SECTION SIX 12 PAGES PORTLAND, . OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, ,1809,. , , DRAMATIC AND SPORTS -, v . - ;, . - ' . : Milling It is jmpcradvc that we close out the bulk of. our trimmed millinery this week.- In this section we will make a great clisplay dHiolida"y goods imme diately after Thanksgiving. 'We havenot minced matters in making these reductions,' but marked all hats at prices that must make them go. - t v Up to $30.00 French Imported Models , Up to $20.00 English .Tailored Hats . . Up to $10.00 Smart Trimmed Hats . . Up to $495 Stylish Trimmed Hats .. . Up to $14.00 Imported Untrimmed Hats $11.75 $11.75 $ 4.89 $2.95 $ 4.95 $5 Sepia Carbon Pictures, Special $2,98 -200 beautiful sepia carbon pictures in a variety of oyer 25 subjects by famous old masters. Framed in a 20 by 24 large 'oval mahogany tinted Colonial frame. Magnificent values. ' ... LinMs&Thanksgdv?g HIGH-CLASS UNKXS AT UNCOMMONLY LOW PRICES,- in exquisite Table Sets, Tablecloths, Teacloths, Damask and Napkins. - . BLEACHED LINEN TABLE SETS One Cloth with one dozen Napkins to match, regular price $!.()() the set, for ,.$3.10 One Cloth with one dozen Napkins to, match, regular price $(5.25 the set, for.- $5.35 One Cloth with one dozen Napkins to match; regular price $7.25 the set, for $0.15 One Cloth with one dozen Napkins to match, regular price $s.50 the set, for. .. $7.45 One Cloth with one dozen Napkins to match, regular price $!).00 the set, for, ...... .$7.05 One Cloth with one dozen .Napkins to match, regular price $12.50 the set, for..... .$10.75 TOWELS. OF EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Size Size Size Size Size Size Size Size '43x1 40x18 3(ixl8 38x20 40x21 42x2;l 48x2H 45x23 inches, Rleached Hemmed Huck, special, each , inches, Bleached Hemmed Huck, special, each' . inches,. Pleached All-Linen Hemmed Huck, special, each . inches, Bleach'ed Extra Linen, Hemmed Huck, special, each . inches, Pleached Extra Linen, Hemmed Huck, special, each . inches, Fringed Pleached Bath Towels, regular 25c, special . . inches, Hemmed Pleached Bath Towels, regular 30c, special ., inches, He rhmcd Extra Heavy Pleached, Bath Towels, special., .12c ...04? ,.17. ;.22 ,.31 .18 23 .31 BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK Lowney's Candies in Fresh. Tomorrow. fiO inches wide, Mercerized Damask, regular 50c, special at, the yard (55 inches . wide, All-Linen Damask, regular 85c, special at, the yard . "2 inches wide, All-Linen Damask, regular $1.00, special at, the yard ..38 .'.,.651 ....82 Handkerchief Sale For Men, Women and Children We can announce the successful' launching of our holiday Handker chief Sale. During the latter part of last week the buying' was enthu siastic and brisk. That we have made unusual preparations this sea son5 is shown by the elaborate dis play and enormous quantities of handkerchiefs on sale. r. None ..but, worthy qualities are. countenanced in our stock. 1 All offered at very material reductions. It is wise to buy now. 75c Ms. 47c Box 25c Handkerchiefs 17c -r-500 boxes of Ladies' Swiss Em- 150 dozen Ladies All Pure broideried Handkerchiefs. Three Linen and Swiss Hand-loom Em, in a box. -Just the thing for broidered Handkerchiefs, ' in Christmas gifts. - - many pretty patterns. SALE OF HOLIDAY APRONS DAINTY SERVING APRONS E)xtra fine quality 'White Swiss Serv ine and Tea Aprons. Prettilv and dain tily trimmed with fine lace, insertion and ribbon, ipl.35. 40c APRONS AT 29c Ladies' Long White Lawn Aprons, cither bib. band or strap styles. Deep hemstitching, tucks and insertion .trim mings. Ladies' dainty white Swiss serv ing aprons prettily trimmed with lace edging, insertions, embroidery, ribbons and 'headings. White lawn band aprons. Deep hem in cluster tucks, hemstitched.; . ' White lawn bib rever and strap aprons made; with in sertions of embroidery and deep fine tucks and hemstitch' ing. The entire assortment in one great sale. . Special Monday 59c $1 ladies' Embroidered QO ReS- Z5c Misses' Fine 17 Handkerchiefs, Box. . .OuC Handkerchiels at 1 1 C 250 boxes of Ladies Swiss - 1000 dozen Misses Lmbroid- ered and Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs in a large selection of pretty designs. Ladies Initial Handker-. Q chiefs at , DC 1000 dozen Ladies Initial Handkerchiefs on heavy and sheer cloth. Several designs to selcpt from. Ladies' Initial Handker- rj chiefs at ,. y. . . 1 1 C Thousands of dozens of La dies I n i t i a 1 Handkerchiefs: Positively the best values ever offered 7f, 12?, 25$. Embroidered-Handkerchiefs, 4 ftl a pretty holiday box. Ex ceptional values. ,; l " 50c Ladies' Embroid'd: o p Handkerchiefs for . . . . i ,JDC 500 dozen Ladies' 'All Pure ; Linen , Embroidered Handker chiefs. in henistitched and-scalloped effects. 'f . -J'i... $1.00 Values in Ladies' Fine'ilandkerchiefs. . . . .QpC 1000 doz. Ladies' Fine Swiss and Amriswyle and Appenzefle, hand - embroidered corner ef fects, in a "very lartre variety. Nemo Smart Set Society Corset A $5.50 Corset for f SMART SET is the highest attainment in the manufacture of Nemo Corsets, and, being such, is to be found only in the most representative stores in America. Smart; Set Corsets sell at $5.50 at all timcR.- In order to introtluce BREAK LESS BROXCO BOXE. the, manufac turers have allowed us another 'demon- firaiion 01 mis corset at .us, Four expert fitters await your pleasure. Big NewsFascinating News The kind of news that fairly leaps into print. -Never as long as we can remember has our suit department. made a quicker bid for publicity. 111 ' I " i Mil ran l 1 - M k U r I! Bp 7 SPECIAL LOTS A magnificent assemblage of women's suits and coats at unheard of prices because of the tremendous business clone in our annual cloak department sale last week. announcement of such value giving power. Never before have we been able to make an Quality "A" Busy Days in Art Department That you may be sen ed leiurely and attentively, we employ 10 experienced saleswomen in our Art Department. Indeed, many a rift i spoiled by the hasty selection of silks and mate rial needed 'in this delicate work. We have been very careful, in the "election of W help. If we may judre from what our cus-' toiners tcfl u, ours i the only ftore where competent, expert-1, enced help in sufficient numbers arc on hand t j properly serve Cfut of 486 tailored suits remaining we have made fonr lots. You can readily grasp the magnitude of value giving by noting the immense saving in each lot. Every desirable fabric, every fashionable color, every size will be found in each assortment. m Highest class tailor made suits. Superbly finished by man (FOr Qf tailors. In the most desirable models. Values to $60.00 I .OU Qf Tailor-Made Suits, sell rcgu- 10 A OOA Long Coats, plain and fancy, rjry 5" larly to$25.00, at.......,,..OlU.4D LLj values to $270 .....0"0 "I OA Assorted Tailored Suits, (H QC AO Mannish Slip-on Raglan ia 1 LJ sell regularly to $30.00, at. 0 1 0. O D Raincoats for women at. .. . -0 1 U0D ress Goodis Sale Every Yard in Stock Reduced 'in Price ( In bidding for your patronage . to this, sale, we do so with- the knowledge that in offering you our entire dress goods stock at re duced prices, we lay before you the choice of the most up-to-date .stock of dress goods in the city "'of '-Portland: ' ' ' '-," l rllere you. will, find no old fash ioned weaves, no materials shop worn by long service on the. shelves, butNEW MATERI ALS, IN ALL THE MOST WANTED,. SEASONABLE WEAVES AND' COLORINGS. Included are plain and fancy- striped serges, prunellas, eoliennes, worsted. suitings, diagonals, Pan amas, cheviot, taffetas, satin cloths, homespuns, voiles,' unfinished .worsted, broadcloths, etc. Plenty of good suit lengths for separate skirts or coat lengths. ' k, 1 ' ! For Examples We Quote You $1.50 Silk and Wool Poplins for $1.19 $1.25 Silk Voiles for Y : . 89c 50c Crepe Albatross for . ... 39c 60c All-Wool Suitings for . . . 47c $2.00 Tailored Suitings for . . $1.29' $1.50 English Worsted for . . $1.19 $2.50 Imported Suitings for. $1.69 $3.50 French Broadcloths for $2.48 Thanksgiving Sale Tan Gloves $1.50 Values Dressed Kid Gloves $1.10 For tomorrow we offer 100 dozen Ladies' TwcClasp Dress Kid Gloves, in several shades of tan; every pair, fitted at our counter. $1.50 Dent Style Cape $1.10 Y 100 dozen One-Clasp Extra Grade Kassan -Cape .Gloves in all sizes; every pair fitted by experts. ' ; : tl y''S": , Extra Grade Mocha at $1.10 50 dozen Extra Quality One-Clasp Velvet Mocha Gloves in all shades of tan; every pair fitted at counter. ."; 1 C 9 Ee&nt Tailor-Made Suita, fT. JC'.'IQO Military Cape, tloth lUO regularly worth to $35...!)1 lDD 10 triramed, rtg. io $20. $12.95 XVc have sorted our waists petticoats skirt., ' niifscs apparel and furs into many special lots. These arc also offered at the game immense reductions as our coats and suits. . ' . - ' - , -. SEE METALOGRAPHYART DEPT. U 75c Linoleums 47c 5V0 yards of Extra Quality Linoleum in a larpe assortment of new patterns in both lipht or dark grounds. A new shipment of new designs has just been received and goes on sale. ' ' . IS I!