The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 34, Image 34

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I 1 I I . , 1 . 1 1 I I , , , 1 tw
. TEne Mundfli Adiriiiiiliid! . . ' .
tfVwllnuad f rrtn rrafdlng Page.)
ia rre rKoMi. i-reaiaeoi. -'r
itaitor: vtc praeldent. Al
" X- Mil
y ' . v- ; ; I
I : 'J : i
; ! i j j ' ' , J.'-'
i ion; ttiuurrr. Char Ire Lela: cr
try. Als T. rStnlthj saaiatant secretary.
I Iixmi Uunie; physicians. Pr. K. A. J.
m . Ki. i. j. r. ta . W.
t -ne. ir. 1L M. Patton. Lr. K. A.
M.ralill ; cninallor, Wintara Reld. C.
;, B Wood. George . 'anrun. Miller
burdock; mmnltlM of relief, Alaaandar
iiarln. W. a Maekenaia. jemea iop
m.ihi eommlitae of management. John
J ik!, John M. Wallace. John, A.
rnon; fklpfr. Major jr. II. MaeDonalJ,
jamee Jack. Jama McKlnley; audi lor.
laWd A. rattullo. Miller Murdock.
Tueadar uToln the Runaay school
bnr4 of Kpworth Methodist church mt
t the htrni of the pastor. Rev. Charles
T. McPherson. After the usual time
riwnt In training- rlnaiwork the iia
hra tield lively boaln nmrian. Ar-ini-ivati
were tnada for a Chrlatmaa
rniorlalnmcnt lo ba gir by tba ui-
lay ai-hool on Chrlatmaa va. Tha board
drclilwl to aecrpt tba Invitation of tha
' cabinet of tba Kpworth lcau to Join
tha learua In giving a dlnnor and antar
talnment, tha "Carnival of Daya," at
tha church on .rtlday averting, Decani
Irr 10. Mra. A. T.-Workman -and Mra.
Iiirr wera appointed to act with tha
trcuttva committee of tha Ep worth
Lutinia. Tba eommlttaa ta already at
work and plana to roaba tha 'yarnlval
tha aociaJ avent of tha aeaaon at Kp
worth. . Mra. Snodgraaa. Mra.. M. M.
Jtyera and Mlaa tnora McCaJlura aerrad
rtfraahmenta. ;
That they are not unmindful of ' tha
llttlo children will b evidenced Friday
at tha nat regular rn eating of tha Wo
rnan'a club. W. O. W. hall. Tenth and
Taylor, whan tha program will be given
over t the tot comprising tha kinder
rsrten of tha Jopla'a lnetltute,
Tha work being accompllehed In that
locality, a.a well m that tributary, tha
Neighborhood Houa,- maintained by
tha Council of Jewiah women, can only
be gueaaed at, but tnat tha little chil
dren . are ot only made happy but
ktarted on tha road to uaefulnesa can
not be queatloned when they demon
strate, aa they will next Friday after
noon. Jiwt how they trpend half of every
school day. , " ' '
Tha clause will be In charge of Mra.
Paul Holder and Mlsa Gilbert, who have
been devoted to the work among, theae
children. v
Misa Prltchard and .Dr. E. Grace
Keith will apeak.
' One of tha moat pleaant of social
eventa was the surprise party on Mr.
and Mra. F. B. Pay of .86 East Couch
street, Friday evening. The evening was
spent in playing whist, the first prlsa
txtlng awarded to Mm.- P.- P. Nickel mnd
y red Day, - while the consolation fell
to Mrs. William Kassettaum and W. J.
H. Legge. : : ,
Those , present : beside the host and
hostess were 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles F.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Nickel. Mrs.
8. W. Bailey. Mrs. William Kassebaum,
Mr. and Mrs.-. William Mason, Mra. .
I .aura Guthrie, Mra. Maud Mansfield.
Miss Elsie liegge. Miss Pearl Legge,
Miss . Lillian Legge, Miss ' Thetma
Outhrle, . George U ' Bmlth. Ialph O.
Smith, W. J. H.- Legge, William .John
son and Master Melylqi V. Smith.
The young ladlea of IheJ P. S. T. V.
entertained the Astoria HlgTi school
football team at the home of Miss Ha
zel 0"Brien, . 765 Irving street, - Novem
ber 14. '. Music and games formed the
afternoon's entertainment, after which
dainty refreshments were served. Those
present were the Misses Ann Hochull,
ti ' - - "i
(Rpaelal DUpatch to Tbe JoaraaL)
Grants Pass, Or.. Nov. JO. Tha first
bop drying kiln In Josephine county was
built on Kogue river, six miles' below
Grants Paea. In 188S. -The house has
been owned since 1886 , by the Ransan
family. Standing on the roof of this
pioneer house, one an count 10 large
bop houaea, all well filled.
The picture reproduced" abovVwas
taken in 188S. during the first season
the house was used. On the platform
stand Henry Bchlelgh, foreman of the
hop yard, and Samuel Bond: on the
stairway Mrs. Schleigh and her sister
are aeen. .
The original hopyard In southern Ore
gon consisted of only a few acres. : Now
hundreds of acres. of the choicest hop
lands .surround the place.
Gertrude Elfers. Kate Stein. Nan and
Clara Habekoat, Hannah Buck, Nell Dor-
ney, . Hasel 0,Brlen, Ruth Brtngraann.
Hasel Henrya and ETmma - Wilhelm;
Kenneth Parker, O. Jeldneas. Will
Payne, Rudolph Hochull Jr., Ben Buck.
Adoloh Plebuck, Mr. van uusen. jes
ter Lowden, Mr. Wright, Mr. Barry, Joe
Reiacn and Win icmig. ,
. ., WW
The regular monthly tea of the Haw
thorne Presbyterian . church waa given
by Mrs. J. " M. Lane at her . residence.
148 East Thirty-third street. About SO
women ware present. A pleasing fea
ture of the entertainment was & song
by two little girls, Dorothy Monroe and
Alice Singletary. who were dressed in
Chinese costume. Two piano duets were
played by the Mlssew Smith. Delicious
refreshments were served.
.-.-, - ' ' ' -..
: Herbert Hastings Bushnel delivered
a very entertaining discourse on "The
Essay'' at the T. W. C. A. Wednesday
evening. This la the fourth of his
series of talks on - "Inspirational Litera
ture." His thorough understandlng of
his subect and his pleasing personality
makes this course exceptionally Inter
esting. .
One of the most enjoyable affairs of
the season was a dance and social given
last Wednesday evening by Mr, and
Mrs Greenwald at the Hotel Princess,
East Third and Burnslde streets. The
spacious hall was tastefully decorated
and good music was furnished. . Many
of the smart set attended and a good
time was enjoyed. '
: - tr
The R. A. E., C. P. club held Its first
meeting Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. W. .J. Hamm, 141 Sumner
street After the election of officers
the members devoted ttoeir time to em
broidery . work. - .Light, refreshment
were served.
The Waldorf club'wlll givea, Thanks
giving evening ball Wednesday , evening
at inriBiensen nan. lae committee
consists of Viva Osburn. TlUle- Dickel,
Bessie Fltsgeraldi Ed Rayne' Frank
Clenaghen, Montrose Rlngler and Lois
Smith. . .. , , v:1. .. .,
' w : 5
Tuesday evening Mount Hood Circle;
No. 151, Women of Woodcraft gave an
oyster supper in honor of Mrs. Lou
Ellen Cornell, the clerk's birthday. She
waa presented by the circle with a gold
mounted fountain pen.
w "V
The Jewish Young Men's club an
nounces that it. will give its second
dance at their hall at First and Hail
streets this 'evening at o'clock.
For Men and Women
Quickly Cures Rheumatism Neuralgia; Headache, Gout, Kidney
Disease, Constipation, Eczema, Pimples, Skin Disease,
Blood Diseases, Female Trouble, Anemia, Catarrh,
Coughs, Colds,' Grip, Bronchitis, Piles, Insomnia,
Nervous Debility or Failing Vigor of Men.
A Fifty Cent Package of Little Curo Grains of Life, A Three
Course Treatment Especially Prepared for Your
Ailment Sent Free to All Who Write
Fred C. Schrum and : Gertie Barrett
were married Tuesday evening. Rev. B.
Clarence Cook waa the officiating min
ister and the service took place at the
minister's home. 1230 East Yamhill
street, in the presence o a few friends
and relatives. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Oust Schrum, Miss ttuth Bar
rett and Henry Vetter. Mr. and Mra
F. C. Schrum will make their home on
the wes side for the present -
Last Sunday afternoon Carl K. Foss-
man and Mlss(01ive Ellassen were uni
ted in marriage at Epwortb parsonage,
783 York street, the Bev. Charles T.
McPherson officiating. The ring cere
mony according to the ritual of the Ep-
worth Methodist Episcopal church was
used. Mr. and Mrs. William Farr and
Mra. C. T. McPherson were the wit
Miss Catharine Moreland and Leon L.
Becker were married last evening- at
the home of the bride's parents, 1215
Milwaukie street, by Rev, H. S. Black
of the Second Baptiat church. About 30
relatives ana immediate mends were
present. They will make their home in
The Ladles' Guild of St David's Epis
copal church will hold its annual . ba
saar Tuesday and Wednesday, Decem
ber 7 and 8. In the parish house. East
Morrison street, corner of East Twelfth,
Instead of the dinner usually served on
Tuesday : evening an excellent musical
program will be given. Ice cream and
cake will be served during the evening.
An excellent . variety of dolls, aprons,
bags and fancy work will be on- sale.
There will be a delicatessen booth where
Jiome made cakes and Jellies will ba
disposed of. The tea tables and home
made candy booth will be a special at
traction on botlj days. Everybody is
The New York State society of Ore
gon will hold the annual' celebration
of Evacuation day in the rooms of the
Commercial club .the evening of Friday,
November 28. Rev. . Benjamin Young.
D. D.. . will deliver an address on "Evac
uation," and a fine, musical program will
be given, after which refreshments will
be served. ' The society urges all .New
Yorkers, In or near the city, to attend
the celebration and particularly invites
ail visiting. New Yorker to be present
;" :.;V-:. " W , w
A good program has been arranged
by Mrs Byron E. Miller for the Thanks
giving tea at the Partem home next
Tuesday at 2:30. Those who will take
part Ete: Mrs. Carrie R. Beaumont,
pianlste; Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman,
meizo soprano; Miss Cornelia .Barker,
violinist; Miss Julia Cole, reader;
ladles' quartet Mra. George Parrlsh.
Mrs. Slfton. Mrs. Frank Fleming, Mrs.
B. Allen. The program is under the
direction of Miss Catherine Covach.
The Erindell girls have a limited
number of Invitations out' for their
Thanksgiving dancing -party, to be given
Tuesday evening at Murlark hall. The
committee consists of Misses Margaret
Madigan, Reta Bates, Daisy Flemmlngs,
Anna Ford, Gertrude Springer and Cath
erine Foley. ,
A whist and five hundred party will
be given by the Young Ladles' Rosarian
sodality of Holy Rosary church Tues
day evening in Alumni hall.' corner of
Grand avenue and Clackamas street.;
Orchestral music will be rendered dur
ing the evening. . x
' -
- I have found nothing to equarNewbro's Hcrpicide. A surprisingly few applications
stops falling hair and frees the scalp from dandruff. It leaves the hair delightfully fluffy.
(Signed) Delia Knight, The Three Acts Club, New York City.
One Dollar Bottles Guaranteed - Send 10c in postage for sample and book to THE HERPICIDE COMPANY,
Dept. 40B., Detroit, Mich. ,
For Sale1.
Drug Stores.
Applications at
Barber Shops
You will want a new outfit for this festive occasion then make it a point to visit
the "Style Store," where you will be exactly suited, both from an economical and
stylish viewpoint. .
Sfylisfi Tailored Suits
iflllli ' iSi; -.
.; , , . :
h r ' r 1 '-1
V ' - ; . ' ' '
' V s ' ' ' i
Ma Uagar Any Cxeus U Be Sick Ana Ailing, HsaJth Is f rat, Saa Tday.
James O. Hayes and Clemma Radford
were married at the residence of Rob
ert Williams, 881 East Sixth street
north, November 1, in the presence of
Mrs. Robert Williams and Floyd O. Rad
ford. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. E. S. Bollinger of ' the Highland
Congregational church.
Henry H. Burlingame and . Rebecca
Stlngley were married Wednesday eve.
nlng at 171 East Sixth street The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
Bowersox In the presence of a few in
vited friends. They will make their
home In this city, having recently come
zrom Tacoma.
Mra. Oceana Baker and John Law of
Duluth, Minn., were married Sunday
afternoon in the study of the Second
Baptist church by Rev. IL 8. Black.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelly of 80S Sandy road
were their attendants.
w w
Charles Henry Edlck of Vancouver,
Wastu and Miss Eld a May Woodland
of. Portland were married Wednesday
evening at the reception room of tho
White Temple by Rev. John BenUien.
Pete Kipro and Katie Pavlockovitch
were married November at tit Union
avenue by Rev. E. S. Bollinger. F. A.
Haight and R. A. Butler witnessed the
ceremony. .
- a
. Mr. and Mra. W J. Kennedy of Cali
fornia were here the first of the week
aa guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Dinneen. They left Tuesday for a pro
longed trip through the east
Mrs. William ,T. George and Mcf
Henry T. Harrison were visitors from I
Omaha last week. They left Frioay for
California to spend a few weeks; I
Miss Helen Anderson of Seattle ta the '
guest of Miss- Ethel Duboise for a
month and much entertaining is being.
planned for her. -
Mr. and Mra Arthur A. Kayser are i
receive felicitations on the arrival ,
of a small daughter at their home. 421 j
Second street. Wecneeday morning,
November 10, to be named Ellen Caro- I
line Kayser. j
Distinctive simplicity of design marks these Winter
Suits, which have just been unpacked and listed! They
are me from f
inch coat, lined, with guaranteed satin. Single breasted,
'closing with large bone buttons.' Plain tailored collar
and cuffs. Novel plaited skirts. All leading winter col
ors. If you have not purchased your Winter Suit, now
is the time to do so. You will save $10.50 by getting it
here, and the garment will always " give satisfaction.
Regular $30.00 values at $19.50 , '
Handsome Opera lafjes
If you are sick; suffering from any
ef the 1 1 -. mBilonyl herewith, we
nnt to aend you a Fifty Cent box of
I.lttla Curo Orains of Life, a three
poiirae treatment epeally prepared for
v-.'jr allmfr.t, akaoiataly free, ao you
tn are what our com M nation treat
trn la like, how easily it can be taken,
ftn.i Its anion in tha body. We want to
j ra to yon Little Curo Grains im Just
i remedy for your Ilia Just the rem-
i' )mi i-ed. It matter not from what
yoi wffw. It snaks bo differ.
ht other rmx1la ytt hare erer
M. W e want ta froTe the tme wnrt h
ft ir woslrrfii treatment We wast
!- prove t't it is natures awn rm-,
. Tr ewn. iroe. ntrmioM way to re-
r td fa ttrrrdb and vlfnr, health
ti and prolong jour life;
F ri .ra
Are vou aff:i't! with ant 5lt ra1
r . k ..., , . as R bourns' tm. ;
' :rr . U''":t Kiinr fleaa. Fa.l-.
' t T tf W IrnmM.
N' rrr- inm, Km!e TremMa-
' ."'y-m le.ut? If rB" are. f ,il j
a n 1 i-9nri nd w viil
..J ....... !' f IJI .
'-a r-f I '. aoiateiy f r. j
Id . ur" f j, ' . I l
' ' ' - ' -i r
' . t t r it ... t- f;r inn
health. Send today and secure the fifty
cent Mi rxee. -
. K0B 60 W0RK3IENI
Pateraon, N J., Nov. 19 rift y work
men were held up at the point of t!
tols by four bandits at Rldgewood, I
bound and garged and robbed of all:
their money, 14tS.ll, several watches,
and tent trinkets. The highwaymen I
earapd. .
The bandits came to a shanty alone-
Rosa H. Elliott of EutfM. Dr. andliI the Erie Railroad Bergen County
Miss Lillian Bennett of Portland were hort cut. where ( ma employed on'
sl - - T m .V . I I ha M fPAllakV trrasBaf frfwtl tKlsl a1 e t)da
You will need one of these Opera Capes they are the
coming garment for the season. Made from splendid
quality chiffon, broadcloth or moire-brocade in black
and high pastel asljades, cut very full and long; elabor
ately trimmed. "Come in and try them onj'the delight
ful style features will immediately appeal to you. The
prices are sure to make them popular. -- -
Furs of
Superior Quality
free Fifty On! Package Cocpon
. Cat oat aa icaQ Today.
Fir rhta la ton ntaabW to owVw. pill oat tm
Maak tM an4 atark aa X la ra-rla aranattv thr
mm nf the diaraaa fnr whlft jmm antra trat-
nnt aae i a rrw t"ra w kla r f anatac
na p( t tr aa I C. UrSiaa r.. 1l IVwiti
Mlc., ( kt'-aaw. Ill . aa f-a will rwtw
trea SC rrat aai-kac at Lltrl i (inlna
raraa encrw arfttarlao trpataamt. a.ilany
an.aar l.r raa Iwiw yaa in aaf hrla wtta
rrV Plaaaaiaia ' OCaaatipatiaa
wm Mkmulaa I'lmwi DrVflttr
OCaaa f'9'wm a it (-Catarra a "-la
rtwa Raakaa '- 'Fwna.e CMariatat
Oxarrh i Saaraa i 'K aaay Piai n imm
FtiM ti (time Turar I'l im binii.pi
4 nana neaja tnaaaaa OCatan ot
married in the
White Temple Thursday
Rev. John Bentaien.
aftenteoa - by
--r .. ) ...
erve rn A ear aa4 write pTataly.
44 a T. Parker and -Miss Oraee Scett.
both of Salem, were married ta the re
ception room of the White Temple on
Wednesday afternoo by Raw. Joha
w w
K. A. Bevaa aa4 Mra. Katbxya Mark.
both af Baa FYa rtc tarw, were roarrie I
Wedneaday noon, la the reertle room
ef the WbJte Temple by Rev. Joha
Mr. a4 Mr anaa! Rrtrrar
FKro ewgaf7maa1tef tlr acrf
tf. !"!, ta M i anKy T-f
wi;"l K st fcoar.f Trar f .' r g ajr frOTT! i
I to a.
the new trolley road from this elty to
Bufferin Is being built The men asked
for tke boss. Wbea be came out he
wss takes to one aide,
He wss told they were government
officers, who bad come to arrest him '
for selling liquor without a license. A I
badge was shown htm and be was lured .
to another shanty where, at the point
of a pistol, be was bound hand and foot. I
Then another snaa was pirked out.
taken te the shanty, bound aad gagged.
A third waa treated In tba nam man-1
iter, aad morm all t were la the shanty, '
hound band and foot. The hlghwaym '
then robbed tnvm ef thair money. It,
wa U baa and other aat; f. '
One ef the mm frd fclma!f frora
rupee ant ran ta police beVruarters
b tnl? ef tne halUnp. The
14. were without wtaaka
When you buy Fursou want them to have permanent
value. ' Our furs are all made from good, prime skins,
'and will render satisfaction at the time of purchase and -for
years to come. You may choose from the choicest
range of styles Pelerines, shawl effects, shoulder
capes, fancy neckpieces, saddle muffs, rug muffs, heart
shaped muffs, etc, in white Alaskan fox, marten, mink,
marmot, gray squirrel and Russian pony; furs to bar- .
monize with any costume 'at the price to suit you. ' - ; , -.v j
. - .
If you prefer you can arrange to have your Thanksgiving pu rchases charged.
Make a small deposit, settle for the rest in weekly or monthly payments. -
- i ; j' It
if wfiMJ '1
;. , ::
II s"
Iffejllf:- I:'
hi' ''
i I
I I tha rof
I J where
L be
T lra-t ateit mooate
fmrd. wrrriftg em anare yara ;
rfT''r w tr-ieertke at tha alte rt
Ace'l'i, t v H t at waa -
treyd y Att;: tu til.
WasKlnglon Street at TnlL
The Store VTicre Your Credit Is Good