THE OREGON SUNDAY JQUKNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21, 190D. i Ukii Harvard end Yala rlrnU, as una of the slara In the game- 11 h alao bowrj o (r.t rljrnt of the riopli otnure i-Iim at Harvard, after t) of tia rnont esclllng rlaaa lerlliiua tu (he hU tory f the university, '..'! ! ... - . , .. , Mre. P. U Wlllla and her daugliirr, Mra. tleorsa 11. Nottaa-e. entrrtained at! SOCIETY . . . - MAIL ORhKRS PROMPTLY FILLED AGENTS PAY HOSIRWV KOK CHlt.DRrN ' , - , ' v ' . (Continued from Prsoailtng Page.) rhem prevallod. . Ths Hawaiian or , tftraua stationed Iq tha lutll an4 con- ald with banksd palms, added a de lightful touch to the aftrifun'e plraa drra. There ware II table 'of five hundred and prliea rre awarded Mr. ,11. T. Clark. ( r. CImrle Jannlng and ,Mra, Urandt YVIckeraham. Tlixhuad j rlara were artlstio bronso statues, and the third prise a mahogany dresser clock, A number o.tlio younger girls haslsied Mr. Jennlng, imoni whom Were Mlsa Ethel Morris. Mlas Louise Poulsen,, Mlas Clara Marsh, Miss Kola Owen, Mlsa Kdna Mlnslnger, and Mlsa Naomi. Nichols. , . y . (- i v . ". , . '-: Mrs, 8ol Illraih, Mm. Hit-hard Nunn, Mrs. O. 8. WhtlraMrt, Mrs. Charles Me. ('ullough, Mrs. yillluin Hl.l.lla, Mrs. Cyrus Dolph. Mlaa Clementina Wllue, Mra 8. M. Maara, Mrs. Gordon Voor- Mes, Mlas Mary leom, Mrs. lllancha If. Hogus. MTas Nellie Wllllama, Mra, Fredoi t-k II. Strong Mra. J. C. Alna worth, Mrs. barren K. Thomas and Mrs. lien Belllns. The committee In charge oonslets of Mrs. Richard Nunn, Mra v, U Brewster, Mra. K. K. Tucker, Mra. W. E. Thomas and Mrs. (Jordan Voorhlf. , ''.' . . , ' t w ' ;. The. Portland Heights club held Its first Informal Thursday evening party last week, and over 100 Of the enthual- aallo club membora were In attendance. Oregon -grape and autumn leaves were distributed about the room. root, bil liards, five 'hundred, bridg and bowl-1 In- were the diversions of the evening. There were IB tables of bridge and five hundred, and among thoae honored with ! The Fan Franclaco paper has the fol , lowing detailed aucount of a wedding already noted In these columns: . . ,v"One of the weddings last week that aid not pass without notice, but that was of more Uian ordinary social Inv pi.rtsnce, was that of Mrs. Marian E. I prises were Mrs. T. J. Oelaler, Mrs. B, ,'. tjtarr of Portland and Hugh Oearln, I Trenkman, Oeorge C. Plandera and the son of former . Senator Oearln of I Adolph A. Dekum. Bowling . honors : the northern city. The pretty cere- I went to Mrs. Park Ienmors. Mrs. W. A . mony took place at the Bt. Franola and Gordon, Mrs.. M, 1 1. . Iamond and Mrs. there was. a touch of aentlment In the I L. Veysey. A buffet supper was served fact that the service -was .read by I at 10:10. The hostesses for the even- Father Fleming of Sacred Heart church, Ing were Mra. George C. Flandera. Mrs. who Is a devoted friend and wiyi i T. P. Wise and Mra. W. D. Jelllson. classmate of the bridegroom at Banta Other1 entertainments at which this Ulara college. .,: . popular club will. entertain will b the . I "There were no attendants at the I Thanksgiving donation party and dance, , nappy affair, and the bride wore a gown I the Harvest Home festival the follow- or blue; cloth elaborated In the mode I in day. when the donations received of this season, with lace of the same I will be distributed among worthy char- shade, and heavily embroidered. With I Hies, ana tne Children s Christmas res: the errectlve costume she wore a plc-ftivai. December 29. For the Thanks tu re hat trimmed with Dlumea and car-I giving eve party. Mrs. John 8. Bradley, rled a-shower bouquet of orchids and Mrs. II. . H. , Northup and Mrs. R. J. lilies of the valley. ' She has many I Marsh will act, as patronesses.. ' The friends In the north, and la a favorite I Christmas festival patronesses will In In the exclusive set. while the bride-I dude Mrs. George W. Collins, , Mrs. J groom has sn unusual prominence In I C. Alnsworth, Mrs. Delias Bach and the political and business world. iiurs. james juaiarKey, H, hiia will nlrnl itf f Hands tiAra 1 4 on his own account, wlla the number-1 ? lesa friends of his gifted father In this The Inaugural meeting of the Port city, so that there wae more than ordt- land chanter of the Kutewean society nary Interest In the simple ceremony which will be held at the White Temple ii me noiei. I Tuesday evening la attracting a good V w y ' Ideal of attention, and many prominent ' j ... ,,j I people will attend. The patroness list V. . , k' Includes many well known names. O iU. in, 'lru""Xia:.'"tS0 members have Joined the society tenth anniversary at '7h Im. The jaugural committee la aa follows: f. T.!: .,, j Mrs. H. C. Wortmsn. Mrs. A. E. a.on is in. o.a - Rockey, Mrs. Warren E. Thomas. Mrs. large reception rooms were adorned w th garah Kvan( Mrg Henry . WaWo Cofl the former's home on Thurman street I Thursday afternoon with bridge, Tues. i day afternoon another sm-h affair will j be given by them. Mra. Nonage la glv- Ing theae Informal afternoons to take i leave of her friends, aa aha leaves pros-' cntly for Braille to stake her home, Heveral have entertained for her recent- j ly, among her hoaieases being Mrs,! Thomas llrlttaln Foster, Mrs, Itumelln and Mrs. Allun Percy. .'. ! Wednesday evening Clarence Curry gave dinner at the Arlington club for the Portland academy football team. I Among the' guest were Professors , Tliatter, Kwlng and Thorne, Messrs. . Condon, Soden. Edwards, Lewis, Trgart. Stalcy. Cobb. Wilson. Swigert, cooking- ham and Noland. Most of these men ' m..-. . . t.'. . . a - . , 'Ik, Annual ' football game between Oregon Agricul tural college and Oregon University. They will be entertained ' at the fra ternity houses at the university. , - i evergreens and palms, together with T xr .. r . D pink carnations v1, . J'olet Carroll. Mrs. Fletcher Unn. Mrs. 8. M. the club color, and Its deep shades pre- D, r.i.. -- - vailed throughout the decorations. Three a. M- oljBe- Rev whltcornb BroUgh- Mrs. John A. Shepsrd was hostess at: a handsomely appointed luncheon y-J terday afternoon at her residence. Twenty-first and Everett streets, In compliment to her sister, Miss Amy; Heitehu. About 'the table were Miss Amy, Mrs. Wells Gilbert, Miss Haxel Weldler, MIa G lady a Wrldler. Miss Gi'ace. Warren, Mrs. Dnvld T. Honeymnn, Mrs. J. C Alnsworth, Mrs. Marlon F. Uolph, Mrs. Harry Sladen, : Alias Carolyn Hums, Miss Ines Bar rett aod Mrs. Shepard. At the Madison Square' horse show last week In New York were a number of people who figure prominently In the horse shows or Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Farrell and their dauahter. Miss! Helen, who had auch a good Strang of horses hefe this year from the Maple wood i arm, John Raker and Miss Ber- nlce Baker, who has bought some of the finest of the fVmaldlne homes. HM Mrs. John W. Consldlne were some of those who went east for the show. WNOsJr SIMMONS KID GLOVES , ' Bat agrwa ta kep tka aaapety asM FREE OF CHARGE A3 US ABOUT rr Cor. Fonrti aid llorrlsoa Sis. Largest and Leadhr?TURRIERS and fXaUSIVE OUTfintRS TO WWW AJTP CMOJ3MMM. Ntw Fur StyU Book MAILED ' - Upon Requert T , Wear Silvcrficld FURS "Merit made 'thtm fsmotia.' hundred were In attendance, and were er, Rev. Benjamin Young. Rev. Luther received with a graceful hospitality by ' tj., w u kitl. r. the hoatesseawd the coterie of matrons RabD, j 'B wise. Rev! J. H. Cudllpp,' Chosen to as'ls The receiving .line Dr j w Hill. John Claire Montelth. , WH -v Robert C. French, Frederick W, Good- ;Ealley, Mrs. G.' M. GUnes, Mra. George I w L. Boynton, Mra. Merwln Pugh, Mrs. The house beautiful exhibition, which Frank M. Miles, Mrs. A. J. Stiles, Mra. Ms the latest Idea in exploitation of ,H. J. Jackson. These women were. as "welfare work" amonar the toor and un , slsted by Mr G. A, Johnson, Mrs. I fortunate. Is to be glvenat the Armory (Harry B..Chlpman, Miss Blanche Robe-1 the week commencing December 6. un 'aon, Mra. A. W. Whitmer ani Mrs. Ider the direction of the women of the William F. Amos. ...The refreshment 1 Institute club of Portland. Mrs. T. B, gtable, which was prettily arranged with I Wilcox has been designated as chair "lolets. was presided over by Mrs. K.lman of the executive committee, assist K. Miller and Mrs. E. L. Sanborn, aa- ed by Mre. A. E."Rockey, Mrs. Holt C, slsted by Mrs. W. J. Vincent and Mra. Wilson, Mrs. Gordon VoorhieB, Mrs. A. O. Anthony Bateson. Waldemar Lina s H. Tanner and Mrs. L. Allen Lewis. w Mlsa Alice Dougherty of Kearney street entertained with a bridge party on Friday. The guest of honor was Mrs. Richard Merryweather Vaughan, a recent bride, whose home Is now in Portland. Mrs. Vaughan was Miss Mary Bernlce Allan, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harding Freeman Allan of J Seattle. She Is a graduate of Washing ton university, and a Gamma Phi Beta sorority girl of that college. w Mrs. W. H. Wallace was a luncheon hostess Tuesday at her residence, 657 1 Schuyler street, complimentary to Mrs. J. Warren Sanders of Oklahoma and I Mrs. Bosworth of Denver, who is the guest of her sister, .Mrs. F. A. Nltohey. Besides the honor guests and the host ess, gathered about the table were Mrs. E. L. Thompson, Mrs. Sanderson Reed and Mrs. t D. Peterg. VI orchestra' seated , in an alcove, , played Tha details are blng rapidly .completed. I selected program and Miss Delta Wat- and It la ftxpected that the exhibition ,on and Miss Catherine Covach each win De one or me most interesting ana .'contributed a. counle of vocal solos. Sev- I novel entertainments of the kind ever lral Instrumental numberat were given fpy Mlsa Maud Bell, , " , " .,,'.; A.;:.F.r: ., x ; -.; . . . 1,1 ? The "'Mondays "Musical ' dub "gave a large and most successful card party Wednesday afternoon at Christensen's hall for the benefit of the Auditorium .fund. A very excellent program was a feature of the afternoon, and Included the following . numbers: . Trio, "Hein- " rioh Marschner," by F. C. Elchenlaub, II. Van Dyke, and C. Duncan Raff; vocal nolo, Vetborganheit," by Wolf, Miss Maud Dammasch: violin solo, "Ave t Maria," Schubert-Wilhelm, by William Wallace Graham: reading, selected, by Miss A. Shlves; vocal solo, aria, "O, Tu Che Adoro Roberto,".' Meyerbeer, by Miss Nancy Beals; piano solo, "Rlgo Jetto" Verdi-Liszt, by Mrs. Carrie I. .Beaumont. The accompanists were Mrs. Carrie I. Beaumont and Mrs. Ed ward Allen Beals. The hall was elab- ' orately decorated in yellow and white chrysanthemums, together with any ' number of ialms and other ' greens. Fife hundred" was the amusement, for wnlch there were 85 tables provided. Prices were , awarded for high seores. Young girls kept the scores, and served aherbeta and-wafor to- the--guests. Among the women who had charge of the affair were Mrs. Herman A: Hepp- ner, president of the club; Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. George Clark Mra.' Rush more, and Mra. J. H. Cook. " produced" In this city. The University of Oregon dance Thanksgiving night at the Masonic temple will hold Its usual place of In terest. Invitations are not being sent out this year, but a general invitation Is extended to1 friends of the university and all college people. The patronesses for the evening are Mrs. P. L. Camp bell or Eugene, Mrs. Cyrus A. Dolph, Mrs. Harriet K. McArthur, Mrs. Zera Snow, Mrs. William D. Fenton, Mrs. Charles J. Schnabel, Mrs. Henry W. Goddard, Mrs. Russell Bewail, Mrs. H. C. Wortman, Mra. Robert 8. Bean and Mrs. Fletcher Linn. The floor commit tee consists of John McCollom, John F. Cahalln, Dr. Ben Norden. Stanley C. E. Smith, D. H. Stephenson, Jack Latou rette, Gordon Moores, Fred W. Mulkey and Seth Kerron. Mrsi Clarence Nichols was hostess at Dr. and Mrs. Thomaa Wynn Watts from Mexico are visiting Mrs. Watts' mother, Mrs.-Phllo Holbrook. ' A good deal of Informal entertaining- has been done for them, and. Mrs.' Harry Gaylord (Miss Emily Holbrook) entertained last Wednesday with a theatre party at the Orpheum followed by a supper at the ; Portland. The other guests were Miss Mary Brodie and Samuel Holbrook. Mrs. Gaylord will be hostess at a large af fair tn Jionor of the Wattsea. '' ' . ' v.. v. . n Interesting list of patronesses for the KUngenberg-Bettman chamber mu sic concerts to be jrjven during the eason Is announced, as follows: Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Mrs. W. L. Brewster, Mrs. W. J. Burns, Mrs. F. N. Pendleton, Mrs. Richard Koehler, Mrs. Lee Hoffman, Mrs. E. F. Tucker, Mrs. Sanderson Reed. a charming tea Friday afternoon In honor of Miss Eva Jones, whose en gagement to Clifford Nichols, was an nounced recently. A wealth of auiumn flowers decorated the drawing rooms of Mrs. Nichols' home on Salmon street, where some J5 of the younger element were entertained Informally. Mrs. Nich ols and- Miss Jones received, and Mrs. Marlon Francis Dolph and Miss Vida Nichols presided at the table in the dining room. Mrs, Nichols wore a satin gown of peacock green, and Mrs. Jones was most attractive In old blue with a bunch of violets. The Woman's Exchange Is becoming a more popular place for afternoon tea as the season progresses, and almost every afternoon one may meet many of one's friends there, a. goodly gather ing of matrons and maids makes the place most attractive tn the afternoons and imparts a pleasantly Informal air. Prominent matrons hav charge of. the J exchange on different days. i, ... .. . ... The Lens staff of the Washington? high school entertained about 40 of Its friends Friday evening at the home 'of Miss Claire, Oakes, 561 East Taylor street. Games, music. and refreshmiuits were conspicuous diversions of the even ing. The occasion was the celebration of the triumph of The high school toot ball team in the Interscholastlc league this Beason, ' i Miss Esther' Krouse and John A. Horan will b married with quiet cere mony at St. Mary's cathedral next Wed nesday morning. No .cards have been sent out. . Miss ''Krouse is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. F O'Shea. Mr. Horan is well known in club circles. Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer will sing the. "Ave Maria" (Mascheroni) at the ceremony, A number of Portlanders are motor' lng In California. At Paso Robles Hot Springs thia week were Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Henderson and their daughters the Misses May and Bonney Henderson. L. TherkleBon and Miss Hazel Therkle son, F. M. Warren Jr., and George A. Warren. Thirty-five- years' experience in manufac turing Fur, Garments enables ua to offer FURS in their highest state "of refinement. In purchasing a FUR of us you secure a garment of UNQUESTIONABLY HIGH REPUTATION, a thoroughly safe selection of skins There is the benefit derived from doing business with 'a LONG ESTAB LISHED and experienced. organization. A Name that Characterizes Portland's Leading Fur Establishment In a way that carries conviction to the FUR purchasing public, we at all times show only reliable merchandise, made by expert work men IN OUR OWN FACTORY and de signed by the world's foremost; creators of FUR garments. A finished product that has foj- years made and kept us Portland's Fashion"' Dictators in Furs. , We show the largest line at lowest prices. WE sell FURS from the trapper to wearer direct, thereby saving you the middleman's profit. - Mm m 1(1 ,' Jjfc I1 : suits? swm suits? r n Women's Tailored COO IT A SUITS . . . , v9""dM SUITS YOU HA VENT SEEN BEFORE FRESH FROM THEIR NEW; ' YORK WRAPPING . " There's something in the trini of these tailored suits that just appeals to the women with taste. "Mannish effects," the Fashion Journals call them, and tell you that is:jttst the thing, especially with little , feminine modification of these mannish effects- Colors and Materials: BROADCLOTHS Black, navy, , brown, garnet, green and raisin. . . ... WIDE WALE SERGE Gray, brownnavy; and green. t -i'. DIAGONALS Brown,, navy, green ; gray and raisin. . , , , ,' - Values to $60.00 099 fi Monday . . . . . )&fOJ COATS A SERVICEABLE STYLISH COAT; OF; EXTRA QUALITY f 54 inches long coats, with Inlaid velvet col- lars and lined with guaranteed .'satin lining, latest effects are shown in this lot. .. .. Values to $40.00 OO'i ttZ Monday ...,. w&lim)D MATS? MATS? MATS? Thanksgiving Special in Millinery Departm't One-Hall Price Sale Trimmed Hats Best examples of imported and exclusive models, also many from our own workrooms; all this week AT JUST HALF PRICE. Early selection -is important. UNTRIMMED SHAPES, PLUMES, WINGS, TRIMMINGS,' ETC., ONE FOURTH OFF REGULAR PRICE. A Thanksgiving tea will be given at the Patton home. 75 Michigan avenue, Tuesday afternoon. A very interest ing program has been arranged by Mra, Byron E. Miller. The following women will receive: Mrs. Robert Lutke, Mrs. F. D. Kuetther and Mrs. W. L. Straugh. Serving In- the dining room will be Mrs. Aba Tlchner and Mrs. E. M. Baker assisted by Mrs. W. Q. Hoffman, Miss Haxel Tlchner. Miss Catherine Hunt and Miss Frances Jeffry. Hamilton F. Corbett, aon of Mra. Helen Ladd Corbett. and a brother of Harry and Elliott Corbett, Is winning laurels at Harvard. He distinguished himself In the great football game be- riCTORIAX, JaXTXXW rATTCBITS AJTO TVMiaCATtOMM 145-14T SZCOV9 T T. aULSU AJTS MOftaVISOsT Fmr-Matts, .OO Theae are the - moat furore- Hats rlcht now. We hare a most plaalng aortment large and small tarbans' and - narrow brlra shape. taatUy trlramed with fanry stlck-ap featb- era and winter flowers aad frutta. All tn one big chaoalng. at SS.OO We Are Port'anJ Sole eats for . . . mil ccKtn . ' - TTeaa Craets have a world H remittlod fot Ihrtf tmrtl Httlrg joV Itlra. They hare h i made t cover the lro".t t 4a4. Wa tr ahowinf them la all the new strl- T hrr ihnv mnr lfnr thm public we have made a general r iurtK-a thrwistiout the si'xk. Fru!ar R't-n'ar I P-o'.r I Pvrrjir i lr'ar I Wrn'.r I Rrv'if 11 it ;i i i . ' 2 z if -u .iiii '- I . "-, t-m ttr$t: 5i t l f '..1 2.23 Miss Helen Hunt, daughter of Judge William Hunt of Butte, and the guest of Miss Lisa Wood, has gone to As toria for an over Sunday visit with her aunt She will return tomorrow to spend another weekr with Miss Wood. A number of Informal affairs have been given In her honor. . Mrs. Marlon P. Matjs. of Vancouver barracks, Mrs. A. E. Rockey, Mrs. C E. S. Wood, Mrs. Holt C. Wilson, Mrs. Frederick F.ggert, Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt and Mrs. H. A. Heppner. were the pa tronesses for the Euchenlaub-Raif-Van Dyke trio's concert at the Y. W. C A. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Henry have planned a trip to the orient, and will leave the n)kldle of December, to be absent a month or more. Their beau tiful Irvlngton home will be occupied by Dr. and Mrs. Homer L Keener dur ing their absence. Miss Jessie Rosenfeld of New Tork arrived last week to spend the winter with her aunt, Mrs. - I sum White, who was recently widowed. Mrs. White has a beautiful home on Twenty-first street which has heretofore been the scene of much entertaining. Mrs. W. J. Van, Bohuyver and Miss Helen Van Schuyvet, who have been living t Alexandra Court, left last week for San Francisco, whrre they will re main for a short time, after which they will go to Honolulu, where they will re mits Indefinitely. Mr. and Mra. Fred Seller celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary Moo- I day. Althouah there u bo formal en tertaining iney were snowerea with flowers and. la tha wreelng aoorea of tbetr friends called and made tha hours Bass Bieavaantly. - . w-w " I Mra. C V. MrKelrey and her daugh-! ter. Mls; KIa McKlrer. -left Sunday for aa ritendM trip through the east. xpertUts; t p4 (b roat of Ut wla-i er tn vlalta and t rave 'a. Mis atcKel rey wWI Bat la aofne time ta art stady, aa aha l a eler rew akelchex. lovers of art the past week. The dis play will continue throughout thia week. Among recent pretty dinner parties was that presided over by Herman Metz ger. complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Flelschner and Miss Flora Flelschner. The Metiger-FleJchner wedding will take place in January. Miss Claire Houghton Is one of the most popular members of the younger set who has been missed from a num. ber of functions recently because of an attack of tonsllltls. Miss Hough ton is rapidly recovering. Invitations have been "Issued by the Concordia club for a bridge dance to take place Wednesday evening, Novem ber 24. It goes without saying that It will be one of the brilliant func tions of the month: Mrs. William A. MacRae was abridge hostess Wednesday afternoon when she entertained with 12 tables. Prices were given at each table. . The rooms were charming with pink carnations, holly and Oregon grape. Mrs. W. J. Burns entertained at luncheon Thursday with 12 covers for Mrs. Dyer, wife of Colonel Dyer of Vancouver barracks. Mrs. Dyer Is be ing much entertained and has a large circle of friends In Portland. The marriage of Mlas Julia Cole and Thomaa B. McDevltt Jr. will be cele brated Wednesday evening. The cere mony will be quiet and will be wit nessed by only the relatives. Dr. and Mrs. A. C Pan ton have cards out for a dance at the Portland Heights club Wednesday evening. December 1 The following afternoon Mrs. Panton will entertain with a musical. compliment to Mrs. Alexander Dyer and her sister, Mrs. Taylor, of New Tork. W The Woman's guild of Trinity parish cordially Invites all Its friends to the parish house on Nineteenth street, Tuesday, from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Chester Q. Murphy went to California to attend the annual 8tanford-Berkeley football game' of a week ago. He will return the first of the week. Miss Margaret Montgomery has gone to New Tork to spend most of the win ter with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Frlzzell, who spent the summer here. w Mrs. J. Coulson Hare and Mrs. Cora Puffer have cards out for a- tea Tues day afternoon, December 7. from 2 till 5 at 274 Carruthers street. i w iMr.H1w e-f F. G. lrn's rn-t!f!te at tv U.r it M Arts la ettractieg o litt' attrtin. and the af- ta l-n tf e r'eiv.s for a&aey Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Charlton will spend the Thanksgiving holidays In San Fran Cisco. They will bo Joined by tbelr son Howard, who Is a freshman at Stanford university. Mrs.' Bert M. Denison entertained the Monday Bridge club with a 1 o'clock luncheon. Bridge followed. Mrs. Charles E. Runyon won the prise, a souvenir spoon. w Mrs. Henry Fleckensteln baa returned from a threa months' trip east where pit want on boslneas connected with the publication of her recent book, Tha WMow s Wisdom." - w CnlonH n4 Mrs. Dyer and Mr. Tay lor of the ftarrarks wera boune gveota f Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Oaold Wednesday Thursday, attending Mlaa GaaSds Mrs. Mario P. Maua enter taMJ at the barracks yesterday alernooa ta Mrs. E. B. Com an and her daughter. Miss Wynn Coman, left for California, where Mrs. Coman will spend some time visiting her daughters. w Fred Greenwood, the popular San Francisco bachelor who spends so much time in Portland, naa returned ror a stay of two months. F. S. 8tanley has gone east on a three weeks' trip and will visit the principal cities during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett have gone east on a short trip and will visit in Chicago and New Tork. w w Miss Hazel Crocker was hostess last week for the Monday Bridge club at the home of Mrs. David C Lewis, w Mrs. Frederick Leslie Warrens of Warrenton. Or., la visiting her mother, Mra. Mflton W. Smith, thia week. . Mrs.'Rushmore Is to entertain with an afterfioon at the Portland Heights club Friday, afternoon. December . ' Senator Fred W. Mulkey has gone to Waahlngton for a stay of several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. George Parrlsh have re turned to tha Hill for tbe winter. Thomaa Scott Brook Is In New Tork for a stay of some weeka first party given by them. Miss Claire Oakes, a member living near the High school, kindly lent her house for th oc casion, and for several hours the fun and laughter and gay merriment filling the rooms showed that these highly in tellectual and dignified literary lights were not a group of bluestockings, by any means- - -- One of the novel features of the en tertainment was the reading of limer icks and other verse on each member and teacher present. . These limericks, written by the poetry committee, were tastefully decorated In water colors by the art committee, and besides creat ing great amusement when read aloud. served as charming Mementoes of the evening. Another fruitful source of amusement was the writing by each person of a description of himself. These were read aloud and the Identi ties guessed, some amusing revelations resulting. The party broke up at a late hour with a spirited and vigorous delivery of high school yells and cheers. Those present were: Misses Wakeman, Hayes, Pattee, Wold. Schloth and Armi tage, and Mr. Galloway of the faculty; j Earle Hammond, Mary Davies, Ellice f 8hearer, Eleanor Palmer, Charles Hall, I Lucia Macklln, Pauline Alderman, Bess ! McGaw, Ethyl Gaylord, Lyle Baldwin, f Evelyn Spencer, Claire Oakes, Elsie Clair. Raymond Branion, Edith Brobst, ! A- J.-Jlarrl8oiv-X4eland-. JaneaXloyd t Glines, Mllo Blair, Anna Darrah, Her man Herzog, Marshall Nesbet, Ger trude Speer, Etna Acheson. Hoyala Loom Is, Raymond Slngleta 1 Helen - Sullivan, Lavlna Frasler, Ruby Shear er and Mr. Brodie. ' The annual meeting of tha St. An drew's society was held last Wednes day evening, and- when th various re- ' ports were submitted It was seen that good progress and a substantial increase In membership had taken place during th year. At th annual electron th following (Continued on Following Page.) EVENTS OF THE WEEK g Ob of .th tBost delightful affairs of thn aoB In tb nla-ft rnol set was tha Lena Staff party given Friday rlrht. Tbs staff eon let a sf of th ajot prsasiasfit young poopl of Was- Ixxrioa Uiffc cUol, aad ttlt was t 1 Special Thanksgiving Sale of Turlcey Boasters Monday November 22 Commencing' it 9 o'clock Monday morning, we will place on i!e Savory Roosfers at 85 c Each New Century Boasters 75c Each Reed's Enamel Roasters . FromS1.50Up We also hare a full lin of Carver tt special pricrt SEB US AT OUR NEW STORE , 104 and 106 Fourth Street COLUMBIA. MPJI7inE r