THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21.' 1003. TLIL..11 II V Trade 01 trie Past wcck HIGHER PRICES RULE AMERICAN BREWERS USING LESS HOPS IN LIVESTOCK LINES MIA TCD ii i ' r" llyrnan II. t'ohfO. wi.ll frnin 10U to 1907 lnolulvo 41,ra m an Wrrafit- In the conaunip . i r h...'hi' r,r.nrra of ths t'riltnl .Slate, th fcri.Ki fm that date allows a ler". Brewer' hop cnuinpton In th United FUU- reached H highest t.-mr.l In 1907 when .1 total of 44.284.M9 found consumed by hr.r naa-ra. in lf'ig the total luul dropped to 4 3. l'J4.63 pound agalu and till rr 'her.- ) been another irop m ..ov, pounds. The year Indira tod end June i,1 . ni a I miiu.rrali f of hOt 111 the lulled State reached lt hlglit inai k for tba naat 10 year In ivus. , " "t !! movement, wm lj.610.ldl noiiuiu. Tlil l a roii own nine or in ures given In thi report a having beeh compiled by the statistics., department of agr vear the totsi movrnirni ui.-,.. - ; itaiiiKit ni.nnilB or the inli-M since ' I90J, when It wan Mm ' . ' I The fact tli t brewer of th rnlll Stales have used lea bop this ear limn for four year put an entirety new front upon the construction of th hop market. Heretofore It ha been the cus tom of bull and hears In th bop mar ket to adjust the conumptlon to their own Klde of the market, while the fig- in nr. ui , bureau or igrlculture. .r. mv k6 Loir After AIL Nothing Is certain In the hop market at any time and the many failure 01 . dealer la that commodity attet to the extra naxaraous roiiuiuun "."" trade, Brwers have contended all sl" during the present season inai n"" holdings of hops were quite satisfactory and that in consequence there was no necessity for them entering the mark-t as long as dealers persisted in placing artificial values upon the product With the; greatest shortage of nop ever Bhown In the world since the gol den clusters became a world's trade. It has been believed by most interests that not only would brewers be forced to pav handsome prices for their hops, but even then there would not be enough to When the official report of the Eng lish government was mRde. telling or the greatest, shortage of hops there for about It year, the hopes of the bull leader her aruiw to a high Ut Ii 1'rlrea advanced ton pair fioin 1 10 tm a iKMind each lav and It w a rol 1 dny that did not hi In forlb this rl. When all the advances wi-re belnfl mad here the brevmr did not htu to boy u llm d-alers hoped Uiy would. In ra.t. thev have not et .ntfit-d th liiuiket In years when nmre li)-a wi-ie grown ami tin- lioldloits of lrwri wer hiiMrd to tie neavier man imit. latter Jumprd Into the tun InK rin h noon h It lwcme apparent that prlcn iv. ui. I mint- The ntiiente of till buyllin it ii.M nr'..fnf Vfitr lit what I HUtn alarm iiinong tiie lnters and nmnv .ire ut-akening in mcir ... though no open aelllng by th-n Inter- eM 1 at piem-nt shown, Dealers Kar Su eexeiiy. While thore Is no Indication at this 1 m, a ti.Mt dealers are uolna to ileseri hop growers who are holding for higher ii-i-. .in tho word of the former thu miiih hlifhor irlce will prevail tlm dealer would hold until the-e ure reached, atlll the lesson of forim-r yetu would cau one to go slow In following the lead of some of these interest too far Jinlv a few vear ago one 01 in principal leaders of tho-present inniinrnt u.ui In a mm b I nit 1 1 on rrowers to hold for much higher price. While the firm In iuetlon claimed hat It notified one of the leaders or no a-rnwxra of It intention to Wltli draw from the combine, none or me it..r arower knew It ami in conse quence while practically all the grow jer were holding for advanced value. this one nrm ncgan 10 get iruw leaving the producers to hold the empty bag. Market ems la a Good Position. Xntwithatandtn the shortened de mnH for lion front American brew ers and the absence of English buying up to this period, the poaltlon or me hop market looks statistically good. The following table of comparison of the American hon movement for the various years Is Issued by the bureau of statistics, department of agriculture. and shows In pound the various move ments lor the perious enamg June aw; bull 1th Consumed by brewers. Kxports,, domestic... IJxports. foreign . . . i . ; Total '.. Imports t " . - 1900 ..S4.466.8U ..12.63S.474 86,40 , .50,140,693 . 2.589.T26 1001 37,225.386 14.9t3,676 28,788 62,215,000 2,606,708 1902 89.187,078 10,715,151 29,620 49,3t,844 2.805,283 1903 88,457.278 7,794.705 55.221 46,807,304 6,012,510 1904 39.665.534 10,985,988 35,348 50,686,870 2,758,163 Grand total 47,650,968 49.409,092 47.126.551 40.294,794 47,828,707 Consumed by brewers. Kxporta. domestic. ... Kxports, i orelgn..-. Tola!' Imports J.......-.... 1905 .38,822.059 .14.868.612 . . . 17000 .53,698,271 , 4.339,379 1906 41,20,172 13,026,904 32,454 64,679,630 10,113,989 1907 , 44,294.839 16,809.634 8.714 61,113.087 6,211.893 1908 42,988,257 22,920.4 80 94,631 66.003,368 8.493,265 1909 40,813,804 10,446.884 26,157 51,286,885 7,346,366 Grand total ..49.358.8H2 44.665,541 64,901.194 67,610,103 43.940,519 EFFORT OF BUYERS TO DEPRESS : TURKEYS PROVES A FLAT FAILURE ; ' TIVIAM HTomfYAims KUN, Week. Hon. Cattle. Calves, , Blieep, Nov. J0... 1K , ? Nor. IS. ..1266 1I Nov., f...iau .ioi (X-t. 10. .,16110 2371 ,11 Oct, 21. ..1889 1054 10 1042 I4 J101 6l ftlft From the Denver Post. OIL DECISION IS CAUSE OF SELLING "Tile coming week will be turkey week. Practically three quarters of the supply for the holiday ts expected ; tomorrow morning, and upon the numbers that come forward will deperM the height of prices. 1 " '.' , Kvery effort has been made during the past 10 days by some of. the buyers, who were aided by other newspapers, to beat down the price of turkeys to producera but this, has proven unsuc cessful up to this time because proper quotations were printed In this paper and not those supplied , by dealers, who wanted to buy. , . ' " ... . Indications are that there will be no decline in the price of turkeys: this being forecast by the heavy, buying at very high" prices at country shipping points. Still another effort has. beet) made by northern. markets to bluff the producers here into selling at low prVes by the report that cold storage- turkeys were being; brought from Texas by the car load. A years ago this same report was spread, but at that time no con siderable amount of turkeys had been brought from the Lone Star state, and this year the same, story is likely be ing used to get down the' Ideas of the uregon traae. California was buying all the turkeys It could secure ln southern Oregon this week at high prices, and the same was true of other centers operating In that new. . Tij ThoniAfl C. Shotwell. (1 learnt New BerTloe.) Npw York. Nov. 20. Anticipation of a rather poor bank statement and an nouncement that the government had won the preliminary trial in us sun 10 force dissolution of the Standard un company caused heavy selling or siucm in the last hour of trading today, in the early morning the copper shares were strong unaer uie leauersiup m SmelterB and Utah copper. tjonson- Htod as and Heading also maue new high records for the moment When the Standard OH decision was announced the market was attacked by professionals. The Interests responsi ble for the copper deal were anxious to buv more of the gilt-edged rnetal stocks and stood away unin juwi ueime um close. Then they came to the rescue and the day ended In the midst of a strong rally. The bank statement proved somewhat disappointing, but it is not a matter of importance, because all well informed bankers know that money troubles are ending for this year with the single exception of one little flurry that may result when the Bank of Kngland finds ltelf compelled to finance the British government over an election. The Standard Oil decision cannot be compared with the Landls decision in any sense. It does not involve anjf great loss of property and will not mean anything more than a reorganization of the great trust. The Hawley combination and the big copper combine both differ from Stan dard Oil. ... The number of shares of stocks sold today was 683,662 against 458,127 a year ago. Par value of bonds sold was $1,573,000 against 12,224,000 last year. VIOLENT FLURRY AFTER DECISION TO DISSOLVE STANDARD OIL ALL IVIRE COMPANIES UNDER SINGLE HEAD , Indications Point to Ariial ganiation of All Fhone, Cable and Telegraph. (United Pre Leased Wire) New York. Nov. 20. Sensational price movements and important new develop ments divided Interest In the stock mar ket durinar the week lust ended, accord ing to the Wall Street Summary. The most far-reaching importance will ul timately be attached to the aoquisition of virtual control of the Western Union Telegraph company by the American Tttlnnhnnn Telesrranh company. Beneath tue surruce uie inuicauons ? 11 Jlytnan 11. Cohen. , Toulon tnekvards. StOckdule. NoV. 20, Mtufr that could b called top sold t higher priees In tlw stockyards dur ing the pat week, and In practically vry line demand for beat quality was better" at ths higher prices man suppiy could take car, of. Among tbe lines principally rreciea bv the increasing demand, were csttls and hoga. but this should noi vm to InUlcule any laxity in the call for sheep. 1 Timi. vt. hack their shipment when tha market was overburdened and sent them In this week were rewarded for their patience by cattle buyers dur ing the oast week. Kales of toppy steers wrere made as high as .oo, anu It has been Intimated by the trade that tuff nnulrf h arooil enoutfh to bring an additional 10c per hundred pounds during the period. ' - fauur itooa stair whm rw.. Hut little real good cattle came for ward into the . Rtockdale pens during the past six days. but. What real good stuff was offering found no lack of encouraging demand. When steers sold at 14 65 the trade was . not surprised, for this had been expected. Portland cattle markets Importance Is growing broader each day. Several new firms have been organised In tns ainrkvani. to take care of the Increas ing demand duqing recent weeks. Port land stockyards now Has representatives for practically all Uie big packers of the Pacific coast, frsm Ban Francisco to British. Columbia. ' Batter Stuff BSHUf DUIM ror. With the growing importance of ths Union Stockyards as a uistriDuung ; t. inr on t tin. eomea an increasing Call for a better class of cattle. The blrger the market th greater is the want of the trade for real good quality. vvneij Portland Stockyards was a very small institution and catered mainly for the trade of one pr two butchers, there was nn v limited demand ror real rancy cattle and therefore feeders did not find It profitable to supply the market with better stuff than it was willing to pay suitable prices for. Now with an ever Increasing demand for irrmt stuff something better than the general run some of the leading ruiorn am hfpinninir to I urn oui as good a grade of cattle as can do rounu in any part or me wona. Cows BU UP to B3.7S, Cow Mold as high as 13.76 in the Stockdale yards during the week, and at that price receivers of toppy stuff found no riirr cultv In securing nuyers. Whlln the a-oncral run of od cows did not bring above i;i.tfi, sun me stun that sold at the latter ngure was nor worth anv more. The 13.76 cows were better and therefore demanded more. Market for calveB showed very good tone during the week, but there were onlv limited arrivals and few that came week's transactions In' th ysrdg nt' Indicate demand, supplies and quality offering : . , BTEEIHS, ' Average f,bs. 41 Steers 1318 14 Sters JI7 1 lr (To II steers ...,.,,,,,, 77, - 1 steers 881 1 steer. mo It at sera 16 ilMri 1 steers 6 steers 1 ateer 4 atirs S5 steers 26 steers 1210 11(6 1161 ;o 810 4 1211 1073 FRONT 8 iKEEI QUOTATIONS HotS, Wol sad K10M. '' HOPS 1908 crop, 'choice, ITc; prims to choice. l(c; prims. l!Hc; medium, J5c; 1809 choice, 23c; prime. 22c; me : dium, 20c, WOOL 1(09, Willamette valley. 20O 14c; eastern Oregon, 20 18c. SHEEPSKINS Shearing. 1O02BO -each; short wool. 26960c: medium wool, 60c $1 each; long wool. 76c 0 1 11.25 each. TAIJ-OW Prime, oer lb. 204c: No. 2 and rrease, 2IHc CHITTIM BARK -Nominal, 44c. WOHA1B 190. 23 G 24c lb. ' HIDES Dry hides. 1718Hc IJ: green. 410c lb: bulls, green salt. 7c lb; kips, 1010Hc; c&lvee. green, ; - i618c per lb. : Batter, Eggs and PovJtry. ' KGGS Lrfcal, candled, select, 42 42Hs; ordinary run, 40 42c: seconds, 82c; local storage, S2H16c; eastern storage, 32aoc. BUTTER FAT Delivery to.!. Port land Sweet cream, 14Vc; sour, 12 He BUTTER Extra creamery. S6c; fan cy. 3415c: store, 21 Ho. CHEE8E-l'ancj rull cream flats. 18c; triplets and daisies, 18c; Young Amer icas. 19c WILD GAME Large ducks, 76c 11.80 pair: teal, 12.60 dozen. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 13c; fancy- hen. 14c; roosters, old, 10 tfllci springs, 14 Vic; geese. lOo; ducks, J6c: turkeys, alive, 17fftl7Vc; dressed, If 022 Vic; pigeons, smiabs. 1 per dox.; dressed chickens. HViWlSc; wild geese. If per dozen. Oraln. Flour and Kay. B AS LEY Producers' price 190 Fend. 226.75; roUfd. 130: brewing. 126.6a WHEAT Track Club, t7 f 9lc; blue stem, 11.081 09; red. 11.06 1.07; forty fold, 11.0 1.02; Turkey red, 97 98c; Willamette vlley. 98c. MiLLBTUFKS (telling price Bran. i:; middling. 133: short. 126 27. 60;- chop. :2lu-S: alfitlfa mt-al, 1 per ton. FLOUR New crop. pn.(-nt, JSSOSr fi.70;: straight. 14 00j 5.3d: bakern. 15 50 hi D.i if : v uiamette vaiifv. is.. 31 roi.; ex port grade. 14.2S; graham.. (4 . 15; whole wbut, 15.20; rye. So. ttM; hale. 13.00. HAY -Producer price New timothy. tVlllamett valley fancy. 118; ordi rary. 117; eastert; Oregon. 128; mixed. 114016; clover No. 1. 114915: wheat. 1144-'16; rhea-t, !lt?l: alfalfa. 116. OATS Spot delivery, new, producers' prlo Trsck Na 1 white. 129.603 20; gray. l:.tft29. CORN Whl. 11: rnrked tf" to.v tValts a&a TtpUMN, FRESH FRCITH Oranirp: Nw na vrl. It ISr VaietM-iaa. II (Mr ITS box; Unanat, 6e li.; Imfm, litii l-ox. grav-frylt, 14; pear.; Tokay grapoa, ftcii.l5; Concords, 12 016c; hu k ibrrl, lie AjTATOEH fining. iw 11; buy t"t. eastern Multnomati and Clackamaa, tso, Uliiamett valley, 6Sc tiSlON'S Jobbing. 11.16 per ct; rlif, Iv4l2c Pr Ibw PPLKeW I (.(. VMKTAPLEl t. w rwratpa. Own, ae ': bets II 16- rarrvta. esii-k; eabb. lovl. 71 (: toma "st fancy. 11 21 crf; ban ic rauHflowee, Tt a "e pr 4cnt-n: t 1M r-er la ; Krrlh. !: 1 do : pmi lc lb . I 4 tfrr d'ML; kotfeowae, 11 16 t- i- rad'.Nea. 1 5a burx-fie : ct J 4. . ti ot ; m t p rt, 110 L16 srat; 4r rts. rtw frtss - f lB-. lrS; pwoer.J. lift; t or Mrrr. HH. ry graaa.s'ed, I. i .f a. I.k:. .itra K. i : -a J l:i; I 1111 per ton: 60s. 19.60: table dairy. 60s. 118.50; 100s, ll; bales. 12.25. extra fine barrels, zs, 6s and 10s. 14.600 5.50; lump rock, 120.60 per ton. HONEY New. 18e per lb. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 6 He; No. 2. 5 tic; New Orleans nead. 607c; 1. 0 large $5.76; Creole, BEANS Small white. $6.E0; white, 4.60: pink, 14. 2S; bayou. Limai, xs.ou; reds. 17.00. Meats, rish and Proviaions. DRESSED MEATS front street hogs, fancy, 9 He; ordinary. 9c; veals, extra, 10Hllc; ordinary. lOVic; heavy, 7c; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) ham. 17 He; breaktast acon, lSV427o: boiled ham. 2602Cc: tlc- nlcs, 14c; cottage roll, 15u regular short clears, smoked. 16 Vic; backs, smoked, 16 Vic; pickled tongues. 6O0 each.' LOCAL LARD Ketfik Jear, 106, 17Vic per lb.; 6s. 17c per lb.; 60 lb. tins, 17c per lb.; steam rendered, 10s 16V4c per lb.: 6s. 16Hc per lb.; com pound. 10s 11 Uc per ID. CLAMS Hardshell, per box 12.40; razor clams, 12 box. FISH Rock cod. 10c lb.: flounders. fie lb., halibut. 7 He lb.; Striped bass, 15c lb.: catfish. 10c lb.: salmon, steel head, 8 Vic lb.; silvers, 8c lb; fall aalmon. 60. lb' . sole. 6c lb.: shrimps, 12 Vie lb; perch So lb; torn. cod, 8c per lb; lobsters, 860 per lb.; fresh mackerel. ( ) per lb.: crawfish. 23o per dox,; sturgeon, 12 He per lbi; black baas, 20c per lb.; Columbia smtlts, ) par tv; silver smelts. 6Vic per lb.; black cod. 7M.P per ID.; crabs, uri.tu per dos. OYSTERS 8boalwater bay. per gal Ion. 12.25; per 100 lb sack, 16; Olympla, per gallon. 12.76; per 100 lb. sack, 17 7.50; canned eastern, 65c can. 16.50 doz.; eastern in sneu, ihv per iuu. Paints, Ooai Oil. Bto. BENZINE degrees, cases, 19c par gal.; iron bbia, 11 ho per gal. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls., 72c; cases, 78c; boiled, bbls., 75c; cases, 80c; per gallon lots of 260 gallons, lc less; oil can meat, til ton. ROPE Manila. 8c: sisal.' 7 Vic TURPENTINE In cases. 7c per gal WHITE LEAD Ton lota. lio per lb.; 600 lb. lots, Sc per lb.; less lots. Ve per lb. COAL OIL Pearl, astral and star, 1 9c rer gallon; eocene. 22c gallon; ejalne, c gallon; headlight. 19 Vie gallon; extra gauon; wawi wnua. iiftx special water white. star. Zlc 16 Vic per gallon lac gallon. GASOLINE Red crown and motor, l21c gallon: 8 gasoline. 10Q17ViJ gallon; V. M. P. naphtha. 12ViOc gallon; engine distillate. 94? lie gallon. HOSTOX CXJPPER MARKET (Furnished by Overbeck s Cooke Co.) Hton. Nov. 10. Official bid prices: 6Vi 61 4Vi 12 69 Ike: hut t rr t. 8c; , n a kasla . .r l mri ra 1 Adventure . Allnues Arcadian .. Atlantic ... Hlk. Mt. ... How. fora . Hutte t'oal. Cal. at Artx CTiteT)ria! . Cop. Ml ("op. Ksr lu't Butt Franklin fStrrrox rren-Caa. ;rssbr . .. i Royals tttejt I . , Mim. Mta. VI twrr W ;)! .. M .. Crt, Newhous Nlpplsalng . No. Butts . . Old Colony Old Dom. . 17Vi)Oicola izvijrrrott .... 17 V iVulncy .... Santa F .. 11 Shannon ... 1 !up st Rnsi. lViTenn. C"p. 9HrrTamarack .. llS Trlntfy . , 1W Isited Cop. 14 . lH . . 86 A . 64 .161 A . 21 . IT . 2 . 1H . 16 .-49 . T . 11 11, r, c. oft. it . UViU a sVnelt... .14 A I taa M a . 49 A . 2 f'taa t'Ofia i, 4V . 17Mctorla ....... lit . T A, Wolverine . S K!y (L .... i . ily Out. .... 1 . 2 VI Piihiiat.rii' Fivn Leased Wire.) N York. Nov. 20. A violent flurry which carried issues down from one to two points hit the stock mantel toaay after the announcement 01 juus born's decision dissolving the Standard Oil company of . New Jersey rendered at St. Louis in the Eighth judicial district h. united States circuit court. It was a repetition of the decline which followed the decision of Judge Landi In Chicago when hd imposed the great 129 000,000 fine upon the Standard some rew years ago. Up until the information was flashed over tne wires in " "-j 1 ir .ll.tflinMI I II M fllKIl SHU trennth' of yesterday. Then came the deluge. Reading declined t points, ateei common broke 2 points. Amalgamated Copper fell 2 points and all or tne other leading issues trooped downward 1 2 and 3 points. It was being noted that those securities, accredited with the financial support of the Standard fell further. . Th. entire list was under pressure up until the closing hours. The market had opened somewhat irregular. Con ho..h nm hearan . Its upward trend and Reading, after a 94 loss, started to climb. ,. . The copper securities wero ratij otooriv TTtnh Conner being the feature of the group and advancing a point to 63. American Smelting also rose nnin. 1. th. first IK minutes. Canadian Pacific proved the strongest , v. a ir.iarn.Hnna 1 stocks advancing 1 point. The room was discussing the proposed advance in tne price 01 i f t,rot. on tho train was lost. Read' ing began to sag. Tennessee Copper had advanced 2 points and American Smelting had pusnea upwara pum . C3,aal waa hnlilltlir SKtrOnflT and tDO rdll- road; securities were moving briskly ..An h. nmah mm. Brokers exeited- rushed through tne room, iwnuiiug r it a r-i Okj-t Tnrnnirn Ka 41 iul rf Bol llnir . order. The ticker ground out its ceaseless tale bearing the gist or tne saniwrn ueu.aiui.. Tf h standard Oil decision had come upon a common trading day-instead of Saturday, the market would probably have sagged to a level twice as low as resulted today. (Tom tne-, uri iyu .ha market hamma n mart of profes sional selling. Every Issue, accreaiiea- with either direct or indirect connection with the Standard sagged ana oecuiwu. Union Pacific was one or tne weak est securities on tne list ana fre' blocks were thrown in for sale. Rock Talon A Ikhiip were weak on the report of a holding company to take over the Mawlev Interests. Krte was heavy and there was profit taking on the slightest h,.i.. Th market closed weak. Gov ernment bonds were unchanged; raUroad and others were strong. INTERIOR WHEAT BUYERS PAY A HIGHER PRICE FOR THE BLUESTEM Journal's Crop Report. Heavy showers were shown at all Pacific northwest wheat cen- 4 ters during the week Just passed. 4 The recent cold snap had no ef- 4 feet whatever upon the fall sown 4 grain, for where the weather was 4) coldest sufficient snow covered 4 the grain to keep it from danger. 4 As soon as the weather clears 4 winter sowing will be resumed 4 at interior points. 4 4 By Hrman H. Cohen. Considerable excitenrent was shown in the wheat markets of the week. Prices advanced from 1 to 2c a bushel almost dally, and at the close of the week th; trade was so full of rumors It wss hard to say Just where the market stood. Bluestem wneai, pnin.-i" j -" ing the brunt of the demand, and in terior advices were to the effect that as high as 21.12 had been paid for mill ins- grade at the close of the week, al though nothing above 21.10 a bushel could be confirmed. In an Interview with The Journal this week, Theodore B. Wilcox, president of the Portland Flouring Mills company, said that present price for bluestem wheat was not high, neither was It low. Mr. Wilcox made the statement in this paper some weeks ago that wheat would ell higher, and as th higher point has already been reached, the Interview of the wheat king will nave much weight In causing growers to decide whether to hold or sell their product. While exporter were quite liberal buyers of wheat during the week. It Is not believed that much of the grain will go abroad, but will be resold to millers at other centers. . Oats market ruled firmer and higher during the week, although business was not active. A few small sales of No. 1 white were reported at Interior W 11 lam ent valley point at 130 a ton basis Portland delivery. Statement of N. Y.. Banks ,f,,j:.'t. !,! l T New Tork. Nov. 20. The statement of the assoclsted banks today shows th following changes: - Rrerve on all deposits. Increase 12,- 19.776. Loans, decrease izi.w.f., Itpeda. decrease !.&. MS tenders, decrease 1121,1041. Iwpotts. decrease izi.rt.vvv. Total loasa. 11.1S4.691.499 urpla of tr banks. 119.921.910. as arainat 1111.91.116 lat .rear aM a deficit two years ago sf 116.914i.269. Crop Looks (Jood. ' Brownsrtll. Orw Jtw 7 CW are inoklrg ftr l this soctton. The rata r beri cf snsch baf fit to ths fall -rtft an4 the arrncukd tvow taaraughty sr k -A wtlb t.r m r-rent irdi- r' ful1 thlrfc tt-at It t fr d-rfc t,a fvr tfce grosr.d to get as dry and parrhsd ma ft wag during the summer. Thus far this has boen an extremely warm falL Fromt appeared for the first tlm this week. Tomato tops also potato tops" wars green until this frost cam. - Water melons were on tb market until re cently. Strawberries -mr ripening now In this vicinity. Some were on exhibi tion in the Brownsville Times of fls last week. New Tork Cotton Market. -(Furnished by .Overt- Cooks Co.) New Tor. Nov. 2S. Cotton market was active but g t IS points lower In th principal options. fUles. 2 a. 99 bsl. Official Driro' Cpea. High. Lw. Jan. 14il 1465 1462 fau March April My Jnn Aug. t. , N rrv. .: 14lv 1491 iiii iiii .... .1414 ... JS ... 124S 17 14J4 liS 12i 1477 1494 t4i Hit J2 liti mt i;t it:i Cl'. 14I.5WIT 14lf l i4i n 14. 4 1: 4? 149 j 92 1 4Htr ij' : 1 ?4T '? ? l ' ? "t I ' are strong that the step will ultimately I forward were of proper quality to bring ifnuii iu pmniig icicimuim, nrirBi(.u 1 Wtftiii Bignc r tne top price quuieu. and cable service under practically one I jjany more calves could be easily taken management, permitting economy in 1 care of by tne livestock trade without operation iar greamr uwu 1 jn any way Influencing prices, known in th past . . wOB. Market Ooes 'to 83.10. Another important new development 1 ,-,, ", ,a 1n wa the announcement of a 300 per cent .. R . W.lh?f? o'dJ"P..,0 A8-1" Ln llvlrl..n,l Viv VVpIIh Fnrirrt A Co Tha I me BtoCKaaie mariwi uuriug nits warn wJk EaJ without anv imnortant an- week and a number of sales were made Scenf inward11" aXements at that price, More swine could have been for unifying, copper production and in- mwed M tne top ,r tney nad peen orrerea terests. The coppers were strong throughout the week. The general ton throughout the week was bullish, but the announcement of the decision in the government's case against the Standard Oil of New Jersey at St. Louis Bhortlv before the close brought about a general selling . movement and slump- in prices inrougn an tne -usi. Range of New York prices furnished by OverbecK, looae et tjo.: DESCRIPTION. Amal. Cop. Co.. Am. C. & F., c. Am. C. & F., p. Am. Cot. OH, c. Am. Loco., c... Am. Sugar, o. . . Am. Smelt., c. . . Am. Smelt, o. . . Anaconda jo. tu Am. Woolen, c Atchison, c... Atchison, p. . . . B. & O., c B. & O., p B. R. T... Can Pacific, c. Cen. Leather, c. Cen. Leather, p C. & Q. W., c... C M. A S. P.. .. C. & N. W.t c. Ches. & Ohio... CoL F. & I., c... Col. Southern, o do Zd pfd.... do 1st pfd. . .d Corn Products, c. do pfd.- Del. & Hudson. . Den. & Rio G., c. do pfd. . . Erie, c. .... do 1st vfd Great N.. pfd Illinois Central. . Int. Metro, c. . . do pfd. Louis. & Nash.. Manhattan R. . . M., K, A T., o.. do Pld. Distillers Ore Lands Mo. Pacific . . . National Lead.. N. Y. Central . N. Y.. O. A W. N. W.. c do pfd N. American ... N. P.. c M. S. Co.... Penn. Rv. ..... P. Q.. L. A C. Co.; 8. C c....... do ptd. ....... Reading, c ..... R. L a. C... do pfd. ...... Rock Island, c. do efd. St. L A S. F.. 2d p do 1st pfd. . . . St. L. A S. W., c do pfd. So. Pacluc. C. . . Southern Ry c -do Vti ..... , Tex. A Pacific. , tt L, a W. q do pfd ...... Cnloa Pacific, C 5 if tr 95 74 118H 62 rib 102 118 63 120 78 178 V. 47 20U 167 183 88 61 67 1 22 ii 95J 74 120 62 1Z5 105V4 63 do efd..... C. S- Rubber, c. do rid V. ft. Steel Co- 4 do pfd WsoaiD, c .... do vfi W. V. Telegraph - Wis. Central, c. . do rM ....... Westinghousa .. FWt Sugar ..... tah .prT ... Tird AveauS . Cons. O ... . rnur ....... jr tprTWg 7( 00 rfd lr CNniical .. $ rf4 n. Car 189 47 84 13 "ii" 142H 147 23 Vx 6 1544 66"! 37' 81 72 89 11Z 48 96 144 45 131 11 64 119 48 10 19 79 M I ii" 72 110 II 79 11 (4 120 117 78 178 47 20 167 183 88 62 67 22 189 48 84 33 49 143 147 23 68 162 60 27 81 78 91 111 48 95 146 46 111 116 64 171 48 109 4H 79 119 '2 126 102 112 61 119 11 78 6)0 177 47 29 166 183 87 61 t( 22 188 47 84 33 48 141 147 22 66 163 48 '' 81 71 19 112 41 96 144 41 112 114 61 lt 47 10 19 79 6 i 93 74 119 69 2Vi 12S 102 113 62 34 119 104 116 91 78 204 104 64 99 11 11 711 72 U0fl2l 11 79 16 14 11 7 IF 294202 194 lfil I 93 177 47 108 20 155 183 88 61 66 79 80 22 so 188 47 84 83 29 48 143 147 .22 66 ll 14)0 48 74 86 80 70 89 112 47 95 81 79 144 43 V 133 114 1W 109 1 47 101 39 79 H 99 31 72 129 31 9 25 64 202 if 62 . .1119 94 89 99 !!2ll!l2ljl26 that came forward were of fancy qua! ity, and prices in the main did not range bevond 18." Considering the price of good hogs, values are not very high on poor quality. Butchers are discrim inating against the poor stuff with the hope of forcing producers to send for ward a better grade of hogs. That they are willing to pay a very good price for the improvement in quality is Bhown by their purchases during the week. Run of hogs during the six days was quite heavy,, but prices held firm des pite this. In the east there was an in clination toward lower prices during the week. Sheep Supply Is Scant- While In; comparison with th pre vious week, there was a good run of sheep and lambs in the 'yards during the week, still the total number of head that arrived was very limited. Be cause of the recent absence of sheep from the market, trade here is shewing slightly improved tone, and for A-l stuff values are practically 25c higher than those of last weeJt. Past week's run of livestock compares with -the same period in? recent years. as follows: Hogs. 1909 i..39 1908 ....2935 1907 737 1906 1000 ions 694 For the week, comparing to the past one, there wss a firmer tone in cattle a year ago, and general prices w.r soc higher: sheep were firm but unchanged. while Jiogs were wean, zoo tower.. Yards' Beprssentatlve 2?rioes. Following are representative of the COWS. 1144 ,M104 1011 9 1046 1141 906 901 1098 1011 1026 1100 974 951 840 1091 979 1011 1011 1024 1069 BV3 1027 1020 1002 4 AAA .............. 1011 1044 973 98 1007 989 981 995 990 1027 978 982 993 981 .... iwiu .... 1007 26 cows 1037 26 cows iuu 26 cows 1020 26 cows 26 cows I sows 2 cows 24 cows 4 cows I rows cows '21 cows 22 cows 28 cows 1 cow 27 cows It cows 1 cow 24 cows 27 cows 27 cows 26 cows 22 cows 21 cows 28 cows 27 cows 28 cows 25 cows 25 cows 26 cows 26 cows 26 cows 25 cows 25 cows 22 oows 28 cows 25 cows 28 cows ' 19 cows 24 cows 21 csws 22 cows 24 cows 26 cows 26 co ........, .............. .............. .............. .... ....., . . , , t . . . 22 cows ' 26 cows . 2 calves 2 calves ' 22 calves 48 calves 41 calves 27 calves "'calves.' BULLS. 1 bull .. 1 bull .. 1 hull ..t 2 bulls 1380 1087 951 590 808 289 406 270 403 1456 1480 1 1360 1 bull 1 bull . 200 sheep 48 hogs 88 hogs , 100 hogs 1 nogs 89 hogs . 78 hogs . SHEEP. "hogs." 1500 1260 183 178 267 19 220 224 246 Price. f45 4 15 lit . -1.16 . I.H A .15 4.60 4 66 4 60 4.00 , 160 ' 1.60 4.19 1.31 . IJM 1.16 1.26 1.40 . 2.76 8.60. 1.00 I.6U 1.60 1.10 3.26 . 3.1S S.8S 1.16 1.60 160 3.60 ' a 60 i:to. '3.40 8.60 1.60 3.60 1.26 I.25 2.2 T 8.25 3.25 3.26 2.26 3.26 8.25 ' 3.35 3.25 3.25 2.26 - 3.15 3.25 1 40 3.40 3.46 S.40 1.40 2.66 3.40 3.40 14.25 6.25 6.25 4.75 . 6.26 4.00 15.25 2.25 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.75 14.00 $7 Til 8Jo 8.10 8.10 8.00 1 stag 92 hogs 107 hogs 117 hogs 178 hogs Cattle. 2155 1098 6 1 2 808 8?i Sheep. 1042 zn 1671 794 3483 ITeavier Turkey Shipments. ISpeeUl ntspatcfe to Tne Jnaraal.t - -Oakland. Or., Nov. 20. Thanksgiving turkey shipments are heaviar than an ticipated. Express shipments from Oak land today and .tomorrow will be 5100 birds, aggregating 69,000 pounds. One carload goes to San Francisco and one carload to Portland. . Over beck & Cooke Co , . ' ...... r' - . . , ....... Commission Merchants Stocks, Boids Cotton, Grain, Etc. - 216-217 Board of Trade Bail ding JTembere Chicago Boara of Trade. Corrpondnt of Logan A Bryan. Chlesgo. New- Tork. Boston.', - . " W ttavs the snly prt vats wlrs sooBectlng Portland with ike asters exchanges. STAGS. 1430 1 stag 170 HOGS. 241 290 193 196 07 hnira 194 90 hogs ?17 87 hog 19 83 hogs 187 115 hogs "J 42 nogs i 41 hogs 223 15 hogs 11 58 hogs 228 80 hogs 220 78 hogs 262 89 hogs 217 48 hogs 26r 2 hov 239 98 hogs 219 85 hogs 212 84 hogs 186 T nogs ; ioi 64 hogs 207 163 hogs . 214 76 hogs 233 30 hogs J50 82 hogs 238 84 hogs 223 88 hogs 242 89 hogs 210 Ins hnr 198 The following; is the general range of livestock values in ths yards-. ' ; CATTLE Best steers, weighing 1200 pounds, 14.504.65; medium steers, 14.2544.40; best cows, tl.01.76; best heifers, 23.75; bulls, $1.757.25; stags, 12.50 8.00. . HOGS Best east of the mountains, 8.058.10; Willamette valley, best. !7.758.O0; stockers, 16.606.00; pigs. 16.007.00. SHEEP Best wethers, $4.60; ordi nary, r4.004.25: spring lambs, $6.25; straight. ewes, $3.60 4.00; mixed lots, C AL VES Bes t, $5.00B.16 wdinary, 13.50t4.60. - . $2.25 1.40 $8.10 7.95 7.95 7.85 7.75 8.00 7.96 7.95 7.95 8.00 7.85 6.75 8.05 8.00 8.10 8.00 8.10 8.10 7.85 8.10 7.50 7.76 7.80 8.00 8.10 7.60 8.05 7.80 8.05 8.00 8.00 2l ! 29WI 20". 61 61 Jf 62 62 9 69 ',t 79 69- 99 ' 81 14 66 i 47 4 4V 41 97 (2 64 19 19 1W ItW 141, 149. 146 144 I 77 (t tii i! m .. 17H ( 4t . '177 II f 11 MS! 14. rf. 4. i. 4 r 4 '.! -i i'. "l 'ii' 4 ' ? Hon. r" ! IT ' T t; j 47 TEIi L'ILU0;i DOLURS PROFIT EVERY UOHTII X twiag swS Vy tM wto law is tks Ittml I v mt rltfc 0-i fifty 4Mlan tpmrni ag fkis pu ss rm rA iiiag iaa. y-rr-1 lw-r la r- rg tm ha mt BVS li-g faXLTiO raaMt3Mtal rkf , fm mt s fkty -ntmmrm- w5 aar 4P , l.a rr tr-Wtary v.iii mt mm mt -mm ar-tl mu-m, mmf avr rml iim mmm hi -w rwMr. tixt t-r MP. 4Ttal 4a W f :i rrrrrrrs frm.TT cm.' j v., s . i... . j .n't., a. 1 litiilitbic PAVEMENT Brings Satisfaction Airo ssarsAirozs ttcb TAi.tni or iiitttjo rionr,TT scojvm this Airr . otxxb -..t.. lfAYZltSiIV ;. BECAUSE Zt is dttrabla, asrs cracks, snskss . bo nslss or rumble gross pasalng Tshlclss, eollsous bs ns or saad. Sfartaamoro, It glvos a ml (oet. bold los korsss. AstsnosllM will mot skid. -. t .. Warreii Construction; Company IT 2TXCX 11BO, ouu: XOaTlVftJRI, California Oil Dividends Boy lKro4L 4ttrt6 - flag Call for nla oil stocka Many of tnea llte twk pay 1 and 1 per cent monthly ilvldend. By fnirrhalng Itstad etocka to can sU any day rr wlh. Tf n Invest Isrg or small sums. Wm wiil giadly teil yon about the !e4 tPkai r any (rthet Califnmla yil stork. We sre on hm ground 4 operating In sll th Callfomla oil fli1a We ha41e rlv legltfrnat proroettlOTt and larlts th S t thor "igh tret1rtta. Write toJay for it f 3lv It1 paying stark and n-.r, whti-h we wfl SBd fr X.!c? !rtrf ! Cos