THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, UOO. r o c n r v 'A . 1 "' i V, I ; ' ;f ' T- : 'VI 1 "a'i ' J'." 11 - t0f i OA 1 . i & if t ETY 'I I I I II id I ll H i I I I III I I I I I I If I , -lit WW .. "W ... Ill I I v?kljk fill u;::. :-:.. ill I a..? ' 1 1 fl I : . 1 I I I : ; !.'. : MM I so:i it- ... f i; VV.fA : M A XS I vIoIj-Ib. fr. r. K. B. Wood nj Mm.! (V K Herb !( Iti huntoka. T)t4 iuilor room waa kllrardva till) oaf nailoiia and frrna. ' i Many andom owna wora worn and! Ilia tit curala formed a aiuart a ! j Diav. fcapooianjr, niiauiB auioiif ina women tu the ctMlom of wearing . handaoma artificial flower rotnblned ! with natural ferna. . lira. Walter Itur-' rell wora a handnoma gown of jet lace,' with a hug fink garden la. Mla t'aro; Una inirna waa In white aatln with a! rod relvet roaa at Jier girdle, - Mra. Tal bot waa eapet tall? handaoma In a goan of tha new ahada of green with r.nrnl Mjrea of gold paaaementerle. Mrn. An dro Koullhoux i wag . dlattngulahed In white aatln with lutndaomtt lace. . ' . , Mra. C. R. 8. Wood wora Jetted blark net.. Mlaa Xranoea Wllaoa waa elmrm Ing In blue chiffon with allver trim mlnga. Mlsa Margaret Walter waa In a dainty Krenrh voile of blue atd white, Mlaa - Dorothy Murrlaoo waa moat at tractive n white allk with an oyerdreaa of lace, worn with pink gardenlaa. Mlea Na"n Roberteon waa In pink : aatln trimmed with roaa point. .Mlsa Mary Montgomery'a gown of rreaden allk In pale ahadeg waa beautiful. Mra. Marlon Itolph had on twauriful chiffon gown combining pal blues and plnka In a moat affective manner. Mra. David C Lew la waa In pink aatln. Mlna Dorothy Hoi brook and Mlaa Iealla Weldler wore yellow aatln. Mlea Ialey Bmlth rnsde charming; appearance In yellow crepe. Mlaa Grace Warren wag In white, com bined with allver. , Mra. David Honey-' man was .exceptionally handsome In I aatln of a pale lemon atado orn with gold Blippera. Mlaa Haiel Crocker wora wnita satin with red roaebuda. Mlna Uaa Wood waa in pala pink worn with a huge bunch of vloleta. Mlea llla 8helby waa handaoma In pink aatln with lavender orchlda and ferna. , Mra. K. Howard Corbett looked dlatlngulahed In a biu amAroidered -awn.-.MIsa Mill weaamger waa in white allk worn wit vloleta. . . . . . Thp Home Fur nished ; Complete Toll & Gibfoo, luc Housefurnlshing Gooda SolJ on Easy Payments Continying the Free CooKing School Wo Invito You to Attend After . . . noons From 3 to 4;30 In tho Basement ' The New Toy Department Now Open Toys, Dolls, Wagons, Velocipedes Mechanical Novelties, Eta. in Splendid Assortment Lowest Prices The promlae of a novel and hoautlful entertainment in the French fete to be given In three performancea - at the Baker theatre on December 1 and 4.-un. der tha patronage of the fruit and flower mlaalon, la centering many social engagement of the week - following Thanksgiving- around lta. DreDarationa and rebearaala. . .. A dresa rehearsal of the eortralta to be posed ln the fete wUl be one of (he Important eventa, aa Hghta.and other accesaorlea will be tried, and art cmica win pais judgment on the correctness of pone, position, etc. So attempt will I be made to reproduce . the backs-rounds of. the portraits, which would involve much unnecessary labor, but the soft-1 ' Bess or coloring, the beauty of line and I me symbolism of attitude or extressIon wnicn nave made the great orlrlnaia live. Will be copied with aa much f ldelltv and attention to detail as possible. Tte many art books in our Wilson and Fall- I ing art endowment at our library, as well aa private collections ef French , portraits, have been eagerly consulted during the past week, and old and val ued collections of gowns and Jewelry have been brought together in attemnta at faithful reproduction of eighteenth century dress and ornament, -l i, v-. The selections of those who are 'to i pose in these masterpieces of. portrait ure are especially appropriate, each fitt ing chosen for a resemblance to thm Mrs. Edwin E. Heckbert, a dainty I Picture r a suitability for portraying blonde, In her Klrmess costume. She wil pose as Madame de Lamballe In the French Fete. A Stuart Kerr, son of Mrs. Frank Kerr, a prominent nostess of the week. , EW YORK 2r PARIS 351 -WASHINGTON ST. J"k GEHUIHE SALE OF T1IL01EB SOiTS That are the very best, and occupy a prominent place in the'prevailing fash. ions. They are of the characteristic Litt distinction, because they are se lected from our regular stock. These beautifully tailored suits are jiot reduced because of their style r coloring. Individually the'best the reason affords, but we wish. to offer legitimate inducements to open new ac- , courts for we feel our first impression will assure future patronage. Suits Fcrctrlj $60 ta $rs $17 Mmday and Tuesday .AT ....P- Sells Fcrc:;rly $40 to $S5 CQ7 Moixlar and Tue4r AT ......,P-' (Trree tirce tciti included in the above) ,. . - n Cria al Nino. NUMBER of large affairs are at . ,t tractlue attention , nov. amontp them the charity ball tomorrow evening given by the Paughters y ot the Confedbracy. the Thanks giving dance given bj the tTniversity of Oregon and the French fete ; to follow the holidays. Musical events of Interest are looming in the near future, too. The Frlta Krelsler concert will be given December 2, Thursday night. " The Bett-man-Klingenberg- chamber musleale wiU be given next week. - -" Mrs. Frank Kerr's reception on Thurs day afternoon at her Schuyler street residence was a fashionable' event of recent date. The Interior of the Kerr home was a fascinating bower of flower and foliage In a harmony of vivid color. The living- room was in red and white carnations, combined with quantities of feathery asparagus fern, caught with white knots of red chiffon. The dining room was perfect in its decorations of yellow chrysanthemums and fern. A mass of golden flowers made a brll llant centerpiece for the table. : The candles in silver candlesticks were shad ed with yellow silk' empire shades and bonbon, dishes and compotieres were in the same soft tints. The mantle and buffet were banked with chryaanth' mums. Mrs. Kerr received in the liv- ng- room, assisted by her mother, Mrs, Dell Stuart. Little Stuart Kerr, aged made an attractive picture at the door. Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. Samuel Kerr, Mrs. L. H. Tarpley. Mrs. J. Ernest laldlaw, Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe and Miss Etta" Morris. Pre siding at the table in the dining room. and alternating in serving, were Mrs. Marion, Francis Dolplu Mrs. Guy Web ster Talbot, Mrs. Frank M. Warren Jr., Mrs. George K. Wentworth Jr . Mrs. J. C. Robinson, Mrs. H. C. Wortman, and Mrs. George C. Mason. Miss'Douise Carey and Miss Mildred Nichols as sisted in serving. Mrs. Frank Kerr wore an ultra chic gown of white crepe, heavily embroi dered. A cherry colored ribbon girdle added a fascinating - touch to this ex quisite Imported gown. Mrs. Dell Stuart was gowned In green satin, elaborately trimmed with duchessa lace. One of the most striking gowns seen was that of Mrs. Samuel Kerr, Who Wore a seal brown broadcloth combined with ori ental trimmings and - duchease lace. Mrs. H. C. Wortman was splendid In an old rose creation, much braided, and cut on the most severe lines. - Mrs. Frank M. Warren Jr. wore a blue crepe- gown. and Mrs. Marlon Dplph waa in pink. Mra. George K. Wentworth Jr. was In brocaded satin of a com color. Mrs. J. I Kooinson was aisnnguished in a handsome brown vela-eL Mrs. George Mason wore pink silk. Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe was gowned In blue panne velvet. Mrs. Ernest laidl w was lit a lingerie frock and Mlsa Louise Carey and Miss Mildred Nichols wore blue allk. Mra. L. H. Tarpley was much. admired id a colonial costume of daiinc com- btbation. Blue allk with cerise -and greea touches wetit to ' make UP qeatnt and piquant frock. Mlsa Etta Morrla wore a handsome j white gown, embroidered with sink) roeea. w the pose and style. Great variety char- acterisei the two aeries, ' with the' Stir ling revolutionary suggestion in the three military portraits which separate them. The great representative French artista are shown, for the moat part In ineir master worK, or, a in the case of Nather, by the two or three portraits which above all others are destined to live. A liberal education In French art could be. had . by merely knowing the schools represented, the periods and the Ideals of the artista and pictures which are; to be given In the fete. Many of the. originals are still la the Louvre, as 16 fitting, but English collectors have secured ,and still keep some of tfte greatest y Greuze and Lebrun, while our own gaueries boast of the two fa mous canvasses, "Queen of the Camp," Dy jacquet, and VSong (St the Lark,"; by Jules Breton,, recently purchased by the Chicago Kield Art. museum. - ; A full list of the portraits to be nodfld. with their artists, . and the prominent umiruiiB and young women who will simulate tne great orlglnals follows. FIRST STZRTRB . - Princess de Lamballe. ....,... .Nattier airs. i;. k. HecKbert. ; Mme. Mole Raymond (girl witti muff) j ..Lebrun Miss Milla Wesslnger. . ine sirter or colza Jules Breton , . miss xeslle Weldler. Duchesse D Orleans (as Hebe) .Nattier , Miss Gillian o jirien. c,rc Romney , , , Misa Maud HowelL ) , . Girl With Doves......... -......'.Greuse - Miss Maida Hart. Mme. Lebrun et sa fille. ..... i . . Lebrun Miss Hall. Miss Harriet rummlnn '. La Camargo. t. ..... . , Lancret Miss Leila Shelby. ' -MILITARY INTERLUDE. Mme. Roland i . . ... . . Henslus Allan Ellsworth. Rouget de Lisle. .Author nf Mni-olHof. Vfueen or tne camp. Jacquet H. w. -u. van Bcuyver. La. Duchesse de Parma. . Labi lie Gugard niiBB r ranees Wilson. Mme Reeamier. .-, . David t MISS Clarice Hlien Tha Gleaner. ............ .Jules Breton . iff.. t . . ... . ai inn me l jouKimvr. . Princess . Louise. ........ v . . . .NatUer Af '. V-V ; ;. Hews From1 Roady toWear " 1 1 1 ' a )f SQction'-Thatls of. Interest': to SHF' Women Kinnt at Tims Reason v the; finest tailored suits at $25.00 ' ; v AT $35.00 AND AT $50.00 ARE HERE kot only the most practical, but the most exclusive -a wealth of " styles with all the charm of beautiful materials and distinctive fash ' ioning:. The long coat and plaited skirt styles and in all the new-' Jest materials from the simple plain Series, Cheviots and Broad cloths to the fancy imported Tweeds and Homespuns, with beau tiful linings of silk or Skinner's satin. The colors favored this sea son walnut Havana brown1 anck black as well as ail the fancy mixtures.. And as to value, you'll find our Tailored Suits at these prices--af every blher price -unequaled.. ' - r i ": , - h. COATS Our first season. Makers tell us that the demand is "heavier this season than in many years. We've specialized in them right at-the start, and women know that everything we show in coats,. as in all other garments, is rieht'uD to the minnte in stvli There are the long, close-fitting models the extremely plain in ' black brpadcloti, lined with Skinner's satin, and in the fancy niix- ; ,-iures, tne new Diue snaaes m serges and cheviots, are many differ . cnt models. Then there are the styles with both the lain and plaited flounces and in every appropriate . material. Prices $12.50 to $50.00. i ; ; . '. - THE NEW AUTO COATS have just arrived the styles that mahv have been wait ing for made of heavy auto cI6ths, mixtures, and novelty fabrics. - With hoods. Priced at RAINCOATS made just like the men s styles of the very best rainm-oof materials ' with the raglan and mannish sleeves. ; $20.00 and Up."."".""; '. ?-'-.-T7 " " J V.' - NEW. SWEATER COATS more of these are being worn this season "than' ever" be-'' fore. - The long styles are' particularly in favor, made with 'the long drop shoulder, the close-fitting cuff, and with the low or storm 'collar, The very newest shades brown; gray and blue-are here to choose from. All lengths from the 30-inch t'o the 50-inch.' ' Some have- the storm pockets, $3,115 to $23.00. " , . RICH AND BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES FOR THEATRE AND EVENING WEAR . . Much tof the brilliancy and success of the occasion, whatever it may be is due to ' the display .of apparel. Many women are now planning their wardrobes for the season's social, and musical functions. Fashionable ap parel for such occasions exquisite Evening Gowns and ' wraps--is exhibited here in charming variety. y y it ' (Ore. Tha QuaUty Mark that Distinguishes ' 1 . ' Our Oanneats. Exhibit of "Sealy" MattressesCommencing Tomorrow First Floor The Lily of France" Corsets ,; ln 1 '.. M " 7" "... ' . .' 11 1 1,11 " 11 1 . Meet every requirement of most exacting wearers .Strictly French in, its origination thoroughly" correct in 'its beautiful lines and graceful curves scientifically constructed to permit perfect freedom of niiotion it positively molds a beauti ful figure, givets correct' style and a notable distinction to ones appearance. ' ' f - ' - - - ..... , , , , ,ff Model 509--for tle average, figure. Medium bust and ex tremely long over hips and abdomen. Soft extension skirt, made of imported brocade and. finished with lace and ribbon. $10. ' Model 325 is an ideal corset for stout figures, so construct-1 ed that it becomes an abdominal support without the usual bulky straps and lacing. Medium high bust and long hip. $7.50. Model 312 is for the slight figure. Medium high bust and long hips. Made of French coutil and lightly boned, $5.00. -, ' Expert corsetieres in attendance.' You are assured of correct selection., ' " Thi Miss Cornelia. Conk. Kiss... A. 71.. Greuxa Breton Miss Alts. Rush. - Sons; of the Lark. Miss Dorothy Morrison. Queen Marie Antoinette Lebrun airs. . u uorman. t The wedding; of Miss Luclnda Patricia Henry and lr. Henry L Keeney took place Wednesday night at the home of the bride's uncle, Charles K. Henry, 131 East Twenty-first street north. Tha marriage ceremony 'was rea4 by tha Rev. Mr, Keeney of San Krandlsco. Invitations were limited to relatives and a few friends of the bride and a room, ' owing to the recent death of Charlea W, Henry, the son of tha host The -drawing room, library, dining room and hallways were massed with carna tions and palms. The bride's gown was of heavy white aatln, elaborately trim med with duchess tac. Sh 'carried a shower of vloleta. . An Informal recep tion and supper followed the eeremonr. following which tha bride and groom left for California. They will ba away a month, and on their return will be at thj,honie with Mr. Henry for a .short time. J , WW of A charming, dance marked the debat lsehile Mrs. Thomaa Brlttaln foster gave the aerond of a aeries of bridge parlies yes terday afternoon. Inviting Mra Harry K. Coleman. Mra. C. J. Hrhnatx-i. Mrs. Ma tilda Baldwin. Mrs. C. T. Whiting. Mrs. ! IC, t. Smith. Mrs. M. M. lwry. Mra.! undertaking and Judging from- the ad vance sale of tickets it wui baa great success. - The presiaent, Mrs., u. t. Al len, an untiring worker herself, has been ably, assisted by We following Com mittees: , Uancing Mrs. George Far rlsh, Mr. Melish, Mrs. V. M. C Silva, Mra. C. L. Scblefflein and Mrs. B. AU len. '.Card ' 'cmmittee Mrs. ' t).",- X Haynes, Mrs. K. L., Irwin and Mrs. C. M. Riggings.-, v , . .. V .... Tha following well known women, act ing . as .patronesses, have given' much time and support to make' this a not ably successful occasion: ' Mrs. A. A. Morrison,-Mrs. Benjamin t. Cohen, Mrs, Frederick Eggert, Mrs.' A. C. Panton. Mrs. E..E. Lytle, Mra. James Alexander Kills, Mrs. H. A. Heppner, Mrs. Charles Raymond Davis, Mrs. G. M. Glines, Mrs. James V, Tlfft, Mra. D. C. Burns, Mrs. Max3. Cohen, Mrs Cleveland Rock well and Mrs... B.' Yean... - . v . - . A marriage .that will take place next month in the Philippines will be of Interest to i number of Portland 'peo ple. : Miss Helen Stever , sailed last week for Manila to rneer her flanoa. Lieutenant James Kverlngton. and the wedding will, be celebrated with elab orate military pomp at the garrison at Jolo, where Mr. Evrrington la now ftatloned. Miss- Stever waa formerly from Michigan, but ahe haa paascd the last few years In the west.- Two years ago she was In Portland and her clever ork In reading brought - her Into a good deal of prominence, part of the time aha waa Identified with the elo cution department of St Helena haiL Fhe llwd at Elton Court and had many frlenda. The f t year aha haa lived In Beat tie. though prior to her derar- Mica ; tuahvlle OaiiU WerfnMa night when Mr. and Mrs. J. a. Oauld e-ge u. oren. aim. a. 1- ipion, Mra. Introduced their daughter at Marlark ! R Mann. Mrs. Helen "aUw.lL Mrs. halL QuaaUtlea of baattful flower , "w'"ni Mwaroa. aira. Kooen U. Ierk. were, Knt to Miss Oauld and tkav formed a most effective background for the receiving party, palma and bowla of huge rhrrsanthemoma frrmed tha decoraWona about the roetrum where the oef beatm waa eateeV- Mra. Oanid wors bandeome gown af yellow brocaded aatla ornamented with d urhe ) ac ma4 ro point. Miaa Gauld wboee sweet manner and vnaff4ed rreonaHty bare run nee wianr Tnmifm a In m nr.ti. xi t am t fcT Kf Mt ewrffwi embroidered wtiaifalra ever given In Portland. I rrtneboda and trammed ltb Irleli btee. I The ttipiia la a-' Wer bae n a fire frrtd an -f ferllfe bowiu-4 f i very 4-rn lteret tti l h is ' ltrreKit j Mra. AdolpH ftkom. Mn. a. 11. Marrn. Mra. 'Frark Vandeyn and Mra. M. C. Holmea ' - w " , ' The Val chapter ef the laughters! nf the Confederacy wfil give tTietr T!rt I annual criarttr ball and card perty to- mrrow nigoi No effort ha turhtrl to ma li r- - ' f ture she . visited several weeka with Mr. and , Mrs. 'E. K. Heckbert 'on Everett street. s She Is a cousin of Nor man Hackett, the celebrated actor. Her friend. Miss.- Elizabeth Ryan of Michi gan, accompanied her on. tha voyage and will be one of the attendants. : Mrs. A. L. Hexter entertained at a merry theatre party; "yestetday after noon In compliment tq her' niece, Miss Flora. Flelschner. - tha attractive and much feted bride to be. -Besides Mrs. ' Hexter. and the guest of honer. tha par ty Included Miss Florence Kohn, Miss Florence 'Wolfe, Miss Miriam Jacobs and Mrs. Jonah B. Wise. Following the matinee at tha Bungalow, Mrs. Hexter entertained her guests at . tea at . tha Hotel Portland. ; - i '.-..: , -'' ' , Wednesday -afternoon Miss Ella Hlrsch and Miss Mat HIrsch were host eases In honor of Mrs. Marcus Flelsch ner and Mias Flora Flelschner. : Tha very attractive function was a bridge party at the Hlrsch, home on' King's Heights. - The Interior waa lavishly and artistically brightened with yellow" chrysanthemums. The hostesses and guests were exquisitely gowned, Mrs. Flelschner and Miss Flelschner ' wear ing exceedingly smart' looking Parisian .. creations. The prises were-handsome affairs, and were captured by Mrs. Ben -Neuetadter, Mlsa Flora Flelschner and " Mrs. Emanuel Sichel. - There were eight tables for bridge, and a number of worn- 1 en cam ln for ea In tha late af tar'' noon. . . . . i: t : Mrs. Fred O. Jenning i entertained about 100 friends at cards Thursday af ternoon at her residence on Tenth and Wasco atreeta, Irvlngton. . Tallow and ' white chrysanthemuma were used ln tha varioua rooms, with a background of Oregon grape. The lights were shaded with yellow, and throughout tha decorations the yellow and white color (Continued on Following Pige.) Si AND CeVCI-IKO C eV O lowoaAM-sTATioniav :irE?x! W.G.SMITH & CO WmH3TONBUIlSMO G.P. RUMMELIN (8, SONS 1M teoond Vvrast, Bet. Washlngtoa aad Aider. Furriers V v if' LONG PUR COATS In Alaska Sealskin. London Dye. Mink,' Russian . Pony, Aitrschan, Near Seal, Etc. Fur Turbans I : Fur. Neckwear " ' i fur Muffs - fur Ru;i Fur Robes Tur Cloves Ui far Cralffat s Start tftt UnHrj rtti(i ?J ad irra, ota run srja 411 1 a-tjh