THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21. 1003. LADD ADDITION ! SALES IHCREASE 3fany Purchasers Secure .'East SMo lTuperty ns Sites ; .: fur' Homes, 5 j mil .at. UJ-. ! "a. J-1 . hni1oml hom on Hi t Hid on hla t""oiirly, Cr. Ann Ixjiln, hm lrily ln-ua 111 art I Ion ft 11000 In. dm on tier U. J. A. Jtrllar ban Irj tha canUncI for SOt0 renlileiifo; John ft tali am) liullit a nunlarn rMr- nn hla jiuTty, and (J. Zanallu, do bmifbt property at tha rorner of Har rlaon an.l Irvlt airwfa, la having plana (irvparatt for f 6000 noma. Jf. J, Hnhrf, ho purrhaa1 Jot (. block 9, haa at raady put In Ida foundation fpr a. a ton raal4n. Fer, J. Carrlrk of eatrn Oregon la prrparlnf to build a $4000 raatdtir on hla quarter block. A Itlahly Mtlafaclory movement of building- !( In Ladd'g addition la re ported by tha aalllnf auta of tlila tract About JO lota, moat of which , wtra pun'haaed by homo bulldera, war old during tha past month., Following ara. aoma of tha recant purchaaara of lota In thla addition: If. I Gorman,' lot i. block 11, $1000; Wrt. Clnona V. Huaton, Jlenton Har bor, Mich., lot 17. block 11, 13000; Fran, cla Jancka, a Grand avenue merchant, , lot IS, block J 4, $2040; Anna Da pi a. Nawbera;. Or., lot 26, block 11. $1000; 'J. -A. Zellar. lot It, block t, fltOO; Ada J Iileaendach, m recant aVrlval from Call- fornla, lot 17. block -I, f ltOPi Mra. ! rrank Hotter, lot 14, block 11, 11800; KmmaLammara. lot 0. block It. $1860; Mary Boyce, who recently cama from tha eaat. lot II. block . $1850; John Rleha, lot 24. block 4. $2000; O. Za nallo, lota It and t J and part of lot 19, block II, $4600; Anna F. Btollman. a recent arrival from. tha eaat, lot II, block 4. $1850; . F. J. Foil vk a, lot Zl, block 14. I18SO; Judre P. M. Wldney. formerly of California, .lota 14. I7,'J$ and II, block 18, $8000.'. Judge Wldney aspect to build., with in tha next -few montha.' on of tha-' a- '' WILL PLAT TRACT - . , ' . OF TKX ACRES V. Vincent Jonaa, who recently pur chaaed 10 acr tract In th dlatrlct amith of llolgnte ' at reel and frontinc Mat Thlrty-aeventh atreet, la going to plat the1 property Into town lota, and will rail tha ad Jit Ion Leone Park. Mr. Jonea waa formerly an officer of tha Jacoba-fltlna company, but baa resigned hla poaltlon with that firm and will hereafter operate In real aetata on hla own account. Tha purchaaa of he acreage waa made by Mr. Jonaa through tha agency of Chapln A lierlow, v - YOUR'." ,'CHAMGE New Depot for Wallace. - (Special rHpetra te The JonraaLI Wallace, Idaho, Nov. 10. The 0, R. A K. company haa awarded; at contract for tha oonatructton of a new depot here to coat 120,000. Tha Wallaoa Concrete company took tha contract. ; ,, r ,'; Wenartchee Geta Library. (Sueetal PUpetek U The Joaraall Wanatchee. Waah., Nov. 10. We natchea la to have, a Carnegie library. Tha oity council haa accepted tha term a of tha gift, and will prepare for active construction vary soon. ' To Get Beautiful Home, Lay the Foundation for an Ample Income, and Own Land That ' . Will Soon Become Suburban Property. , NOTE .THE PRICE YOU PAY FOR NICE VEGETABLES V ALSO THE COST OF A NICE BOX OF FRUIT ... I. AND THEN CONSIDER THE VALUE OF BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY , ' . , . .. . -v ...'-. ' Theae Prlcei Are to Be. Had for Your Labor; We Have the Climate, Soil and Location, Conven- , , ; ; v t ient to Portland Markets, in Our '". ' ."', Only 10 mile out, 40 minutes' ride on the Fourth street line, and aoil that will raise anything. Let us show you bearing orchards' and crops just being gathered as proof of our claims. vH A few acres, here at $ 100 to $300 per acre, to be paid f,or In easy Installments, means a chance for all who will try. Come in and talk, with us arid the start is made. ralsiAw-iwco The Leading City of Central Oregon ; The Heart of the Deschutes Valley; Railroad Cen ter of Crook County JUNCTION OF FOUR RAILROADS Two Empire Builders The giants of commerce, Hill and Harriman, fore seeing the tremendous opportunity for freight handling in the great Deschutes valley, are rushing their two roads, the Oregon Trunk and the O. R. & N., toward Hillman as fast as humarl energy can build. Work has pro gressed to within five miles of Hillman. Another road, electric, is proposed from Hillman up the Crooked river to Prineville, the county seat, 19 miles away. Still another is contemplated westward to Sis ters, 25 miles, and the Matolas valley, 40 miles. The Hill Line The Oregon Trunk has pur chased from; the Crook . County Investment company owner of Hillman a 300 foot right of way through . the city, and in the deed of conveyance the railroad is re quire to build a passenger and freight depot, provide' switching facilities and ware houses, adequate , for the handling of the enormous freight that is certain to , be originated at this point. Trains will probably be run ning into Hillman by October next year. These are facts, confirmed by those who ac tually know what is being . done. : Opportunity . r H-Wm J. ii4 v Opportunity The Harriman Line The O. R. N. or Deschutes Railroad, as it is called, is building as rapidly as Hill. Nearly 4000 men, 900 teams and six steam shovels are , working night and dayt Vis ions of gigantic grain crops, thousands of acres of mag nificent timber and millions of acres of growing products inspire the great railroad builders to hurry with might and main into this marvel-, ous virgin empire of unprece dented wealth. What awaits the railroads stares the in vestor in the face4-great re turns for the money. Enabling every one desirous of participating - Oregon to lay the foundation of a new fortune in this new empire at the following INSIDE RESIDENCE LOTS YOUR. CHOICE BUSINESS SECTION INSIDE LOTS ONLY AT prices : CORNER. RESIDENCE LOTS FROM 525.00 TO CORNERS IN THE BUSINESS SECTION 575 to $100 The Price of gvery Lot Will Be Raised December 1 5, f09 Seize This Opportunity Without Delay or Hesitation Illustrated and Descriptive Pamphlet Mailed Free ? CR0OK - COUNTY IN VESTMENT ' COMPANY Pt0-(M."?9M : COOPER TAYLOR, Selling Agents 20r-203-209 Henry BIdj. fFocrtbaBdOakStreeU , 3 r - 1 . ar, a iuiiw" as ait: w .in bk J..T O M'Tm Oa tp" wt -J.i city. .ha' liajy IV' w FUTURE METROPOLIS OF CENTRAL OREGON The Hill and Harriman Roads, the Electric Line to Prineville and the Vast, Fertile Wheat Country surrounding it are spon sors for Opal City's certain bright future. Fortunes are sure to be made by those who buy early and watch the trend. WRITE OR CALL FOR OUR FREE MAP Of Central Oregon, Wall Size, Showing Railroad Develop . ments of Deschutes Valley, AMERICAN 200-204 Chamber of Commerce Building CENTRAL OREGON INFORMATION B U R E A U -ANEW- ELECTRIC LAMP MORE ECONOMICAL than any carbon filament lamp. MORE STURDY than the TUNGSTEN CAN BE USED in KEY SOCKET Portland & Power Go HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Tha Mt par la fyrtiai4 ta as 7. Gvoa-Ttphlral rlf asd moat C -alrabla raaMaora pronarlr la tha cltr. , aln la balleris- Bvttar -o an 4 a tfe (cany cbolr raatdaacaa a . aoDalrwtio an4 tha lapraTeaanta going aav . THE OREGON REALESTATG COMPANY tM aain arm sr. wtrtiio, rrr Rare Bargains In Real Estate nr. to be found dally In the Class I fh z." "Columns of The JoitrnrJ.