The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 55, Image 55

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ui. .mri'.j.gf1!
, t OR
1 i '. ' I....
' ulJufa Vl ItVQ!0, m,m ""."sw'.'" SjLr
I Am moving to Oswego and will sell
my 8 room cottage bungalow to any de-
alrabla person who can almost make
their own terms. The lot is 60x100 and
has a fine lawn, full grown prune and
cherry trees and a grape arbor that cov
ers the whole back of the house, which
was loaded with grapes.
The house Is what might be called a i
story house and is 4 feet above the
street. There is a nice front porch, also
rear norch. The vestibule is large.
The parlor has a bay window across the
whole front of room and is separated
from the living room by an arch. Back
of the living room is the library, a good
slaed room. Two bedrooms with large
closets are on the other side or the
house, between which Is a bathroom
containing: tub and wash stand, the toi
let being on the back porch. The kitchen
and dining room occupy 'the ground
floor, the other being the storeroom.
The attic- has three large rooms, all
sealed up, making it neat as well as
warm: hot and cold water in the house.
electric lights, cement sidewalk la front
of the house, cement steps to the bouse.
Kooms an tasteiuJiy papered; wood
work and floors all newlv nainted:
everything is In good condition and
must be seen to be appreciated, as this
is reaiiy a oareain. i am not Dressed
for money and will accept city lots as
part payment and a desirable- 'tarty
can make their own terms. No Brents.
D-3S2, Journal.
Sec .-This'
J360 1350 CASH.
Kxtra large, ( rooms.
60x100 lot.
West of 17th.
One block to car.
Fine location. '
Dutch kitchen, and it's a dandy.
Vull cement basement.
Large porch.
Sliding doors.'
Paneled dining room.
All tinted and Is just being finished.
Will probably be completed, today.
This is more than a common bay.
You should see it at any rate. Come
out today and take a look. I am
sure this place will suit the party look
ing for a large 6 room house. Take
W-R car. get off at 86th. go 1 block
You cannot miss it.
Nice bungalow on one side, larare
house with large ground on other side.
1112 Clinton, corner E. 37th st
Phone B-1610, Tabor 1321.
; $200.
.'3.2 35
CD 93
s t
A .lady ts selling her 6 room bunga
low, furnished or unfurnished, to the
most desirable Darty; -
The porch is gable style, extending
nair way across tne iront.
The heavy fir door nas a large
beveled plate glass window with broad
; brass strap nmges, opens into, tne re
reption halU'the reception ball Is 10x8.
with leaded windows and large, heavy
built-in seat, making this a really cozy
corner. .
A - long, high column arch forms the
entrance to the living room, which has
; t hree large ' windows looking on the
:stret at Ine front side of house; three
.smaller windows over the piano give
ia load of light from this side of the
the dining- room, 16x12. from the liv
' lng room; bag full beamed ceilings with
neavy molding around tne corners,
studded' with- electric lights; stalactite
plastered panels between the beams ar
cream tinted. -
The side of ;thla room are of red
: plaster, paneled w4th plate-rail above
. between" the , plate-rail and ceiling the
stalactite piaster is tinted red and gold
tipped, malting it very pretty and beau
tiful when the electric corner lights
and aome oeiow are iignteo.
Three windows form the side of this
room. A built-in buffet Is so arranged
that It can be used from, the kitchen
and dining-, room sides.
Two bed rooms at either end of the
pass hall are 12x12, and 2 large closets.
ttatn room or r me pass nau is done
in wnue enamei. piaie glass door on
medicine coeet.
Plumbing-fixtures are of the best up
to date, consisting of large, white
enameied nam tun and wash stand, low
: down - flush toilet" and a cement -floor,
very prettily colored.' ; -
The Dutch, kitchen la a marvel of con
venience, that -the most -critical house
keeper would he proud of. having num
- eroua chests' o drawers, cabinets, bin
wash, traya, dish closets, wood 11 ft.
sma ana oouw room. .
The basement is full length and
width of house. . - . ,
A desirable party can make Ms own
terms. Po agents. Will accept prop-
.i,-m. JOl'RVAU
5 room bungalow.
$350 - cash.
20 per month.
Close In and thoroughly modern.
Full attic, full basement
1 block to car.
Full porch. ,' i
Reception hall. i- ,
Large living room. .
Bay window in dining room.
Handy kitchen. ;
1111 East Clinton, corner JTth.
Phone B-1610 or Tabor 1S21.
Open, Sunday , and Evenings.
" Laurelhurst
See La'urelhiirst today If ymj want the
beet low prloed lots in Portland. Take
Montavilla car tor tb at. ; -
Laurelhurst Co.
PORTLANt -Here's a comblnaiton that
is hr! to rwt: Heaailful
lot. iSRxias. fine borne of
e rormis w:tn a great big
ftrpl- In itvlrr room.
I fl.t f.UOI tS 10-StN 0 t
ovrloks the r)y. Wlwi
you it yon will woa
l"r w by is offered so
- rir; rrr it:;
. , PHTLa.ST TRl'ST ro,
- f, K. .r. a an4 mk gs
I- rem tntnr!nr ml i h ,l i hi
17500 A beautiful home -of T rooms,
strictly modern, furnace, fireplace;
beautiful corner lot; close In on
E. lth St.. 1 block to car: or can
: be had with 100x100 corner.
$6250 Don't fail to see this new, mod
ern, shingled, two 'story, 6 room
bungalow, with den, furnace, etc.;
' ; an elevated lot,on corner E. 27th
$3600 Modern 6 . room residence - In' Ir
- vington, beautiful vines. lawn and
everything for a beautiful home: 1
block to car. . -s. i
$2650 6 room ' modern cottage, plas
tered, one block Alberta car, S
block of Union avenue cars; - a
i beautiful, home, .- only $300 down.
oaiance iiks rent.
$2400 Now is - the time to get that
acra of ground with "a nice, colon
. - ,' lal plastered house, some ' young
fruit trees, nice roses, poultry
nouses and parks. Terms.
$2300 A fine home of rooms, 'mod
em; large porcnes,
Looking- for a Home
Fine corner lot 60x100 - e-nnd K rnnm
1 house, nice lawn and in the best .if
condition. Price $7000. Terms and S
per cent on deferred payments. You can't
beat this for the price.
An elegantly finished, modern K rnnm
bungalow, with reception hall, pantry,
closets, bath, toilet, electric lights and
full basement, fine sightly view' of the
surrounding country, Mt. Hood. Mt.
Adams, and St. Helens. , The price is
$2800, with $500 cash, balance monthlv
payments or zo.
Residences in all narts'nf the citv at
prices to suit you ana easy payments.
Waggetter leal Estate Co.
Never been occupied: . rooms, full
oasement, Datn, hot and cold water, full
lot 60x100. close to car. good viw of
city.- Small cash payment, balance I
easy terms.
Flverooms and two full lots on the
Mt Scott carline; price $1350; terms
30t casn, balance Jlft per month.
!fLang-Hill Land Co.
Abington Bldg. 106ft Third St.
$2250 Nice 6 room house' and 2 lota,
, on Mt. bcoii carjine; very- reason-
uooo s room nouse and corner
, . lot, on east Z5th St., H block to
car. - - - -
$7200 New 9 room -house, close in, on I
viacaamas si. rtiotnmg in tne city
- to equal it at tne price: terms,
.Successor to George W. Turner,
- 438 Chamber of Commerce.
We Make a Specialty of
Vacant Property
A Few Good Ones
Fine 60x100 vacant property for
sale on this business street Is
scarce; owner needs money and
will sell for $1850; some terms.
50x100 near Klllingsworth and.
Patton ave.; price $750; terms. . M
f .-Fine lot 60x100 on this business i
street; good house of 5 rooms and
3 more can be finished upstairs.
This house can be raised and
stores built beneath and make fine
returns on money invested. Price
$4260; terms.
. 50x100 on 34th st. all improve
ments in- and: paid ; east front and
Cestricted ditrlot;.a fine- home
ite; price - $1160; terms.
A big bargain, lot 60x100, east
iront; only $400 on very easy
It these don t suit come In. we
perhaps have others that would.
E. R. Markham V
206 Gerlinger Bldg, 2d and Aider
I will sell a new 6 room coIUko bun
galow, which 1 have, located 1 block
from 7 minute car service. 1 block from
iiublle school, walking distance from
churches and Catholic school, on
terms to suit the most desirable party
The front porch Is built in and tlx
front door opens Into a vestibule which
has an entrance to the living and din
lng rooms.
The living room Is 14x14 with two
large windows and entrance to the din
in room.
The dining room is 14x16. with a box
bay window and built In seat, a neat
china cupboard is built In so ss to open
from the kitchen and dining room
Th kltahen off tha dlnlnr room Is
quite roomy, off from which is a pantry
witn sink. nine, drawers, sncives, eic.
and is very convenient.
The front bedroom has a door open
ing into the dining room with a large
pass closet connecting the rear bed
room which Is off the kitchen.
The bathroom- Is fully equipped with
large white enameled cast iron bath
tub, low down flush toilet and wash-
stand with an entrance to tne rear
bedroom also and the back porch.
The cement basement Is full length
and runs to the floor joists above.
Cement walka to the f-rorit porch and
around to the aack porcn. .
The rooms are all verv tastefully
tinted ana me wouuwum in uuue m una
Inn stain with a 111 ah gloss rinisn.
I will accept a desirable lot as part
payment or I will accept a piano. If it
is not too expensive, tor me cniiaren
to practice.
A desirable party can make their own
. No agents, D-835, .Journal.
200 Down -Beys a $2500
has 6 rooms, 3
clothes closets,
hall, porcelain
fine linen closet.
rooms newly
with a well ap-
It Is modern,
bedrooms, nice
large reception
bath, wash bowl
living and
tinted, kitchen
pointed pantry, wood Hit, porce
lain sink, stationary tubs in base
, ment gas and electricity with flx
; tu res,, front and rear porches, ce
ment floor In basement, house
less than two years old and
built for a home. Surrounded by
nice lawns and shrubbery, lot 60
X100, close to public school.
Remember only $200 down and
small monthly payments to suit
the buyer.
Ralph Ackley
606 Corbett bldg. ,
In December, Jf07, I purchaser
Union Pacific stocks at 105; to
day they are worth 005 on th
market. What a hit you would
have made if you had purchased
stocks then! The same year
bought five acres of land on the
i'eninsuia ior jfaouu wnicn
worth $10,000 today. My rail
road stock investment has made
me 100 per cent, while in the
same time my real estate invest
ment has made me 600 per cent
Short or Long
Oh, yes," you say, ? "the real
estate deal was only one transac
tion covering a short period of
time. All right ; try this one :
ought 100 lots in 1902 for $10
each which would now sell on the
market for $300 each making a
profit of 2800 per cent in seven
years, or 400 per cent per year.
91 3 O o
8,o a;
Cm o c
tt a . Aa
100x100 corner and new modern 6 room
house. St. Johns. Terms.
40x100 and 6 room house, E. Salmon,
near 39t St.. J2300: terms.
41x140 and new modern 8 room bunga
low. . airland. J24U0: terms.
50x100 corner, apartment; site, east side,
xfuuu; terms.
You come back' with the retort
fhat"ypif are? in "the' real estate
business and get the snaps." Mr,
r.,W. lorgler, a real estate deal
er, to'ld me at the time he sold to
me the five acres, that he had
been advertisine1 and trvintr to sell
eoxioo .business property, Kenton, $56oo; the land for six months and could
; term.v .. .- I . , ' .-tim
inierest. no one in ... mt. vvii-
iam Killingsworth, another,' real
5 room bungalow.
Price, only $2&0.
$15 per month.
This la In a very nice location and U
Just as represented. . ,
Paneled dining room
Beamed ceilings.
Beautiful pantry.
Full attto and basement '
Plenty of room in attto for den. -And
still have storeroom 24x11.
This has A-l plumbing throughout.
Full porch. , ,
' Piped for gas. : 1 ',
Wired for electricity. ' . ,
This is the most modern home for
the 'price ever offered.
Only $15 per month.-- . ,
I11J Clinton, cor. E, S7th. Evenings or
Sundays.. Phone B-ltlO. Tabor 1321.
Take W-R car, Id and yamnill.
The Globe Brokage Co. .
404 Marquam bldg. . . I - . ,
A Beautiful Home 7
5 room, strictly up to date, modern
bungalow, with' concrete basement and
walks: fine view; 3 blocks from cars;
lot 52x100. Bargain S3150. 1600 cash.
balance $30 per month, 7 per centv . . .'
Fine apartment house, finest location
on "west side; new building; strictly
modern. Will pay 12 per cent on in
vestment. Price $12,760, $6000 cash,
balance per cent.
A fine Piedmont home. 6 room modern.
bungalow; lot 60x100, fine lawn and
fruit trees, close to 2 csrllnes; a bar
gain at $2660. , . ..
Nice little home at a' bargain: B:
room house, fine location, beautiful view
to the west, grounds 35x100. 3 DIocks
from car service. Price $3100. $1100
cash or lots, balance $25 per montn. In
terest at 7 per cent.
23 acres, good 6 room . house, barn,
fine well, nice orchard. The land is
the finest around Portland. 0 acres in
high state of cultivation, close to car
line, 8' ml. west of Portland; must be
sold at once; a snap at $200 per acre;
H .cash, balance 7 per cent..-,,
10 acre pick up. nice level land, all In
fine hay, rich, soli, beautiful location
for home, land adjoining selling st $350
per acre, but $175 per acre takes ths
tract if sold at once;, H cash, balance
to suit. .....
404 Marqam bldg.
50x100 S E. corner Pine and union ava.
100x100 apartment site" Clackamas and
Crosby sts.
421-422 Henry bldg.
i Five rooms and den.
Corner lot.
$500 cash.
$20 per month.
Peneled dining room.
Beam celling.
All tinted.
Full, basement.
Linen closets. . .
Cabinet kitchen,
Sea this tomorrow.
estate dealer, and from whom I fun e. citnton, cor. S7tn.-
bought the 100 lots, told me that 6nlgd.,nda inTevenings.
i - i i rr . j it i Aft i it I
nc nau uiicrcu inc iuis iu du PORTLAND We are not tnlnd readers.
take this beautiful 40x100 lot, m
Are-you looking for a bargain? if so
ot, 11
blocks from carline; $176 cash.
lng lots 3259.
1 acre tract, & diocks rrom car,
terms easv.
We also have many bargains in rest
denoe property on easy terms. Take
Mt. Scott car to Grays Crossing.
See Grays Crossing Land Co.
comers for at least a month be
fore he offered them to me.
A Good' Lessoi
Good Investment
; - $5000' will buy business
block, with good store build-
lng; lease running 2 years at
$60 per month; my client needs
the money; will sell for part
cash, - balance just what tha
property will rent for, $50 per
, month,
615 Commercial bldg..
Id & Wash. sts. Main 3953.
;. with view of oity and river, on
west side; no bridge to cross, right
on Fulton carline
$2250 A beautiful 4 room bungalow,
mooern, uuicn Kitcnen. n replace,
v ets., 1 block Hawthorne car; a
beautiful view lot, sldewklka In
and streets improved. Terms.
$1800 A' .7 room . house. 50x100 -lot.
. close in in a district wnere va-.-
cant lots sell for more money than
is asked for this, besides thera
are S large bearing . fruit trees.
Easy terms.
$1750 room plastered bouse, porce
lain nam. paieni louei lavatory
" and half acre of ground; all
fenced and in cultivation, and
some young fruit' trees. -
Per furfltr particulars - inouirs.
24 AldT fst.
rooms, modern throughout:
beautlrul lot) place, furnace, close in; another 8
$1500 cash g rooms, new and strictly
t moaern; rirepiace. run basement,
closets In each room, china closet,
big pantry, bookcase, linen closets,
built-in steel safe, woodllft, wash
trays, fine plumbing. This de
scription does not do justice to
this bouse, and you had better
coma Monday and go out with us
and look it over; price $3600:
$1600 cash, balance $26 per month.
$00 Henry bldg.
UMM-t with rrr er t f )r Jt4j; )nf
Mil'. r"-'t rm 5 tt t to; tSTi
Ctu- I TI 1 TOT Hr,ul meimm U m
T -- t'vil partk-nlars, rl! fia Br-h-
.' -m ui fit r-- -i t ..
Tfi. Vtk. full U,i. f 1 nnt.
' ' ' ' 1 "it.
PORTLAND Once in a wnlle there
comes a chance to nick tin
TRUST a snapT Well, hare's your
chance: s room house:
LO, lectrie ngnts. gaa, sewer;
enreer lot,-twmiit walks
In. nice lawn and flowers.
This la close In. on K.
XOth, bet. the Belmont and
Hawthorne carllnes; $00
' V' cash, balance $! per aio,.
snq ma snap pnea is
a R. Or, 3d and Oak gta.
rooms, sleeping balcony, furnace, fire
place,' cement warns, l block to car,
100x100 on Broadway, price $5600,
terms. Bungalow, 1 block from Laurel
hurst; Sunnysida car; $500 cash will
245 H Morrison at.
- Good Location
Irvington section, 2 blocks from
Broadway carliner S room modern
Mouse, all modern improvements; $4660;
an terms: price wllbsell It; (1000 profit
io you ana oniy sssu aown. roont Bun-
day East 7i8, pr week daya at store.
. Only $200 Each
-Very choice lota, t blocks to Rose Citv
oar; .no stumps and splendid view; only
IZO down and s a month. - These are
tha cheapest lota In Portland.
j. j. McCarthy,
Abington Bldg.
i ; 5 , Room Cottaee
At Weodlawn. 60x100 lot overlooking I PORTLAND Cut this out.
i no uoiumoia; Da in. toilet, lectrlo
lights: a pleasant home; $1609: very I TRUST
Best Buy in Portland
Laurelhurst lots are the best Invest
ment In Portland today. Prices $760 and
upwards; 10 per cent cash and balance
on easy payments. Bee Laurelhurst to
day. Take Mont a villa car to (6th at
Laurelhurst Co.
(2 1 Corbett Mdg. Phons M, 16e8, A-1611.
$100 cash and (15 per month buys a
good 6 room modern home with tnei
best or plumbing, full cement base
ment, 1 lot, close to car, good neigh
borhood; price only $1650. FVr hicr nrnfits and nafp invest-
3ftnn fnr A rnnm atrlrtlv mndepn anil fOr Ulg UrUIUS dnil ttilC IIIVCSU-
new, fun cement basement with ment, put your money in real es
launory trays, cement warns, street " j f" u.t. U..n;n
improved and paid for; this is the tate, and for the best bargains go
eT-8t STaVU TlTJ70 t,!tman- to the reliable real estate agent.
' F. a. stbfnmetz & co..
193 Morrison St.
150x100 A corner, 12 foot alley, graded
street, 3 blocks of new school build
ing, (1000; (100 down, balance (15 per
1 acre, west side, within 2V4 mile eir
cle; fine garden ground, nice shade
trees, (460; (100 down, balance monthly
W. T Dav
: About tie Future"
210 Henry bldg.
Buy the Best
Will University Park lots ad
vance in the future as they have
in the past? We can only judge
Laurelhurst lota $760 to $1250 each: I th f ntnrp hv th nat Tr mv I
nothing so good In Portland at any such I ., . J . V. Tr. J
prices, investigate our prices and I mind, an investment m Lniver-
terms. Take the Montaviua car and see
Laurelhurst today.
Laurelhurst Co.
522 Corbett bldg. Phones M. 1608. A-1M5.
sity Park lots at this time offers
a brighter promise of big profits
than at any time in the past, in
PORTLAND You often try to plan'tha j order to close up the business of
hpms y" nt- we can Tt-: I C
but wa Hrv Irnnw tha t tivtm
TRUST I the Iiom that vou have
haA nlfnr In vmii mind .
CO. Listen! A living room
that has big windows,
beautiful beamed celling,
tinted to suit "the hard
.i to please," a fireplace that
Is in the right spot, th
. very latest design in elec
tric fixtures. Isn't thia
your idea of a living
room ? The rest of thn
house Is in keeping with
this. The price is tha
.only cheap thing about it.
S. K. Cor. 3d and Oak 8ta.
A Real Snap '
7 room. StrlctlV: modnrn hnriB-lnw. in -
the best part of Irvington, with hard
wood floors; walls tinted; 2 fireplaces,
large sleeping porch and hof waior
heating system: street Imnrnvnmenttt in
and paid for. This place cost $610l;
the owner must go to New York and
must sell st a loss: nrlna now is in.i
on easy terms.
Ruff-Kleinsorgre Land Co.
41 8 Board of Trade bldg. ' "
The Finest Half Block
East Pine'st.. between 10th and
11th sts.; a very pretty and val
uabl half block; worth more '
than (16.0U0, what we ask for it;
Is on streetcar; fine for home
or flata. See it at once,
Buchtel & Kerns;
30 E. Morrison st.
TRUST show IT to you. Six nice
sized rooms on one floor
CO. flreplsce, furnace, cast
front. This place Is not
quite finished; within two
blocks of the car. Price
only $3o00.
S. K. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts.
easy terms.
(4 Union ava.
nice i room on E. ztth st
CO. -
Home on Rodnev Avenue
( iw bnuse. fall hasemont.- cemnt:
ieile;, lrt rheap; party
. S H-nrr Pl-'g,
RT".f I H F.aOS" Ah " '' -
f iia. Hi ! rtlT. ilv ft.
frw fiiin. f;.r i.-.s cash, (it per
- K'.hth r-Ai iru: co
'i . at (:' f mr,i4 f. ..,
f ,-. j a T-. ?.;-rn li fkar.aa l''.t-
CO. I ,
it means
money to you. we have a
lot that 1 tha best Iocs
tlon for a grocery store In
the city. Not only this,
but it will double in price
R. . Cor. 3d and Oak St a.
wlthla a block of tba Bel- R,R SAlfc-By eer. 6 room WttafS!
motit car.
or. a ana oaa Bta.
NEW i iwro hff is lot fiaieo, good io-
cation, price H" easy- terraa.
price 1
6 room House at (174; (lee raslv; lot
ttilft.i; rnm In, Mt b sold in the
aet few ya F"uil particulars lit Bu-
romoleta. Int 6Axl, 16 ft from kl
Ankeny c-sr, I20: U cash, balance easy
terms; mast sell on coount of sickaesa.
A-31P. JotirwaL . .'
Iits66. rortir. 2 aew tnodVnt ( rooni
boaaea. bringing in good InrtxQ. -
an mam er ttm Mg.
NO FIRST payment. Just (30 a month.
thla includea interest; brautlful
room cottsg, douhle noors. cement
basement, fir place, book case set In.
etc., etc.; t block to car on Fsse Line
road: the finest in Portland. The prk'e
la right, as you will see when you in
spect the property; full else lot: (2350.
A. Searle, Monta-tlla M M. car.
get off at E. Jth. my office Is on the
comer: open Sunday.
Comer. room hnue. tmprovementt
in ana paia ror. iyica jioop.
Corner. room modern bouse, furnace,
etc, jssoe.
' 631 Board of Trade bldg.
((AA Must aIl new ( room bun ga low,
Hollaaay Park addition, fun lot. full
basement, large porchea. fireplace, etc,
ass Cnmmrrltl Mt
BIT A LOT. (lk
Ck today on Sellww4 car. r off at
Harold av.. rail at . Mr. Miliar will
mhow yo positively tha hmt lot for tha
mnni la the eltv; graded e'reot. elty
water all ral: y 1 rn -
MoL.EBK rwom lUu-e. corner lfti0t, a. PPULaTIO wrwre a i rat t loZ
1 rt
P :
lets ot rir frtiit. furnished, eieerrtc
Hrhts. ec view" et alnrm nf ML Tm-
br. Il&a, trm. Telephone Tabor 111.
Kl f eT. it iiff ft, J mnm I
ba. '' tnnn. rr1 fmh, trr
trl t rr--rt- P. IX feet :ii4, 'i)-a K.
W harm a, raJ estate rroritiOFi ra
which ywn will sorely donbla your
mory In a short tint and mar ma i
t 1. M. K. rim 111 CorWtt KHr.
My Alberta Lots - -
f tftls narar. im ti st- east frat.
(IT6 each-. Owner. M ill, Je-.rnaL -
a rxma from Ladtfa tract. (Ilea. V
U Hoard ef Tra4a h4dg,
H E ron mlU. fot leiiaeiTiVn,
r". t rr; snap at
r-anh, b'a ' M Seti4 hi Is
rm . m lot .
rws r-."ii m i- . a
A ag)a, 6 SI t Walngirw rvna 17.
20 acres of fine. dnen. hlark soil-
. , .... . , . , . in line niaia or cuuivailon, 10O
Offering lots at University Park bearing fruit trees in good shape;' new
at nrircs which T have no rloiiht nous- gd barn, fine well. 1 horse, t
at prices -wnicn i naic no aouoi cow ang calf 2 dosen chickens, wagon,
will increase 100 per cent per year huggy, plow, cultivator and an farm
for many years to come. blocks from R. R. atatlon. schools and
churches; on good ' macadamised road;
on R. F. D.. milk route and telephone
line. Price 12590: easv terms. Th
first man who sees this nlaca. will
buy. 'XT' .
33? Chmhr of Commerce.
room huose. nlned for fiirnac. ftr."
f.lace. walla., tinted.-gaa -and elcte '
Ights, full l;mnt. pa janlrv,
woodllft. ntce hall. bath. Ir cl af
In bedrooms: m!l orner lot. fine lawn
and rwn; 'handy to High e hti and
walking - diatanca to sustneas; eaiy '
terms and only small pavmcnt doaa,
611 PrlingT li-Vg." - : "
We allow you to speculate oa our
money by selling for 10 per cent
down balance $10 monthly with
out interest, to those who pay
each installment when due or be
fore dtie. . '"- . ; "r - ' ,
Koom 61? Com mere a! hlk,. See-
on-! anI Wahirrt-..!i ft
Hit rW fl pJofT if (Of J-Y ,
aHI.I!-II '1 M.SVH.4
sth aati nmn
in&t avI -ami guinq Xq ttt
A, 't M"l 'lsiuirT rt aupf.
-t -ia. .i t(i imiui ti 'ju jo
pis tam m uo is j a a U I
A Splendid Home
( ro-wn Imu. tot 4tiKt. in M"-"
t-, tr prrnt-n1 fi fr, f.-i.! :.
14: (IO raait, ha. net (li i r wi a.
ft--'joifv Df.
? l-f'v f.. -
T 4-V Of- fMi -at
it dn as4 ti
A. Hansen
111 V .
1 1