The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 50, Image 50

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MR TRACT OH' rv- - ':Ws?rJQ
IS (J : m , ' . ; ; 1 H F DONE RAHKS
Investors Secnrc 90 Acres
Adjoining-Kfoflfa Heights
and Will Lay Out in ixts
. Henry Deals in Realty
for the Week.
t tha record of real ette trn
actions for th week endinc. wUh ye-
torday f(mnd transaction in noany
rvery aectlon'of tbe KMiater city. While
irmiBfera af ni(fl ciaea reiacw; iv..
weri omwhat belofw tha weekly avar.
nge tha dftflclahfKM oM than, inadt
n 'in th ahtla tiyhiB"f tldsa In
aorea and't tba ales. of, apartment
. 1 .- " ,
Tha dlatriot racelvln tha bulk Of at
tention frm.1nwtdra ta tna nirn pricwi
property adjoinln Klng-'a Holghta and
Maclnay Park apd extending; nopth to
Thunnan atreet. Although Washington.
AMr and Morrison etreat properuea db-
tween Eleventh and Chapman were not
without partisans.
Pnrohaae on Helrhts.
The one blf tranaactlon upon whkh
publlo attention wae the focua.was the
purchaae bx W. H.' Lwta and C. S.
Wiley, wealthy Seattle .contractora, of
90 acres adjoining- King's Heights and
Macloay Park and Including a part of
the fair grounds. . ' 1 T
Included In this deal Is comprised
what la known as the Goldsmith Mil
tract at the head of Lovejoy atreet; the
Scott holding, which Ilea between the
King's Heights property, Macleay Park
nnd the Goldsmith tract; that portion
of Balch'a gulch extending from Macleay
1'ark to St. Helens road and the Cottel
4d acre tract on .the fairgrounds site In
Guild's lake. , . ' - ' ' ': -;: ". '
- The investment Involved an actual
cash outlay of nearly 300,00ft. i Nearly
all-of the property was. a part of the
aBeta of the Title Guarantee & Trust
company an4 the negotiations preceding
Its transfer were conducted on the part
of the defunct bank by, Receiver B. S
Howard. ' . s ". ; - - , - : , ' ..
Messrs. Xewia and Wiley have an
. nounced that a 12,000,000 gallon pump
kins outfit will be Installed in Guild's
"lake, which will be employed in, sluicing
down the Goldsmith hill and rexjlalm
ing the CotteL; tract in the lake. The
intention, .is; to convert the upland into
high class-residence property and re-,
claim the lake properfer for terminal oi
rmBnufacturlng sites. 5 It Is, estimated
that the cost of sluicing down tke hill
together with the high class Improve-
ments lo oe maae od un iubu kiuuhu
will brine the total investment oi
Mr-ssrs. Lewis, and Wiley well';' above
1500,000. '
Steel Bnlltiing to Oo tTp.
, One of the most Important, develop
ment of the week was the concluding
of negotiations for the lease of tha lot
at the northwest-corner or Ejevenin anu
Alder streets and the -announcement
that the lessees will at once erect - a
six story steel and concrete tuiiaing on
the site. The property, which belong
to the estate of the late r. J. Mann,
was leased by C. Hunt Lewis and Rob
ert. Smith for a term. of 60 years. Mr.
Lewis Is a member of ft well known
Portland family, and Mr. Smith is
Hood River banker. i; .-' U--.
It ia understood that.Architegl ,Iavid
C. Lewis will immediately prepare tne
plans " for the proposed building ' and
that construction will begin soon after
January 1 It Is the purpose to plan
the building for a 1.9-story office struc
ture, but for the present only ' Bix
stories will be built The lower floor.
will be arranged into five store rooms,
fronting Alder street, and the five upper
. floor wOl ie arranged for a hotel; but
the interior will be , so designed that
when conditions warrant . It, it can be
converted at- small cost into an Office
building. .... ;
Broker Sells Quarter Block. 4
' The ; most , important transaction In
huslness' property reported last week
waa the purchaae by 1 B. Menefee of a
ijuarter .Mock at the southwest corner
of Twelftli and Washington streets for
il'MOO- The property? formerly i be
longed to Bcott Brooke, who acquired it
a little over a. year ago for 1 135,000.
Tlie sale, which was concluded yester-r
dav, was negoOated by K. J. Daly.
Immediately after closing the deal by
which he acquired the quarter block.
When selected with good
taste, do much to malce
the Iivin-rnomJratjtiful
and comfottab!?.
-Our lint? ha .t)fW ft-,
Icct'rd rtaliring your ap
preciation of the beautiful.
Tiffany's Agent ,
::s rARi: stheet
-:.!7 mi a. . r ni,v m !; - sm
I I ' ' 1 I -C . ' 1 I 1 i : ."N liaaa. , I I i f. - I ? 1 1
' ' -"
Restaence W Eugene' Blaier. East; (f L. jl., J, .w.-r . t r-w-r-- . - -. ; I
; f ; SgTententh and Wasco. : I ; ' - f . , I
Permits "for Large Number
of Kew Dwellings Is- ;
sued During Av eek
p.rmiii wrr iiisued during the past
.ir rr.r so new residences, nearly all
of which are to be erected .on the east
side of the river. . , ,
The moat expenshrs improvement or
this class is a two story frems dwell
ing, which will beiput up by W. W.
u.imiai.h that la to oe out up on East
Twenty-sixth, between Thompson and
Brasee at a cost of .46000. ,
.T T. On inn la nre During to begin the
erection of a two story frame flat build
ing : on Stanton street, between Klrby
ttnd Commercial. . ' Th9 permit calls for
an expenditure of $30O. '
.. M. J. Clemens has let . tne coniraci
for a one' and a-half tory frame build.
Ing on Hoyv street, between Oak and
Mellie. The approximate cost 01 ine
improvement is 11500. f ?
On East Fifteenth,, letween Prescott
and i Going. B. ; L. ' tin has oroxen
ground for a 'two story rrame cottage
which wHl cost, completed, $2500.
B. F. Doty has taken." out a permit ior
two story frame cottage to be erected
on East Forty-ninth, ' between Division
and Clinton; at a cost of J2900. '
On Hillsdale drive, near Mount .oin,
R. Wise has' begun the erection of
a pne and a half story, frame dwelling
to coat 11500.
A. M- Perdew has le.t thw .contract f or
a one and a haf story; frame cottage
to-be erected on Kindorf rofcd, hear foster
road. The cost will be $1750.
' E. L. Plummer is building a one story
frame cottage on - East ' Forty-fourth
between Harrison and ; Market, at a
cost of $1500". ,"-
; C. W. Holliday has tafleen out a con
tract tor a one and half story concrete
residence, which he wilL erect on Lyon,
near East Oak street, at a cost of 12000.
'James Roberston has begun the erec
tion' of two one and a half story frame
cottages on Guild, between Thurman
and Vaughn, ,te -cost 4 1000 each.
D. Darling is building a one story;
frame cottage on East Fifty-first, be
tween Mill and Stevens, at a cost of
That Oregon beach resort property
may be sold In the winter months,, not
only in Portland but throughout the
northwest is apparent from a state
ment made "'yesterday at the office of
the Potter-Chapln Realty company,
Mr, Menefee announced that he would
improve, the site with a four-story brick
business house, construction ; work to
begin early in the spring.
D. Parker. Bryon & Co.. representing
Leslie M. Scott, has closed a deal with
John Corkish for the purchase of an
goxioo-root sue at tne soutneasi, cor
ner of Alder and Sixteenth street The
property . is Improved ; with' two two
story frame buildings, one occupied as
a garage and the other a store. Mr.
Scott paid $40,000 fbr the hojding.
Apartment House Bold. -
W. F. G, Thacher has closed a deal
for the purchase of the Guild apart
ment house, near Twenty-third and
Thurman strets, paying $20,000 for It
The building is a three-story frame
structure and occupies - half a quarter
block. The purchaser plans to dupli
cate the present building on the re
mainder of ths quarter, which was In
cluded in the sale.
Transfers of realty for the week foot
ed) up-$440,004, -The number of trans
fers' was- larger than usual, ana witn
few exceptions the considerations names
were under $10.000. The largest trans
ferror the week was for the sale of the
Sol Blumauer home- site, (7x100 feet st
Fourteenth and Morrison streets, which
was purchased by Alfred L. Parkhurst
for. IJI.T50. The adjoining. Six K feet
was purchased by tne same Duyer rrona
Helen Mar for $11,250. This will gire
Mr. Parkhurst a quarter block tn which
he has announced he will build mod
em six-story fireproof apartment build
ing. .
Another good Mixed transfer of the
week was-for iota It and II in block
III, Couch Addition, which was pur
chased by F. H. Powers from P. P.
Dabney for $1 ..
SU Ban om Cast Sid.
William Reid has cload a deal with
the Lad 4 estate for the purchaae of lots
' 1 and 1 in block 221. Kt POrtlaBA, pay
iiog'U.4a for ths comer: '. "
r- Hubert Zlngakelm Ms sold to Mary.
IK. Lister lx acre la section 14. lown
ilp L xrtk range I east for $12..
I Fred Olson has ps4 to James Richey
' $. an sere for two acres in the Alice
i RK-bey donation ta4 claim.
' H M. Gren has iM txl0 feet In
jtWk 4. Wa-erty Heights, te Morgan
, a rtot.s fe $.
1 W. B. Mrely has rloaed a dI wth
iw. M. Mi)r for lm I In t-ws IK
farter's AdliOon m PrilaTd HiTsta,
iwlrtertWw tve4. $;, -- -
Lous P. Br- r.aa pmhmmrA from
' tha Gerfran 8atrrs a Loaa svler e-f
' fs r-'i a rtae "4 to In (clock
I 1 1! .Coort A4A!itfl. fne $ ,
i M' vr Pr "
11 -' 111 11 ' 1 """ ' 111 " "'J '-vL'S- - ! ' ' -" . -v .. : V:
ads . ; !
.. , . .. II T" : , i . : f .l III ' . I. . : ' ' ',.
f J!.vj4UUUj iLUUiLv- ( j.;
I P i'V-.- - , j': ---A
II i
which is developing. Bayocean at Tilla
mook bay. 1 ..-J'S.i' is. .
Since the middle, of .September 200
lots, amounting to $l0,00fl,v have been
sold In Butte, . Anaconda and Helena,
Mont About the sam. number has been
sold in pordind'duritig thls'time. It
is evident '.that beginning : with ' next
year there W1U be a strong colony of
Montana people at the resort, and as
the train service improves, this will be
Increased in numbers. 4 , ' v ' . ': -"'Although
over- 300 lots have already
been sold in Spokane ; and the. inland
empire, another campaign' in4 Spokane
was begun last weex. To the people
of Spokane, Tillamook bay is almost as
familiar as to the people of Portland,
and this is' largely due. tothe publicity 4
Types of New Armciries For the Oregon National Guard
I r , .
' ' y)..
j r' 3' x' -"-' v " Sl '
PUtmi l-are been drawn In the ef fW-s I While Uie reneral ,taff of the national
' M,a rtfr f.Vto.t.f tvarard has not d-r!nie1r o- ' JJ whera
era Foruand rct... tor taa. or i.s lnnariM already sutbried
far new arwiorie. .0 .-r e "r-,
Irg tt i?elt ear is ine ama.ter mien.r 1
rtiiMi of 1 Hr t4t. Tfca h4l.1ir. a-re
: . . .. H
of P..E. Tomilson, East Seventeenth.
given the resort by this company. Many
purchasers, both in Spokane and in Mon
tana, have already announced that they
will erect cottages on the peninsula
next spring for occupancy during - the
summer. :. . : -; '. V. '
The company states that construction
work at the resort will continue
throughout the winter, so that by the
completion of the Pacific Railway &
Navigation' company's line, , the first
railroad to reach the Tillamook bay re
gion, there will be ample accommoda
tion for vlstors. .'VHV.
Albany Democrat; Chinese roosters
mav be good eating, but the writer not
being a hunter, can't testify to it th 9
year, not having had a single bite this
exclusive rooster season. , . s .
i.,,. tt kcoi n that t
ke Itie4. U i kcenn
alU-a will t ea fiom unwi the
fAi-ea'r, ( t li', t-l n f Wf- Vh t
and Wasco,
, Woodward's hall, one of the land
marks in Montavllla, has beeiv purchased
by- an investor, from North Yakima for The hall is a three story
frame structure. 40 by 80 feet,, and oc
.cuples an 82 by 11? foot lot on Broad
and Olny streets. , . ..
- Woodward hall was originally intend
id tar a theatre and was built -about' 14
years ago by Peter Weiners, ,who after
wards lost fthe .property junqeriofeutw
.lira TiroeedinKS ;. . : s. . !
,?s William Wagner,, who .took over the
property last weeav :w.-oii; i. -
Investment, i 1 ; . -..',,
City. Pension. The Datiea. Orrrm
C'tr. Wood bum. taletn. Altiany anl
Afhlaad. T- jjaeatton of elf -r'-g ti
plares for tha lraton of the tmn ra
tional a-uar1 Thtit)4 ir. t-r b''ft f : .
hate ".redy t-i rtraan. be t,rt
1 ! at 1fe I rr ' r fr -r 'f X
Residence built ' by Rice and Derrr.
East Seventeenth ana t-iacaamus.
Will, Risev;at; Junction of
TTII1 ntltl Hnrriniail DC- -
;:; ;'.' schutes Branchy, v v
1 'oi... i rs.Antr onuntv the first
point at which the Hill and Harriman
roads touch each other on level country
after emerging- from the pescnutes can
yon. Is Oregon a newest town, uia
S h.rL nolnted to a spot
In the heart of Opal prairie as an ideal
place for a town, being the natural out -
let for Opal prairie, the Haystack and
the LaMonta. country, among u-.oe
wheat .producing districts, or -wentrat
s .... .... .... . - .
- 1 I '.
At this point Opal City is located, ana
it is thought! by many mat 11 wiu oe-
come the peer 01 any easiem vrBBv.u
n,n anri from th numerous advan -
tages which the place commands has
more than a fair chance to become the
central Oregon metropolis. ? 4 ;
"The neople of central Oregon navel
confidence in the location and are en -
over the new town. It Is be-
??"f8.rV.T"L"Li ..ot
gether with the Junction, of, two rail -
...1. a nnvn n unt. wnicn win aeveioD
8000 horsepower, and an electric road to
Prlneville, which, is assured, will go a
long ways , toward assuring an . impor
tant, tuy miBf
From present - indications tne new
town will have rajiroad service by next
June. ThpIa wfllh electrlcjlighted.4
power coming rrom uain aits on
tL.v nASohittaa Ha nnwAri n a nt , m n
u.D ..aa. ;v.w. rrr v-r""
mills are being worked the full capac-
ity to supply lumber for this project
Goal City, at 2800 feet altitude, places
,x: m . 1 ii
it out 01 rauH u "-
An abundant water supply for the ew
fronj Opal Springs, from the Deschutes,
orT from, wells which are now. being
Of! Ilea. ,,,. .....
. -The name Opal City originated rrom
the fact that opals have been found in
the springs nearby.
t , . - ji . 11 'i
3rfes of Pavement
Be Laid .Next'
. - i will L.I
lata in roruana. next .u.. nw
Deen laia aunng tne enure niowry ui
the city, i Portland now has about 60
mites of hard surface pavement It Is
estimateo. mat cioae to k ,1 "1
asphalt, bitullthlc ; Hassam, brick and
Belgian block Streets will be laid next
year. - ' - " " ' '
.mayor Bimon nil limt m wmiuni
year Portland will havea good tref
as sny city in tne wwi inu uwrouin-ui..
fares of which its cltisena may e1M
proua,' 11m kcuuu. i ,.,,w, .- splendid T'imate, the.' womlerrul fertll
eludo practically every district in the Jt ot jt surrounding country, tha tu
eity. ,Four of the larger undertakings, DendouB waterpower awaiUng develop-
which' will. taice tn taureinurst, jrving-
ton. King's Heights and Council Crest, 1
wiu cost over n,,vv,
tne expenanure 01 Hrjt-.nui - ,
- It Is a little doubtful whether enough
contractors can be secured to put-ddwn
all of the proposed new pavements next
summer,- but Mayor Simon thinks Port
land has put up-wita poor streets long
enough, and lt Is his purpose ts expe
dite fhe work.
Bfforts will be made to ley ss many
water mains as possible before ths hard
surface psvements am laid. The mayor
said early In his administration that he
was opposed to the laying of mains
where' it was necessary to tear up an
Improved street. The pipes snouid oe
laid first, he says.. ArrenUngly he will
sk the council to call s special . elec-
k of the people When it meets ne
Wednesdsy for the purpose of passing
measure which will Improve the sys
tem of laying mains.
City Engineer Morris Has tne plans
nd specifications for rooet of the work
In his office. Plds will be advertised
for early In the spring snd the contrac
tors will be put to work on the vast
Improvements as soon ss is advisable.
- . ' -
' The Woodburn Orrftard company ef
this city have sub-divided ii rr of
eprle land four ml:e et of Wootf
bam. into fire and 1 acre tracts, and
have placed the lard oa tha market
Th, alas have aa eplton on Tl acre
this nin Jitrlct. The company is 1 n
.i,tr. tren. F. R s:.kkora ar.4 It
H. M. Patton ef Iv-riiarS are pree'ije't
r.d "ce rre'l'rit Te-r-e lively. r- F.
uarnm a fair, ,T--rt lton tr v
m aril the pre1dnf tt r llrmrn
triir.k of tv.t r!tf, ac4 G
W It if?-r-. tk rttr ef Same
- t' -I'irr 'i trt-,-r
Realty Dealer Makes Ions:
Trip Through East and
South Returns to City
Filled with Optimism for
the Future. -
Fred A. Jacobs, president of ' ths
Jacoba-Stlne company, returned . last
weak from a .two months' trip througu
out ths east, having visuea a 11 ui mi
larcae Atlantic coast cities and cov
ered a distance of over 12,000 miles.
iMrjirnhi returns to Portland brim
bull - .f. ondfc.i!.f the tutunot
1- ... f . evidpnce, 0f prosperity
avervwhers." said Mr. Jacobs. "For the
first Urns in over two years, the rail
roads are . unable to keep pace with
the growth of their business; the mills
. . . . i 1
are wonting over time, . anu iiiwi-jb
a aeneral feeling of confidence through
out the entire eastern and southern.!
"I met a great many people wno
had been to the coast during the ex
position, and almost without exception.
thav , were more lavoramy lmpreaaea
Pie assured me that theyv Inter,
lern neignai
these peo-.
pis. assured me that theyv intended to
move west during the' coming year
and they are all coming to Oregon.
"I. believe that we are on the verge
e , A nHobinn Im rrhwth. finn it ' we
I will onlv do our share ,towaras , man-
lngvPortland a beautiful city, the time
j is pdt 1 far distant when-here ; will be
- 1 pno, jnj? . srwi ..vnm... ..v w
1 union. , . V .
'The people of Portland Inay rnot
realise It but .Portland has- better
J transportation to the eastern cities than
any .other city on the Paclfio coast.
pn tT .t . -
1 noura i ""J
.In - ... .v.. tlm. I. unf ri dlotant whin
1 man no van ociu i i.iiv.bvu, -
.. k-- V, -o
T " , : "
----- r
1 . . "ortlaad for JaooDS.
I Mr. Jacobs says that he, is jnore
I pleased with , Portland than ever, after
I having visited the east, and mat ne
iiunics s rormna iwn uUUtu
1 ones every year just to see now j...
city is keeping pace with others, and
that he will come back every vthne
1 ""v,v-". - , -r -
great movement in nearly all of the 3
places that 1 visited . towards tne aaop
tiop or plans sior, tne Deauurying, 01
the cities and for the improvement' of
, - jt. (nhohitont. of 1h
1 ... . Vul rr-l- c t
I cit es, ""y k-i-V
r-,: Haoo
uuflincj . m-sw w..--. . --r
1 '-w.kiia- , iiHllt.A . and Imorovemetitfl,
1 mio '"'" " ;:Xi - 1 ZZ
the .children from the ools on?ex-
1 rnralons inroun tne. great, uiuusuui
I .C v. .Wk n
Pin, JT.,-. "iT-Vi
workings or eacn ''''"
out the- great department - stores, r; i
1 4 .. .t. im nt tha rh11rlren
. "i.-,"7,7 7'
serious 1 thoughts which will tenq . to
awaken in them , an interest which, la
now laying dormant..
- Tell About Tuberculosis. u
"While In New York I noticed on one
of tho main corners 0.f Broadway; an
immense store room which had been
fitted ud as a laboratory to show the
ravages of tuberculosis, and as to how
it should be prevented. This laboratory
is visited by, thousands of people a May,
I was told that the jTesults were, be
yond comprehension.- As a result of
this fight against tuberculosis, -the
building department of tho city of New
York passed new laws regarding the
construction of tenement, houses with
sanitary conveniences 'and with ample
light and in a' few years tne dare pea-
rooms of the tenements will be a thing
of .the past. ' : - -
i, CTT juiiBiaiiu.( . . i, Mja miiiui '.ki.u.u
climate and barren soil Is forced to
dew)nd ttj,oll U, hgn class manufactur.
, - ... nmMrit. nd -Verv town . in
New England is devoting its energies to
ward making the surroundings of the
working men as pleasant as possible, 'A
wonderful improvement has been made
durlng the past few years In the con-
ditlon of the streets,-of tha parka, of
,k-,M.. mrrnunit nr tha ilnnMi inil
otner outward evidences of a beauUful
. .. ... . . a
(r''When I thought of Foreland with Its
lt. mssnificent orchards, to say
.,v,. . matrhleaa aoenerv. 1 fcnn-
not conceive how any person csn keep
Sales .recently made by Grussi II.
Zadow. agents: Three lot. Santa Rosa
Park, to R. C. Baker. $400; lots lf 2
and 25, block 8, Fafrmount addition,
to" J. W. Thurman, $475 lots 1 20.
21 and 3S, block S, Falrmount addition,
to Dr.. Mey Churchman, $00; Jot'SOx
100 on Eleventh' street, between Hall
and College, S flats. 1 cottage, for Bin
ford Bros., to A. L. Clark, $4500; house
and Int. 2 Bell avenue, Areher Place,
for Mrs. Kemp, to A. J. Monsell. $40;
lot 5 in Vance tract, 19 acres en .Sec
lion Line msd. to J. H. Reed, for
I1JS9: .20 aires 6n Itectlon Line road
knear Rex; k wood rosd. for J. H. Johnson.
to 1 A. Harned. $S0OO lots 11 and
12 and west $1 1-$ feet of lots and
10. block 11. Alblna Homestead, to F.
M. Criteser. $5:i; lot 10. block t, Al
blna Homeateatt to Mary Criteser. ISi;
sew bungalow on northweat corner east
Thirty-ninth and".. Stevens. for Eaet
Side Conetruction company, to Anna C
Kraderv. tZi9; house and lot 19 Kaet
Taylor street, between Fourteenth and
Fifteenth, for A B. Brown, Ii00; lot
Ii, block 2. ?panton's addition, for W.
A. PlT.nejr. to H- P. Jlon, t2. lot
19, block 1. Lon's sddltton, for J. H.
rietrher. to A C Culberth. IT5S; lot
J. blvxk 11". Carvthers' addition, 12
room hoaae en watT rear Glhba. tar
H. Ptelnfcrth, to Ci r. UirTi",
ItS'Ve; Kt I. t K tt t , t-J'e1SM.
foe Gwr tM'klrk, 19 R. F. Parker.
( lark Winle. .tock.
(ark -lra. t!c per '.
"arii t r!.., I pr re.
t.rk tt f.r jr vwi.
1 .-:
he ef tf.
t- 1 f e
1 a: '
r k l r