The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 27, Image 27

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Mohi Corn Meal 13 anEfecfual Whiienir
'HEN tv consider bow much In
videnoe our hands are; how.
our' Indoor life, they .are
probably- used more than other '
a parte of the body; how . attractive
" pretty, whlta hand la, and how unat-;
tractive a rotig-U, sta'ned hand appears, :
It aeema lieoesaftry that a few auges- .
tions be given to housekeeper. In this
vocation there are eo many opportuni
ties for disfiguring the hands that many
women accept what they regard as the ;
Inevitable, and apologize for the cond!--.
tlon of their bond, feeling that they
have done all that :s expected." . "
But this need not be. It Is possible
for a housekeeper who does most 9
the cooking, ironing and washing to re
tain clean hands. - t .
After paring fruit, which Is an enemy
to white skin, allow the fumes of a
sulphur candle to pass over, the fingers
or any surface that has come In contact
With the fruit This special friend of
HY is It that A men will liber
ally sprinkle his oonversa.
' tlon with "thank you," and "I
beg - your , pardon" before
, marriage, and when the glamour of the
honeymoon has faded into the past,
forget to assist his wife with her
coat? .What is the reason that a
woman will spend an hour at her
toilette before meeting her. Cance, and
when married will appeaf positively
unattractive f - . ' . , ? , ,
Z fear that the answer la in ths fact
. that somewhere In either person's con-
duct there is a lack of good breeding. .
Just because a person Is married la cer
tainly no excuse fr a neglect of the
ordinary social customs. Indeed, a lapse
f good manners In the behavior of
married people always fills me with dls
arpolntment .And dread for the years
In the far-away future.
- It la the first step that counts. Never
let yourself forget that you ows to youf
husband a consideration and politeness
equal to. If nor, surpassing, that glvea
te tbrs; check your first Impulse to
answer him rudely; think twice before)
yea act once wbea a wish to be Impolite
There are many little rocks upon
which the hspplaeas of married life
eemeg te grief. First, there is the quae-
ties of letters. Now, a letter wblch
yeaiwhusband receives belongs te two '
ffreos: te blm snd te the writer. H'fl
martiare has roothlrg te da with thJa,
aad tbe ctii-entonl under? tanking .
murt net We nndrmlRed by a wife read
fr.f her hatband a correepondeaKw wher
the faiwy atrikes Hr. Tv 's rv m m t -
t' prr-T-nai'y Is IU The w fe ( "
crr1rs ''t tit' 'Jbaf4 reer te'"s
-rr tri-lti' ai;' '" ' rona-
S-.r - readlrg feu tetters naasked. ...
lit s fj r
1 r r 1 aw w. r "
1 risj
- Pumpkin is a
Uentrat Ueanerf
the housekeeper can be purchased at
most large stotes. The efficacy of sal
. phur In this form Is sure. V - '
As a general' cles,ner raw pumpkin
. Is excellent. Cut small, pieces of this
and rub over" the hands, allowing the
" moisture of the vegetable to be absorbed
- by the . skin. ... All little- stains of uh
known origin will disappear before per
slstent treatment. ' ' V
: There Is another wbltener of skin
probably within reach of most workers.
" Cornmeal, wfcen moistened and rubbed "
over the hands, bleaches and smoothes
'the surface. Of course, there are many '
little formulas which may be had for
the asking, if more thorough treatment
be decided upon.
' Every one is familiar with dry and fed ,.
hands which result from a, morning
over the- wasiuub. Soaps that lighten ,
the burden of labor generally rob the
hands of natural oil, which produces the ,
pretty gloss on , well-kept skin. To a
Frequently there Is an exchange of
, confidences In the first weeks of mar
ried life In which every memory, every
paat lrve affair and all friends and rel,
. stives are discussed. And frequently
'.these easily made confidences are re
turned under the guise of chastisements
In moments of Irritation, A sufficient
amount of reserve Is lacking In this
mode of aotlon, and reserve Is ths sign
Of good breeding. ' Every . little - thing .
should , not be told to the husband or
' wife. .Remember that an account, of
past affairs involves the other .person. .
; Bad temper is an evidence of bad,
manners in an aggravated form. Mar-
rled people should exercise self-control
; just as carefully aa those In single
blessedness, -: ?
In closing, let me urge that polite-
neas be emphasised in married life with'
the same care that occurs in the days
before.- A ' pardon should be asked of '
one's husband Just as quickly as of
the grocer i an. entrance to his dressing
room should be preceded by a knock '
' Just as surely as that to a guest's room..
Th great wheels of married life will ;
move Infinitely more smoothly if urban
ity be tbe guiding thought. Be polite,
even to your husband! Consider his
feelings and hle opinions as carefully .'
aa you 09 those of hi nephew. Let
there be an amiable manner at break- '.
fast when alone with him as well as at
dinner when- guests are present. Never ,
allow the familiarity of married life to ,
reed a contempt for good manners.
Solutions to Social
- Problems
Wants More Attention
EAR Mrs. Ada
I veuia like very fa or a ts aww
bat l-u heve to ear of n-is Lit.'
Ine iServnce. Fur tre lat tae ears nil
1 -1 r,4 ef mine ha ben quite frr.uijr
H h m. I sire rtr ' atisble r
ntt f -r i-hrlstma and birm.iay mni
take bee- But te r eaters a -i partM-,
rut e does seem to iy verv netli
s'ten'tea me. " her f towg eeem t-
e,-e,t hr stietl' ,S te II rtrt
i I in IS What t thi" I 4- mks frter nav -a'a
v re wt? (lirj r. K.
'w IiaT rx rtght t MX rs-lat
iattenli front tb yourg s-lrl If yen
are root engaged to be marred te her.
Tin: oki:con sunday jouknal, Portland. Sunday mohning, novo.iw;r
Concirning.Health and Beauty
earn :
?' r-
t ej
4 ;-VSj. vvi -
Ironing in Old
amall quantity of spirits of' camphor
add a few drops of vinegar and apply to
the. bands after the hiornlng'a washlng.
:Thla combination, will restore the soft
luster to the hands. " ,
".: When Ironing day arrives use a pair.,
of loose gloves while holding the Irons.
These prevent " roughness "and rednss.
Every one knows that a rougrh hand has
a wonderful ability to collect dirt, and
the gloves are a prevention rather than
She should, of course, show appreciation '
for the jundnesa you bestow upon Iter.
' Skating and Sledding v 1
bear Mrs Adams.
,, I am a alrl of 15 years and' would Ilka
to know If It Is proper to no aleddlnjr
and skating with a. crowd of stria and
boy a? Is It proper for a boy to take .
- a alrl to and from a partv?
, It will be all right for you to go out
with the, crowd of boya and girls, pro- ,
' vided there is an older person to chap-
eron the crowd, ft la proper tor a boy
to escort a girl to' and from a party if
, her older sister or a reliable friend c"
companies her also. . ... ; . 7:,
Gift of Jewelry '
; Dear Mrs. Ad am a.
Please advise m if I 'would be proper
.. for a alrl of 17 to alve a boy friend of
het-a, a year or ao her senior, Hlirnet
ring for either a birthday or a Chrlat
' maa sift. 8ha has known hirn two years
aud he has been aenrtluK bovks. flowers
and candr and has shown her a very
nice time. OgOROUNVA l
A young girl should not accept from
a young man nor give to a young man
jewelry unless they ' are engaged to be
married. "
: s a Chaperon Necessary f ' .
Dear Mrsl Adams. ' .
I am IS years ef are' and when I re
out with a youn naa I would like to
know If It la npreaeary ror me 10 ia .
my brother or aay one else with a
cl-aperon" . FET;.
IfUquette demands that some third,
person ahould go along. It may be your
elder brother or sister or your mother -
Is She Too Youngf
Iter frm. Adama.
l ! alrl of u or it low rtmag te gw
eut with twsT -
t u It rn to m a teoy tmn nje
-dear." wben be knows mv naaie? Is
It right to let him kt-e m good alght?
I 1 he girt I a-e lth eat with a boy.
whe remed to lova her. buf ef lata he la
eery cool apd does not ak her so aw
with hiaa. WhM must lrvg.
' L Yea, unless sbe U cbsperoned ,
2. Do not svitow a buy to call yett af
fectionate name, and above all. reoc
let him kisa . you. -
. A girt baa wo right to expert a boy
te pay her attentlona anleaa aha la ea
. gaged -to be married ta him. ;
Length of dresses
Dear Mra ASama.
I I em U jrs ef eg end wtmld tike
te kwow bow Vwa a gvt f at rag that
ear rer dr, a
I Hew eu4 herbe'r be wrw?
S At 9h,t Urr ff tse -r.t-i ' a tbmtid
4 girt et that age be at. fce?
I. The length of tier lreas enoglt
t decided upon by her height
built . .. .- .. ...
By iMllSjlLNRY
Loose. .Gloves:
If these few. suggestions are followed
each day and they really require only
a few minutes' time any ' woman may
preserve, scrub. Iron or do the hundred
and one little things, In the house and
still retain soft white hands. If you
havs neglected your hands, begin to
morrow to treat them kindly. You will
be surprised at the' improvement, and I
feel confident that you will not stop a
treatment ' which gives "such palpable
t. Her hair' should be allowed to
hang down her back 'in one or two
plaits tied with, hair ribbons. Th
front Should be parted or allowed to
fall in a aoft pompadour.
t. A girl of IS should not be out
later than 10 o'clock.
Half a Dozen Queries
Seap Mra Artama ' . .
I. Ia It a proprr thin
, to a boy before he sen
ng to send a postal
a, I sent a bostal tt - hnv nuitj.
nas one 19 your
- 'ft.VL !" received no answer.
a oor i
' . How doea a. person know whea she Is
In lover I think I am. but cannot feel
1 4. ' How can a plain girl gala ths admira
tion of a young man? ,
S. Io girls of twenty ever wear ribbons
. In their bairT How should the hair be ar
" ranged? -.
How- should a girl treat a maa whom
sbe has refused to go wlthf
1. There Is r.othlng Improper about It.
2. You can do nothing, for, while It
would have ben courteous for the boy
to send a postal,- he is not obliged to do
I. If vou are In doubt, you can retrt
assured you are lot In love. A girt
- who Is wholly In love .knows It without
any doubt.
4. By acting In a becoming and re
spectable manner.
C. If It Is becoming to them; but most
girls of till age. arrange their hair low
. ob the reck nr high on the head In ths
back and parted of
or In a soft pompet-
dour In tne -front.
. In a
frtendly manner.
. IP hat He Should Say
Dear Mrs.- Adams.-
Will vou kirxliv Infbrra me t Timer lite
fsener wheftiee ar aot It Is vmir tar the
railemn t srk the lair to txke elu am.
If eo. what ehmiH be a? r t'y.XI.ED
The man ahould ask the lady to take
bis arm. He might aay. "May 1 offer
yeu my arm?" or "Will you allow me te
assist you7 it is not consvierea pror
waU er, Dcwrrar, for two people te
arvn-l-ann anleaa the woman
reed of bar esrort'a aaalstaoc.
is la
Mourning Query
Dewr Mra. AAsw.
Will yew k'Dolr tea a If It sraaM be
ff9" r ee- MX for a reung lar n Sreaa
In biah for I--T hmbui if ari had sot
bee lirHts with hiiair .BUACK.
Of rtrarwe it wouVd be twwper; but
If- yo have voluntarily Wa sepa
rated frem yeur husband It Is net
accessary for yo te wear snoarning.
Girl of Fourteen
Dear Vw ASaw. I
I I w til M ymr e4. a-l I aa
I ? I r-K u.L hew ki eo 1
inr w-y rtm
,1 la M. geotiee fee a rH ef M te g-s te
1 Vineoar and Spink ot
Camphor-. 3rwq Back (he Coss
', dsuctt lu a small town. If '.aht Is chaps
' - ronpa by older lrtwsT .......
t. Is It proper for a slrl of It to so
borne from parties and entertainments wlta
' ' young mflnf . . . SLUE KTK8. .
'' i. iour- dresses' should "just cover
the calf of your leg.
. 2. Tes. '
4: If she Is chaperoned by soma one
several years older than herself.
' ' Very Much in Love
Dar Mrs. Adams. .': '.. ' .
I am Vsrjr much in love with two girls.
Both of them write m dally and confess
they love me. I am a student and It In- '
, terh-rss with ny work very much.- Should.
I eontlnu to writ tj them daily, or how
should I set r I am lovesick.
w ..' - JOHX B
1:., I think the beat thing for you to do
Is to give-up writing to the girls,
for-X believe you are deluding both
" girls and in the end will make them
both ' unhappy and miserable. .Then,
- another reason .why you should . stop
- the correspondence Is, ;that(it .Inter
feres with your, studies," Tcni are
lii in mi i 1 t 1 '. ' . t 'I.I,. 1 '.' ..'
. Answers to Beauty Queries
" '' . 'J' " 1 i ". 1 ' , ...... .. .
WINO to the great amount of
mail received and the limited
space given this department.
It is absolutely Impossible to
enswer letters In the Sunday Issue fol
'. lowing their receipt. The letters must
. be answered In turn, snd this ofttlmes
requires three or four weeks.
All correspondents who desire an 1m
. mediate answer must inclose a self
. addreBRed stamped envelope for a re
ply. This rule must also be complied
with In regard to personal letters.
Insufficient Information
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. '. s, ... ,
I am S fiet Inches tall. Do you think
a JS-inch waist too large for a girl of that
nelrht? Is a 4li shoe good proportion?
. What Is e-oofl to make the lips red wlth
o'lt tntnrlna them ' HAXFU
If you had given me your weight and
measurements, I would have been able
to tell if your waist Is too large and
your hoe the proper size. .
Here is the recipe for a salve which
will maloa your lips red without Injur
ing them: ' .. "
Cherry tip Salve.
- 8parmaetl ointment..; 1 ounce ...
Balaam, of peru .. JS grains
Atkanet root ; IS grains
Oil of clovea 6 drops
, Heat the alkanet In the suermaceti oint
ment until the latter melts and the whole
la a deep roae color. Pais through a.
strainer, then slightly cool, stirring In the
balsam. Let It settle for a few momenta,
then pour off the clear part and add the
oil of clovea. Pour Into email puts. II
Is ready for uie as soon as sold. .
Color in Cheeks
DtltCoi foHell m. how icould get a
good color in my oheesa without using
- re'akml.'too dark for the shade ot
mf WSidlS: fen' riSr-tti. remedy
for and bUckheaT
4. DMl veroiai Brm
the skin - and
1. You can gei sutJU c"r j"--cheeka
by taking plenty Ol outdow exercise,-
eating wholesome food, getting
sufficient rest, and taking care of the
complexion at night as we 1 as in the
daytime. Bv this I mean cleansing the
skin thoroughly before retiring so that
th dnat and dirt collected will not ra
ItTlll I ' .t In untis
main in the pores an nigui. ,.
t Lemon Jtiice will whiten and cieanae
your akin. . ' .
' . Here are two recipes, one for curing
plmplea and the other for removing
blackheads. k
! Pimjtles.
W.fa.eanMwil ! "re",
nil .hamnmlll S STOPS
ointmant at bee Boated oxide ef
sine ...
1 uac
V'as en the surface.
Blackheads ol the Skin.
Bo-aHs acid 2"
Alcohol - j
Rneewater "
l as with tncuoa twice a day oa the skia
. affected.
s r-er oxide will not harm the skin or
the teeth, but; If used too cc-netanUy on
the former it will have a drying effect
which is never very pleasant.
Tonic Too Oily"
' Wctdo6ywo.1Hde, the better to se
aa he'r tonle. coal ell or erwoe 'T,i
rl erl ott but It ariaAe Br hair very
it Would like awiwetauiai to whiten the
hand. Aio a rw,eT te keep rje froca
fcHing mr Bas "ails. L
fclther one ef the ells Is good- Per
haps row put tew much en J our hslr
at time- Two ar three drops a Might
will be sufficient. If your batr do mot
need such aa ertiy isiue. use this recipe;
Quinine Hair Tonic
fBirte wt wutnlne J eVem
r. w ' r -. 1 ewv-ee
,rtM ew'nhortc Sctd wrfntwe
p--t,4 eswit's . a awa
M i ihi twnbee dr 0rert. A
ewen niv r a ie or f re a. a
t wi-r i4 Wtc'-e'e emtU a-mKii as leas
r'-t. APTHr V law revte eeerr y.
' To whiten tear hands r wr.l gad
rothteg better than the eoeraeue
gieve I'tna I ea giving tbe reciye
21. iouq
esssasi 1 1 .l,lo a r
ii " g :
young, with. years before you. - The
present time should be occupied In
acquiring an education and good,
practical experience In affairs of bust-
ncss. .
Three Proposals
Dear Mrs. Adams. ', '
I have had threa proposals during; the last
nicn'h. anil to each sudor I havs said.
"Olvs me a month.' The time Is nearly
up now, and I am undecided which to ac
cept. I would very much lias your advice ;
on this suujeat. CARRIE..
I do not think you are much In love
with any pne of them or you would not
have given each one slight hope-by ask
ing him to wait for an answer. If you do
not know which one you would cars to
accept, I really cannot select him for
you. Uncertainty is rarely felt by one
who lovea deeply.
From a Party
n.sp Ur, A Am mm.
1. I am 1" years eld and 4 feet t Inches
tall how Ions should I wear my dresses t
for the paste and directions for using
same: ' ., . :. k..;
Cosmetlo Glove Paste. :
Ground barley, the white of an eggl "a"
teasooonful of glycerine and . one ounce of -boney.
Mix the last three Ingredients and add
enough barlev to form a paste.
IJae soft, large, leather gloves, three or
four sizes too large. Rip them open and
spread the Inside with the preparation:
then sew up the rlmwd seams, , - . ..
Any strong-minded person ought to
be able to break himself of the habit
of biting his finger aalls by exercising
will power. As a gentle reminder,
however, some bitter aloes might be
put on the nails.
' Brpad, Fat Nose
Dear Mrs. Byrnes.
Will you kindly tell me what will reduce
the sise of a fat nose? It Is small at the
base, but Is very fat at the end and alda.
, which gives It a very .broad, fat appear
ance. Massage and camphor have both
proved failures. ' please give me a recipe
which will rapidly Improve aame: also tell
me If same recipe will cure a fat neck.
My neck Is very thin In back and sides,
but directly In front Is a large fat lump,
which gives it the appearance of a goiter.
I do not know of anything: you can
ao, xo-4-iice-tb--Bie-ety
Possibly the lump In the front ot
your neck Is a goiter, and you might
paint It every night with colorless
iodine, though It would be best to
consult a physician.
Hair is Streaked
Dear Mra. aymes.
1. Mv hair Is light and Quite streaked.
Can you tell me something harmless that -will
make It darker T -
t. Will you kindly tell me bow to make
mr hands plump?
My eyes are very small. Is there any
way that I can make them appear larger?
4. la It possible to get dlmptea when they
are not natural? If ao. bow?
1. it la evident that your hair needs
a tonic, and I am giving below the
rf'P for a very good one. Thia tonlo
win have a tendency to darken the hair.
Jaborandi Tonic.
otimina sulphate to
V grams
7 ... ' " w,hi.H,iuw ..... m nuiu uuim .
inv-.ure or caninariaea
I nuid
xium extract of Jaborandi.. 1 fluid drams
,chol 1 fluid ounces
Glycerin I minces
Bar rum . s ni
RoMaater IS fluid ounces
The oulnlne should be dissolved in tbe at-eoholl,-
Itaulda bv warming allghtly. then
the other ingredients added and the whole
filtered. Rub Into the roots of ths balr
every night.
2. Massage your hands
With a aood skin food.
every day.
S. The only way you can make your
eyea appear larger Is by darkening their
outlines with a black pencil. You wl.l
be able to "purchase tne pencil at any
drug store or beauty shop.
A I do not know of any method.
Young Girts Measurements
Dear Mrs. Syutee.
Will ra Madly tell me If my meaimre
- meats are In proportion? I am if rears
old. t feet I Inches tall, tt Inches srouad
the hips. Z2 Inches around tbe wain and M -Inches
around tbe bus. Don't you think
my tuet measurement is too large? Nona -ef
(h girls I go with Is as well developed
as L A.VXIOU9.
Tour hip measurement Is toe small
te be In proportion with your bust
measurement. The latter ia net too
large, and I shall not advise yoti te
do anything to increase er decrease
year measurements, for yeu are not
vet fully developed, and ft le better to
let nature wera Its ewa way la sac
Offensive Breath
Dear Mrs. Fymea .
t am a sir; 4 years eld. and went 'ike
yew U H M kind aa le le 1 n e it te
e for bed braanb. URATFIl L.
First of all. yoa had better find tbe
eauaw of the Wed breath; it sway rorse
f rem me ryy tkings, such as d-ase 'f
tbe snoui h end stomsu b. nes'e-ted teeth,
tartar er the a li. ..f rti h tiisnea,
W Kmi tNe csum la anHbi4 to the
tttnav-h er acre wtouth, the ef
I Ml
Fumes from 'Sulphur Candle j ,
fomove Frmi 3iains -
2, Should I allow a boy to .take me borne
from a party, or should tar parents call
for met . .
S. Would It be proper for a crowd of
Slrl to so out rldlna with a boy about tw
years yeunerT . DOROTHY D.
. 1. Four or nve inches below the knee.
' 1 The latter arrangement would be
better.- ..-.--
J. If they are properly chaperoned.
i Improper Conduct '
Dear Mr. Adams. ' . ..
I. Is it improper for a girl of 18 to allow
a boy to hold her bands In order to keep them
.1 warm whea out on a cold night f
t Also. Is It proper (or a slrl to allow a bo
' to put hit ana around her wairt when kiting
';, .;,., - , ANXIOUS.
1. Very improper conduct. V'
1, 2. When a boy skates with a girl he
should take her tight hand In his right
hand and her left hand In his left hand.
. Their arms should always be In front
. of them, so that there , is no excuse rnr
a boy to put his arm? around a girl's
:' waist while skating. .
t purgatives, mineral waters and hicar-
bonate of soda la recommended. - Bad
teeth should be Instantly removed. If
- you havi been Indulging In too many
rich dishes, atop it and come down tj
, plain, substantial food.
Use of Cocoa Butter
: Desr Mrs. Symes.
i.1'. hV been wanting to enlarge my
oust, and, so I bought cocoa butter, sup- '
- Ppslng r would have something creamy.
i d0 noi know how to. use it. and
wou.d be grateful If you would Inform me.
Z. I sleep out of doors, and yet do not
ej-m to grow fat. What can I do T
-i j1 woui1 ,k have the recipe for a
good skin food. (Mrs.) KNOW IJTTTE.
l.You must heat the cocoa butter
and take a little of it in your hands
and then massage with It.
5:wA. vey B?od wy to increase the
flesh Is to take one tablespoonful of
olive oil before each meal, Olive oil
massaged into the skin will help to
build up the tissues of the flesh.
3. The following is the recipe for a is j
excellent skin food: . '
Orange-Flower Cream.'
' , (A Skin Food.)
vii oe iwrei aimonas..
White wax......
4 ounces
. drama
' drams
..-.. ......
. Glycerine
I r amme
lfo ounces
'"'v,l,l't' !..-.---.......,....., i), ounces
Orsnge-flower water....,..v..., I ounces
O l of neroll ii . a
(n of blgarads (orange ak.Ii)... 15 . drops
Oil of petit grain IS drops
meir tne am three ingredients, aud tn
glycerine to the orange-flower water ant the borax In th mixture; thea
pour It slowly Into, the blended fata tu-
ring continuously. .
- Bust Developer
Dear Mra Symes.
Can you please tell me of some way tat
develop the bust? VIOLA l S.
--.Tou may try the following recipe foS
developing the bust: '
To Develop the Bust.
Inolint , -1 ouni-e
Cocoa butter............. j eunre
Sweet almond oil.... .........!.. 1 ounra
Put In small bowl set in hot water until
melted. Beat together snd cool. EacH
Right, after laying hot eloths on bust, run
it in by massaging mntly and thorough y
In a circular direction for fifteen minute.
Deep breathing uAercieeu will utiveiuii
the bust and broaden the chest,
' Red, Greasy Nose '
' Dear Mrs. Symes. -
Will you please publish ' a ' harml-.e
remedy for a red. greasy, pempliing no
that Is covered with bla-kheaUs? a
He, k bleach and a hair touic? Does '.'.d
eream cause blackhead? BABE.
If you will follow the advice 1 have
given to""Keader." your nose will not
be in such a poor condition.
Here is a recipe for a bleach far
the neck:
Take freah strained encumber Jul'-, b I
- It for Ave minutes.- and foe every flu
ounces of Juice add:
i'ulvcriaed burax 1 oun-.e
Act tat of aoda u ...... I nai
Trutur of quillnla.. ... , ti (mi"i
Tincture rf boolo. ....... ....... 4 0
Rosewster 1 pint
Mix (honmgh'y sad apply two nr Hint
times a dsy until th ata.a is reuuv"i.
The following la the revipe t c a
splendid hair tonic;
Tincture of tios rairlit I cm
tt pi rite ef rwnu),.., t mm
AK-ohtl 2 ow .
Apply several Urnem a aek te the
ef ih hair.
Cold (..earn will not cause bU, -beada
A Red Nose
Deur Mr, grwtea.
w ill yoa r r ate a mi'-"
Ttiy Tinee? trrjr i f tr ft I- '
tt get o red thi pr l,
k a ro A
A red hum is surelv on'"
I feel sure the v "f f"
retij wl.l proie h-eirful-
Lotloa for Bd" Xc-
r- 1 4 calatitiw .1 "
-,.,.. I
, .
O.n inl wl- - '
This Nwn h,,,ti - -Is
rH.; p! ea t'e r- , .
bo'.ii mur.-if '-4 t
f '