Till' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21. lOO'J, POSTAL SAVINGS BANK M t :' TO BE LEADING ISSUE 1 . , . Prominent Xcw Vork. Iknker Ifoarils This Han s the .Most" Attractive Feature That Congress Can, t y Furnish tho lVople. . : , A ' By lUlph Jo!non. '! iraMUbmV rr Wire New Tort Nor. JO.The starting of "Boat) savings banks ' will be among tha principal things to be considered a tha next session or eonaress, said tn cashier of ona of tha leading .banka of Jiroadway lo ma this week. I noticea that TrealdMit Taft made this topic tha feature of hla address in Milwaukee, aa well aa in arveral cities on tha l'aclflo coast, lia alio referred to tlia matter wlilU in tha south. Whtla wa think all tha business of tba country la now being satisfactorily handled by tha banka al ready In existence, I paraonitlly believe tha postal savings bank to ba one or tha moat attractive features that eon aress can elve the American people. My interview with this cashier was all the mora Important by reason of the fact that he speaks with more specific knowlrdge on this subject tnan most nfrn of hla Drofesslon. becauae h baa for many years attended all tha bankers conventions held In different parts 01 the. United Btates. lie personally knows probably' mora bankera than any . ona man in ins profession in ibw jui. thuuch he forbade tne.uelng his name, ha said he had no objection to my.quot- tnar tvhat he had to say on the subject. He felt that it waa not actly proper for blm as a banker to be - talking against the present banking system, and that was the only reason ne would noi aQew Ills , name to be used. : The field nhr-n for noatal savings DanKS is an ex . I . 11... ...... 1. A. a a 1.1 f C'MTIfJUHilY . laiic win imv v. tc(upe'd by a class of people who now save little or , nothing. Jle contended 'that costal . savings banks would be ;nora attractive And certainly , mora, ac ceasIBlC.tbap. the present dime savings ... lie spoke of discussing" the subject of TostaJ savinga banka wttn nis renew bankera Jn Chicago, as weu aa.--on- Jand. Or . and Ban Franclscd, and aald he ld letters from all part of the united fitates on the same subject. From all theses "sources be" gathered that the In troduction Of this system of- banking would immediately meet with the heart- , lest approval and patronage In the smaller cities and towns, to say notning of the country districts.. He told me he thiuht the postal savinga bank ! far mora necessary to the" American people than tha parcerpost system which has been so strongly boomed. J A ,r "I just returned from the west the other dav. and the sentiment there in favor of postal savings banks Is strong. er than ever," he continued. "President Taft atruck a Very happy chord when be made It plain that be believed there should be a readjustment of our whole financial system, as well as the banking system.. The president said tha govern ment had Issued Upward of $706,000,000 of 1 per cent bonds of the United Btates and floated them aa par, or a little more. Bui, h went on to say. 'We did It by getting tha banks inta a corner, so they hsd to have under the law some gov ernment . security, and so they were oh Hired to buy those per cent bonds. v "It Is not generally known that there la a large postal deficit, and the postal officials were - staggered . when tney heard of It, and a.suarehing investiga tion, is 'now in progress. Tha situation will no doubt bring about radical re forms In ths aervlce. Tha operation of postal savings anks could be inau gurated In a very! short time In all parta of 'the county at very little outlay, tl compared with the fixed charges tnat would 'naturally follow the installation of a parcels post delivery system." . Carnegie Wsea OpUmistio. . Andrew Carnegie, for a retired man, with boundless millions, .. good neaitn and a Scotchman, Is about as busyss most active business men,. He kerga abreast, of the times, and personally keeps in touch with the big events of the day,:' .'. '"" ,. ; , I saw. him a few-days ago, ana ne truly . looks the picture of heaitn. j Toung ma?i. don't you think we nave tha grandest country in the whole world T laughed the canny. little Bcotcn Ironmaster. have lust retumea rrom Philadelphia where the people live and get so. much out .of life. Tha same Is true of the Pacific coasters, but I'm talking about those near home now.; No, do not believe the boom in iron ana steel,: which la the greatest we have ever known, Is spasmodic. It la a neaunjt boom, and I believe we are Just entering an era, of sreat prosperity. Tes, I'm a man of peace. Jt is a great load JIurope ta carrying. Thai Is why I say that Eu rope la to be pitied, We are leading tha world in' a business way. ,Wa are lead ing-and Europe is following." Mr. Car negie will likely make a trip to tha west before he returns to Sklbo castle. Scotland, In the spring. - - , a,, ,- 11 . i i. and proceeded t We f A, d-r-e In liS. and bus also studied -at Ltliaig, furls and Vienna. Mr. I'lilllips. aha Succeeds )lllgIy Carter at the enity, Is slrradr ll a(-iueii!td with Ixndin. a he hrre aa s-itary during Ur, Choatea term ef offWe. His engagenieot to alias fclhel Itooaevelt. daughter Of tha president, vii recently reported. Another regrtttable departure from tha eiuhaSHy la that of Craig Wade wortlf, wl has been for some years an attache In Ltiudun, Mr, Wadaworth will, however, re main In IOndon until the and of the year, ' . . ' Tw XOaes Toaalbla. The removal of the Lucanla from the Cunard fleet has alveti rlaa.to muoh speculation as to tha probability of an other flyer ahortly, being built for the company's Atlantlo service. .There la talk that another boat will be constructed that might. If neeary. relieve the Luaitanla er tbt Mauritania or cooperate with them. It must be remamDereo. saya a wr In the Telegraph, that any new express boat which the Cunard company may build will not be constructed, aa tna Lusitanla and Mauritania were, with the help of money ' loaned . from the government at a moderate rate or in- tereaL She win represent a commer cial enterprise, pure and simple. The Hebrew element in Lanoxin s pop ulation hse produced a new Intant proa- Igy In the person of an l-year-old bey named Jon nil Haron. who at tha Uraat Harden fcUtMt aynagogua. In Whltechap tl. on Saturday, coiwluctod two apeclal servloea. The lad la able to rMulurt a aervlce with the ability endl)i" aaaurant-a of an ctparlenced cantor. He haa a plead ing voti'e and preaanre, aud It la pia dieted that ha will arouse no leaa en. thtialaam thau the fiiinous Alnaea lilrvky, one .of the moat noted "boy chaaans of modern, limes. , OX FrO'S -GKEATNESS Chicago. Nov. JO. A message of sym pathy to Jren liecause of the aaaaaal nation of Prince Ito was given by lr. Frank W. Gunaaulua In hla aertnon he fare the congregation of tlia Central church In the Auditorium theatre. Kasuo Matsubara. Japaneae vice con sul in Chicago, and Mrs. Matsubara oc cupied testa on the platform with lit. Uunsaulua. A- portion of hla addrees was directed to them, and he asked bis audience to Join with them In their ex preaalons of grief at the death Of Japan's leading statesmen. "Assassins tske only thoss wbo have struggled upward from humble begin nings," said Dr. Ounsaulua "It Is the history of anarchy that now and then It choosea for a victim someone so eon- eplfuous fr his goodness that a na Calvary la created aud there s a re olli. a ta tha onaa who atarted It. The l.aauo of Calvary haa been and will ta forever the leaaoa of human pi ogre as. "Prince Ito was the son of a Bainuria, that anoleut olan which ealslM until litJ, when the first rpreaentatl ve of tlia t'liltml ma tea government Invaded the land of the mikado, lia then became the pioneer In the aievetnent la do away with the old order of - things, whh-h progressed rapidly under ate leadership ana ptacea japan in me mremosi rana of tha natlorfa. Without hla effort a thla movement would have been Impoaslble then, lis had qualltiaa of statesmanship possessed by few men, and his lass to tha Japanese nation la one that will not be easily met." "NO CENTRAL. BANK" ' ' 8AYSJTA3IES J. HILL (rvbllahanf Prtss Uaaed Wire.)' : ' New Tork, Nov. SO Jamea J, Hill, railroad builder and promoter of em pires, waa asked today at hla office at 34 Nassau ftraet, for a supplemental statement to bis now famous Washing ton , Interview In which , ha counselled the abolition of extravagance for both' people and nation. . "Peaoo relgna and there will be no central bank." de clared the eminent eltlaen, and then con tinued i his own affairs. lies JOT IE ii BE GOES AFTER TAKIIIG A FEW DOSES. Out-of-onler . Khlnejs are '.regulated ending: Bladder : ' misery. . Out-of-order kidneys art , fine and backache or bladder misery Is relieved after a few doses of Pape's Diuretic. Pains in tha back, sldaa or loins, rheu- inatlo twlngea, debilitating headache. uervouaneaa, dlislness, sleeplessness. In flamed or swollen eyelida, wornout feel ing and many other eyptotna of clogged, Inactive kidneys simply vanish. Frequent painful and uncontrollable urination duo to a weak or Irritable bladder Is promptly overcome. . The moment you suspect any kidney, bladder or urinary disorder, or feel rheu. matlam coming, begin taking this harm less remedy, with the knowledge that there Is no other medlolne. at any price. made anywhere else In the world, wli'eh will effect aa thorough and prompt cure, as a fifty-cent treatment of I' mi a Pturetio, which any druggist can supply. This unusual preparation gnea dtrt to tha out-of-order kidneys, blahlr and urinary system, cleaning, healing and strengthening these organs and glan.la, and completes the cure before you real ise It. - A few days' treatment with Tap s Dluretlo means oiean, scttve. healthy kidneys, bladder and" urtnary organs- and you feel fine. Tour physician, pharmarlat, banker or any mercantile agucjr will tell you that Pap. Thompson A Papa, of Cincinnati, la a large and responaible medUine enn oera. thoroughly worthy of your confi dence, , ... ' Accept only Papa's "Diuretic fifty- cent treatment from any drug storo anywhere In the world. Little Ads in The Journal Cost But One Cent a'4 Word AMERICAN WOMEN IN , ENGLISH VARSITIES Mppi: : :THAWKS:GiyrNGpi Iff Wm9 j- ' Your Own Home ' Or for Christmas Giving Our anntfaL Thanksgiving -Picture-Sale, in which we offer choice of 237 pictures, genuine etchings, fac similes and pho tographs, all suitably'framed in gold, dark woods and antique mouldings; just the one here to fill that vacant space on your walls, or to send as a Christmas gift to some Q deserving friend!' Regular price $5.00 each. Only. J QC one to a customer, v-uuice ....... Another sale of several hnndred pictures, among them carbons, colored heads, , fac similes, : all artistically framed; subjects in endless variety; many reproductions of. old masters ; for every room, or for Christmas gifts. Choice of over three hundred subjects. Regular 'values 75c. Choice . . ...... ..... .i ..... ..... . 29c Vm erica n" General Kederation of Women's CI jibs Respon. --ible fur Establishment of Scholarships Abroad , , - ;;fpr Avomen of Tins Country. - - 1 , Si : "Bv'Panl Lambeth. ' i rPuhluliaM' Pnm trnwa' wlre.l A lnUon.v Nov. 20. England soon will ? welcome heartily . the "-'irst American :- weraan Rhodes scholar. She will not ' le . a, Rhodes scholar In name " though ht-will. stand in the same relation to fte Kn1ish' Varsity "woman that the Hhode foholar does to the English Var ' Tl morlcan General -Federation of Women's cluba is . responsible for this new departure. The. federation desiring to ahow hy aotual . demonstration what i it: would mean to ' American women to have the' earoo.incademle. privileges as A are nftweenjoyed by the Jttwdee echolars docided some tlmo age; to establish a similar scholarship ppen for competition S by American girls. Funday were raised - and the matter.of. selection was plaeed ' in tho hnda of Miss lAura Drake Oill ; o? Washington and Mrs." Franoea Sjulre Potter Of the University , of Minnesota, 'There wera eight entrant for tha ex . afnln.tlons.i They were examined under precisely" the 7 Bamo conditions , or tne keen Interest by English educators and by leading- women here. The Rhodes schoIarshlDs have been so I fully successful thai the general belief fa that this new field .opened tor young women will' oo equally successful, and this experiment may lead to the ostab-j llshment of a general fund ror. women similar to the Rhodes fund for men. rrofltahle Enterprise." Two Amerloans F, A. Wilklns and C. F, Crawford are the envied of all amuse. I mnt promoters here and are making J a fortune with startling; rapidity. . '' These youn Americans have upwards oi 20 roller skating rinks in full swing in the large towns ot the United King- . dom, and in almost every instance the attendance since their opening in Sep tember has been far in advance or last j year.--"- 1 Messra:. Crawford and Wilklns-. cater for lhe family', and In a short space of , Mm. hir nme - hava heenma house- I hold words throughout -the United Kingdom. 4hodKoT.r.h naDera are now in the hands or tne ux- f-Srford Aothorttlea who very kindly agreed to pass upon ana mr& uicm wiui mo papers bf the Rhode scholar. It will be JenuaW before this' work is done and a selection . can be made. I . understand that the winner will be given the choice of a scholarship either at oxrora, ja,rn n t untreraltles. 4 VllUgV -V. Arf"..vw. " - - ' - ' " The experiment Is being followa with Brown Your 1 jlaii; With Mrs. pottery Vlnnt-Tlnt , ' HairBtaJn. - "TTen'd aertr thlak X stained my hair, after I aae Mrs, Fetter's Walaat-Tlat Xair Btala. The gtaia deesa't Un the . kair aa ayes ao, teat aaakeo i grew eat nice aae fluffy. - It only takes you-a few minutes once a month to spply Mra. Potter's Walnut " Tint Hair taln with your cwnb. atalna only the hair, doesn't rob eft, contains . ne poieonous dye, eulptier, lead or cof . per. Haa no odor, do sediment, ne s-reaae. One 'bottle of H re. Potter's Walnut-Tint Hair Ptaln should laet tea s year. aila for ti t a bottle at first elaae drorg lata. We guarantee aat lafactlf'n. Pend your rame and el)re on a ai'p or r rr, wii n nim aorertiae irtent, and enrloee ti crte (vtairps er roln and t wtil mail you, charges rre T4. a tr! prkr. In plil? e)-d ' wrrpr. with Taluhle hook en hate. Mra. Pott-r Hr-W Snrpiy Co 42 Urctoa J&iJg.. CiDtlnnatl. O. - I v- ftr' WtSM,! Tr F.tr a,,', n w9--4 " f- r'5i t "t n, vh a a.wr: r r " - t - ; o. . :r. 1 U. ill 7"' M lng rlnle mapager need experlenoe. ana this C- P. Crawford brings upon mb. conduct of hla huge undertakings. ' Fqr many yeara-he has bean one or the moat- successful skating rink man agers in the United StatesT , Havina covered the. map of the United Kingdom, Messrs. Crawford and Wilklns haye now invaded the continent, ana are meeting with a measure of success even " grekter, If, possible, than that which , they - have achieved in Great Britain. In. Paris, Hamburg, Hanover: and Antwerp, they have - eatabllshed rinks which are creating skatera.at an extraordinary rate. ' At the big Hip podrome In the Boulevard ide Clichy, Paris, the old home of Bostock), Par isians of a)I ages are exercising on the "Wheels of Wlnslow." : v - OlympJa, by . the - way, will reopen on December ' 4, but It win notHM the only Crawford and Wilklns venture in the west end of .London.. In tkexlattcr- nart of November they ere: opening- a beautiful skating palaco in the Hillland Park avenue '. " 1 This will be the largeat building - in the . world built , specially . for -Teller skating.- . - Another Aeroplane Model. . One of the newest' things in 5 aero planes ta on view in an nnexpectea plK the Iallngton worknouse. - It is a dainty model on the biplane principle.- with projectingt planes in front and an elaborate tailpiece. The Inventor is an Inmate or tne house named W llllam Parte, wbo is rly 79 years of. age." So favorably are the guardians Impressed with the machine that they have subscribed a sum to ensnie psris io secure paisni rights. - t I Paris has rarveo: tne parts er inc. machine oot of wood ana margarine boxes, and It la an amaslngty trim' lit tle craft. Ita Inventor was formerly a rlockmaker. but has been In the work-; bouee about four yeara. I I ran t get work," he aald. eo the only way of getting out ef here la to la vet) t something." I Carter rereJet ta IVeasoa. ! , The departure, of Joha Rldeiy. Carter, fleet eerury in the rvmrtoa emtiaey. for Bechareet to Uke up h!a atls tere s.e Amerlcaji Biltiirrer, nas erraaioned considerable ferret la tnc- Hh v-l"t r tr lea, f rr he la -rte ef tbe noft tyrulr diploinata at the court of t. amee Ha has epent rpwarda of II years In this reuMrr. avt eerred ( enHee ee fer thee foer emheaae'rt i te late lr. Parard. tKe late .V- eel Har Mr. C'e ad tillw BML Mark. Cross London Gloves For Ladies, Men and --Youths Heavy., tret - Gloves, . hand stitched, two buttons, pairj j.fT,. ... .f 150 Heavy Street Gloves, 'hand- stitched, one button, pair ,....; .V. ... . f 1.50 Medium Street Gloves, hand stitched, one button, pair.w . . . . . . . . .l.oO Heavy black Street Gloves, pr. f 1.50 Dress Gloves, in black stitched back. pair ,,, C. . . .eji.ou Lightweight gray Gloves for dress or street, pair .................. . f l.50 Litrht'anti dark irray Dress Glaves, "stitched back, pair. ..fl.SO v Suede Dress Gloves and dark, pair ...... Syede Dress Gloves in tan, light and dark. pair..',.'.,.;,... fl.SO Black Suede Dress Gloves, ' heavy stitching orf back, pair. . . . . f 3.00 White Dress Gloves, French kid. two buttons, pair.. ,. , . .".-.j. .fl.SO' White' Chamois Gloves, pair .-.fl.SO Biscuit Shade Chamois Gloves! the pair . . .(;.;;.....'. fl.SO Heavy Cadet Tan Gloves, hand stitched; pair ................. .fl.SO Lightweight Tan Gloves, ; mlchine stitched, pair ...j.f l.SO Gray Mocha Dress Gloves, pr. f 2.50 in- grayy Jight .........fl.SO Thanksgiving GutGl ass At Great Reductions 1 For tfie three closing, days of out annual Cut Glass gale yre have added a number of unusually strone features to the greut re ductions offered, making it possible for everyone to have cut glass on the table, for their Thanksgiving dinner. " $4.00 8-inch Bowls, extra deep cutting, dis tinctive shapes, many beautiful designs. Choice, each, .1 , . . f 2.98 $2.50 Nappies, deep three-cornered styles, in pleasing designs, inexpensive but artis tic. Choice, each ................. 1.80 $1.50 Tooth Pick Holders; just the shape and cut you have been looking for. Choice, each . i . .;, .v. . . ........ . '. . . V 5 $15 Pin Trays, long shapes, in pleasing de signs, very deep cut. Choice! each. . . .05e $1.00 Individual Almond Dishes, unique in shape and design. Choice, ea. .65e 75c Individual Butterettes, very latest cut and shapes Choice, each...... 55e) THESE r PIECES AT ONE-FOURTH OFF ' Kl $2.50 Vases n sale at. f 1-8T $3.00 Comports, each... ......f 2.25 $15.00 Comports, each ..... . .f 11.257 $.175 Bowls, during sale f2.81 $14.00 Bowls, during sale. . . .f lO.SO $50.00 Punch Bowls, special. .f37.SO $75.00 Punch Bowls, special, .f 56.25 $.3.50 Candlesticks, each....... f 2.62 $7.00 Candlesticks, each '$5.25 $8.75.Ftnger Bowls,: six. . ... . . ...f 6.58 il 1.00 Finger Bowls, six f 8.25 $5.00 Cake. Trays,' on sale for. . f 3.75 $6.00 Celery Trays, each.,,.. f4.SO $7.00 Wine Decanters at;.. ...f 5.25 $15.00 Wine Decanters .f 11.25 $3.50 Tumblers on sale for..... f 2.62 $9.00 Creamers and Sugars. .-. .f6.T5 $9.00 Cigar Jars for sale for... f 6.75 $4.50 Cigarette Jars for...' f3.37 $3.50 Cruets, assorted; for f 2.62 $4.00 Mayonnaise Bowls fS.OO $27.00 Lamps; special.. ....f 20.61 $5.00 Pitchers, each, only. ... .f 3.75 $20.00 Pitchers, each. t......f 15.0O $1.25 Nappies, ?n sale at;. . , . .3e "$2.25 Spoon Trays, each. t.i,...f 1.68 $2.00 Salt and Pepper, pair... fl.SO . $9.00 Liquor Jugs, ' special... ..f 6.75 Thanksg iving Art Brasses Opera. Field, Mili tary and Marine Glasses' Direct-From "Europe A rami lyW ines Liqu ors At Thanksgiving Prices AGENTS FOR ? CfeTA ; BLANCA SOUVfcNIR VINTAGES Order Your Family Wines and Liquors by Phone We Deliver Free to All Customers' ; $100 Peach Cordial, 5, at......SQa $2.50 gal, fine Port or Sherry. .fl.SO $225 Golden Star Champigne, quart $1.25 Dewirs Scotch, 5s. n i.o5 $1.25 fiugerhetmer, bond.. S fl.OO $125 New Hope Bourbon, boraHed, 5a : . . . . ...... ....'...fl.OO $1 25 Juniper Ci in. 5s. for, ....... 79e $115 Rndesheimer. imp. 5a, tt..89a $1.00 Pref. Stock Whiskey. 6. .65 $100 XXX Cal. Brandy, 5s 7e $1.00 Vermuth, 5s, special 78 $1.00 Virginia Dare Wine, 5s 95c Xiersteiner, imp., 5st at. 69 69 85c Rock and Rye. 5s, special.. 63c 5Qc Catawba Wine. 5s, special. ..34 50c Cal. Sauterne. 5. special. .. .34a 50c" Cal. Btirgxtndy 5s. sprcial . .34a 50c Cal. Riftlmg, 5s. special... !34a 5V Cal Zinfandel, 5. Special., .34 34 50c Cal. Claret. 5s re-'l- 50c Cal. Crap Juice, quart 38 rourth Off liWil.laWaasiapii.a.ian nil i -m fmm , W ' nai a, . ' $2.80 Set of 5 Ash Trays. .'.f 2.idV $1.40 Ash Tray on sale at,. ;..f 1.05 $2 00 Ash Tray on sale at .T7lT.T,T7r.f l.SO $2.40 Ash Tray on sale at fl.SO 80c Cail Bells, for tablet'.. ..60a $3.60 8-inch Jardinieres, each. ..... ..f 2.70 $6.00 10-irich Jardinieres, ,caeh....;.f-.SO $3.40 Cigar Stand, smooth- brass. . ..f 2.55 $2.00 Fern Baskets, on sale. ...... ...fl.SO $4.00 Fern Baskets, choice........ ,,f3.00 $300 Fern Baskets, choice...... .;.f6.0O ' $13 60 Umbrella Stand, each. .... . flO.20 $12.00 Umbrella Stand, each. ..; ,.f 9.00 $1.60 Fern Dish, 5-inch, each. ,. . , . ,f 1.2Q $2.00 Fern Dish, 6-inch, each. ...... .fl.SO ' $2.80 Fern Dish. 8-inch. each........f2.1Q $1.40 Basket, thoice. each ....fl.OS $2.80 Call Bell, on sale at ,....f2.1Q 60c Candlestick, smooth bras.... 45a , 75c Candlestick, smooth brass. .. ..... .60s , $1.00 Candlestick, smooth brass. .'. ..... 7S $1.40 Candlestick, smooth brass. .....f iTo5 $2.00 Candlestick, smooth brass. .....fl.SO $3.60 Candlestick, dull brass f2.70 $6.00 handle stick, dull brasa ..... , .f 4.BO $4 00 Candlestick, dull brass. ...... .f3.QO $5.00 Candlestick, dull brass 3.7S Coldwell's Cough Medicine Will Not Cure Consumption But It Will Stop a Couh Fountain Pens Cleaned and Filled Free Ca- .-i Mcr.f T V r n it Fj.t Vi'. 1r, f'ariar 'aa Wrn 1" M ltv IVV ne ati,US at ?h llrr'-ia Mi "rr Vy"