- 2 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,' FORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21. 1009. IY)R 8.1 LE HEAL EST AT 8 18 j tYJll 8AIJC IlKAL ESTATE 1 louses. wvincjton. 110 l-ot tlilil on Haea Una road. Take Mt Hood car, near Ruaeelvllla, Abstract to data.. : per acre. It acrea Tillamook 13760. ' Idalry farm: nous, harn. all fenced. 1 ( c.Htd twni. alaa large nict mnnun in-i lumuer. u acre pi aw ianu. around. itloa home and wall ii level. rash, balance a per rent. worth l ha money, 14TII nr. IX)n SALEHEAL K8TATK I I imhii, ry fin, large living room and flrplac: 4100. near i-eimom. and tl.la walking UlBtanoe. SLNNYSIDK. $3000. Cov room cottage, well arranged. fliiUc. china cloint cement baae mem; lOslOe lot. eome choice roaea 1MB a on 30th Bt., near I RoaHMKUE. ., Bungalow. 4 rooms, first floor: .'" flttl.l.4 upalalrs: fireplace, uuut., kitchen, built in china closet panelad dining room: 4) tasty home. See ua for terms. R088 ENUI.18H 1NV. CO.. 821 Mohawk bldg, Portland, large creek running through; cement baaement and waah trava. ' Vernon BunrolWs room naw bungalow. Dutch kitchen. Ilia floored and relied; lot toalso. near carllne; cement walk, tic.) 1600 wall win iianme. I mora naw bungalow, sleeping porch For Sale choice timber i I acrea ready for plow. I It kit raah, and only raah. - 3. TOO 30 acraa, $ mllna from Reavrr- ton, 1,000,000 aaw limber, food well: all level land: worth f riO ier aure: caah. balance par cent. 3740 l.et 66117. 4 room houaa and barn at Mr land a la Hon. lxxk thla up. 810,600 cash, to room hotel; In come bualnraa property; leaaed fur 1 yeara: aecurud. Investigate, Call. wlra. write or tihone Main 7046. EASTERN A WESTERN REALTY, EX.. 1414 Klrat fit. EM River Bargain Xt 43x100. With 6 room hotia. Nar Cld and Clinton al. Value 31200. $60tl raah. . Balance on aaay terms. 48108. with 4 rim houae. Near !td and Clinton at. Value 11000. 1 1 ooo cash. Balance eaay terma Buchtel &. Kerns ' SCO E. Morrlaon et n'il VI!T TRACTS. Now set to walnut treea. tha very fin est aolL t mlla of town, located In tha (irioui Willamette vaJley. W take " of tha orchard for years and turn It ver, fa von in riril riaaa wni" ,ithnnt eham to vou. Very a mall pay . , n . n small mntithfv nftvmenta. Intereat onlr t oar cent walnut land with -yar-od tree In tha aama vl oinitv r refualna 1400 per arc. 8 tart ainall Inveatment that In yaara will niako -you Indonendent. , HMlTli-WAOONEIl CO., 6 Chamber of Commerce. (.0x100. on food carllne, a beautiful t room houae. t bedrooms, full cement bnaement with wash traya: thla waa Vtniit hv a vnuni man for a home and paa never been o'oupled; condition take him from tha city ana no ia oiifnni you Uie benefit of hia change; If you don't believe It la anap. try to dupli cate It for tha price. $2760, with, terms. 1VIH take good lot In part ZIMMERMAN. tit Board of Trade Bldg. Choice Corner. Madison St. 50100. Income 1271 par month. Price. 150,000; ah. . . Dement & Krider lit Madison at ; At 14, aerea 1 L mlljta fnm rfennt. i wiiii -roa imniage on pavea oouio ! vnrd.. In heart of Hood Klr apple dla itrlct: under Irrigation ayatcm, can be bntiirht for )eaa than ila worth: 17 acrea already In fruit moatly 4 year and I I year old PpJLI Banner a and Newtowna. I Apple from land adlolnln thla took I Five First Prizes iAt Hood Ttlver Apple Talr two yeara In ! oiicceaalon- ItOf) and 1109. -$10,000 cash : wll handle, balance per cent. who btiye thla can make $10,000 per year on increaaed value alone for some yeara to come. F, A F. COMMERCIAL. A REALTT CO.. 4Q Merclianta Truat bldg. beamed eelllnga. fireplace. elM trto Dalit eio., lot aoiloo, all Improvementa In and paid for; 100 caah handlee thla one. I room naw bunralow, Dutch kitchen, full cement baaement fiod plumblna. electric llglti. fireplace, etc; lot 6lo6. Pea thla before you purchaae; ?0 raah handlca. . AlJRO 1 story I room houae. Dutch kitchen. full oement baaement aood nlumblna. electrle llsht aUeplnr porch and deqj food value; , f 1000 caah will eecure. Hobert & Marshall 180 H Alder St. o FOIl SAMC HEAL I-MTA1E 10 Alberta Eriys . It. a beauty. f(IO; lit cash, fl me, I s it cent. , , V;st front. 1100; l!f oath, 1 I per cent. Kast front 1100: 110 caah. II ma. per rnt. " Alameda rornar. 10 by )00. l0; 1100 raah, I per cent per mo.. 0 par rant. Jruont houae, modern, ko by 100 lot 00: 1100 raaii. balmire Ilka rant. ' AMK.hu AN I N V Ko I M r..NT CO, 4th and AUerta sta Open hiindeya. l'lune C-lHO. FOn SAIJ5 RKAL INSTATE 1Q jjeaas1BaeBaajasaBaaagBi Choice Mount Tabor Lots Moat dealrable location on weat elopa of Mount Tabor. eaer and aaa mains and elerlrlo wires will aooo be com-1 leted. Near carllne and arhoolhouea. I twner will sell at low prlcaa and easy I erma. Corns and e the Pacific Commercial' Trust Company 144 WARM1NOTOM ST. Bis Fine lome New I room Rl(vtrii bouae. tea, electrli-lty, bath, full ceitient base ment; I lota; fruit trea; 1 til.H-k from car; price I1J10: morttaae for 11100, balance anh. t Thla la only one of the many food buya wblt'h t can ahow you. f you will call I lll auarantre to ahow you what you want at the right price and at saay terms.' 1). C. Salinjr . Cor. 17th and Dolmont a la. Bunny aldo or Mt. Tatnir car. , I hone Tsuor 14. Oac Quarter Acre l Oll 8 Li: ILEAL ESTATE 10 I 1KVINOTON JloMK. New, 0 rooma; large open-air aleeplnir pr-h; Iteaiillful' CHIPHKl IHUCK KIHH'Ul'K; ImUt lit JJOtJKCABtrl and I.AlKiK iu:j i I'; panxlad walla. ix:tii(i4 celling, walla tinted; large atit-; A No, 1 furnace: alttialeri on K. Ivtn. l.etween THOMI'HON nd HltA.h:!':; lt ualuo; paved sire I. l'rl e uo; Hi cn. H COLl'MBIA TRl'HT COMPANT, Hoard of Trade blilf, 14 4th at. acrraoe. io Mtrrn OUT. ON RAir ItUAIt; JMI'HOV 1)1) AM' UNIM. rnovKix iioa to ijoo peh aciiii W1M, PEI.I. ONK OH 1000 ACRErij 4 CA8M. IOWA-UAKOTA LANU CO.. 411 MWETUAND HL.tU. , , F6llKb 8ALk T ROOM HUN OA LOW. 100x100' corner. ACTtEACr Of . Fruit Valley ' " e Fruit and Garden Lands Within 1 hour's rMa of I'orl. ' .it., a arowln town on trait. Hull that la very productive. A clamoring- market ' near. Truni- itortailon by rail or water. Cheap relght rates on account of com petition. A chance to get atart and make a neat eg for Iji future on a email capital. xFrUTa will be advanced before long. , .Write ua or call at our office at your earliest convenience, Columbia County Invest-;,, ment Co. w lOllBoard of Trade bldf.i I'ortland. Or. "US o t- W eaC tA a W tU. - at r OJaV m a- V i a Mt. Tabor District. 8'Kooms All large rooma, reception hall, aoild raneled dlnlngr room, white enameled utrh kitchen, JlRhtlng flxturea ani shadea In, dining room and living- room carpeted and matting In every bedroom. Lot 60107. in el I lawn. ITIc I17a0: fpvo uown, With 1 room houae and barn: plenty of fruit treea, nicely located; price 14S0, 8 terma, I room modern houaa. 1V blocks from car; price I14U0; cash 1300. balance terma. room modern bungalow, lot 61x100, corner; price 11700; tai.li xgoo, Da la nee 4U blocke to car. THOROUGH L.Y MODKItN.. Must Bell at once at sacrifice of 11000. 1'rice iisoo iiooo cann. COLUMBIA TKUHT COMI'ANTm Board of Trade bids;., 114 41h at. 's have Laurelhurst Whole Block $6500 . Take "L" care to Blandena at., walk weat to Montana and look cn your left at the prettiest block . In North Albtna; I to 6 feet high; 0 lota 10x100; water, aewera. ce ment walka; 1 block from boule- vard, - two from "Overlook; close to high school, car barn, flour mill. Oi R. A N.. shops; franchise frranted for carllne on Maryland , n 1902: needed now; food buy for contractors. C. H. Dexter. Owner 251 Washington . at Frankllh hotel I , evenings. - 3 H at 2 oral m. anan at this nrlca I terma. Thla la a mnnev maker. A real anap a loia, nunurrn iim, corner of Newall and flv recuse: 11260 Bllcaah takes them, or 11110. half caah. Lots In Roosevelt 1100 and up, on eaay terms; ahto have, left a few good lota at 1100. k . .- E. EPTON. ' , " ' thone Tabor 870. oooTTiroMK barJaINs. lota. tliem to good boy a In Laurelhurat Call at our office and let ua shot Storv & Rainev Msln 1944. 421 Henry bldf. A Rare Chance r j 12000 cash secures new 6 room house. Im acres land In fine cultivation, harn. chicken yards, houses, 0 2-year-old an- p:e ana cnerry trees,. BtrawDerrleB. raep- ni'rrira ana otner small fruits. I iem to tu. , , , " Ruff-Kleinsorge'Land, Co. 418 Board of Trade Bid. ONE OK THM CJIOICKST BUT8 On the east aide; 7 room modern rest- s Suburban Homes- . IU acrea It Raavar.nn . A klAa' from both electric and R P rfenntaf all I III Cultivation. Olia acre Kvavar.lam- small house, good wall; 100: easy terma. ' 1H acrea near Beaverton. all In nulti. ration: new 4 room houae, fine garden land; near school, only 11100; terma. I acrea ' near Beaverton. ' uncleared. some cord wood; land , easy to clear. 11600 terms- ,. - , dence; Piedmont district; 1 block from Union snd Williams ave. cara: 18100. ... .a acA. i . ...i. I irom ruruina - Klther home or Investment It a a anao. i ? roclt or 'vel. ' lfitiU 12SO0 "AND 1160 tlOWN. Km. modern B room cottage on E. Bherman st. bet 14th and Marguerite ave.; large parlor, paneled aininR room, Dutch kitchen, fine batb, 2 bedrooms, with large closets. lull -cement base ment IJ9. lawn s-rarled. cement side walks, walls tinted, braas fixtures. Call Sundav, take Hawthorne ave. 'car, get off at J4th. ko south- to Bherman. Phone Monday B-279S. 1009 Belmont t ROYAL & WICKLINE. . CAPITAL HILL. B0100.DOT8 1400. on the west side of river, 14 minutes' ride from business center, with no bridges to cross. Including all Improve ments. Every lot has unobstructed view. Buy now before the advance. These lots can be had for $60 down and 110 a month; perrect mie. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. 61S Board of Tmde. 120. acrea containing 18,000,000 feet of J line rir iimoer: 4 nine to n. it. and sawmill. . ! :, - Close In. ( room modern house. 7th and a, Everett St., iss&o; terma. On RusselL near Commercial ats.. 2 I room modern cottagea, $6600; terms. Fine bulldtna lota close to car. a short dlatanoe north of - Piedmont 1300. A J small payment and It la yours. ' A good small house on Mt Scott car Hne for $700; 1100 cash. Gilmore & Ritter 124 Lnmber Exchange, id and Stark sta. t'ORTLANt) Near E. 27th, on Wasco .s st. we nave wnat we can TRUST. ' a fine place .for -little , : money; large living and CO. dining rooms, nice light kitchen, 8 roomy bedrooms upstairs, -v yes, e rooms, full lot and price Is $3350 PORTLAND TRUST CO., S. E. Cor. 3d and oaK Bts. $250 cash, balance of $600 may be paid In easy installments, for two , of the nest lots in vernon. corner souin and east frontage, near car. If you wish to take advantage of this spe ' clal gnap, the best opportunity you will have again, call Monday. ... JOHN B. MATTHEWS, 722 Chamber of Commerce. ' -'V WE HAVE S fine homes on E. 68th and Belmont nd on - Sunnyside car; all modern and a good view of the city; 7 and 8 rooms; fruit trees and fine lawns; one $3200, $3100; all on easy payments. Call and let us tell you about tnem. CHAPIN tt HERLOW, S32 Chamber of Commerce. ' Here Is a Beaut v 7 rooms with nice attic, bulft In buf fet bookcases, fireplace, paneled dining room, beam celling, double walla and floors, nice sleeping porch, front snd back porch, gsa and electricity, full ce ment basement, oement floor, large lot 1 block, to car. 14000: 1500, cash. rai- ance 130 per month. Includina Inters. This Is a fine home at rent prices. Ws slso have another elegant borne for $3200 on easy terms. Hawthorne v Realty Co. - Corner E. 34th and Hawthorn ave. ' Tabor 810. t " 1 Two Homes Cheap 6 room modern bunralow. lot 50x110. 1 block to carllne: prloe only $2600; I trttht easy terma. I 7 rooms, strictly modern; fine loca tion; lot 50x100. Price $3200; easy terms. oil, lAnun ir.Ai. I x yyj.m 45th and Belmont sts. Phone B-2694. Snap at $2100 Dn Mflm rtt t m m I waa MAm m iilt line of plumbing. Isrge attic, good base ment, aaat front, lot KOllOO. eleaant lawn, good roaea. 116 blka. to carllne: positively best ; buy In Vernon; $600 cash handles It. ALBKRTA REALTT CO.. rhone Woodlawn 137i. 18th Alberta ats. If You Are Lookinjr for " Close lo - acreage, or small, well Im- 6 mln-l 1871 for a beautiful lot on west side, Call at 405 Manhattan at phona Wood- . lll.t a la Inl S.I.K K MOIII hlin-l IHWn 1749. A .1 1 a ."I I . . , II. I . I " tu, ta caan ripimium jevei lot, close in. very near Hawthorne, wortn iuu; must Sell. ' Sea mv exclusive agents. new steel bridge: you can double I f Others sll prices.) Suite 81$ Merchants your money Inside of 2 yeara. . I Trust bldg., cor. 1 (th and Waan.. ata. $5500 on easy terms. for a strictly mod- ern 7 room house In fine neighbor, hood, essy walking distance. F. FUCHS. 2;m Morrison St utes from eltv ha 1..,-. no rdi.i. arranged to eult purchaaer. Take I . galow. $400 cash, balance lit Greeham or fiuH.M .if a-a nfe at I mnnih Interest Included. Kendall and apply owner, flrat houae 1 11500 for a niece of property near the non n, - Beaverton la onlv 80 ' minutes Hrt. from Portland on electrle and steam. Ws have some Give m a call.1 KOBB 4t i. fade 711 Board of Tr bldg. 1U acreat' best soil in Gladstone; 4 blocks to carllne. adjoining lota $150. Price $800. Terms. B. F. MITCHELL A CO. Or. Flbertl ftVrm.ee0,rmS.r,0ei hinilmi PORtLAKLwlltre'a a borne that haa own nVonerTieT' 1 hnl,,n', plenty of cloaeta; large TRUST I. o. 620 Cor own propertiea. . Elrod rbett Bldg. PORTLAND You are looking for a pick up. nere it ia: A run lot on E. 1 2d st Only half a block from tha car. a.nd CO. the- BARGAIN price Is $760. PORTLAND TRUST CO., S. H. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. Phone M. 7&Q7.- A-3283 Close in Acreage - SO aores nesr Beaverton. $90 per acre; terms reasonable; splendid proposition; consider selling portion. The McCarthy co 403-4 Kothchlld tMdg. Main Sana. . GO LOOK! 'OO LOOK! 60x100 lot at intersection S2d and B.' Main; paved street, oement walk, sewer, water, gas all paid: paved alley at side; i chance for 2, houses, one to rent; the price Is right. Call 610 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Cheap for caah, 4 room house and 8 lots, near school, canine, Suburban : Property. 1$ acres, $ miles from Portla'noV . on good road, and only, one mile from both S. P. and electric ata . tlona; ( acrea In cultivation; mora , easy to clear: small houae and barn; sidewalk to place. Fine farden land. jTlll aell part of his . tract, without buildings. , Prica 12800. 6oms .terms, - Thla : la- a bargain. -., ;- . Stroud & Wiple . 484 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . Portland, Or. , . CO. .TrV tu r.Zn ,t,r"r H00' ,8 nlci vacant aeparate; fuu cement I ' J.utH v. unn t,... . . a.. i bulb. ani . iidi.iiuiii uuuu.' anwv. a uasemeni ana iiopr, ur. vA m-rlret nrlca. Owner. 118 nace. cement waias. UB ,v.t,T ' . . r . $2500 100x100 on Shaver at, Overlook ; RS6th at Only 33800. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. 8d and Oak Sta. I: $200 and up; cement walks and curbs, graded streeta, Bull Run water; $5 down, $6 per month, no taxes. - - , , t , i H. S. Cheesman 107 Villa . Phone Tabor 189. $3500 An Ideal Home 8 room house with bath and all con vlencea; plastered, hot and cold water; . ( . " I r ' L , u eina laarn an1 flnaui all linear Irri. I " ." . " L"1-." gatlon; good brick fruit houae and Barn, small green house; within 10 minutes walk of Kendall station, O, W. P. AddIv at real eatate office Kendall. Look Here . A BUY OP RARB VALTJrl I have a piece of choice cloae in weat Je property which If taken at once can be had 11600 below market price. Must sell soon or not at all. V-.tnx Journal. s ' A BEAUTY At bargain price and terms. Cottage bungalow In restricted popular section of city; 6 large well ar ranged rooms, 7 foot basement, concrete foundations, double construction. Is npea lor rurnace, combination eleo rlc and gas . fixtures. hot and cold water. best . full nlumbino-. cement ? wash travs. pass pantry, wood hoist," nice lawn, near car, very attrac tive good neighbors; only $2800. Port land Homes Co., 204 .Morrison st. 310 A MONTH HOUSE. Ready to move Into: 2 good lota: you lean get It for your own at the nrice of $10 a month. Order the transfer man to move you right In. Call at Greg ory's offics In Gregory Heights. Take Roae City car on 3d and Yamhill, get off at end of carllne. Office on prop erty; WOODSTOCK. Lots for sale on easy payments, near car and school; $150 and up. WOOIIHTOCK REALTY CO CARL HERMES. Mar.. Office corner Virginia and Lodge sta, Woodstock; open Sundays. UNFINISHED 8 room house at a sac- nrice, owners - going to Europe: $360 Paved district all Improvementa In; on E. 33d st. near Thompson; big snap; $660 cash, balance to suit Ward Realty Co. 805 Abine-ton bldg. Main 1975. I. CAN show you as to view snd all conveniences and ready to build on. with pretty native grove trees, 190 feet overlooking the river, unobstructed view, fractional block, 24.000 square feet; handsome building site as you ever saw; Just west of Westmoreland addition. Le Compte, owner. Phone Sellwood 09. MOUNT TABOR. " Irregular shaped - lot on the west slope, covered with large fruit trees south and east front: all atreet' im provements paid; terms. . '. . GEORGE H. JOHNSON, r 864 Morrison t A FIVE room modern bungslow, , eOr ner lot 60x100; terms, $100 down, and $10 a month: take Mt, Scott car. get orr at; Stewart station, go norm on Powell it to No. 191. Call Sunda. E. 12TH and Powell ata., 100x100. fine site for flats and stores, H. cash. Price $2200. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTT CO., 618 Board of Trade bldg. will finish It Piedmont district; price I handy to car, fine view, large enough $1700: $1200 cash. J. J. REID LAND CO.. 840 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. 5KR0OO Cach Beautiful high, sightly corner 75x100 tt ACRES 7 blocks from United Elec- HANDSOME RESIDENCE MUST BE Owner unable to -occutiy: larsre.' com modious:, 6 bedrooms, elearant DOrchea. with Ideal covered sleeping porch, hard- wooa ana ponsneo noors all over nouse; big fireplace; woodwork beautifully fin ished; white enamel above; big plas tered attic: 2 toilets: fine bath: no finer home in Portland; cheaper than you can build: price only 88600. Phone' East or B-1894. Aral; Bargaii 4-: Located In Overlook. Restricted district Close to carllne. 6 minute service. , ' ' Price only $1600; easy terms. HENRY F. COVER, - ' 64 Union ave. East 248. To build on, $200 down. $400 secured notes for 1 year. This gives you a deed and abstract; a chance to build and get your money out before note is -due. Address Arleta, box 300, or phone Tabor J68. - y J .,-. HERE'S A BARGAIN Suburban 6 , room cottage, modern; 2 blocks from 8c carllne; has bath, toilet tinted walls, wired for electricity, 60x100, east front, all for $1480; will throw In Charter Oalt range; must have $875 cash, balance $16 per month. ' . - . S. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett bldg. . ' ' 40 aores. all level and fenced. 28 cul tivated, some timber, orchard, house. 2 barns, other buildings, R. F. D.; close to scnoot and store. ltuo; easy terms. Schooley & Cadell. 606 Main, Oregoft City. Or. PORTLAND This will appeal to the -man that wants a coxy 4 TRUST room home, within 15 minutes' ride of the poat CO. office. It's on E. Morri son, near 37th st, and it costs only $2600. . PORTLAND TRUST CO- S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. and 8 room bouse with all modern con veniences, close in. near 3 carlines, $16,- 000; $8000 cash,. balance to suit. Hobert & Marshall ' 260 Alder et. trie car station, fine soil, gilt edare investment $1230; $100 cash, $10 month. Smith-Wagoner Co., Chamber of Com merce. - $450, $150 cash, balance. $10 per montn, ror new a room nouse and pan try, lot 40x100, in .Brentwood addition, close to car. Take Mt Scott car, get off at Tremont and Inquire at store. 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW Two blocks from Alberta car: a beauty at $2660; $200 oash, $15 per month. Call Sunday p. m. -- AMc.KlL.Arv INVESTMENT CO.. Phone C-1110. 24th and Alberta st . A SNAP if taken at once, 4 large lots, frontage whole block. 214x100. on 100- ft. boulevard, with alley; 1 block from street car: excellent location: olentv large shade trees; many beautiful homes being built In vicinity. CROWLEY A ZORN, Rooms 7-8, zviya iHOJTiaun at. Bargain In east front residence lot. Phone woodlawn 1862. 7 ROOM modern house, 1 block from Williams ave.. 1H blocks from Kill logsworth. Small payment, balance like rent Wade Real Estate, 614 Swetland bldg. . ' . SIX lots, unexcelled view of city, snow canoed mountains and Tualatin vai ley; the first lots selected on Council crest; ror saie at a bargain oy owner. 8io Board or uraoe Diog. Mam a. FOR SALE 1 acres, with modern house, 104 Cedar st. N, near Metzger st, north or jiriana at Mt. Bcoti line, Anton Schon. PORTLAND WEST SIDE home of t rooms; pretty view; cor- TRUST ner lot; gas and electric lights; modern plumbing. CO. Price only $4000. PORTLAND TRUST CO, S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. LAST CALL. Going at $4600. 9 room residence and garage; full lot and one quarter; fine location for boarding house: walking distance; Union ave.. N.; $2000 cash will handle it and the balance on your own terms, tail inoncipy. JOHN a. MATTHEWS, 723 Chamber of Commerce. DO -YOU WANT A HOME? " Nice 6 room bungalow, close to Al berta car, east front; fine lswn, walls tinted, full basement A-l-DlurAblng. bis attic. $360 cash. $15 per month. It's a bargain. Come and see It 887 E. 20th St., N. . AT A SACRIFICE. 8 acres, iU miles from 4th and Wash In g-t on sts., mile from good car ser vice; all cleared and level, and front see nn a noDular avenue. Thla la tha last big bargain In the city; only $1260 , GREAT bargalu; 6 room modern house. OWNER MUST SELL. ' Fine Holllday Park lot 40x100; paved street stone walk and curb; restrictions, finest surroundings; this is next east of 804 Wasco at, facing north ( pear 24th st; $600 cash will handle; bal ance per cent Go look, then call 618 Aomgton piog. CASH FOR LOTS Give us your lowest cash price on lots anywhere north of Skldmore and west of 20th at; also houses and larm landa. List your prop crt with us, and if we can't buy It,, we will sell it for you. Call or address 407 Mildred ave., Portland Or. Owners only. MT. TABOR STfAPT $1800 6 room house, basement, high and sightly; linoleum and 2 Brussels carpets go with place, on E. 67th st, $150 cash, balance .to suit NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO., 605 Commercial block. 2d and Wash. ats. FOR SALE Cheap, modern 6 room houae; owner muse sell; leaving city. Also 2 iota lor sale cheap, fnont wood lawn 6. 50x100, Irvington park, $550, $126 down, 9 u per montn. WELDON DARLING, 61 8 .Board or xraae. $100 down and $15 per -month; cement roundation, wired, batn, touet lava tory, near carllne; best buy In city. ,424 Henry bldg.- - - . -v FOR bAtiG Trade or rent by owner. very reasonable termc and price, good 7 room house; 8 improved lu.s; plenty fruit: will take vacant lot"' small pev ment; Mallory ave., near oln&; t car lines a oiocKa niy. j-aii, journal. 6 ROOM bungalow, strictly modern; full lot full basement: built for a home want lot or small rooming house for my equity. i334, journal. FOR SALE Modern 8 room cottage on 1 or 2 lots. 60x100 each: batn. elec tric lights; restricted district See Du- vall, 92 Spruce St., Flrland. ' ' TW ner acre. Who wants ItT If Interested call at 406 Manhattan at House on Multnomah Street 8 rooms, strictly first ' class, up-to- date; Doming couia d any better; lot 60x100: best of neighborhood; $1000 be low actual value, can . :- JOHN DICK. : " v " 624 Henry Bldg. - PORTLAND No stairs to climb; five large rooms all on one TRUST floor: full lot E. 7th st, near Skldmore. This la a CO. - - -ood home. Price 82860. ' . PORTLAND TRUST CO, a. e. cor. id and uak sta. lot 60x100. east front: full cement basement; price $2600, H cash, balance terms, or win taae less lor all cash, IV, blocks from Alberta carllne. Own er, 1101 E. 17th St., N. PINE i room Bungalow and lot on Tenlno ave.. Sellaood; $900 cash will nanai uiia. -s W. A. Hansen .. Pborte M-420. 181 Morrison st I UillUA.L one or the best viewa In the city from that nice, TRUST homelike room place 4a . South Portland that we offer for I1S00. PORTLAND TRUST CO- 8. E. Cor. 8d and Oak Sta. Ji'K SALE, cheap; Irfw modem $ room CO. In; owner sotog aast houae. rloea Thone B-t7. HOUSES AND TXTTS. All Parta f City. JOSKPII 11 JOHNSTON. ? tt Lafsvette bldg.. .Wash, and 1. 4tb. Xiwtcrn 6 wm cottage, 192 Fl :th. H block from carllne; for tn eaay terms. 8540 down, balance $! i month at 7 per cent- very 4e trill, borne for email fumllf. Par- Two Lots (Vir and Ire1e: erraU betiae; tm M Ktf "lina. A argt for wwwnt a l-M.e nnr.y; 4ii Hory tit. k:X r -jru l.t,a. fulor lt, tf -r ,1 s-Ji; tn t-4 li'lB lil t -r tiH-. tera Mirt.l 111. 1im WANT TO SELL AT A BARGAIN. New 4 room house, full baaement; lot 60x100; Alberta ' district; 8 blocks from cars: $1800. easy terms, i Call 406 Manhattan st, or phone Woodlawn 1749. LOOK $450 cash, 40x100 cleared lot E. 28tb North. 1H blocks from Al berta car. 2 blocks 30th st car. 1 block from Killlngsworth, where new line is going. Call 1111 E 28th st N. FOR SALE, by owner, exceptionally modern 7 room house, on Sunnyside line, $4000. $2300 cash. 1111 Belmont st. Tabor 1737. FOUR room cottage, ground 100x133. all in fruit and berries; a snsp at $2400; $300 cash, balance easy, tpencer a Co 102 2d at. ' house, -lot 46xTl8; large E. Jtth et.. l block to WO houses and lota, 50x1 u0, for $750 each: 12 minutes' car ride: 1 4 room house with full cement basement, barn and chicken house, all new; lot 76x100, close to Country club, for only $1200, on easy terms. See Mr. Crampton, 20814 4th St. Phone Main 7678. J PORTLAND Lota of ground for little TRUST CO. JEFFERSON See - about Jefferson Best- land for the money in the west See Jefferson. Information room zs, 142 2d st. -'- SIX room house, corner; $1800; terms. Nothing down if you can give outside security, owner, room ze, 14Z zd. LOTS and acres In and near good val ley town; $100; $5 down, $1 per month; no interest, owner, room zh, 14Z ad. $50 DOWN, price 62260, your own terma, 10-room house on carllne; no agents, w-noo. journal. - money; 100x100 for $550; that'a cheaD for a ouarter block in Woodstock. 'PORTLAND TRUST CO., ,fa. a. uir. eg ana pan Bts. TOR SALE My equity In house-and lot worth $870, ror aoo. c-S20. jour nil. -...-..--..-...,. FOR SALE 2 lota In Coos Bay, corner, $160, inside 8iz&; now is your cnance; not long at thla price. A-3562. , MUST GO 80 acrea close to Cazadero, 75 acres four miles from Scappoose. Frary & belts. FOR SALE Hood River apple land, 10 acres, 7 miles from Hood River city, H mile from school, church, store and depot; 3H acres planted; 2 Inches water rignt; team or norses. narnena, wagon and nacit. rrice laauo. .pnone C-10S1. X)R SALc New modern 5 room house with 1 acre of land, berries, etc.. in cuy jirniis, miie rrom Monta villa car line. If interested inquire of owner, 611 82d St., Montavllla. Portland. Or. oisfc. s room nouse and one room bun galow, in West Moreland. Look at these Sunday; prices right, easy terma .M. .1. M MllViV. Charlea FIVE room cherry t Hawthorne ave. carllne; $2600. Fleck, 244 H Taylor at.. 0x100. Irvington Park, $660; 1 block front car. WELDON DA RUNG, 18 Board of Trade, EASY PAYMENTS First less, 4 room. modem bouae and one lot on Mt Scott line; near station; price $2200; ycir own terma. E-122. Journal. .EWCOMEKS bargain, 8 room building I'mauiia ire, lot Housekeeping goods, vegetables, .wood: $600, half caah. Owner, P. O. box J 69. $24003500 caah, for aale by owner, modem 8 room bungalow, 24th it, near Alberta Phone Woodlawn 1348. WEST SIDE LOT. 19x100 FEET. Price $T75. eaay terma. cent ear far. Pee owner. 414 Board ef Trade bldft, FOR SALE Upper Alblna 8 room cot tage, with rue, bath and cement base ment Prica Iii0. Phone Woodlawn 113 6 ROOM modern cottage, oement side walk and steps, close id, price $2400, terms. East 3844. - LIST your property with 81 gel AY Co, 135 Morrison at ; Phone Main 2188, "A-4599. - C W. DOFFLEMYER. house moving and raising. .741 Mississippi are. Phone Woodlawn 2134. . , for 2 bungalows; can sell on very easy terms. HENKLE A HARRTSON, . 511 Oemnger Bldg. 20 Acres, a Barsrain Close to Beaverton, 4 acres under cul tivation. 400 cords standing timber: all fenced, small Darn; party must sell. JOHN DICK, . 628 Henry bldg. ' Double Corner, 100x100 $650 buys elegant, large corner, fine 1 ni-ir . ., r, view, cost $1000 5 year? ago; perfect ti- r' p a., " V . tie; worth $2000. 318 Merchants Trust , VT nir! 15 ACRES, 1H miles from town of 8000; good soil, no rock; S acre In crop; $800; $500 cash. ' , IOWA-UAKOTA LA1VO CO.. 418 Pwetland bldg. , ' TWO and one third and acre at Ryan station; only 16 minutes' ride from Jefferson station; on terms;. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO, 618 Board of Trade Bldg. A,, SPECULATION where you can't lose. we nave a real estate proposition on which you will -surely double youf money in a short time and may make I to 1. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE A nice 12 acre place, 3 miles this , side of Gresham, splendid soil; 9i acres in cultivation, plenty . of fruit; $2600, easy terma.- , - ... DEMENT A KRIDER, 242 Madison, IF THE man that wants 10 acrea of ' s -For PlattlngK. : 0 acres near Beaverton. lna irlnit of soil; well located; money can be uuuuiea witnin . b, montns; izzoo will . wing deaL .. ,....-....,i.,.,,,,. - - ' Xnoth'wjot 10' "acrea, near Tualatin; all cleared and in cultivation; $4000 worth of Improvements, worth $500 per acre, can sell for $225 per acre, U cash; readily sell In S acra tracta. and double your money. Sea us about them. Ward Realty Co. - 808 Abington bldg. Main 1975. . - ACREAGE. - ' 24 aorea. II in coin VAtlAt. hnnaa anI barn! 300 8-year-old anole trees, ether orchard, 80 miles from Portland, l',4 miles from Wlllametta river; $2000: $500 down, rest $100 per year. 6 acrea all In cultivation. mnA houaa anit harn IA 11. t ...!' . . city; 6 mllea from city limits. KOOM . 2.1 MORRISON ST. ONE acre, with good 5 room house, nea r 2 oarllnea, 81800. -4 i acres, in cultivation, no gravel; with $ room house, barn, chicken house; -,5maU ,rutt- irlce on'y ls0' terms. FIVE acres, good house and barn, all ,n.fJ?iuyatlon bes t oil; close to car; $1800, terms. ... F,-J. STEINMETZ A CO., ' ! ' 1 ' ' 198 Morrison st. " The Best by Test ' '' Where the earliest and best fruit comes from, all fronting on the Co- tlllokla land within IK n, 1.. MUHIDIl river. Where hnatlno-. flahlna- " ."wv .......... i j , t "i--,-" , of town answers this quicg ne wui ,,u" "!"" " naa; notntng to -827. Journal. Bldg., 6 th and Washington. A-3Z8S. Main 7807, . A Cheap Home 11 acres. 4 acres lmnroved- s room house,- MTjrse, cow, heifer, 40 sacks of potatoes, a doz. - chickens, cultivator, plow; 2 miles from Newberg; $1700 TDOO caan. Mam 6Z41. 208 4th st Homes and choice lots below value best location, terms; come soon. ' RUST A HOFSTRAND, St. Johns car, Arbor Lodge station. $600 Cor. lot 100x100. lota 1. 2 and 8 block H. Clinton's addition. Take Mt Tabor car and look at them;, worth $800. xiboo ixit 50X100. 6 room, new house. all furnished, new piano, new steel range; at Highland Park. Splendid' view lot here In Portland, at fzv. casn, o per montn. JbvAJpJo & ATTOIV, 90 6th St , FOR SALE BY OWNER. 8 room house, full cement haaem ant; lot ouxiuu. soutn ano east front, cor. ner; Alberta and Concord sts., between Denver and "atton aves. ' Price $2250, $700 down, and $16 per month. . v PORTLAND Think thts over 98 ft. . by 230 ft. for only $1250: TRUST . , In Woodstock. This will -make 4 nice bunding sites. IM fUtlTljAJXU TJttUiST CO. 8. E. Cor. 8d and Oak Sts, FINE lot for sale, a bargain if taken a once: easy terms; party leaving towu, Main 2866 or call 614 Everett ALBERTA st snaps. If you are loeking ior mem. see jonn d. iwattnews. or. flees, 722 ; Chamber of Commerce and cor. 27th and Alberta. - SIX room house, 50x100 foot lot street graded: in St Johns. 81060. terms. Wm. C. Soule. 612 Alleghany st, Point View station.- - . ROOM house, close In, modern, good car service, also walking distance. 1250 cash, $25 month. Smith-Wagoner Co., Chamber of Commerce. .v EQUITY IN ALBERTA. ST. . LOT 40x100, and only 80 feet from $560. tf the owner. G-328, Journal. takes two lots near Hawthorns car; compare with them; don't buy. fill you' "" uwin, iocaiea in tne midst of activ ity; easy terms. J. J heid Land co.. - 840 Chamber of Commercef Portland, Or. iEAL HOME JbOR 4 FAMILiESTT .$200 per ,aore for a nice 40 acre plaoe, only 7 miles from Portland; 30 acres., in. cultivation; lays nice to be ... i . i . 1 " a. amjmrmou. inn cnespeat piece or land $21,000 Very choice income property on around Portland; $1500 caah. balance 12th at. weat Side, lot 96x100. M. E. 1 ner- oent WnU' . n,?Ala",?-! Lee-, room 411 Corbett bldg. for 4 families of 10 acrea for each" 50x126. Sacramento, near Union, $1660; j Aant protected, It haa to go at m improvemenis ai, paiu, urrai, xscrji i "'""' v $1000 ave.; owner, needs cash you can af ford to buy this to resell. .M. E. Lee, room 4H cornett bldg. 179. city. PER ACRE, ' 10 acres near Kall- $276 way Add. Park st. Owner, B, N. Jensen, 190 ONE acre, Jennings Lodge Station, on county road oiock station; : ftsuu; terms, d-331, journal. RTTTLDTNi-l LOANS. If vou have a lot we will nut you us a house to suit. - o-aa. journal. LOT 50x83. Alberta st. on carllne. bus i Infess property. Price $1000. Inquire of owner, 201 rareo bi. F. FUCHS. 23114 Morrison ar 25 ACRES, in the Wlllametta valley;" With 10 acres In hearlns nrchsr4 i acres In cultivation, balance, In and brush, all finest of soil, sightly and only 1 mil of R. R, station, aroall hou-e and stable, electric read surveyed 44 mlla off; property will double In S years Will give a ansa on it for cash. BRONG-STEELE CO., .' . i 110 2d st. Don't Fail To see us about our 5 and 10 aora $300 equity in 4 lots; Hyde Park tracts; the best located and cheapest MY NO, day. use your euulty. Rfivion Trvlnirtnn Vsrk orner. 1 hlnck --;- It. . PEARChT. rrom car 1560. izoo casn. balance i . innonrj oiug. monthly. 802 Swetland bldg. . Main 8960 TEN acrea near 60 carllne: deen. ricW. SOU: a beauty: 1500 ner . acre , 1 acra South Mr. Tahnr .l.kli. 5 acres near TTnlteif Rallmva ..-n. $850, $100 down, balance 310 par month," V. tAI O J iu. ctrvuiiu Bl. erty. We : whit'wa trade). ; You pay TWO choice lots . Irvington Park, one ; block from car. vo; xerma bui Swetland bldg.' Main 896Q Showing Good Business Property. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32-83 Lafayette bldg.. Wash, and 6tb. F w- rMltT'Wii'iTryi; ACREAGE, farms, cftyirop; lots for sale by owner. 719 Alberts, own what we sell and sell FIVE or 6. acre place, very reasonable, own (and sometimes trade).,' by owner 207 Mohawk bldg. no commission. . ' FOR houses and lota at bargain prloe l V 'INVESTMENT CO., all 208 4th st' -B. Crampton. 142 2d st NEW modern'houees In Holladay's addl-l 1 cres- lano: (rough), easily cleared;. ju nunmiuia cuunir; win sell or trade: make ma an offer -soma cedar: ana iir on tne quarter. tidn. R. B. Rice. Phone E. 2482. ACREAGE ,67 ROOM modern house, 33000; 3700, $26 monthly. Owner P.. Woodlawn .1799. C-2466. ' - . ' ONE-HALF acre, one acre, one and a half acres,' 6th and Division; city water. Terms. - Tabor 1609. , . ROOM bungalow. gtod plumbing, cicely famished with oak ftjrtiltnr: fwwr lot: complete; only $1960. East 6J27 eTn'Pf , fruit 15 ttoilv1. ail la fruit the Salem elertrle. balance t:0 Bvootbly. Matn 271 - nui- out ro $T. $206 caah. fbone Monday, Ui a 14 on J la a 4th end 14th ata. Thlrk this r aM cTre ta torrwtrrew. M. K. Lee, r 411 f--ntt n-g ili.-". ti.e m! i . f-rije. KwrARK I'F.11, It K A I, T T, CO. Ftr.n 1 tit Trse Mdf A F.NAP A floe house on buelneaa lot (08 Alberta; a bargain if taken soon, pbor C-1S. K1.W S room rottace, modern: eaay terma Apply owner. 111 K. Hat N. M. V. car. QUARTER bUKk, 0xl, block froi aea0eeieaaaaeieaa D. G. BROWN J ' ' President car: lll; t and south front: rhaaa at pn t-"n. r-Ji. mi. N't'NE better; P.eeervolfPark lola; 6e fare,' ITT. ana ijat: m down. 911 err r. at. be-i"l""ri -t no CRMH K' i'J on Ijih ar.4 Al- e's Price $1340. I n-a a ira of rwn- er J SI Vmrm ,aeaieeeeee)e)exe O. C WELLER : C G. ANDREWS Sec and Trets. ' Manager Brown-Weller-Andrews Co. " : - (Incorporated) ' We Buy and Sell Firm and City Property, Mortgages. Bond;, . Franchiaeo 'Plenty of Money Tor Anything Good. - 411 Conch Bid, 109 Fonrth St Phone Main 6522 . . - 'Portland. Or, Not. 18, 1909.. Joornal Publishing Company, Oai cified Managef. Gentlemen: We want to call your attention to the excellent' resulta being obtained from rising your classified columns. Every day we have" torae rery satisfactory responses, front Journal ads. We are more than pleased to say that The Journal classified columns places ss in touch with more live buyers than any other medium used by os. . Yonrs truly, , ' BROWN-WELLER-AN'DREWS CO, By O. C Weller. 20 ACRES Hlllaboro house, orchard, I other Improvements, snap at S366J; terma Rooming house or grocery aa part payment. Angeles Trust CO., WHHnulKlUll St., IWIU 111,' TWO acrea Just outside city limits, $650 en.cn lust wnat nan acres are sen lng for. One would make - S lots and sell for more than we ask for both. Terms, See owner, room 28, 143 3d. H. J. WINTERBOTHAM 260 Alder et. Room f. '-' - 2 Acres K room houae. well, chicken nm..a etc.; 8 miles out; $1600.' .. . ... .. , J. J. OEDEK, . ; Cof. Grand ave. A E. AnVenv 7 ACRE suburban home; ail in cul tlvatlon, half in bearing fruit rood bulldlnga, city conveniences, all f.aj-- ACREAGE near Estacada or without lmprovemen barn, 'young orchard, berries nlng water; za to 4ivu per acre. TermB. Owners, room 20, 142 2d st carllne with f,rlc ? naked land; better Investigate., canine, witn phon information. E. J". Ferris,' iter nTiS Igm 1 Washington bldg. EXCHANGE flKAL STATK 24 ACREAGE in and hear good valley town, in cultivation: some orcnaro: L2100 up; easy terma. Might take some Portland property equal value, owner. room zs, 14Z zq sr, 'irlt. O. W. P. Land A Immigration bureau have several good subdivision iru(ci lion .no. av ai.m.. ...w.' v& .a i . . 1 ' " . will nanoie: and triple me amouni in in i r..-i Vancouver, rutrgain; wn veated. Waiting room, 1st and Alder. I hsva you? Angeles Trust Co., 228 waan, Kt.. room 417. $3300 20 acrea, 2 In cultivation; small . house and bam. $1800 3 acres, all in cultivation, $ miles lo 3d ahd Washington ata. Chas. Fleck, J4 Taylor at . 2? acres near good town; been held" higher, .but we will sell at $100; terma. or mlgtit trade. Ownera, room 26. 42 Id at 40 acres fine Isnd, Multnomah county, near Sandy and Mt Hood line: trade for houae and lot Swope, 4$$ Chamber of Commerce. ' CITY property to trade . tor acres " Cloae to Portland. R. J. XcGulre, 6S7 wiiiiams ave. rhone K. ssis. at 4 THREE acrea. near Wichita station, on O. W. P. Ry-; nearly level, no gravel, fin soil; price $1100, easy terma. H-311. journal. Ml ST aU at once: 1 acre at i! "tig-r station, A bargain. Arplv M. C Soule, 612 Alleghany-at, Poiavt View sta tion. 8t. Johns. - ,' FIVE to 60 area. near Interurban car llne; apringa and running Btraaro; 316 to 81(a per acre; terma Owner. pwn ? 142 Id at SNAP f acrea tn' Oregon City for only 81S Pr acne, cash Don't mles tMs barciln. Fe Mr. Cramptoa, 201 4'h at. IT, oca 7T ri?E 1 iitf ei te rlty limita. aa toe east aula. l'a per acre for a Short t'rrie r". y r?2, JictmiI. EXCHANGE Improved land near good valley town lor Portland property, value for value. Room 26, 142 I'd MOrEH fruit land. 16 acres, well water!, - flna soil, closa to town, for city prop-. erty or acreage. J-37S, Journal. WHAT l.ava you to exchange for ISO acres fruit or timber land? Boggeaa, 221 V4 Morrison. - IF YOU ant ta aefl. buy or trade, see ghoemaker Hta' -e naon. 1X7 Henry bldg. Phone Main 4446. Home A-T4I4. l. a- res of heat land; under cuill- vatlon: 4 mllea tn R. R, for rooming pousa Monday. Main 211 EooWINtiHOLi-n. pajlrg over $ pr manth to evharge for raj estate;' value $l!Sa.- 231 E. 6ti, pear Felmy TO TRAT'F 4 ronna bc iae liTTn)'l for 1 r IS arrea. W. R. Riiay, 417 Henry bUg, 4 anl Osk aa. 't HAV1-3-" f-i Jwfti o.i link a-4 rash for small farm or acreaaa K-32&. Jcnrr al AIL kinis of propertr ,n cbar,ge. TMl-f P-oa . iar; y V.Mg f i ''4 T iicr,a f.rtr-rty f Over" if s, raying per it. It) fwi f Ut.ira M K To 411 l'Tt1t b-fg. 4 Jt'VVvi hove. . 1 tnTi frfn UnT- tts a et : f l it; i aif r sy terrrs c-g F" . 0,!r w T. - x. 4 1 7 f IaF.K. e U, a c A! 'tea t, tr err. B 5. J; a I. Ta-i wTTaT" la to tr f -r lot "at tmrt- Cora a, t"lr e --1 '- r-t ry. J ' ni h a i.s HAVK eorfx-e '. t.-1 1 rn' ilea rVe i g i--. r Dirt, .-. l (t r. I f 1 .! a 1 ... jr j, r H K':ia. .f , , . ff 'r,n aa4 rr f .m ei(r f i n : - - - k;" of t-n. a ararr taut P i:'. J"srl. fj Jt UfM.". c)" . . a1 lil.T, $ -t r" aeyih'c l a,a -.v -j T J I I- r -''f ly;;.". f t - t ?- 6 rT.f S r jr - jr "t. D . . 'a 44 E. 1CV 1 I . . t