
lease; tr-jins
120 acrn wheat farm, all plowed, will
trs'le, What have you?
Half Interest In sanitarium, atrtrtty
guaranteed gilt edge; good for $600
iiiomn ruar, in lvriluml. . ,
12 room ludalna houao. a winner, very
Livery stable, drygoodi store, oonfee
tlonery for aale right.
1 am In a Position to sell cheaper than
any one else. 8e me today. - " ,
615 Board of Trade Bldff.'
TAl.K wlTll KMSTl-lfKIL
south of ranire 9 west. W. M., Douglas I 1, 600 Alaska I'et tt Coal, trees... snap
Co.; price $1800. I.tlOO Almeda Cons. bid
3,000.000 feet Of yellow fir In TD. 211.150 Automatlo (Jaa Llirnt 8 .66
south of range 5 west. This ia a simp; 2.000 Kluck Sagle tSautlam),. , , , , .11
rew nines irom I'ortJanu; price 3(iu. 1 jd iiuriingame T. T. stot-n .uu
8.600.000 feet yellow ttr and suarar nine I 10 Hurllniranie T. T. receiots... 8.00
In Tp. 30 south. 7 west: close to R. 1L: I -116 ('amnhell Hafetv Gaa Burner. 4.601..
70,000.000 feet yellow fir and cedar I 600 Comstock Oolden Oata .25
In Tp. 20 south of range lOwest and Tp. 12 I 2.000 Fidelity . Copper .......... .cheap
south of range 10 west. W. M., Douglas 100 If. O. Peck Auto, wheel., .bargain
county;, price very low. Investigate! 10 Malheur Iand Co. ........ .$60.00
tnis. . 1 6 Marconi (Kngiand) e.oo
2.000,000 feet yellow fir and sugar 1.000 National Copper -04
kxceptTonXl, BOfB.
Fourth st- grooery and 'confection
ery, $400.
Third t. grocery. $800. ,
First st grocery. 81000. -
Two Wash. 'at grocerlea, 'at Invoice!
on about $100, one $1200. , ..
4 splendid rooming houses, eentrally
' . '.
411Couch bldg.
Deschutes river, at
will trade for timber.
bargain, or
P. O. box 415.
Fruit Farm '
13 acres, 18 miles from Port
land, on good county road, 1 mile
from R. R. station; all In bearing
fruit; land all around this selling
for much more money. Price of
this tract is $200 per acre, on
easy terms.
Stroud :& Wiffle
434 Chamber of Commerce bldg.,
Fruit Valley
Fruit and Garden Lands
$25 Per Acre and U-
- Within 1 hour's ride of Port
land. A growing town on tract
Boll that is very productive. A .
clamoring market near. Trans
portation by rail or water. Cheap
freight rates on account of com
petition. A chance to get a start
and make a nest egg for the
future on a small capital. Prices
will be advanced before long.
Write us or call at our efflce at
, your earliest convenience,
Columbia County Invest
ment Co.
1018 Board of Trade bldg.,
Portland. Or.
pine in Tp. 84 south of range 2 west,
W. M .: nrloa 11800 , . . '
v ?,G0O,obo feet yellow fir In Tp. S south
of range 6 east, W. M.; this is a good I
uno; price ijuuu.
8d and Morrison Bt. 20ft Allsky Bldg.
is.000,000 PORT ORFORD cedar and
yellow nr; price .18.000.
421 Board c4 Trade Bldg.
600 I'iekel Adv. Mach.
.20 ,
10 Portland Concrete Pile A B.. 8.75
Knelling Oil .10
25 United Wireless trans... , . bargain
Grocery Store
' Owner going away and most sell one
of the beat paying grocery stores in
the city for the amount of capital Invested.-
Will Invoice about $2000. stock
Al other stocks and bonds. See me I futures, 4 Ilvlnsf rooms In connee-
before buying; may be able to do bet-1 tion with store, building .all renting- for
ter. Good Oil Stocks are the money au. Pr monin. "inis is a money ra;r
FORTY ! llmKft, nn ni,n
exchange for equal value In Portland
iota, ttoom lis 143H 2d St. .
ANTED To bujr a timber claim re
linqulnhment, full particulars first
letter. T-807, Journal. .
tlon. rent
piano; terms.
WkT a A T tfl
8 of 4 roorrTflat' nice loca- v-fti'4 riv.M- 222I3i.CS.r HA'B you ' seen something yo
$32.60; price 00. including V. like to buy, but baven't the
ns. . . . This Is in 8 of the highest grade copper I Co,nt and see Ua- we ll bur it
TTeara's". d?e"n? Km- " WeB'haSyV?n.t.Hed" Plenty ' Jto .nythln, good
nsider ood real estate. " m ,n,d- a,C;rPre,",!eI ?1?,1t.W,th .m ' BROWK WELLER ANDER80N,
I Alaska Pet. A Coat Gold Creek. '
Almeda Cons. Port. Tel. stock.
B. C. Amal. Coal. ' ' . United Wireless. .
Freeland Cons. .....
11. o. Peck Automobile Wheel,
22b Ablngton bldg. -
Calumet Buena Vista Mines,
JNIlillinpr and Smelting' Co. .
209 Allsky . Bid. Main 66. 1
We are making a special offer on our
and some one will got a bargain. Bet
ter see us about this Monday.
Repass & Woodyard
800 Henry Mdg.
To build on. $200 down. $400 secured
notes for i year. . This gives, you a- deed
and abstract; a chance to build ana get
your money out Derore note is due Ad
dress Arleta,,box $06, or phone Tabor
ou would
money T
for you.-
80 rooms on Seventh St.: J years' copper In. the suite, assaying from $180 honV.t.'urSnt ' oaj Sounte" 8
lease: rent $76; prloe $12od; terms, or J". tm Pr ton. One 60 ton car of r n,0' J and 4 plates!
wm irarte for good real estate. rich ore wlir bring the eompariy )"ee V cash ress. safe,
PACIFIC REALTY CO, bout UQ.O00, and then you might have water neater t casn agisters, saie.
Room 820 swetinn hM i ith . to pay several dollars per share. This '''"'"" .
35 rooms, 8 years' lease; rent $70: 81T50
stock will soon advance In price. Stock
is soia rrom iuu snares, or iu, up.
a- lew aoiiars invested in tnis com-
133H First st
20 room, 2 years' lease; rent $60: $1000 T ifnTSEiblt of er
At Lisbon, but we don't have them
in Clackamas county. BO acres, 25
In cultivation, 12 acres good tim
ber, spring and well, family or
chard, 5 room house, barn 48x60,
6 miles ' from Oregon City; all
stocked; $5000; terms.
D. K. BILL & CO.,
Masonic bldg., Oregon City, Or.
terms. See us before you buy... O. W. ! Bh"" l"WroM devilonment n
' Dairy Farm ,
200 Acres . .
ON - '
Columbia River .
All good, rich bottom land, one hour
ride on train, also automobile drive to
ftum; boat landing and station mile
Irom -farm: good house, barn, all out
buildings, orchard, 24 cows, 88 young
cattle;, 5 hornes,. all Implements, feed
etc., new steam engine suns pump and
Keparator, M mile to. creamery, cheese
factory, store, achool end church. A
fine opportunity If you want to dairy.
Might take some other good property
on the deal. .
611 Gerllnrer Bldg. '
Fine Rogue River Fruit
90 acres, 4700 - trees, fine soil, good
buildings, 3 wells, on linns of S. P. R. R.
and good county road. This is an ideal
home and commercial orchard and will
nearly double In price in next three
years; 100C t,:ech trees will bear next
vear; balance in pears and apples 2
years old. Price $300 per acre; ',4 cash,
balance in one and two years at 6 per
Hobert & Marshall
250 Alder Street. .
80 acres apple land, three miles from
Lyle, Wash., only $20 per acre. This
Is a snap. Call at 471 E. 12th St.
Hi ACRES fruit land, house, barn,
spring, $200 gives possession. 813
Washington St., room an.
10 ACRES or more at $60 to $100 per
acre, easy payments. Associated Own
er, 48 I.abbe blk. J
A Fine Fruit Farm
82 acres ell In a nigh state of
cultivation, with good improve
ments; electrlo survey close to
house; 22 acres now in orchard;'
all kinds of fruits and berries.
The place is plowed and in fine
shape; 24 miles from Portland.
Price and terms right
Yamhill Fruit Land Co.
432 Chamber of Commerce.
For Rent 4 -
46 acres, 2 miles' from Forest Grove,
Or.: 34 acres under cultivation; 12
acres in pasture; some timber; 4 room
nouse, barn 3sx&6, cmcken nouse and
other outbuildings; the' personal prop
erty on the place can be bought, or any
part tnereoi ii wanted, see
Chittenden, Otto & Neill
2 68 Stark at, Rooms 17 and 18.
200-4 Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
Office open evenings.
- Asa; about
Future Metropolis of Central Oregon.
A Choice tarm
320 acres, 1 Vs- miles from town; a
67 acres? one of the best farms In the
Willamette valley, practically level; 4
mile lo river and boatlanding: 4 room
house, barn, hop bouse, well water, all
fenced. If you want a place that will
double In value with very little expense
and work for $2800; 26 miles from
Portland, call at
STATE LAND CO., - -133
1st st
160 ACRE8 very rich river bottom land,
does not overflow; only 20 miles from
Portland; boat landing on the nlaee. M
choice tract to cut up te small farms; mile from railroad station; Ideal for
shout 240 acrea clear, and btfst of soil, P'ng in or n acre tracts: a big
74 acres bottom land: clear and very . bargain at $11,000. M. E; Lee, room 411
rich; about 14 acres choice Beaverdam, Corbett bldg.
k acres were nlantrd to onion sets this " ' ' ' " 1 111
year and produced 120.000 lbs., and are
-orth about 6H0; 8 acrea of oats pro
duced 128 bufhels to the acre, machine
measure; moat ail of the bottom land
can l irrigated; young orchard, fair
landings, on main county road, mis
l one of the best farms In the valley
rneap at the ri ice. iioo per acre;
rasa, trie rcianre on jonar time.
ih 4 per cent Interest. - -"" .
ATe have Urae lift of smaller7'
fsrrr.s; write fr Information. .
A. F. WILL, Aurora. Or.
40 acres on the automobile road to
kSIt. Hood, close to Mt. Hood electrlo
survey ; - good son, b per acre; also
nartlallv ImDroved farms for $60 . per
acre, only 80 miles from Portland; also
20 acre cleared lana tor suo per acre,
well located. Call for booklet, Mt Hood
Land Co., 711 Rothchild bldg. Main
Fruit Land
GOOD wheat farm( 160 ,or 320 acres,
near Waninitia. eastern Oregon. 11
miles from new railroad; rent for third
of crop: snap; house and barn. Apply
364 n. zttn. w car irom aa ana Juor-
rlson stg.
I WANT renter for a few years 160
acre dairy; cattle, machinery and
tools furnished." Address N. O, Hedin,
Boring, or., Route l.
FARM FOR RENT-ji-400 acres In Gil
liam county, about 4 miles rrom
Speece on the Condon branch. W. R.
Riley, 617 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak.
I WANT 40 acres, quick, at a snap
price; spot cash; Improved or unim
proved. F-3 23, Journal.
WR HAVE parties looking for improved
farms in the? Willamette valley. Send
description, cuote prices and terms.
866 Oak wt., Portland, Ur.
11 rooms, steam heat cheap rent; $600
cash handles.
25 rooms, steam heat long lease; $1000
cash: terms. .
11 rooms, central; rent $30; $650,
u3t vyasn,
the office and invite your inspection.
Must go at ' once. I must leave for
TO the investing public there is nothi-the east at once. Tnis will stand the
- inn oener uuin me uuiumeni wuena i closest lnvestiaation. i.aii on my siren i.
Vista mining stock; 10 cents per share. 226 H Morrison St., or phone A-8670.
Call . 209 Allsky bldg. Main $028. - -
ALMOST adjoining the' old famous I WANTED -Partner to take half inter-
jewett Mines, four miles out from city) est In legitimate paying business, ;
wriAMiv-n v,7.., Ji- ffnZ eni. ia I jeweil Alinef
mom hotiKA! oniv tisfifi- win teaHo roe of Grants Psas, Or., found new ledge cleaning and dyeing works; 4 shops
int. .i.nt f,,ra... i TT6B gold. This mine was onoe soldleood income: exDerience unnecessary;
sna'p at $676j Fine furniture 27 room !or lp.00. For sale oh'eap; cash. Lock must have partner; too .much business
house, $2000, part cash; will trade .foe j o 698, Grants Pass, Or
lots or acreage, jvirs. K.oonts, j:zi ad
Ington bldg., ,Maln 761.
ONE of 43 rooms, $6000; terms
for one man to take care of, $800, H
IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining " 'vlu rwn"r! ov
stocks, .call on J. B. Purcell, 268 Stark Washington st. . - , , '
ir you whiii iu dv7 a autpie article uaeu
One of 48 rooms, $3000; terms.,.
uni or zo rooms, aivuu, -terms. '
One of 11 rooms, $425; terms.
One of -9 rooms, $475: terms.
208 4th st. Phone Main 7678.
st, room it,
MINING and industrial stocks; tele-
by everybody ' and in demand at all ,
42 rooms, rent $75; lease; $3000.
40 rooms, receipts $300 month; $2000
35 rooms, clears $200 month: $1400
27 rpoms, rent $90; lease; $2500.
1331 first st,
20 room-rooming house, 2 years' lease;
, rent $60. Price $1600, $1000 cash,
balance to suit 8 blocks from court
house; all new furniture. I have no
agents save the commission. Phone
Mam S671. "
' $150 ROOMING HOUSE itu. '
6 rootns, clearing $20 per mo.: can
be made clear more; in a good location
and always paying proposition; guar
anteed as represented. Call today, 228
Columbus st. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; teraps.
25 ROOM transient rooming ' house
close in: house and furniture are new:
fine chance for right party to make
money quick; good lease and cheap rent.
See owner ror price. j-az, journal.
NEW rooming house, 2o rooms, fine
furniture, good location, long lease.
cheap; house full. See Stone, 72 n. 6th.
SOMETHING good in a rooming house,
Inauire of landlady. 291 E. Mor
rison st.
1CI HID 1 . , - "... . . . '
phone Snd other bonds bdught and fff 1?. 2,2!i;.!W L'.V.Tlrt XZY:
C B. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bldg. T"re !v" leV'id " will nr:
HneM HtS' mnnev to some nni who Is
20 1 willing to hustie. Smith-Wagoner Co.,
306 Chamber of commerce blag. '
Vt k XT A m.'.Vl CNT nubHr. ntlllfv Mrnnr-
ation, assured monopoly, . offers .par-
ticipation subsidiary company, bud- .
scriptions $50i-0 Invited. Investment ex
ceptional profit. Particulars to bona
fide applicants. Confidential. Q-321,
Journal. ' '
! 16 rooms, rent $55, good location, al
ways imea; ouu casn nanaies it.
60 room apartment house: steam heai,
$360 net per month, 6 years' lease, $10,
000 cash. This is a bonanxa.
' 918-Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED-wFor 8 months $1000 twlth or
witnout services), will pay premium.
Restaurant Men -
Have one of the best paying restau
rants in Portland: long lease: cheap
i ... . . - -. -. . . 1 lUI
nuslnWrHtV0 $!Soo!nTdWst .tittWI 418 of Trade,
' cpffm'H-tAv ",t.-V '. ' iwau HAWUiu ana real estate otnee nav-
A wl Ka7 H?l'e.r ou ca.n. ' lose- ins- more work than one man can at
h. .1 tl?, Vi i?, la PJSpr? ,tlon tend to will sell V4 Interest can guaran
Zll K?" T"L5urrfy .dE.ub,i ?our $100-8200 .per month to hustler; ac
money In a short time and may make 6 tive young man preferred; references
to 1. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. exchanged. G-825, Journal. -
FOR SALE5 Rooming house. 8 sleeping
rooms; owner sick; must sen. 1635
Macadam road. Phone Main 673.
I WANT ' to buy a farm around 20
acree. furnished with team and wagon.
will 'pay 4200 or $300 , down, balance
easy terms. G-322, Journal. -
WANTED Small farm; give full
scription, location ana terms.
4 S.l SM 1 TTf -n
1DU scree IS .num. irwn w. ir. jr. r,vS,:.v , O TV M 9 Rnr 7K T.ent fir
ng, 40 acres timber, tt; -j' , " , ; '
line, slie-htly rolli
running water. 20 acres nearly ready for I
planting; If taken soon, 615 per acre. I
Mt. Hoed Land t;o., 711 Kotncniid bldg.
Phone Main 3510.
ROOMING houses, big and small; coma
and see us. We have them all.- Berg
& Lemke, 305 3d st
ROOMING house, close In, 10 rooms.
worth $1000 for $550. Other business
cempeis selling. 418 Bweuanq mag.
WILL pay $200 cash and the rest by
the month for 12 or 14 room lodging
house. 616 Board of Trade. Main 4557.
COZY 10 room house, nicely furnished;
fine location? very cheap rent iln-
quire owner, 287 13th.
If You Want
WANTED Rooming house about 20
i rooms, iui:aitu uvria oi voiumDia si.
42 S Y-307, Journal.
Fruit land In the "Cascade Foothill"
while It is cheap, see us., O. W. P.
Land & Immigration Bureau, waiting
room. 1st and Alder.
120 acres of Irrigated land In Twin
Falls, Idaho; any part or all are for
sale or trade for Portland property In
or out of city. Write R. A., 567 E. Mor
rison st. ' Phone E. 2060. 1
284H Washington St.. roomt 404-407.
fSELL rav own land on terms to suit 1 m .-...-..--t-......
the buyer, and will cultivate J, 5 of,
7 years. Geo. A. Houok, 49- Labbe blk. t 8,350 ISO acres, 15 mTIes from our of-
100 acres fine land on Willamette river; tSSnumFntitt Thi5
ideal peach land, -A big bargain At ??'J?r-?2: ZuFil?!7nKAiJ?JJ
$7000. M.RLee, room 411 Corbett bldg. '""i1 llv" " Zvr""r
Gold, copper and sliver; stock. 10
per share. 209 Allsky bldg. Main 966.
338 Chamber of Commerce.
Fruit Lands Be?t in State.
82-33 Lafayette bldg.. Wash, and 6th.
American Mining Syndicate stock,
guaranteed by bonds of a reliable Port-
I land company. 48-4 xappe oiag,
160 acres. 8,000,000 feet mixed timber, i FEW hundred shares Almeda Consnll-
ncar railroad and river; also homestead j dated M. Co. stock; sickness; call quick,
in 'wheat bolt Full particulars free. 1 Washington & Oregon Realty Co., 308
l one
nd eh
1 5 Acres
A!l cleared and moulf in fruit; level, '
f'nM r.d on rood roa.1: 14 miles from
7 rt!s1; fln iaru house, barn, apjle
y- ! and OTher t-olHlnge. Price oriiy
S ;i; term. r mil exchange for
) )- and l-'t up to $2t0 in good lo-"-t.-iti-in.
54 Acres I
t! arree cleared, eome fmtt: all rood
lvel and men feeovd; IU miles
f'm IX. R. and river; li r-!ls
f l-oTHr.'l: fhf tiiifdlngs. Trice
$:., trn-s If 4w"il
1 1. E I'KAPT, !
' 4J6lrryl.;.'.
I r $ 1 r , ' f r 4 'r i,r.U i,e.
".! fd. J -.e e f 1 tiretwr.
t -a r1 ,rr ' r- i,r.T -i-'ls-
t r t. i b I is- e; a trcala at
I j r a r, 1 t .
K ! C -K i
f-n-1-1 , e j- jus4 C'w
r p r. f i
' - I U i , terani
' -
Res. Thone Main 8105
Res. Thone Tabor 1624
(Member Chamber of Commerrce)
51 J Chamber Commerce, Office Phone Main 7643
Portland, Or, Nov. IS, 1909.
Jocrnil Publishing Company, ' -
- .Portland, Ortgron.
Centlemen; It afforda pleasure to me to be able to try that
my srrrmirf with yoa in the classified columnt hat brought
more than tatitfactory return. . Not a" day pari but I fret
many tall from lire byerv ho bave been, brought to m-
tlirovgh my advertising- in yocr co'nmni. Yea wiU continne to
Tecfie ccjy from tne from time to time. Tbankirjr yon for
tVe rr-I telJ. I arrs yon trufy, ; J. E. SMITll'. -
Call or address Merchants Business Fx
change. Suite 313 Merchants Trust bldg..
I corner wtn ann wasningion sts.
' . - Read This
! Homestead relinquishment in the 81
! letSM-rulses 3,000,000 feet of choice yel
.'low fir; has good cabin on all ready
to more Into; good road rune to It; land
' la well -watered with mountain streams.
: This is a snap. Let us file you on It
. - 20 - Allsky PMg.
Merchants Trust bldg. Phone M. 2404.
n. jnt ti TitiV. V. u ' 1 GOOD chance for store and home: store
One doing 825 dally: ions; lease, eheanl v,,,nin.. i. x i t...
rent, swell" location 'In hotel with 1 So "L."v"""
rooms: S200 lr taken Mnndav. Inr-lnino, ! C... , i , , , oi.aa.
license paid until January. ..... would n ith hm, nr ) mink.
PETERS, 16 N. 6TH ST. - rate. Room 26, 142 8d St. " ,
' h.i".nJ.T. 1Bnct 5I0.a I100"; ROCK BOTTOMprlcej confectionery,
ote " iea K0tFa,dAed "tr't' clty stationery and grocery: S living rooms
Tifoo- nU5A'nJn Vl,aJ,i trSct8 downstairs, 7 ups?air; ail for rent, $25:
iow ?w& '?fi?? ?2Au!tbBlJ? M"lshed complete; wood for winter;
S low-n?2 d?r05Jiarfare- Uh0 Reuy forced to sell; leavlhir state., 1888
CO., Jefferson St Rtark at. Tahoe 107 .
REAL estate owner wanting interested I tt a nirncr i :
help will guarantee energetic part- XI AlViN X-OO STlOP, In O rUC V '!
r $100 month salary also share I - t i -Ir ''J ' "r:
iutiMiij4 location; . conic
profits- references required.
lars 4i i Moara or Ti raae Dldg:
CASH grocery, partner wanted, owner
tired hired help; pays big; experience
unnecessary. Particulars 417 Board of
x raae -piag. ...... . ,
24 room bouse .on -' Washing-ton at -
brick . building; long lease; clearing!
v b nioonii iouj nan casn. meters,
ja is. oin st.
quick.- 416-418 Henrv Bldcr.'
Owner leaving for California, will sell
very cheap downtown saloon; good prop
osition; .be quick and investigate.
, ROS8 & FRT.
? 782 Board of Trade.'
$8000 Will buy one-half interest in a
weu estamisned business that is
10 room hoiIRA on : Wflshlnrlnn -11
- - . - - -r--"", c 1 " ' - ... ...... t. vuni.awB . ma, tm
SOlid Oak furniture: Clenrlno-- 74 . Imvlnir' muat ha f a . Kn.lnu.lll,.
month; $500,; half cash, Feters, 15 N. j man; refs, required; a igo'od opportunity
' - i ror risni uariv. -x-ain. journal
" , , T l!U I ,1 ., , .
COL'NTRy - store, bargain; must sell QROCERY -Established 18 years, same
autck: best or reasons: Involea ahnut I i,.atinn- mnw ririm hm k.i-
$2500. Particulars 417 Board of Trade I neu- Invnie fthnnt tROA na.h- will !
t1'1- : : lor sell building. Z AddIs Land Co- Me.
CASH store, owner wants honest nart-1 Kay Bldg.
ner, requireu; pay you IUU GROCERY and confectionery: SOOd eor.
Particulars 41T Board of Trade
PARTNER wanted able to check goods;
ergetio man zo wck; az&o re
417 Board of Trade hide. I -
"FOR SALE Only hair store In Baker
ner location with livina- room: rent
$20; at Invoice, about $75(.
f. A. KJliARU et cu, -' ..
32H Washingtoii st room 21$.
FOR LliAfiU, the best equipped black
smith shoo In the state: 1 namr
..iiy, si invour, uuiiik soon uiiamsHs. i nammers, i ires, onus, enears, ere.
Inquire C. Westaway.-071 Williams ave.
18 room house on 6th st. clearing $125
i moiun mways run; will
handle this. Peters. It N. 5th st.
FEED store, good trade, no bonus. Par
ticulars 417 Board or Traae wuj.
FINE homestead In Tillamook county;
Z relinquishments: best we ever had.
fi timber relinquishments; exceptional
ly good.
If timber claims; will run from $.100,-
000 to 10.000. 000 feet each.
.Homesteade In eastern Oregon.
IS Hamilton Bldg.
Fend your addreas or Call and get our
book'-t tbat tells all about the S2 acre
i HOMESTEADS In Central Ore iron. Three
I raiiroads now bull. ling on direct line
' toward the proprtv.
H H ri(C A Prt
52 Corbett BUx 1
CI-;N"TRAL tre-on mp Fhoming land
subjeet to eetry snder 820 acre home
stead law; indieoensible- to proepectire
settlers, priee 1 1.
- " Burvei ers and 1 t -r,
4 ltirrbe rmens inpli tiHg
i G. L. Clement
fcfVT lOSlZHIi map of lisrney enunir. :i
show-Ins all the larre lp1 hoi'JInra !
J fa s-Tarat colors: hnr rsilrosd s-;r- j
1 vir ar, tet d!ef if1 tsr.ns tfaitt ii
Wireroa, iTlce tl 4Vi I.urr.hermeB S ,
I h. -.y is' .;.Mi'i i s j
, O. M. Clement
" - . . - '
64 Union Avenc
" - ' Tprtland, Of, Sor. W 1909.
Journal Fubli&htns; Co.
Gentlemen: Yesterday mt inserted a rrnall trree-line ad for
amenta to veil cur rew Logger' Safety Shoe, in The Jorn!'
"Help Wanted" column. Our return hate tern numercm
,that we rnnit ak you t tcp tht 4 t-f the prrirnt. If in the
future we detire mere fcrJp t mill place our advertiir.K its
The Jocma!, $ we find it tr.e hrtt -pr drum. Thir.Virg ycu,
J reTom, rrc!'u''T yir G. L. CLEMEVT.
very reasonable. E-884,
Will lease
WANTED Lady or gentleman to han
, die business chance department. In old
established real estate office; no cur
iosity seekers wanted; references r-
rjuired and given. E-3 29, Journal -
LADY under $S yeara with- $200 to in
vest can ert half interest in already
established business., Give address and
hone number. t328. Journal.
$300 and wanted, sober, steady
man for office and outside - work. 8
hours per day. Apply 16 1st st, room
1JK -
feALOON, doing $7 business dally, 4
year. leitfte; price, $K0. flood Mdr-H
nd will show receipts. Particulars $10
F.ucbftnsnr bldr.
WANTED A rentier In a- creamery
route; one who understands operating
gasoline launch, and is a business man
and wDHn g to work. A-SI , Journal. -.GROCERY
store and residence, 8 lota,
comer, $St00; might take lot as first
paym'-nt. KMtn in, mz zq St.
i K(.R tsALK pool room and clear i
i at involfe; rlearing about 1109
month Corner td and Ankeny.
IA ,(OI fiance to go In business In a
j new town Id central Orrgoa. 811 Hen-
j rr H''g , 4th ml tak.
' 1 ; little s'ore. d.,li,g a r'lendld busl
J tint,, corf e tons, groeerie and to
j Nirro. r Rw-m "4, 111 Merrlson.
!JjA K buy-r for room house or a
, esnt lot, Puneysi, r t Mt Tabor
j eerhee Aft' Leej To. UKn Pl'a
i WjTS. 1 f I iin-fii. ifinf(lir,rr
t c- r tr store; rash , Phone Mala
? V a- or Tot
l.i S r A 1 RANT 4 ,-,.i-f. . m..Ti
lesri of citr; t.S!1 lf. 411 t
lrwt t--'r v
Liv'-: - - t n r.rt , .ears i.' tt III
ms c t.1 ( )a.
?::! ie $la.
1 i.u
t e