t THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21. 1P09. JOLLY MARK SMITH RIVALS TAFT I ON CINCINNATI GOLF LINKS I- T - , mmmmmmmm ssssssssweaasaasj aw mmm mmwnm b ! ' -! f : ,'M(V. sours, foe hs ha been connected with many, of tha leadlne; eomatltes to enjoy Metropolitan tuni In recent years, and Ms support will be exactly as een In New Vork. . "Mr. Hopklnson". will be the Attraction a the 1'ortland theatre fur els evenings, brglnnlns; November !. - , v ' . i Jolinson-Ketchel Fight. , (A syndicate of local theatrical men, by the payment of an extraordinary amount of money, have secured direct from J. W. Cof froth, Stanley Ketchel. Jack Johnson and .the late Willis lirltt. the exclusive rlshta for .the states' of -Oregon and Washington for the exhibition of the motion pictures of the "prise flsht" which-took place at Colma, CaL. October II, between Jack Johneon. the black ' champion 01. me world, and BUnley Ketchel. . These remarkable pictures will be ex. htblted at. the Dakar theatre for three days, commencing with Sunday, No vember 18. Thus far these pictures have been exhibited only at Hsrnston's Victoria theatre In New York ' city. where they ran for three weeks, and at the Majestic theatre In Chicago. Oscar Hamston contracted for the ex hibition of these clotures for one week with the privilege of another, and the result waa that they drew so strongly and awakened such public interest that he ran them for two weeks more and to standing room only. ' ine management 01 xne numr mir has decided to exhibit these "prise fight" pictures at popular prices, and on Sunday, November 28, beginning at o'clock. hey will be shown every hour on the even hour. The New York and Chicago papers pronounce the pic ture as the very best prize right rum that has ever been turned out.- It con sists of 2500 feet, every .round being completely shown, and .-every , blow struck- Is perfectly clear to the eys. The New York World. In a recent re port of the picture, said the audience at I Until ton's Victoria theatre In New York arose and cheered when Ketchel knocked Johnson down In the last round with as much enthusiasm as If the people had been actually present at the ringside. Ttie private exhibition, of the flint will be given In a few days for the benefit of the newspaper men of this city, for the purpose of convincing the sporting editors, as well as all critics, that these are the absolutely genuine fight pleturee." In fact, the manage ment desires to be placed on record for an order to the sum of 16000 In gold to any recognised charitable Institution tri the city of Portland If It can. be shown that at any stag of the proceed ings this picture Is not, absolutely the genuine picture, or that any other con cern has any legal or moral light to exhibit thla picture In the '. states qf Oregon or Washington. Oulmera's "La Pecadora." which haa been translated Into English by Wal lace Ullpatrlck smd Outdo Marburg, under the title of "Heart Hungor,H haa Just had a successful premiers In one of the theatres of Parts, "with Mlml Agug 11a. the. Sicilian star, In the leading role. One of the novelties In 'The Jolly Bachelors." the new Ftelds-Shubrrt re view, Is a scene showing the three decks of the Lusltanla. "The Lily." the first play written by David Belaaco since "The Girl of the Golden West." will be given Its' first production at New York on December 23. 1 The play Is an adaptation from me Trench of Pierre Wolff and Oaston Bronx's drama, "lie Lys." rt will have Ha Initial performance in Washington, BUNGALOW THEATRE lflTK AXO HOWSOJr Phones ML 117 and A-4224 Mark Smith With "The Traveling Salesman.' Mark Smith, .who plays the part of Bob Blake," the drummer, with "The Traveling Salesman" company, which comes to the Bungalow theatre for the first four days of the week. Is a golf , enthusiast beju known as one of the "regulars" at the links frequented by President Taft. at Cincinnati. Mr. Smith and President Taft has met sev eral times on the links and the latter has good reaspn to respect and remem ber the- kind of golf the big athlete turns out. . Mr, Smith comes from Cincinnati,. and on his vacations In that city spends muck time on the splendid links in the suburbs. President Taffs partiality to the game is well known, and no one seeks the Cincinnati greens with keener delight than he, when Jn that city. Mr, Smith is not only a fine golf 1st, but a big- fellow; too; (this seems to be the heavyweight era) and In addition, one of the warmest hearted and most Jovial of good fellows, and It Is not surpris ing ttiat he and the president have found themselves mutually attracted. Mr. Smith has played on most of the best courses in the country, and a new coure rarely gets him worried, which goes far toward keeping his reputation up and his score card down. PROMISES MADE BY 'THE PEESS AGENTS (Continued from Preceding Page.) picture quite appropriate on account of the fact that Thanksgiving day win shortly, be celebrated, portrays the ad' ventures o( a young man who after many nps and downs In life, finally won " oui in villus to save mo laimiy iroin sorrow ; and starvation. "From , Work' house to Mansion" Is a romance detail' ing In jrraphlo ; manner the- loyalty of a young girl' who was taken by a fam ily fronjithe poor.house and who finally succeeded in winning the heir to the household, and another very appropriate picture entitled "Woman's Rights Bat tle," a rattling comedy. Jean Wilson will sing an up to date ilustrated song and Miss ' Marguerite McKlbbln Will offer, a very pretty lit tle act Including a, number of character songs. Thy performance on Sunday be gins at 1 o'clok and runs through con tinuously until It p. m. . The manage ment has added ' a number of heaters and the theatre) Is naw warm and com fortable. , rf - "' , "King Dodo" Next Sunday. "King Dodo," the' Pixley , and TLudera comedy opera,' will be the attraction at the , Bungalow" theatre, Twelfth and Morrison streets, for four nights .begin ning: next Sunday,' November 28, under the direction of John Cort This de lightful opera is wald to excel all others of like nature In its humor and spark ling melody. -The, scenic display, the gowilng and the ensemble Is said to be . superior : to the great majority of similar entertainments. : There 1s a- lot -of bright ' music' In "King-Dodo."n The Solos are all above the -ordinary In pojht and; njerlt, while the' -choruses :re aid ' to have ; ring that malce them take, with the audience. As a comedy, there Is not a dull mo ment In the performance. Seats go on sale next Friday, November 26. "iIr. Hopkinsoiu" Sam S. & Lee S. Shubert will follow "The Bachelor," at the Portland, with the international, comedy, "Mr. Hopkin- son," with Dallas Alelfor.d In the stellar role. .This play of everyday life by R. C. Carton enjoyed a. 'two yeai run at the Wyndhara theatre, London, be fore Its American, premiere and In this country and in Great Britain, it proved a success rrom its initial presentation at the Savoy theatre, New York, where it ran for seven months, only jo be moved for a five months' run at trie Hackett playshop, , before being sent westward.. .Dallas Melford, who Is star ing In the piece; is well known to play- 4 Nights, Beginning TONIGHT. Matinee Wednesday HENRY B. HARRIS PRESENTS The nr f h" W f . p'il W A Comedy by James Forbes, Author of "The Chorus Lady." vara six TEBEB MONTHS TIT VEW YOB.K 11T CHICAGO XN BOSTON PRICES sTzirxHa- Lower Floor $1.50-81.00 Balcony ; ,,.$1.00- .76 Gallery -60 Loge Seats, $1.50. Boxes, $12.00 MATZSTES - Parquette. .$1.50. Par. Or... $1.00 Balcony ,$1.00- .75 .Gallery 50 Loge Seats, $1.50. Boxes, $9.00 Soon to Appear Here in Vaudeville A ' SH- ' is " y s v-'"'VA x f " ::x;-v;::v:.::v.v.:. lllllilliiii ' V- s s "s; Tlianksglvirlo Attraction BUNGALOW THEATRE 19 TR AMD MORRIS OW Phones Main 117 A-4934 3 Nights, 2 Matinees, :i&7RlSS2Sk Nov. 25 WSC A. BSABT AUTTOCnfCXS PXR5T WX STUBS TOTB Wright Lorimcr IW TBB SPECTAOtTbAB DBAMA "The Shepherd King STUPENDOUS SOEinO PXODUO- - now COMPAST Another "Ben Hur" N. T. Sun. N 70-PEOPLE--70 BXJCE1CBEB OPE3TS THUnSOITOTO lCATUrEE PRICES - BTEVXVOS- Lower Floor $1.60-11.00 Balcony ll.00-.75 Gallery .60 KATZBSB Lower Floor $1.00 Balcony 76-.50 Gallery 25 SEAT SAUB OPSZTS HZZT TUE8DAT I 4 Nights NovJ8-29-30 Dccl AT BUNGALOW THEATRE Ss. "KING DODO" Saat Sal Opens Friday, Nov. 26 r i Donald Bowles. Donald Bowles, perhaps' one ef the iSKMt popular actors who erer afP' In this dty. opened fc'S Tews " tile en-s-agemeiit. on. toe Orphennt drcoit la rane we sgo today. His f.laylet Is "flulltr." written empreily fr him by Victor Smaller. Is sJto the eo- U.cr ft the eketcli "Nerre." In which Ci-rw p ! isottkiu t srpre1 tn eiwh .rl"l'd eflvarttasT' st tt?" O-retrm a '.irt tin . J-ii'i' r" '." Mr. h I- J ;t t t ' ' f e f 5 "n looking- for. It runs the entire ramst. ; from llsht. hrr comedy te petboe, and finally W lh most lntnly ra- , matlc Th eketch has been likened to "Kafnea," bwt It re-iTiMn the former only In the fact that the hero le e bonelr nursler. In all r('ii the riot tn er,trlT eH1nsl. Mr. fflende will be (1M to hr that his sketch has t."H Ti-nlr rerrtT Sid ytnminr to e a p--t S ri I t se-i et f vri t-:, ti ) : i PANTAGES THEATRE ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE STARS OF ALL NATIONS Week Commencing Monday Matinee, November 22 ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY CapLStonewall and His Educated Sea Lion "Dick" Direct from a Sensational Season at the New York Hippodrome, We" S. HARVEY & CO. 1 Marvekxis Equilibrists. SWIFT & CASEY Msslcal Omedtsns. LEO WHITE mnstrate Ballad. . OLEN BURT Hebrew Parodist Jarvis, Mann & J u rend a Harmony Rltifera. PANTAOESCOPE lstet Animated Ereatn. STxczAX nraAO GOLDEN & ARDITH im lb Rnnrtnc Tarcelet. "WANTED-AN ASSISTANT" frfn'tr r-'- V'te IHt'y ; "'nf. 1 l. 7 1 1 a4 .. P, C, on Peoeniter I, and after a week there sad a week In Pittsburg tt kwlll be then In New York for the op(iin( of tn new llolssoo-Biuyvrsant theatre, Juet completed, - , ' g i -. 1. X.-Jl.-. iu f Thursday Evening Dec. 2 Bangalow Theatre SEAT CAXJB opsjrs TUX89AT, HOT. SO. MR. FRITZ E I E V I 0 L I racxsi 82.50 S2.00 - Sl.SO - Sl.OO Box Seats, 03. OO Klingenberg Bettman Chamber Music Concert TUE89AY ETEJUsTOf NOVEMBER 30 8:15 O'CLOCK, Women of Woodcraft Hall TESTS AVO TATIiOH. Tickets on Sale at Sherman,' Clay & Co. hi 443 A 7085 PORTLAND wnU ft Drew, ataaafars THEATRE acamafe. Wash. laftoa Sam S. & Lee Shubert, Inc., -.Present fors Six NJjhts, Com. tSundiy, Nov. 21, With Thursday (Thaoki ivlo; Day) Matinee ; THE ACCOMPLISHED ENGLISH ACTOR Mr. Charles Cherry AND TUB ORIGINAL. CAST DIRECT FROM TUB MAX. INK ELLIOTT THEATRE, NEW YORK. IN ' "Tie lackloF" A DK LIGHT FT L COMEDY IN I ACTS BY CLYDE FITCH Cast Includes Ruth MaycKffe Lillian Paige, Alice RIker, F, Perctral Stevens, Ralph Morgan, Charles Ilte. Light as a Feather and Clean aa a Quaker Household. The Play Staged nU Produced by the Author. niCXm Evenings, Mo to l.aa, Xatiaeea. Bon to $1M X -COMING- The greatest comedy seen on the Paclflo Coast In years, Mr. Hopkinson with Dallas Welford commencinir Aionaay evening, novemDer z, xor one weeK onjy. . a ANOTHER. SHUBERT ATTRACTION. SEAT SALX THURSDAY GRAND VAUDEVILLE WEEK Of NOV. 22 Tom Linton And his Jungle Maids. Zulu Festival of Songs and Dances. Inza and Lorella Sensational Acrobatic Comiques. Rusticana Trio The Parisian Minstrels. Josephine Gass- man And her Pickaninnies, in Coontown Festivities. Von Mitzel and Maynard Prize Comedy Playlet, "Cu pid's Coincidence." W. C. Hoefler and Assistant In Cycle Humorism and Cycle 5ensation. Fred Bauer Illustrated Song. Grandascope Original Subjects First -. Prtxl action. : , Fheici Malt 2 lie A-SWI JrXATDra MXQX CX.A8S SOA ATTBAOTZOirS AT rOPTIXAS ISZCXS BAKER THEATRE geo. &. sJter. Pen. Mr All Week Commencing Sunday Matinee November 21. 1909 Today . BARTON. &WISWELU OFFER THE BIGGEST HIT. IN TEN YEARS IN By BEULAH POYNTER ' . Dramatized From Mary J. Holmes Novel A Record Breaker, In Every City of the United States and Canada. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DAY MATINEE THURSDAY Bargain Matinee Wednesday, 25c all Seats Reserved.' Sunday, Thursday and Saturday Matinees, 25c, 50c. Evening Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c,$1.00. Coming, December 5 "45 Minutes From Broadway." DATX.T XATOTS 18 83- Me. (Holiday Katinees, might Frloes.) Phone. Main 6 A 1020 Commencing Monday Matinee V ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Nov. 22nd thb TsssAxns ooKBsmarxs nussimaro "An Afternoon at Home A KTTSZOAZi MOHOZ.OOTTX 99 Special Priced Matinee TODAY 25c, SOc EVA TAYLOR AVB BSa PU.TBB.SJ , In the Picturesque Comedy Novelty DREAMONA By Lawrence G rattan JOHN BIRCH The Man With the Hats" ROSA ROMA Violin Virtuoso STELLA H.MORRISINI AS9 XXB UAKirO BTBxmiAir wolp Komros THE FOUR FLOODS Acrobatic Merry-IHakers -- M eyers &. Rosa The Cowboy and Girl Lariat Experts Evening Frlces: 15c, 25c, SOc, i7Cc DAU.T KATZITEB ISo, 8 So, BOe. (KoUday Hatlaees might Prloes.) r TA1 TiEMffi Starting Today, 1 P. M. PICTURES ABSOLUTELY NEW The Best Man Wins Exciting Western Comedy-Drama Three Thanksgivings A Tale of Honest Effort MargnerUeltlcUibhon In Character Song, WorkhonsetorJansIon A Pretty Romance Woman's Rights Baltic Farce Comedy Jean Wilson .Illustrated Song Special Concerts Wllh the -Automatic Orchestra C3000 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY &IOWS BEGIN AT 1 P. I DAILY SHOWS BEGIN AT 2 P. 1. - 10c GENERAL ADTTIS CIO T.'l1