The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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- .' . 4- XUL. .iJLJ l.-.-l-l-JU -i-Ul -' ..! 1 U. JI.J-jeg .1 L 1 '- -' " .1U..J " .. ;'
.inner iinnipoiie 8200 iiismufE 'ml
Mill 1 1 V llll I
. f it . . i . v T . i t
i UllilU UU I .WrpkWinscD)nipletioftof Promoter, Mks Anna Louise
; Subscription for City
StroiurOutllnes Work
Standard Oil 3rnst Now
Ffcht for Its Life En
joined From Continuing rrhttert.
This week will the completion
of eubscrlptiun taking for the t-lty beau
llful. or city practical, fund. AU mtra-
bere of th finance committee of Ilia
city beautiful, movement will buay
themselves In obtaining tha remaining
MT8 n reded to make up an amount of
1:0.00 which la necessary to ralaln tha
services of A. It. liennvtt. municipal
ii . a. .1 . w.l laci mat members or ma cmn
l OIUIDI UIT . CUWMUIilO mlttaa anticipate, little or no trouble
- ..
The Standard Oil company was
organised In 1 J TO. .
In 1871 It' began purchasing
other refineries. .'
Alleged by government flrat
rebate paid In 1171.
. In 1S? a. aecret truat egree
ment waa made according to tha
In 1181 the Standard .Oil truat
waa formed, tha stock . of - the
company being turned over to
- tha trustees to manage the bual-
n. ; The- trusteea managed'
about '49 companies.
' In 189 J tha truat waa dissolved
by order of tha supreme court
of Ohio. At the time It Is al
leged to hare held US com
panies. ,
Government alleges the trust
secretly continued until 189.
In 1881 Standard Oil company
of New Jersey reorganised as
a holding company.
Dissolution suit filed Novem
ber 18. 106. In St Louis.
, Franklin . - Ferris appointed
special examiner to take, testi
mony June 16, 1907.
Finished' hearings February, '
In raining tha rest of the money will.
however, detract not In the leaat from
tha energy of tha efforts they propose
to put forth next week. Two new sub-
scrlptions were recorded yesterday, 1100
from tha Oregon Electric Railway 'com-
4 pany, and 1100 from tha local firm of
architects, Iaamarus, Whltehousa aV
e Foullhoux. ' This ralaea tha amount
. a provided for to a total of $11,410 with
4l the list of subscribers standing as fol
4)1 lows: .
4) I XJat of an-hsertbera.
4 Jonathan Hourne Jr. ...........I
A I J. C Alnaworth
it The Journal, by
i 1 1 . r . Aaami . ,
W I o ni.. .
Portland Railway, Light aY Power
C. S. Jackaon..
.'. Case ...argued .v. before eight
judges of the - United i States
circuit court of appeals, 1909
. Decision rendered In favor of
the government . November 20,.'
1909, all Judges concurring.
4 4 4 4 4
:.v':; fCaite Press Leased Wire. I '." 'A'
fit Louis. Mo., Nov. 20. The Stand
ard Oil company, of New Jersey, brand-1
ed as a combination In restraint of
trade, shorn of Its power over its sub
sidiary companies by t an order of the
United States circuit court, must fight
for its life., ;.,';'..'---'V .-'V'-v-:-'. .-,
This is the opinion of the lawyers to
night' who have studied the sweeping
decision rendered today, which prac
tically dissolves the trust
The most Important victory tha gov
ernment baa won in any trust prosecu
tion, Is the opinion of Attorney General
Wickersham, and v lesser legal lights
agree with. ' him that the decision ' up
holding the Sherman anti-trust law anc"
declaring that the. methods of the com
pany violated the law In spirit and let
ter, will have far reaching effect In
trust prosecutions. .
Prosecution Spectacular.
There s Is only one appeal from the i
decision of the court, that Is to the su
Mrs. Clementina K. Lewis.. . . . ,
Portland Ltimber company., . ,, ,
Wei n hard Kstate
Camphi'll & 8wlert ........
Dr. Andrew C Smith .....
Ladd Estate . ..."
I Uliiril bBlllv ...a. a .,,....,
Flelsrhner-Mayer company ......
Kastern St Western Lumber Co., ,
()y Lombard ,
Warren Construction company..,.
Oxkar Iluber- (for Barber As
phalt company) .'
A. H. Devers i
Lang A Co.
C, K. Henry
T. B. Wilcox ....i...
RURsell A Hlythe ...............
North pacific Lumber company. '
Mrs. j, m. Murrman ...........
Union Meat company .....,..,.
Oregon Klectrlo .'
John P. Sharkey...............
Ion Lewis .....................
Doyle A Patterson .............
Joseph Simon
rreopncK v. tioimtn
Laurelhurst company ...........
John A, Shepard ................
Kd Robertson
Martin Winch
A. B. Stelnbach .. ,..r S
William D. Wheelwright
McNaughton, 1 Raymond A ! Law 1
rence ........ . . . .
Laianis, Whltehousa A - Foull-'-.
, faOUX ..' ..... ... .... ...a' v
' too
- no
, 260
v 260
. 260
. 100
, 100
... $12,460
Oil S2000 BOND
"Was the civic InatKuts a success?
Tea, I think It was, yet Its rrauMa mual
be principally rrallx-d In tha future,'
said Mlsa Anna Ixiulae Strong yester
day before her departure for her Seattle I
home, "If," ahe addexl, 'Sre have made
or provided for making Portland a bel
ter rlty; If we have stimulated civic
and munlclial prlda. or If by conatrue-
tlva ciitlclatn we have opened the ryes
of tha people to the realities of local
conditlona, we shall be satisfied.
Tha "Know Tour City" movement will
probably be followed up In a general way
by local organisations until next year.
when. -another ctvlo Institute will b
M1. : ' :
I should like to recommend that aarh
organisation undertake some particu
lar Una of work." said Miss Strong. -For
Instance tha formulation .of a building
plan for Portland will be carried out by
tha newly organised clvlo lea (rue. The
need of mora playgrounds will ba re
ferred to tha park and ' school boards,
also to the mothers' and worn ens' clubs.
Obtaining emergency .and isolation hos
pitals should be taken up by tha Visit
ing Nurses' association, and such med
ical bodies aa may have Influence. Su
pervision of private hospitals where
nervons diseases are treated .should be
taken up by the state conference of
charltlea and corrections.' '
The Consumers' league ran follow up
admirably Its work Of keeping house
keepers better Informed as to tha condi
tion of the markets where their food Is
bought. Keeping such Information post
ed will also do good. . , "
'I believe every . organisation" and
every cltlien should help officers and
official agencies to work toward a clean
milk supply.
. "The libraries and schools are doing
splendid work, but tha Central Labor I
council should look into the matter of I
closing fruit canneries where summer
work la given children less than 1 4 years
' "In caring for tha poor, the Associated
Charities can be greatly aided and the
Prisoners Aid, can carry on the develop
ing or a probation system. Then we
should plan for the municipal . lodging
house, for better supervision of the I
licensed employment agencies, and It Is
to be hoped that these will give way to i
free employment bureaus, v Since the
Mothers' Congress has commenced su
pervision of the moving picture ahows
that part of the work can probably best
be referred to them; still it seems that
the ventilation of, these picture shows
should be brought to the attention of
the building Inspector.
"The State Conference v of Charltlea
and Corrections should be asked to look
into the matter of having some place of
detention provided for insane persons
other than the county" JalL The sight
of Insane persons .in the Jail was one
of our most Impressive experiences dur
ing tha Institute.
"The matter Of bill boards and thea
tre curtains should be referred to tha
newly organised civic league and to the
: ! 8 ti ! i I I v 'Mill.!! il f I ( 'Sk
VVith every Monarch Malleable Range sold until Thanksgiving we give
Tree a 10 Pound .Turkey. In buying a Monarch you get a range that
received the Highest Gold Medal Award at the Portland and Seattle
Expositions; the only times it was ever in competition. In buying a
Monarch you pay less money than is charged for other malleable ranges
-.v: not as good. Prices $57.00 to $139.00.
; ' A'!? i-v-wf'' V,
' 1-TTH nTp 7
Get Ready for
Come in if you are look
ing for the best medium
priced line of Mission '
and Golden Oak Ladies'
Desks in Portland. " : ;
Small .desks, imitation
of Golden Oak..? 5.40
Solid Oak polished
O-Desks 87.65
Stylish Mission 'styles
at .............89.00 '
You Will Not
- Believe lis
Most people ex
pect to pay $1
to $3 for a carving set, and many never get one
, atvall. i We can supply j . ,. l :
Carving Knife and Fork .............. .35
Good steel 8 'inch blade, black wood" handles.
"' ''
i k '
- 4
" k - .. . V
: .'
rr Tn., A - i newiy organnea civic league ana to the
1 0 InSlire Appearance , IOr ( Woman's club, the lattet because of the
Hn,'r.l Tlfl 1. special interest laxen Dy its members in
; .. .Miai vu.jjxaiidiiiuii
ter Charge. '
matters pertaining to the "beautlf lcation
of the city. . , ' . .
"The organisations to which these
matters have been referred are In very!
few cases qualified to do, or desirous of
doing all the work. The aid of Intef-
ested Individuals and organisations la
strongly suggested, but It Is equally!
suggested that cooperation should . be I
attempted with the organisations in
whose province the matter would seem
especially to belong, and that Individ
uals and other organisations go ahead
wita tiie work separately only in case
such cooperation proves unsatisfactory
or tmpossibie."
Jaclr Rnhertaon. nrhn .. vn : ArtvtlttmA
appeal, It was announced today, would M. . ; Ladd's automobile, was released
be token. The fight there will end one from the county Jail on bond yesterday
of the most spectacular legal prosecu- afternoon on the manslaughter charge
tlons ever undertaken. ; ; ; ' sUU pending sgalnst him. y He fur
There was nothing spectacular, how- nlshed a surety bond for 12000,. which
ever, , about th final ; chapter of the was approved by Presiding Judge. Bro
suit. None of the army of lawyer naugh. This Is to Insure his appear
engsged in the: battle were on hand, and ance for trial on the Indictment charg
only one Judge. Elmer B. Adams of St in; him with responsibility for the
Louls,was present in court when the death of Mrs. Dollie Ferrera when the
final decree was entered. ' Adams an- intnmnhit. v.. Aivin .....i.
nounced the declsioti nd handed to the near the gravel pit turn on the Gresham I WAR VETERANS ARE
decree In the matter, and the reading Robertson was acquitted by the Jury
of the papers was only a matter of rou- j in aeven minutes yesterday morning
- : ,. -I - laiter neanng ine nnai argument for tha
Briefly the decision of the court sue-1 state by Deputy District Attorney Vree-
iameq ine government m nearly every 1 land, John H. Stevenson and George J.
point. , xne transactions by .which the Perkins having previously presented
Standard gained control of the subsid-j their pleas for the defendant Members
laiies were held Illegal and called a of the Jury declared that the case of the
conspiracy in restraint of trade. The etate seemed to them a farce, as they
Standard Oil Is enjoined from contlnu-1 could not see that the prosecution pre-
mg its control over tne subsidiary isenxeu any evidence on which a verdict
companies named and the subsidiaries I or guilty could be founded.
are prohibited .from payinar dividends
There is going to be nothing but fun
when the Spanish War Veterans raise
the curtain for their big minstrel , show
at the Baker .theatre, two nights, De
cember 1 and S. , i
As this is an annual show, each year
It Improves, and the production this
year Is said to be one of the biggest
shows of its kind ever witnessed on the
Pacific coast. The performance bristles
with wit and humor of a distinct local
the Standard; from allowing , the AdJm.s Walter W Rnh with-flavor, while the muslo Is of a very
ndard ta contlnu it rnntmi AOAms, waiter H. Banborn, Willis Van ' th, . , "VV
Standard to continue Its control . over
- them, holding - their stock or- allowing
It to control their affairs.
Tha Standard, the subsidiaries, and
tha men named an nrlnlnnl. in h. - """'" ,,,0.111 c
De Vanter and Wlulam CL rtry al wr, were oeing several ensemDl.
In tha opinion, therefore, four Judses mLi.ZJZtr " ?'
are 'niuinlmnna. hut .Tnlcr- w,v A" aayswrious ea auio" is ine
a concurring opinion making even
conspiracy are enjoined from contlnu
ing the combination or in any way
forming a new combination with the
same' object In view..
The Standard, the individual defend
ants and the subsidiary companies are
forbidden to continue in Interstate com-
regard to the points decided.
"The wisdom of law lies In Its
spirit as well as in Its letter." wron
judge hook, rand unless they go' to-
tltle of the sketch which will appear
in the afterpart, and will undoubtedly
create a sensation, as the characters are
taken from every-day Portland life.. The
stage Is being directed by Lincoln Hart,
who has . a reputation as . a clever di
rector, -and his entertainments are al-
plicatlon. Justice goes astray.
mt.. - -1 i . . ...
merce unui the oomblnaUon Is broken I jtv.i r. r .
...t..- 1-1.. - ..1 - - M . -
r. ".i " V" . u " P-waya novel and full of snap. Rose-
brook's orchestra of 12 pieces will look
up and- the costs of . the nroaeriitiAr. OOUDlealjr D ox enormous value to the
are aTseas aTln.t h. P""0 government IU prosecuUon. of slmi-
Tonx 7tidg.s TJaaalnums.
The decree making this order
signed by the four judges, Elmer B.
On the dining tabic "
Every day there are
Many good things
That -
Post Toasties
make better.
Tells how in the
Little booklet
'Tcf-Brs made
with Toasties"
In every other pkg. ;
With cream or fruit
Post Toasties
Is a delightful food
Lnjoyablc anytime,
T! :? .Mcmor lingers"
lar combinations. It la confidently be
lieved mat tne. supreme, court will sus
tain tha circuit court's decision, and In
that case the course of tha government
will be made much smoother in a num
ber of other Important prosecutions
which are now awaiting; ' final settle
ment. . '. ." -V
Other Important Cases.
I Among these there Is the sugar case
now pending in the circuit court for the
southern district of New . Tork; that
against the Union Pacific and Southern
Pacific In Utah; the Naval Stores com
pany case now pending in the : court
of appeals in Georgia, which tha gov
ernment won In' the next lower court;
the tobacco trust and the St Louis ter
minal cases., both now pending before
the supreme court, and the number of
prosecutions against coal companies.
.Bowers Za Vleased. ..
Solicitor General Bowera waa partlcu
larly elated over the success of the
SUit r . t
"It Is gratifying-." he said, "that the
decision was unanimous. The labor of
the suit was very great, the testimony
filling -1 large printed volumes. It waa
necesHsry to go into the history of the
growth of the Standard Oil ' company
and ' Its connections and lta arrange
ments for yeara or more. - The case
has great Important through the fact
that the Standard OH company case and
the tobacco case are the first attacks
of a larre kind up" a com bfnat lone of
Industrial corporations formed and
maintained by stock proprietorship and
stork agreements.
"The case of the Northern Securities
(totnpajiy Involved a combination at
tempted throusa ownership of the
stors of ' the Northern PaHAa Great
Nortm and Burlington railroads by
tt.e Northers mrtues company as s
hl4fig pora Uon.
. "But the companies then combining
were TniiMi carriera, and eonee
qunt'y putlle service corporation a. ana
that feature wi'rt be cmloVred to
have bad important tnf!fic a
the fa" Tte Ptdri rr sn4 tohaoro
rs M en tr Hf bel, prT)t rra
fu I - " cotnpasiee
t"rr n --r ri.--, (
after the instrumental part of the per
formance, and with the large array of
tne best local talent, the Spanish War
Veterans' minstrel show should be a
brilliant affair.'" - '
Tickets will be placed on sals and for
exchange at Rowe A Martin's drug store
Friday morning at 19 o'clock.
The veterans will rehearse this aft
ernoon at -T. M. A. hall. ;
yraaerfbed Cbangs of rood dsteaa
. .' ef Brags. .-.
It takes considerable courage for a
doctor to deliberately prescribe only
food for a despairing patient. Instead of
resorting to the usual list of medicines.
There are some truly scientific phyal
dans among the present generation who
recognise and treat conditions aa
are and should be treated regardless of
the value to- their pockets. .Here's an
Instance: -.
"Pour years ago I was taken with
vera gastritis and nothing would stay
on my stomach, so that I was on jthe
verge of starvation. ---.
I heard or a doctor wao had a sum
mer 'cottage near mea specialist from
N T.. nd as a last hope, sent for him.
After he examined me carefullr he
advised me to try a enjairquamity of
Orape-Nuta at first, then aa my atom
a-ti K-aa m atronrer to a-. f mnr.
"1 kept at It and I gradually got so T
could eat aed dlgeat three teaspoonfula.
Thea I besan to have color In my fsce.
memory became clear, where bfoov
verytniag seemeo a oians. My limbs
got etrons-er and I could walk. Bo .
ateedlty reyered.
-Now after a rear ea Orape-Nuta I
welrh 1C1 Iba. My people were aar
prised at the way I grew fleshy and
strong on tb! food." . .
Fead-th Ilttl book. "The Rnavd to
WeTlrlale" In rkgs.
Tereaa Beaeon."
l.rrr read the above Icttrr? A rw
one sppcnr from tiro to time. TlVey
are g-n!ee, Crvc, snj fall of honaaa
'Three Piece Carving Set. . . iiv.'.rw.. . .85
Knife 8 inches, fork and steel, such a you. pay.
$2.00 for elsewhere ' ( ? ,
V . ... ... . '
There should be a Coffield'
water power washing ma
chine. How to Use It f'ut
hot water and soap in tub,
r then the - clothes, which
should be soaked before washing in the usual
way, are added; close the tub, attach motor
hose to your cold, water, faucet, and your tub
full of washing is done in 10 njinutes. You can
throw away the washboard, you do not need
it any more.' Price $18, $22.50 and $25.00
$1.00 weekly or 10 per cent discount for cash.
Good Dealing Stoves S5.55
Neat little heaters with
cast top and nickel rails
very well made $5.55
Sunlight heaters; like il
lustrationcast top, cast
bottom, cast - lining,
,. front door,, etc., value
$12.00; special. .$9.75
Royal airtight heaters,
cast top, bottom, lining
and front door. $12.35
Kuby. Heaters, very
h i g ii. ornamentation,
cast top, bottom' and
lining; No. 20 size
. : ' - Special'. $13.50
Easy, payments and ample credit for everybody
.,. '. V...... .', '.. ..' . '. 'i .
, :
'.'yia' '' '''' ' ' '
Solid OaK
Dining Tabic
Ve have received
notice from our fac-'
tones that a raise of 10 per cent in price goes y
lf.i T . " . r,A, a a . , . .1 ' . '
-into cueci January j,. .inis is aoout me iow- ,
- est price.' ever made on a .solid oak. six foot '
Table and we believe that such a price cannot ,
be made again. They are worth every cent of
$15.00.V They will all be; sold v by - Tuesday.
..evening at . . . . ....... . i . ... . . . .$0.00
Such Desks
: As Wc
Never Saw
Before at
the Price
An. umbrella stand that
would be cheap at $1.25, 50
sold last week and only 50
more; weathered solid oak,
exactly like, illustration.
Last year we
decided to go
out of the desk business and closed out nearly .
all our stock. We found we had made a rtis-
take. - We must carry a line of medium f desks:. v
surprised to note that we had a line of sanitary
desks that beat anything we ever saw...
Four foot Sanitary
Five foot Sanitary, .......
. Mission finish if desired
The Craftstyle line equal
in every way .to the very
best and 20 per cent less ..
in price. .
Large Mission Rocker like illustration, solid
oak Early' English finish, chase leather seat
at ....... ... ; ,,,$5.85
On Special Sale
For 9x12. Axminser Room
Rugs. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday only. .
mghly Polished
Wfse, people . are already
having us lay aside many
of , these for r Christmas
- gifts. The Wood, finish
and style of "the line we
sell is unsurpassed. ..The v
come in birdseye maple,
mahogany and oak, as low asT.. .$5.85 illustration . ..V.. ... , .$7.65
Genuine Leather -
. . i ,
Second quality leather, will ,
wear ; for years but1 the finish
or enamel sometimes cracks in
places,' but when this occurs it C
can always be remedied; $23.00 v
couches areonly .... $10.50 f
J 1 1 VY i) fit rf r i
l ktv Wwm
While Dr. 3. Whltcomb Brougher, pas
tor of the White Temple, la addressing
the Touoi Men's Christian ' Association
n Fpokane today. Dr. J. W. Kramer,
pastor ef the First Baptist ehurch ef
fepokane. will speak to a men's meeting
lo the local T. M. C A. baildlng. Elxrh
and Taylor treets. The me ting will
brgln st S o'clock and will be npen to
all men. While lr. Kramer baa not
atmouwod his subject. It is expected
the address will be one of the tnoet ta-
t.reetteg of the winter aeries at the
T. M- C. A-
Bth as an orator and In his personal i
appearance. Dr. Kramer Is oald te beer
strorg roeanhisnce to-William J-r-
nlrt-e Bryan. He hae fen la fpr-ktnt
elr a short time. g"lng there from th
eat. H Ka airy wn a r'are
ef I' f'-T. t WfiiM rf
meeting today, the Y. M. C. A. orches
tra will play the following three eelec
tlona: March, "Btaa Ideal." lousa;
waits, "Summer Bvenlng.'' Waldtevfel;
Swedish wedding march. Fodernwtn.
This will probably be the final meeting
la the f jTtnmlum, as the new audi
torium ready for use ix-xt Sunday.
bowlnx that the postcard "fad ha a
visited even the railroads, par-ltagea of
plrtotsl . poets! rars S'ivertlrlpg the
Urt Nrttm'a rrark "OrleBtal IJrn
Itavt" have ben rHt-ed at the loml
pwwir orrii-. or the roed.
Itoa nm all the rarAa ar of trt.rir.V
cenn In ! on the rTa
One eard ahowa the t'r "n st(ttl
ww in u rm tKe frr. rxrlrs fit
St M f-"'' 't !. "-
f.-a eT y-Wa,. 4 f. .
' r if rf - e ! ... ... -, f .. . r I
showa tha vacuum cleaner Inatalled In
each - observation? coach, and another
the serving of afternoon tea. Still an
other card picturea on of the Pullman
porters distributing hourly telegraph
bulletin of current events. Another Is
of the rear observation platform.
cr.&s. railroad m -
fn! tl-Mtr t Tke atneraal.t
P-tU-. Wih, Nor. 2 Arrarge
ment are Toeing naie hy(the Colum
bin Hirer A ruret Pound railroad for
laving fa-round steei rajia rx t --n
Black River Junrtlon and Maple Val
lr, ani lo double irmrfc th line b
twfn Seattle and Ft I ark Rlrer wltrln
the - Tf.r. Tt- lBitrrm.tit,
m.1 tt tlre rare of tr trfnc cf tfe (
Chimin, Mi;iliM
'.f urni-mc! text
r 1
W a.
t -
While trying to run around a etreei
car yesterdsy afternoon on Esst Mor
rison street, A. 8. Imhoff. 169 Esst
eleventh street, got his automobile bad
ly damaged, lie and two women In the
machine, had a narrow esr-spe from in
Jury. . . .
Imhoff, waa going cast on Morrison,
snd when near Grand avenue, pulled te
the left to pas a car. The machine
struck an O. W. P. transfer car whlrh
via In motion. Ttie auto and atreet
ear were hoth going at a rapid rate. Teh
machine was wrecked snd the driter
dumped to one etije. The women In the
rr s'at were thrown oot, hot net In-
A Piit'1 FoiitvI. I J"ril Imhoff was arreted for eitecl-
irkt Vt- rr id i iff 1
-T i. . T.'trl OT
.. I.
aM v
a ,- -
--r ;r
teterrst, ' J". 1
aai4s It. k.-SK'jl s tt'th.1
a. t- --
t - r t