The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 35, Image 35

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'-Baron I.-chMa Contends, That Ills, Fellow Countrymen
Would Develop Keoiioinic J'esoureerf 13: Calling
; . Attention, to Pacific. V
,' ' " By Emll Andraaay.
(rublLberV Vrm Imwd Wirt.)
Vienna. Nov. 80. Juet prior to hl
d prt ure for the United Utate Baron
Uehtda, tit new Japanea ambaaaador
to .the United State, gave a very Inter,
stint interview to the rolltlache corre-
. fUron Uchltla denied that the relation
between Toklo and Washington had ever
'.at; any moment loat , their exeullently
frlondlv character, i and declared that
thfcre waa no foundation for the view
t that the economic alma of the United
State in China must lead to aharp an
'. tagonlam with Japan. The policy of -
nuinlc invlgoratlon ia solely a' policy of
economic relationship between Japan
and China. But Japan doea not aapire
to economic supremacy. In China - at
tlx expense of all other atatea. China
can only be devoleped with the help of
the treat commercial ntatea, and ,th
auppoaitlon that Japan 1 dlaquleted by
American plana for the opening up of
China i contrary to thevtruth. The-
loading principle, of Japanese, policy
In regard to China are the open door
for trade and the maintenance of Chi
neae territorial Integrity, ' '
.What Japan really desires, conclud
ei the - ambassador, la that . the com
merce of the world may be attracted to
the Paclflo on the largest scale and
that the Pacific may become to Aala
What the Atlantic is- to Europe. .
TrouW In Montenegro. ,
The recent rising of the Vassolevich
tribe in Montenegro, which at one time
threatened to upset the delicate balance
of affairs in the near east. was in
reality one of the signs of the struggle
which is going on in the principality
between the partisans .of the old and
new regimes. A few years ago Frince
Nicolas, ' who has always ruled as an
unquestioned autocraV" with the noml
!Ml help of some of his nobles, grant
ed a constitution to his people with the
Idea of bringing them more into line
with modern European Ideas. This In
novation did not meet with unqualified
approval in the principality,, and a large
mi men
L lillLIUI
'Philadelphia Women Want
r Dirt Eliminated From ; - ,
Milk Cans.
Philadelphia, Nov. JO. An attempt
will be made by the Philadelphia Alli
ance for the Care of Babies to Induce
large milk dealers to sterilize the cans
in rwhlcB milk 49 shipped , to the city.
and thus decrease the danger of infec-
, tlon to babies.
Investigation by Dr. Joseph S. Neff,
director 'ot the bureau of and
charities, has led to the discovery that
;v these cans are. often sour and. other
.wise foul, because the farmers who ship
the milk have no facilities for properly
cleansing or sterilizing them. The big
dealers signified their willingness to
nerform tha service for them and return
; the cans free from dirt and germs If
monev can be found to Install a steril.
iAne nlant in the milk depots. s
' This is only one phase of the work of
the alWance which has stariea its iau
campaign to reduce inrant mortality by
giving fall lectures on the care of in
fants, in school houses.
Owing to educational methods which
are being pursued, the mothers being
; visited In their homes, and Instructed
In the proper feeding of their little ones,
the death rate in September was 7 per
cent less than last year, and 87 per. cent
lees than in 1907 and 1900. "- ;
The alliance, which is organized in
nearly every ward of the city,; with
- ward chairmen and representatives from
the" leading women's organizations :to
carrv on tne worn, win iry nara awoiw
the homesof the poor, wilMnduce moth
ers to give up the artificial feeding of
their children, ana win point ouitn
! danger of gastro-enteritis arising fforq
f the use Of whole coys milk for Infants.
.The movement has enlisted the hearty
support and cooperation or pnysicians
who have consented to lecture in publio
' schools and give general advice to poor
-mothers. , w..
" .. Under the chairmanship' of Mrs. Paul
jv McCononey, an address on first aids
' to the injured in the home was dell v
red in the Lincoln school. Twentieth
street and. Falrmouttt avenue, by Dr.
Walter Eatrell Lee. - -The-meeting was
' well attended by . Polish and - Italian
women, many ot whom took their babies.
. The address was translated fiy tne- in'
terpreter into both languages.
Chicago, Vov. to. Although many of
them had but Itttlet thought of "saving
up for a rainy day." 200 employes of
the Acorn Brass Manufacturing com
pany are the proud possessors of bank
accounts. Moreover, each waa the re
cipient of the nucleus for a neat egg'
In the form of a crisp 1 bill donated
by E. W. Wray, president of the com
- Mr. Wray called hia employes into the
ITIce of the factory. He expounded the
merits of a savlnga account and then
ottered t make an . Initial of
' ft for each. The offer was accepted
to all the employes, many of whom gave
a portion of thr-lreweek'a wages to clerks
of the Northern Trust company, who
had gone to the fectory armed with
tun hooka. -
-The spirit of thrift should be en
ourged by every employer." seld Mr.
Vray. Th employee In our factory
already are enthuslaatlto advocates of
the Idea.-. -
part of the nation looked on the change
-as one fraught with danger for a aisle
that had never known conatltuttonitl
government. The Crown Print Danllo,
who has, married a German princess,
Is an advocate , of the -new order of
thlnga. and as he will one day have to
rule over the Klnck mountains, his opin
ion la naturally of some value. Out his
younger brother, Prince Mlrko, is en
tirely an upholder of the old state of
affairs and It Is around him that all
those who are discontented with tho
endeavor : to Europeanlse Montenegro
are ranging themselves. Prince Mlrko,
like his grandfather and nameaake, 1a
one of the old school ot thought,' and
the struggle between him snd his elder
brother-will be worth watching, as It
will probably have no slight Influence
on the future of the southern . Slavs. '
Snake and Bobbers. ,'
The railway station at -Bragiflia,' Ser-
vla, ia so Infested with snakes that spe
cial precautions are taken while the
trains stop' to prevent the reptiles en
tering the compartments. ' , ,
' Ah 'American lady; coming; up from
Constantinople was appalled to find a
small snake coiled around the handle of
her traveling bag. A search resulted in
the discovery of several others among
the passengers' rugs. .
Robberies and assaults on wealthy
railroad passengers seem to be becoming
very frequent, and numerous cases have
been reported during the past few days.
When the Vienna-Warsaw express ar
rived at Lublin, for Illustration, the
guard discovered that all the Occupants
of one first class compartment. ' four
men and three women, were unconscious
and all efforts to rouse them were in
vain until a doctor was brought Me
found that they had been chloroformed
and an examination showed that they
had been rebbed of all their money and
valuables. So far no -trace has been
discovered of the thief. . In the same
express the day before a Polish manu
facturer named Gibultowskl . was found
dead with a bullet through his head, and
ltvi is - thought ., this., murder may have
been the work of the same criminal. In
this case, too, robbery was the motive.
Monarooa Praternlse,
The i recent ; meeting " between King
Perdlnand, of Bulgaria and the crown
prince of Servla at Krujevata was of a
The Golden Eagle Soars Above Them All Always in Lead with Bigger, Better Bargains
Sole Agents Picto-
Sole Agents Ameri
can Beauty Corsets.
We're sole Portland agents for
the much-demanded American
Hcauty Corsets, ."Dainty as the
Rose. ' All popular styles.
TP. $1.00
I hey are
the pair,
Portland's ,
For the
Great r
rial Review Patterns
We're sole Portland agents for
the popular Pictorial Review
Patterns the rest paper pat
terns, we believe, on the mar
ket today. They are 1 A
priced, each, 15 and 1UC
Offerings Will Make;
rr t
flmaraMeiefOi i
' Killrd hf Kmning Raits,
eVmth Norwailt. Conn, Nov.
Wfclle 4B bed at hr hfime ilrm, t h
Ofriew rrvt a tragic deatk from siffo
ratlon. eacsd by the fymn from a bot
1 V rnntatntnf m!11r salta "lira.
iiF.rtm had tn -rrri.lafBlra of feail-i
r. as tn trim inrniw nt te
ieT Mh tul cf wmtl'ism Ua at
t.'T no. Tt. STimori la tmm t bott'
wa wx'M4 n1 rn trrr hr face ani
r". 1e farn fwt't tfa:h
a pirtL It H H-jUBrt'n. nli-
f '-it, k j -! -i. il r-.'t rf r;
f ,-. ;! -. l -
very friendly character, f Thera ..waa
also an exchange of telearams between
.King Ferdinand and King Peter. At the
special request of King Ferdinand M.
Novacovlcs, a former premier in a co
alition cabinet, - was one of the party
who went to Krujevtas to greet him. i
' The Servian papers unanimously dis
cuss the meeting with satisfaction and
some even seo in it an indication of
tho approach' of the oft talked of Bal
kan federation, and the . expectation is
expressed that King Ferdinand would
shortly . return, the j visit paid him by
King' peter inisos.:'''''... V. ':v;',
;'"',"'! Zn tna Txsnd of thi Tlmss.
The debut at a local music hall will
shortly occur of seven beautiful ladles
belonging to the harem of the dethroned
saltan. Abdul Hamld. One of these la
dies is, it is stated, the Princess Ala Bo
rah Zoraido, a . leading favorite with
the deposed sultan, and of Indian ori
gin. ' The formation of the troupe is
due to the enterprise of the ex-sultan's
principal actor Kaldo, who, incidentally
has the position and title . of general,
and who. proposes to present on th
stage of ' some of . the Vienese music
halls a series : of "episodes from this
life of the harem,'? always providing, Jt
Is cautiously added, that the censor does
not raise any difficulties. Should the
performance prove to the taste of the
Vienese public, , possibly one 'of theso i
days New- York may also enjoy the op
portunity of witnessing it.
Courteous Volley.
A party of 260 Turkish notables have
been on a visit here.'. They were re
ceived at ' the station by a1 military
band,' an honor' generally confined to
the Emperor Francis Joseph, who made
known his desire that every- courtesy
shall be extended to tne guests.
Besides being' lavishly entertained in
the capitals, the notables were invited
to visit several of the chief centers
df ' manufacture and ; industry in the
monarchy,- Altogether -the-go-vernment
did everything' In their power to con-1
vines the Turks that their country has
no better friend than Austria-Hungary, j
The desire of official and industrial
circles waa of course to obliterate the
memory jf the events of last winter!
and regain for Austria her share in
Turkish trade Which she lost at the
time of the Turkish boycott.:
Turkey Numbers Will
Be Published in Our Big
Monday Advertisement
"Busy .Btirke" wanted to make twenty
families Thanksgiving Dinner merry, to
we gave away that many fine, big dressed
Turkeys to twenty purchasers who spent
25c in the store last week. The names
and ticket number oi the fortunate buy
ers will be published id tomorrow even
ing s 'advertisements watcn lor list;
also announcement of our big weekly
Plentiful Tuesday Sale. Look for them.
StyOsh $40 Suite $18.88
Another big Suit purchase by "Busy Burke'' gives us this startling
price reduction for Monday. A great lot of fine,-stylish suits values
that others are selling right along at prices ranging to $40.00. Every
Portland woman who realizes the fact. that, she may obtain two suits
for the price of one will be here tomorrow morning, for the lot is lim
ited. Never before has such a gigantic suit reduction been offered
every, desirable style and color in. the big assortment is dl Q QQ
Truly, 4 uhparalleled'' best describes the amazing: bargains 'Busy Burke"
is offeringlor Monday, for every reduction offered is a bona fide bargain,
while we defy competition to' duplicate the low prices quoted. Every
item herein is of intense interest to our patrons, for each article is selected
with a 'view of pleasing our 'customers; the great working people. Again
we wish to impress upon your mindthat .this is the w.orking people's
store, and their's alone. . The -so-called "bon ton" trade we do not want
--do not cater to. The, working people's trade has built up this store
and it is their needs alone that we desire to supply, hence our ever eager
ness to cater to the workingman's needs and not to the rich man's dollar.
That this is in reality "Portland's Great Bargain Store for the Great
'Working People" a title that we believe is justly earned is more than
demonstrated in these unequaled Monday offerings by Busy Burke.
Underwear, Hosiery,
Corsets, Domestics Have
Been Moved toBasemcnt
The great expansion of the business in
these departments necessitated their re
moval to different sections of the store.
You will find the large Domestic Depart
ment in the new Basement Section., The
Underwear, Corset and Hosiery ; Depart
ments are now in the rear of the store
tinder balcony, while the Infants Wear
will be found in space in rear of Suit De
partment, before occupied by the Corsets.
to go Monday at this astonishingly reduced price, suit
Wool Waists
Now at $129
Wool Waists, a great
; lot including all colors; ;
also a fine lot of stylish
winter Waists in many
different fabrics; worth
up to $4.00, tj OQ
Monday for JfldU
$6.50 Sweaters
, '.,, .1 J i , ivi -;,
Long Motor Sweaters, in different
colors, strictly all wool; a value that
sells all over for $6.50, Mon- tfJO QO
. day at this big reduction, for MfO-O
AU Our Capes Reduced
Every Cape in the store you'll find reduced Monday,
and in addition here's three great ; offers that will
cause decidedly intense interest in this.startling sale.
Heavy black i Capes, .stylishly designed; a 04 QO
regular "value worth to $12.50 Monday only sJtI UO
Military Capes, in different colors, including blues
nd blacks; regular $15.00 values, to go QO
Monday at this great reduction prise, each f f 0
Great lot of Capes, including military styles; values
m all colors worth up to $A).W regu- V lit AO
some lined. Great Monday value
Women's Coat Sweat
ers, in. gray, only, all
sizes: a value that re
tails all over for $3 and
more, v Mon
day's price, at
$5.00 Sweaters
Women's and misses' Coat Sweaters
in reds and whites; values that sell all
over at prices ranging to $5. iJO OQ
Monday at this low price $COQ
Plumes lA
Ostrich Plumes long,
fluffy ones, in all col
ors, including black and
white; regular values to
$6.50, at about 9 A
half price 9.0
Shapes 71c
Untrimmed street, and
ready-to-wear Shapes
silk, satin, telt, etc.; all
colors; a regular, value
to $3.00. Mon
day's price only
- Bay It From TTe. '
Can Hmw . fan MOaay.
OtKxl. fait color, KngUmh Gloria,
Paraxon frame S1.00
Ruatproof Enf Hah Gloria, finest
frama ,......,. ...1.50
Herculea ruat and wtndproof . .S2.O0
LaJIea" Dlrectolr Umbrella. S1.50
rnlhlnRth. rfM and prarl tape
edge, all Gloria ............. t3. SO
Tip-r3(re treal allk warp Gloria Sl.O
Par allk. red and bla. Prln
ceaa handlaa .92.25
An ImmniM Una Of Tina ladle'
and seta'......,.S5.00 to S20.00
Wa Kara tht imrfwt Stack om taa
Ooaat U Taia Ilaa, j
tS 1ft Cava? Tow TTaiaraUat XCaka XI
' aa Utw. -
S)!n Sl.ZS. l.BO. S2.00
Silk, all mraS2.&0. SS.OO. S4.00
Air btwxIb oar own tmanofattora. Tt rrt-
iwf. wlrvlnroof. foMlna. detachabla.
elf-crt!lng umbreltaa. j
trkOXxtaJta Airs mkTTaA.
EveryDinnerSet t
Reduced in the
Three big reductions) on dinner?
ware that will gladden the heart
of every thrifty housewife. An op
portunity to brighten the Thanks-'"
giving table with a new Dinner Set
at very little cost. ? Save tomorrow.
50-piece Dinner Set, best white
semi-porcelain, a pretty set that
sells, at $5 to $6.50 else- tfJO AA
where." Monday, the set apaJafr
60-piece Dinner Sets, in pretty gold
and white semi-porcelain, that re
tails for $8.00 and $9.00 flJC QO
elsewhere. Monday for fle70
60-piece Blue English semi-porcelain
Dinner Sets; values worth $12
all over town.. Great pre- dJQ MQ
Thanksgiving' reduction, vOeTtH
Ml '
Modish $35 Suits $14.19
Stylish Fall Suits- garments of real distinction and style merit the
kind that sells all over Portland at $25.00 to $35.00, mostly at the lat
ter price. A big purchasing opportunity last week makes possible
this offer, for the suits arrived too late for last week's i'ysale, so we
place them all in one lot to go tomorrow, while they last, at this tre
mendously low price. Never again, will you have .an opportunity to
obtain an up-to-date suit of the latest style, in any desir A
able mode or color, tailored models included, so low as jJ
Buy Long Coats Monday
Coats in blacks and colors; values that sell
rly elsewhere at $18.00. In semi-tiuht-f ittinsr
6tyles, to go Monday at this astonishingly great're-
aucnon price, maac possioie oy a loriunace VfZ OO
urcnase Dy uusy uurke Monday, only wvuu
ong Coats, mansr desirable styles; garments that
sell regularly up to $30.00 elsewhere. Come in tight
and semi-tight-fitting styles. A great Monday re
duction at this wonderfully small comparative
rice, uo on sale Monday at this, start- (rfO 00 I
ng reduction, while they last, only, each olO00
Men's Collars 10c
.n in i i .iii.t.iiil..i, i , i
Men's Linen Collars, all styles; values
that every man pays 15c each or two
for 25c usually. A great Mon-
day sale, three, for 25.c, or each . UC
$1.75 Sateen
Pettic'ts Now
for Only 89c
Sateen and moren Pet
ticoats, a regular
style that sells usually
at $1.75. To go Mon
day at. this low reduc
tion price in -0Q
black only for 01 C
Men's Underwear
Men's best Cooper's derby ribbed Un
derwear, a value that sells at to $1.50
garment usually. Monday's ' QO
low-price, the garment, only JOC
Suits $2.19
Boys' School Suits,
values that others are
asking $4.00 for.. One
lot goes Monday at this
ireat reduc
tion price,
J0f $2.19
Suits $2.98
Boys' Wool Suits, gar
ments that are retailing
elsewhere at to $4.50.
Take your choice of
these Monday
at this price
Suits $430
Boys' S c h o o 1 Suits,
many different styles
and colors, all wool;
garments 1 that retail
elsewhere for.
Crowds at Big S
Gdhtinues on Monday
Lots 1-2
Men's Shoes,
including tan
calf bluchers;
values to $5
sale price the
pair , . . . f 2.98
Shoes, includ
ing black calf,
tan chromes;
values to $5 50
pair, at f 3.B9i
At this writing immense throngs are filling the aisles of our
Shoe Department even with the extra force employed for
the Great Shoe Sale, we are unable to handle the vast crowds
clamoring for the amazing footwear values offered. Of a
verity, it was "Busy Burke's" most timely buy when he pur
chased the large stock of 11,000 pairs of Men's, Women's and
Children's Shoes from the Nichols Shoe Co., 18th and Alberta,
for never before have Portlanders been able to obtain such as
tounding shoe bargains. The great 50c on the dollar shoe pur
chase sale continues Monday the entire balance "of this big
gale purchase will go tomorrow at prices reduced lower than
ever. Take advantage of this sensational sale to SHOE THE
Lots 3-4
Men's Shoes,
including "val
ues worth to
$6.00; box cal
bluchers, etc.,
pair, at f 3.39
Men's Shoes,
including a lot
of box calf
bluchers; val
ues to 4 the
amf sa j
ypair, at a.og
$2.98 ISm$4.50
Home Needs for
Save on Monday
In the big Bargain Basement you
will find everything for household
needs at great reductions. The"
Basement . manager has excelled
himself, in the enormous gathering
of. Thanksgiving needs we quote:
Granite Roasters, made of best
gray enamel. These are round .
roasters, a kitchen utensil that can
be used as two separate ket-;io .
.ties; or as , a roaster, only xOC
Food Choppers, that are selling all
over town for $125 and even $1.50.
A great Monday Basement QQ
reduction at this low price 0.C
Carving Sets handy, little 2-piece
sets, made of best steel, f OA
horn handle; $2 value, at
Lots No. 5-6
men a
to IS
and youth a'
IS. - and II
.V . $1.98
Lots No. 7-8
Tout ha and boya
8hoa. regular Tallin
Bora and roatha
Bhoen, valuta worth.
W o tn n'a fin
Phoca, worth to
tt o$2.49
Worn n'a Shoa,
worth to
rg. Wen- M OQ
day. pair. .O 7
Woman 8hoa,
worth to 11.68 regu
larly, aai
price, pair
valuta in wonrni
ShoM, worth to 13 oa
Lots No. 13-14
A lot of - women'
Bhoa. valuta to $ 8
In aaaort-
mast, prlo
CMIdrm'i and
mlaaea' Button Snv.
valuea to . S "JQ
SIS, at
Lots 15-16
Child rco'a Shoa,
valu la ht lot
worth to CI )Q
13.(0. plrlaf7
Thl lot of Chil
dren' Rhova, w'th
Lots No. 17-18
Children' B a 1 1 o
and Lao Pho.
worth to II. f AQ
rTilarly. at.r.7
Children 8ho. ral-u-
that acll Im.
whrr at to 1 CQ
IJ.2S, for ,.5107
LotsNo. 19-20
Grwat lot of rhlMren'
$1. i and (2 fhoa,
a I price,
pair ..........
Children Shoe that
ell rerularly at to
12. SO tha . tJ AQ
pair, for .:.vlu
: : : N
Boys' Pants at One-Half
Some' wonderful Monday reductions, in
boys' Trousers, at prices about half the
amount that are tuaally charged !ewhere.
Boysi'Xnickerbc4.frs. value that tell all
over the. city atprices'np to $1.00 AQf
the pair rrgularly, Monday, the pair 43C
'Poya Thinta. valw
that retail rrwHr
for the pa".
MonAar at thl e.
.u.nal rH c t la
a-a. A Ma Jav.
ette rv.r1-ien Re-
ductoi at M If)-
r-rv-e, r:r j
R"'' rVhoal Fanta.
traVu that a.11 aev
hm at rrtoea raoc
l" to SO" the pair.
owlTl wrmderfuily
prl-. the pair
take atTaatara to
morrow ror
Hat in Store Reduced
Monday's big sale will find the entire Millinery tock divided into four great lots
of hats, all to go at monstrous reductions, 'way below regular f rices, tret new
hatjfor Thanksgiving, even thocgh you have. already purchased your winter hat,
for these prices makes it possible for every woman and child to obtain a new
hat at very little cost Come early and lin k the lots over Very rreat spavin::.
LOT 1 Trimmed Hats, many hades and
shapei; values that have sold for -as rmtrh
at $12 00 this teason. At this r rn
great Monday reduction tile for v 1.0.1
LOT 2 Stylttnfy trimmed tni'anery, Dame
Fahiont fcet mx!fl; many oW an t
hapr; Tahjp tat re wnh M CQ
to JJOOO fft:rlv, r-'r ij't.O J
LOT $ Patent Leather If it. mcladirg the
popts'ar Napo'eon hapr; nhn worth rrg
alarty top to 00. A rreat Monday Q
red.jction at this low pt,c. ,r'f, UJC
LOT 4 O.iMren't 5ioI l?t r-fit f:i
u mariy fle ati errry ril c ' r;
Big Sale of Dressed Dolls
Continues on Main Floor
Dreed Doll. tlrr j.. pg fyra, si l i.-, t
heads. bet holies. finely an 1 prrtnlr i'rt t 1.
at prK-ea .McTid4 that art t jrm-r!y rr,: t.,
tav the lrat. Tomorrow yru'il f 1 r-' r
tn the ! t-tt nt oa t e r
floor worth vp to tl'S etch, at ( '
Vtlwi In kw pref.
tv Joiie cnei . ,
r;r Tie t tl
. , ra t iv, rn't r
' H V4-jr f
rp'T vHr t-; !
try e-. e e1 .
t . . iO
' I r e 'i w
I t W W
I !; f i
f ' T -