THE OREGON SUNDAY .JOURNAL. PORTLAND.' SUNDAY 'J.- "ft! " ! 1 . -I U. 1 MUl4JUimJUULBJUV'WmV. J.J Jl .-J...UUI MORNING. UOVLKLZli n i 7 1 0. t 'It si j- )' ) .. .eav . V -' ,-r"X 4 SM- .WRIOHT LORIKER .THE SHEPHERD KING" v. V''W-eV 1 r 4j MARK AS OB J5LAKE , "VITH i TH.E. AT TH t LOVE'SCBUE FROM' 'THE 5nEPHE--RD KING' 9FEMTNQ TrtAVK5ZVZJVG ZW, f 3 WIGHT J) , ' 9- O U A J mw3 iiwa CHAjS'. CHEKRY in "THE EACHELGR'' AT THE PORTLAND.., .PC3K.EP. SCENE' tr "THE e THB BUNGALOW NIGHTS BEG. TONIGHT 4Wl wa 1 :'':;: 5r. a 1t 5 1 PROMISES MADE BY l THE PKESS AGENTS "The Traveling Salesman" Tonight. "The Traveling Salesman,' ! James Forbes' latest comedy success, which Is the second' attraction" f Ifwiry IJ. Har ris, at the Bungalow, theafre,Tw'elfth and Morrison streets, 'and which begins tonight an engagement of four Dibits and '.a-Wednesday matinee, isi. -comedy of character and is distinguished by an abundance of wholesome humor, ener getic actlofl. breexy dialogue and sympa thetic touches of human emotions, that marked the author's previous offering, "The' Chorus Lady," Mark Smith will be seep in the role of Bob Blake, the jovial, typical ""knight, of the road," who finds the romanee-of his life lnkthe Grand Crossing railroad station where he has been marooned on a cheerless Christmas day. Miss Miriam Nesbitt will appear In the part of the sympathetic station operator and ticket agent, who shares, her meager Christmas 'lunch with the ; persuasive stranger,-and presently finds his heart enmeshed in tha tendrils of his love.- These represent two as ap - rajinir character as have ever been seen inn American play. ' -, ne story or i ne l raveling oaies- . man" is simple and to the point. . Both I Klilott Is About- to. lose ;ftn apparently worthless piece of land through a tax ale. A- professed - lover, Franklyn Royce, enters into a plan with a mil lionaire sharper to buy , it in, knowing that the railroad wants it; 'and' will pay any price to acquire It. During a poker rams In - the . second act, which inci dentally la the "most laughable creation that- ever emanated from the brain of a playwright, Royce becomes. Intoxicated, and babbles, about the scheme to Blake, who Is already head over heels In love with thei fcirl. Blake anticipated the in tended flank movement-of tha -.enemy and plans to block It. This Impetuous action on hi part involves , -htm in Mil sorts of predicament, and imp'rllahls position with- his firm. His motive ts misconstrued by the girl, and for awhile Ms affair of the heart is in danger, si-' though before the final curtain falls, everything is straightened out. and the. pair are happily married. Throughout the entire action of the play mirth runs riot, and, the audienoa is never, for a moment without a hearty laugh. Others in the company which helped make the piece such an emphatic sue rmi during Its metropolitan runs are James CTNelll Jr., Clifford Stork. Law rpne e Sheeban, Theodore Khrw!d, In- irt Jarrt-tt, Guy B. Hoffmann. Einmrtt (Phakleford. Robert Hamilton. 'Miss Itn Hur5cer. Mi Marion Ktephenaon nd Mis Virginia. Hamilton. Beats are Tiosr switng at theatra for the entire c- gagement. 7. X W f A" no KISS EMMA" BUNTING xn"L"E-NA RIVERS V DRAMATIC CALEXDAIt FOB THE WEEK " BUNGALOW Tonight, tomorrow, Tuesday arid Wednesday, "The Trav eling Salesman"; Tnursday," Friday and Saturday, Wright Lorlmef" I-.' in "The Shepherd King." " PORTLAND Tonight and week, C:srlcs Cherry in "The Bachelor." BAKER- "Lena Rivers." , .-. ORPHEUM-Vaudeville. . - , y ORANI Vaudeville. ' ' - ! . PANTAGES--Vaudeville. Br- XEXT -WEEK'S OFFERINGS . PORTLAND- "Mr; Hopklnson' BUNGALOW Sunday, -iionday, Tiesday Wednesday, "King Dodo.' . Kln-tbe-rd King" at Bungalow. One tf tha mot retrtafkable 4rnatic J roduetlona- f the will b pr n1el at the Bungalow theatre. Twelfth and Morrlsoa tret, for five perform- o. -g Inning Tbantdar afiomonm. Now-iW II. Thsnksglvtrsg day. "The tfhrptimri Kig." th t'rnf"Jt-dly im t etT- an-t : samptuBnily protord -)Mt.:l f-- ta4 a , lry of tha ) '.t IwiTtJ tntn tyhrri boy ta king ' f ti , Mr y r- t Iof I-rr. vis be, r1Ma f t i.-it,' !r f-f -'fcl. ' ( f i- ;'? l .f t Campbello, Daniel Lawler. "Walter H. Brown. Axel Bergstroni, Helen Singer, KredeHca Gorn-f, .Alison Sklpworth. Ruth Copley and Miss Ivak' Ferric will dance a series of Egyptian dances char acteristic of the period. Seats go on sale next Tuesday, November 23. i- ? It I j t ' . - rt t f r .... 9 . r j , 't r"'r. rrr It j f-r, t.f Ctuurfea Cherry In Tbe Barhelor. Cbarlea Cherry's first appearaooa aa a star In this city will be signalized tonight at the Portland theatre for six evenings and matinees on Wednesday and Thursday (Thanksgiving day), hen tha Bhuberts present him in Clyde Pitch's latest. camedy, Th Bachelor." Th- piece was first presented in New York, where It ran for many months at the Uaxine Elliott theatre, a-tlnr from there ta the Whitney, Chicago, Its rrearntaUoa. there-fore, fcaa been limit ed to the citle - The jLacb'lor- falla lota Jfr. Piteh-a artistic ar-heme aa a eompaaioa piece tor tJirla.- taking from the east f ttie tatter te star of thV former. In Mrlr th bachelor maids wtU evr marry eo thy y. But they 6n In th'J tt pi-, however, the HrM'tr msa IU -ftr--r !:p him Y4 through I yk f in!f c.or, mn4 tr!btr la "t; Tie- Vr r"- st'itK-a . hrtrm i ;. - w r s .ts Goodale. We see him first a bachelor not only by fate but by conviction- with a young and fair atenoaraoher. Her name Is Jenny when she typewrites. Jenny, however. Is only her "50m de macnine," in reality she Is Milllcent Rendell, once wealthy, and the daughter of a Judge. The judge ts dead, tha wealth swept away, and Milllcent. now Jenny, la tha support. of mother and a young brother. She confesses to Billy, her brother, that aha lovea her bach- elor employer.- Billy, anxious to do his sister a good turn, has a private Inter view with Goods lei 4 which ha informs the bachelor of Jenny's love and 00a vlnres him that it is his duty to marry ber - Goodala . nobly proposes and la Joyfully - accepted. When Billy tells Jenny bow cleverly be baa managed it all her heart la, of -pours, broken pro tern. She releases Ooodala. Tha bachelor is somewhat aur prised to find that the release causes him no doJtght. Ha beromea wooer In earn-pat, and finally all la aa It abould be, The cast present probably one f the best comedy canr-antea ever seen. Rath Msvc'itffe Is the leading lady or rath-r Sir It. and others in tha company are Ttaljrti Morgan. Charles Laite, Lillian Psige, Alice Kike ,a4 T. Perdval Staroaa. - . - - - . ' .- . ! "L-ma lUTevV at the Raker. It Is r-!l thst piars d'T-Irr-d frntn nvf-f ui twx. artv--l ta twn rlt-iut a ff tt '. v-- t---r t" rr-l-T-f r f ire theatre-goer, who makes" it a point to see everything that holds out promise of good -entertainment. If this is so. ft is easy to understand that the- dra matised version of "Lena Rivers,1 by Mary Jt Holmes, which ' is to, be made; known at "tha 'Baker alf. week starting with today's matinee, has-proved im mensely attractive. - The -opening-sceaa. of -tha play-is an exterior. ' On one aide is Granny Nich ols, little -cottage, with its vtne-eovered porch, and the old-fashioned flowers. In the distance Is seen the' old Massa- -chusetts hflla and the little village of Slocumville. he second act is taken to the "green fields of Kentucky," where Granny and Lena have gone to maka their home. - Three plctnren or tha old Livingstone estate are . ahown In. the last three; acta, two interior and one exterior. - , The aucceaa of the play has' been ex traordinary. No comedy produced In recent years has approached It In . the matter of popularity. It follows tha book very closely; It is clean and whole some. Its ecenea and -Incident divert ing, and It is full of good humor, ragged epigrams and beautiful gown a. The bargain rfiatinea will, k' given ai usual Wednesday and regular matinee Sat urday. There will also b a special Thanksgiving day matinee Thursday ; ' '. . - . ". The 'Orpbeom'i Xew Bill. For one week, beginning Monday mat inee, November 22, the bill la high class la every respect, and well tip to the Orpheum standard. Florence Bindley, tha headilner, la a versatile comedlense. presenting a clever musical monologue entitled "An Afternoon at Hornet X ir Bindley. Is sua exceptional daacer, and she gives a comber of imitations and sfnrs soma rattling good aonga. Stella H. Itorrlsinl is on of tb most rromlaeoti animal tralrwrs In Karope. Pb has never before exhlbird hr beau tiful Siberian wolf hounds and Shetland rwil'S tn AmTlc-a. hit wh she ort Hre a enoet prtfTitloij rwrfmBr-e ts 1rt"d f nr. t ( " -...- ! T -1 ir n4 ftt miwpar-r ar r-- .r-f,r.$ $ ' f ar.l j.U t r --, -s TOK LINTOK' " ' ' - V . f . -' . .V . ,'l . ,r' I "i 'V " 1 comedy novelty entitled ; "Dreamona." MIhs Taylor last season- distinguished herself in vaudeville by her delightful presentaMon of .the - Frohman farce "Chuma.'' Tho scene of th.i 'Itlle com edy Is laid in. Dreamona's tropical gar den near New Orleans, The story be gins with the humorous hard luck sit uation in which a sporting man and his valet ' find themselves arter . an all nlght'e march through the marshes; worn 'out by . their long Journey they lie down on the lienchea and are soon fast asleep. At this Juncture Dreamona. who is the victim of the sleep walking naoii,. appear on the so?ne carrying a l'.ghtej candle as if In search of something, at ! unique and original throughout,, and there is a laugh every second. John Birch quaintly known aa "the man with the hats,", ia always welcome on fcny vaudeville bill, for he can be de pended upon to bring something new. Jugglers have at times gotten a great deal of. fun out uf hats. Dut.Mr. Birch has evolved a complete story. . The Four Floods are announced aa acrobatic merry makers, which describes their act precisely, except it might be added that they preaent something new la the way af a gymnastic perform ance. . The beautiful Rosa Roma, a violin virtuoso; will be a feature. Miss Roma s in a class by herself, for aaide from her skill and technique aa a vlrtaoao, she has a personality that completely capti vates ber andleocea. . -, Meyers and Rosa, as the cowboy and girl : lariat expert. accomplish sots marvelooa feats la the wsy of lariat throwing. ' 1 w IflSS ROSA - D""l .... -. -m . m a?U mo ; 1 j sensational' act 'of it kind 'ever seen in the west. . Not only is- the sea Hon a rare animal,-but none of the few In captivity at the present time ha even shown any degree of Intelligence. Bu "Dick,', under the careful tuition of hi trainer, haa, learned - many clever 'and difficult tricks and these he will pre sent during his appearance here. Among tne tricks ha performs is the rldlni of a i bareback pony - around the - im provised ring on the stage at top speed while balancing a ball on his nose. A splendid group of harmony , singers are Jar vis, Mann and Jurenda, and their voices will be - heard v with -good effect' In all the latest popular hits or the day, -besides a ljberal Inter sprinkling of classical selections. One of the cleverest 'sketches of an athletic sort will serve to introduoe Golden and Ardlth.. The scene . of -the playlet is At Pan tag-. Se common nave trained animal aets -beroae on the vaudeville stage In oewt yoar - that - the amusement seek ing tvbUc fvs twlrw tfor visiting . r(tur pirnr here each an act "in dvertiwd. But aa nlcru anfmsl set will be t-e ir.n ltne attraction at Ps- Mf.Jsr tr.'i?-) Xovir.rtt t. TM. laid In the Interior. of a gymnasium. The proprietor ha " advertised for an assistant and men of all, nations apply for tha- position. . ; A . monologist and Hebrew narodlsn win orrer the latest in funny stories and. parodies for the approval of Pan tages patrons. .Swift and Casey are a duo of enjoyable musical, comedians, and they make their act worth while with -their-excellent playing on .vari ous musical' instruments, Including ac- cordiana, trombones and musical pipea They,- too; do many things to arouse merriment.' A duo of baianoers of in ternational reputation are W. 8. Harvey and hi , assistant, t Mr. Harvey i the only man In the world who can balance a piece of paper an his chin, light It and let it burn completely npk Be sides, this feat, he balances a bedstead, all kinds of bottle and lampe. mak ing Ms act a most entertaining one. Leo Whit will be hward tn a new bal lad, while tha Paotaa-eerop wtil oon tlaue to preaent tha latest in animated eventa. , ' '-.., - I ' Va-jderille at the Oasxl, . Ne bill far maoy weks pant has promised more attractions tha a the new program which open at the Grand wilth the matin lomorrow, Tn , feature aill to- Tom Linton and his "Jang! Maids la a Zulu festival. This act baa been a enatrn wherevr it Has eppY"d th Su"!,vai Jk Coad- dine The tx f aging sad s ac- tr.g Jungle girls are gol lor.klng ng h set Is ef tre k 'nd 1 1 h invar Mr p!s a vs4tii; aji;ff, i:ti girfa !s Ntl Wi Ttra a ho if i a stella Vr. rronjiifrkz .'A centrla on the cyclej W. C. Hoefier will be one of the star features. He im said to be tlie. originator ?f much .of the comedy -. cycling- tricks .and his act la used to Introduce many neW fcata; .. The parision minstrels, otherwise the Rusttcana Trio, are an assured bit- in advance, The men possess fine sing ing voices and are masters of .musical Instruments. t This is - an . -act which comes with the best'of reputattoha nd 1 , the aty le . which never falls to de light the patrons of the ' Grand.. : I Insa and Lorella come from Europe and have a quantity of acrobatic-" ee centrlc comedy. Theteam has been a" distinct 'success' Jn the UnHed" States. duplicating the favorable Impression obtained abroad. ' . ' V' -, ' 'tTupld's Coincidence Is a playlet in - which Alexander Von Mltsel and Isle Maynard will be . seen. These people are recruit from the legltlnnite and have been s-n her with lading atars. Josephine- Gassman, and her colored boys form a merry trio from the aunny south and there win be a Dew lllua trated -ballad and hew motion picture. Todsy the lat performance wHI be given f th how which haa been nc!t biti the past wf a. ; , - - - - - - - - .'.--. . Star Motion Ph-tare. The nw ft 111 which or n at tha Star theatre matlne today ail! conaist of four snore than ordinarily excellent picture tiTr b fore exhibited la this ty. The character change acta and i;iutrtd Kf, together with pclal corHvrts rf fred hf the automatic or f ntra. have girn tnnrh eatlf 'ariWn the pa't wek. The feature picture is " brenf wefer-n co-ney drama. "The p-eet Van W showlr Yrw t."i ltx-r r-n s st rrr ? f'-uc't ff-r a"l tk-w r. it t"T f'i,r t"-e Jeve ef e M itf a whirlwind - ', T--- I ' r- yt-tm tn te - It Ira risjr er- mil aJ tfce a.r ii.s rtgv'ar r if)