The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 54, Image 54

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WtfT-' .- 'BBWfWH-WffL J...... ... . "J J - -1 ,.X .. -- - L . ... It.mlJIHW. J. .
Special Safle dS (CeiniiLniiiiiie :
. -Leather G0pdfoes :
See-our wibdow display for these elegant bargains. No person need be ,
deprived'ofa fine genuine leather Couch at thi.4 price and these easy terms,'
Closing Out Sample Couches Below Cost,
50 i; $60 aed: $65 aB.,
.These Couches are from our salesrooms,-but scarcely 'show any marks of
usage. ' Frames are of best quarter-sawed oak, the leather is genuine No. 1
stock, covering 72 joil tempered spirpl springs, resting upon genuine steel
supports. . A couch ;tnarwiu last ou-years. Many are diamond tunea, otn
ers perfectly .sm0otn,coverings. Forty in the lot. On sale 7(&C5T)7
this week' on the easy, terms of $1.00 down and $1.00 a week : in i
Values.' irom, $50.00 to '$65.00, for. . . . . . .... ... .... ...v. ... . .y.KGf
, - ; , , '" ' . ' . . '. ! . " "' , ': , t , '
iTrtSJ ' '' ' ' "j i i I ' nir i in !p.,C-rW'"-' II I I f C'Vy vvt, . v, . , a ITf ! ; - i ' It-
i ! : MpIII pin I
ifiTi yfTv r v ... o
' The rug sensation of the. season. Over 250 Smith's celebrated Axminster rugs, 8.3x10.6 in size,' secured at.a figure that
permits this selling price. They are manufacturers' discontinued patternsthe looms will turn-outno more ot these
particular designs and "our New York buyer was lucky enough to. secure, the. lqt at V low-price, 'contingent -Upba 'plac
ing a large order for other rugs. There are five patterns to show, in ! oriental and floral designs ; colors being' beautiful
tans, "greens -and r.eds, and are 'warranted absolutely fast. Because theprice islowdq not infer that the7 quality is in
ferior. We can promise but one to a customer, and none to dealers, as we wishes many as "possible 'of our friends to
participate-in this offer. Sale will begin at 9:00 O'CLOCK SHARP, MONDAY' MORNING; "ifl I' Qff?
and will continue all day, or until the entire lot is disposed of. No C. O. D: or phone orders taken; VA L tf
deliveries at our earliest convenience. Regular $30.00 values, special for Monday only, V. . . . . . .QlrJLL J-L
Be One off; 200 PorcEasfeFS to OirdeF
'This MonfBi -flic''
Steel Range
S AN ADVERTISING experiment and
also to stimulate orders, the "Eclipse"
Stove Foundry has' sent us 200 sets of
fine, decorated semi - porcelain 54
pieces in the set to be given away to 200 persons who
will order their "Eclipse" Steel Range during this
month. These dinner sets will cost you nothing what
ever. They come neatly crated, ready for. delivery.
Seventeen Thousand ot These Ranges Have
Been Sold in Portland
and all are giving perfect satisfaction. This range
bakes quicker and with less fuel than any other 'make.
Sold at a lower price than any standard range on the
market. ' -
ilf TiHir 1 Hi iiiTin m iTrii i i if t
mm m -m m m - i nai . . mm m rm i mm mm Bk-iiHi s.m ijt- c m m w w kj. t -i j ' i: a r r i j anM u "Hiiiiiji
and receive a free gift
of a fine,
Jku Miief
Two hundred sets furnished us by the Eclipse Stove Foundry to give away to 200 purchasers of tKeir
great steel range this month. Sets are made of the finest semi-porcelain; three decorated -designs
from which to choose. ' ' f : ' ; - .
Cook Your Thanksgiving Dinner on an tEclipse,, and
Eat It from. These Free ; Dishes t
pan a
mn J - rJ S it rr " in
83.25 Axminstcr Rugs for S1.50
Tlicsc genuine Axminster Rues are 27x54 inches in
fizc, arc well made in facr, ierfect in every way. Sev
eral beaut itui tlesigustrora
w hich to make vour choice.
.Soldi qn- Basy
: Payment s of f ' ; : V r'.ti Jp-"
ueiivered and set Up Free r-, Wi J,.
is'- . I fx -, I i r: XiJ - -
G'-jhy Geviif tz'Sells the CheapestPr
Hy" ( f, -ii:
Thcv are 'worth .regularly
0- ;!
A I " f I
$3J2?t but we haU tnake
-'.jf jr
them a special to all who
c.ill Mon- Oil
First and Yamhill
Second and Yamhill
X ' . LJ J
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