THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21. 1009. 3 87 KICHA.Na C ItlCAIi ESTATE 21 TWO eft; Omnia I'aaa. highly Im- rioved, trade fur rllv property. 0 acre. 6 cultlvatl, Yamhill Bounty, trade for city property. 14 .. ro.. Mc'Kutd, on hard, will trad for good home. -1A irrfi in Aalilaml. hllilv Imnroved. . T . . . T ... - . . f-irau. fur noma or vH,- mmn. II (cr.i in t-lty, part of It war.houa property, trade for li-ul rancii. lo aurra, i-ialnn rlocttla, Iruprovad, trade for alfalfa rancii. HO acrea. Hamo county, Improved, for city ropari y. $67 acre on H. I'm Improved, trad for city properly and caah. Flu. utilrknn ranch in city, trade for houaa or ranoli. 4u acre, near, llppnrr,, trade for What you have. ' 1120 acres, Gilliam county, all colli Vattul. trade fur income property. 1040 acrea, )miman county, culti vated, trade for Inoorqa property. $ 33,000 brick block, paya per cant on llo.uuo. for wheat ranch, i . ega acrea. yamriii county, partly im- proven, (ma ror inooma proPcity, Ituu acrea, parwv nil proven, aunio jui piook, ror city property IHCIIANGE KKAL ESTATE Zt Foil EXCHANGE. Ktrn sVree for any old thing. Faatern lola for soma of tha aame. Wlectmaln acreage for Oregon. MebraaKa acrea. for Oregon, FOU H A LI FA RMS 17 G&IIG&IIG&IIG&IIG&II - acrea. umr Oreaham. T r ..'i0?". u,inin or "uaalfj ,., tHju., bearing fruit 2 Md lot. I ' t r ...... -II ,..,l,lv..t-. .r lu Ir. H4 f, PACIFIC REALTY CO. W rUaiii by c M on pU ! n ttoom aa Hwrtland Hid- Hi Ith t j rh"p andmaka your V own WANTlo .acl.aiiaa m timber claim terma.- rr In ivook county for a lumt, Box IT, HtvJ K.XCIIANGK Mlsr. OU "SWAP" COLUSIN. o a, O, r Wa hava a luran liat of ritv rroiwrty to trado for farina, and a luran llat of maiir rarma to trada for city proimriy, t all anil ( ua and Mat your property. l il t KKAIt T Bl'IL.UllS(i t'U., 4t Worct-Htr bldg.. Id and Oak ata. ;'Look Here ' ft room lath and nUattred houaa, ca- mnt haaamrnt. wlrod for elactrlo Iichta: plumblnic tour lied In; Inalde lot. fuxiuo; rma river view, uiockb io eh Johna car:, alao 10 aliarei bank at06k: will axchanaa for taam horiwa." aoina rattle, wajfona, liiyni'da and farm im plement", can Monday ai lioom -1 , Slallory bids:.. 16 mark at. Portland. KXCHANQB ". .. ; , ., . . KOK A ', FARM. '" ' ' 4K arrea nf ' land near Portland, all lever bottom land, all cult I rated and exoellent for Tlttln; purpoaea; only I mllea out and no htlla to crom, HENKLK A HARRISON, . v. ' , 611 Oorllnger bldg. . J-X3R EXCHANGE! A $7000 Union av. houaa of 6 room and lot 60x83. on N. 137. corner of Eugeno at; hard aurface Mtrftot and - beat facing for, bualneaa butldlnga. is about liair way DPiwesn Broadway and Ruaaell at. Will taka mall noma for about 3000, ir wen lo cated. Some cash needed. CHAPIw & HERLOW. 822 Chamber of Commerce. A CHOICE. 6 aero tract t to fruit," Irrigated, on tha Columbia river; a 7 acre tract, unimproved, but Irrigated; a 10 aero tract In Qoodnoe Hills. Equi ties In each for equal value. What have you7. AU choice Xrutt lands and will double In value. . , J. J.'REID LAND CO. I 40 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. j 63 acres at Orting, Wash.; 40 acres In . cultivation, 11 acres hops, good farm buildings, ror Portland property. Two story brick store building" at Puyallup, Wash., for small farm near Portland or for suburban acreage. 8 lots, 40x100, Alberta st, for acreage. ' 8ULLIVAN & CATHKR. 421-423 Henry bldg, ITnAar this elaaalfloatioa wlil appeas all advartlaeuaenta that aomprla articles for trade I for sample, bouaeliola good a, watchea, bloynlaa, trpawrttara. livestock, vahiolaa, aulomobllea, oiothinr, ato. Tha Journal baa eegrerataa this olaas of ads into tba swap ooluma for tlia eoaveaU vauw .wuviv w. wwiiiiw win I , i Tha rata for ada la 1 east I 03 word par Inaarlloa. T tnaartlons for lot I n prioa of 4), tor eah ada. Vhos aaa I w onarr ada T oanta per Una par leans. FOlt U'ltAbiJ tinii, WMM-onn, harneas and odd borara for rfal aatata or other hoi.ea.. f,o Kaat th, between Haw- thorn and Madlaon. ' vVJl.L TRAIE first claaa billiard table W ror, gaaoiina launch., P, O. box 34, 'TJ city. viw camera. 8xl't. to exchange for shot gun and rifle; Will' exchange acuity for city property or buaineaa. 10 aerea at' Falrvlew: good room house, hern, etc, all under cultivation; g acrea in . fruit and nuts, bearing, horae and buggy, cow and all form Implement; price 16600; terma ' , - ' S acres near Falrvlew, all cleared, the beat of cherry land; ti00, terma 1 acre' at Woodstock, all In ew..i a i,aii.. a i a AO ' 1400 cash, balance like rent o 1 a"re on Mf. Scott line ; near feitewart atation; an in fruit and berries; 7 room modern house; will sell cheap, , o o a 9? o o 9? FOIl 8ALK FAIUIS 17 yOJl BALK FAKMS 17 A (SPLENUID 4 or what have youT. Hox 41. Arleta. Or. PiAN"OI.A lo exchange for ainting, pa- -r!A perhanglng or cement work. R-S01, Tz Journal (J WAisiKU A auuurtmn lot In exchange I m Chicken ranch. 1JH acres, IH miles from Salem eleo trfc, on good road; 10 room hquae, good ' barn, large chicken houses and brooders; over. 100 fruit trees; all kinds of berries;' all under cultiva tion; at a bargain. . ' . for v mr r.M vlnlln T.19A Tinrnat JoSnar ' O "rft. 'PS-; Or.!4 'b'e'.t o ''re wood, A-125, Journal. I ,.i. iBa. run ha Irrigated. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 The Stewart Co. fruit land; can be Irrigated, 12 acres cleared, balance eaallv cleared: land in this vicinity sells for 150; the owner wsnts the money, and will sell for $20 per acre. . . GIBSON HOLLIUAT. 804-6 Gerllnger Bldg. 9? X 9? 9? X It VOU want to sell your houaa or vour ,"., mr ti u m, m r tt i, a 1 1 , a, IOVl(XOIl IV dlanoae of It in a hurrv. I'ast results speak for future business. Tk Stewart Co. 623-6 Board of Trade. HAVE client who will Invest from I ZD. 000 to $76,000 In Improved or un improved property. What have you to oner on wesc aide, in district between ramhlll and Hurnslde and 7th and 16th ata? Would like offerings, also. In river rromage and in warenouae district. F. 8. Foret, investments, 410 Henry ping, fnone mam 3x. A FINE HOME WHERE THE SUN SHINES EVISKY'BAr. New. modern furnished 10 room pressed brick house in Colorado Springs; vuld rent for $60 a month. Will ex change for Portland residence or a-ood Income property in or near Portland. Owaer here for a few days. 420 Lum Taermens bldg. - . v ni ARE in touch with parlies wishing to purchase desirable homes on either eaat or west side. If your house is for saie can ana .see us. or pnone Main THE SOUTHER - ALBERTPON CO.. 286 Oak St., Portland, Or. In or out; of city, clean stock of gen eral merchandise to trade for fine im proved city property,, or the best of acreage? 165H 4th st, room 2 o. Rus- son mag, f none main az. 1'RADE your Portland re"W"ca for an Irrigated farm in the Deschutes val ley, 160 acres; 48 acres in cultivation and 120 irrigable; mile to school; small house. Price $5600. Will take Portland residence property of the val ve of $3250 as. part payment C-828, Journal. . TWO acres, clear, rich soil, on electrlo ; llne at station. 10 miles from Port land;, some full bearing apple trees; trade for house and lot; give or take dif ference, SWOPE, 436 Chamber of Commerce. WlLL accept Portland city lot up to $600 as first payment on modern cot tage (Just finished) In Montavllla. on fine street; $2400, balance to suit. A. N. isearie. m.-v. car; get orr at is. 76tn at. My office on corner. I WANTED A BUNGALOW. I have a customer for a new modern bungalow; preferably in Piedmont or wainui ijaiK, must oe a good buy, no agenta PERLET B. LENT. 417 Corhctt bldg. WE HAVE been very successful In han dling city vacant property. If you nave any vacant property that you wish to dispose ot Kindly can ana see us re garding same. I THE SOUTHER - ALBERTSON CO., 286 Oak st, Portland. Or. WANT at once 5 room bungalow or cot- taare. Mt. Tabor or East Ankenv line preferred; not over $2500 or $2600, Phone Main izo or A-&655. NORTH- PACIFIC REALTY CO., 605 Commercial Block.. 2d and Wah. WE WANT city improved and unlm- proved; talso farms apd acreage. Our use is insuriicient ror- our aemanas. Call or, write. P.- E. Pearce, 415 Henry ft STOMERS to try M. I. S. T.. the ln- fallable cure for rheumatism, scrofula, catarrh, blood, liver and kidneys. Eben Perry, Mgr., 332 Sherlock bldg., Port land, ur. come and see us. You Will Want' This , 36-Ac Home U MILE FROM HTGH SCHOOU THE .STOCK, HAY. GRAIN, IM PLEMENS AND FURNI--TURK ALL GO. If you have looked in vain for a farm that Just suited you, you need go no further, for here Is one we know will more than meet your requirements. It is a lovely 36 acre home. 80 acres in a high state of cultivation, balance nice pleasant grove of fir. The land Is perfectly drained., laying Just as you would have It, the soil being a dark, very rich loam, and worka up just like a garden. There ari? four acres of onion land. The improvements are first class, being a beautiful 6 room cottage, nicely painted, nice wood shed, barn 80x40, with sheds;'hay shed 16x70, full of hay; chicken houses, etc. Choice family or chard. The place is well wa tered. Just a word as to-location: We are sure it could not be more desirable, being just with out the city limits of one of the best towns in the valley, with a population of 8000, only 30 miles from Portland, on main line S. P. R. R. Your children would have to walk only H mile to splendid high school. What more could you ask? The best of land, the best of Improvements, the best of ' location, and we give you the following personal property: Good team of horses and harness, wag on, mower, drill, feed cutter, cul tivator, 3 plows, 200 bushels oats, 50 bushels wheat, several tons hay, 2 splendid Jersey cows, all the chickens and household goods. All for only $8000. Owner old and feeble. This is your oppor tunity. See us this week. Hargrove & Sons 11ZM 6th st N., 6th and Glisan. Clients Waiting for Houses, Lots, Farms and Acreage. List Your Property With JOSEPH H. J UH IN STUN, 338 ACRE Dairy or Stock Ranch 22 miles from Portland, on Columbia 82-83 Lafayette bldg.. Wash, and 6th. river bottom; 125 acres natural grass meaaow; win care ror iuu I WANT some homes on easy pay ments; what have you gott WELDON DARLING, 618 Board of Trade. St, Johna ' 4) rooms, quite modern; fair view of river; will take lot or two as first pay ment; baL easy.: Phone era, Woodlawn 126. - $1150 equity in 6 room cottage; large wood shed; lot 40x100; will take lot in good location as part payment. G. L. THORNTON, "' 1461 Lenore at, Woodlawn. "WANTED To exchange 3 choice res-.-idenee or business lota In Stockton. Cal.. value about $600 each, in part pay ment for residence In Portland. See or If You HaveN ?T Jruli i?nd ,1(?r..?ale4,llt " w,th Ptes. 2 dosen chickens and lot of ducks, O. W. P. Land Co. We'll sell it. varietv of all kinds of fruit: comfort- head of stock; 47 acres upland; do not have to move during high water; 80 tons hay in Darn, its mint cows, 13 neirer calves, 3 heifers coming 2 years old. 1 young Jersey bull, 1 Holstein bull, span or good mares, nne large sow with ll L " 1 . t Ctn 1,1 N. .(.!. 11 l... ....... ........ 1 nkl. K .siaw, lintia.' , ... i ulra ion . RQAOiLTl 1UI, Willi P 11 ICtl I I1IUDI " .ivucu, ui""' . , ' , TT n icKsmitn be west of railroad and south of lower bridge; not over $500. Address 445 East lltli st, or call Sell wood 610 WE have party that wants to purchase (.malt improved tract near Portland. THE SOUTHER - ALBERTSON CO., 286 Oak St.. Portland, Or. WANT modern home in some restricted district; must be an absolute bar gain to gain consideration. Owners only.- F-328. Journal: address A. W. More. 600 Berth wlck7j WANTED Lot or equity In lot, on ex change ror eoultv in modern o room cottage, nicely located, close to car; A FINE U6 acre fruit and chicken 'ranch for unincumbered Portland property; want to deal with owner not agents. Call Monday on 8. N. Steele. IJIO 2d at : A. FINE 7-passenger. touring car, 48 horsepower. almost new. In fine con dition, to trade for income Portland property; want to trade with owner, not agents. H-829, journal. I ' AM , going to Hood River; write me .full description what you have to I trade for' Portland property and cash. 07 E.. 10th St.-Portland. J WILL trade 10 acrea splendid farm land near Seattle for 10 acres of good land within 1 or 2 miles of Vancouver. 322 Hnry bldg. . SJODERN 5 or 6 room house, not over $3000, south or Fargo, west of Grand ave. R. J. McGulre, 567 Williams ave. Telephone East 3818. , . WANTED Corner lot with all Improve ments in; must be cheap for cash. J-3-22, Journal. - 6 OR 6 ROOMED cottage about $1600 or $2000 cash. Give location and num- ber of street. H-315, Journal ons. biis'irv. nlows. harrow. outfit and all small tools. This is a cheerful home, on a splen did gravel road, near l creameries, and only 30 minutes by train into Portland. Here is an opportunity seldom equaled, for such nlaces so near the city are hard to find, and all goes for. $40 per acre, small amount oi cash and the very best of terms. Waggener Real Estate Co. zio-ziz ADington Diog. 40 acres of good fruit land In various counties to trade for anything of good value. Owner. Wlglo & Lewis, 1st. East 6398. . 40 acres good fruit land near Chehalix to exchange for cigar,-confectionery, restautant or grocery store. Address R. a, box 171. Mllwaukie, Or. FOR TRADE equity In nice sightly lot for team of horses. L. E. Basforja, 4th and Powell Valley. Take Mt Scott car. FOR SALE or Trad ABOUT 1 acre improved or unimproved, within S blocks of 6c fare; state loca tlon and price to 759 E. .Couch. WANTED For cash, lot between Klll- ingsworth, Frescott st, ZOtn and river. Z-306. Journal. - . WANT to buy land near Estacada car line. Room 26, H2H 2d. WANT to buy property Mt. Scott dia trlct. Room 26, 142 2d st. W9T your vacant lots with Baker for results. 61 9 Board of Trade bldg. Are You Looking for a Farm Do you want one or the best? A farm that is located right near a good town, near good schools, stores, etc.. within driving distance to Portland, it Is a dandy farm, good soil, splendidly' wa tered, good improvements, well stocked, 22 head of cattle, fine team, all the farm implements, dairy outfit; feed m tne oarn. aoout 40 acres cultivated. splendid family orchard. 145 acres in all. Fenced and cross fenced. Price only 360 per acre. Everything included. Thla Is one of the best bargain near AH Cool Ones ; 110 acres. 10 acres In cultlva. " tlon. $0 acres of flna paatura, all under irrigation ditch, fin coun ty road, 4 inlloe from Olondale.. ' 1 land nearly all level, dark sandy loam; Ilea In tha Cow Criek val- If y, now lo room houaa and I good barna. all outhulidlnva avnd good orchard, half mlU to good school, 600,000 tvet of good saw' timber, 16 head of tattle, I wagons, 1 horae, all farm Imple- 1 . menta and honaeliold gooda; price ; $46uo; half caah, and good terms . If wanted. . , . Large Alfalfa Farm 760 acr.a, 160 In cultivation and , v In Irrigation, balance limber and puature lands: large fine i alury Cew 16 room house, coat $5000 to ulld,; large barn. 80x120, ooat $4000 to build: has 16 foot sheas on all aides; hay rapacity la 200 tons, and atHlls for 100 head of atock; Irrigation ditch now building to trrlgato 4o0 aores of fine bottom Innd, 10 acrea In good bearing orchard, mostly ap ples; good amokehouae, sheep sheds, woodhouae, machine shoda, atorehoueo and all necusaary buildings; fine county road and R. R. right by place; fine large crek through the place. Thla la 8 miles from Glendale on 8. P. R. R.. in aouthern Oregon. 'Wa have sold farm a there, and the parties are well satisfied; price ta HI, 000, terms. THE BEST FARM IN DOUGLAS COUNT, SOUTHERN OREGON. 614 acres, 40 in cultivation, 100 in pasture, 117 acres fir and oak timber, and first class fruit lamia; 20 acres ' alfalfa, out 3 good crops this year; 8 acres In 6-year-old orchard, all kinds of small fruits, soil Is sandy loam and shot land good for fruit; hay, ?raln; S miles of woven wire enclng; fine large creek through the place, spring water piped to and Into the house, new 8 room modern house, with bath, toilets and all modern conveniences; elec trlo' lights; flume pays $30 per month for right of way serous the place; telephone In the house, with long distance call; 8 new barns with hay capacity of 150 tons; place Is Just outside of city limits of nice town of 1000 inhab itants; a fine proposition to sub divide Into fruit tracts. This ilaca la a money maker, and will ie worth $100 per acre in the near future; price $35,000; $16, 000 cash, with good terms. Wa have all klnda of farm lands, and whatever you want come In and make your wants known. Eractt & 'McLcofl ' Rooms 616-617, Rothchild bldg. Big and Little Farms 104 acres, one half mile from Oregon City carline, close to Mll waukie, half in high state of cul tivation, some fine timber, lies well, and running water, jfair buildings of all kinds, 20 fine cows, 4 horses, all Implements, tools and vehicles, also crops the biggest bargain in the state. For particulars call 613 Chamber of Commerce. 35 acres, fine soil, no rocks, all in high atate cultivation and fine buildings, . close to Portland, on Salem electric, only $300 per acre, terms, Call 513 Chamber Commerce. 720 acre fine dairy, 50 fine cows, excellent buildings and 1 barns, land all available, right on Columbia river, 22 miles from Portland, $40 per acre. Call or write 613 Chamber Commerce. 10 acres, all well improved nnd good buildings, right at electric line station, and only 25. mlnutei out; price $6000; will accept Portland residence for part. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. 5 acres and fine cottage, land all in cultivation, barn on place, right In edge of Vancouver, $2500; would accept nice cottage in Portland for part Call 613 Chamber of Commerce. 72 acres, 40 in cultivation; good orchard, fair buildings, some . personal property with the place, $6000. This is located on Salem electric Just below Tualatin. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. FOR EXCHANGE. 6 room good house and 8 fine lots; good location, nice fruit and berries; well located in Portland, will exchange for small farm of only few acres with buildings; must be right close to some R. R. station. Call 513 Chamber Com merce. Plenty of farms for sale or trade. J. E. Smith 613 Chamber Commerce. 1 ABOUT 10 MILFS SOUTir WK8T FROM C I I T. R. K. STATION 8 MILKS FROM FARM; 6 MILES FROM NliW-ltfc.HU. 67 acres cleared and und r plow, 11 acres hopa. extra fine; n acrea io year old rrult trea; elegant room farm house; water all through houaa; blr barn: hop houaa. extra good. I,and ia fine quality rolling land, shot aoll; running watr on both ends of farm; 1600 corda of uncut wood; school and church 1 mile; on county road. Will net owner nearly $6000 thla year, and we only ask $11,000 for this grand place. $3000 cash. Bnchtcl & lens 360 EAST MORRISON ST. A Modem Farm 100 acres, all level. TO acrea In cult!- I vat ion; a fine 8 room house: fine large Darn, large granary, nen house, hog house, milk house, work shoo, wae-on shed, a fine orchard, live water, 4 good norses, o cows, good hogs, 60 chick ens, 25 tons of hay, 800 bushels of grain. 600 sacks of potatoes, new wag on, hack, drill, disc, riding plow, cul tivators, horse rake, mower, etc.: 1U miles of store. 1 mile of school. Clack amas; southern K. 11. runs past place. Price $9500, Vi cash, balance 4 years at t per cent. 10 acrea. all In. cultivation. 8 room house, large barn, .family orchard, arood water, 1 mile city limits. Prleo $4000, $500 dowiK balance 3 years 6 per cent Ky l'. ULIUTX & CO., 20 Acre Fruit Tract Slopes gently to south and east; fine view of mountain and valley; rich, deep soli, splendid fruit land, 5 acres in orchard and small fruits, 3 acres woods, 1 acre hog; lot, 6 acres pasture, 3 acres meadow, 8 acres partly cleared, house, stable and hay shed, good well; price $176 per acre. This ia lower than surrounding lands are held at Overland Investment Co. 401 Board of Trade Bldg. Acreage Fronting ON THE Willamette River 34 Acres ' All choice land, nearly all cul tivated; fronts on good .county road and near .Oregon City car line; will sell part or all; the cheapest acreage river front now offered. HENKLE & HARRISON, 511 Gerllnger bldg. FOU SALE FARMS 17 FOR HA IX FARM H IT ' TUB MAKING OF A OOOr HoMfcJ Flt ANYiiNrl .' WHO WANT T avtkU' OUT OF DL11T. ' 46 aores raw land. 1 m!la from railroad station, ! r Island; beat of land, on a good gravel road, with good apring, running walar whole year around. It haa bnra - slaahetf; aomo larg atandlng timber; good neighborhood, four trains a day to the city. Prioa . $1300 to LxKomber 1. 11 acre dairy ranch and farm; Tl acres bottom, half nilla from rarlina now being built through CornelluB Paaa' 70 acrea graaa or cultivated I And; good buildings, flna water, creok and spring; two barna, 11x40, sheddud on both aides; 6 room liounr, la rue woodalted, rhlckaii houai-a, pig pen a, smokebouae; on good county road, phone Una and R. F. !., niall; atotk, 1 good horses, har neaa, wagon, 13 head choice dnlry cows. 1 yearling heifer. 1 good top buggy, 1 double aeat hack, 1 mower, 1 hay rtke, new; about (6 tone hay, 4 tona oat chop, about 200 buahtis aeed oata, 1 Sharpleaa separator, all the farm ing toola needed on tne place are there; a good cooking range, and all tha household goods and fur niture, all In good condition; 4 doten chickens. Located In Wash ington county, and will aell In 13 months or $200 per acre, Price $110 per acre, half cash, balance long time, at 6 per cent. 80 arret; 26 acrea cleared. 25 acres some atumpa but no anaga, excellent pasture, balance In tim ber and atump land, ever run- ' nlng stream of water crosses place, 3 acre orchard, water In house and barn hewed log house 8 rooms, large, 70x70 barn, 60 tons hay in barn, timothy and clover, ' 11 milk cows, 6 head of young atock. good Jersey bull, good 2500 pound team, 1 saddle horse, 8 pigs, 1 cream separator, good wagon, buggy. 8 plows, harrow and disc, 2 mowers, new hay like, new manure spreader and all other klnda of farming toola necessary on the place, 6 acrea In , flno potatoes (thla is tha finest spud country in the northwest), plenty oata for feed and aeed. For apple culture the soli and climate conditions here are un excelled even by the Hood River . district; N mile from good school, 1 mllo to church, on cream route, near R. F. D., 4 miles from R. R. and town, 26 miles east of Portland, eastern Multnomah Co.; terms. lfi cash, balance long time 6 per cent; price $6000, and It's the best buy on the market for diversified farming; can be platted Into 10 acre tracts for am ple culture and sold at big profit. I have several other desirable farm buys, any one of which may be Just what you want If you are in the market see me. I can save you time and money. 24 aores In the city of New berg; all set to fruit, best varie ties; nice picket fence around . place, fine 2 story house. 7 rooms, good stable, some furniture goes with, place. City water in the house, good chicken run and sheds; nice place for old couple who wish to make a living from the place. Newberg possessea Ideal churches and schools, good shopping facilities; in fact, an ideal community In the hustling Willamette valley, on S. P. R. R. Price $3000 for quick sale. This price Is $1000 below market today. W. W. Espey 319 Commercial bldg., 2d and Washington sta. - lie Best -Land Jn ttc Market , 40 Acres 46 acres, t acres under euttl. vatlon, io aire, a fine inea-tow; . plant of wood, all fenced; Und Ilea level; excellent aoll, J e.wvl wella; n.w room modern houaa; barn 60x(4, woodahed and dairy houaa; family orchard. It F. IK and lelrnhona eervlc; IVi inll.-a from railroad towu; a guod buy ' t $4I0. 20 Acres ' 36 acres, all flna Ian J; aom good Umber; land Ilea level. L mile to school; good well; 1 mfleL to railroad town. A snap at $1600. Thompson & Swan Cltisena Bank Bldg, Vancouver, Wash. - -110 Boconl St., Portland. Or, Here Is the Place You Have Been Looking For ? 80 acres, all Practically level, fenned and croaa fenced, $3 acres tinder culti vation, 6 acres In timber, balance . aluahed and in naatura lih nan. fall ing atream; no waste land and tha beat of soil. Family orchard eonaiatlng of liar t let t rears, wall aaanrtel vaHntv nt apples, prunea, grapes, blackberries, raspberries and all email frulta. New 7 room house, hard finished, roat 112(10; new barn 86x66, and all necesaary out buildings. ... Personal nronertv that arnea wltH th. ' place, 2 fine teams of horaes, $ good milch cow a, I doaun chldcens and ducks-, binder, plow, .harrow rake, disc, stump puller, waaron. cream aenaratnr anil all small toola. Wheat, oata, potatore and 85 tons of hay in barn; H mile to school, with telephone In houaa. on R. F. D. and only 1 miles to town. It R. and ateamboat landing. Having Inspected this, wa think it la a snap at $9600. $5000 cash, balance 4 jara at v uer cent. Waggener Real Estate Co- zio-EII Ablngton bldg. . ' Here It Is 12 acres fine garden land; fine soli; land lays level; no rock; nice f room house; fine new . barn, til modern, good apring, 30 minutes" walk from carline. 11 mllea from Portland: buggy, mar- ket wagon, plows, harrows, cul tivators, and all farm implements go with place. Price $3700. R. E. Woodward Box 45, over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City, Or. I 26 ACRES near Newton station. Wash I ineton countv. 19 mllea from Port land, all In cultivation t running water, house, barn and orchard. $4150. . Very easy terms. 36 acres near Bcaverton. X 'miles from Portland. S3 acres In cultivation. balance timber for wood; good 6 room house, good barn, team, wagon, . hack, two or three cows, chickens ha v. too In and machinery, $6750. Terma given. KOS3 Sc. FRY, . , . . 722 Board of Trade Bldg. v FOR SALE Well Improved 21 acre farm, $2260, splendid soil, ; running water, 9 acres in cultivation, family or chard; well fenced and cross fenced; acre of potatoes and garden truck; good outbuildlnas. lance barn. 6 tons of hav. splendid 6 room house, hot and cold One of the Choicest Pieces of Ground for Gardening Consisting of 10 acres. 7 acres of which are all cleared and under culti vation, the balance, 3 acres, aro also under cultivation, but have 20 or 30 old stumps. This place Is bordering on a running stream; lies elegantly to be ir 1 rierated. if necessary: it is located about 7 blocks from the electric road and same distance from the railroad; In one of the best towns 'n the Willam ette valley. Price $3000. $1000 cash. balance good, reasonable time at 6 per cent; there are no buildings. Otto & Harkson 133 V, First st. GREAT bargains in farms 40 acres, water bath, steel- range, and' linoleum ir iT. . !, io land tnr nv on kitchen floor, on main countv rffad. crops raised in Oregon; running water, handy to Portland; $1950 caeu takes $2000, terms; 3 miles from depot on O. nV,le cement t ivriuer. R & N R R. I Madison St. 80 acres, rolling land, running water, i t oK SALE Fine wheat farm of 1500 2 miles from depot, $1600, terms. I acres, 4 miles to railroad. 1300 acrea B acres, srood house and barn, 3 I plowed. 640 acres Derfectlv level, hn I. acres cleared, finely located, $2250. lance slightly rolling, soil deep volcanic 160 acres, 13 acres cleared, lumber for ash. Two houses, large barn, windmill.. harn nn nlnce. nvftr 100 acres Of tillable I ftnrl unlfmlte! lint watot 4V,m a ?,LrA land; timber enough for 6000 corda of well. Price $20 per acre. ... Will take wood, for $50 per acre. I some good property in exchange as part 20 acres nrst class ior iru.ii ana oin- payment, and give easy, terms on bal er products; some cleared; house and ance, or will take small payment down, barn, for $1200. balance yearly or crop payments. E-293 40 acres, 7 acres cleared: 4 room journal. - " house, and barn; good cellar, fruit trees, .. running water, 1 mile from live town, r Aiia ffiflsc ' level land, for $4000; will take some 5"AClC 5ImD5 - v' good Portland property in exchange, imbw . , Hotel and saloon, with 1 acres of FIVE acres, 9 miles from Portland; flna land. In a good town; hotel furnished, bearing orchard, a money maker; berrv saloon stock and license to September, and vegetable land, all fenced, small lain fnr tKOflii- rAvs over 30 Per cent I buildings. R V. r.. nhnne in house near on investment; will consider part trade I carline; price $2750, terms. See; - A Bargain 29 63-100 acres, 10 miles from Portland, on good county road, 2 miles from electric station; 20 to 25 acres in cultivation, balance easy to clear. Fine fruit and gar den land; 2 living springs. Price $150 per acre, some term-. This is a snap. Stroud & Wigle 434 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. in Portland proyerty; must be good. JOHN BKUWfl, Agent. Rnefcwnnrl. Dr.. Phone Gresham 231. Take O. W. P. car to Base Line crossing. IT'S GREAT. 80 acres; 60 acres in best varieties of apple and pears, 4 acres In Prunes, FOR SALE 40 acres fine countrv home full bearing; close to station, railroad and farm, 10 miles from Portland, near through place, county road on two electric line, nearly all- in hish state Portland today. For further particulars living ater, pood Au,Ldn'?ss; ! Lof cultivation; lays high and level: beau- see or write to Alfred A. Baker 218 Ablngton bldg. dSm 1) r:u OI s aer some gooa spjvjyj uuwii duvs a ivicii il-t right price; on room house piped with hot and oold riei k.. 4onnn water, bath windmill, barn. Orff-r (the harn fu of hav and wheat, chicken only one in neighborhood. plenty of run bunk house, family orchard house. worlcj. pacaing nouse. warenouse mis ki ,,rit,,ro u... u, iswnw you mm money. ,, con- farming utensils, waeon. all a-oes for anc time. ty selling for lake money. Will con- farming utensils, wagon, all ? Pirlan" property at 15500, terms $3500 cash, bal: ly $500 per acre; you Uncultivated land in vicinity 1 Artv Hnme f Afi'l fit-v rannot. toucrnyt,1inf nca, Jn ,s . 250 Per acre- Owner ordered to Call- Cre riOme O lUlieS Ulty the price. Will rent to reliable party fornla account sickness. This place is T imife nf Pnrtlnnrl !?E A7000 lel yr Va!.f h orop- wortn 310,000 and sacrificed for quick J-.inHtS OI X Oriicinu $15,000 cash handles it, balance 5 years, -ale WANTED A suburban lot in exchange for a rare old violin, j-gza. journal. era tract on west side, 6c" fare, for residence on .east side, not to exceed-$4000. ' w 8. wooq. Arieta, or., carter b.dg. $600 equity in 3 fine Iota, Arbor Lodge, ror a near lot; -amnce $10 month; quick. Edwards, Lumber Exchange, nnom c FOR SALE FARMS 17 WILL trade 90 acre fajm In Clackamas co-untv ior coriiand property, 30 acrea In cultivation: good buildings; $4600. Ieme-nt KHder, 242 Madison, M. 6202. Hv GENERAL store, valley town. exchange for Port lan property or va.u-y rarm, investigate, tjail or write owner, xyj jerrereon at. S A tt MS I' lun MLb fart trade, general mer- ehandiae Store, drygooda, genta ur ' nlehtnga and ahoea between $3000 and it,tn atock; cheap rent; B-296, Journal.. . A VALUABLE farm to exchange for Portland city prbperty. If you have anything to trade let . tia hear from yo. Addrw Box 274. Athena, Or. WOULD like ta trade anrae city prop rty and part caah If aeceanary for mall farm near Pcrtland. Has ta be t car rr railroad. H-310. Journal. j OWNER wilt trade Reaverton aereaa-a for a good lot equity In a house, or l nrai payment ia a rarm. What nave yon? V-ait. JoamaL Beautiful Ten-Acre Home ONLY 8 MILES FROM CITY , LIMITS. RIGHT AT SCHOOL. CHURCHES AND STORES. We have never had a richer, better lying 10-acre tract on, our list. W e have been by this place hundreds of times and have aeen it In all kinds of crops, and know there is not a 10-acre tract any where better, adapted to tha growth of vegetables, berries, fruits or any proluct adapted to . this climate," The soil ia a rich loam, works up looaa and mellow ' and holds moisture splendidly. . Every foot of the 'land la in a high state ef cultivation and-no " gravel. Good 4 room houae, bam - . ajd - other outhouses. Splendid -variety .fruit fine aever-failfng apring right at house. On main public road, R. F. D milk route and only few hundred yards to chnoi, churchea and etorea. Prica $2600; easy terma. Hargrove & Sons 11$ H 6th at. X, 6th and Oliaaa. This is in tne rich little vallev at vocation, soutnern urexon a lamous Rnnnvslde onlv miles from cltv llm. I fruit belt: owner has other business its. on main nubile road with no hills that demands his entire attention. In to climb in marketing produce: rood 5 vesttgate this. You can't duplicate this room nouse, other outnuildlngs. nne orrgaan, snrtna: 7 acres cleared, balance fine KIMMKKMAN. tirnber. Both phones and all rural con- '6?1 Board of Trade Fldg. venlences. Price, $150 per acre, $600 down, balance eBsytermSrB per cent nroved nlace. Good house. 1 imd SWOPE, 436 Chamber of Commerce. Klamath Bargains We have for a quick sale 320 acres on fine rial, nearly an gooi level land, a . . . . ji r-s; 77i ... . , ; I nne ary iarming proposition, at .u 16 ACRES at Forest Grove. Highly im- per acre; $1250 down, balance eaav HARGROVE & SONS. v.":' ,i K'V..- e.rTtTw .."'. m ,a Irom town- 11U ti mt ic tvtr ttfh anrf nilaan ? . ,c..ii,, u ,,..,v, acres cleared ana Droxe, a rine rancn iiH etn at.. N.. cor, etn and onsan. h.v rak- new mower: all level: 3 acres e, hik.n. oiunn- hie ..k f -.r, a T tt- i. n . . n . . . i I I t . t . . I 7 ' ' " j , r inwiji, v, Briers, ihiii.t im- i vi jruunn vipnu u, MriiiK , .Haw - i termi on nalance to suit. proved, all fenced: rood house. Price I berries in $2800. E. B. Tufford. Troutdale. Or. IJournaL bearing; bargain. A-324. 220 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. fcvME fin Coo bay lots and soma caah for lodging bnuse or grocery store or torn roo1 bufiness propoaltion. 616 - ard ef Trad. , 'VAST1 a boat $1!-A aroTry nwii In excharre for modern ftew realdenc. F I ! . J'-umaL $ltffl. for r rt-r t nr Ectacada car Jir. hw, 2, 14JW i Ail Ki-;. r l T ; I hVrwa Vl "farm" t' ... .J . V Ai I Z: S- m ..v ntngtei' to e.tti. near (0 acrea. 1 miles from Canby; 16 a Tee ricn rjeavcroam, i acre good orchard: $too. tma - 16 acrea. 6 milaa wmt af city Ilmlta and eloaato alectria Una; all In cultK yatkm. - Wheat ranches of all alxe. SULLIVAN CATHER. 421-423 Henry ,Mdg. ' HCH VALLEY FARM, about 12 f a real i well lrr.r-ove4; appi-a. prunea, hop, j bar. alfalfa: houaa of 6 larr room a f afi firej lr: r'"o and fornltur rrwa; I . r . i a . F wi i ,a mi , i I T. WALKER. - 4 (VrVn I t.Jf A i ! I ! ' f 1 - 1 ' r . . - t lane, terma -I John A. Metssner Notary Public Geo. W. Burke IOWA-DAKOTA LAND CO. Insurance, Rentals, Farms, Money to Loan ! Offices, 417-418 SwetUnd Bldgr., Cor. Fifth and Washington Sts. Fhone Main 7224 , Portland, Or, Nor. IS, .1909. Advertising Manager, . - Oregon Daily Journal Dear Sir: I bare used several adr. mediums in Portland and find The Journal is roost satisfactory and ft better result getter that any other adr. medium I hare tracd. Vrmrs truly, ' : " 1 ....I. . j6lIX A. MEIS5NER. Dandy Little Farm $6 acrea. One of the best little farms I near Portland. Fair house, rood bam. family orchard. Six acres Improved. , Land nearly all level. Price $1500. Alfred A. Baker 212 Ablngton bldg. Sell or Trade Choice Farm 43 Acres Beautifully situated On corner of cross road, easy drive from center Portland, .hnrt urnllr from hOUSB tO a neW tOWn and station on electric carline; land nearly level; clean soli, free from stone O. D. EBY. Oregon City, Or. . 274 acres, all under cultivation, 7 room house, barn, 2 chicken houses, well, 24 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit, fenced, only 10 minutes' walk from 6e car fare, carline will soon be within 2 blocks of place. This is a firm buy; see V . Chittenden, Otto & Neill 268 Stark st, rooms 17 and 18. ' Lang-Hill Land Co. , and gravel: Stream of "water forms one Ablngton Bldg. '106 Third Sf. boundary line; 25 acres highly culti- Have a large list of valley farms within vated; 8 acres timber, balance pasture; easy reach of Portland; also aome flno good house, well finished, bay windows: good frame barn, chicken house and runs; 1 splendid team, 3 cows, 3 heifers, some hogs and chickens; wagon, hack, hgrnm all farm tools, hav in barn. If you want a bargain in a choice, well equipped farm, near Portland, you should see us about this one before you buy. Will take good Portland property In nnvmrnl nnd easv terms on the bal- - .. ... . i im.. ance; no otner proposition out u u JiliiN -KJjfc; A: iiAKniauix, 61 1 Oeriinger dip g. 11000 No. 346 7 acres, all In cultiva tion. 4 room nouse witu casement; 1 mlln east of Davton. $1300 No. 34740 acres river bottom, 9 Xi, mllea from Davton. Or. $70 per acre No. 330 265 acres; 200 acres in cultivation, cui wen fenced, rood buildings, good spring. Tf iron want a farm In Oregon see me. I have nearly a hundred for sale. Fruit, dairy, stock and grain farms of all sixes. w. j. smnn, successor to George W. Turner. 438 Chamber of Commerce. 10 acres. 85 mllea from Portland, 3 mllea rrnm K. K. station and boat land In r: about 15 or 20 acrea cleared: nice or chard atarted, small house: a good chance for some one. Price $2500: onlv tSOO cash; long time oa 'balance at 6 per cent M. E. Lee, room 411, Corbctt building. I HAVE a larxe tract of land in and around lone tfiat l can aell ror a prlca that Is way below the market rata. Gov ernment ditch la surveyed through tract Exceptional opportunttr to make money. Mutt go Immediately. A-328. Journal. Bf Acres In Benton county; 80 acres In cultiva- , I AM .Knit hair t9 the lln.1 la tttlnhlA. good soil, no rocks or gravel. 10.000.000 reet or timDer, ,oio nouse ana z pmhb; team of horses and aome toola, all for 10,650; $1000 cash. A. VEBTEK, 209 Oregon ian bidjr peach and other fruit land near the Willamette river, call and see na. ' FINE HOP RANCH near Portland about $5000 cash would handle, bal ance of purchase price ($10,000) could stand or would consider good Portland property for part of balance. . Will bear investigation. - - r - 8. T.-WALKER, - - - - - . C04 Corbett bldg. ' FOR SALE On easy terms, ; or ex change, fine 1600 ecr-wheat farm: 1300 acres in cultivation, fair house, large barn, windmill, and unlimited sup ply of fine water; first class deep soil; ' f40 acres level, balance slightly-rolling; only 4 miles to railroad, on good road. R-2S4. Journal. DOUGLAS county, Oregon For Bale 1700 acres choice land, ou 2000 county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land Is very suitable for plattins and is at present In rood con dition; price $25 per acre. For particu lars and terms apply to William Me Master. 303 Worcester blk., Portland. Or. Hood River Apple Land Barp-ain for Svndicate 669 acrea, unimproved; 12 miles from Hood River, excellent soil. 4 springs. largely brueh, easily cleared. T.oe.089 ru good timber, zoo apple treea 1 and $ years old, 40 acres fenced, bouaa and barn. JTlce SjO an acre, terms, H cash. Watta Geo. I. Culbertaon 4k Co., Hood Kiver. or. BEST 130 aere farm In Gresham dis trict: on O. W. P. line: black soil. rich and deep.' This must- be sold. You can't afford to overlook this. Price la right and rood terms. 6 per cent 404 ' Couch bldg., on 4th st, bet Wash, and Stark sta WHEAT land, good huya in eastern Ore- gon, uu acres is per acre; suuu at $20: 1000 at $30 and 600 at $12; rreck on the place. 25 acrea good alfalfa land. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. Room 818 Board of Trade bid. 240 acrea; 44 acres cultivation. acres oruan; a room hous. bara and either buildings- 3 cows, $ horaea. all farming tools, 14 mUe frora Rica Hill eta 1 ton on 8. P. R, R.. Doigla cnty. OregAa. Prlca, $tAt. Q.,W. QrMiy, SIS Chamber ef Commerce bldg. $T p-r acra tor 14 acrea af floe fruit land etoae to eltr on river aad rail road: rplendid platting proposition ; a on a doable th prtca toAay. Let aa ehow r-a M. C Lea. room 61U Cor bet fclcg. A f riUVLAtloX lU you ran t lo. We have a real eatata prowltloii ea vmi-n jtjx win pqreiy dn: tke voor money In a eVrt tim. enJ may make 6 In I M. K. I eom 411 Cn-helt bid r. tASTKiS' tiIiLir.'.' ateat laod at on.r It r--r a'T. I bare a ivk (mil f a-rear ' W tt I a ae!l at a -r Ira- r,iit, iaet:x!C A-lZt. $10 a day and expensea paid If not found as represented. We have email and larre farm, of all klnda thronrhout the north weft and handle only choice farm land. Anyone looking for a good home, food value for hia money and a square aJ, ahould conault us before buying eieewher. F. Ft'CHS. 221 U Morrison 8t Farm in Yamhill County 146 acres 48 acrea In cultivation, room Bouae. a barna, water piped to rouse ana barns; prica lie per acra miier. ii immnr voramerce. 21 ACRES under cultivation, orciiar.j. new barn full hay, 150 bushels when., 5 head stock, cream separator, hor- cart, harness, all firm implements. 1 i hens. Incubator and brooder. 6 nian 14 beea. 2 plga.. houaa. furnUhed; .all far $3000 cash. M. 51 evcnlnga. FOR SALE 360 acrea timber land that will ax-ale between 10.000.006 and 1.-.-000,000 feet lumber; 46 are b-aver-dam land: aawmlll and good donk v angina. This la a bargain, aa I mi-', sell Well locatad. easy terms. F-i.o. JourraL FIVE and i acre tract apple land ilITi" Is equal to Hood River, $S p-r $ down, baianca $1 per menth. 1 ; - land ta on tha Hver and railroad. t quick, aa thla won't last lor.g. lim , BuVhanan bldg. 14 ACRES fina aolL IS niiiea from .Oregon City; good road, prlca $ta per acra, A cr a nta to mui soma moaer. W. -A. Ilansen It"e M 1 tl Merion at 11 Ktftll Leahiit-a rn.ify her f-.e.-anorid f 1 . a r. lrx. frptual w;r r t ariil or traj. fOT ITt.r"t X - r a 1 ', . 1- a rr, 4 ' 3 C'."-. tt t. If You Want Farms, farm land or ama.'l arrears C. W. P- tJ'nd CV. has It. TTTTTEj fir 1 . 1 ' , 100, $1.4. iroriB I c ralaa aome anoeey, , "$ -.n 1 I-ara H-ha, 6 . 1 "'1, 1 . t 1 AVK.- A,l in tu.; bara; ail g'f4 f 1.': n . af f&it'n.l fn'r, li t . J-ill Jmirral - FTTfTAT.f-t ' f , r,.l I ' I C I f j 1 a'"- r I'.' . - 1 I'.V